This Vocation Breaks The Game! Warfarer Best Build Guide: Weapons & Skills - Dragon's Dogma 2

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the warf farer is a unique vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 allowing you to use nine different weapons and skills from all of the other vocations as such this vocation allows you to tailor your build to your exact preferences so that you can make the one that is perfect for your play style so with that being said hello everyone my name is dark hero and welcome back to another Dragons Dogma 2 video this will be my full guides to the Warfare vocation and also showcase a couple of builds that fully demonstrate the power of the Warfare vocation and so without any further Ado let's get started so how exactly does the Warfare work well you see when you go into the menu to select the skills you want to take you'll be able to pick from any of the skills that you have already unlocked with all of the vocations and of course if there is a skill on here that is not maxed out you haven't unlocked the advanced version it won't be here on the list with the caveat that the secret ma skills are not going to be here on the list so for example while you can use all of these Thief skills you won't be able to add formless faint that being said to use all of these skills you need to have the course spawning weapons so how exactly do you go about selecting each weapon and swapping between them and it's actually quite simple when we come over here into the equipment app you will see that I have all of these weapons to equip from and currently I can only equip one however by equipping the master skill for the Warfare that is called rearmament you will be able to equip multiple weapons and you actually unlock this skill whenever you unlock the Warfare vocation so if you don't have it just go back to the same NPC and he will give it to you and now that I have the rearm skill if I go into the equipment tab I will be able to equip multiple weapons like so and as you can see each time I do so my weight is actually going to come down because the very cool thing about the Warfare is that the only weapon that is going to count towards your weight is going to be the heaviest one so that is pretty cool now I'm sure you can notice that there is a number corresponding to each different weapon and if you select this weapon you're going to see a popup that says change order and in this menu I am able to alter the rotation of the weapons that are going to come whenever I use the rearmament skill so for example I have the great sword here whenever I use the rearmament skill it changes to the daggers if I use it again changes to the magic bow so on and so forth you can have up to nine weapons this way although in my opinion it's actually best not to fill all of these slots up because not only will it take you a longer time to be able to reach the weapon that you want to reach but as you can see down below each time that I change weapons I'm going to be spending a little bit of stamina additionally one very cool thing that you can do is for example to have different daggers of multiple different elements so that you always have a weapon that is ready to deal the most damage against an enemy that is weak to that element another cool thing about the Warfare is that you are able to use pretty much any piece of equipment you want so whether you want to chase after physical defense magical defense or just one to make a build that is about Deluxe you can go ahead and keep on customizing it to your liking and as someone that loves fashion hunting in all sorts of video games being able to customize the way that your character look without having to be restricted to the vocation makes things a lot better another very cool thing about the Warfare is that you are able to use the core skills of each of the different vocations so for example with the daggers I able to dash around and if I run up to a wall I can do this double jump and of course if I equip a staff from the Mage or the sorcerer I am able to use levitate like so so even if your Warfare build is not going to include one of those weapons for actual combat I think it's a good idea to at the very least give it to one of your pawns so that if need be you can take it out out and then use it to Traverse a certain location that you otherwise would not be able to so given that you spend stamina each time that you swap between different weapons let me show you some of the weapon rotations and skill combinations that I like to use on my Warfare to get the most out of this vocation I have prepared a couple of builds for you one that is focused on physical damage and another one that is focused on magical damage that I think make for some fun and really powerful combinations and let us start with the weapons for the first build and this one is kind of going to work like a Dodge tank that at the same time deals a ton of damage as you can see I have limited my weapon selection to only four different weapons and I'll be explaining exactly why we use these four weapons but first let's go over the skills that I'm using naturally one of the skill slots is being taken by rearmament so now we end up with three slots that we can use and I'm going to start by adding Shield drum which is essentially a taunt that you can use that has a lot of range and since you already have the shield from the sword and shield equipped you if you ever feel the need to you can always block incoming damage and the reason why we want to taunt our enemies is because we're going to be adding masterful kill to our build the dagger skill that allows you to Parry an attack while at the same time countering by dealing tons of damage this attack is going to oneshot most small enemies and when it comes to the larger ones it's going to do a lot of damage and this skill also has a ton of knockdown power so you can use that to create openings to deal even more damage and the final skill is going to be indomitable lash from the warrior this skill is a long charge animation that deals a ton of damage when you perform it at the right time the idea here is very simple you're going to want to try to draw aggro from the enemies using masterful kill to be able to dodge any melee attacks that come your way which may result in knocking down the monster or even you mounting them and then you can follow it up by using indomitable lash whenever you find a big opening and of course because we still have a bow you are able to hit enemies from a distance I'm only using four weapons because I don't want to spend a lot of stamina while I'm cycling through the weapons and this build has the added safety of being able to block and Parry with The Shield or being able to dodge out of the way of attacks with the daggers so you end up with a lot of safety options now as for the augments that I recommend for this build you'll want to use Zeal pretty much every time you play as a Warfare because reducing the stamina consumption whenever you perform a skill is going to combine perfectly with rearm moment because you're going to use it so often because we're essentially playing like a Dodge tank I will be adding provocation which is going to make it easier for the enemies to Target me I'm also running endurance to be able to increase my maximum stamina by 150 and lethality to deal more damage whenever I Target the enemy's weak spot and having access to both the daggers and the bow is going to allow you to do this very easily because we are focusing on physical damage going with Verve to increase our strength by 30 is going to be a very good augment and finally we have dominance to increase our knockdown Power by 15% making it easier for us to KO large monsters and deal tons of damage alternatively you could replace dominance with exaltation to increase your stamina recovery speed and finally for my rings I'm using the Ring of aggression to further increase my strength and the Ring of skull daggy to increase the damage that I deal whenever I attack from behind although going with ring of aans might also be a good option as it's going to make it easier for you to KO any monster and now let me show you the second build that I'm running for the Warfare that is more magical base I personally like to call this build the magical ball buster and you'll see why in just a moment for this build we're going to be focusing on three weapons they're going to be the sorcerer staff the magical bow and the daggers with the sword and shield and the Dual spear being entirely optional but we'll go to why you may want to use these weapons in a moment first let's take a look at the weapon skills that I recommend you use we already know that one of the slots is going to be taken up by rearmament but the second skill slot is going to be taken by the sorcerer spell or gural flare this is the advanced form of preent flare a spell that will attach a magical orb to an enemy that will explode after a certain time if it is attacked the key thing about this spell is that the more times you attack the orb the more explosions you will be able to trigger and the more damage you'll be able to deal as a result and that is is where the magical bow and the daggers come in and so from the magical bow skills we're going to be taking this one right here this skill conjures a multitude of magical arrows that deal a ton of damage in a single point and that is exactly what we want to do with this build ideally you will want to aim this at exactly where the orb is placed and because you will be hitting it so many times you'll be able to proc that explosion a lot more often and deal a lot more damage you can also accomplish the same result by going with Ricochet Hunter but of course you need to be inside the cave to be able to take advantage of this and to further complement the build we're also going to be adding skull splitter this is one of the best melee skills that you can use in this game as it deals a ton of damage and allows you to hit the enemy multiple times so if for whatever reason the enemy that you have attached the magical orb 2 comes down you can get up close in melee range and go with skull splitter instead and given how fast this skill is to activate you might actually be able to use it twice in a similar time that it would take you to charge the sagite Avalanche so the idea here is very simple you start off the fight with a sorcerer spell that attaches the magical orb and swap to the magical bow to use the Saget Avalanche to proc that magical orb but if you have the chance you can also swap to the daggers to use skull splitter instead and having the daggers allows you to dodge incoming attacks as well now a very key thing to note here is that since we're going with a magical build I'll be showing the Rings and The augments in a moment you will want to go with daggers that have an element to take advantage of the magic stat now in case you don't have a magical dagger you will want to go with a dual spear instead and if that is the case you can also take one of this Mystic spear hand skills though my recommendation would be to go with the mirror Shield that is quite simply going to allow you to block any incoming damage for a certain period of time and given how little stamina this skill actually consumes you can entirely ditch the daggers and go with a dual spear instead and add this skill to be able to make yourself a lot more sustainable lastly the sword and shield is just there in case you want to have a way to be able to block incoming damage with the shield allowing you to block but also Parry incoming attacks and with the core skill Enchanted counter you can also deal some extra magical damage by performing a Parry if your weapon has an element I personally like to go with these three weapons alone but that is my recommendation now as for my rings I am using the Ring of precipi to be able to raise my magic stat by 30 to increase my damage now for my second ring I am using the Ring of veman because very often I'm able to stagger or even knock down monsters whenever I use the sagittate Avalanche so having this ring on to increase my knockdown power is going to be even more beneficial that being said the Ring of recitation might actually be a very good option here as it is going to greatly reduce the time it takes for you to encant your spells with the downside of this reducing your max HP now I'm not quite sure if in Dragon's Dogma 2 this ring affects the magical bow in Dragon's Dogma 1 you were able to use augments and rings that had the same effect to be able to reduce the charge time of the magical bow I'm not sure if the same thing happens in Dragon's Dogma 2o but if it does then this ring is going to be a very good option and now let's take a look at my recommended augments that make this build even more powerful with the first one being Zeal for pretty much the same reason as before the next augment is going to be endurance which is going to combine nicely with exaltation by increasing my Max stamina and making it so that my stamina recovery speed is higher so that I am able to swap between weapons and use my skills a lot more often I also have lethality from the Archer to increase the damage that I deal whenever I Target the enemy's weak spot so that is just a very nice way for me to increase the damage that I deal and dominance is there to increase my knockdown power to make things a lot easier for me and knockdown is there to increase my knockdown power because if the monster is KO the fight is going to be a lot easier you're going to be able to deal a lot more damage and you don't have to worry about dodging anything and finally I go with sagacity to Simply increase my magic St and as you can see from the gam playay in the back with the only worry being that you are able to cast the magical orb in the right spot the damage output that you can get from this build is absolutely insane and even if you don't use the magical orb beforehand you can still get tons of damage out of it and the best thing about it is that your pawns can also trigger additional EXP explosions so if you have a thief or an Archer Pawn or even a sorcerer that is casting melstrom you will be able to trigger that a lot of times now admittedly this is a little bit of a gimmicky build so I get why some players might not see the appeal in it but that's the best thing about the Warfare you are able to build your own play style using the skills from all of the vocations so you are able to freely customize your character to make them look exactly like you want to and use the skills that you want it's a bit of a shame that you don't get to use the maest skills but at the same time I feel like it's understandable because if you were able to use them I feel like you would just end up with an overpowered vocation and there would be no reason to use the other ones that being said some of the combinations that you can pull off do actually feel overpowered although that is kind of the point of Dragon's Dogma as by the time you reach the end game you will be this Unstoppable killing machine let me know which combos you have come up with for the Warfare I am very interested in knowing your builds and of course if I like some of your recommendations I may end up featuring them in a video with that being said thank you all so much for watching my name is dark hero is always happy Hunting
Channel: DarkHero 2 (DarkHero2)
Views: 203,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oQHSvgE_U7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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