Dragon's Dogma 2 Best Weapons For Every Class & Their Locations

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in this Dragon Dogma 2 video I'm going to be talking about some of the best early game and mid game weapons that you can get in Dragon's Dogma 2 these are weapons that you get before end game there is a point in the game where the world will change a bit and I don't want to get into exactly how that happens or why that happens or any of the details of that but these are the weapons that you'll get before that and I kind of want to walk you through like what is a good upgrade path for each weapon type so you're not constantly buying weapons and then replacing it almost immediately with something better and just kind of give you a road map for each weapon type what's the most efficient way to jump from weapon to weapon as you go through the early to mid game so first up we're going to take a look at bows and the first bow that you should go pick up is darkening storm and this is located in a chest that's due west of checkpoint rest Town kind of follow the riverbed and go up some rocks and stuff and you'll find it there this is a really really strong early game bow cost you no money to get and you can just head to checkpoint rest Town via the ox cart once you get to verw worth and then run out and get it real quick and you'll have a really good bow that'll hold you for a really good while and if you're trying to improve your damage early on in the game I would say go ahead and upgrade this in vermian style since you can upgrade it early on you're going to be using this bow for quite some time so do go ahead and spend the upgrades on the verian style the Bali style is actually better for damage but by the time that you get to ball you'll be able to get a better bow so I don't recommend waiting to upgrade this bow so then when you get to Bach Bal you're going to buy the dragon's Blink from the bach Bali Smithy there waren arms and you want to up upgrade this there if you can like this is the best upgrade type for bows so you'll want to use this now there is another option in Revenant whale that you'll get down in volcanic island Camp Armory which is a bit further down in the game that actually does more damage than this however it might be quite some time before you get there and the Damage difference between these bows is not significant so if you went and got dragons blink here I don't think I would spend the money to get Revenant whale later but if you want to wait and get Revenant whale or run down there quickly and get it and just be Min maxed you can do that if you want but I highly recommend getting Dragon blink there upgrading it in b style or B style and then you know just waiting until end game to upgrade your bow again so next we're going to move on to daggers and the first thing that you're going to want to go get is bolts of the blue and in order to get this you're going to go to checkpoint rest town and then you're going to kind of go northeast of it into a place there called Windor and goalie and you will find these daggers inside a chest there this will be a huge upgrade over what you have and you will have to spend no money to get them so then once you have these you're going to be using these for a good while so you can either upgrade them in vermian style which is found in burnworth or you can use Elven Style on these particular daggers ver mundian is better for daggers in general as it tends to increase their physical damage more than Elvin but Elvin will increase the magic damage more and since you are leaning more heavily on that with these weapons that's probably a better upgrade type for this but you can use either if you want so then the next dagg you want to be on the lookout for are in coral snakes Hideout which is in the desert side of checkpoint rest town it's between checkpoint rest town and Bak Bal so you can get these on your way to bakal as you make your way down and these are really really good and these should hold you up just fine until end game you don't need to change daggers after this point and I recommend just fully upgrading these either using the Elven runion style Elven is probably better of two okay up next we're going to talk about staffs and sort of like what order you should go in for staffs I would recommend when you first get to verw worth that you buy a staff and I would recommend just buying a cheap one like not the most expensive one one of the cheaper ones this should give you much better magic and should improve your damage significantly without having to go crazy I wouldn't spend a lot of time upgrading that though because you want to head to Sacred Arbor as soon as you can and you've got some money scrunched up and you want to buy Cardinal Blaze or tint reach there those are both really good staffs one's a fire staff like it'll set things on on fire if you Auto attack and one has lightning which can stun things if it auto attacks so you don't tend to do a lot of Auto attack so those aren't super useful but the magic on these two staffs is really pretty good and I would fully upgrade either one of those whichever one you decide on with the Elven style since staffs upgrade very well with the Elven style and then the next thing you want to be on the lookout for is when you get all the way down to volcanic Island Armory at the bottom of the map you can buy Volant white there it's quite expensive but considering that you'll BAS basically have only bought one staff the whole way except for the cheap one in verw worth um you should have plenty of gold for that and I would definitely you know either upgrade that take that into end game with you or you can hold out for Legions might if you want but this takes I think it's 180 Seekers tokens to get and that is a lot of time to get in my opinion so you're probably better off with full and white and that will probably be what takes you in end game so next we're going to move to fighter we're going to take a look at maces and swords before getting into Shields these are what the fight ERS use and there really aren't too many good maces early on that I found so you're probably going to be using a sword early on you can swap to a mace later there's some decent maces later on in the game but early on you're going to be using a sword I would suggest getting the silver Rapier and burnworth this is in the pawn Guild Tower you can find it in the chest you don't have to spend any money on it go grab that real quick for immediate upgrade once you're there and I would highly recommend just upgrading that in the REM mundian style because it's going to be a while before you buy another weapon and you might as well just take advantage of it the the Bali style is actually better for damage than verian but because it's going to be so long before you get there you might as well just max it out or you know upgrade it as much as you can on your way down to bakall and then when you get down to bakall you're going to want to buy the silver Sadia sword uh from the Smithy there and then probably upgrade this a little bit at least it's going to be a little bit longer before you get another weapon upgrade the molten Fury or the exalted maces which are both really really good are quite a Way South you can beine for them if you want want um and not upgrade the Silver S KY to save funds kind of up to you depending on how organically you want to play but you're going to be on the lookout for the exalted and drabn grot this is kind of the cave that takes you to the southernmost part of the continent um that'll be in there and you'll grab that if you want and then if you go even further south you can grab molten Fury which is a little bit stronger than the exalted if I remember correctly but either one of those is fine you don't have to go all the way down to get molten Fury but then just pick whichever one of those two you want and and then upgrade that and you'll take that into end game so this brings us to Shields for fighter and the first one you're going to want to get is called daughter of the evening it's actually in burnworth Castle Vault and what you need to do is distract the guard I just chucked a barrel at her grabbed her through her in the kitchen and then ran in there and grabbed it and this is a really really really strong shield and it has very high knockdown power it's like the third highest knockdown power of all shields in the game I believe the other two are end game so if you're wanting a knockdown type fighter this is really good to Happ and you're going to use this all the way until Bak ball so you can upgrade it using vermian style if you want Bali is better than vermian and Dwarven is actually better than balii Dwarven can take a really long time to unlock though if you're playing organically so if you don't have Dwarven unlocked I would just recommend upgrading it with Bali and if you're not in uh Bach Bal you're going to be a while before you get there cuz you just got this right away just upgrade it with verandi at the beginning of the game because you are going to swap this out later and one really cool thing about this Shield is it can reflect Medusa's like petrifying gaze back at her and you can basically turn her to Stone if you have the shield when you fight her which is pretty cool so then the next upgrade for your Shield can go kind of one or two ways you can either go get the continental shield and Bak Bal from the Smithy there and that's an upgrade for you or you can wait a bit and get the dragon's Faith Shield which is in dragon's breath Tower which is not too far from where Medusa is actually so you could theoretically take daughter of the evening in there do that whole encounter and then um pick up dragon's Faith which would be the best Shield you can have going in endgame highly re recommend that you upgrade that using Dwarven if possible okay so that brings us to Arch staves and there really aren't any good ones to find early on in the game so unfortunately if you're playing a sorcerer you're going to have to spend some money to get a good staff early on and really not even early on basically at all so what I would recommend doing is you can pick up like a cheap staff like meniscus and burnworth which is a bit of an upgrade over what you'll have and then you can either do two things you can save up for plucked heart or Aran white plart is found in checkpoint rest town at the Smithy there orian white is found in sacred Arbor and this is kind of like the mid-tier staff it's like 25 27,000 in that range of gold and then what you would do then is use that one for a while until you saved up enough gold to get lion Lord's AR staff from the sacred Arbor Smithy as well um that one costs like 60,000 or something like that super expensive so if you don't you know want to use like a cheap staff like miniscus for a while and then save up for line Lord's Arch staff to be able to afford it then I would suggest getting one of those cheaper staffs in the meantime but if you don't want to do that and you want to go straight to llord's Arch staff and you'll just tough it out you can also do that as an option and that line Lords AR staff is going to be the best staff that you get until end game so that's what you're going for however you get there is kind of up to you but you will have to buy staffs along the way and it's just how much do you want to spend until you buy that one really and Elven upgrades are the best for art staffs so you definitely want to use Elven uh no matter what you're doing if you are you know using meniscus early on I recommend just upgrading you know either with Elven upgrades or verw worth upgrades the ver mundian Style Just To Get It upgraded while you tough it out for lonel Lord's Arch staff but if you're just going to use meniscus for a very short period before buying plucked heart and tar or Taran white then I don't recommend really worrying about upgrades and once you get one of those other two then you can upgrade them with Elven upgrades and that brings us to Warriors who use great swords and Hammers and frankly there just really aren't that many good hammers early on in the game so you're most likely going to be using a great sword if you're playing a fighter and I just recommend either doing one of two things either saving up your money and going to buy the flamb Burge at the checkpoint rest town from the Smithy there which is a decent weapon it's like 25,000 gold roughly right around that amount it's not too expensive and that can get you a decent weapon a little bit after you start the game as a warrior now the other option if you want to save yourself some gold is that you can go up to ancient Battleground and kind of go up the hill where the castle is and just kind of Sid skirt the dragon and just avoid that fight defeat the Cyclops there and you can loot the chest and get the black matter Hammer which has similar strength as the flamb Burge and it's not that far from checkpoint rest town so you can get there pretty quickly and you can save yourself a bunch of gold so either one of those is fine depending you know if you have a preference of weapon type you have two options there that are pretty quick now after you get that which should be very early in the game I recommend just upgrading with the vermund indan style to get extra damage because you won't have access at this point probably to Bali or Dwarven and upgrading it is just you're going to be using it for quite a while so you might as well just upgrade it and get any extra damage out of it cuz you're going to be replacing it later anyway so then as you make your way down to Bak ball along the way down there you're going to run into a place called Dark Beast Den or you can find it on the wiki or if you do some exploring you can find it and you will be able to find a really good hammer in there called cyclopian Thunder that has like lightning element on it can stun enemies it's really really good and you're going to use that for a while recommend upgrading that with either Bali for attack power or Dwarven if you have it unlocked for knockdown you might not have Dwarven unlocked yet so you can upgrade with if you want Dwarven is definitely the best upgrade for Hammers and great sords so because it gives like just tons of knockdown and almost the same damage as Pally anyway so if you want to hold out for Dwarven on the cyclopian thunder you can otherwise you're going to make your way down to Mountain Base cave eventually which is kind of like on the volcanic island area and you'll find Cinder spine in that area uh the Mountain Base cave there and then that's a bit better than cyclopian thunder in terms of damage and then you can upgrade that with d and you should have that unlocked by that point and that's kind of the progress if you're playing a warrior so next we'll take a look at Mystic spear hand weapons this is an interesting one because you can get the dead ringer Duo spear if you defeat the the Lesser Dragon during the M attack shooting it with a Lista and this is really like the best duo spear you can get at the beginning part of the game before you hit end game so this is really what you want anyway and there are several ways to get it but that's the fastest way if you want the best one do that now if for some reason you missed it we'll talk about how to get it in a second but if you missed it you're going to need something else in the meantime cuz it'll be a while before you get it I recommend getting the infernal Edge this is located in Ancient Battlefield there's an NPC there named Oscar all this info is on the wiki uh he's got a quest called told to rest and if you help him there a locked door there he'll give you a key to it you can go into it and you can loot it from there and that's what you're going to use until you get to Bak theall so you're going to use that for like the whole first region of the game if you miss dead ringer upgrade that you can use any upgrades you want by the way like they're all kind of more or less the same so I would just recommend doing gundian just make it easy at the beginning and then once you get to B PTO you have a couple options you can either buy wings of sunder there which is really pretty good in my opinion um and upgrade that or you can make your way out to dragon's breath Tower and help um Seager defeat the dragon That Got Away earlier and get the dead ringer there which is it's kind of a ways to go from Bak ball um but you might want to do that instead and save yourself some money but regardless of what you do you'll probably want to do that eventually to have it at some point the other option is if you don't want to go all the way to that Dragon Tower there is a you can buy this as well at the mechanic Island Armory if you just want to buy it but I don't recommend doing that it's a waste of gold you can get it one of two different ways and you'll want to do the dragon fight anyway it's pretty cool so that's what you're going to do for duo Spears and again upgrades they're pretty similar no matter which upgrade you go with so just make sure you get it upgraded that's really the important part so then we come to Magic Archer and you don't get magic Archer until way late into the game so I'm going to assume by the time that you get it if you're playing mostly normally that you have access to just about every weapon in the game including you'll probably have been able to go to volcanic island camp or you'll go there just after getting this so you might already have the metered catharus bow if you explored echoing depths when you went through like the sand region of the game if you have that you can equip that and start using that but really what you want to get is dragon's breath that is the best bow you're going to be able to get essentially before going to end game you can buy this in the volcanic island Camp it's quite expensive once you have that you're going to want to upgrade it and you're going to want to use the Elven upgrades in sacred Arbor to get the most magic out of it you can so then that takes us to trickster and sensors and honestly there's not many sensors in this game but I would just say that probably the fastest way to get a really good one is to do the Sphinx quest line um if you do that quest line you will get a really good one called Whimsical Daydream that will hold you over just fine until you get to end game and you can get that one relatively early on in the game and that can carry you through like pretty much the whole way so I wouldn't recommend spending money buying any because that one is just simply better than any that you can buy early on or even in bakal and stuff like that so try and get that from doing the Sphinx quest line if possible if not you can buy one in bakall but they're not going to be as good and when you're talking about upgrades for them you're either going to want to upgrade Elven in order to get more magic which will increase your Phantom's health so that it's harder to kill by enemy hits which is nice you know the more Health it has the harder it is that makes it easier to tank or you can go with Bal style to increase the threat generation you have I don't generally find I have threat generation problems so I think Elven is a better way to go and obviously Warfare can use any of the weapons that we mentioned so if you're playing Warfare pick the best ones from the classes that I mentioned here hope you guys found this video useful I just wanted to give you guys some ideas of weapons you can get before the end game there's only a very limited amount of weapons at end game anyway they're going to be quite obvious that they're better you're not going to have to go crazy trying to find them so I didn't really think that that would be a useful guide but this I thought might be let me know in the comments below if you found it useful if there's other weapons I forgot would you like me to do something similar for rings and armor as well let me [Music] [Music] know
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 400,867
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Keywords: dragons dogma 2 best weapon, dragons dogma 2 best weapons, dragons dogma 2 weapons, dragons dogma 2 best armor, dragons dogma 2 beginners tips, dragons dogma 2 review, dragons dogma 2 beginners guide, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 beginner tips, dragons dogma 2 tips for beginners, dragons dogma 2 tips and tricks, dragons dogma 2 best bow, dragons dogma 2 best duospear, best staves, best magical bow, best greatshield, dragons dogma 2 best shield
Id: oJUt2BFtVIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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