Dragon's Dogma 2 - Complete Beginner Guide | Secret Features

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you're going to learn a lot fast while playing Dragon's Dogma 2 like how to relentlessly probe deep for enemy weak points you'll learn that sometimes the enemy's most vulnerable weak point is between their ears but you'll also learn about yourself too like does gravity hurt a lot in this game or can stationary objects kill Dragon's Dogma 2 is a game that leaves it up to you to figure out a lot of stuff this can result in players completely missing out on some really cool mechanics so in this guide I'm going to dive deep into every mechanic in the game both beginning and advance so there should be some new information in here for everyone okay the first thing we're going to go over is the importance and the impact of the character creation process as well as the bond creation process so there's some really important decisions you make before you even start playing the game and it's while you're creating your character and that is the height of your character and the size of your character the height of your character is going to determine how fast you run and how fast your stamina Regens the taller you are the faster you run the shorter you are the faster your stamina Regens and the bigger you are the more you can carry so if you don't want to be over encumbered the entire time you're playing definitely consider making a big character or at least creating a pawn that's really large so that they can carry things for you if you've already made you and your Pawn don't worry in game there is a way to remake your character just in case you didn't know about those features and you made your character and now you're having creators remorse I suppose you could say you can come to this guy here he is in Burnsworth so in Burnsworth that's the main Hub town of the game you're going to be finding yourself here a lot there's the merchant quarter right here and then you've got this building with with your grand riftstone of vermund and just next to this is a guy standing here and you can come to his shop and he'll sell you a number of things including the art of metamorphosis you'll be able to buy this and use it to Respec your character we'll go over how to do that a little bit later in the video just know that it's possible so if you already made your character it's okay you can change it it only costs 500 RC which is very very easy to get that's not going to be a significant amount for you so when you're creating your character along with the size shape and appearance of your character and the impact that that's going to have on your game you're also going to be choosing the same things for your pawn and it's going to have the same effect on them and you're also going to be choosing your vocation and your Pawn's vocation and these two things are also something that you can change anytime you want while playing the game so don't stress while creating your character the whole game is very fluid it lets you change your vocations your augments your skills anytime you want and we're going to go over how to do all of that and how important it is and how easy it is to do while you're playing another thing that's going to be important when creating your Pawn is making it desirable for other people to use or at least make it stand out so people consider using it because one of the ways that you get that RC currency is from other people using your Pawn you'll rested it in and the game will occasionally update you hey someone used your pawn and then it'll give you a ton of that currency and that person that used your Pawn has the option to send an item back with it when you get it back right you never lose access to your Pawn you just occasionally find out that other people have been using it so on the topic of Pawns because pawns are very important in this game you're going to want to consider having a well-rounded party composition you're going to have one Pawn that you made and then you're going to have two other pawns that you hire from other players for a total of four people in your party one of the pawns should absolutely be a mage there's really no way around it it's just so incredibly useful because the Mage has heals unlike any other and it also has a damage Shield that it can cast on you to prevent you from taking damage it also has Buffs that it can put on you and your weapon so that you do more damage making it essential for any group it's going to make you in your group stronger and it's also going to make you in your group harder to kill beyond that it's nice to have someone to absorb the damage whether it's a war Warrior or a fighter and then the fourth one you can put whatever flavor into that you would like I went for damage on the sorcerer here now you have a ton of control when it comes to the pawns that you have in your group you're going to come up to a stone like this one or there smaller ones but you come up to this interact with it and you'll go into this realm here in this realm you'll be able to walk around and you can see other people's pawns these are pawns that were made by other players and occasionally there will be one in here that was made by Capcom the Capcom ones are pretty good generally speaking they'll have things that other players don't typically have at your level like the ability to speak the Alvin language or Quest knowledge things like that that when you're lowlevel other players just haven't given their pawns that knowledge yet so when someone else does a quest with their Pawn that pawn learns how to do that Quest and if you put that pawn in your group it'll tell you how to do that Quest it'll lead you to the location because this game has a lot of quests where it doesn't tell you where to go and so it's up to you to either figure it out on your own or to put a pawn in your group that knows where to go and tells you how to get there so here's a feature that a lot of people Miss while playing the game and that is that you can come back to the stone while you're here and you can search for pawns you can search for specific pond so you can go to Advanced Pond search and here you can choose exactly what class you want it to be and you can choose to have a pond that has knowledge of your priority Quest so you'll be able to come into your quests and you'll be able to select one let's say I wanted tensions on The High Ground I can say hey I want a pawn with this Quest knowledge and then I can come to the stone and I can search for a pawn that has knowledge of that Quest and now all of the pawns that show up in this room are going to have knowledge of that Quest and they'll help me tackle it so be sure to use the search for Pawn function not just to choose what class or what vocation you need to fill but also to get knowledge of specific quests that you're trying to complete this is going to save you loads of time and because there's very limited fast travel in this game anything you can do to be more efficient is going to be massive now you'll notice that while you're here there's going to be a lot of Pawns so take note of what stands out to you and consider you know applying that to your Pawn like look at this Pawn's weapon man that thing looks good right so I would consider hiring this thing just you know it stands out make your Pawn Stand Out make give your Pawn an outfit that stands out give your Pawn a weapon that stands out do what you can to get them hired by other people now when it comes to hiring pawns you'll notice that some of the pawns are free and some have a cost associated with them so the way it works is if the pawn is your level or below it's free it costs zero RC see right there above the this lilan it says level 25 zero RC and if it was higher level than me it would have some cost associated with it the more levels it has over M the more it's going to cost to recruit that pawn so if you see a really powerful looking one that's a few levels above you you might want to splurge a couple hundred RC and grab it or you might want to save your RC and just grab one that's your level or below it's up to you now when you're here you can interact with the stone again and then leave and now you have your party and now for the most important part of Pawns of all but first if you love RPGs or MMOs you're going to love the relaunch of tofu's touch which by the way is a prequel to The Wu animated TV series this game features an exciting take on turn-based combat that works really well inside of a massive MMO experience in fact I doubt you'll find a bigger game on mobile dof Fu's touch has over 10,000 maps to explore thousands of quests items and monster types and more than 70 dungeons that you can play through Solo or with up to three allies with over 8 million downloads and Counting it's easy to find players and guilds to Adventure with but there's nothing wrong with tackling it all solo if you'd rather do that and if you're ready for something new and fresh D's touch foregoes the sorcerer elf and Druid stereotypes and instead delivers something completely new in the form of zear masqueraders and More in dofu touch you'll search for dragon eggs known as Dofus and embark on a journey from dungeon to dungeon defeating enemies and growing stronger now if you're the type of person who prefers to forego some of the combat and instead focus on the economy doofus has you covered with over 20 different professions for you to master doofus touch features a player-driven economy where you can loot craft and buy the best equipment in the game best of all it's a true free-to-play experience there is no subscription No Loot boxes and no characters or zones that you have to purchase separately you can play every character and every zone for free be sure to use my link in the description to dive in pre-registration is open right now through March 29th with new servers launching on April 3rd there's nothing like being part of a community during the day one launch of a new MMO server so don't miss it sign up now using my link in the description and join millions of players as they start their brand new journey together massive shout out to do F touch for sponsoring this segment and thank you for listening now let's get back to the video and one last important thing to note about pawns is that your Pawn is going to level up with you as you play the game every time you kill something you're going to get XP and your Pawn is going to get XP however the two pawns that you hired from other players those don't level so this is The Game's way of forcing you to constantly hire new pawns you're going to grab a pawn you're going to use it and then when it's a few levels you know when it's three four five levels below you it's probably going to be time to swap it out for a new higher level Pawn that is better equipped for the battles that are coming for you so don't get too attached to the pawns that aren't yours and remember you can always search for very specific ones until you find the perfect one for you in there in the bottom left corner of the screen there you can see that it says go wait to me and help and there's some numbers there that's going to be d-pad if you're on console and it's numbers if you're on PC by default anyhow and what that does is when you see an enemy you can press one you can press go and it'll send your pawns after them so go is like the action button to whatever is around you if there's an enemy the pawns will attack it if there's a ladder that one of the pawns saw they'll go towards it if one of them says hey there's a chest over there and you can't see it press one and they'll try to get to it if there's a material that can be harvested and they comment on it and so you press one they'll go pick it up so pressing one says yeah go do whatever you just talked about go do whatever we see alternatively you can say wait if you want them to stand somewhere while you go do something dangerous you can tell them or you could say to me if they're starting to fight something that you want to run away from that's going to be really useful like Hey we're not going to fight this just follow me and then three is going to bring your pawns back to you so that they can support you heal you fight next to you and all that good stuff so let's talk quickly about how to manage your party and your loadouts you don't need to worry about the skills or the gear of the pawns that you recruit you only need to worry about the skills and the gear and the passives of your pond that you made the pawns you recruited are going to be decked out in whatever way the player that created them decks them out so this means you just have to worry about customizing your character and your pawn and the way you do that is you come to a place like this so you've got here a vocation Guild and what you can do here is you can come and you can talk to the guy and it'll allow you change your vocation or acquire and equip skills we'll go to acquire and equip skills here and here you can see that we can acquire vocations weapon skills core skills and augments your vocation is going to determine what weapon you use fighter is always sword and board Archer is always bow right so your vocation is going to choose the the weapon you use and therefore the weapon skills that are available it's also going to decide which core skills you have available and it's also going to decide what augments you can unlock with that vocation however the cool thing about augments is you can use any augments that you unlock on any vocation anytime so if you unlock all the passives from Archer and then you unlock all the passives from Magic Archer all the augments in other words then you'll be able to slot some Archer augments and some magic Archer augments or you could also do some Archer augments magic Archer augments and then grab a warrior augment you can have a total of six augments slotted here 1 2 3 4 5 six and each vocation has five augments so you have to grab at minimum one augment from another vocation but you'll probably want to dip into others more than that because there's some great augments from each class there's some really tempting ones the fighter has one that lets you carry more weight the Archer has one that gives you more stamina the thief has one that makes it less likely that you'll be attacked when you're in combat the warrior has one that red usces lost gauge buildup right these are all really useful augments and you might want any combination of those regardless of what vocation you decide to play as so you know this is where you kind of make your character your own is by putting together a unique combination of augments that sounds fun to you all of this is going to cost DCP and that is a currency you'll see up here in the top right I have 12,877 you get DCP just by killing things every time you kill something it's going to give you XP and DCP both so you'll just naturally be acre it while you play the game it's basically the currency that you're going to use to unlock new skills passives and vocations on your character so you'll be doing all of that for you and your pawn and then last but not least for you and your Pawn you've got your equipment and your equipment as we mentioned your weapon is going to be determined by the vocation that you choose and you'll be able to come in here and look at what equipment your character has available another feature that is often missed is the auto equip feature so down here in the bottom right you'll see that it says autoquip and so if you're outs spelunking you've picked up a bunch of gear on your character and you just want it to automatically equip all the best gear that you have found for that specific character you can do that you can come in here and on PC it's V and it'll say do you want to automatically equip weapons and armor and you can say yeah now since we talked about remaking your character let's quickly go over how to do that you can come to this guy here he is in Burnsworth so in Burnsworth that's the main Hub town of the game you're going to be finding yourself here a lot there's the merchant quarter right here and then you've got this building with your grand riftstone of vermund and just next to this is a guy standing here and you can come to his shop you'll buy the art of metamorphosis which is 500 RC purchase that and then from here you'll head out over here and you'll come to the barber this is where you'll be able to talk to this lady and now because you bought that item you'll be able to modify your appearance you'll see that it consumes that item this option will be great out if you had not bought the art of metamorphosis you wouldn't be able to choose modify appearance where whereas you can always change your hairstyle your makeup and give your character markings and change multiple like you can always do these things for gold in the game and Gold's not too hard to come by you are going to spend a lot of it very fast because there's always a new nice weapon in the next Village that does better damage than the one you're wearing or there's nice gear that's slightly better than what you're wearing right so there's always going to be plenty of ways to spend your gold so you know but at the same time there's always plenty of ways to make more of it so don't worry if you are regretting a choice you made when creating your character it's pretty easy to change it and it's pretty easy to get the gold back after you do next thing we're going to talk about our Seeker tokens and one of the most important things I can tell you about secret tokens is remember the location of the first one you find even consider putting a pin on your map or taking a picture of the map with your phone where you're standing because Midway through the game you're going to run into someone who says go back to the location of the first Seeker token you found there are 240 Seeker tokens in this game so it's very easy to forget which one was the first one you and where it was right and to make matters worse that Quest is a timed Quest so you have limited amount of time to run straight back to the location of the first secret token you found so do yourself a favor and remember where that was if you can it's most likely going to be somewhere very early in the game there's one that you run into pretty early on so when you find one take note of its location so that you can head straight back there later on now what do Secret tokens do I'm glad you asked so you talk to an NPC like this one here and it says give secret tokens and it'll say do you want to turn in all your secret tokens and you say yeah and now it's going to unlock rewards for your character so we just got a ring of behemoths and we got a Fairy Stone fairy Stone's very nice to have that is one single fast travel right fast travel is very limited in this game and we'll talk about that in more depth here in a moment and we also got the Ring of aeman and there's more and more rewards as you get more and more of the Seeker tokens as we mentioned there's 240 of them here and the final reward here comes at 220 and the Ring of endeavor if you're someone that is a bit of a completionist there are maps online that have the location of every single Seeker token if that's something that you want to take advantage of I'll try to remember to put a link to one of them in the description just in case that's something you want to look at so keep your eyes peeled while you're running around if you are someone that really wants to find all the secer tokens on your own without the help of a third party website what you can do is level up the trickster vocation and one of the passives one of the augments that the trickster has is going to make it easier to find secret tokens it's going to alert you to them so take advantage of that if you're someone that's planning on you know being a completionist in this game all right next let's talk about fast travel because it's pretty unique in Dragon Dogma 2 they've chosen to make it very very limited the only way to fast travel is by use of these Port crystals right here you can teleport to them however before you can teleport to a port Crystal you have to one find it and then two you have to have a Fairy Stone and Fairy Stones are fairly Limited in this world you're not going to stumble onto them too terribly often so the amount of times that you can just fast travel to a city that you were at earlier is well it's going to be pretty few and far between now there's one other type of Port Crystal so when you go to your items you'll be able to click on a Fairy Stone click use and it's going to take you to any one of the port crystals that are placed in the game that you found already in that town right however not every town has these then there's the ones that you play so I've put one here in the volcanic island camp and I can teleport to that if I wanted to or if I don't want to come back to this place anymore I can walk up to the port Crystal that I put down I can pick it up now it's in my inventory and I can run somewhere else let's say you know I ran to a different town then I can go back into my inventory and I can grab that PK Crystal and use it again and now that PK crystal is on the ground in the new location so I can come here with my fast troubles instead of the previous location so this kind of helps fill in the gaps when trying to get around the world and trying to get to the various places so if you find a new Quest Hub but there's no Port Crystal located there then putting one down there is going to be very useful so you can get back there easily still the main limiting factor here is definitely going to be your Berry Stones you're never going to have as many of these as you would like now to make up for this what they have done is they've added in the aux cart system in this game now this is going to be your more readily available fast travel system that you can use anytime you want and it has a fee attached to it but it's a very nominal fee it's like 100 or 200 gold so literally nothing you'll get that much off of a single enemy and here's what the aux cart looks like one thing to be aware of about them is they only go to one place and they only leave at a certain time of day so this particular aux cart is always always going to go to checkpoint rest town right it's always going to go to checkpoint rest town and it's only ever going to go to checkpoint rest town and it's this one here however there is another one here this one here goes up to Mel so you can go to the different Ox carts in town to get to different areas so I can head to two different cities from this town now as I mentioned it only leaves at certain times of day so what you can do is go to any bench nearby and you can sit on the bench and you'll see on the bottom right there you get the option to do off so we'll press that button and that's the game's way of passing time it's still not morning so we're going to sit again and the ox carts tend to leave in the morning if you're trying to get to the time of day where they're going to leave okay so here we are we're in the next morning and if we get on here and we sit down the guy will start talking to us and he'll say hey this is where we're going but I'm not going to take you anywhere until you cough up some money and you can click board and the ox cart will start to head out and now you've got two options you can just sit here and you can enjoy the ride and watch it pass in real time but more than likely what you're going to want to do is in the bottom right it says you can dose off again and you're going to do that and this is basically going to skip you all the way to your destination so in other words you fast traveled to that City Way far away so now we have the option to get up and we will so we just instantly fast traveled from this city here to this town here we're only 200 and from this town I could either fast travel back to this town or I could fast travel to this town down here right so there is some fast travel but you'll have to daisy chain them together to get significant distances so if you're in Bal down here you're going to have to fast travel to checkpoint before you can finally get to Burnsworth over here right so a little bit of bouncing around but it can be done where you'll really feel the Fast Travel limitations is going to be when you're out in the middle of the Wilderness and there's no cart nearby and so you're going to have to choose do I want to use one of my Fairy Stones to get back to town or do I want to run to town and then take an ox card over here as for the fre Stones you'll find them on enemies you'll find them in chests and you will be able to occasionally buy a limited quantity of them they're not too terribly common so use them very wisely I'm going to briefly touch on vocations you've got four basic vocations two Advanced vocations and four hybrid vocations I'm going to be very brief with vocs because I have two guides dedicated to vocations one is to help you pick which vocation you're going to use and the other is to help you unlock all of them on your character so you should definitely check that out after this video if you'd like to but you have four basic two Advanced and four hybrid vocations you can be any of the 10 vocations your Pawn can be either a basic or an advanced vocation but your Pawn cannot be a hybrid vocation once you're in the game you can change your vocation anytime you want by going to a number of different NPCs in the game that allow you to do so and playing multiple vocations is something that you can and will do to unlock the various augments that they all have next let's quickly go over a currency because there's a few different types of currency that are really important in this game so let's talk about them and how to get them we've already gone over a couple of them because of their importance in the game one is going to be gold you're going to get gold by opening chests by killing enemies by completing quests right gold is one of those things where just about anything you do has a chance to give you gold based on where you are in the game and what you're doing and you're primarily going to be using your gold to buy weapons and armor at the beginning you're going to be buying weapons that cost 5K 10K and later on you'll be buying weapons that cost 50k 70 5K 80k right and Beyond so weapons are going to get aggressively more expensive the later into the game that you get and they're going to continue to get better and better same thing with armor your character has quite a bit of equipment you've got to upgrade your weapons your helmets your body armor your leg armor your cloaks and your ring so if you're constantly upgrading the weapons and the armor of you and your main Pawn you're going to find that you're always happy to find more gold the next major currency is going to be the RC this is the currency that you're going to earn anytime you touch a riftstone for the first time that's where you summon pawns or anytime someone else hires your Pawn in their game when you go to sleep sometimes you'll get a notification your Pawn will appear here and say hey I'm back and by the way here's some RC and here's an item that that player gave you because every time you use a pawn when you dismiss it you have the option to send an item back with that pawn to the person that made it and it's just a nice little way to have a little bit of human interaction with the other people that are playing this game out there that happened to borrow your pawn and had a good time with it and then finally the third currency is is the DCP which we talked about that's the one where every time you kill an enemy you're going to get experience and you're going to get DCP and and the experience is what's going to level your character up and the DCP is the currency that you can use to buy and unlock vocations skills and augments one of the biggest hurdles while playing this game is definitely going to be managing your ways you're going to constantly find yourself running around and if we look at our inventories here if I open up my menu you can see that my character is at average weight right now just barely if I go ahead and I send this to Lucky ghost he's going to go to heavy and what this means is he's going to be slower and his stamina is going to drain faster in this game every character uses stamina as their combat resource so every skill you cast whether you're a sorcerer a mage a fighter when you cast a skill cast a spell it's costing stamina and when you attack it's costing stamina when you sprint it's costing stamina when you climb it's causing stamina so being efficient with your stamina is really important you never really want to be in heavy or really heavy right you don't want to be in those last two stages because your stamina regen is going to be awful and so is your movement speed so you want to be at average or even below but when you're constantly picking stuff up that can be difficult to maintain so one of the easiest ways to do that is this button right here it says press G or whatever the button is on Console so you'll be able to sort the items by weight and now we can see oh man these items are what is weighing this character down here and if it has the E it's equipped if it has this square with a slash through it that means it couldn't even equip it if it wanted to and so any armor that this character is holding but not wearing is something that I would probably want to sell or put into storage so you're going to be constantly picking stuff up in the game and what you can do is you can go to an inn by the way if you're not sure where the ins are this is the sign you'll see that right there see that uh little board hanging and it's like a little fire go to that in whatever Town you're in and talk to the dude and it says organize storage so this this is your stash this is your chest that you can store anything in anytime you just talk to the NPC here and you can choose to deposit items withdraw items or combine items so we're going to deposit items and then we're going to go to dash here and we're going to sort by weight and we're going to say okay we don't want to carry these heavy items around boom and look now she's down to light and we can continue to put crafting materials in there because this game has loads of crafting materials you're going to find them constantly and a lot of times they're going to be very use but they're very specific in nature so if you're using a bow you have to find this one very specific crafting material that upgrades your bow whereas it's going to be a completely different crafting material to upgrade your light armor or your heavy armor or your two-handed sword right so there's tons of crafting materials but you're only going to need at any moment a very very select few so better to just put them into storage for when you do decide to level up for when you do decide to play that vocation and level it up it's not until then that you're really going to need those crafting materials so there's no point in carrying them around with you alternatively if you're getting crafting materials for application that you're never going to play feel free to sell them for a bit of extra coin same thing with like these books these are just going to allow you to use a spell on a character that otherwise wouldn't be able to use that spell if you never want to deal with using that they do weigh a bit so you know consider putting them into storage or selling them now the next thing you can do to manage your weight is you can come into your inventory and you can combine items so if if we come down here and we see that we have a ripened Apple so fresh food goes through stages in this game you know it's like fresh and then it's ripe and then it is rotted once it's rotted it loses the ability to do some cool things with it so if we look at the rotten shorefish right here if we click on it it says we can combine it and by combining items we are reducing the weight that we're carrying so if you ever find yourself overweight and you're out and you have nowhere to sell and nowhere to store you can start combining items because it is useful to combine items in this game so it says if we combine this item with this one here on the right it says rotten shorefish plus rotten harb Spud you're going to get fuel for the lantern okay that could be useful and if we combine it with oily slime same outcome so basically if you let things go rotten you can sometimes combine them and still get a useful ingredient out of them ideally you're going to use things before they go rotten so if we combine these grapes with this green warish it tells us we're going to get a salubrious drought and these are incredibly useful these are basically health potions you're going to use tons of these in the game and they are really really effective another thing you can do is you can take fruit and you can turn it into dried fruit and then you can combine dried fruit with green warish or some kind of plant and depending on what you combine it will make something that recovers a great deal of stamina or a great deal of health and this can be really useful in battle too so definitely come in here and combine things once you start getting heavy and you have too many items on you combine them and it's going to greatly reduce the amount of weight that is on your character another thing that you can do to manage your weight is you can find golden Trove beetles these are little gold beetles that you'll find all over the game there's tons and tons of them and each one that you find increases the amount that you and your ponds can carry by .15 kg it's not a lot by itself but as you find dozens and dozens of them you definitely start to feel the difference so once you find one you're just going to click on it click use and now we can carry additional weight one of the nice things about the Trove beetles is that they glow so when it's dark outside or when you're in a dark area they stand out like a sore thumb so keep your eyes peeled anytime you're running at night if you see something glowing in the distance go check it out it's probably a golden Trove Beetle and despite all your best efforts sometimes you're just going to find lots of good stuff it's going to throw your character overweight and just don't be afraid to give the items to your main Pawn any items that you give to the other two pawns will be sent to your in storage once you dismiss those pawns or if they die or you let them go in any way shape or form it'll just be you'll be able to find those items in your in storage okay next let's talk about the Lost cage this is is a really important mechanic in this game at the bottom of the screen there we have a health bar right that's the green section is the health we have the white section is the health that we could heal and the black section at the end almost half of my bar right now is Health that has been lost to the Lost gauge every time you take damage some of the health you lost will be lost permanently and what I mean by that is until you go and rest at a camp or rest at an inn so almost half of my bar is unusable right now my health bar so what I would need to do to get the rest of that back so that I could be healed to full health again is I would have to go rest at a campfire or an inn the white portion there I could be healed right now I can just say hey tell my healer to come over SEL her to heal so she's going to put a heal on the ground and boom that white section gets healed up but my health can't go beyond that thanks to the Lost gauge so this is The Game's way of forcing you to go rest at an inn or a campfire from time to time you're not going to be able to go out spelunking forever without checking back into town or a campsite and there's two ways to fill up your lost gauge and one is to go to an end that's this symbol right here the fireplace again right same one as your storage chest or if you look for a bed on the map you know you can look for that and that's your in you come into here and you tell the person hey I want to rest now it is going to cost you some sum of gold depending on where you are it could be 1,000 gold it could be 2,000 gold it just really depends you can also buy your own home for 20,000 gold and then rest there for free eventually saving money in the long run so that's always an option and then the third and one of the most useful is camping you're going to find camping gear while you're playing the game but it will break if you get attacked at night and then you're going to find yourself without camping gear if that happens go to the curatives vendor that's the potion on the map looks like that right there look for this symbol right here and talk to the vendor and you can buy camping gear from him so we'll scroll down and then he's got the camping kit mundane and grass pattern so basically the more expensive it is the more durable it is and the lighter it is so it's weighing less for you to carry it around so we'll grab one of those now we have camping gear and we can camp so you'll always able to spot a campsite because you'll see the smoke coming into the air during the day or you'll see the ashes flying into the air if it's night time so it's pretty easy to spot them from a distance you can head over to it if you need one like right now my character's Max health is at 50% or 60% there so we'd want to camp to get the rest of that back so we'll go camp and we'll use the grass pattern kit that we just bought and now we are at a campsite so from here there a couple things we could do we can cook so we can open our menu and cook a rotted Beast steak if it wasn't rotted it would give us much stronger Buffs than this but since it's rotted it's not great we go ahead and cook it cuz hey it's what we've got and now from this point on we can choose to go to bed and if you do this there's a chance that you're going to be attacked in the night or before the next morning so we'll rest till morning sometimes you get attacked most times you do not if you get attacked just kill the things that are attacking you they might break your tent and you'll have to buy a new one if that happens all right I was not attacked and as you can see my health bar is going all the way up to full again so we've cleared the Lost gauge and like I mentioned if you're in town you can just go rested and in to clear your lost gauge but resting at the end is going to cost you 1,000 or 2,000 gold so you know there's pros and cons to both the next thing to be aware of in this game is that the water is dangerous it will kill you so if you go into water that's deeper than like Knee Deep the brine is in there and let's see we'll step into this oh look at that it starts getting me right away and it will kill you and it'll also kill your pawns it'll also kill the things that you're fighting so you know feel free to throw enemies in deep water but try to keep you and your bonds outside of it it will kill you next let's talk about the type of quest so you've got your normal Quest and then you've got your timed Quest basically in this case we've just picked up a quest the way we could tell the difference here is by opening up our Quest menu and then if it's a timed quest You'll see an hourglass like this one here the ones with a hand means that one of your pawns has knowledge of the quest so for this one we've got a hand and we've got an hourglass so that's telling us that our Pawn knows where to go and also it's telling us that it is a timed Quest if we don't do it in time then the person that we're trying to save might not be alive when we get there when you're doing a quest a yellow area will appear on the map telling you generally where to go most of the time sometimes it won't and sometimes you'll need to rely on a pawn to get you in the right area but usually there will be a yellow area on the map that you can go to and if you go to that area and you start running around generally the NPC you need to talk to will come to you and let you know where you need to go next or that you need to do something you don't have to walk up to every individual NPC and talk to all of them they'll come to you when you get close enough remember that if you're trying to do a quest and you can't figure it out and you don't know how to get to it you can always go to the riftstone and look for a pawn that has the ability to lead you to that Quest they have Quest knowledge and when that's the case you'll have this here she's got a hand next to her and that's her telling me I know where to go I have knowledge of this Quest and then I can just follow her and what I do is I press go and now she's going to lead me to that if we get into combat or something she'll stop heading in the direction of the quest she'll forget about it for a moment so just make sure you press go again and then she'll continue going towards it all right next let's dive into the menus a bit because there's a lot of useful information hidden in here so under items as we touched on earlier we've got our inventory right this is telling us everything we need to know about what we're holding on to it tells us the weight of our characters so if we're light that's great if we're average that's okay and if we're heavy that's bad you don't want to be heavy you want to pass things off so maybe I would want to give this camping kit to a character that was light and that brings her up to average and then I'm going to go ahead and give this mask as well and now boom we're both averag things are looking better right this is going to be a much better use of my stamina better yet would be for this character to head back to an in and drop a lot of this material off because I don't need to be carrying all of this around mostly when you're out and about the only things that you need to be carrying around are your salubrious droughts right these your healing potions bring you know maybe five or 10 of these with you you can store the extras in your storage and maybe bring some of these roborant right these things are going to be nice for recovering health and stamina in battle and they weigh next to nothing so this is a good way to store some extra health and Stam potions on you the most useful thing in here is that you can sort things by weight so that you can find the heavy items fast or by newest like maybe you pick something up and you're like oh what was that I wonder sort it by new boom you can find the thing you just picked up then right here it says you can press this button to combine combining is what you'll do you'll click on an item and then it'll say how many do you want to make and it'll tell you on the right side what you're combining and what you're making with it so in this case this is making the potion Apple makes two more potions grapes makes another potion the bark would make a medicine that removes wet from your characters right wet is a debuff there's a bunch of debuffs in this game or status effects that enemies can put on you poison wet burning wet just makes it so you take more damage from lighning also you can come into your inventory and then you can click combine and then you can click to use a recipe right here and now you don't have to guess what something's going to make you can look for the thing you want here and you can find out how to make it basically Bally just by trying random combinations you're going to be adding them to your recipe book so every time you make something with putting two random ingredients together it's going to add it to your recipe book so you can make it later the items at the top with the white text are the ones that you can make the ones down here with the gray text means that you're missing the ingredients to do so white text Gray text and it seems to be automatically putting the ones that I can make at the top next you have the map while you're looking at the map there's some good information to be seen here you've got locations on the map you can hover over them and it'll tell you what that is you can press F to go in deeper you can hover over the specific buildings to see their name so if we hover over this Flags the gracious hand and then if we hover this Walter's Tavern right so you can always hover over things to find out what exactly they're called and see if that's where you're trying to get to another thing that's really useful that a lot of people Overlook is that you can go to a Cave System like you'll find a cave it'll be on the map now from here you can press F and you can see if you've explored that cave or if you just ran near it so in this case the map is not lit up we have never explored this cave before but if we go to this cave we can see that we did come into this cave and we did explore it and it looks like we got all of it it was a small little one there if we look at tro mine here we can see that we did this whole floor it looks like we did most of this one but there is possibly an area here that we didn't hit and maybe a little bit over here that we didn't and then there's an area here that we did so if you're ever curious whether or not you explored a cave that's on your map you can just open it up and check very easily from here you can also open up your quest list and if you hover over a quest it tells you where to go for that Quest on the map so you can always see generally where you need to go for any Quest that you have button to do that will be listed down here in the bottom right you can also search for ya Point markers you can search for vocation guilds if you're looking for one of those you can search for apothecaries right this is where you're going to buy your curatives and your tents for camping you can search for armories this is where you're going to go to upgrade your armor and we'll talk about that next because that's important you've got scrap stores that's ibraim barbaries where you can change your appearance stuff like that so really useful to be able to use that search when you're looking for specific thing inside the town that you're at and then you can leave waypoints for yourself so like if you see an area and you want to head back to it just leave a waypoint like this here very handy you're definitely going to do that from time to time you'll find something that you can't get to or you'll see a cave that you can't explore or you'll see a person that you want to return to you can just leave a nice little marker for yourself now you can buy and upgrade or enhance your equipment in this game so you'll look for this symbol on the map right here this little sword that's it's going to be a Smithy when you're outside it's a sign that looks a bit like this here you know so we got armor and weapons here so we can come here and we can talk to the person inside and we'll be given a menu that tells us we can buy new gear which often times if you're in a new town is going to have better than what you're wearing or you can enhance existing gear so it's almost always worth it to take that first enhancement because it's just going to cost a little bit of gold so you can just upgrade it like that and now it's going to be better so it's going to enhance the stats as well as reduce the weight of that item and depending on which region you're in it's going to have a different impact on the stats of that item so it does matter where you upgrade your gear some are going to be better suited to physical attacks some are going to be better suited to Magic so definitely take note of what region you're in it tells you up here we're in the vermian region a style that smithing throughout Vermon favors a tried andrue method that moderately enhances all attributes of a piece of equipment so some regions might be better suited to your strategy than others so make sure to head to the right region for you before spending your gold and your materials upgrading your gear it'll tell you here what materials you need to upgrade the gear to the next level another thing to be aware of in combat in this game is that your character is not dead not yet anyway so after you take that final hit your health will go down to zero and the game will give you a second or so to use a potion you can either use your quick potion or you can open up your inventory and grab a potion there and use it so you will Almost Never Die in combat unless you're completely out of potions the next thing we should talk about is what happens when an NPC dies because there are really no Immortal NPCs in this game in the way there are in other games so if there's an important NPC in town and you drag a bunch of enemies into town it might die and if that happens their body is going to be sent to either a morg or a charell house so what you'll do is you'll come here and where it's sent is going to depend on where the body was found so for instance if it's closer to Bak batal it's going to go to the batal morg here whereas if it's closer to the other Town it'll probably go to its Channel house so you would come inside you would go up to their corpse and you would use a wake Stone here we have one of them these are pretty powerful items and they're pretty rare so you can find wakestones in the game and you can find wak Stone shards it takes three wak Stone shards and they automatically will combine into one wake stone for you so whenever you find one of these it's a pretty big deal and you're going to want to use them pretty sparingly you can use them on yourself to revive yourself if you die in combat in a very inopportune moment maybe you pass away at the end of a really long battle and you don't want to started over from the beginning you could use a wake Stone to get right back up or you could use it on NPCs in town so if an NPC that was important to you dies you can come here and use the Wake Zone to revive them however you do have to do that within a few in-game days so time is of the essence you can't just like oh you know I'll go to them next week no you got to come straight here revive them before they're basically bu or cremated or whatever they're doing with the bodies here another thing you'll notice from time to time you'll see status effects above your health bar that's ever the case what you can do is you can come into here and you can go to your statuses view your current status so here you'll be able to see the status effect it'll tell you debilitations any that you have you'll be able to hover over them and it will tell you exactly what that is and what it does to your character under history you can come here and you can check your history with various NPCs that you've interacted with in the game you'll be able to add them to your favorites remove them from your favorites you'll be able to come into your adventure book you can see your player stats your Pawn stats NPC stats items and Equipment as well as enemies failed and all kinds of stuff like that photo mode is going to do just that it's going to take you into a photo mode that lets you take cool screenshots of your characters now if you're playing the game or you're just getting started and you're not sure what vocation to start be sure to check out the vocations guide popping up on screen right now or Linked In the description below or if you already know what vocation you want to play but you're worried about doing things inefficiently or ineffectively in this game check out my mistakes to avoid in Dragon's Dogma 2 video video Linked In the description thank you so much for watching if you're one of the people that made it all the way to the end of the video let me know down in the comments below it's always cool to see and I hope to see you guys in the next video massive shout out to my YouTube members thanks for supporting the channel and the big way that you do if you want to become a YouTube channel member click the join button below or the link in the description to find out more about the perks like behind the scenes footage having your name appear at the end of every video and a private Discord Channel where you can ask me questions about whatever game we're playing I hope you have a fantastic day night or evening wherever you are and I'll see you in the next video if you're not sure what to do next check out one of these videos popping up on the screen right [Music] now
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 151,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dd2, dragon's dogma, dragon's dogma 2, dragon's dogma ii, dragon's dogma 2 review, dragon's dogma ii review, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma ii, dragon's dogma 2 tips and tricks, dragon's dogma 2 gameplay, dragon's dogma 2 character creation, dragon's dogma 2 guide
Id: AO-pshg-7x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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