Dragon's Dogma 2 Ultimate Forgery Guide #dragonsdogma2

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yes I have 22 Eternal and I mean Eternal wake Stones this is not a bug and I did not use any exploits but I found a really cool way to make them and many other items in Dragon's Dogma 2 dd2 has so many in-depth mechanics in fun combat that you can waste so many hours just focusing on any one feature or just exploring well I decided to spend all my gold and sat at a bench for weeks on end to make forgeries of almost everything hey I'm caveman feel free to jump along on the time stamps below to a chapter for a specific item or strategies as you please otherwise I'm going to start off by showing you how to unlock the forgery meet Ibraham and then I'm going to jump into one of the cool side quests that forgeries can make a huge difference in I'm going to show you every forgery I've made talk about little tips and strategies for age one beware there are three spoilers in there for uh lore and game wise I do give a little warning feel free to just jump to the next chapter so you can skip over that if you're not interested in spoilers and then I'm going to wrap it up by giving some uh overall strategies you can use that are both good in early game and late game uh that are just really really cool so let's go and jump into how to find this vendor you can find him at checkpoint rest town you can easily get there from an oxar from burnworth or from bakal uh but yeah you just pop over to checkpoint rest Town most of you should probably already have been locked you're going to get off your Ox card right there just walk to the back corner you'll be approached by an NPC probably already did you might forgot it if you haven't done this Quest side quest but uh It'll ask for the Jade orb and this is actually who you have to talk to to find that orb but uh you'll talk to him this is his scrap store you can buy stuff from him beware some of his stuff is fake uh so don't like the Fairy Stone is actually an example here don't buy that it is useless uh at least I haven't found a good use for it um but anyways so that's the potential there but here's your jadeite orb here's the on the transference of souls too that's also going to be important for later on um but yeah and then you can request forgeries and this is what's really cool you can go in here and make a forgery of any of these now when I say A forgery it's not always a forgery sometimes it can be the exact same item and that is what I did with the Eternal wake Stones that's why I have so many it's actually a one: one really really cool uh thing there uh but sometimes it's totally fake like the Wake Stone a standard wake stone is actually just a woke Stone absolutely crazy we'll talk about that a little bit more but uh you're going to pay a fee and sometimes this fee is crazy like 24,000 that is a ceiling file uh vile if that would work that'd be crazy but that's another one that doesn't unfortunately but there's a whole bunch of other cool ones and we'll go through those in just a second but you basically just get to make a forgery and so I've gone through and tried to either grab one of each kind of class like material uh valuables stuff like that to see what would work what wouldn't um and just really try to play around it's really cool and there's probably some objects I've missed or some endgame items I haven't gotten to yet so feel free to comment below if you've done one the found works and it's got a really cool use case love to see it if I missed it but uh let's jump into the side quest that really starts this off and so that's looking for a jded orb I mentioned one guy will immediately approach you there's another guy in this city that will also approach you and it's just sitting on the counter they are completely blind it's obviously just right there but whatever we're going to get some easy money out of them uh and so you have to give it out to one of them or you can make some forgeries and my first time playing this I actually just gave it to them and I'm like why didn't I make a forgery and then I'm like why didn't I make two but basically you pay for the forgery you do have to wait some period of time so I just go into this bench right here you have to wait a full day so I just wait four Cycles real quick and you can also go down and just wait for the next Ox cart that's a whole another way you can quick and then it's a full day one cycle uh but then you'll just have to wait at at Abraham ver for a second uh longer because it actually goes too quick sometimes and he won't be ready because it takes him literally a full it's crazy how they set that up but anyways you're going to receive that imitation J orb then make a second one real quick it only cost 600 gold the second time so that's a big benefit but then you're going to go to the first uh Merchant guy that was looking for it you're going to give it to him this guy needed it to survive you probably shouldn't do what I do here but I'm a collector I'm a hoarder I want all of the the the unique objects so I'm going to keep it and give him imitation so I do that he gives us 3,000 gold and no Elite camping kit which is actually really good so definitely do that cuz the Elite camping kit is really cool uh then you're going to go to the second Merchant this guy's a little bit smarter still blind but uh he will actually request that uh it is appraised by Abraham and obviously you got this from Abraham so it is not going to be authentic he knows it is a fake so you're going to have to bribe him and so once you run over there you're going to want to talk to Abraham as soon as this dialogue's over and you're going to try and uh make sure that he says it's legit it's a real thing otherwise he's actually calling the guards on you and that could get really ugly but they're going to have a quick chat they're going to talk about hey what this what's going to happen you're going to talk to Abraham real quick and be like hey man here's some gold here's a thousand hey say say this is a fake oh no okay okay 2,000 gold please please please no okay 3,000 maybe 3,000 I'm hearing 3,000 this guy is just robbing us we've already paid for the raisal he's still not taking 3,000 so you actually have to give him another 6,000 so that's 12,000 Gold Plus the 600 you actually paid 12,600 gold for this uh he does then say he's going to fake it for you but then you're going to go back to the merchant he is bringing the city guard with him uh and he's going to go get it verified and it's going to clear he's proud you're Arisen thank you so much for the genuine article it's totally a fake oh well give me my prize and uh you know we paid 12,000 so what does he give us 12,000 so it it's kind of unfortunate we wish we could get more so we actually add a loss of 600 but he also gives us a ring of skull dugery which is pretty cool I would suggest if you actually care about the the silver the gold give him the authentic one cuz I haven't found any other purpose for the J orb but I personally just love collecting everything so I'm keeping it but that is how you do that first little side quest if you gave the invitation orb to that vendor the second Merchant and he brought the city watch and you didn't bribe Ibraham tell me what happened I well I'm very curious I'll definitely check it out on my next playthrough but please comment below if you did that I do read every comment that goes through and I try to reply to every single one so really appreciate if someone would fill me in on what happens there let's move on to all of the cool forgeries starting with the part Crystal which is the forgery of the port Crystal this is really what got me started on this whole idea that I'm going to go make a forgery of everything because obviously fast travel is a very important thing everyone's whining about how there's not enough well what if we could make a forgery of the port Crystal and then we'd able to have infinite number of fast travels unfortunately it doesn't do anything it doesn't actually help it's really just something that looks identical now with that there are some really cool strategies that you can do because it is an identical imitation and I'll get into that later but it cost 60,000 for the first one and then 20,000 for any additional ones the next one I want to try was Fairy Stones obviously being able to fast travel is super important maybe the Fairy Stones would work uh but obviously I've already mentioned earlier that it makes a Fairy Stone with an eye and it doesn't work next I decided let's do a Seekers token these are so hard to find sometimes and getting 220 is actually quite the task so if I could just reproduce these it make that so much easier unfortunately it gives you a Cedars token which cannot be turned in at the guild I then wanted to see if I could get unlimited carry weight with the golden Trove beetles unfortunately these gave you a golden stove Beetle not useful I then had the massive breakthrough of the Eternal wake Stones I decided to take a risk put in 30,000 to get this going I took my little map I came back and it gave me two Eternal wake Stones I was absolutely crazed this is just incredible because if you know how to get this that you can only do it once per play through and what this item does is it revives like entire cities it's crazy has a huge AOE effect to just revive everything so immediately after that I decided hey I'm going to get a whole bunch of these and before checking my my my strategy was I was actually going to be putting these as a pond Quest reward and I'll talk more about what I do and why I love forgery so much later about how they interact with Pawn Quest but unfortunately you can't use eternal wak Stones as a pawn Quest reward so I wasted a whole bunch of money getting 22 of these uh and I guess I'm ready okay if people start dying I'm going to be there to pick him up but I have 22 week Stones just on standby now which is cool but unnecessary and it was just too expensive so then I wanted to see okay can I get a regular wake Stone I mean this would be cool just to have unlimited those then I can carry a whole bunch I never die never have to worry about any problems really uh and I can always just keep Reviving I can take on Dragons Forever easy day unfortunately this does not give you a wake Stone instead it gives you a woke Stone which cannot revive you unfortunately the next few items are part of a spoiler around the Sphinx so if you don't want to hear that feel free to pause and and skip the next few items uh the first one will be the unmaking arrow which you do get as a reward from one of the riddles this will literally kill anything instantly however when you make a forgery you get an unmasking arrow which cannot instant kill anything another cool thing this is off topic is that you can shoot the unmaking arrow at the gigantis and it will take all of his pillars out and will stop him for the actual main storyline but if you're trying to get the gigantis I hardly knew you there's a different way to do it I share that later in this video continuing with the special Sphinx items with the ceiling file uh this is another cool one where you can collect uh an NPC and carry them around so decided to throw that in there I'm waiting for it come uh the next day to pick it up and unfortunately it gives you a ceiling file not useful uh cannot be uh used in the same way last item from the Sphinx is the key of Sidi uh which opens that massive chest and gives you the only Eternal wak Stone you'll get during the playthrough and what's cool is uh you you I had to go all the way back just to make this but they actually had a special name for the fake which is the key of mendicity I actually used it on the main chest to see if I could save the key of sagey uh and unfortunately it doesn't work don't try that I then wanted to see how consumables worked in this way so I added a ripened apple and that surprised me because it actually gave me another ripened apple back which made me very curious about the next one which is a little bit of a spoiler so uh definitely skip if you don't want this but the preserved Medusa head uh I thought okay maybe I can keep getting a whole bunch of preserved Medusa heads this is going to be crazy if I can just keep pumping these out I don't have to go and Chopper head off which is really difficult even with a thief class uh this could be a really cool way to just duplicate these unfortunately it actually reduces to a regular Medusa head and gives you a arade Medusa head that cannot even cast once if you're struggling to get that preserved Medusa head I do suggest getting a thief class with a lightning Boone and then you'll also equip the ring that does no damage and then just keep attacking her head and eventually it'll fall off but it is a pain to get her head off I'm sure there'll be some more guides out on that and I might even make one in the future so hit that subscribe button and hopefully we can all have a whole bunch of preserved Medusa heads in the future because that is how you get the achievement gigantis I hardly knew ye you you pull out that Medusa head it is a pain to get that head over here in a decent State even if you have it preserved you don't like pull it out at all except your inventory you have to use some fast travel mechanics I'll probably do another video on this but this is the only way you can take down the Colossus and get that uh achievement and it's really interesting because at first I didn't think it was a working he's still moving but he is slowly solidifying and he's turning to Stone and then he freezes it took a whole Medusa head I'm not sure that you could do it with just a regular Medusa head you need to use a preserved by the way you cannot climb on it when it is in rock form or stone form I should say so don't try that either but it will fall down and you will get that achievement it is a harder one so good luck with that but it is feels good to get that one for sure the next ones I want to talk about are spell books if you do request to forgey of these you do not get the actual incantation you can't use it but but there is a Incredible use for this when you trying to get the MA's the master teachings the master skills for the sorcery class usually you'd need uh four or five of these books per person you turn them in and then they will give you one of the special skills I'm not going to go into that whole tutorial feel free I've left a link for um a full one for you if you want to use it but you can actually use this forgery mechanic to create five books for this and then you'll be able to do both ma teachings in one play through getting meteor and Whirlwind spells which are really really cool and once you do have those counterfeits you can go to the sorcerer that's here in rest checkpoint town give him the books I I give him the counterfeits you want to give him the counterfeits for sure and I only needed four to get his maer's teaching so that that's all I needed to do for that one and then after that you're going to go up north to uh past up above Mel and you're going to go to the little girl and deliver the four actual tones to her and she actually took it and it still gave me that Ma's teaching another book you're going to want to make a counterfeit of is the on the transference of Souls 2 which you buy from the scrapyard you'll find this item vendor in Bak batal who is trying to use it to improve his family and he thinks that it will be better unfortunately if you use the real one he comes back and his family is nothing but dust so quite sad uh result there you don't want to use the real one there you do get a ring of disfavor but you get this somewhere else so all it does is make you more likely to be targeted uh instead if you give him the counterfeit on the transit of souls to uh this results in a much better outcome everyone survives and then eventually you're going to get 16,000 gold which I think is a Big W there compared to that ring uh because you can get that ring elsewhere like I said at least I got it somewhere I don't remember where I got it from hey if you're liking this video or finding the content useful I asked you please hit that like button and if you want to see more guides tips and content around Dragon Dog to please smash the Subscribe button and help this small Channel grow I want to be out there getting Early Access I I didn't for Dragon Dogma 2 and it's kind of hard to compete get some of these big influencers they're popping out videos instantly but I feel that this video has a purpose it hits a little niche and I hope you found this useful but moving on to the next item which is the godsbane sword this is a little super late game pretty much end of the game uh so if you don't want to see that definitely skip through to the next item but basically Once you turn in the worm a crystal you get the empowered godsbane sword and it's an item instead of a sword in the classification so I figured we'd be able to actually do something with it unfortunately you can't so that was really sad and I also tried if you could just use the gods Bane early to trigger the endgame uh and unfortunately that doesn't work either so if you're trying to do a speedrun that is not going to save you any time you're just going to die the next item I wanted to check out was the dragon's gaze uh this is really really cool item that'll point out any wake uh Stone shards that are nearby and so I decided to you know go Ahad and test that one out I I gave it to Abraham and uh you know he actually makes the dragon's gauze it not doesn't work unfortunately it's another one that's just not quite there but maybe you could give it to someone as a fake item I was then curious about could I replicate the different skill handbooks then I can use that as a gift for our pawns that make it really desirable uh unfortunately this only makes a counterfeit as well could still be used and and once again we'll talk more about the strategies of how to use Pawn Quest later but that is a very interesting thing that you can do they're all different name like the P handbook the pest's handbook so not quite the same I then wanted to try out the Mirror molon card this is to get into the brothel uh and I'm not I haven't found a use for it but it actually makes a copy so this could be pretty useful later on and I'm very very curious if uh there's someone who's come up and be like hey I really want to get in there but I don't have a card I'll pay you you know 100,000 coins or something really nice to know uh so that's why I have made a copy of that I'm on standby if you know what what the use of this card is please comment below I then made a copy of the makeshift vault key you can also do this with the jail the makeshift jail key it does work there um but I'm not sure what the value of the vault key is yet because I think there's only one vault door but I'm curious if you found another one or if you think there's some other use for this uh please let me know if you you have any ideas there similarly you can do it with the resident permit uh or even the past go through the gate those are both uh options you can actually make a copy of its direct copy uh maybe there's a vendor somewhere who's trying to get through and they they can't or they lost their permit uh if you found that that side quest let me know definitely want to be able to provide that so that's why I made copies of those as well I pretty much just made copies of everything like it's I'm becoming a hoarder it's it's terrible and then wanted to test out multiple materials to see can we make constant copies of them um and so the first one I tested was gold ore and yes you can make a copy I then went on to the Samaran Tails yes those work as well and I started bouncing around a whole bunch of different options all the way till I got to like dragon skills even dragon skills you can duplicate this is huge uh for any of the late game uh weapons that you're trying to upgrade this makes it super easy I know that I actually was looking for a m for my staff which you have to Target a chimira but I needed a black freakish Mame so I had to find the rare version which was just not spawning I had killed like I don't know five or six Chimera and I could not get it so this is what made it really helpful to just be able to copy it I had one already made the second I could upgrade my staff all the way another good way to find those late game items is to have a pawn with the forager specialization this is really really key I think it's probably the best specialization in the game I actually have it on my Pawn you can find the details below but uh what what I do I go search let's say I'm trying to get a sorcerer I'll search for it I'll then um you know add any of the other specific filters and then I'll go to the specialization Quest Tab and I'll mark four of those that find I find interesting maybe I'll look at the pong Quest real quick on here and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go around and try to do a little interview um when I'm interviewing you know I'm checking out their stats making sure they have good equipment and then checking the rest of their vocation and and skills and whatever once that's all done we hire them and when we're in the situation where we don't know where to find uh certain materials to upgrade our stuff like in this case I don't have the spuris wings I don't remember where it was I think it's some Harpy but I don't know which one it is what I can quickly do is back out remove all of my equipment except for that one item that I'm interested in so in this case I'm on my thorn back he's got his Medusa spell bow that's what I want to uh upgrade so I'm going to go back to my map with my forager I'm going to quickly you know click on these okay that's an ogre toal I already have enough of those oh Spurs Wing right there uh and so that's where you can quickly find okay that's where units of those spawn note that you can actually differentiate between the Arisen and your main Pond main Pond's on the right column and then the Arison would be on the left column and then you can quickly find what you need and if you can't just go make a forgery the first item and you're going to be good to go there is one caveat with that and that is with the worms Life Crystals uh which do not actually give you a duplicate which is super unfortunate because we know these are super important for upgrading your equipment and buying some of the new uh late game gear but it only gives you a worms Life Crystal I have to say that they did a great job of changing up the naming conventions for the counterfeits I also tried out a bunch of the different potions seeing how they work and uh it's it's actually quite interesting because all of the potions will actually duplicate and this is all the way up to all heel Elixir which is absolutely wild especially if you've been in the end game you know every night you camp is is time that you're losing using an all heal just to bring you back to full HP is huge to progress and then you'll be able to explore so much further uh really really powerful and it also includes noot liquor uh which is also really really important for the Wayfair vocation um if you know you know butth yeah you can just literally duplicate that instead of doing the other way to get it which can be a little bit more tedious another important feature of the forgeries are being able to duplicate the rare gemstones like the Onyx um having those three gemstones available and in plentiful Supply is really important for getting everyone's affection to just really love you uh this is also really helpful at the late game as well as just being able to get a whole bunch of presents and this also includes bunch of of flowers uh which is really helpful in handing those out they are not cost effective though if you could pick up the flowers that is a very very uh more effective way otherwise it costs 1,500 per bunch of flow so I wouldn't necessarily suggest that but once you do start getting all of these people to love you you're just going to be rolling in presence make sure to check all of your houses uh periodically CU you'll just start getting gifts from literally everyone and uh some of these can be nice wake stones or just uh different ores and uh materials which is all kind of nice and it helps you know pay back for what you're spending CU it is pretty expensive to make these gifts and there's no real good econ method that I've found in the forgery quite yet and just some tips on gift giving in general I'll probably make a video on this cuz it's actually pretty complex you can use the uh bars and buy around for people to help also but I've given counterfeits I've given real items and I found that all of the counterfeits don't really raise the Affinity like I've given uh some guard like the same Fairy Stone the fake one many many times and he just wouldn't raise but then I give him just two of the fair like the actual Fairy Stone suddenly he's my best friend and you know you can always tell by the cheeks they'll turn red like that and then he's super happy to see you and so that's super exciting and then you can also check in the status you go to the adventure log book and you'll be able to see what stat uh the what NPCs have reached Max Affinity I would suggest waiting until you have both the Ring of Eternal bond this helps build up your effect section even stronger and then the lure augment from trickster is the last one so you have to build up the all the way but that'll also help and then that way you'll be able to convert people more efficiently and the last item I'm going to go over is the harpy snare smoke Beacon this one's really cool because you actually duplicate as well you can't find these like anywhere at least I haven't so this is really the only way to to generate them maybe I've seen it in a vendor rare real rare occasions but yeah you can summon a harpy and then you can ride it to some loot far away and I'm just a loot Goblin so I'm all about trying to get all those really cool chests that are hidden and you just can't get to them unless you use a harpy so that's really cool uh just mechanic they added and this is how you get that achievement to ride a harpy you summon it and then you ride it that's how you're able to get some of these cool treasure chests really far away I would suggest uh being light so push all your equipment to someone else that way it takes less stamina to hold on but once you get over there you'll be able to collect any cool items so let's go and jump into the strategies I would suggest starting with your materials any materials you're using always keep one you want to have that one just as a backup in case you're trying to find a super rare item let's say it's a fell or bone or that freakish M that I was looking for the black freakish M it sometimes they just don't spawn and it's like ah as many times as you come there for their spawn point uh it just won't give you the more rare version of that creature so definitely uh just keep one on standby that way you know if you do like five of them you'll have enough gold just make copy you'll be good to go so that's the first one second is the Luxe items uh once again those Onyx the other two crystals those are the best way to build affection in almost every case that I found you're going to want to make those as your copies don't use those for anything else don't sell them I wouldn't at least uh and then I'd make copies and use those for uh making people love you I think that's really important there the third one is in potions specifically the all heel Elixir you're going to want to make a whole bunch of those for the game so don't use all your all Hill Elixir cuz they're kind of hard to find but you can craft them also maybe I'll do a video on Crafting as well there's some really cool things you can craft um but then in general selling uh and and trying to make an economy out of the forgery I cannot find anything if you found something that is actually more profitable to to to create a forgery and then sell it let me know every time it seems like you make a forgery it costs more than the cost of uh just creating one so you can never sell it back to a vendor and and if you try to sell it to the vendor those are always lower prices it sucks uh like so I I really don't know what to do there um but there might be something somewhere in there or some vendor that has different pricing I just haven't found let me know if you find it uh the last one is on Pond Quest and this is where it gets really fun and this is what I've been abusing and I'm sorry if you fell for my deceptions but I like to set my pwn Quest and if you don't know how to set the pwn Quest you go into the uh the rift talk to your Pawn or on the menu you'll be able to set a pwn Quest and this is where you can ask for a badge or items and then you can give them a item or gold and a lot of people give 10,000 gold that's really um you know lucrative for people or you do what I do and that's what you you put you give them a part Crystal and sorry for anyone out there who who got conned but uh it's a fake it's not the real one and it cost me 20,000 to remake it and I ask for nine worm crystals and then this is huge cuz even if you I wanted to buy those it'd be 5,000 to to get those from this vendor just north of vermund uh you'll be able to find him or her going back and forth right there now that concludes this video I hope you found something useful in here about the forgeries it's a really cool system I had a lot of fun with it if you like this video please smash that like button if you want to see more content like this subscribe and I'll see you guys next time at caveman logging off
Channel: Polemos_Action
Views: 155,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma, dragons dogma fake items, dragons dogma counterfit items, dragons dogma scrap store, dragons dogma 2 partcrystal, dragons dogma unmasking arrow
Id: gyvBYNXy7oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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