Dragon's Dogma 2 - 16 MISSABLE Things You Need to Do Early - OP Items, House, Portcrystals & More!

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hello and welcome back to rise gaming and more Dragons Dogma 2 it's a massive game there's a lot going on and many steps occur at different points in your progression some quest lines can be missed entirely areas well worth checking out could be passed oh hey there's just useful details to know that it's going to make your life smoother today I'm covering a bunch of these things on this topic in the early to mid game without spoiling anything too important while I do so so let's just get straight into it first up I'm going to talk about basically where I'm standing just beyond the border of the patali desert region coming through here you're supposed to go through the checkpoint rest town and as you can see as marked on the map with this line there is a border a giant wall and a gate that you need to pass by to do that you're going to need a permit which is actually normally achieved through the main story this also will require you to be a beast though you can purchase a mass to pretend to be one but what if you want to pass through the Border you know much earlier than all that main quest progression well you don't have to do the main story to pass by here because as I zoom out here you can see there is a route to the left on the west side and actually there's another one all the way over here on the east way sooner through the cavern here that leads to the other side bringing you down to the city going down the West Route you just need to leave the checkpoint town on the North side work your way down to the river and follow that along as you follow this path you will be ambushed by say a cyclops or even multiple minor TOS but just like open World areas if you sprint quick enough you can avoid anything that's following you with no issue just keep your pawns actually close to you eventually you come through some caves and exit at the waterfall and you can kind of climb your way down here no problem on the other hand we do have this entrance here which is much closer to say the village of hav you work your way down to this Cavern and go straight through it you'll come outside and work your way out through a cave and before long you just work your way to the actual City basically there's multiple ways to avoid the Border you don't have to do the main story to get to the desert and I hope that helps you next let's talk about a quest line that can be messed up by progressing the main story this is just kind of a PSA world events progress what's going on and why will change where you can go will open up but in turn NPC stories will also progress you can encounter plenty of timed quests where you need to do something or save someone before the time's up and it's very clearly letting you know that but there are subtler things too like say the quest line home is where the Heth is I won't give exact details for spoiler purposes but the general gist is that while Mel defends itself in an event you're part of it doesn't necessarily defeat threat that's an excuse for one of the main kind of characters to take more direct control of Mel so as time passes and you progress the world VI the main story events occur at Mel through different steps at one point the entire town is taken over by soldiers and the villagers are very brutally treated they need someone to save them and a place to escape too this can kind of happen without you intervening this happened to Josh and cotton who missed this plot line entirely so what I mean to say when I explain this is that different side quests don't necessarily have a timer icon or warning but can and will progress without you so if you're thinking of putting something off that matters to you to long that might be an issue you can always avoid the main quest and go at your own pace but just be aware you might miss things things if you're pushing the main story too aggressively and ignoring the rest you can play however you want to ignore whatever you want to but now that you're aware of this at least it's a choice speaking of things you can miss we need to reference this incredible waterfall cave as you progress the main story in the starting area where you have melv as the main Town eventually you'll be escorted to go to the city up the main road with some soldiers as you pass through the gate you're going to come for a camp and then you start to head south and before long you get to go to the city if you instead go up this path this way following up the river towards a waterfall you'll find the waterfall cave and inside there are multiple levels and it's quite a big place in here you've got poison saurons known as asps these drop materials for say the second level upgrading of gear you've also got skeletons and a variety of chests with good loot like piles and piles of gold but also two major boss fights one being a chimera the first you can find in the game and another even better above hidden away in the cave is a lich particularly key because when you find his room open the chest that spawns him in that chest is two vital books the toms of howling blizzard and nation's death nail you'll notice that these are valuables rather than consumables and that's because they're very important they're used to unlock the Mage Master teaching and two sorcerer Master teaching as well so they're very valuable you basically need three of five unique TOS around the world and you need to give them to two different NPCs fortunately you can say Forge to generate a second copy of them to do that and trick one of them but these terms are hidden around the world right and with two of the five possible options being in one location I just think the waterfall cave is an important location not to miss if you're going to have a sorcerer or Mage Pawn or you plan to play either of those yourself the ultimate skills from the master teachings they are very good and worth the time I have a full guide on every Master teaching on the channel right now if you are interested okay so now for some more General useful things to not miss out on like for example owning your own home yeah you can indeed have your own home on multiple in Dragon's Dogma as you progress the main story you can head into burnworth and go to the residential district on the right here you'll find an NPC that asks for your help they're looking for someone to look after her home for a week while she goes away which is easy enough and now you have access to a house temporarily why is that good well because you have a chest in there that acts as a storage stash which means you can put things in it you can take things out from the same storage of Infinite Space like what you use with an inkeeper but in this case there's no repeating dialogue that plays in the exact same way every time you try to access it you have to skip through several stages it is a lot smoother to interact with also there's a bed here which means you can sleep and pass time and recover without spending money at in or going to find a campfire or sitting on a bench multiple times and there's another big perk to owning a home that I'll explain in a second in this case the side quest a place to call home leads to owning the home after some in-game time passes Mildred will come back and tell you that actually she wants to stay where she was visiting so she needs to sell her house because of that she'll sell it to you for cheaper than normal for just $20,000 gold that is well worth it for the quality of life it provides but yeah when you own the house properly NPCs that you have high standing with will come visit you they'll offer you things like escort quests or if you're not there they'll leave you valuable items and I'm not talking random items in this case I got two Fairy Stones for teleportation which is roughly worth 20K by the way for the price of the house and an insanely strong Curative on top from here on I'm just going to get high value items like that whenever I return and that is nice technically you can buy multiple homes though there's another one here in verw worth for 200,000 gold which is insane in the noble quarter it's obviously a nicer bigger house with a theme but I really don't think it's remotely worth it unless you've got more money than sents of course you can also buy a house in the back patali City the desert region they also have a residential district and there's an NPC sort of standing around on the road there that is trying to sell a house this one's for 30,000 gold which is still reasonable and with the inke keeper by the entrance of the city being way overpriced it's neat to have the option speaking on other convenience though there's an important passive I'd like to highlight and that's the detection augment it causes a sound to play and a visual flare on high value items that could be say Seeker tokens which you know you're going to have to find 220 of them for some pretty good Rewards or it could just be say any higher quality chest with something interesting in it the sound will play louder and faster the closer you actually get to it and there's a gold shine effect that helps locate visually so if you are looking to collect say the Seeker tokens or never miss miss out on valuables that you are next to this pretty much prevents you from ER not knowing to unlock detection you will need to unlock the trickster vocation but you only need to reach rank two to get the augment which means one or two fights as the vocation it's really easy then you can go to a vocation Guild spend a tiny amount of discipline points and get it unlocked this allows you to equip the augment to any vocation you might actually want to play so I strongly recommend this tricker is easy to unlock too you just need to come to the desert region here and on the east side there's the reverence Shrine here and by going there you'll interact with this Oracle called L and just by speaking with her she'll teach you the vocation just like that also you can get the master teaching by going to the roof and speaking to her up there with it being so easy to do and such a nice quality life passive I really recommend it okay here's another little tip for finding secrets and that's movement abilities Mages and Sorcerers have it pretty easy they can just levitate around which helps them Reach locations just Out Of Reach by normal means maybe if you're a fighter or Warrior you can throw your pawns around but you know there are other ways to get around if you're a thief you can bounce off walls with a passive but if you have any movement ability you can probably do more with it than you first think for example with the Mystic spear hand you have a dash forward and stab if you do this from the air or a high up place you actually get some serious movement momentum using this I'm able to get past walls that are not necessarily meant to be accessed in this way and so I've been able to skip a lot of things because of that all I'm saying is that the physics allow for some funky movement and you can absolutely abuse the system or you know you can always just grab a pawn and throw it to where you want to go if there's a way for them to open a door or break something on that side or just drop a ladder for you they will which is really helpful to know on that note there is one quick thing that I want to mention it's the fact that you can ride monsters to new locations big monsters that run around or better fly harpies can be grabbed to hang from and you can use them to get up to high places which you normally can't reach but of course Griffins are better during a fight you can run up and climb on them and sit on the back griffins or Drakes will sometimes run away from a fight that's not necessarily going their way before they do that you can just Mount them and then say Griffins in particular they'll have a nest somewhere which they're going to return to on this flight at that Nest there's always a pile of useful items gold and more and finding those Nest can be a bit awkward because of their weird locations if you let a griffin just take you there it's free transport straight to the loop just be aware that you might need to let go of the grab now and then just to recover some stamina or use stamina recovery food you can do this with all kinds of monsters even the Sphinx which is pretty crazy how about some more interesting secrets for early to mid game let's talk about verw worth and how there's a literal Vault inside the castle it contains 20,000 gold but it also contains items like the worm Hunter's cloak the daughter of evening shield and a decayed Medusa head as well as the Ring of reassurance The Shield has reflective properties which means a fighter using that Shield could have a very easy time when facing a Medusa enemy further hinted out with the decayed Medusa head in there which shows you how you can use a Medusa head head as a weapon if you had one to get into the Vault though you're going to need the key and that's found all the way to the Northeast just above the checkpoint rest town near the ancient Battleground just up here is kind of a ruined Fortress and as you make your way through there there's a room in one of the final kind of corridors that has a buck you can pick up one of the valuable TOS but also in the corner a chest which has the key in there now with the key you can return of course to the city and to find the Vault you just kind of go into the main room go into the throne room and then there's this stairwell leading into a corridor down the corridor is another stairwell and that's where the vault is sometimes though there's going to be a guard waiting so if there is go back to the kitchen and grab a barrel throw it at them this causes them to come running up to you breaking their instant shoe away mechanic and that means you can grab them take them further away and throw them in the kitchen or something and then run into the Vault and loot it before they can walk back the effort is well worth the money and the items can be very useful but you know there's more useful items around verw worth consumables weapons as well as multiple Fairy Stones all on the rooftops of the market of burnworth take the inkeeper building if you go upstairs there there's a balcony on the balcony there's a ladder and now you can get into the roof where there's multiple chests there's the savent boots which are like wearing underwear there's the silver Rapier which is a fighter sword and a Fairy Stone but from up here you can see even more chest like to the West there's a roof with some thief daggers in a chest and even some potions near there too down by the ox C and the entrance of the city there's a guard room that has some gold in a bag and a fluted bow as another weapon choice so it's nice to get some free equipment especially early finally the last thing I want to reference is Pawn specializations these are skills that can be acquired by pawns and while it says they're not always beneficial many of them are particularly good you can teach your specialization to a pawn and it'll start doing new things some of them really helpful but you can only have one at a time so if you equip one it'll replace the one currently had if it had one I found three so far as you can see and they have some interesting effects there's this little girl in the slums that asks you for some flowers to thank the people that look after her that's fine but then she asked for silver not so bad but then she asked for two gold that's pretty rough but doable and then finally she asked for five medicines to help cure the ill anything that gets rid of sort of status effects this makes her really like you and also the people around the slums I ended up just being gifted two specializations from that this one means your porn can help manage your weight and even craft for you whereas the forager one it'll Mark enhancement materials on the map making Gathering specific items quite easy as you can see these passives can be quite handy but yet you can only have one at a time but for now that will do for this video just some important concepts for you to consider as well as you know specific advice or locations hopefully the video was useful and if you guys have any extra details or tips you can drop them in the comments for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 211,730
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Keywords: dragons dogma 2 player house, dragons dogma 2 portcrystal, dragons dogma 2 portcrystals, dragons dogma 2 side quest, dragons dogma 2 seekers token, portcrystal, portcrystals, tips, mistakes, dragons dogma 2 pawn guide, mystic spearhand, magick archer, sorcerer, thief, warrior, vocation, vocations, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, gameplay, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2 pawns, pawn vocation, pawn, dragons dogma 2 pawn specialisation, dd2, ragegamingvideos
Id: o1KKfM95tPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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