Dragon's Dogma 2 Tips - Don't Mess This Up! Unmoored World Secrets, Free Gear & Full Guide

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today we're going to talk about the true end game of Dragon Dogma 2 the UNM mored World there are entire new areas enemies and whole quest line you can't even access otherwise unless you get here specifically and best of all there's plenty of new and free endgame gear you can get from the special new chest which is this amazing Warrior set I'm going to show you how to grab in just a little bit so heavy spoilers alert we're going to talk about the end game here and how to make the most out of it as this is going to be the most challenging thing that you're going to be doing in this game plus you only kind of have one life to do this so to get here you're going to want to activate the game's true ending which you will do during the Legacy main story Mission so make the choice to confront the dragon and have him fly you to the new battlefield for your final encounter but during that Dragon flight you're going to want to go ahead and descend to its heart and then use the godsbane blade from your inventory that you got from the previous Mission make absolutely sure that you use it on yourself point at which your character will stab itself in the heart and done after a longer cut scene this will transport you to that new world and what you're going to notice is that the map has drastically changed well on one side there's an impending apocalypse which will have a limited number of days to complete you can actually extend that timer by defeating some of the new boss encounters at some of these beacons around the major cities which is going to eventually completely stop that so that's the first thing you're going to want to do you also have a new story to evacuate all citizens from all major cities and most important of them all if you die at any point during all of this everything will be reset back to the start it doesn't matter if it's after 1 hour or 10 hours you're going to be pretty much be put back right here at the beginning in front of the dragon forged NPC so to completely avoid that make absolutely sure you immediately close the application as soon as you die before the game has a chance to reset you back to zero if you do that the game is just going to bring you back at the previous Save which usually means it's going to be at the previous in sa but be careful don't sleep at ends too often otherwise you're going to make the days pass too fast and you only kind of have about 12 of them before everything finishes off that's why you're also going to want to abuse Fairy Stones you're going to have a lot of them dropping from enemies bosses and especially the new chest so you will have dozens upon dozens to easily use to travel between cities plus the ox cards are completely disabled in the unmowed world another massive tip over here to avoid sleeping to regen your HP Lo is to use all heal potions either Farm These before starting the end game but you can also get a few of them on your way to the final mission and on top of that you're not going to want to sleep to regenerate your pawns instead use Rift stones to get new pawns so that we get new fresh ones with fullon HPS and fourth of all the dragon forged NPC in front of which you will spawn at the start will now sell you some brand new items much stronger than the ones previously available however don't just Waste Your Dragon crystals just yet you can actually find quite a few of these and even stronger variants that don't get to spawn at any vender in some of the new chests especially at riverbeds and all the places where there's no more water there are so many new areas that will drop them and they are some of the best options in the entire game plus are absolutely free so let's get started with some of the first things you're going to want to do as soon as you land in the new area go at the Blue Beacon which is going to bring you at the seaf floor Shrine and talk to L and Roth things to start the mission called of the first Dawn this is the one in which you're going to have to evacuate all people in all of the major cities the second thing you're going to want to do right away is to retrieve your Pawn which is going to be right back at Bak batal you're going to find them at the laboratory so instead of going to the room that started the new godsway Mission you're going to want to go into the infirmary room at the top of it and here you will find it you're going to immediately get access to it and now you can roll once again with a full on party by this point if you survived well enough I suggest doing one in save at any of the major towns doesn't matter which one you did very well if by this point you survived you should be good to go ahead and save if not maybe do a couple more saves along the way in between some of these major moments you should have plenty of time to complete all of the other stuff by the time we're done with this guide from this point on you're going to want to defeat all of the new boss encounters around the major cities you're going to notice them by their big big red bright beacons so this is going to extend that timer duration for at least like five more days if it defeats everybody I started with the one at the sacred Arbor you're going to have fast travel points right there right away so this is going to be this worm slash sort of snake enemy that you have to defeat no joke with two thieves in the party I completely messed up this this entire boss in seconds so you're going to have to destroy these par shields on its body to progressively release that corrup option give you access to more postures to destroy pretty easy actually and once you're done with it this is going to destroy the beacon and give you access to the story nearby because from this point on you're going to want to go ahead and Evacuate the sacred Arbor so for this you're going to want to speak to Glend worth first so that you can convince his father to evacuate everybody this assumes of course that you already helped him in the base version of the game to finish his side of the story which also opened up the secret Arbor in the first place so if you have the map over here that should already be accessible so simply follow him to his father's Chambers and then convince him to do so if you already defeated that worm boss you're going to be able to yeah just convince him right away and this is going to immediately complete that wandering rots pretty much instantly now the second that I completed was in batal as soon as you reach Bak batal main city you're going to have the boss encounter pretty much right here close to where the ox cards used to be at once you do that this is going to to spawn a very interesting encounter that you can't really go ahead and fight heads on instead you're going to have to rely on a special NPC to actually bring it to the other side and attack it from behind where it is exposed so you will have to use that secret entrance back to the laboratory from this point on you're going to have to fight quite a ton of enemies that keep spawning once you go in and destroy that this is going to be the second one that also gets defeated quick side note over here you will get a ton of worms Life Crystals from all of these special encounters pretty much like 100 for each of them so you should be finishing this entire world with at least 500 of these crystals to then spend at the dragon forge the NPC plus of course many of the other dragon bosses that you can still encounter in the open world once this is done you can then complete Bak batal so this is going to again have its own evacuation Mission you're going to want to again head over right here next to the ox cart and talk to manella which is going to tell you that there are some issues to resolve around the city luckily we only have three of them around the city so the first are right here these two fighters arguing which one is the better one so you're going to want to choose the option to Bear witness once that's done and they make up that's pretty much it you can move on to the next as this is pretty much finished the next one was a couple of NPCs fighting over food so in this case I chose the option neither of you are in the wrong and it's also let me feed the child some food from my inventory point at which they successfully completed this and everybody agreed to move on and get evacuated the final one is just a bunch of NPCs that will start attacking you so just make sure that you don't completely kill them and also be sure with the thief because yeah the cut scene is going to stuck you in that animation but once done with that you're going to now be done with the civil unrest once done head over back to manella who's going to now be pleased and will'll send you to the queen for the final thing you have to do and that is to just talk to the queen which is going to be via this quick cut scene once that's done you pretty much done the evacuation part in Bak batal now in the volcanic region this is a bit more unique because you have to both clear out the volcanic Camp as well as the excavation site so let's get started with that volcanic Camp which is right here if you head over close to its exit you're going to notice that Ernesto is going to reach out and he's going to ask you to help evacuate you know it those two NPCs that you encountered at the beginning of the Zone including the blacksmith and the woman so you're going to pretty much have to escort them yet again so this is going to again be very annoying but you can easily make your way back to that volcano Camp once you're here head over up and eventually this is going to finish this off for you there's one more objective that you have to complete over here and in this one Ernesto asks you to try and convince Lamont to also accompany them now if you finished his quest earlier before you went to this world you can actually convince him rather easily by telling him to just guard the Smith and the wife however I did not so he refused that but in this case that still did not affect any achievements it still seems that he still Travels With The Pack and gets evacuated plus I still unlock the Warfare evocation so I don't think much changes over here at least not from my game play now before you head over to the excavation site and assuming that you defeated that Talos statue via the early on main story Mission you're going to want to head over just outside of this camp and you're probably going to see it right here where you left it assuming that you defeated it by this point and here this is going to give you a different sort of encounter there's a cool cut scene and a boss fight that you don't have to do anything for your Pawn is going to take control of Talos and it's going to fight two big bosses but this is also going to give you a pretty awesome achievement that I don't think you can get otherwise which is going to be ey tals and you don't have to do anything outside of just watching it unfold pretty much up on the hill once you're done you're free to progress to the next part which is going to be right here at the excavation site where it all began so once you reach here you're going to have to fight a Golem which is not going to be too challenging this went rather easy with the thief yet again and once you're done with it you're going to again get contacted by Enrique who's going to ask you to evacuate the pawns nearby Unfortunately they won't budge so you're going to have to convince them with the same gods way staff that that Handler used at the start of the game so Enrique is going to give you well the keys to his house and you're going to need to head over to the house which is pretty much right here on this side of the map it's going to be up the stairs the biggest and the best looking one I guess once inside you're going to find his corpse but also that staff next to it once you're back you can give this to Enrique and this is going to just make him convince everybody to eventually evacuate and this is going to be done with the Shepherd of the pawns Mission as a final encounter I kept the one close to verw worth plus the verw worth evacuation so you're going to want to defeat the beacon right next to the city this is actually a really awesome boss encounter which includes this new dragon anemy that kind of features some of those new corruption mechanics you do have to be careful about it because it's extremely devastating with some of its tornado attack however with two thieves in the party like I said we completely decimated this in like a couple of minutes but once you're done you're going to see the hero achievement popping up and this is also going to completely stop the progression of that apocalypse or at the very least extended with another day not really sure I'm on the Eighth Day basically have discovered a whole bunch of stuff and I'm kind of afraid to uh try to sleep any longer but yeah just keep in mind that if you complete these you're going to have some extra time to stay in there and complete other stuff and are free to go and do everything else after you're done with these beacons and of course this brings us to the final mission which is going to be to evacuate verw you're going to have to start this by talking to Brand back at the same um I guess drinking establishment from the start of the game you're going to have him send you to the king Regent so you will need to head over to the castle and you're going to see yeah that the mission just pointed towards his room go ahead and speak to him about the evacuation now at first you're going to have to also convince his mother so the way I've done it I went to daa's room and just grabbed her so yeah no time for nonsense also make sure you grab the box next to this table and bring both of them back to Zan's room once here they will have a short dialogue and Zan will ask you to give him that box give it in and then access the dialogue with him once more point at which he will tell you that you need to convince the ox Cart People to basically help Evacuate the entire city so just make your way over there at the oxcart at the Western AIS there was this guy that wanted to transport his wealth I guess but I simply pulled out my weapons and then he immediately fleed like a coward point at which I was able to talk the oxcart NPC and once that was done it progressed the mission enough for me to head over back to Zan so once that's done talk again to Zan and this is going to pretty much finish this evacuation Mission you're pretty much done with the Regent kins resolve and also you should already get the Guardians achievement as well by this point as you're done evacuating the entire world and once you're done with this you're now free to explore the map now technically everybody has moved over right here to the seabed shrine so this includes all of the vendors as well as the dragon forged vendor you're going to pretty much find them in the castle area and yes this also includes some brand new items it's not just the dragon forge that sells some new items at a very exorbitant price but you will also notice some new ones including these awesome holy daggers at this NPC you you can pretty much find them in Bak batal but now they will be here as well however like I said you don't have to pay for these you can actually find maybe even better variants out in the open world in the new zones especially ones that were previously underwater and I'm going to show you a few locations we're going to cover a lot more of these in the following days in the meantime I want to start things off with a very strong set for the warrior including these that you can get from some Treasure Chest so the first one is going to be the agaman Galia so this is going to be a headpiece that you can find right here on your way to the checkpoint rest town as you will see this River sort of area is now completely clear and accessible you can do so from the east by the way and just make your way right here West up until you're pretty much under that bridge that you normally can collapse and here you will notice an entrance to a small cave with a chest inside opening this will give you that helmet it's actually the strongest helmet in the entire game for the warrior the next one one is going to be the Dominator armor this one has by far the biggest defense and it's pretty much as good as a fully upgraded for example indomitable so for this one you're going to need to head over right here in front of verw worth again in the same area that was previously underwater and covered by the river simply head over down and you're going to notice that there's a Chima boss over here this is the one that actually drops that item now in my case as I was playing with a thief I actually managed to even steal it in the middle of the fight you actually get this from one of the core skills but even if you don't you can loot it from its body once that fight is done as well as the Ring of recipients which gives you a magic boost the third and final piece where the Vanguard there's gaves you get these from a chest very close to the Guero Cavern actually but if you do use this Cavern you're going to need to use the path right here to the left side pretty much make your way in the back and then to the side with these Terraces where you will see some of these enemies overlooking of course what was previously the river so from this point on you're going to want to just descend down on the side of the cliff eventually this is going to let you reach the former riverbed and now you're going to notice that in the distance there's a dragon enemy to fight this Dragon enemy is not important what's important is the chest behind him so either defeat it either just run past it grab the chest and then immediately move over now you have the full on set now of course there are many more that I found but currently they aren't complete sets I found for fighter for Mages I also found for example for the trickster there's quite a few also around the seab bad Shrine for now I'm trying to compile a list and eventually drop all of them or at least for some of the starting classes or some of the strongest classes as I keep finding them I'm still in the unor world for like four more in-game days there's quite a bit for me to do in there and explore before finishing things off but that is pretty much it with the guide let me know if I missed anything in the meantime thanks much for watching and I'll see you in the next one one
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 169,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma, dragons dogma 2 unmoored world, dragons dogma 2 true ending, dragons dogma 2 true ending guide, dragons dogma 2 true ending walkthrough, dragons dogma 2 tips and tricks, dragons dogma 2 best weapons, dragons dogma 2 best build, dragons dogma 2 best armor, dragons dogma 2 endgame armor, dragons dogma 2 endgame content, dragons dogma 2 endgame weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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