Dragon's Dogma 2 Best Ways To Farm Discipline & Stat Growth Explained MAX Vocation Quickly

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do you want to max out your vocation well  recently we made a video showing off some   awesome Farms where you can get XP discipline  and money all combined together but in this   one we wanted to focus on just farming discipline  points and to talk about stat growth as there is   a lot of misinformation out there so we wanted to  give you guys some tips to help you have a bunch   of fun and avoid making some common mistakes so  with stats being heavily tied to your leveling   and if you want to be as strong as possible  then you'll need to learn how these things   interact and don't worry we have you covered so  just watch this video and if you have any extra   tips to help out your fellow community members  Put it Down Below in the comments and let's jump   into it with the first thing to know which is the  difference between XP and discipline so your XP   is what allows your character to level up and this  does impact your base stats giving you additional   stats based on your currently equipped vocation  earning XP does not increase the vocation level   though and something else to know is that there  are stack caps for the individual stat attributes   once you get to a high enough level as this can  get a little using a simple way to boil it down   is if you're playing a warrior you will gain a  ton of strength meanwhile if you're playing as a   sorcerer you will gain a ton of magic this also  applies to the hybrid classes with the Mystic   spear hand giving you a balance in strength and  Magic meanwhile the trickster will give you a ton   of defense and Magic defense as its priority  so each vocation has a different inclination   to the different stat attributes now while this  is important to players that will want to minmax   and get the highest stats possible during your  leveling process the game actually has a system   in place whereby the stats for every vocation  will start to cap out and this seems to happen   around the level 200 Mark for most players give  or take 10 levels obviously for the majority of   players you won't even be leveling past 200 anyway  so this won't be a concern for the majority but it   is still good information to have a Reddit post  from Aqua Ren actually shows that the base stats   are normalized to the same amounts once you reach  the cap on them you can see in this picture here   where they leveled up both the thief and Mage to  200 and the stats are capped the same when playing   the same vocation as shown with the gold color  of the stats we haven't been able to confirm this   ourselves as it does take a long time to level  up highly on multiple saves but based on our   research and the community's takeaways for this  this seems to be the current understanding of how   stat growth works so basically the tldr version of  this is that you can level up however you want to   because all of your stats will be capped and will  normalize together around level 200 any anyway   meaning you will have the same stats at the Uber  late game as someone else regardless of what you   leveled up but it will impact your stats as you're  leveling so pick your poison so now let's go back   to discipline points because these are definitely  more impactful at the early vocation levels as   earning this is needed to purchase those new  skills core skills and abilities for your vocation   so if you wanted to try out a new vocation and  try out a bunch of cool moves when you switch over   you will want to get as much discipline points as  possible as as quickly as possible to gain access   to those new moves and level up that vocation  here are a few things you need to know before   farming there aren't that many ways to increase  your discipline points earned from Battle compared   to XP when you consider that they have the mausa  bow that gives around a 400% increased modifier   to your XP but there is a ring that you can get  that will increase your discipline points gained   but does require a ton of Seeker tokens which kind  of defeats the purpose of it anyway as by the time   you've collected that many tokens naturally you  will have definitely maxed out every class anyway   you can also use the warf era to level up all of  the vocations at the same time but people have   worked out that it seems to only share 50% of  your discipline points across the other classes   which basically equates to every class getting  5% of the discipline you're farming this also is   shared to other vocations that you have already  maxed out so at the end of the day this isn't   super efficient it means if you want to max out a  specific vocation you are much better off playing   as that vocation so 100% of your discipline will  go towards leveling it up also the warf farer   doesn't get access to the class ultimate skills so  if you want to use them you're better off playing   those vocations as well it's important to note if  you are in New Game Plus you can also visit the   dragon forged vendor located here on the map he  will give you access to a buff that can last for   a full day giving you increased XP or discipline  points so you can pick one of these up depending   on what you're farming for both of these Buffs  seem to give double the amount that you earn so   they're actually really good if you have access  to them you may also want to consider doing the   dragon forged upgrade on your favorite skills as  this will half the stamina cost of a skill on your   vocation this is fantastic for certain skills  that are super stamina heavy like the Mystic   spearance wild Fury when it comes to farming  discipline points you will want to know that   it is kind of a quantity over quality situation  which is interesting because many of us in our   gamer brains will be thinking that taking out a  big bad boss will mean giving a ton of discipline   when in reality killing a bunch of smaller mobs in  a higher density will earn you way more discipline   over time for example if you kill a cyclops or a  minor you will get between 100 to 250 discipline   but of course that does take longer to defeat  than a camp of smaller goblins where each one will   net you 50 to 70 so by simply killing a couple of  common Goblin spawns you will gain more discipline   than spending the time to defeat a cyclops or  a monotor or any of the bigger monsters also   these small camps of goblins and enemies are very  common all around the map so they're super easy to   run between the best thing you can do for farming  is to find an area packed with smaller creatures   like the Goblins or harpies and just run around  in that area slaughtering all of them so you can   run around batal or the volcanic island if that's  your preference to farm up discipline but we've   actually found some areas that you may want to  pick to get some discipline even more quickly or   in a quick burst one of our favorite spots is very  conveniently placed next to the volcanic island   camp if you head out of the main Camp door and up  the hill you will see a ton of enemies fighting   each other each enemy here seems to give over 70  disciplin points per kill and they're relatively   easy to take on the great thing about this spot is  that the enemies will also call for reinforcements   causing even more to appear meaning even more  discipline to farm we normally get around 1,500 to   3,000 discipline points per run of this area you  can also respawn the enemies here by just resting   on a bench for a couple of days or resting in an  inn for couple of days another great location is   drabn Grotto this place is filled with smaller  enemies that will give you a bunch of discipline   in that higher level bracket there's also a ton  of loot that can be found in this cave too so you   should probably go here anyway essentially  you could bounce between this Grotto and   the enemies outside the volcanic island Camp as  there's a bunch of enemies in between these two   locations as well with Bandits and other goblins  so this whole area is super easy to take out and   farm another option you have is to simply just  run around the roads in batal as this area has   so many goblin camps littered throughout you  will still get a bunch of discipline points   it will just be slightly slower than going to  the volcanic island but because it is just so   easy in this area and the fact that there are  so many enemy spawns throughout you could just   run around this area and this might be your best  bet for an easy discipline Farm on top of this   the area by the trickster Meister the Oracle has  a bunch of enemies from goblins to humans making   this also a great spot to focus on when running  around looking for enemies while you do this we   also suggest recruiting some thief pawns in your  party with plunder as they are able to pretty   consistently steal from the smaller enemies on  top of this with skills like skull splitter they   deal a ton of damage and just help you take those  enemies out even faster don't forget thieves also   have the implicate skill so they can pull down  aerial targets like harpies and smoke shroud is   kind of op because you can basically use it to  execute smaller enemies inside the smoke but as   mentioned that plunder skill is fantastic because  you can just passively get a ton of golden items   as you're farming discipline points anyway  so there you have it a bunch of ways to farm   discipline points and how the stat growth works we  hope this helped you out and if it did drop a like   down below cuz it really does help and subscribe  for more Dragons Dogma 2 coming your way very soon
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 45,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon's dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2 review, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 character creation, dragons dogma 2 pawn, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 guide, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2 pawn creation, dragons dogma 2 warfarer, dragon dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 secrets, dragons dogma 2 farming, dragons dogma 2 dcp, dragon's dogma stat growth, dragon's dogma discipline farming
Id: 9oChAeGnsBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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