This Vocation Shouldn't Be Possible! Dragon's Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand Class Guide & Best Skills

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today we're going to take a look at the Mystic spear hand or Dragon's Dogma version of a Sith Lord and man does it fit that role perfectly it's extremely flashy very acrobatic deals tons of damage if played properly and can even protect its entire party via some of the best shields in the game today we're going to go over some of its best abilities how to best play it and of course some of the worst too because this is all what this series is about going over the positives as well as the negatives so let's Jump Right In now to unlock the class you simply have to talk to sigard at any point in the game but the earliest you can find him is right after the monster calling Mission once you complete it for brand back in burnworth from that point on simply head over back to Mel which is going to be under attack by a dragon covered in pules so no matter what happens if you defeat it or if it runs away you can then talk to cigaret right after that mission and he's going to unlock that class for you right away however if that fight doesn't spawn for you he's always going to spawn right here in his his home back at har Village so you can always find him here this is even going to work for his master skill if you also miss that one up later on in the game but yeah this vocation is absolutely amazing it's all about mobility and damage and dragon's foin one of your first abilities is one of the staple skills you should always have equipped this is an amazing Gap closer that also deals a nice stab damage that can interrupt most of the enemies of the regular size this is what you're going to be using most of the time to get close to combat jump in but it can also be used as a way to cover distance for example if you want to jump over obstacles or reach high up places or just jump over Ledges and canyons this is an amazing ability to have nonetheless and usually you will want to couple this with a later on called Sky Dron fast or fasty not sure how you pronounce that but this is this really insane jump and stab back into the ground this you can actually couple with the previous kill and use it as a way to climb on enemies backs or to at least least stagger the ones on the ground if they are on a smaller size it's one of the best abilities to also avoid damage and overall just makes the class the way it is very flashy very cool and very acrobatic another amazing skill is the third one which is the mirror shield and this I would say is by far the best ability in the entire game especially once you fully upgrade this as you can buff yourself with a shield that's completely impenetrable for at least three hits but it's also a applies to your entire party so it's an amazing way to mitigate so much damage especially in huge boss fights now it's only lasts for like a few seconds plus after three hits it completely expires but the good news is that you can constantly and consistently reactivate this with only the stamina cost there's no cool down you can activate this all the time and it's something that you should always have available whenever you jump in the middle of a boss fight no joke you can tank two three bosses at the same time time stay in the middle of their attacks and you're not going to get hit at least for three rounds another ability I would say is top tier is the ravenor Hun which is this ability that lets you sap the stamina out of your Target and make yours recover really fast the reason this is so amazing is because you can actually use this in conjunction with for example your master skill that you unlock in just a bit to consistently take back stamina and not have almost any downtime the moment your stamina is completely consumed you can go ahead activate this get that all the way back and resume attacking with your strongest skills that's why I will say that this is one of the most important abilities to have in the end game you just need this the jump and then the Gap closer and one more ability and you're pretty much the best in slot in terms of the best abilities for the Mystic spear hand which brings us to the one skill that synergizes perfectly with the thief's hand and that's going to be the wild Fury your one and only master skill that again you learn from sigard I really love this one it actually deals tons of damage as it also spawns a clone that deals the same amount of damage so you're essentially doubling the damage of your attacks and it has a very long attack pattern of like six seven or eight attacks so you're going to absolutely demolish enemies and it synergizes perfectly with the thief's hand because as you're getting low to stamina you can just pop off the thief's hand sap the stamina out of the enemy and then cast wild Fury again on repeat against bosses this is by far the best option if you want to be completely optimal and it's even going to help Aon to stagger it and keep it just in check so you're not going to have too much trouble with the boss moving around too much by the way to get this again you will have to get it from sigur except that you have to progress in a new Gods way mission which is pretty far into the game and in this one you're going to have to head over right here on this side of the map and defeat that postulant boss again for the second time if for some reason he doesn't give it to you at that point you can again head over back after a day or two at the har Village to his home and he's going to give it to you right then and there now technically we have one more top tier ability however this is in the core skills category so it's called the winding cut and this is basically your fast attack but to pull it off you have to tap that square button or the equivalent on the keyboard very very fast much faster than in the case of the Rogue I would say like two times faster but if you pull it right it's going to trigger within one or two animations and this is what you will want to use especially if you get an enemy down or if you jump on one of its weak points you can actually angle this at their heads or wings or like tails for example and unleash a huge amount of burn damage no joke this will absolutely Shad them to pieces like your some kind of blender just making enemies go to bits and it's very satisfying to pull off as well because it's also going to interrupt their attack and prolongs some of their suffering simply because you're burning through that HP bar so very fast that you have to jump to the next phase especially in terms of the bosses now we do have some other situationally decent and I would say even very funny to play with skills one of them is onto sky or well I would say onto the sky because that's essentially where you send your enemies so this is something that you charge up momentarily as enemies get close to you you pull them in a gravitational field and then simply fling them away on the other side of the planet this is no joke one of the funniest probably skills I've ever seen in this game I don't think there's anything quite like it now even though it is funny it is useful because if you don't have the damage to deal with these enemies fast enough you can just fling them very far away and the fall damage will take care of everything for you that's why I suggest using dragons falling at the start so that we can momentarily well stagger these enemies or make them Flinch a little bit so that you have just the split second that you need to cast this ability and have them in your range so that you can then throw them very far away but otherwise an extremely fun ability and something that you should play with a bit at least for some time now unfortunately we do have some quite disappointing skills in there too and I believe that at least in my opinion my biggest disappointment came from The Magik spear gone I mean these names are completely butchered but this was the ability that I wanted to work the most but but it seems to be the weakest in Your Arsenal so this charges a very well not really powerful beam that normally should be insanely good at aiming at the enemy's head however it seems that it just deals mediocre damage in that amount of time that you're staying there static and charging that attack consuming 3/4s of your stamina you might as well just jump in and do maybe even more damage than the one that you just did so unfortunately as much as I wanted to love this ability it's just very weak and only situationally good like you have to be extremely extremely good and lucky to aim a Target at its precise weak point there were even Targets in there that I would consistently hit in their weak points like especially the golems and this ability would not do any damage no joke I think that it needs to be at least fixed another one that was kind of okay I guess was the siing storm so this one is actually pretty decent early on because it causes these wild crystals to appear around you which once conjured they will just auto track to the nearest Target and sometimes even to multiple targets it can be actually decent because you can cast it in the middle of attacks it doesn't seem to have any cool down you can spam it on repeat and it can help to make them Flinch interrupt them a little bit just as you're jumping in with your own attacks or maybe even provide a bit of extra damage if you're fighting against bosses plus it can help with the harpies autot tracking them and like just interrupting them can help quite a bit now this skill is actually very similar to a previous one called humble offering I think uh that's what it's trying to say over here this does pretty much the same you're kind of Jedi levitating things of the ground and enemies and then throwing them into other enemies this is what's going to make you feel like a Jedi SL Sith the most in combination with the other skills it's actually a solid B maybe even B+ over there because it's very useful in situations where there's lots of enemies on the ground you can LIF them off and then just bully the other enemies with the corpses of their fallen friends or you can just send off rocks and boulders into their face and it seems to deal a decent amount of damage it also works on harpies by the way but overall I think that it's a very decent ability to have especially at the early stage you get it now your special ability is going to be the for Bing Bolt And there are three upgrades right here in the core skills that will all help with just making it a lot stronger so the way you want to use it with these three upgrades is to essentially hold down R1 and charge it up this is how you're going to then be able to stun an enemy and if you hit a stun Target and then press R1 again just as the target gets hit you're then going to have that stun effect jumping to additional targets around it too but you can also for example use the quick fault in this case and press X instead just as that hits the target and instantly teleport or well jump directly to that Target in this case you don't have to use the dragon fist you can use this one instead but this is a little bit more CL T and you do have to be very precise with the timing of the button press otherwise you're completely going to miss it but even still it's a very solid option especially against enemies that tend to move a lot or if you just want a group of targets to stay still while you're going in and doing damage and yes it also works on bosses so it's a very good option to have in between some of your other attacks now finally we have the augments I would say that out of all of these only maybe athleticism is completely like needed for most of the builds but conveyance this is just going to make your movement faster especially when carrying or lifting stuff which doesn't happen too often we do have opulence which can definitely be helpful as it increases the gold that you obtain when acquiring coin Pockets so it can definitely be good and we do have polarity so this is actually good because it augments your strength during the day and Magic during the night so it's always something that I have available for most of the builds and we do have refulgence this increases the amount of Rift crystals that you obtain when acquiring Rift um fragments and and a like and that's pretty much it but athleticism is going to help you like I said in yesterday's video with reducing the stamina consumption when sprinting but it's going to help it on with open world exploration and that is pretty much it with the class let me know down below are you playing as a Mystic spear hand I think it's one of the best classes but I would love to know what's your opinion Down Below in the meantime thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 133,063
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Keywords: khrazegaming, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 mystic spearhand, dragons dogma 2 mystic spearhand build, dragons dogma 2 mystic spearhand maister, dragons dogma 2 mystic spearhand armor, dragons dogma 2 tips and tricks, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 magick archer, dragons dogma 2 warrior, dragons dogma 2 review, dragons dogma
Id: SCUtMxm0zY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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