Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn Guide - Specializations, Inclinations, Dragonsplague, Romance, and MORE!

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in this Dragons Dogma 2 video we're going to be talking about pawns everything you could possibly want to know about pawns and Dragons Dogma 2 we're going to cover this video including specializations inclinations how to get your Pawn to fall in love with you how to get rid of your Pawn scars what skills to use for them in combat how to use their commands Etc so if you've been wanting some good information about pawns watch on to find out so the first thing we're going to talk a bit about with pawns is inclinations there are four inclinations for your pawns that you can choose during character cre and anyone will choose for their Pawn there are calm kind-hearted simple and straightforward Palm is effectively a type of Personality for your Pawn that's going to make them tidy with their inventory they'll dispose items that don't seem useful like rotten food and they'll try and prevent you from eating things like that as well and they tend to play more defensively in combat and use ranged attacks so this would be good on like maybe a Archer or maybe a sorcerer or a mage kindhearted are very friendly and loyal they prioritize aiding and saving allies in combat for instance like if one of your other pawns is down they might carry them over to you this is very good on Mage pawns particularly because they tend to be set up to heal their party but you can also put it on other pawns and the simple Incarnation is an inclination that makes pawns really like gather items on the landscape they'll want to explore areas and hand you things they found they'll craft curatives and implements that can help you or assist you in combat and it's really good to have at least one of these in your party in my opinion if you're somebody who doesn't like picking up all the loot off the bodies after combat having at least one simple companion in your party can help make that easier for you and finally the straightforward inclination makes more of a blunt outspoken Pawn someone that's going to say what they're thinking but they also keep an eye out for enemies during combat and they tend to charge into the frey in combat and just go all out on offensively in combat so this would be really good on like a thief or a fighter or Warrior probably somebody that want to or even a sorcerer if you just want them to go crazy with their spells in combat so it's really good to have probably one of these in your party as well so look for that in at least one of your pawns and I want to note too that if you are not happy with the choice of inclination for your Pawn what you can do is you can go to the pawn Guild and burnworth and you can buy incense from The Guild vendor there for Rift crystals that will change your Pawn's inclination to whatever inclination that you want and once you have that you can go rest at a campsite set up a campsite and give it to your main pawn and change their inclination you cannot change the inclination of Pawns that you hire that are not your main Pawn but if you're not happy with the way that your main Pawn is performing in combat or after watching this video you want to change it that is a way you can change it so next we're going to talk a little bit about Pawn specializations there are six specializations for your pawns to choose from in the game they are logistician chyen Woodland Wordsmith Hawker forager and alanite and the way you get these specializations in the game is from from items that are called to so you're going to find a Tome of each one of these specializations and then you're going to consume it to on your Pawn in order to give them that specialization again this applies only to your main Pawn you cannot change the specializations of the pawns that you hire and this allows you to overwrite any specialization a pawn currently has so if you don't like their specialization you want to change it you can with a different tone and the way you acquire these TOS is usually as Quest Rewards or gaining favor or Affinity with NPCs in the game by giving them gifts or doing escort quest with them that's typically how you get these and you can look on the wiki if you want to see the exact NPCs or locations in order to get them so first we'll talk a little bit about logisti this when given to a pawn will make them kind of move stuff around in your packs and also combine items and craft items for you to try and lighten up your load and it's kind of random what they do it is useful sometimes and not useful other times and frankly I don't think it's that great of a specialization because it can actually end up harming you early on in the game with the ingredients that it consumes to make items that maybe you don't want to consume for that and it kind of takes the decision making out of your hands on that now later in the game when you have so many materials of certain things maybe it's better to have as it can reorganize things in your packs to make things easier but it's just one that I find isn't super useful overall the kyurin specialization will allow your Pawn to heal other pawns and you with healing items so if you give them healing potions then they will use them on you and other party members when they need healing and this is is kind of a double-edged sword just like logistician if you have a mage in your party and they're doing the healing then you might not want your Pawn to burn healing when it's not necessary and they might anyway so I don't find this is particularly great however it's not terrible to have on your Mage Pawn if your Mage Pawn is doing the healing anyway that way like maybe they can give themselves some healing items if they're like silenced or something like that they can still pull off some heels Woodland Wordsmith allows your Pawn to translate Elish for you so that when you're in sacred where you can understand mostly what the vendors are saying but also other NPCs in the area and this is really only that useful in my opinion when you're trying to buy stuff or enhance your gear you know at the blacksmith there otherwise it doesn't have such a great use but I will say that if you put this on your Pawn it's probably more likely they will get hired simply because it's you know when people are at that part of the game it can be very useful to have this so next we come to the Hawker specialization and this will make it so that your Pawn will offer to sell things for you when you are heavier more on your carry weight particularly like if you're camping or something like that you can talk to them and they will clear out almost everything in your inventory and give you gold for it so this is another double-edged sword one where you have to be careful about what's in your inventory because you might accidentally sell things you don't want to sell because it's an all or none proposition in most cases it won't S your equipment and Camp kit or something like that but it might sell your potions or your curatives or maybe ammunition if you're playing an Archer so it's best to keep those things on your main Pawn before you do this but it can be a great way to clear out your inventory while you're out in the field and without having to run back to town because you're overloaded so it can be really nice early on in the game downside is you just have to make sure that you don't sell things you don't want to sell so then we come to forger which I think is arguably the best specialization for pawns or at least you'll want one Pawn with this you don't need to have this on all of them but effectively having a pawn with forager specialization will do is it'll mark on your map the materials needed to upgrade your equipment for their next upgrades and if you don't see things on your map it's because you haven't upgraded your gear at least once because your first upgrade on all gear is just gold so it's not going to show anything so once you have at least one upgrade on a piece of gear it will show on the map where to get things you need for the next upgrade and if you have multiple pieces of equipment upgraded then it will show those and if you have your weapon upgraded it will show where to get the next materials for upgrade and this can be very very handy and prevent you the need from like going outside the game to look up where to find something but again you only need this on one pawn and then lastly the aphan nightes specialization will essentially make it so that your Pawn stays mostly quiet so they don't talk as much if they bother you you know when they're talking so much on the landscape there are a lot of people out there that don't really enjoy the amount of banter that pawns have I'm not one of them I enjoy it but I can see how someone would get annoyed over time playing the game and you can use this to basically make them quiet or quieter so that you don't have to hear them bantering so much another thing you can do with your main Pawn is you can set a quest for your Pawn at any of the major Rift Stones these are usually the ones found in towns and you're going to interact with the riftstone and you're going to basically set up an objective for your pawn and you're going to set a reward so this could be you know acquiring an item or like something you need for your upgrading your weapon or your armor for instance like what I set here or it could be like an objective like setting up you know getting an achievement or something like that and then you slot what the reward is what you will give this person if they do this to sort of incentivize them you can use this as a trade system as well in order to trade like an item for an item or something like that and you're going to do that basically in town so make sure you take advantage of that if there's something you really need like maybe I don't know maybe you have dragon's plague and you need a wake stone or something like that maybe you can ask someone for that and another thing to talk about is Quest objectives that you're trying to complete and whether pawns have information about that Quest pawns can gain information from being part of these quests and other worlds when they get summoned there and they can learn like where to go and if you go to your quest menu you'll see like a hand with a number you see a blue hand this means your main Pawn has information and if you see an orange hand with a one that means it's the first hired Pawn that you hired and if it's a two then it's the second hired pawn and if you equip a quest or a different Quest this will change right like if certain pawns might not have information about certain quests but they might have information about other ones and you can use the go command on your Pawn after you selected a quest if they offer like hey I can show you where this is and then they will take it to you you'll see a flashing hand on the pawn and it can guide you to where you need to go now there's a downside to this which is sometimes that they will try and run all the way there so if you have a vague idea where this Quest objective is you might want to like ox cart to the nearest point and then try and run otherwise they might run you all over the map but they can get you where you're trying to go if you don't know where to go and this kind of brings us to the commands pawns there are four there is wait go come to me and help and you're going to use these in combat and outside of combat a lot for instance if you're outside of combat and your health is a bit low from combat you and you want healing you can say help me and your Mage Pawn will heal you or maybe you're at full health and you want them to buff you with like Solarity or a weapon buff or something like that before going into combat you can use help me you're at full health and bu right before going in combat which is nice or maybe your pawns are off fighting something thing or maybe that you jumped across the Ravine and they're stuck on the other side you can use the to me thing and if you get far enough away they'll just teleport to you so that's really nice as well and as I mentioned using the go command for quests or maybe they located a chest in the area and they want to show you where it is you can use the go command and obviously if you want them to not interact with what you're doing like you want to weight somewhere you can use weight this is helpful if you're trying to do a quest or something like that where it's that they attack the wrong person and might fail the Quest for you I do recommend dismissing them rather than tell telling them wait cuz sometimes they get impatient and don't wait anyway but you can use the wait command as well now there are a few more interactions with pawns as well this is a huge video on pawns there are a lot of things for instance you can gain Affinity with your own pawn and your Pawn can actually fall in love with you if you gain high enough affinity and the way you gain Affinity with your pawns is by talking to your Pawn you can highfive your Pawn after combat you can go to Hot Springs with your Pawn you can use the Barber on your pawn and these things have as far as I understand a 10-minute cooldown before you can do them again but essentially if you hit enough Affinity with them they will fall in love with you it does have a little bit of an implication in terms of the ending a little bit um and also your pawns will lose Affinity with you if they die so the more they die the lower their Affinity is going to be and the more you do these things the higher it will be so if you want your Pawn to fall in love with you I suggest doing these things regularly the most important one being using the barber that'll give you the most but you're probably not going to do that all the time so make sure you talk to your Pawn a lot high five your Pawn ET try and keep them from dying now another thing is that your Pawn will gain scars over time as they die whether that's in combat or they fall into the water fall off a cliff or whatever die they'll gain scars and you might not like the look of those scars on your pawn and you can actually clear these if you go to the hot springs on volcanic island and you know use it your pawns scars will be cleared so that's something if you don't like the visual appearance of scars on your Pawn go there and do that and it'll get rid of those another thing to look out for pawns is something called Dragon's plague which is a disease that they can get that has no noticeable effects when you're hiring them in the rift but then you can start to see when they're in your own world and this can happen to your main Pawn since pawns can pass it around to each other and that's how your main Pawn can get it so if you rest it and in and then you notice that your Pawn is behaving weirdly then they might have dragon's plague and we'll go into kind of what exactly that is here so if your Pawn or one of your pawns has dragon's plague what's going to happen is that their eyes are going to gradually change to like a reddish purplish color over time and eventually they'll just become like full red or purple so you want to be on the lookout for that they will also start to act weirdly like they'll have headaches they will tell you that they don't want to follow your commands they know what to do they'll start kind of misbehaving and these are kind of telltale signs that something is off about them now if you have uh Pawns in your group that you hired that are acting like this you can simply dismiss them and go hire other pawns but if it's your main Pawn the easiest way to resolve this issue is to just like throw them into the river and then rehire them at a pawn Rift Stone somewhere in order to get rid of that otherwise if you take them back to your town and you know they're far along and their disease and you rest at an end it will Massacre everyone at that in and even though some of these NPCs will respawn over time might have to go around using wake stones on people to revive them or use the atral wig Stone from the Sphinx quest line to revive them and it can be devastating so you need to keep an eye out for these signs on your Pawn or and your pawns and it's not always immediately obvious so keep a lookout for those and make sure that you see anything fishy that you dismiss those pawns or get rid of your pawn and then rehire them so the last thing we're going to get into on pawns is augments and skills and which to use on your pawns now obviously depending on what pawn you know what class your Pawn is these are going to vary a little bit but there are some great augments for Pawns in general and I want to go through those real quick before talking about skills so first of all provocation is great if you have a pawn that's you know a fighter or a warrior that's going to be your tank you're going to want that on that pawn try and find a pawn that has that or if your main Pawn is one of those use that to make sure that they have more aggra perpetuation is also great on pawns this extends the duration of Enchantment so if your Mage Buffs them with like fire Affinity or Solarity it will last longer on them consider slotting that on your pawns as well Vitality is also not a bad one increasing the health of your Pawn making them more difficult to kill I really like constancy on pawns as well this increases the knockdown resistance one of the most annoying things in the game is being knocked down so trying to get knockdown resistance higher so that you aren't knocked down or your pawns are knocked down is good and both metal and aatro PM are both good these increase your physical and Magic defense by a decent percentage so if you're trying to keep your pawns alive or prevent them from taking damage a bit more both of those are also good now let's talk about skills on your Pawns in the game so you can slot up to four skills on your Pawn pawns and they will try and use all of the skills that you have slotted and obviously the effectiveness of which they use those skills is going to vary depending on what class they are and what skills that you have set up but keep in mind like how your Pawn is going to behave in combat watch them in combat and sort of see what they're doing for instance on my Mage I have four buff spells and she will cycle through those four buff spells pretty regularly in my opinion and it's not always great sometimes that she's healing when she doesn't need to heal sometimes she's buffing when I need healing and it's not always perfect so you can reduce the the randomness by reducing the amount of skills that a pawn has and obviously the pluses of that are that you're going to get more regular use of the skills you want the negatives are there's less skill selection so keep that in mind for instance on a sorcerer Pawn for if you have like meteorin or you have melstrom slotted your Pawn will try and cast those spells somewhat regularly and they have long cast times so if you're fighting like I don't know a couple lizards or something and they're trying to cast melstrom by the time they cast it they might already be dead and that can be unuseful some people like to set up these two spells only on their sorcer so that's what they're using all the time and the pros of that are that when you're fighting like I don't know a drake or Cyclops or an ogre some bigger enemy they're going to absolutely wreck them when this spell goes off the downside is they're less effective you know at regular combat so you kind of have to decide like where do you want your sorcerer to be really strong you know and then you can also throw in other spells as well and then might cycle those in and use them on some of the easier fights but they might also try and cast the longer spells on some of the easier fights too so you can find a middle ground but you know you want to factor those things in when you're trying to decide what skills to slaughter on a sorcerer and there are other things to factor in for instance if you slot the Archer Meister skill or the Mages Meister skill it completely drains them of stamina when they use those skills so what if they lead off with that skill and now they're completely drained of stamina that might not be something that you want so you really need to think about like what skills you want to slot what ones seem to be working well for you when you're playing those vocations and what do you think a pawn would use well for instance if you use like erupting shot on your Archer Pawn but you don't give them any arrows they're not going to use that skill so these are also things you need to think about so that kind of wraps up our video on pawns I hope you guys learned something even if you knew some of this already there's a lot of information out there on pawns and obviously we're learning new stuff every day and I wanted to wait a little bit to make this video so I could sort of aggregate a lot of information into one video and have less speculation and more actual information and as always if you have other tips about pawns please leave them in the comments because I know there's more information out there and if you have questions leave them there as well and I will try and answer them as soon as I [Music] can [Music] w
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 68,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon's dogma 2 pawn guide, dragons dogma 2 pawn, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragon's dogma 2 pawn tips, dragons dogma best pawn build, dragon's dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2 pawn creation, dragon's dogma 2 dragonsplague, dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2 dragon's plague, dragon's dogma 2 pawn system explained, dragon's dogma 2, ultimate pawn guide, dragons dogma 2 ultimate guide, dragons dogma 2 pawn inclinations, dragons dogma 2 pawn specializations, dragons dogma 2 romance
Id: RDM8hnT68kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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