Dragon's Dogma 2 CLASSES & VOCATIONS - Which is BEST For You?

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in this Dragon Dogma 2 video we're going to be going through the 10 vocations of the game or the classes of the game kind of giving you some information about each and helping you decide which one that you're going to play When the game releases on March 22nd we will have a comprehensive guide for each vocation and Dragon Dogma 2 at the launch of the game but for now let's look at the basics of each one to help you make a better decision so in Dragon's Dogma 2 there are four possible vocations to begin the game with these are fighter Thief Mage and Archer the first one we're going to take a look at is the fighter vocation this is the most popular vocation so if you're playing a fighter at launch chances are you're not alone there's going to be a lot of Fighters out there and the fighter focuses on using either a mace or a sword for their weapon and a shield so they are a one-handed and shield play style This Is How They will play if you are playing a fighter so if you like that sort of gam play Then fighter might be a good choice for you now obviously the fighter is going to be on the front lines and their big focus is on getting up close to enemies and tanking them to not only deal damage to them but also to keep enemies away from their squishies Mages in this game long cast times for their spells and obviously archers are not going to try and play in melee range so you want to try and keep enemies away from your ranged characters if you're going to be playing a fighter they have a skill that will taunt enemies to them and they also have an augment that will allow them to increase their threat so that enemies were more likely to attack them and stay off the Squishies so obviously a big part of playing fighter is learning to use your Shield effectively and there are a couple things that make it a little bit more nuanced than perhaps something like a Souls game which are first of all there's no lock on so you can be facing the wrong way while blocking a lot of the time in this game and still get hit even with your Shield up so that can be a little bit tricky to manage when you're first learning additionally when you're starting to learn the fighter class there's no Panic roll you cannot hit a roll button the fighter does not have one so if you realize you're going to get hit you're pointed the wrong way you can't roll out of it you're going to get hit so learning how to have your Shield up when to block and also if you time your block perfectly when an enemy attacks you you will also Parry them that is also a big part of fighter gameplay so it's very defensive play style but it can deal some damage and you know your main role is going to be tanking for your group so next we come to the Mage vocation this is the second most popular vocation from the starter ones and mes have a plethora of different spells that they can cast these can be offensive supportive or healing and probably the claim to fame for Mages is their anod core skill which allows them to heal around them in an AOE for a duration allowing them to heal like their entire party this is a very very valuable skill that any party basically needs so just about every party in the game is going to have one Mage with this spell just because of how important it is to the group otherwise you're going to go through a lot of consumables trying to heal and that can be very difficult and timec consuming another thing to note about Mages is that a lot of their spells have very long cast time so positioning and knowing when to execute those spells plays a big part of the role in Mages that might not appeal to all people some people might want to have a more Dam Dynamic play style mes have more of a hang back and you know wait for the right moment to cast a spell type thing so next is the Archer vocation this is a pretty straightforward vocation you're going to be using a bow if you're playing an Archer you're going to have a focus on taking down enemies from range this is a very valuable party member in my opinion because there are a lot of enemies that are flying in the game being able to pick them off with ranged attacks is kind of the job of the Archer additionally some enemies have weak spots like the Cyclops in their eye and you can aim for that without having to climb them which is really nice so you should definitely consider playing the Archer you want to have a more precision based play style that hangs back and picks off enemies from afar and then the last basic vocation is the thief if you're playing a thief you're going to be using dual daggers for your weapon set this is a fast and hard-hitting melee class that relies more on dodging enemy attacks and Sid stepping them rather than tanking them so if you like playing a more agile character in melee combat then this is going to be the class for you and additionally this is a very good class for climbing enemies in order to get up onto them and like attack them while you're on top of them so if you like climbing up on enemies as well this might not be a bad class for you so then this brings us to the advanced vocations in the game these are vocations that you can then change to as you unlock them later in the game a couple of these are unlocked from story progression and there are various other ways to unlock the other ones but these aren't ones that are immediately choosable at the beginning of the game so the first vocation is the warrior this is a two-handed combatant that uses either a Greatsword or Hammer two-handed they have more of an aggressive play style than the fighter does fighter has a shield there to protect itself while the the warrior does not and their main focus is dealing damage and knocking down enemies their weapons have the highest knockdown rating of any weapons in the game so if you're looking at like knocking down enemies you know getting them down to the ground so that your team can like gang up on them kind of like maybe like a hammer or something in Monster Hunter world something like that like that play style you might like the warrior so then we move on to the sorcerer which is a more advanced spellcasting class and it sacrifices the ability to heal with one of its core skills in order to regain stamina quickly in order to get back to spellcasting so if you're looking to play more of like an advanced spellcaster that focuses more on maybe offensive spells rather than healing the group you might want to sorcerer keep in mind that losing out on that heal can be a huge deal for your group so you probably want to make sure you have at least one character that has Mage in it in order to be able to have access to that heal also another thing I want to mention is that Sorcerers can help the channel speed of other spellcasters go faster in order to get spell off faster so that's one thing that they can do as well so the next Advanced vocation we're going to take a look at is the Mystic spear hand this is sort of a mix between a Melee character and a spellcaster people are very hyped for this one this is voted the most popular advanced class in the game and for good reason if you look at the gameplay looks amazing but this class was also not in the previous game so it's going to be new for people I think that's one of the reasons they want to play it but it has a focus on casting spells that either you know buff them protect themselves eles or dual hostile spells to enemies before engaging in melee you can see one of the Spells is like teleport some like AOE attacks and you know zipping around seems like a very high speed melee combatant that can also cast spells so it's kind of like The Best of Both Worlds if you want to play a hybrid type character however note that it does not have a shield unlike the Mystic knight from the first game so you're not going to be able to block like you could in that game so then we come to Magic Archer which is another extremely popular advanced class and this is a mix of essentially magic and using a bow being able to use Elemental effects while shooting enemies and or even like healing or Reviving your allies using your bow you can see in the game play there and this is a really really popular one because of all the variety of Elemental effects that you can do and things you can do with a magic Archer so if you kind of like torn between playing a spellcaster and an Archer and you don't really want to have to choose then eventually you'll be able to unlock this um advanced class and then you don't have to choose anymore can kind of play a mix of both play Styles here and have the best of both worlds so next up we have the advanced class trickster this is another new one to Dragon's Dogma it was not present in the first game and they use a sensor weapon looks like to cast sort of like ucer magic type things where you're you're more of like a support aspect than like crowd controlling of enemies doesn't have like a huge focus on damage I would not be surprised if this Advanced location was able to heal as well based on what we're seeing so far from the skills so this is probably for the characters out there players out there who want to support their group this is so far one of like the least popular advanced classes from what I've seen from people saying around the internet just because I don't think it has a lot of offensive nature to it at least that we haven't seen so far and you're kind of taking more of a passive role in combat and something I want to mention before we get to the final location for Dragon zma 2 is that the three classes I just mentioned the magic Archer Mystic spear hand and the trickster are all Arisen only vocations meaning that you cannot have them on Pawn unless there maybe some special pawns out there that have them or something like that that remains to be seen But in their description it says that they are risen only which means that if you want to have a party member with one of these it's going to have to be your main character more or less so keep that in mind when you're planning out your Advanced vocations because you if you want one of these in your party you're going to have to make it you and then lastly we come to the Wayfair vocation and this is kind of the most interesting one in my opinion because what this vocation you to do is to use different weapons and different skills from it looks like two or three vocations I don't have an exact confirmation on this yet but it allows you to use different skills and different equipment from different vocations in order to change of your play style mid combat and I think there are some sacrifices for this probably you won't have as many skills to choose from or as many augments to choose from when you're picking this vocation but this allows players a lot of flexibility in terms of the way that they play for instance if they really love magic Archer and Magic spear hand and they can't decide which to play you could theoretically pick Wayfair and play a little bit of both and obviously one of the really great things about Dragon Dogma 2 also is that it lets you change vocations at vocation guilds so if you play a vocation you decide you know what I don't really like this vocation as much as I thought I would I want to change and try something else you can and because you can Farm discipline points rather easily by just killing out you know killing enemies on the landscape and and fighting stuff it doesn't take that long to unlock new skills to try out a different play style the biggest thing is that each vocation has a vocation rank so like the more experience you gain while you're using that vocation the higher rank you gain which gives you access to higher level skills so if you constantly changing vocations in the game that's fine and you can Farm like Max vocation Rank and all locations eventually and unlock all skills if you want but it might take you a really long time to do this so it's probably better to like kind of plan out which vocation you want to start with and then if you're not happy with it maybe switch to one other and go from there but I don't advise just going for your first playthrough and trying every single vocation and trying to Max them all out or you might be spending a really long time and not getting very far into the game so that wraps up our video on different vocations of Dragon Dogma 2 the point of this video is to kind of showcase the play Styles give you a little bit of information about the way these vocations and classes work to kind of give you something to look forward to when you're playing you can go make your characters right now now with a character creator that's already out that's really cool but you will have an idea of how you want to play this game eventually and obviously this is not meant to be a proper guide for each vocation we will have that for you at launch we are working on those now so I'm expecting to have at least the basic vocations done on launch day if not more than that so stay tuned for that what vocations are you guys going to be playing what one really appeals to you let me know in the comments [Music] below [Music] w
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 212,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon's dogma 2, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 vocations gameplay, dragon’s dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 vocations guide, dragon's dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 vocation tier list, dragons dogma 2 which vocation to play, dragons dogma 2 best class, best vocation, dragon's dogma 2 best vocation, dragon's dogma
Id: wHvZ16KpNz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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