Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Ep. 13-14

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foreign [Applause] [Music] episode 13 finally getting Dynamic you ready yeah I feel like this is the real start of season two honestly truly I mean we're past the filler at this point so so after 731 grueling Galactic weeks of travel or one month if you've never watched Men In Black Power good movie Heroes have finally arrived on Planet Namek uh see he put He put heroes in quotation marks because we're makers yeah yeah is green the grass is blue and it's boring as hey go on check it out Bluegrass I like his Khalil and what do you think their favorite kind of music is huh iron B huh you're really sheltered aren't you I have to read an entire book about Peach farming on the way here you tell me oh geez we're on Namek now Bulma got the dragon radar right here we're already picking up four dragon balls I Like This calamity you just have to find them hey Krillin is that a Saiyan ship oh I think I think Vegeta oh and that those four dragon balls are on the move poor Krillin just oh God immediately and over my head yeah it's a great screen by the way I love it your Chrome streams are some of the best we did a thing where like obviously there are some voices where we're trying to mimic the dub some voices we aren't Krillin we decided to go a completely different direction yeah I was already kind of doing something similar with the movies but with this it was I'll talk about this yeah let's clear something else however you can hear Krillin screaming in the background still too ah good to be back at 100 again you can definitely hear it stretch guard here on this planet's already annoying me wait a minute is that quiz pod picture that was harder to edit than you think oh I imagine yeah he's sweating and he would be hey what's that over there the closest I'll get to a Homer Simpson screen I hate The Disappearing and reappearing don't you mean or we'll shoot you we know what we said nice huh well there goes our ship what I love that that's the broadside of a space bar yeah well that's only because I'm too busy the purple guy has such a cool design yeah they both do I I I like the both of them they're like a Skeletor face looks like washed up undeserved no absolutely undeserved diesel [Music] is open and now he's now he's red dursting it now he flipped it back isn't this nice a nice dark tank oh yeah who knows here I'll finally meet a real reason somewhere oh man hey uh Krillin you feel that what the need to pee well they destroyed the toilet so I guess I'll just use a pusher oh my God safe well if that's also kind of a subtle him to let Gohan just be more perceptive in like sensing energy they have Dragon Balls yes Gohan I noticed did you feel their power levels they were as strong as Vegeta yes Gohan I noticed but that one guy at the front he was like a hundred vegetas yes Gohan I noticed on the bright side I no longer have to pee anymore jeez took you long enough we're going after those Dragon Balls well what we may be outmatched but we didn't come this far just to give up what the heck happened in that cave something I should have taken care of a month ago jerked off jerked off the post not Clarity yep stay here and call roshi back on Earth we may need backup stay close Gohan foreign well I guess I better set up camp then it's come it's just comes come is everywhere sticky pools have come my house well the beaches are fine and the [ __ ] are finer could you speak up I'm not wearing pants Simpsons joke ah it's kind of it is it's a bit of a sentence apparently someone else is there even stronger than him so in short be work yo the shizzle Master Rizzle I can't do anything I'm okay with those two just absolutely all right then I just dropped in with these magical cities it's my first time play natural being season one oh yeah you're right yeah I did have a couple of lines there the damn magical beans Goku oh sweet Saucy Magic boom next all right okay guys I'm going to bulma's place by the way taking the beat oh I like this bit too Krillin what why bombers well Holy Ship and boneless dad's a scientist I'm not even gonna begin to go into what is wrong with that okay a lot of people seem to think like it didn't quite get that joke all Goku says he's a scientist so he should be able to build a spaceship that's wrong he's he's he knows science yeah faces science he can do space yeah all all like that's all Goku says everyone's like but Dr Bruce can build the ship yeah that's but Goku didn't say he's a rocket scientist he just said a scientist okay all we know is that he knows how to make big things small right now yeah there's no reason that Goku should believe that he should be able to make a ship that could get them Dynamic when the entire reason they wrote the dynamic was because and just wish you good luck Nimbus later guys good job he could have flown of course but he he realized that only too late fancy meeting you here so you followed me sure took your sweet time well I could have gotten here sooner but I stopped oh god oh I could have done this so much better I know you know I'm having trouble remembering queer what's your power level I would forget eighteen thousand same as yours Vegeta funny that see I just read my official Saiyan handbook and it says right here is beaten to near death the power level increases immensely well I don't see what that has to do with anything while I was down on earth oh man I got destroyed what yep I like his honesty it's like therapy to have midgets yeah and an obese man with a sword well certain word usage there wouldn't do that nowadays but at the time I don't think we need to establish that every time yeah okay I lost outright why are you telling me this you never tell anyone this easy because I know you'll never tell anybody but but I hate you why would I agree bike week yeah oh oh my I seem to have gone off prematurely well here looks like Vegeta just took out koi poor fish face bastard wait which one was Curry you remember I like how you're using the proper pronunciation you're gonna have to be a little more specific I I actually just did that because it felt like he would do it you know I wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't all up in my face about it I can only swallow so much will you two pay attention doesn't even know he's doing it yet no bumpkins won't Slaughter themselves well you might be able to find a way to make them oh that'd be fun [Laughter] a new evil who are these mysterious enemies and do Gohan and Krillin stand a chance the answer to these questions will be revealed right now it's avondadoria Frieza and oh my no wait what not me wait what all right now that you have arrived on my planet we will begin your training attention go to hell I'm meditating keep doing that yeah what is a King Kai I'm ready for anything wash my car oh like in that movie wax on oh wax off yeah go AXA I actually really like that shot where it's like nope we're just going to establish these are all the characters by yeah I I do like that bit where it's like we'll get these answers right now right now yeah episode 14. now here's where I feel like it picks up because Frieza and his crew were just so fun to write for yeah uh also this is where like I remember when we were writing for uh for Frozen here and knowing that we had Martin playing with like playing him we we're just like he's just loving being evil he's just he is having so much fun being as sadistic as possible that was this entire thing to the point where he was just making cracking jokes coming up with clever turns of phrases and I remember we said he's kind of like a almost like Stewie Griffin Stewie is season one Stewie Griffin but with all the power yeah um and he's so much fun to write for also the introduction of a joke that will one day get me canceled when I'm rich famous well let's move into that all right Gohan keep your power level down well I'm trying but I can't seem to get it as low as you guys trillion but I haven't even I've been yeah the birth of stealth mode yeah hey cool and look the Dragon Balls wow those things are huge AC DC be damned jeez these aliens are scary especially that one in the front it looks like a total [ __ ] and I'm canceled what a freaky alien genotype what'd you think I meant Oh I thought you were calling in the derogatory term for homosexual that thing's a guy The Twist on it is what works but how it evolved yeah and how it would eventually be adopted by some people yeah problematic yeah like because Gohan's response is perfect he's like oh oh my God I thought you were being an [ __ ] wait what yeah not me yeah what was that quack oh it's Justice I can't believe we were able to bring this back in so many ways and make it works ourselves my name is Frieza and we're a traveling improv group here let me give you a demonstration my men shall play a group of drunken Sailors and you're a bunch of baby seals damn team this entire bit is like like why are you slaughtering on people well you see also I think this is the moment we established that Kurt just plays all the green dudes he plays a lot of green guys yeah he plays a lot a lot like he plays Guru uh yeah plays Mori cell obviously later spoilers yeah um at this point it would have it it would have been sort of funny if he'd also played nail and he could have done it too he could have he could have come maybe but I like what we have yeah yeah no it's fine um but yeah it's just it's funny to me because that's what I remember like oh right he's more he just cannot stop being the green dudes yeah and I thought this would be yeah this is where we established Frieza and started to love writing for him yeah oh we're trees two or three more two or three more good zaban see why can't you be more like hindodonia sorry just listening to the space duck what a majestic creature no then all kidding aside still one of my favorite shirts designs too the shirt design and by the way uh which you can get on sharkrobot.com team dashboard star is actually one of my favorite designs just because of how simple it is it looks like an indie band logo and that's exactly what I decided to be like I was like okay the the [ __ ] um just the dog the Fishbowl it's just a fishbowl and I'm I'm so happy that it with all that negative space that super simplified design that is entirely like obvious what it is and oh my God I it's a fun shirt it's a fun shirt it's a fun shirt that you can wear on your body right now if you really want yeah yeah usually I don't like go out of my way to kind of praise the things that we make like that but it was it was a fun stupid little design that just came out so much like we had people uh I remember one running joke at a convention that ant fish uh and I were at I don't remember if you were there or not but like some people come up like walking up asking like hey man what's space duck he's like oh yeah it's an indie band they're gonna be playing at blank this year it's like oh cool buying it we don't have it you know I'd be inclined to believe you if the last Village Elder didn't say the exact same thing until we killed everyone and tortured the information out of him of course it's the darndest thing too you're beginning to remind me a lot of him really playing with that like line of like jovial delicious set I have people to do that for me one of my favorite lines I don't get upset I have people to do that for me get them Doria foreign [Music] wow 419. that's the most there hell are you doing oh sorry it's a little hobby of mine I hear these heroic speeches so weirdly often so I started making a mental list of how many times I've heard certain lines you you insane bastard 190. such a great response to that uh we're going to kick your face oh my 12. not the first time he's heard that that was the dozen times somebody's tried that yeah which also there's the question of how many times was that from an enemy yeah how many times was that like let's make this egg happen just stick to the plaid what plan you just keep quacking over and over and we're still alive and Sir they seem to be strong this is the first time I had to really really do sound design for a fight scene by the way it also made me realize it's fun yeah guys so we have more of those things back at the ship it's not like we're losing anything valuable [ __ ] more with the MVP play here though yeah Maury is a badass Maury went out like a [ __ ] Champion kill them okay come on bring it there's three of us and one of you man you must sucking math even worse than me what do you mean there's only two of you that's not right now damn that is such a brutal shot like wow so here's the introduction to us writing uh Dr brief as the monster that'd be happy we wrote him like a conservative Rich dude yeah actually um to give a little background I mean Richard specifically well specifically a a um very personal yeah it was a panel from Reed Richards where the Fantastic Four where he tells Susan um wives are for kissing not talking yeah wives over kissing not talking and it was like it's supposed to be a romantic line too it's like good yeah and it's this weird scene where it's like huh the smartest dude on the planet and also just a total sexist and it kind of reminded me actually of uh what's his face uh from Venture Brothers Rusty it reminded me a little bit of Rusty too of like how is it that you were this smart at science and yet but this is such an [ __ ] and like just yeah and so we decided you know what let's let's just make him like incredibly good at science but just a bastard of a person just just the worst Facebook Uncle oh the worst I have no idea what it means she likes being called MILF honey now what are you doing out of the kitchen oh my mistake remember what I told you sweetie why so for kissing not talking in the 1950s music in the background is like the perfect fit for that kind of attitude Hospital in case anything went wrong the good thing is it's almost all done well this is just the best day ever oh wait the joke happens later yeah oops looks like I miscounted I must be having an off day Bravo de Doria now seeing as we have no one left to threaten you with oh wait what are those adorable little things over there you wouldn't oh they're just so cute though I could just pinch their little heads off are you going to make me do that because at this point I could go both ways this could die Lord Frieza [ __ ] take the ball he's one joke over and over but I had fun coming up with them over the dragon then we antied to that joke later else has to die oh just one more question could you point us in the direction of the next Village you seem to have destroyed our scouters that wasn't part of our deal and 500. show them what they've watched when was that one cargo yeah he's killing them happy thoughts Gohan happy thoughts you you killed my son yeah sorry about that how about I do you a favor fun fact in the original manga scene freeze is the one that kills cargo interesting yeah and I let the I'll actually let the change in the anime has diddoria do the Dirty Work yeah it's kind of it like it really represents that no Frieza will not get involved until he has to one thing animated better just bam done while you're ratchet could you deal with the rest I really do love kids they don't leave much of a mess I think I keep doing alien like that once yo quick thank you zabon what the hell was that I believe that was the space duck sir also so many panning shots with them I I learned how to do that in this [ __ ] season oh wow total nightmare I I can I made I made techniques to do it better in the future this was a pain in the ass to learn oh like frame by frame the health movements used to be frame by frame oh God ship is awesome Now where's that button that makes blueberry muffins there is no button like that I never even considered that are you sure it'd be really nice to wake up something that we didn't establish in the show is that he uh reverse engineered this from a sand pod right he did do that which will come into play later darn itself it's all the Saiyan stuff is freeze attack S no I still have to install the cappuccino machine but but I don't even drink coffee it's not coffee Goku it's cappuccino now stay here I need to grab the pots from my shop make sure not to touch anything like the gravity control this is how you'll train this is how you go the start button don't touch the start button now I'll be right back okey dokey I wonder if this is the button bye Goku no Goku he's blasted himself off into space what a science done sweetie I do not see a sandwich with that beer priorities [Music] he does get dangerously close to the sun right I think that was filler right yeah yeah that was total pillow yeah because you can see him standing outside the Pod yeah like they wanted to have more than just Goku training in the Pod they wanted to show him like dealing with this is so easy to like go out there and use the Kaioken and blast a Kamehameha so it would push him away from the Sun then he is clearly like a mile away from yeah it's silly oh well but yeah that's the proper introduction of Frieza right we're well on our way into Namek yeah which we'll continue to do so next time on this thing we're doing what we're doing I guess yeah [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 449,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teamfourstar, gohan, krillin, bulma, namek, popo, goku, dragonball z abridged, dbza, dragon ball z, dragon ball z abridged, tfs, freeza, dodoria, zarbon
Id: BMFnYqlrqB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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