Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Buu Bits

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're back one more time probably the last time probably the last time I'm I'm one of those Never Say Never kinds but prob prob probably probably probably I don't know check back with me in another 5 to 10 years but uh ultimately there were a lot of things in Buu that we wanted to cover uh like one of my single greatest regrets about like not going into their full is I really wanted to cover Vegeta's midlife crisis the whole idea of him just kind of giving up on fighting cuz like his reason for getting stronger for improving kind of left like he has nothing to prove about this anymore and then all of a sudden his buddy comes back into the picture and every single toxic thing about him comes boiling back to the surface it is really funny uh the reemergence of Goku kind of I wouldn't say ruins Vegeta as a character he's that high school friend like it the the movie I think about is um uh The World's End where uh Simon Peg's characters comes back in is like hey guys we got to go do the mile he's like oh ah oh well whatever funny enough when it comes to the bus Saga like you're not wrong there was a lot of stuff that we wanted to cover we had a bunch of jokes a lot of ideas a lot of which ended up in here yes like I think a grand majority of the jokes we initially like had come up with or had like there were a few that were augmented shifted around some that were kind of dropped just cuz they aged poorly yeah one of the biggest ones for me was uh Gohan my big thing was that I wanted to write for Gohan specifically because all of the stuff with him at the high school I think would could have potentially been way more interesting interesting uh you know in terms of like the actual Slice of Life aspect of it yeah because look our show got very uh dialogue heavy like we loved the conversations we loved the back and forth we l working with the characters hence the spiritual successor to dbza being kind of the shorts and hipple which is all basically that yeah so when when I was told hey you have an opportunity to write for Gohan in high school with a bunch of new characters that was very exciting for me but obviously that never really materialized the way that we had planned on so when we got the opportunity to do this yeah when when Mark approached you cuz he was doing his retrospective on the whole series like hey did you guys ever have anything for boo that you wanted to you had the conversation you go ahead and specifically what he did was he came to me and he asked me hey I was hoping that we could do Vegeta sacrifice with you guys with and he he very specifically wanted uh and even you best buddy which yeah that that was something that a fan had posted a long time time ago it's like it's it's a good scene it is not the direction I would have gone and I had arguments with yeah we'll we'll talk about that when we get to it but the whole uh the whole thing started because yeah Mark came to me he wanted that scene specifically and then my brain got working and just like it always does I decided to give myself way more work yeah you were like what if we gave you more here's at first I was like hey we'll give you a couple of Big scenes yeah you know cover cover the big moments the go tanks the Vegito Super Saiyan 3 yeah and then all of a sudden as soon as like this idea got pass around I was like no we got ideas for a few more things and we have this folder full of you know like like this this file full of jokes that we never got a chance to implement and ultimately this kind of slowly became uh almost kind of like a bit of closure on the series for us uh to to some extent or another whe whether or not it's like completely creatively fulfilling his closure is up in the air for me personally but no that's fair and look for me this isn't all that in terms of creative closure yeah it's it's not exactly what we wanted this is not this is I I cannot I I can't truly look at this and say like yeah that got all of it out but what I will say is that for me as somebody who uh knew that dbza like was not going to continue it it got to the point in my mind where I'm like there's no way we pick the show back up at least with this we did get some of the jokes out there some of the jokes that I really wanted out there and ultimately I'm still I'm glad it exists I'm glad that we did this I'm glad that uh we worked with Mark and it was a good way to celebrate our 15th year yeah it it like you know kind of put a cap on it I am a proponent of perfection is the enemy of good and I'm glad this exists I'm glad we made this it's for me it does provide close Ure MH so yeah we had a couple of long conversations about that I wanted something that was like a little bit more narratively bridging something more along the lines of like the X minutes but in order to make that happen cuz uh since this was under the constraint of making the you know scenes for Mark for his video there was a timetable there yeah and we got you know everybody came back to record bless them uh everybody out there who's doing all this amazing like Pro in the industry work came back to voice these characters we love all of you and thank you so much uh when it came time to figure out you know could we make some like narrative Bridges here to like when we post it have something that's a little bit more narratively fulfilling at that point it's like okay like I I don't think we can like not all of them were able to come back at that point it's like we we did this we yeah you know it's get it so which is all to say boits it's the only version of Bock we're probably ever going to do so we hope you enjoyed it and uh we hope you enjoy us going back through it and talking about it the following is a fan-based parody Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball super are all owned by FUNimation I had to do the opening like Toriyama please was sural going back and doing that one more time and doing this too [Music] yeah already pausing because some people were like what happened to Chala this was the intro for boo wait did anybody ask that yeah some people did okay that's weird um yeah we got a power it was the second opening for Dragon Ball Z I would have loved probably more openings and more closings um because nowadays you can't go like more than 26 episodes no every Arc needs its own special thing um uh but yeah this is the second opening weaker than chalah Chala for me uh but still pretty all right for me it's like had Chala had a lot of staying power but uh that's that's why this is the opening for this and also why the dragon shorts which take place between sell and Buu have kind of the combination between the two as their theme yes which I I uh our music guy put together massively great work which we might go through and like talk about some of those if there's general interest for that as well yeah actually that might be kind of fun especially with the latest one with K and 18 if yall haven't seen it yet definitely watch the latest Dragon short it is one of the cutest things that we've ever written for in my opinion we we have a lot of fun with The Slice of Life stuff especially 18 and Krillin they're such a fun couple to write for I admittedly have a lot to say about that in terms of my own perspective on that particular episode yep but enough about [Music] that now originally like just to just these are going to be between every clip and they are kind of like they do serve as a bridge but you went through and you made a thumbnail for each and every one of these I my my pitch for this was just going to be like a let's have like one of those 9s Dragon Ball Z title card which could have worked but then you went the extra mile you insane person yeah uh and the the worst best worst part is that uh I kind of ended up remaking half of them because initially I tried to find as much uh existing rendered art like modern art that I could of these characters in certain scenes but it became it it got to the point where it became so inconsistent that I could not find like I couldn't find rendered like modern art of this scene I had to use shots from the actual episode but then I had these other thumbnails where it's like all rendered art and it looked weird and inconsistent so I just cut that back and basically like 95% of these now are shots from the episode that I've modified to look good for a thumbnail yeah here we go our first chance oh and to address the uh the slide in thing uh yeah the sliding footage uh purely to avoid copyright to make sure that it wouldn't get taken yeah just most people guessed that you're right yeah didn't want to deal with that I'm sorry I know it's a little like it's a little distracting at first I most people said hey I got used to it after a while I know it's a little distracting I'm very sorry YouTube blame them we're throwing L around a last stupid IDE like why don't we just have all those paint mixing things at the bottom it yeah yeah fck full talk is it Subway Surfer I can't remember yeah wait Gohan your [Music] lunch sorry it's just that the vend diagram of Supply chains for prison and school cafeteras is basically a circle thanks Mom here's the best and sorry you have to travel 600 mil to school it's all right I've got the coolest ride in my grade n later mom she's right though boy rides a cloud listen to your teachers and remember all women are liars and you'll always be my baby and you'll never grow up when can I go to school when your father comes home got him fun fact that joke wasn't initially in the script no that was one of the ones that you and I like that was one you just kind of threw in there it's like okay everyone quoted that immediately afterwards so I was very happy father comes home I it is I I'm very happy sometimes cuz there will sometimes just be a joke in the edit that ends up like being a bigger part of the episode than some of the stuff that we actually put in the initial script which is always really makes me happy because I'm technically responsible for that I would really hate for me to be like hey I put this joke in then for it to fall in its face yeah um also something you might notice uh and this is really neat so totally not Mark has a a team basically oh yeah you going to talk about the color correction here cuz I know he posted like a short or a Tik Tok like explaining it yeah actually go to go ahead and uh go check out to not Mark's short on it he talks about it more in depth but he's got a group of people who color corrected all of the footage here to make it look genuinely better than any publicly available source of Dragon Ball specifically The buo Saga it's really good I imagine is easier to do on like a bit by bit basis than it would be on a whole release but yeah uh they cracked the stuff out fast they were on top of that it was really impressive yeah the color correction is clean yeah between putting on fire there's Mark himself this is actually just a bit from his video that we decided to incorporate as like the newscaster isn't it Earth itself yeah no we we we wrote this and then we had and that hero's name is the great SE man oh my God is the part of his name what is he a rapper it is sharpener sharpner okay sharpner like from what I recall and this was more recent than any previous commentary we've done his entire personality came from the I think it's pretty cool of course you do you're Hill F and then you said it in that voice I was like okay that's him that's we we ride that now to no to be fair uh we had planned on like flamboy and sharpner for years did we yeah yeah I don't remember that specifically no no that was that was something that we thought about early on uh because I remember specifically because uh before we even started the commentaries I had this joke in my head I was like um oh my God he's justess like Harry Potter okay that's okay don't worry don't worry I know you people don't have money it's fine um and so when it came to sherner the entire joke here obviously is that in the original show he's this big like alpha male bully type yeah he's the alpha he's kind of a jock he's an he tries to be like a bully to Gohan kind of and so it was so much funnier to us to instead just kind of make him a sassy gay which honestly uh I loved playing that I know a lot of people will talk about like stereotypes and whatnot but sassy gay people exist we they exist they have fun and it plays out really well with the dynamic of these characters too like he can still be sassy and mean but it's like less of a I'm better than you need kind of thing and more of like a oh you cuz he then one of the things that you see is that he's he's kind of being a little bit of a head at times but he's also not being actively like aggressive about it he's not trying to make Gohan actually feel bad he's just being him um and so I don't know I had a lot of fun with the character I'm glad people seem to like him because I was like I won't lie there's sometimes where I'm like man I wish I had more characters who got quoted in the show I was just very proud of the of course you do you're Hill yeah you came up with that line it's a weird name for a superhero I think it's going to cool of course you do FASA he knows I love him Goan you know I love you I guess he's a menace a superhuman wannabe hero enforcing his Justice on my city unlike you who enforces your Justice on your dad's City I'm Different he's working outside of the law I work with the police oh and that makes you the good guy what does that mean it means you're my favorite neppo baby Videl and I love you hold on uh so first of all I want to talk about videl's voice actress and I'm I've got to check out the cast list because it's been a while um so Katie Johnson uh played Videl um and initially uh we actually in the only clip that we'd ever done beforehand uh it was Sarah Sarah um Williams M she's doing a lot of uh a lot of other stuff um we probably can't get her back also we were trying to think's older and yeah yeah so we ended up going to Katie Johnson Katie phenomenal performance just absolutely one of the best like I love Katie her whole approach to the character is very warm very natural very sounds very age appropriate um Ryan Palmer as Gohan I have worked with him on a couple of the X minutes he's deu he's stupendous which is kind of funny yes because in the flashforward sequence in Super Android 13 we did have Justin Brer play U for that one scene so that's right okay that's that's funny that you would do that yes Justin Brer played our teen Gohan for one scene in Android Android 13 and then got replaced by the person we use as deu in our X minutes shorts so um Al the by the way shout out to Brer great actor phenomenal guy got big and busy so we we're happy for him like honestly no hard feelings good for you man but yeah Ryan Palmer doing wonders as Gohan here I wanted I wanted a Gohan that sounded a little bit nerdy a little bit high pitched something that kind of felt like it was an inheritance of Goku in a way right um and we actually thought about using moso but I there was a part of me that also wanted Gohan to him doing an aged up Gohan might sound a little like I think it sounded a little too much like Goku yeah hang on Piccolo I think I've got a new trick up my sleeve you do you might want to stand back it's a beast of a trick and for me it wasn't a matter of can he act the part he could act part absolutely but I also and this is really important for me I don't love nozawa playing all of the all of the son family because it really makes them feel like less their own characters and so for me it was actually important that I to that uh Gohan have his own voice like literally and metaphorically so but [Music] yeah so I can't use the helmet for the tournament can you come up with a workaround think you can pull off a do-rag I mean I can try so what do you think trunks I think if I'm honest mom will ground me probably also a good time to point out that between uh Goten and Trunks we had their mothers mhm voice actresses play them yep Mami 33 plays Bulma and Trunks yeah and hnik plays Chi-Chi and Goten yep um actually I played around a little bit with them switching cuz I thought that would have been fun as well like oh what if what if the moms played the opposite kids um and ultimately I think that could have worked but this like honestly like this really works yeah I I think they uh really found the I think Mami makes a great trunks yeah well if it isn't the great say man gracing us with with his present I'm back having fun using our name for your stupid superhero by the way you could really tell that the color Corrections hit and different like the skin tone here was originally way more red mhm yeah he looked pink yeah Vegeta did you take out the trash like I asked why why we have slaves for that stop calling them slaves fine interns thank you hey Vegeta you tell that's a source of an argument every now and again why so going beat up a bunch of weaklings from money I'm already rich and I've got nothing to prove what if I was there P that out oh no the voices are back no I'm real you King Kai am I real oh yeah no I'm real not according to that cour ordered quack actually I hear him too what the hell heaven actually I love the idea of Vegeta being ordered into court order therapy just like he he had like an he had an outburst and just all of a like no you you need therapy I am so proud of our audience because I was really worried that when we said court ordered quack no one was going to get that that was a therapist I I I knew I knew people would pick up on that I had faith in you and I didn't I didn't I I had no faith so now you know who you want to spend weekends with is all I'm saying you know oh oh please you are always that guy I am that gu yeah you have never not been that guy they're so cute so then great SE man what's your story I'm just a small town boy with alien blood look to make a difference you an agent of Justice cleaning up the city and fighting against the filth that took my mother from me okay the medical system so first thing um this Dynamic was one that I'd wanted to do for oh yeah the the idea of the the Boy Scout and the hard Edge vigilante Batman Superman yeah yeah uh this in fact um I tried not to use any copyrighted music outside of the Dragon Ball soundtracks uh and initially I literally had Superman music and Batman music from their respective 1990s animated series and then I went to a and I said Ein I need something similar yet legally distinct because the best kind of distinct yes because WB cracks oh yeah so hard down on that oh my gosh criminals killed your mom well no uh I actually lost her to the big sea but that backstory doesn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of criminals so also thing that we changed here videl's Mom I don't think is dead in the she never shows up yeah um it's implied that you think you think she'd be very curious about the fact that you know after the events of this that her husband is Ping around with a big fat World Destroyer yeah um it was I I believe in an interview uh I believe her name was Miguel Miguel and Mr Satan splits in our version never be dead cuz we never hear about her yeah we decided to anime mom her that also played into the whole angle of her being the Vigilante we wanted like oh she's got to have a dead parent right yeah I lost my dad to the big seat too oh wow I'm so sorry Cancer's a huh oh no I thought you meant cell but didn't everyone mysteriously come back after he died not everyone there also the people on that island he blew up that drowned immediately after being revived did you say alien who wants to learn how to fly you had to edit him in there I know that Goten jumping in that shot is complete edit he EVS from another scene entirely and it is seamless as I'm pror I'm proud yeah it's a really cute shot the question everybody asks look at you Krillin you've got hair and proof I had sex okay I'm going to say outright this scene makes no sense there's no way Gohan didn't has never AB absolutely but yeah no this was this was written specifically for these shorts to be like oh this is the first time he ever finds out he he would have known by now yeah like they they they would have met like Gohan and like Gohan keeps in touch with people he's not Piccolo or Goku yeah but this is a this is the easiest way to get to the obvious question a what's your name Maron so we going to talk about that or talk about what it's my grandmother's name talk about how great it is you can still have children the thank you you're welcome goodbye you're right it is funnier if we act like I don't know it's so weird for dub Watchers to hear that krillin's daughter's name is Marin after going through that filler Arc where it is his ex-girlfriend's name yep by the way do do you know the pun there do you know why her name is even Maron I mean I know it's another thing with chestnuts right it's the French word for Chestnut yeah uh yeah told you there's this one has the most views by far as the sharit wait wait what so you're this massively powerful half human half alien super Warrior uh I mean saying that about myself feels a little conceited but what I'm saying is you can dodge bullets much less any attack I throw at you well yeah honestly why do you ask no reason you dodge attacks you accept gifts that's I've seen that cop yep also the fact that she's into it really that can't get him out of the ring I guess that's what I should expect from the son of kakara maybe we decided to like lean into the like trunks actually does idolize his father a bit and have him refer to Goku as kakarat yeah I really loved that angle you you're the one who actually kind of brought that up as an angle and I was like you know what that would be perfect for our version of the character cuz in in a lot of ways this trunks trains with Vegeta like you know he's he's like really trying to live up to him like when he goes Super Saiyan in front of vet's like ha See Dad look how cool I am you boy yeah okay how about we get a little spicier oh hey Gohan you taau him out of Dodge that's great trucks pull it up I had a couple of different takes from Ryan there and I'm really really glad that I went with that one I initially picked one p like oh yeah I initially like here's the funny thing he did a couple takes he did that one I'm like okay bring it down just a little bit and then when we actually got to the scene I'm like no actually that was the right energy he that was the right energy yeah pleas wait does that mean we can use Pew pews PE of course we can duh come come dude you're not even saying it right it's Kam H wait even if you say it wrong it still works then why say it at all because it sounds cool does it though oh come on he knows I love him you know I love you the great Sam man seriously though who put that doag on him the look on rasa's face is like this bit all my years of watching brutal violence unfold this is without a doubt the most heinous unnecessary savagery we've ever witnessed oh come on this could be way worse she still has all her vital organs n of them I have to do something I can't let this continue no Gohan if you step in you'll be disqualified damn it you're right oh God my arm for real though she's dying yeah so honestly not too much to say about that scene other than like yeah that Orin despicably brutal and nobody is willing to stop it and that's why I was like you know what I'm going to just show the the over-the-top violins and they just have everybody like just standing there watch I mean viel gets her hits in early like she breaks the dude's neck which is always really interesting to me cuz it's like if you do that in the rank like cuz she they obvious she was apparently going to be disqualified for that yeah I mean there are obviously some rules but like obvious she wasn't planning on that it's it's weird it's got to be like a waiver like I mean like you know if you die in the contest due to like overexertion or something there there's got to be something but so before we start on this one by the way um we have Tom schul as uh Kosen or Sheen and then we have Gian metano as kibito and they're perfect I love them they nail it [Music] perfectly my true identity is the Supreme Kai or Kosen but you may just call me Shin huh are you above or below the grand Kai he had a fun beard the Supreme Kai are the highest like idea of referencing him he was one of my favorite guys what about you are you also Supreme I do not speak to Morty mores it means mortal which is what he should be saying Okay so this I I I was ready for this I grabbed the wheel I'm like let's go yeah you had been you actually came up with this joke a while ago oh my God it was forever it was back when we started doing the you know like it was the second time we did the you know the funny thing is I know you're playing me because originally what's uh and I think I talked about this a bit in the episode commentaries you wanted the second time he did the you know the funny thing is I know you're playing me but you're right to cut off at you know the funny thing is I know you're playing me but I wanted to go with the rule of Threes because I knew there was one more eventually that would work for it in terms of the rule of three and here is where it comes up also had a lot of fun coming up with the how do you define evil in a soul in the background conversation so what's with the M's on their heads that is the mark of the Majin if Boby finds any evil in your heart he can use it to control you turning you into his puppet wait any evil yes originally in the script we like we wanted everybody to turn and look at Vegeta what but it just kind of killed the rest of the flow also there's just not footage for that yeah also this conversation actually happens earlier in the actual show when they're traveling to Bob's ship and it's funny cuz they're traveling with Vegeta and like everybody that's when Krillin and Piccolo are still there it's like wait a minute evil and they all look at Piccolo it's was like are you kidding me Vegeta's right there I remember that from the dub yeah any evil even using your phone during a movie or leaving your shopping cart in a parking space Oh that's super evil the car return is like right there hello can I speak with a Vegeta are you name's Bob son of that's stupid so yeah we decided to just go with me for boby i' I've been playing with that voice for a while we don't really use a lot of stuff at the top of my register so we don't no we don't do that no not really Master roshi roshi isn't at the top of my register he's around here yeah Bob is much more up here right right well I'm here to make you a proposition I'm listening go on what about tipping because some places actually pay their employees but but others don't I mean obviously then you tip at the places that don't but how do you know I love that expression dude come on it makes sense like and uh there a lot of places will actually be like hey we pay living wages you don't need a tip which hey honestly if you do that but now you have self checkout things that are like you want a tip it's I think it's just the tech companies more than the institution itself at this point I will say uh good on you know if I have to give anything tech companies which I loathe to do uh the ability to just be like hit 20% phenomenal absolutely phenomenal um also we course they take a cut of anything that is added through that also we should get rid of tipping pay people what their worth this is why I hunt my own food come on Vegeta I can see it deep in your soul by the way I want to note a lot of people are like wait does he say hunt or hump and I'm like it's obviously hunt why would you don't kink shame him I mean I'm not saying it's it's completely outside the realm of possibility Goku loves food he loves food let me give you what you want all the power that you need to defeat Goku you know the funny thing is I know you're playing me bam wait no don't tell me that Vegeta has darkness in his heart oh oh no you you just feel the excitement and it was like oh boy here we go it was a combination of he wants to fight Vegeta and on the other side it's like a oh you poor poor summer child you don't understand him it is I love that because it is a combination of emotions into one laugh I'm really proud of Lawrence oh yeah it's great he is phenomenal this absolutely would have been an EP episode Ender oh one [Music] yeah bye those guys stop it Jets this isn't like you you're not a bad guy since when when on this worthless Earth can I ever become a quote unquote good Gody you were at krillin's barbecue last week yeah and I brought potato salad he is truly lost to us wait no you mustn't this fight will only serve the Hast in Majin Buu's Awakening oh yeah strong is much stronger than any of you no I mean he can the hand obviously wasn't there I am so glad I believe that hand is from an like completely separate episode I believe that hand is actually from the fight between Goku and Vegeta yeah play entirely playing into the idea that like Sans man oh yeah Goku wants that smoke Mr Shin you are only making this worse you don't you don't get it man mortis oh yeah and also that's the first time so we didn't censor any of these um we actually I I went back and forth on it but I'll be completely honest with you well I was happy to censor the original show because we were trying to make something that leaned more PG-13 at this point the people who are watching this are largely adults I think the one that did it was this upcoming scene because you like the way the uncensored sounded so much better and you were just like let's just do it for the rest of it yeah honestly the uncensored version was so much better I I couldn't do it and yeah that basically influenced the rest of the one because if I if I was doing the one I might as well do the other I put a lot of Fury into my voice for this one you said you sound absolutely indignant on this yeah it's real good also speaking of like the thumbnails uh are returning to that real proud of the composition on this one I'm I'm I'm happy with that like I'm proud of the title that oh bad the original one was dying on a leash and then you're like it's let's go with bad like the titles really didn't matter no like so it's like let's go with badman returns why [Music] not Vegeta I don't understand why would you let Bob do this you don't get it how could you you who's never once questioned why he fights you've always lived for yourself trained for yourself but once you were gone I lost what drove me to be better I lost my Edge and now I'm going to ptaa meetings and krillin's movie Nights listen to me kakaro I'm using his name but now I have a chance a chance to finally fight you one onone no outside Titus no interference just you me and my victory all right that's it yeah look je I'm just here for the fight you know got to justify it God I missed you was that I knew that's like how it had to go like God I missed this so much Vegeta has an actual affection for Goku like there there is something there it's up but it's there uh also not the best written scene cuz it's like why are you doing this tells him why you don't have to tell me why so it's l legitimately like we wanted to get to Vegeta's thing but we needed Goku to say something to prompt him to say it after the fight so yeah it's it's a little clunky although I most people don't really it's it's a common comment that I have seen on that one though worth bringing up yeah you're right could it have used a second pass maybe timetables eh yeah but ultimately very proud of the model monologue very happy with how that went over like this is some of my best Vegeta also in that scene I used a piece of music that I will reuse later in a different way and that was the scene that was the music that was originally used in that scene I actually tried to find music that fit better for that particular like back and forth that had to be it so when it came to the scene where I reused it I had to get a different version and I'll talk about that then but that piece of music is Iconic that's also uh like a piece of music that I think first premiered in the Bojack movie uh and it's one of my favorite pieces from the show so glad something came out of [Music] Bojack finally after all these years and all of my hard work he's finally been set free my baby boy Majin Boo by the way I want to say this real quick because that the music in the background just reminded me I use so much music from all over Dragon Ball for this I used dub music I used original Z music I used uh thaai music I used game music from a bunch of the games all of the music in this is all different kinds of Dragon Ball music that I believe was anything that's not a custom track anyway yeah yeah and that was actually music from Super pooten 3 an arranged version where they like used an actual Orchestra to like redo the SNES game music nice yeah I was very intent that I wanted to make sure that I used the full breadth of the music from Dragon [Music] Ball buo kind of writes himself to a certain point a little bit just just a little though we did T we did tone up his intelligence a bit so I don't remember the original dor little Elia also a question we get a lot is like he's a clone like on the yeah so fun fact uh because Toriyama loves his revisionism SL uh retro uh retroactive ronning he loves to redcon he loves man opens his mouth about D like it's all the interviews that he did in all the tabon that came out afterwards where he was like oh 16 is based off jro's son who died in a war um and then uh yeah there's like a whole bunch of stuff that just comes up after the fact it's never brought up in the show and one of them is that so technically not necessarily a clone more like Bob is basically to bibid what Piccolo kind of like a a magical reincarnation yeah so kind of a sun kind of a reincarnation kind of a do it's it that's the idea um and then we were clone is the easiest way to say that yeah it's a deep cut um by the way so uh Simon Robertson Simon Robertson's boo is so good we'll we'll get to this later but he has my favorite combinations of sound in all of these things that we made in one of the these scenes and I I I will point that out also what do we have for dor here are they credited yes yes yes some some people go Justice Washington is insane like like both Simon Robertson and Justice Washington phenomenal actors absolutely Stellar guys they rocked this honestly I am so so so so so happy I was able to work with both of them because listen to Justice Washington let me talk with him Master oh it's like Silk oh are you new friend you play games with boo I am not here for games I Am The Demon King dor our Master always so jealous of people who can hit that base and just like so casually yeah understood you play games with boo what was that speak up you pillowy pink pry eyes tag you um quick note I was originally supposed to play Fat boo um because I ended up play playing Super boo later uh and I won't lie I'm going to be real honest I wanted to play a villain and I was like and I was like I could do the voice I knew I could do I could do super boo it wasn't a question I knew I could do it so I was like I just want to play Super boo that's that's the only character I'm going to be like I want that and I'm I could knew I could do it mhm um yeah originally my boot was up here and honestly Robertson Nails he kills it he kills it he like it's so natural he makes it sound so natural right the moment I heard it I was like oh this sounds just like it doesn't even sound like you're putting on a voice there are certain people who can just like put on a voice and it comes out so naturally so cleanly uh a lot of that comes down with like practice and just being in that register and like really playing with it but some people have like mastered certain areas of their vocal range to just such an amazing degree and Simon's got that honestly I was talking with Simon and the man does the best Impressions it's insane like I I'm looking forward to the voice is an amazing flexible thing like I mean I got my start doing impressions and just build your instrument any way you [Music] can wait oh there's the hand you feel that you feel that yeah you're strong want to go see yeah do this is another one we had written for a while I do know you shut up and give me a sense you got it best buddy too bad we couldn't finish our fight though I didn't even get a chance to whip out man there was an alternate to that that I actually liked a little bit better I didn't get a chance to whip out my new form Vegeta goes I mean you wouldn't believe the hair and honestly the delivery on that you wouldn't believe the hair it was a good it was a good delivery it's a good line but for me the reason that I wanted to do it like this and uh I I did pass it by a couple of people just to like make sure because I always whenever you disagree with me I pass it by people first because I'm like you make sure my opinion is in the minority before you say you're wrong it's true but it's true because I value your opinion very highly so I need a bunch of people being like to like sight against it the reason I like that version is just like it shows it shows Vegeta's just being like you weren't even taking me seriously but and uh and and and like the the uh my rebuttal to that is that Vegeta does not know in this scene and only finds out later and gets very mad about it yeah even though we don't yeah we don't we don't cover that but like I also love the idea of Vegeta hear something coming and because of his I don't want to hear it yeah no I do not want to hear this whatever you're about to say it's going to piss me off so I'm knocking your ass out VI victory for Vegeta I had to find [Music] last master I bese you look at this thing it cannot be trusted or controlled it is a child yes dor he is a child a child that must be nurtured and raised into a subservient obedient Little T dor dorah where did you go man TOA is going to be really pissed at me who gives a is barely Canon chewing I I wanted to keep this one in there despite the fact that it's really like it's it really only hits for people who have played the games oh yeah cuz like T is like big underbob lady who is uh in that Cannon it is Deborah's what cousin or sister or something like they're related to dbor so like Boby being like oh she's going to be mad a her she's not even Canon look talking me into making deep cut jokes that only like a small percentage of the audience is going to get it easy as pie so easy you you tell me hey maybe only 10% of people are going to get this joke but the 10% who get it are going to point at the screen and go I got that I want to make people soy okay I do I do I do I want to and so yeah yeah I was like yeah TOA let's let's I'm selling blood to a vampire on that one trunks I am going to the most requested time ever oh yeah by far oh cool cool cool hug complete boom is it going to be okay I'm a way better way better mackan take the kakat and my son away from here kakat I had that planned for so long I made a tweet about that like Christmas of like 2016 or something like that like way back I like if if Vegeta's not calling Goten kakat I have failed so I'm like I need that in there and I'm glad so many people like that bit fine I've got nothing better to do in this also I'm 90% of this scene yeah I know right tell me I know how Sab it feels all the time when I die what like in heaven because no no okay you but fair wait who not stop playing with you by the way you can hear it in the background this is a piano version of the song uh a put this together it is phenomenal and honestly I kind of went back and forth on whether or not I wanted to use the piano version because it is kind of more soft and subtle but I felt like this scene of all scenes really deserved the full treatment yeah this would have been one of those episodes where this is where it ended and there would not have been a Stinger at the end of it yeah quinty eyes on me Bubble Yum we're playing my game now first rule you die oh buo has played this game lot of people love that generation got old six years ago so I'm going to take a page out of kakarot's book I'm going to hits you really hard hard enough to wipe every last bit of you from existence existence existence but shallow with no answer boo make you chicken nuggets okay there's one part of the joke that I'm a little bit sad that got cut originally I was going to have a far shot of him going nuggies nuggies nuggies didn't have the footage had to cut that bit for me that was kind of the funniest part of the line yeah it's unfortunate it works this is farewell Bulma Trunks and even you best buddy Vegeta no Vegeta [Applause] yeah [Music] oh I timed that really well yeah uh I like no matter how many takes I did I never felt satisfied with the scream you had to tell me Shut up this is no wait you are you talking about the Vegeta yes or you talking about the last one like as it zooms out like uh both yeah no shut up shut shut up this is the one that I knew I needed to put like the most into and I'm was like I can do better like I I felt the real like inner Vegeta in me come I was like no that wasn't enough no I can go further now you those who are phenomenal I loved those um this is one that we had a bit of an argument about because um I firmly believe that the best buddy bit isn't really earned there because Vegeta hasn't gone through his full character AR yeah there's also that like so the best buddy you felt like should have been reserved for you are number one you know like the the admitting that Goku is the best which ultimately didn't really end up covering yeah so you know as is but uh to me Vegeta's Journey isn't complete until he conquers his own Pride cuz that is his Arc his Arc is overcoming that thing that has been holding him back that thing that he believes is his pillar but is actually his biggest weakness his pride always makes him fail it is so fascina fascinating to me that like the big character AR in The Bu Saga is Vegeta I love that I I absolutely love that I love the fact that like he's the one because in cell it's kind of a negative character Arc that ends up with him finally like redeeming himself at the end where in The Bu Saga it is a big just absolute regression of his character uh only for him to try and redeem himself and then finally at the very very end he comes around and that is the first time in the entire series I would say the first actual time he is a good guy like even once he gets brought back by the drag it's like haha you're good yeah yeah no they they even have to be like no you're good buddy what are you gonna do now it is one of the reasons that yeah I'm glad we got to do this cuz we at least got to like play with it a little bit cuz I mean like I I I look at Vegeta's character Arc and like that is his ultimate Arc is overcoming that Pride which is the thing that has been holding him back which is always funny because that's the part like the pride angle of Vegeta is the part that people always look at is like oh man that's the best part of him it's like you're I I don't think you narratively understand what's happening yeah no no like every time he lets his pride Take the Wheel he face plants every time somebody has a shirt with like Vegeta looking cool with a quote on it I'm like yeah there's a seat for me in hell it's called The Throne no no so you're new I'm God you can call me Dand skd if you're feeling spicy welcome to Mikasa oh um I'm Videl daughter of Mr Kon the devil in God's house got to love it yeah uh I'm actually a friend of Gohan's oh oh Gohan's friend a friend who just happens to be a girl a girlf friend if you would with your nice long human legs and uh I'm glad he has all these facial expressions yeah well I I imagine so many episodes I used every single shot of dende that exists in this show for this one sa mhm I mean I wouldn't say normal that's got a lot of uncomfortable implications you know speaking of have you met Mr Popo hi oh my God are you allowed that Fu that part killed uh yeah by the way as one of the parts that actually is a deleted scene the one at the end that was originally in that scene but and I and I it's still to this day like it better the other way where he where popo like just looks at her like oh I like this one for me I felt like are you allowed was the stronger cut off one it is ultimately the better punchline I just like showing that Mr Popo takes it in stride it's like oh this one um also uh and and yeah I look I I'll be honest about this the first moment that we get to see that videl's a young woman like a like a teenager she's a little bit more Progressive so her first response to normal colored skin is H you know that that we don't want to use the term normal then Mr Pao who actual golly wogs like what the no immediately like okay what first off we got good old Super Saiyan everyone knows this one wait you seriously just put super at the beginning of it that's kind of lazy if you ask me and this oh okay yeah just cut me off it's a super de San you don't look I mean is there a difference I I I literally cannot tell by the way I'm so glad the whole Super Saiyan super duper Saiyan and on to come this was a joke that we had in the chamber for forever oh yeah we I mean we we kind of laid it up in like at uh episode 60 yeah no like we like cuz we were at the time not 100% certain on boo so we're like all right we need to have that line there at least so but luckily we finally see it realized here there's a little zapy Z little zappy zaps see I love Goku and this is to go even f they Beyond here's moso obliterating the microphone we don't talk enough about how good he is oh oh no go ahead waste the last of the time you had there whipping out your dick really got to show off which by the way was on the script but as as I was eding it like I could really use a bit of a bu more punch like and King Kai has just had an update here with Goku oh you it's honestly it's one of my favorite King Kai lines of all time now though um but yeah no Lawrence Lawrence oh my God he TR he went so hard on this he went further Beyond yeah he really did also yeah we had we had to use like that's not accurate to the original don't care it's psychon that line goes hard man it goes It goes hard I wonder how many people he killed by powering up do you hear that I feel that I taste that that what's that [Music] smell it's that voice break at the end of the scream that always makes it a real good power up which by the way I can't remember who said I think it was actually Lawrence who said like hey did you Stitch two screams together I'm like no that dude that's just you you broke you broke in the middle of it and honestly it sounds like fire that is such a clean look oh yeah this is a super D dup Saiyan I'm just going to call those Super Saiyan 1 2 and three okay that's boring well very boring we fight now [Music] sure I love the woohoo yeah oh yeah s been killed on um so our direction we only get one scene with him doing the Super Saiyan 3 voice which makes me a little bit sad um the entire idea was give the voice you know do the whole thing give that little of edge sound like you were just screaming for an hour but also keep the character yeah it's drop the voice keep the character don't try and sound cool just sound like you're hey now I'm Goku now yeah now I'm here I'm ready let's go yeah it's party time oh yeah by the way uh Tom shul plays both young old Kai perfectly by the way hey Shin I think your grandpa's here um excuse me sir who are you what are your eyeballs for show peep the suit kiddo I'm a kyen Kyo what but how and why were you in the sea sword before I answer that can anyone here pop my back I spent 75 million years sealed away in that son of a oh because to that bingus named be which is another retcon also another another retcon CU originally he was like tricked by a witch or something like that uh no The Wait no that's why he's old yeah that's why he has the earrings that fused him into a uh like basically an old Kai which there's a whole there there's a lot of there wait a second who are they are them they're from the Mortal realm oh my what a Morty's doing on our planet oh [Music] no ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] you whoa look it finally worked they fused into actually what do we call you you can call me the miraculous Tru go had a lot of fun with this bit having Goten and Trunks have a single firstperson conversation with themselves as go tanks trying to decide things yeah by the way this scene was pure misery to edit I mean you replaced the Super Saiyan hair with uh their actual hair in a shot coming up right in a shot coming up right yeah okay what am I going with well I mean trunk tent sounds weird but go tanks is like all go and a little Trunks and I both know how this I love that I both know how this Stacks okay then I'm going with go tanks but I owe me later yeah I know hold on then do we use he him or they them why he's not non-binary well definitely not there's two of them in there no yeah that's kind of my point you kids and your pronoun you just say I'm him cuz I'm about to bust up boo later trumpton wait trumpton all I'm saying back in my day a hole was a hole you're gross accurate so uh yeah the a lot of those shots with a lot of the shots with go tanks there are not an original shot um had a lot of fun with that um and by fun I mean a lot of work but yeah I love that scene also it has gotten a lot of really funny responses oh yeah because we made a joke about pronouns and of course that brings out the best people on the internet the best which it's really funny because like the joke is all it's so simple it's like there's two people combined into one yeah the joke the joke is like the most basic harmless possible joke you could have and there was still people who got all like mad that we even mentioned pronouns in the first place some people are like their skin is so thin that if you say a word it triggers them which is really funny considering people who are complaining about it C it's so H it's almost like there's hypocrisy in the world and it's it's it's Universal but yeah no I uh sorry I didn't mean to make such a big deal out of that one joke but the comment section made a big deal about it yeah they sure did the most innocent pronoun joke you can make so toothless it's literally just about like hey yeah there's two people what is it they yeah are they them or is it him and then you know some chuds out there just oh God I don't sorry I anyway I'm not sorry those chuds [Music] yeah the sitcom music I love it oh hungry booy doggy no boo will you not eat dogs BR confused if humans eat cows and pigs why don't eat dogs cuz they're cute domesticated and functional so sa bre and boo not eat you yes door Dash I I loved this joke I had so much fun with it uh me too I I love joking about uh especially like modern um what's it called uh like delivery apps yeah delivery apps and whatnot they uh oh there's a term for it and it's it's skipping me but it sucks um but also I for all the movements on boo I was like he feels like a big guy and he's got that like he's a very rubbery fellow so there's a lot of rubbery like like the sound of like squishing a a a balloon a lot of gum gumu no sounds yeah yeah yeah oh come on they're overpriced uat that's wor they're all bad Boo b booy dri I love that that delivery right there sent me and it continues to then buoy driver he s SS so indignant and I love it so much cuz and I love how it Returns the fact that we returned with that oh yeah I I love that don't eat people no more use your magic and turn rocks into food Satan is genius no eat people no more eat rocks instead wait a second did I just save Humanity I did I saved the World everything's going to be the actual villain of the Ark by the way Hunter just comes in and shoots his dog in front of him oh not not even a hunter he's just a psychopath yeah well I mean he was out there to kill buo right something like that or was he just a criminal just doing his thing he's just a like in in the original scenes cuz there was just these two dudes going around with guns killing I I remember in the tsunami dub they they were there to kill buo like is is what I remember well I mean they showed up and they they were planning on killing buo but like there's an entire episode where they're just going around shooting random people oh one of the darkest scenes and one of the darkest scenes in all of Dragon Ball is this old lady and her husband like there two old people just walking down holding groceries suddenly you see her get shot I think it's either he gets shot or no she gets shot then you just get this far away shot of like him running over to her and and then you see him pull the trigger and then you just see him fall down and then you slowly he crawls over to his wife and again this is just from the far shot this is Dragon Ball yeah of him crawling over to his wife holding his hand out and then dying Jesus it's so dark it's I I don't yeah I haven't seen that scene yeah it's be like and it's basically to show that after the world Goes to Hell there are just people out there who are going to uh take advantage of that just be Purge people yeah uh and so yeah they try to pull that with Boo and then they get horribly murdered for it yeah that was the one where like Boo liquefies goes into them and explodes them right yeah I the first guy I can't remember how he dies but yeah the second one gets I think yeah the first one just gets blown away and then the F uh the uh Watson looking dude just yeah gets blown up on the [Music] inside super go com again it was a scene we didn't know we were going to cover until we came up with the angle that we went with for it by the way everybody who recognized the dokkan music MH I told you I used music from [Music] everywhere hey wait Uncle Nappa hey kids how's it hanging what are you doing here oh yeah so I was having a stroke in my trailer and it did not end well our condolences H it's my fault shouldn't have made that extra notch in the belt I don't get it ask trunks's Dad but he's dead am I doing here oh no had to go that way had to go that way so people are like wait so he can actually summon ghost yes sure why not why not yes yes he can speaking they shall here yep Nappa just doesn't Nappa just doesn't respect the afterlife rules nope also speaking of jokes that were planted a like a long time ago yeah this was the fruition of the joke he's like okay we have to have that scene we don't really have an actual joke for the scene but we need to do this [Music] one also a Gohan's anger very fitting for this bit yeah I I actually just took the bit from the original song [Music] what what's wrong with you little boy do you need an adult no I am an adult that was the closest Gohan ever came to peing after Super Saiyan 2 never quite reached the Super Saiyan 2 levels in terms of badassery but God damn I love that bit I do love the Jos here though yeah just immediate um so okay this whole scene is something uh like I'd wanted to do since I'd say like middle of the cell Saga when I was thinking about the boo stuff um having like his body is basically just like a bunch of different people in fluid yeah yeah so he could do whatever he wants with it like and there was a part of me that was like wait can he just like make stuff appear in his body like if he can re range's face can he make a mouth yeah so let's just Tor like let's psychologically torment Gohan even though Chi-Chi it doesn't make sense for her to be in there cuz he steps on that egg I no he steps on that egg look shut up we don't show that part you don't know how it happened in our version now listen to them child the voices of those you fail to save go on he can see what he sees such a cool look he can feel what he feels help me what's going on was I an egg where am I door dash for a Mr B oops ignore that one we were looking for a punch line on that one and then I threw in the door Dash driver like there we go A+ no notes oh good another Fusion so what are you then we are a warrior Bor of the patara a combination of Vegeta and go go go kurat huh that was weird why why we say go go really got to give it to Stephen by the way Stephen did the lip flaps for this one and they are perfect for these shots and the eyes like all the expression stuff from uh Vegito and uh a couple of people noticed this uh particular justos is that since go Goten and Trunks were actually in sync when they were doing the fusion and this is more of like a forced combination they refer uh like Vegito refers to themselves as we like they still believe they're separate people in there and Goten and Trunks refer to themselves like go tanks refers TOS as I uh and this is another joke we had for a long time Vegeta refuses to say Goku's Earth name yeah this was oh my God this was like the first one of the first Fusion jokes we ever came up with actually uh also talking about like the process of recording the fusion stuff uh the way we did that is I went in and I recorded Vegeta bits where I tried to play up both like you know keep that Vegeta energy but then Goku FY it a bit like so you'll notice that uh if you're just listening to like one voice or the other uh in terms of Vegeta he sounds a little bit more laxidasical and a bit happier we are a Warrior born of the patara a combination of Vegeta and go go karat huh that was weird why can't we say go go it's it's it's a fun little process where you're trying to take aspects of another character and add it into a voice that you've been doing for a while it's also sort of interesting because in certain parts of the line actually mix them a little bit differently on some lines Vegeta comes through a little bit more on other lines Goku comes comes through a little bit more depending on what the mood is like what the tone is of the line Y and uh so I'd go in and I'd record that bit and then maso would match my Tempo yes and did it like a goddamn champ oh yeah very good are you two are you all right sir we are talking to ourselves Vegeta and go Vegeta and go whatever we let him do it just call us Vegito and son yourself are we going to sir I will fight you in a minute call back to racum by the way I loved playing Super boo and I wish I could have played more I actually wrote a scene that I'm a little bit sad we never got to do for the um human eradication it was dark and it was uh going to elaborate a little bit more on the fact that buo is an elder creature yeah um but yeah now we get on to my favorite version of uh Buu which is the chaotic Madness that is kid [Music] buo uh so he's definitely still stronger than the both of us right all almost is dumb got any ideas well your oldest brat still stronger so where's he on Earth so dead what and who did you grab hey are you kidding me Kakarot I had to grab dende come on the magic man I get but why that o you know I can hear you I hope you can look I panicked and I grabbed the Dragon Balls okay oh so that's how you see me well great we have dragon balls now we just have to live long enough to use them by the way like the whole drumming his chest thing was something that was edited and posed and I like I loved doing the edit on that cu cuz like had to add like the blur effect on the on the hands and he's just out he's just back there vibing he's his thing oh come on I'm sure okay so great face this is where this shot actually changes the uh what's it called umle the tentacle coming around was edited over and I was so happy with that oh yeah it came together yeah it it looks H it's see y yoinking him off stage like a villian cane right I you the Dopp effect on that was really good your daughter's a man stealing just look like her mother the implication being go ahead yeah the implication being that uh Satan's wife stole him from somebody ah I remember genetics are strong in that one Vegeta I think I got an idea is it you should have saved your son no I think I have a plan to beat boo was it saving your son at this point the Earth has been brought back or wait no not yet Earth hasn't been brought back yet no but yeah no you're like they had to come up with the excusive they had no energy to teleport which okay couldn't go grab Gohan who is still statistically the strongest person on like in existence at the moment some people will argue this point I don't know how you do I know how you argue that Gohan at this point couldn't beat kid bu like there there are so many people out like it's weird that some people think kid bu is the strongest version no he's the most dangerous version because he's willing to do that the other Boos wouldn't even think of because kid buo doesn't think but like other than fat boo having like weird Kai based limitations in him probably the weakest of all of them it's just the fact that he's unpredictable and uses his body in ways that people wouldn't expect but I love Vegeta putting the respect on Gohan here cuz he Vegeta Knows yeah no at this point Vegeta Knows Vegeta knew since cell it's like okay it the kid's strong yep damn it listen going to use the Spirit Bomb no why Give Me One Reason I'll give you three you used it on me didn't work by the way the three there don't ask how that edit happened it was a lot yeah you us on Frieza didn't work and you didn't even bother using it against cell would work but will this you you fine but if this doesn't work I will kill you if doesn't work who will kill you and I will drag you to hell with me [Music] deal guys I need more energy someone talk to him I'm busy bombing yeah yeah I've got it oh oh okay not bad idea red flag what the put down your trash food turn off your television and get on with it matter for once in your meaningless little insignificant worthless human lives you know what I think I did two takes of that Tak my energy back yeah this guy we brought it back thank you grant nobody gives energy after Vegeta talks right which we had to subvert with Vegeta stop the cheting you're making it worse don't you verb me stop doing it all wrong let me take a swing at this you think you can give a better speech than royalty police I've been cing these suckers for years oh wait they didn't hear that did they no good got to keep that gas lit I love that line can to keep that gas lit people lover wait is that Mr Satan we love your Satan whoever that is I love that tone in her voice oh that's Katie that's who Ka awesome I swear to God I'd let that planet burn if it wasn't where I kept all my stuff what about your wife and kid I said my stuff hey problem it's still not enough this is another one we had planned for a while hey you should probably you know oh all right but only one hand holy only time Goku swears in the entire series uh big swear okay only time he four-lettered s like only time he says yeah yeah this joke we had to make since like some people that uh like people that I again I watch a lot of like reaction content to our stuff some people who never watched Buu don't understand that the end of Z takes place after super so we was like okay we're going to cover that bit let's let let's just mention super in all the places yep oh my it's been so long 10 years right what are you you talking about I saw you barely over a year ago because of that black Frieza nonsense oh right remember when I was black well that was weird I dyed my hair for a bit and I stopped looking exactly like my dad was that before or after we met Broly which one the good one oh after huh Tech after beus I think he's napping again and then there was jiren remember jiren yep so did you guys ever beat Frieza probably let's take p to our first World Tournament before GT willins her y yay which is very funny consider GT right right A lot of people were complaining about the fact that oh GT doesn't ruin her you know what I disagree and we have good reason to disagree because next week we're starting on the gtfs full watch through of Dragon Ball GT you actually talked me into it this this is a good way to announce it though tune in next week cuz we Step Into The Grand Tour take a look at Dragon Ball GT we're recording this like we we've got like stuff we've been watching it oh yeah we've been watching it's been we've been watching and let me tell you they're they're they're actually more positive than you think I'm not I'm not going to sell it short tune in and watch me suffer that's all I'll say and if you're a fan of Dragon Ball GT you might actually find like some more insightful and like mature cont commentary on it also uh yeah no I'm sorry pan is better here than she absolutely is like there's there's no debating that yeah but uh yeah that there was a part of me when we were scripting that last bit for that chunk I kind of wanted to Fan theorize how they're going to beat Frieza and just like throw it in there and be like ah we did predict it you I yeah my theory Goku and Vegeta are going to fuse and you're going to have like purple hair white hair another action figure to sell oh good you're going to have Ultra ego instincts Vegito or Gogeta just play the video calling it here just if it happens that's all OED up and ready to go you're saying you're only here because your family's poor and you need the money which by the way this just should go to show you the range on uh Mr Robertson this is him too I got the you know I wanted the uh person who play you know buo also to play UB he's per he's perfect he's so perfect he's so good yes I spent all our remaining money on a plane ticket here please let me win or we are literally going to die what I'm hearing is I need to abandon my life at home and spend the next couple of years training you punch good my mother has not eaten in days Bulma already on it they will never know hardship again man I'm glad all the people with money use it for good it's so nice that they do that Chi-Chi I know this is probably tough to hear but oh no it's cool have fun really of course we've had you home for a decade now if anything little much well you heard him come on boo boob last line in the show last line of all the Dragon Ball Z bra is just boob boob and yeah that's what the ending would have been yeah yeah why is trunks there uh because it was all the pre- boo stuff weird yeah I [Music] know here a couple of alternate scenes okay how about we get a little spicier oh this one's not [Music] moving eyes are so used to tracking left or right now well guess we should gra the radar [Music] whoopsies ah I'm sorry what is that M stampler again mine yes this is it the fight I've been waiting for all these years exactly what I expect from you Kakarot fun fact that's just me improving cuz you wanted to do this scene yeah I just went in there I was like okay what the would you to say this done yeah Daddy Daddy this is farewell this is more along the lines of how I would have done this scene yeah even you best buddy NOP still hate it Vegeta no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Vegeta and so the came back to tell you that Vegeta died see the reason like I I wanted the narrator to be a part of it maybe it wouldn't have been like that in the actual show and I probably wouldn't have used the best buddy part at all probably would have said something like and even you you or something like that but to me while watching the show a big part of that scene was actually the narrator like his whole bit of like his name was Vegeta something something which is why that's the title of that clip that's the part that kind of like sticks with like stuck with me from childhood uh so I was like you know the the the cheap and the cheap and other way to do was like and so the narrator came back to tell you that Vegeta died that's all the narrator's job was there you know speaking of have you met Mr Poo hi oh my God are you allowed oh I like this one oh my God just steal all my men my out you the voices of those you fail to save this is one you just kind of threw in cuz you like I didn't even know we were doing this one help me what's going on was I an egg where am I I'm my God where am I am I inside magin Buu oh this is so weird oh hey Gohan how's it hanging girl oh wow he is he ising the out godamn you know who I bet can help us right now the great s man oh I'm sorry it's a terrible joke oh don't worry though boo he knows I love him Gohan you know I the oop sells that hey that me this oh my God cutting out Gohan took way way way too long yeah that's that is the boob [Music] bits James Bond fan and me expected him to turn to the side with a gun uh but yeah boob bits the boobs the boobs the boobs got to love boobs you are a boob man I am I absolutely am honestly that was a lot of fun to go back through it was I mean I know it was like much more recent so honestly we were able to like speak on things with a bit more Authority since we actually have memory of earlier last year as opposed to like 15 years ago when we started the project no I never said this but watching through taka's taka remembers way more than we did I was sometimes his mind is like a steel trap other times I think he remembers something certain ways that I remember them differently but I mean that's memory yeah but yeah just it was a surreal experience uh being able to kind of put a Capper on all this again like the spiritual successor of the show is in the shorts and in hipple yeah yeah that's that's a lot of how we would have dealt with many of the boo things we didn't do it but if we did that's that's boo yeah I I don't know how much more there really is to say about it we've been here for about an hour talking about this probably so yeah but hey if you're looking for our take on TT next week as we start as we start our grand tour Grand Tour Grand Tour Dragon Ball [Music] [Music] TT [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 473,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tfs, tfs abridged, team four star, teamfourstar, lanipator, kaiserneko, comedy, anime, funny
Id: uJDrxXV2grI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 58sec (5098 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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