Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Ep. 11-12

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hey uh sorry to interrupt well me but kazmeko here to tell you that we've got new merch over on sharkrobot.com uh call me daddy shirt an orange variant on the piccolo Dodge shirt as well as two hats with both the Dodge symbols so if you want to get them right now just go over to sharkrobot.com team-4-star and thank you so much for your support now back to the commentary [Music] [Applause] the time well no we have to go through three more episodes before that happens oh so you have a markup I I personally think that our quality starts to tick up I honestly episode 12 isn't bad I think that uh in how we deal with all of the filler preenamic is fun but once we're actually on Namek specifically I think it might be episode 14. once Frieza is introduced and is actually like doing [ __ ] I think that's where the quality actually starts really starting to Rock It upward right um it's I do think it was around that time mostly because I think uh we were really starting to take it a little bit more seriously in general we were doing the cons we were getting a bigger audience there was a part there was definitely a part of me that was like I need to do better you felt that pressure to improve because now you're actually being invited out to places and uh you know people are paying actual money to come in and see some of these things even you know just like go to a convention and see us show off some of these things yeah um it's sort of interesting because a lot of people I we've actually gotten criticism for trying to get better like like legitimately we've gotten people criticized like wow they really started to try way too hard with this and I look at these tryhards improving their quality I know that's actually been criticism that's been levied against us and I'll I'll never accept that like I've even had people say I've had people tell me oh you wouldn't have gotten burnout if you just treated it more like a joke and I'm like maybe I mean I don't but then we wouldn't have cared yeah I I want to care and give the best to the things that I make that's what makes me [ __ ] happy like there's there's something to be said about like you know people who might like The Comedy of season one versus The Comedy of season two or the comedy of season two versus The Comedy of season three because yes we do change drastically as writers you know for a comedy as we've gone on it became less about a lull isn't this so funny and more of like a kind of a character comedy well yeah that was one of the things that we realized was that after we had spent whole a whole two seasons of developing these characters and their dynamics that it was now more fun and genuinely uh more of a challenged well maybe not more of a challenge but definitely really more fulfilling to write for the characters that we had developed yeah we had all the puzzle pieces at that point now we just get to fit them in spots yeah which a lot of people um kind of say like oh it just became another dub of the show which is insanely untrue there are millions of things that we still change and alter we just approached the common uh comedy of the characters differently yeah like anybody who thinks anybody who thinks that season three is an actual replacement for the real season needs to re-watch Dragon Ball yeah but with that let's uh let's watch as we start on YouTube yeah I know I I can't help but notice that little nod right at the start here let's watch as we start to try to refine these characters sorry there's one thing one more thing that I really want to point out look at the aspect ratio we're in fortnite that's right we have the proper aspect ratio for the footage now yeah I didn't talk about them the Bardock special but um yeah yeah uh here yes we actually have the proper aspect ratio and it was actually Japanese dragon box footage which insane that we were able to get at all and we were only able to get that footage specifically because Corey Primrose reached out for season two being like hey stop using that shitty Orange Box footage here is the Dragon Box footage and Heath Cutler uh ended up getting me the season three footage and I think some of the movies so big shout out to Corey Primrose Keith Cutler y'all really just actually dramatically improved the quality of the show thank you both so much to the action hey there Goku how goes the recovery well the doctors say I should be in here for a couple of months what would the crushed legs shattered ribs and the brain damage and the brain damage and the Brain Damage I like that oh hey Master roshi what did you get here mister oh look at that uh clipboard.png oh yeah not all of them [Music] okay I made it to the top now I train with Tommy the strongest most powerful being on the look at that Popo's first trainee sorry that popo was being able to create like a clay doll of Goku that could match him in power here we have a second Intro by the way yeah spoilers I know right I said nobody achieved Dragon Ball Z I know there are a few people that hold it but by the way weird so if uh if there's a oh God totally not Mark did a review of The Original Dragon Ball series and at the beginning of a King Piccolo uh another king prick load the um Piccolo Junior Arc let's see about that at the very beginning of that review he actually had us record a uh segment with Goku where they like first met and yeah yeah um so if anybody ever wanted to see more of like the little hint that we gave here of Goku meaning uh popo actually just watched totally not Mark's review of the piccolo Junior Arc because at the very beginning there's a whole scene that I'm really proud of well we've finally been able to sedate him took us a while we had to go through some alternative treatment oh really what did you use something I found under the sink I think it was Clorox or something it's okay bye oh you're still here not questioning the floating man anyway that's Mr Popo he lives up on the lookout with Kami me filling in for another character can't just talk I like that because you're trained with someone yeah sir as I was saying the only hope to get your friends back is to use the dragon balls on kami's Home Planet Namek namik that Planet I've ever heard of oh look at that a woman who doesn't know any better what are the odds I think we would have changed that to humans yeah until recently I've never heard of that planet either oh a woman who doesn't know any better yeah damn it walk right into that one anyway Wilma does get truly shafted she really does but that's just because she literally does nothing yeah like before we get into this because I feel like there's going to be a lot of comments to be made about Bulma throughout this entire Arc I understand that Toriyama wanted to have her along for the ride at the adventure aspect of it but she gets lost immediately yeah she gets lost immediately and to the point where the anime has to come up with a bunch of filler for her most of which that isn't very good which just kind of makes you not like Bulma more like it just takes away from everything because she's not important to the plot it sucks Boma is a good character who gets shafted by being drugged into something that she didn't need to be there for yeah way away out of her but [Music] I am uh we don't need your help I've got right here a remote control to one of the crash Saiyan ships all I have to do is put in these chord and it says probably from Napa I'm guessing critical failure okay I would have changed that joke that I think oh hey it's raining that's neat that's makes me happy um so honestly if I wish I had done this what I would have rather done was it as she's trying to use the remote cut to Popo with a little twinkle effect oh my God and have him blow up the uh I think that would have been way funnier way more effective and I wouldn't have had that awful critical failure joke yeah you wouldn't here's the thing I would have just caught the critical failure in general but you can like I still like the idea that she accidentally blows it up like she's like her actions and the fact that it's secure it's like ah God damn it yeah yeah well well well look who just ran out of options damn it Palmer stop being such a scaredy cat and get on the carpet with a scary Genie masuko's roshi reminds me of the bird from don't hug me I'm scared I'm kicking krillin's ass oh you and I are gonna get along just fine all right here we are Young's a bit Heights wait a sec how did we make it here so fast this Yep this cup it gets about 10 000 miles to the soul what the gallon still doesn't explain its velocity you can make it to the other side of the planet so very efficient to the soul why didn't you help Goku get to the Saiyans when he arrived on Earth I was preoccupied Mr Popo sounds like footage as quickly as possible and before I had the Dragon Ball scooters for that so this was just ripped off YouTube foreign toast here it is call me ship it's it's old and covered in Moss I know Fitz doesn't it now get in but how do we Popo oh wow your name opens the ship Popo it was originally Piccolo and the joke is it's not that his name it just knows better yeah yeah welcome to Jupiter my God we're so far into space in such a short amount of time this is wonderful Mr Popo we can finally save our friends this is terrific this is [Music] I just want to take a moment there to establish uh we do we do get this question a lot why is Mr Popo and our universe so strong and I know we've addressed this question a number of times but just to give one more definitive answer to it uh long story short it's because in the boo Saga when Goten and Trunks wake up on the lookout after Vegeta blows himself up they're like where are we what's going on because they've never been there apparently uh and they're just wandering around and the first person they see is Mr Popo and they immediately freak out go Super Saiyan and just go on the attack and Mr Popo is just kind of like giving little ground just blocking them left and right it's like holy [ __ ] this dude has enough power like granted they're young but that's still super saiyan yeah like he's able to just kind of like stop them yeah so it's like how strong is he they're absolutely strong enough to have killed Raditz and probably the Ginyu Force they're really strong and the fact that they are able that popo is able to block them really both of them at the same time without seemingly much effort really just kind of made the both of us think oh wow he's actually like he's either way stronger than he's letting on or I know it's supposed to be the gag of the scene it's just a gag but that kind of just sat with us thinking making us think okay what if there's something more to that yeah he's what if what if he is like this omnipotent being that's just there for the hell of it yeah um and then this was before the Omni King ever existed yeah but now my mind is like they have the same eyes pretty much I have the same eyes they're the same race prove me wrong and we went to Jupiter in just a couple of seconds we'll be at namic in no time and even better popo can be our pilot oh dear God no oh my God but that'll be a running theme with Krillin yay no why would I no Yay see you when you get back except this season you ham banana yeah right what do you think you means by that well what a good time I know that my little boy isn't going anywhere actually mom I'm going to Namek as I said my little boy isn't going anywhere but Mom Piccolo died for me it's my responsibility Gohan I am your mother and as your mother you will listen to me and you will do as I say but that's not did you carry around a baby in your months with a man who literally thought you had Cinnabons hidden in your shirt how did she defend them I know right you're like a normal boy and then you're going right back to your [ __ ] face I'll be going to nemec now you best you best oh well you know better get started on that ship please hurry up to work on the ship to prepare it for their travel Hey Dad how are things coming along well I'm working on your translator but all I can get you to do is translate the namekian into another language I don't understand that's just Japanese foreign everything worked out well except for one thing we couldn't fix the translator for the toilet filled with this water yeah probably poorly pronounced at the time my God what happened to your head you look like a young Moe Howard I like to believe that was part of his punishment climate Chowder Heads we've gotta get Going Vintage Three Stooges jokes I'm okay with that no absolutely strangers that includes you brilliant so Bulma where do I put my stuff sit down strap in and shut up oh all right so Gohan how much stuff did you bring well Mom packed my bag so there's a lot in there okay you know what they say oh [ __ ] Popo [Applause] So It Begins yep [Music] also a new logo it's gone but yeah not our best eye catch it we thought it was funny enough I would have I definitely would have had better bubbles yeah um they probably would have been moving yeah but yeah that was episode 11 uh episode one of season two um and honestly I can I can I think there's an immediate uh there there is a shift because this was also like after Bardock too Bardock actually I think kind of pushed us to start treating scenes a little bit more um to let them air out a little bit to kind of have more conversation and less okay get to the next joke get to the next scene get the next bit it allowed us to Pace things a little slower to kind of start building on the characters a bit more um and also work with apply because we were about to the Saiyan Saga is incredibly straightforward that that's that's something uh like that especially especially in comparison to Big arcs afterwards because in the Saiyan Saga it's right up shows up steals Gohan they kill Raditz and Goku Goku goes to King Kai to train while they get ready for the Saiyans the Saiyan show up they fight the Saints bunch of people die Goku shows up Jada boom now try to run through the Arc of [ __ ] of the [ __ ] Frieza Saga and it is it will take you five times the length position before we can do that we have to talk about all the filler that happened before they even got Dynamic yeah which uh starting on this episode is where we would decide you know what we can cover some of that filler but we don't want to really Linger on it at all so yeah but that'll be for no no no oh right I'll do two episodes at a time okay what about it all right cool yeah let's just go into it then okay cool yeah hi so this Arc was probably like the worst and most forgotten article or like little story the space orphan satisfied with just our planet who the hell is freezing shut up there's no way we can let you people live not after what you did to our planet our family is such a dark joke it is but I we were crying I think this was like something where I'm like okay my sense of humor tends to the dark side let's just kill them all yeah man ready you literally can't hurt them so let's just have them give up close your eyes and it doesn't do anything to them he's been getting shot since he was like 10. freeze those men are stronger than we thought everyone take your cyanide tablets but we told you we don't know any phrase up oh boy ah Krillin can I open my eyes God that's so haunted yeah on but I can't I didn't know I didn't know how to paint closed eyes yeah I was doing all of the digital painting here before we got other artists but yeah we would develop a habit of just like okay we'll cover this filler but we're doing our own thing with it and I actually had a lot of fun with this episode 's like the voice I got to use was just really goofy and fun I have a lot of very like favorite deliveries here between taka and myself Vlog start eight uh November 28th now starting to feel very pent up not just for being trapped on the ship of course but from Bulma walking around in nothing but her underwear I would relieve this tension but I've had the ship have like two rooms and that's it I think there might just be the one on my face by the way oh yeah something nothing goddamn truck cheese huh you guys you wouldn't believe it Bud by the way this is going to start an arc where Krillin is way more of a dick than I think we would have ridden him if we were to a real approach yeah again right a writing characters as a dick is a crutch and Krillin is the only character around that can fill that role at the moment yeah um I mean he that didn't necessarily necessarily have to be a roll filled no it was just something that we felt like oh you know we need the we felt like snark was necessary at all times and yeah I would not have written Krillin this way nowadays I would have made him way nice at least yeah until they hook up with Vegeta Krillin is an [ __ ] yeah and it's it's not great I mean there's still funny jokes with Krillin but I love this bit I [ __ ] love this bit oh yeah oh no bring us in for a landing Bulma yeah um about that about what did I mention I don't really know how to land this thing drops Gohan a joke we'd have to revisit later from work or the same gag yep see this is why women shouldn't drive all right this coming from the Asian racist well I'm half Saiyan what does that make me uh are you sure they're okay they've been out for a long time you stole these characters from aqua team but they're so fun yeah we had a plan of the plants stupid to take that ship so by the way the joke here was that in Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged um as two of his characters was like okay let's do the plutonians yeah because that was how you write comedy reference humor but they were fun characters and they [ __ ] fit for them natural act natural [Music] Dynamic yeah totally the totally namakas you mean yeah those guys that's us so uh what brings you to like our Planet Fitness I think they mean the ones that grant wishes oh yeah we totally have those the fish granting balls oh well if you wouldn't mind helping us look for them oh yeah the help you finds about dragons dragon ball I don't even know who I'm offending with that accent somebody tell me who I'm offending with that accent I have some fine Sam and several times someone in Europe definitely someone in here wishes I think we made that up did we make that up but no that is such a weird voice it's kind of just his normal voice talk his soul out and just told him to read things no that's just no people never do that dude come on that's cool that's cool these two seem off to you like them time to find the dragon balls meanwhile and it's still not Candy Land he was pretty messed up I'll tell you what but what happened to his partner well that's the score they say he killed his partner and that his ghost still haunts him to this very day stupid we're doctors scientists now injected it is a nice touch that that's the same doctor from Bardock doctors in the background yeah out of here gotta get dynamic Colin get the dragon balls God damn it Napa you were saying oh my God we have to get him out of there his heart rocket is didn't we have that line in there because there was a uh a flub in Bardock where uh I can't remember who the doctor was but they accidentally said his heart rocket is Sky rating it was like we like that outtake so much that we added it in as an actual line that's that's literally how it happened yeah also um people might notice that uh in this where the lip laps are now becoming a little bit more precise that happened because there was actually a project called real PBZ a bridge at the time that was kicking my ass at lip lapse and I was like oh yeah skins and uh I don't remember the other name yeah um and uh we laughed hard at those we still remember they're they're glorified [ __ ] post but they were amazing yeah um we decided that we were going to I decided that I wanted to get on their level with their lift laps and um so yeah that's why the lip Flaps in this Arc become so precise in comparison to the uh the season prior good to see you're awake Vegeta we have to apologize though we couldn't save your tail it's all right I can live without it on a table walk around a shell of your former self everyone calling you a tearless freak you know I could probably kill him yeah yeah but that still wouldn't get your tail back tell me something which is your favorite internal organ what an odd question but if I had to choose I guess I would have to say my liver [Music] Vegeta shadow.png by the way if I were to do that nowadays the shadow would be different against the walls against him I hate looking back on those things and not knowing and seeing the corners yeah also this does kind of show where I start to do more visual edits like that throughout and I'm it's a lot of fun yeah you know it's the simple things in life hey there Vegeta speaking of simple what is it Qui where are you off to in such a hurry after plow your mother shows what you know Vegeta we reproduce asexually gross out of my way oh dead [ __ ] whatever come again we heard about the Dragon Balls we know the namekians made them and Frieza is way ahead of you but how the scouter was on the entire time that's impossible my transmitter was off the entire time whose daughter was probably my favorite also last goddammit Napa screen Dragon Balls wow this usually takes us like months that's because you're on the Planet Namek everything's better up here you should totally stay here forever baby take your ship what oh look it's another dragon ball into the egg you should go get it you should go get it don't you want to have the awesome adventures on the Planet Namek with the Dragon Balls it's awesome musical montage yeah God damn these fake namekians would have made a hell of an escape room like they they went intricate with this [ __ ] oh yes yeah they went crazy yeah we passed them like three times just wave not this yeah don't do that he has social phobias come on you guys we only have one more Dragon Ball left then we can wish back our friends but no no that you do that yeah we what save a cat let you have the Dragon Balls they're all dragon balls if attacks them if you'll make our fish for ourselves and then you can suck our three foot long sponge stuck us you're what our wings it's funny because Fang means penis wait a minute that's what gives them away but but actually I uh read their minds and I don't think we do people actually give us like if people actually give us like a bit of [ __ ] about that why why don't the minions have penises things like no he wouldn't why would he have a dick they reproduced through eggs that they spit out through their mouths right I mean I guess there's a possibility that like why would it exist other than just a drain water which I get I'm I'm guessing they excrete in a different way I have no idea how they um passed ways past waste but I I I don't know I I think I think just people don't like the idea of him not having them a masculine dude man not having a yeah hanging peen I was so angry that I didn't have a shot for them to translate I actually transform yeah the only existing footage did not work immediately because I would never do anything that's stupid well there was that one master of gas lighting he got mad of those two guys who just wanted to play a children's card game after them then we ended up crashing here on this planet open all the phones you know if I'd screw it just summons the tentacle monsters oh boy a smart joke coming up here it's a little uh on the um inappropriate side just a little below a little little right um tentacle monsters here okay I think that did it now soon [Music] thank you [Music] oh my God oh God it was all a dream yep and then a joke I still don't know how I feel about this very day I'll say [Applause] it's me I look how young you were I know oh my God so tiny oh before my hairline received like crazy editing so late [Music] for it oh hey welcome back lord Guru I have terrible news someone has attacked the planet this is very serious I must put on my Warface you're still smooth out his Guru at the time now show me yours needs work yeah that's the first two episodes and now we're finally going to Namek yeah man I'm so excited like I season one I wasn't too excited to talk about because I felt like there wasn't as much to say other than like yeah we made a bunch of preferences but here's how the casting happened but namik is um the like the beginning of the end of namic like episode 30 part one marked our fifth year together so yeah this is this next Arc here is going to span about two and a half years worth of our stuff oh my God you're right but we'll get to that next time on this thing that we're doing [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 497,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teamfourstar, gohan, krillin, bulma, namek, popo, goku, dragonball z abridged, dbza, dragon ball z, dragon ball z abridged, tfs
Id: 8XeiKknM79k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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