Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Ep. 22

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foreign [Applause] [Music] about to get a bit more involved uh I'm trying to think like off top my head of some like real standout moments of this episode it was really just allowing Ginyu and uh Goku to kind of interact for a bit and yeah there's there's is it is it kind of weird that whenever I think of this like span of episodes It's always difficult for me to place what happens where yeah um mostly just because like I remember watching through this in the original show and I won't lie this isn't my favorite stretch of dynamic Saga not really um if only just because I love everything that happens before Goku gets there and then like Goku on Namek kind of like brings all that stuff that's happening kind of into a very abrupt halt yeah because we also never like granted the fact that Ginyu has a special ability that really makes him more unique he never really presents himself as much of a threat beyond that ability yeah a little bit and that's where I kind of feel like it falls a little short he was never really much of a match for Goku at all oh no but we'll get on to that oh right now the following is a non-profit parody Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT are all known by FUNimation toy animation Fuji TV and or curatorioma please support the official release rest in peace I don't think I don't know if he dies this episode I think he dies next episode I think you're right you are now clean my jowls and that was nails first day on the job yes sir I remember I was there that also doesn't open anything okay yeah this is a standout scene what reason now talking about that ungodly oh right oh yeah that you know perhaps you should give someone else that power up you remember the one you gave the earthlings you are correct it is time for me to unlock your hidden Powers didn't they ah what the hell and now your power has been awakened I noticed now there's actually something I kind of want to bring up there you might notice that like the two lines there kind of juxtapose a little weird and now you're probably like what the hell and now your power's been awakened it's because originally dende's line was what the hell I was taking a nap because originally like we like he was going to have his eyes closed there but you just I remember there was a thing in the edit was like that that part of the line just won't work I can't get him actually looking like he's napping next to Guru there or something you remember that I don't remember that at all I do I remember it every time I hear the juxtaposition of those lines because the and Now does not fit with what came before it but I remember in the original script it was like I was taking a nap huh okay referring to me now listen to me Den day with these Powers you Garner a huge responsibility I need you to run as fast as you can to the Earth Lane sir he left you the moment after you gave him the power up bye I love by the way I never pointed this out but I love that it's on his butt yeah die down to two mcginners you stupid outfit starts beating us up and I lost my best mind and choice you'll speak to me professionally and dutifully oh um sorry kitten no juice back from the field full report well see at first it was going fine but next thing we know galdo well oh Lord he's dead isn't he first assumption well in our line of work our lives can be compromised at any moment this is something we must live with on the plus side but owes me 50 rabbits about that kitten he's probably not gonna pie up really he's usually such a good sport about that thing is is come down with the sudden case of death sir oh that's wow here we get to see some of Guinea's vanity yes sir he was a valued teammate strong fast and blue pardon kitten blue and tall and you're so red and short it was the perfect little Jing Yang thing we had going not bad on me no but God damn his quads are nuts perhaps recruit know someone he's dead too isn't he yeah did he at least die with dignity really had to point that out just no dignity in his death nope straight ass in the air I believe the next step is obvious we as professionals cannot allow this act to go unabated we have a job to finish and we shall see it through yes sir can you force away sure it's nice to see you guys again but I sure can't help but feel that someone's missing oh yeah what do you think she's up to probably something girly had a whole song produced for this pretty explosion yeah I like her hair I had to address some of the filler there by the way that song was available uh to download for the longest time is it not anymore I don't know I need to figure that out they have to check the uh description on the original video for that yeah I definitely want to include that in the description for this absolutely you're idiotic banter is charming but if you haven't noticed we're pretty much screwed here what why Frieza has the Dragon Balls you dolt which basically means we're already dead actually not really oh something you know that I don't a lot of things actually you have five seconds to refrain [ __ ] you just say four three actually what I meant to say was when you make a wish on the Dragon Balls the sky turns darker than the blackest void out of the balls Rises a giant dragon so yeah none of that two one medium kitten that's the one who beat us up what I love his reaction to Goku he looks like he just got out of the bed for goodness sakes Jason's wearing pajamas oh sir he'd pick us apart one by one we never stood at Johnny bringing it back Chase what have I told you you know I'm supposed to be here again I thought you'd be busy polishing frieza's boots first off Lord Frieza doesn't wear boots second if he did I'd have already polished them third he's off chasing some leftover namekians wait so frieza's not at the ship oh I love this [ __ ] oh yeah that's right and the average power level of Frieza soldiers is two thousand interesting oh my God this is the one with the uh it might be yeah this is the Wilhelm scream joke too one of the jokes that I'm proudest of by the way I love the fact I want to point this out um so the whole uh uh polishing freezes boots line we actually had that in there and then I can't remember who went back and said Frieza doesn't wear boom it doesn't have them and they're like oh [ __ ] and so we had to rewrite that line that might have been you because like you're the one that's more familiar with the footage than anybody yeah but originally when that script was like almost finished I think and like go into the recording process yeah I think the original line was uh polishing through his boots and is like uh and I think I said I already did polish them right now and then like obviously we had to change that so um but yeah I just wanted to point that out also Vegeta figuring out I just love that interesting you can see the gears turning with him oh yeah in such an obvious way Krillin Gohan get out of here and find Bulma Vegeta and I can handle this on our own oh no oh no twist my arm all right Vegeta we have to put our differences aside for now and take these guys as a team yeah that's fantastic and entertaining and all that but first if you don't mind me I need to use the restroom oh okay 100 miles away foreign so much space to move around that Frieza doesn't move things move for freezer I almost kind of want to have a little owl there oh wait hold on sorry I love this Century I'll go easy on them blow them into a false sense of security and then when they think I'm not so bad bam I'll go full Tyrant on them in the second century after that I'll disappear for the Millennia and make them wonder if I ever existed to begin with probably a garden somewhere back and Kill Them All planning out his immortality good afternoon it's morning top kid seems familiar [Music] really is unlike him just let him go God I love that [ __ ] Jetsons noise you want ah good sir I suppose you could say I'm looking for technical support no no do we have a visitor yes sir no take his coat I don't have a coat he doesn't have a coat sir and I believe this is the man who basically killed our entire race now don't take his coat I showed him quiet what do you people refer to as dragon balls but I'm having trouble getting them to do what I want did you try working the shaft yeah what does he want he's asking how to use the Dragon Balls did you tell him to work the shaft yes Lord Guru good work now well sir if you're having a problem with our customer support you can call 1-800 eat a dick we don't even have those okay this is getting ridiculous what is that here comes a Simpson's reference oh God natural light good Lord I was led to believe your species survived entirely on water how is he so fat oh hello I'm super comic Guru and I'm the guy who's not judging you on your appearance super hard a ruler of most of the known Galaxy I'm here to offer you a deal you you give me the information I require and I'll let the sporting young man live please Nell isn't afraid of you he is the strongest of our race we're about to come up on one of my favorite Guru lines yeah Nails gonna destroy your sorry ass they wouldn't be able to air it on the news because it'll be so brutal sir seriously hush nail I'm speaking for you well then if this is the only course of action available to me I accept I'll dispatch of this worm and then I'll be back for you slug leave my brother out of this sir I am so glad that we committed to that later yep I think we released Lord Slug like a little before episode 29 I think I think we did it was either before 29 or before third it must have been before 29. yeah I'd have to double check that yeah either way we'll get to that at some point overwhelming I can also sense it's only a fraction of what he's capable of now listen to me your namek's number one son a prodigy child you have been trained in the ancient way do you think he's guru's son I believe in you like one of the ones that he spawned yeah it's actually kind of possible now show him this which makes this even worse yeah his smug ass yes sir yes sir follow me Guru just has a free car if I had trained him in the new way he might have stood a chance okay he had time to sit there and come up with a new way and you're purple I'm sufficiently impressed you've heard your own very well but your form and Grace will never compare to that of the illustrious you mean like this oh God is that what I look like that isn't what I look like is it no Captain you look amazing they look great dude but this is boring like really boring like listening to Gohan's piano recital boring I really applies that Gohan was learning piano when he was in like when he was three oh yeah how dare you mock them well I mean it's just I'm not even using half my power right now ah quite a substantial Bluff but a bluff and nothing more I've witnessed your abilities firsthand and I assure you that you're good on those scouters for not exploding 180 times huh oh Cayden yeah max power level only 100. yeah 120 000. that's what I thought well okay hey the Keaton yeah he just does that sometimes [ __ ] shot reverse shot how do you think well kitten if you're getting stressed you could always you know oh jeez this is hardly the time of the place besides it's a part of the way here uh I meant switch bodies sir oh yes of course hold my scouter hey what are you doing here um sir oh but you see I did do it to you I don't understand now this is one of my favorite changes that we made hot is one of my favorite edits I've almost ever made to the show this was a kind of hard to do actually because I had to splice different shots together for what you're about to see it seems weird oh hey there's another me over there I wonder yeah that splice there oh cause I never understood when watching the dubs why the actors stayed the same like the body did not like when they swap bodies I I always thought you know why did their vocal cords also trade I am a huge fan of any show that will commit to the actor who plays the character who another character is technically inside their body keeps their voice but then acts like that other character which I thought was going to be so fun moving forward because we knew we were going to do that it's like okay no ant fish is going to have to play like you know like Goku yeah and Moscow is going to have to play Ginyu for a bit we we did kind of like we did consider it slightly because there is a certain comedy to other voices coming out of characters you don't expect them to come I always thought it was so dumb and I wanted to do something different and fun with this and I'm really glad we committed to what we ended up doing because we got like some of ant fish's delivery as Goku genyu is [ __ ] beautiful and same with masako as uh ginyugoki I I think uh Goku Moscow as getting you in Goku's body is an underrated performance and yeah I there are some line reads from Ant fish that are just phenomenal I I am much I'm much bigger fan of the way that we did it oh here hey Boba we're back how are you doing I fought a giant crab they make a special shampoo for that I hear ow he gets punched a lot just randomly yep and we stopped adding the owner count for that because it's uh like we would still do that from time to time like when Chichi hits him in the face with the door in season three but yeah then he actually has like a welt that kind of pops up and mostly because they actually happened yes it like if when it happens on screen yeah making the Krillin own count something that happened in our show kind of took away from what the whole joke of it was supposed to be a bit where he actually was just kind of getting his ass kicked yeah but wow uh Goku is now Ginyu Ginyu is now Goku and I guess next episode is the uh God next episode is going to be [ __ ] fantastic like it's it's I I love the Goku Ginyu switch and it has the uh Wilhelm scream joke which is the joke that as a writer I am most proud of it is it is definitely high up there um I feel like the joke didn't age poorly but I do think a lot of people have made similar jokes since then um I don't care we did it first no I I definitely think that uh we had a fresh take on it when this joke was made I in my opinion we'll get to that next time on this thing that we are doing yeah yeah this thing [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 463,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abridged, teamfourstar, dbza, commentary, goku, vegeta, ginyu, dragon ball z abridged, dragonball z abridged
Id: 965A30LXtcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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