Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Broly

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my energy levels keep Rising a normal shirt can't contain it anymore my power is maximum is a new shirt you can now Buy on sharkrobot.com team4star now you can contain all of the power that you have within you in one piece of cotton fabric that you can buy on the internet from us and it can be on you as soon as you do that so that I don't have to wear normal shirts anymore I can wear this instead I got it yeah and now that I have this shirt I don't need any other shirts either so like I I don't need pants anymore you don't need pants if you got a shirt JK robot.com team4star buy the [Music] shirt now Broly oh hell yeah this is probably our most like other than episode 60 our most deeply anticipated video and Far and Away our most viewed video yep yeah actually God damn and it's blocked in some whole countries some whole ass count some whole ass countries have blocked entire R are like no none of that but it's still like at the time of this recording one sec uh at the time of this recording Broly is sitting at 34 Milli million views I'm I'm trying to see if there's anything else that comes close actually it would be either episode 28 or 60 part 1 60 part 1's 19 not even close no no no if you scroll up at the top you can actually uh you can actually change by views true it's going to be the number one Boom episode one is the 30 million episode 30 part 1 27 million 28 is 24 million 30 Android 13 is shockingly high on that list a lot of the movies are cuz people go back and rewatch them if they just want a short burst they they are they are isolated and oh look how how close up oh that's nice it's wonderful seeing some of these yeah it's it is insane there's no doubt that the fan base holds Broly in a very high esteem for some reason we are going to break down Broly as a character and pretty much give you fuel to hate us prob I don't know we were never going to be dishonest about this but the problem we had with Broly we had been trying to write Broly for uh probably the better part of a year like we had gone back and forth on scripts on this conceptu our our initial concept was very different we wanted Broly to be the Dragon Ball Z Fanboy who just wanted to be a part of the crew but not being a part of the crew made him snap yeah we have this entire story where peragus was going to be that Dad who tries to do everything for his awkward kind of um what do you call it uh he's just he's like that the kid that doesn't know the social cues you know he doesn't hang out with anybody he's like hey I know this might be a bit of an inconvenience for you would you mind just hanging out with him for a little bit you know just let him but there wasn't enough footage to make that work broke our heart it broke our heart so hard when we realized the limitations of small Broly so we decided to go at the plot one for one and then we decided to make it a fan critique by turning Vegeta into the Broly Fanboy and honestly i' like what we ultimately C like ended up with but wow the development hell on the script we never no other thing the only one other script was more difficult and that was Ro Jack yeah that I would argue that was more challenging arguably but uh Broly took us so long to come down on cuz we knew that this one had to hit we knew that we needed to like put our level best into this one despite any misgivings we had with Broly any issues with Broly we knew what he meant and how important he was for many reasons some of which we question in the fandom we didn't want to ignore that reality so when we went at this we needed to go at this in a way that we could feel really like happy and satisfied with now out of all the movies a lot of them are really like they're short but this is the one that's one of the longer longest one this one by far we actually released it in two parts initially because people were waiting for so long and they were going to come for our legs y Al also I think we had like a deadline we had like a day we were going to release it and I just couldn't finish it so I'm like well guess what it's a two part now and then we just took down the one part and released the full thing y there you go and that that that's what it needed to be in that regard but this has like the Broly plot aside is where the other parts of this episode some of my favorite writing we have ever done together as a team because as challenging as this was I have so much love for what we got to make with this movie because of what the challenge it was and how well received it was also it finally gave us an opportunity to work with Connor McKinley who by the way Connor Connor is not only a stup penis actor he's a wonderful guy and ever since ever since this I've been able to use him in more and more stuff which makes me happy he's amazing uh like right now he's uh he's in the D and D campaign that uh we do every Monday you myself Shadow Dancer Bob uh Caitlyn it's called the ties the bind if you want to check it out I I'm very proud of you're there too there I am there I I run it I play every other character but you guys like he is a stupendous actor and uh this really shows off uh what he can do as paragus CU we initially met him through the uh a Bridge series competition we threw TBA oh right that's true when this is true story about Connor and I'm I want to make sure I tell this story properly without going for too long Connor submitted a wonderfully dubbed a bridged version of legacy of Kane cuz he's a legacy of Kane fan and when I huge Mark for that when we were when I was watching through for the judging portion that I was doing I literally had a notepad beside me and when I watched that I went message him for Voice work oh yeah and I underlined it so I then CAU such he's such a natural Talent yes he was which is why I contacted him cuz I had a meaty part in the next Hing episode which I cast him as and out of the park and I message Scott Scott yep yeah and we all got to know him uh the man still continues to blow [ __ ] out of the water like he's he's great oh and people will have H him in hipple by now yeah oh man point that that is congratulations to you Conor we love you Connor and of course bringing in remix to once again kill another performance as bro I need to clarify something that is there was some contention as to like who we' cast as What In the End Remix was fantastic no matter what I'm about to say remix was so happy always a safe Choice he not even that he was amazing at especially good chunks of this movie so we were looking at trying to get somebody to play Broly to cuz we were we had different cameos playing different characters uh so this one we really wanted to find someone so there were a couple people we had messaged now I need you to know that this wasn't like we sat down and had a meeting with lawyers this was hey would you be interested that is the extent and I can give you two names at least who we looked at Markiplier and the other one he's no longer with us anymore but I actually messaged him uh because to see if he would be interested that was uh one of the lead actors from what you know Trevor oh I messaged him and he responded to me and I sent him a video and he never got back to us he passed away he clearly hated it yeah absolutely but no understandable we were looking to get him as well because he had that guy's a comedic genius so oh no he would have yeah he that he would have been able to play the charact so we were looking we were me we were trying to see who could play the character we wanted we wanted to like a get somebody who could do it but B could get get a kind of a fun poll look look the movies are our chance to be like hey we got somebody neat because we can get them in for one to two sessions that's it and that's the end of it essentially because in the mainline show it's a it's it's going to be a constant flow so this is where we tried to get more fun with some of the bigger characters in the movie so that what we tried to do but in the end didn't pan out that way but instead we got remix which killed it once once we knew how we were writing Broly and uh it it came to his interpretation I mean we can let it speak for itself I think speak very softly for itself kind of very loudly the following is a fan-based parody Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by FUNimation toy animation Fuji TV and acur torama please support the official release the South Galaxy hey there Martin has been obliterated holy [ __ ] okay a lot of people don't know about the other Kai so originally I was going to play every Kai that was I even recorded then I was like nah this isn't sounding right there there was there was also a point where we were each going to play a Kai Mami was going to play the uh East Kai and I was going to play the West Guai uh this is just you were doing an impersonation of the Dub here this is a commentary on what the Dub's decision was exactly yeah precisely first of all calm down I was in the bathroom for 5 minutes and now it's all gone I love the top hat on bubbles yes had it's movie bubbles bub asleep this is my Xmen she told me she would hurt me in a way i' never see coming why he SK why they have a good relation she met last still my Blu-ray player man salai we are going to figure this out we need to get whoever did this all right then listen I got a guy what's his name Goku I'm going to show you show me what how to act like an actual adult so cute but chi chi we're missing the wedding reception we set through with a boring talk about love and junk for 40 minutes just waiting for the banquet I learned how to count up to 40 because of of that that's 104s by the way 10 that is exactly why we're here I don't want Gohan ending up the same barely functional Manchild you are and I made sure to schedule this college interview on the same day as the wedding because as we both know getting you into a souit is like trying to give a cat a bath but I like baths okay so I love that you can tell he's wearing a clip on too this is there's a shot from the side you can see the huh what I loved about this cuz we I I don't know what came first was how do we like how do we work in that Goku's wearing a suit do we just do what the show did or do we connect it to this party that's also happening at the same time by reconstituting what the part's about actually yeah this this was always going to be their wedding reception I if I remember if I remember correctly it was always going to be the wedding reception and that informed this scene of how we were going to because I was so proud of that specific like yeah that is actually how she would get him in a suit like this it's like you have to wear it for the wedding okay okay and I booked the a meeting so now he can't try to get out of this yeah exactly yes and of course Journey the easiest song to bad sing to street light people are you drunk already the reception just started I am a pregaming master okay so my love the entire implication with roshi that he had the bachelor party without anybody else and it's been ongoing for a week and this is just part of his MTH the party keeps going the party keeps going roshi is just a party man also I let take it please take I love this please by the way I'd like to think that oh God I'd like to think that roshi had no idea what to do for Yobe took him to a pet store and yobe's like guy no oh no he he he would have been in charge of Corin cuz Corin trained him oh yeah took him to a pet store yeah I'm going to take you to the groomers and yes they do do hand stuff oh no I'm gonna take you to the fat guy store I'm so sorry best man had to skip out on the reception that's okay I am my real best man right so cute by the way I love the implication that Goku is his best man yeah that's just so perfect like I want you to be my best man I know I am so okay okay I I am the best that does track that tracks I am the best man here also also kudos to Zach madley animated this for giving him sandals still during this scene Kudos A+ no notes oh save it for congrats on marrying yourself that's not all I'm saving is it a tury you know well I came here for a banquet and I find out it's a potlock you cheap [ __ ] well I'm surprised you came sweetheart an interes homosexual marriage I just wanted to see what the gay agenda looked like in person not impressed you know he's got a blue check mark yes hell no he wants it he has it and Elon must gifted it to him but here's the thing okay there oh I don't know how go go I want you to know that we have only ever talked about this on 18 plus panels and scantly and other things okay this is our this is one of the jokes that never made it to paper um so the uh original take on this line and original not the original again never actually made it to paper was um instead of I just wanted to see what the queer agenda uh see uh what the quer agenda is all about frankly not impressed in the other version of the line it's I just wanted to see how human and human AIDS and Cat AIDS in a wringle oh [ __ ] I don't remember that at all I don't either yeah cuz lny would have pushed for cuz I would have make him laugh his [ __ ] yeah it was you what we talked about the 19 plus panels how do you forget that dude my memory is like a Civ all right like I I collect a few things but the rest of it yeah again super dark absolutely inappropriate um like I still remember our 911 joke oh yeah the oh I did not write I I should not we didn't we didn't bring it up but oh we didn't bring it up during C should we just do it right now I we can cuz this is like one of the darker jokes that I absolutely fell in love in fell in love with so this is during the fight with Krillin like on the plane now that I've defeated you Krillin I will now go destroy the World Trade Center not if this plane gets there first here we go everybody we're going to hell yeah no absolutely 100% no questions um but yeah that's why again they're just jokes obviously they never went they never made it onto here oh God but but they have made it onto this video that's true and now everyone will [Music] know oh great and now immigrants truly a liberal Wonderland around here do you fools have any idea whose Planet this is all hell Lord Vegeta well good glad we're clear on that it has been too many years Prince Vegeta or should I say King Vegeta King K never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I received it this is rather un littley but son is 11 years old God his [ __ ] finger his [ __ ] finger is broken yeah I thought I thought about trying to repair it but no no no this man just has a wampy finger but you say 12th grade level I'm a teacher first and a mother second also a wife I see uh speaking of your husband Mr Sun Goku was it interesting about yourself oh sure well uh I'm a Sayan Goku oh so you're a minority because that could favor your child for enrollment oh uh yes definitely a minority there are only two and a half more like Goku are you there oh hey King Kai long time no talk how's bubbles H not much just a silly school thing no not for me for go um W excuse me uh Mr hold on talking to God wait there are other CS he's very religious both are did you know my mother was Jewish just lying one sec I do we know that for sure ma'am is is your husband a magician oh yes and for his next trick he will convince you to enroll our son well if he's as in touch with God as you say he is perhaps he can work that miracle you're telling me that you've acquired an entirely new planet Vegeta for me to rule over that is exactly what I said yes a well then it's official attention everyone your planet is a mud hole for entitled weaklings and you're all worth [ __ ] you I'm going to claim my birthrights but Dad what about self [ __ ] him that bit right there I I yelled that out loud [ __ ] him and this is specifically why we waited for when we did pre Cell games is the only place this can take place theoretically what about cell [ __ ] him that's just like Dad what about cell [ __ ] him I I don't give just like if we could have a just go like yep I don't care his way out just off everybody Dam what about s you deal with them whatever wowow not my problem wow not my pig not my farm my name is trunks hello princess trunks I'm not decree you shall only call her princess trunks H princess trunks [Laughter] by the way in that shot trunks isn't originally in that shot I had to place him there really I did not know that no yeah let's go let's go find some space strippers this isn't part of the reception how is he this strong anime comedy strength let's go back into space again at least I'm not pregnant this time [ __ ] [ __ ] I hope that means they him back by his nonexistent tail if I have to don't try too hard wait take this wear Goku Goku supre hi Almighty what is up with that monkey suit you're wearing it's highly offensive Sir Christopher Robin Miller Christopher Robin Miller Christopher Robin Miller filthy ma God that must uncomfortable who do I got to beat up that's what you're going to find out now normally I don't involve myself in the matters of other galaxies but South Kai bought me my car so I owe him a favor now have you seen it it's only got 63 miles on it she's a Buick a Chevrolet balir actually what Goku was trying to say is she's a but yeah well yeah people miss that people miss so I a lot of people missed that I would like you to take this moment Scott I [ __ ] love your King Kai oh really I've always loved your King Kai really yes and I always said it was incredibly annoying it is that's why we love it that's why we love it and it works perfectly for what we're doing all right cool I like seriously like it's just you were able to hit all the subtleties of the voice and everything all joking aside it's fantastic it is sort of interesting cuz when I was originally playing him I was doing a lot more Mushmouth and then a couple of people were like yeah I could barely understand that you you got to like it's hard to understand like okay then I'll just keep that keep it up here but you know starting un seeing a little more it's a it's a very in like because it's based on the original dub voice that they did which is an interesting take on what the character is because the Japanese uh dub of King Kai is very different oh yeah yeah honestly I personally think better but um there it's really funny though cuz King Kai Corin and [ __ ] like burer all the ruffies all the high you know why would I do this why Cry Me a River no no no no I'm just saying they all sound too similar I don't I would argue your acting changes them up a fair amount thank you now it's up to you to find out who destroyed South Galaxy you don't I'll for Clues wait look where I can't breathe in space apparently he wasn't in the part of Galaxy where there's air Earth go I pause real quick I I I think it was like the you're the salt of the earth Goku I love the idea of like that's who he is he is the salt of the earth cuz he purifies [ __ ] by fighting it all and getting rid of it here we go one of your best reads ever is rosi oh yeah was one of your be best [ __ ] now my Lord behold your magnificent New Kingdom pretty sure when you rule over a planet the planet is your kingdom how wise you are my Lord how about we take a tour of your beautiful new Palace somebody get me a ro egg two shots of Tabasco salt pepper and a gun to shoot myself you know what they say before beer you're in the clear your insides unravel I love these bits you destroy South Galaxy there's a South Galaxy forget you heard that no nice you call this a palace nobody saw those coming first of all I demand more Towers tow second I demand more Towers third I demand more trowels the brick on this place is a [ __ ] show now who's this scrawny puke I'm a foot and a half taller than you whatever what was that I said I can't hear you from down there speak up boy I can't hear you from up there man when we finally landed on what we wanted to do for this voice yeah we were like oh man how can we catch everybody out of left field but have it still be funny it's like a very careful line we had to walk I am so glad we did this like look at him when he's tall and scrawny like that he's such a gentle boy god with those [ __ ] like litted eyes yeah yeah cuz he's like the actual show he's like got the necklace and he's all like I am a slave to my it's it's all weird it's like he's all like brain drained and stuff and the funny thing is like he's not combative unless you come at him if you come at him he's like hey [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] off what are you going to do about it yeah uh that is my son Broly my leash forgive him he's a very passive but for the sake got the Sayan race he has my blessings to bed princess trunks excuse you boy the bloodline do you even know what you're doing I don't need to I'm k your hair looks like lavender smells like strawberries dad something seems really fishy yeah trunks doesn't even have a womb they say we inv not that curious Planet yeah yeah I know yes we were I just want to make sure if it was you who destroyed self Galaxy stop screaming if it was okay go then good luck with your ass assing okay so when we were sitting down like we had the idea of Goku trying to find who actually did it by going down his Rogues Gallery I'm like going through all the people that he has fought who he has considered somebody like who's like dangerous it's just like in no context what they ever been go like okay I have to find someone who's bad mercenary to's a bad guy he must have done it and it was just we had this list of who do we cut to for some of these it's like we had the list of Dragon Ball villains and we wanted to cut to more yeah specifically P we had a whole scene written up recorded yep and ready to go but we couldn't get we couldn't make it work because we needed animation for it and yeah and it was we were already like short on time unless you would have been okay with a monthl long wait there was a there was a time budget and also a budg budget well a Time budget budget budget which wasn't as much of a deal for that but it was also the fact that pacing wise we couldn't fit it in anywhere pacing wise I mean it we could have fit it in somewhere I feel like but it would have it would have been longer than the other cutaways it would have like it would have been its own scene all like see it own scene like [Music] this P I know it was you Goku what are you doing here hunting down a monster and and I found one I I'm just making breakfast oh I'd be pretty hungry too after what you did please Goku my therapist says I've been doing so much better since I got out of your life I haven't done anything just leave me alone sure but you know what happens right if you step out of line I'm watching you s what's wrong Goku he he was sh sh there's nobody here s it's just you and me he was here just popped out of nowhere have you taken your med s here you take your meds oh okay thank you Shu where's my and another thing is it com that was that was neat that was I'm glad I'm glad people finally got to see that man King Kai I'm stumped i c mercenary to Piccolo ten shinhan and that monster moner and none of them destroys the part that I love about most is that Poff to Goku is the ultimate Evil because he's the first bad guy the first person he recognizes as a bad guy that he's ever faced and as far as he knows never redeemed himself yep all true evil yep sou Galaxy Goku I I've been trying to tell you for the last 2 hours go to new veg Vegeta there's another Vegeta wonder if he stronger than normal [Music] Vegeta that man is going to be the death of me here it comes a lot better as a Skyline this is the scene I always hit pause real quick this is this is you yes you this was lanny's idea and thank God we did this this is the scene that I like look 56 is the episode I look forward to people watching most coming up is the scene I look forward to people seeing the most wait a second is it the one thetion it's thetion why you what you you were there every step of the way saying no I want to two voting you please don't let it happen I'm seconding all of lanny's ideas no no ah these I I will say by the way um I I I have a particular love for this exchange this place looks way better as a Skyline and why does it look like the day after tomorrow yesterday like I think that's the Rolland Emer movie yeah which I'm really big fan of that joke too why does it look like the day after tomorrow was yesterday hey over there maybe we can ask One of These Fine adventured servants what's going on oh crap baskets here we go grandmother Marissa lenty killing it I just inhaled a little bit of rust he's just enjoying himself right now please if you are angry use your whip on me I can take it no don't worry we're not we won't hurt you I'm going to just say that all the emotions are of sexual maturity that's the last I'll say of it yeah and and like yeah we'll we'll keep going I'll I'll pause after whatever whatever you guys slaves or oh yeah a couple of ss landed on our planet a few months ago and transported us here against our will and if we step out of line well surprise you worthless runt it's time for your hourly beating God d That's My Name it's actually pronounced hold up harder daddy now that that one was what you thought it was so by the way that's Brian ala um and she's and a couple of different things I think this was the first time she actually worked with us yeah Brian ala beating Marissa lenty currently yep um the reason I wanted to go this direction is yeah we could have them just be a down trotted picked on race or but what if they were a bunch of sadists M masochists that really that were just really into the idea of what was happening like oh you want us to go do you want us to go do some hard work on a planet and you promise to beat us if we don't do it correctly oh yeah that oh no you know what I'd like to think that the reason the place never got finished is because they kept messing up why the brick work is a [ __ ] show they kept messing up on purpose oh no I made a mistake I you don't like how much concrete we used between the brick Oh gosh we have to rebuild that W not enough mortar oh my God I can't believe you killed my son to teach us a lesson I like to point out this is wholeheartedly a Rick and Morty joke this is wholeheartedly something that they would have done it absolutely is but we did it way before they ever had exactly and I I like to this day getting people's reaction to the oh no yeah oh yeah no it is immediate the the moment he's that uh [ __ ] what's his face says daddy sh yeah Sho says daddy everyone's like whoo and then it's like no no that's my name it's pronounced d harder daddy now that one was what you thought yeah it all you can see them almost be like oh okay oh never mind it is it is bad it was was like we're like oh we're in we're in the water oh is that the joke okay it's not the no it is it is it is it is it is it is absolutely yeah yeah please I beg you here's bun boy your delivery here me take it it's my turn only after you lick my boot oh you monster I just you can see oh you moner oh you monster my I I just Channel as much Tim Curry into it as you can you monster oh my you f kills me kills me to this day like any like the shabos just any recording you got they just so extra it's like no don't record that like ah ah it's like a little bit too much it's perfect on people alone we've been beating up children all day long what makes you any different because he with me okay kinky we can handle but we're not being paid for crazy [Applause] adios and I just bit the inside of my cheek earlier Goku what the heck are you doing here oh so sorry oh just looking for the new Vegeta I followed old Vegeta's energy here and I found you guys Goku the new Vegeta is actually just a planet oh no you tell me who name their planet after themselves a godamn idiot that's what I am for buying into this garbagey Forest myash I'm not your Le Browning toon you promised me a kingdom but I have no subject no infrastructure and a throne made of wood what am I the space Pop I beg of you King Vegeta please stay for roughly three May and continue wasting my time oh and tell your creepy brat to stop following what's your power level and stop asking that no one cares anymore mine's pretty big okay so this that was one of my favorite Cuts but like the entire rant Vegeta goes on in this entire scene is like one of my favorite things you've ever done as Vegeta cuz like the screaming the fighting everything's great but this is like I I am in control and then the denial that slowly hits him like this Vegeta Kingdom sucks this is truly a roller coaster of Vegeta highs and lows for his emotions but God damn it Broly just going what's your power level what's your power level what's your power level I just really want to know I'm into statistics I really I really like trains he would cuz I see because you see the I like Thomas the Tank because I can they tell me what the emotions are on their faces that's what it was anyways the point is about Broly is he is funny and that's what's most important because every line of dialogue kills me in this we wanted him to not necessarily like we didn't want him to be annoying we wanted to be like oh that's kind of adorable like you know he's just like he's we had he just a softspoken boy he's a softspoken boy who's like just trying to do his best here he's being isolated from probably anybody else but his dad so he's just really M like he's just not okay he the first other saying he's met and he's he really likes knowing how strong people are yeah he's just he's just trying to get a feel for this situation so when we wanted to go the original plot like we we didn't have enough scenes to really be able to sell it in our opinion right that was the big thing so for this we almost want less is more for some of these scenes we actually did not use some Broly scenes because we could not add we did not help we skipped we skipped the entire Broly scene of like him fighting Goku like without being Legendary Super we honestly we skipped a lot of the early if you want my if you want my honest opinion we skipped something that ultimately just padded the movie in general like that whole scene like where he was like testing himself against Goku yeah yeah it that that I remember we had a debate about using that scene because like this is footage of the character and we've wanted to use them and we're like saying no to this when we had the issue with the original script to not having enough footage but but then this script just seems to flow a lot better into the actual story it does especially with the way I think we I think we had zeroed in on what we wanted for Broly right so this yeah this is why I'm really proud of this this Goku hello Goku have you come to join the rest of your marvelous race or did you just come to see my new pal Palace it has six towers like PE hello what is your power level pretty big though M too looking for the person who blew up a Galaxy but who would blow up South Galaxy probably someone with a really big power level that's a good point You' got a good point what's your name Broly good point Broly father love that I know bed you squalid [ __ ] no paragus has been fabricating this entire planet I loved the word squal [ __ ] yeah you squalled [ __ ] paragus you squalled [ __ ] it's like the perfect mixture of his dad talking and him I remember catching you off guard with the use of the word squalid oh yeah no it it was perfect it's it's nobody sees squalid coming also that look that look princess trunks perhaps putting moratorium on that right now I got the shirt this psychopath has been enslaving races from other planets to build your kingdom even the greenery is manufactured paragus is this is this true my le yes it is my God my God you're not the [ __ ] stain of a Sayan I thought you were thank you my le godamn it D you are now my Royal Grand ah bigo father what this guy is done it's inhuman yes but it's not insane actually we much eny the slavery say what yes being enslaved and exploited by another stronger strapping race completely oh yeah know I actually kind of get it it's totally a sub strange that he would force us to build a kingdom on a doomed Planet oh God damn it this it right here Conor kills it to hell with this I'll leave the boot licking to the shs well then you have finally King King Vegeta I'm so glad he's so animated during this perfect it's like just the idea that he's practiced this so much he like no one's ruining my speech I'm not going to ruin my speech I got to speak well then you have finally unraveled my plan okay what what what's happening what you have finally unraveled my plan King King Vegeta okay this whole wretched Planet will soon be encompassed by the cataclysmic comic kamori wiping it and you he's so extra I love it I'm confused am I being pranked cuz I don't do J jokes this is no joke this is my revenge but why because that bastard Vegeta left us both to die sounds like me but that doesn't sound familiar not you you self-absorbed blue blooded snot your father the trueing okay by the way that Cape flap that transition does not exist a great transition I made it work yeah before we start this there's a lot of lines in this movie I love oh there's a lot of lines in this movie I love but Scott has possibly the best line read in this entire movie coming up coming up here we'll get to it eventually King Vegeta oh see you just play King Vegeta to like I'll just quickly do him I'm so happy you played him because this this line coming up here is fantastic I love this rewriting of how we rewrote this backstory because this is just [ __ ] funny as [ __ ] to me I there's a lot of continuous to come full circle on this entire bit here so mere days after my son was born they realized his immense power level a warping 10,000 well I was like 20,000 like sperms so threatened by the magnificence of my progeny the king ordered for him to be executed of course this is insane frieza's got us paying rent under his boot heel and you're just going to murder a Saiyan baby with a power level of 10,000 I really like that I had Connor play him without the gr give him make him sound a little bit younger just have used more of his natural voice so silly question like cuz the lighting in this scene's crazy but it almost seems like all the outfits are a different color is that because that's just the lighting it's just it's just a coloring like it cuz it's in the past so they used some weird coloring stuff that's all here it comes he's like a trump card if the card literally flipped the table over and shot the other player he would be of great used to Vegeta my son the planet or me yes yes the crashes I require your guidance once more stab the baby yeah stab are you sure look we've got a meeting with Frieza in 1 hour so either stab the baby or we have to Cel your 600 the Jafar Hat by the way so that's not really in the show guys not here's the thing and I I think this is really funny in the show it's just an existing picture of Nappa with a badly photoshopped Jafar hat yep in the movie we got a whole new thing made just fully animated for it which is kind of like yeah the movies the movies actually do have a higher budget yep it I love this joke because I feel like when I pitch it I'm like you guys want Nappa to show up yeah councelor stab the baby stab the baby grand vazer Nappa has to show up I got it you either got to stab the baby real quick or we got to cancel you 6:00 and do you want that beerus is also wants a gift why I don't know I don't know I don't know what he wants you want to roll it back into the like you are now my Royal Grand vazer exactly he then saw to Here Comes Here Coman himself this with well less success pink son of an aren [ __ ] someone vetch me up so I properly stab this baby oh good now it's F to hell with this just dump him in a hole with his father it's the way you say baby probably stop this baby I I I I just I can imagine him just twirling the cape again can somebody fetch me a prop just like being so just looking at the person at the door get me a new dagger you want me to go get a dagger oh my God the King was as half at murdering us as he was at raising you Vegeta burn and with br's magnificent power we survive the extinction of our race ow cuz he made air this do have anything to do with self Galaxy cuz that's kind of why I'm here actually yes you see one night while I was discussing pal on his head scientist the very same that night I uttered a single word that triggered Broly and he suddenly went wild in his furious rage he exterminated the South Galaxy in its entirety what was the word I why why would is it non fat no why would it be diet this is ridiculous stop trying to trigger my son freezer with an ey for God's sake I like making paragus like stop trying to hurt my boy what are you doing by the way some people thought we were making a triggered joke like oh you're so triggered no and this is why it's actually a trigger word it's literally a trigger word like some people don't understand understand that actual actual psychological studies and and and like the DS F5 I forget what it's called DSM dsm5 triggered is an actual thing it's a psychological phenomenon that triggers traumatic uh like post-traumatic stress disorder this is why I hate a lot of that like [ __ ] popularization like the all the trigger jokes it actually took a real psychological problem and just because a bunch of [ __ ] like to like dunk on people with like psychological issues now anytime it's actually used properly it's people that dunk on people's psychological issues and people that use it inappropriately those are the people that they're trying to dunk on most of the time but they're still [ __ ] yeah it's there's a difference between being triggered and being upset cuz you heard something that is a different thing as far as I'm concerned because one is more of a i that's all I'm going to say about that the point being yeah no he's actually trying to trigger his son that's actually happen trying to knock him into a psychological meltdown I want to fight that guy I want to do that first of all paragus your see of course has to Bea that does he ayling love you too Dad oh yeah galaxies or lack there so if you're done wasting everyone's time grab your friends grab your [ __ ] and go home Kakarot please do not say that again it was friend friends wasn't it shut it Kakarot please stop saying that name father just call him Goku and disrespect my Heritage I will address him with the name given to him by the glor Sayan race Kakarot Kakarot Kakarot see he's slow and he gets it Vegeta like when we were writing this scene this was the perfect way to do it make Vegeta the cause of all of these problems and then because immediately he becomes useless for the rest of the movie such this was this felt like this was supposed to be Vegeta's movie and then it's just not you know it's kind of he immediately goes to the background because he's in awe of that lad it it's just so funny how dare you say it on planet Vegeta of all places even if it's a Bad Planet Vegeta you will honor my tradition you will do it and it allowed us to like further nail in the joke is like no I am never using his Earth name oh yeah I am going to give him like and and it's like further it it backs up that this is a Saiyan issue yeah like this is about being a Saiyan I suggest we all run oh this is this is really cool this is really neat it's a sick looking transformation really is the boy is beef he's toy that is a horse this power what what is he he is the Legendary Super Saiyan oh that is so cool why is it kind of green because it's legendary so yeah because Vegeta is in the background this entire time we decided to make him the allegory for the fan base oh yeah Roy as a character as a design as a function is so [ __ ] cool he really is I mean like even me undeniable who who who is who has been on record as not as a not a Broly appreciator let's say uh has to acknowledge he's cool as hell there's a reason why so many people like him cuz his look is sick it's by it's by far the most popular movie in America because if you were a kid in the 9s / early 2000s and you saw the trailer for Broly you're like I need to go to Blockbusters SL Sun Coast SL uh I don't know where the hell else would you buy anim movies Coast yeah Sun Coast was where I used to buy or Sam goody Sam goody or if you're in Canada Rogers video and I need to find this dvd/vhs and get it right now because the panta Broly I need to see himra was this the last movie they did that music in I think so I think they had some in second coming but I don't I don't remember that movie very well I never saw the de of that one either way if you were if you were in that age group back then and you saw that trailer you're like I the Legendary Super Saiyan the who the legendary need to know now and he's the bad guy how do they beat him see the this is cuz eventually Broly became canon in the universe in super because they knew which is still arguably one of the better movies now Y and which is why because in concept is great in practice originally having him in a non-canon movie was a with a bad idea at least not it wasn't the best thing they could have done which is why they kind of redid it again and we have a version of Broly that doesn't have showers now he is in like one of the like he's in one of the better movies and then he's in two of the absolute worst yeah hey kakarat you said your power level was pretty big right by the way we kind of went back and forth on whether or not we would actually keep the voice from yeah the thing the thing that really changed it was the the devil line it's like okay he needs to have the deeper voice for this but I also imagine it's being said in [ __ ] voes hilarious as fun the devil the devil honestly honestly would have been funnier but I don't know we want we wanted something that could be taken seriously because we specifically had the whole thing going with Vegeta and that would make sense if we kept the this and this is the particular thing if we with we'll call him [ __ ] Broly do we call him that I mean what else we call him passive Broly passive Broly him having that kind of voice for Passive Broly and what the joke for tro makes a lot of sense it would be funny but a lot of people who actually like Broly weren't going to be super thrilled if we just kept that going so we wanted this to be something that the fans of Broly would appreciate but still be able to take the piss out of it yeah which is why I think we managed to get away with it we managed to ride that L on this it's our most popular video by millions yeah I guess we've succeeded I'm very happy to hear that uh-huh why because my power is Max size of by the way but this is why when y'all y'all tried to say oh he's he's Broly size no nobody gets Broly sized but Broly Broly is he has a Krillin nose in this shot oh my God he does he does yeahuh he does but yeah no one gets Broly sized Broly is so I think he's the big he is the biggest villain I he is well no I mean there are giant there are like stuff imagine him as a great ape oh don't give them don't give them ideas I wonder I don't I don't know if they've ever done it I think there actually is a great ape Broly I think that superheroes probably yeah yeah I think so anyway prove it you would put it that way Dad no I woke up this morning for a gay wedding I did not expect this no here it comes how is he this strong how many push-ups did he do what set up what kind of juice did he drink this is not the result of poultry tra here he comes this is Destiny for you see Prince Vegeta you are dealing with the average saian Warrior anymore we went back and forth on if he should say the average Saiyan warrior or the average Super Saiyan warrior anymore honestly I'm I'm a big fan of verbatim What Vegeta said because that now I mean obviously that's what we ended up with I think we all agreed on it look at the de his his optimism gone Gohan this a good joke damn it my jacket I only had the one oh Mom is going to kill me we pointed out like that's wait he destroyed the jacket it up what but but what why why but why nobody else's clothes could I don't know it's it's because it wasn't treated well I guess so it's true this animation is just yeah it's it's I love this listen Broly I don't want to tell you how theary super saan but you're not supposed to start all out you know you're supposed to start small and then work up to it I am starting small sh holy crap Goku I brought the sh why there's no way we're going to miss sadism like this D what is sadism ask your mother yeah you know your place under your Master's feet oh God yes ultimate punishment is so good yeah then I'll just blow up your PL guys that's our safe word it ban no pineapple it wasn't a fruit it was a vegetable broccoli it was broccoli this SL is so why did we not know our own safe word it was lost a Time [Laughter] that is that is one of my favorite dirty jokes we've ever made they have never had to use it in the history of their people the only one that remembers is the old sagely man it was a time there was a legend back in the day of a beating so brutal they had to use it otherwise we would not have survived the winter and I will be real with you it starts with a B I think either way I disagreed I I didn't want to to end but all I can say strong please no you lied to me I did no such thing you dirty boy get me on this planet right now I'm serious it's keeps Clow lighting him through buildings Gohan going to save this but I'm going to you let go Got It Go where Gohan it's okay Gohan you just find that ship we came here on grab everyone else then I should apologize to mom if I get home I love the if I get home y dude just throw the force bully house is insane uhoh what's wrong karat don't you care if I kill your son by the way I really love that I was able to make the sound effects for when he moves just the sound of like this like muscle condensing and stretching I what I loved about you using that that that sound effect is it comes across like the body itself is struggling to contain all the power itself it's just like it's almost like it's too much it's like it's like turning almost like it's twisting and stuff honestly when I saw the visual anytime he moved without it I'm like this feels weird I need to put something there he's so just just so big his muscles Creak like an old ship it is the sound actually of leather being like twisted um and and sometimes I actually took the sound of a tree falling over put a low pass filter over it and then layered it under so literally some of that sound is literally a tree cracking well it's cuz he's got his arms and legs are the size of tree truck exactly also I I like to think here that Goku is like is not worried cuz it's like ah go go on I'll be fine we can get the dragon balls we got dragon balls and oh yeah I rather you not like his relationship with death is so strange exactly day oh but he's never met met King Kai hey Gohan you're going to meet King [Music] Kai you are probably wonder where this unfetter hatred for Kakarot stems from not really hating Kakarot kind of gives me life so it's all be oh being igned when they were but newborn babies their cribs in the maternity Ward were right beside each other and kakarat cried terrorizing my son and then that's it didn't my father stab him indeed and why doesn't he hate me oh I hate you well I hated your father and therefore you Broly hates Kakarot because he cried a lot for like 3 hours but that's really dumb but he's so cool but that's that's so dumb I'm so glad that shot exists look I mean the boy has a like he has issues with sensory things it's pretty common in babies it's it's I remember when we were writing this is like we just have to Rum say it and just be like why don't you get it it makes perfect sense to me no what what are you talking about that makes no sense at all for like dude but that's so dumb no seriously for like 3 hours can you imagine that three ow some people say like it's actually um The Crying Goku's crying he uh Associates it with being stabbed by King Vegeta maybe which is like okay that's kind of neat doesn't feel like it's there in the text and it would make more sense if they weren't babies when this happened but it's why it's everything that's cool about him is almost undone with how silly that reasoning is just a little bit just a little I mean but that that's why Vegeta is the proxy for the fan base like oh he's so cool but that's a really [ __ ] stupid reason and even I I'll say this they went back and redid Broly to remove that part of it because we all we all agree new Broly is better unless you think that old Broly is better which Cas I mean you can like the outfit if you like Max Su so that's oh here we go this shot yes son holy crap holy yeah the only times we have Gohan swear like that outside of being rage and college submission man this just isn't my day don't worry I think it's your movie Next technically correct do we just leave the set now I mean it it [Music] is just to address that at the time look we we had every intention of doing Bojack at the time we did but then nothing came together in the scripting and we realized how [ __ ] burned out we were yeah that was kind of that was the that was the big sign that was the right that was the writing on the wall it's why I addressed it the way we did when uh I did like the update like Bojack not happening just like that's it it's done don't worry about it it's it's gone now it's it's a very hilarious joke in and out of context now yeah but now it's broing now broing no bro Piccolo help there it is again y here he comes Gohan are you okay you need some juice just get into that school you wanted doesn't look like it no how did you get here I came when I heard you call pause real quick my favorite idea is like when Goku was going around asking where everybody was did you just blow did you blow up South Galaxy wait what's going on I don't know I'm going to figure it out what okay I got to see what he's I need to go get a ship now I'm going to go get a ship and find what the hell's going on right how thanks for the ship Piccolo we're taking this a fast [ __ ] ship you green man you're new what is your power level I don't know give me a minute Broly does not like to wait Goku can we beat this guy I don't know I'm sure I'll pull something out my butt and it will be Broly's fist probably let's see how you fail four onone monster monster here we go broy is not a monster broy is genuine demon a true freak the devil oh my God he's so godamn cool this next joke is one of my proudest the the genuine demon and true freak those are all like each different dub isms right yeah I can't remember where a gen I think genuine demon yeah that's big green uh a true freak is the original uh FUNimation dub and the devil the devil is like is that the one akum this great line here comes this joke I so how how badly did you hurt your wrist doing that not my wrist it's just you know cuz I literally it's just the sound of me slapping my hands together which you know you do that long enough and you start to hurt yourself I I will say you pushed so hard this was my this was my this was my joke because one of my favorite things to do in comedy is you have the absolute ludicrous in reality this is what it sounds like guys oh yeah and ultimately I mean he didn't push that hard you just said it and we said yes absolutely you guys were immed because I'm this why this what when I say this is one of my favorite things we ever wrote Because I feel like it took us forever to get to what we won but when we started putting it all down on paper we're like [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yes that happens all the time it's like we don't know what we want we don't know what we want that's we run up against some walls but then and then bam it all it all like clicks yep that went up for so long slapping and grunting oops I would like to point shoulder yeah he doesn't even swing he just stands the [ __ ] up as as the osw guys say Piccolo going for a top rope nothing [ __ ] no sold my God thean SW Piccolo countered himself dude he just hit him and went like that's nope that's it for Piccolo I guess yep dude he's just double close B kickick oh [ __ ] here we go Vegeta's whole time just sitting back here what the [ __ ] are you doing back here I don't know what's going on anymore he's so cool but he's so God damn dumb okay Vegeta while you're here having this crisis we're out there getting beaten into a bloody paste but you don't understand the Legendary Super Saiyan motivated by a crying infant is a literal giant [ __ ] baby so kind of what you're being right now legendary superan okay bye Vegeta bye it's just so weird and out of character in this movie right oh I love this yeah by the way in like for anybody maybe hasn't seen the original Broly he gets the Kamehameha off and Broly just NOS BR tanks the whole thing like it's nothing and then grabs Goku I just went straight yeah I finally someone just grabbed him in the middle of it you are saying oh my God I am saying brutal this all you got Kakarot Broly is disappointed karat killed Frieza jarat supposed to be strongest but now Broly strongest and now you die excuse you excuse Broly you've been ignoring someone this entire time Broly's wife well technically I was the one who killed no not brether you have been ignoring your king what is a king to a God and what is a God to a nonbeliever help bye Vegeta do you believe [Music] no so cool now that was such a great cut were you I think we were worried about that and like can we cut to him being thr into the thing oh good it's like oh good Vegeta's going to try something now and bye how long was it in the actual movie I'm trying to remember like oh not very long 15 seconds at least no there was about maybe 20 seconds worth of actual fight a cool looking fight it's a cool looking Skirmish but again Broly is not here to for a long drawn out battle he's here to tank an attack and then imediately whoop you I'm going to put you through that wall I'm going to put you through that [ __ ] wall yeah um but and also uh Kanye lyrics I guess yeah yeah what is a God to not answer is that well I'm sure no one has ever said that before before the man had some good lyrics yep just not some good ideas kakarat kakarat jaar he has devolved into saying only a single word hit the old Cosmic Trail peat oh hi son H peat no it's your father I was just prepping this P for us to leave before the comedy karat yes true it's a pod meant for one person but Broly be a good boy show your daddy the love he has shown you hug no no no [Music] no kakarat this entire time uh we haven't portrayed paragus as a bad dad do you think we do you think he was a bad dad in our verion oh absolutely 100% like I here's Here's my thought he was getting into that pod cuz I'm willing to bet he thought Broly could survive the comet kamori yeah maybe that's what his theory was he probably couldn't himself but I is is he a bad father Yes because oh in the in the original yes well in our version two this seems like this whole scheme was just to try and kill Vegeta on a planet and just get the drop on him even though Broly can just wipe him out immediately which is well yeah but remember the entire time he's like no don't stop triggering him stop it I don't want him to get like that that's true that is so annoying to turn off like once he's like that he can't control I mean I'm still going to assume that he was probably a piece of [ __ ] because he was still saan and like the sayans were all kind of but Kaiser Goku's a Saiyan is he a bad dad so one of the cool things about this shot actually that um I don't think I brought up much so originally when I was going through this I never got Foley or well okay um excerpts from uh remix for all the for all of Broly screams so I had to go back and get some of those but before I did just to like in case I couldn't by the way like cuz when I'm working on a time frame I have some stuff in there like okay I'm just going to put this there and if I had to use it in the end fine you know uh left for dead yes I used a bunch of the tank uh sounds um like the giant [ __ ] yeah perfect character to do them for yeah I kept like and I I got I replaced all of them with actual uh lines from remix except for that one where he throws the Pod so if you listen that's actually the tank from Left For Dead and I kept it there cuz I was like I'm going to keep one of them it's going to be the one where I throws something cuz the tank throws rocks so I was like you know what if people catch it that'd be really funny if they don't then whatever yeah okay guys be real with me is this the worst or what frankly at this point I wish we could open up the dead zone and bring back garlic junor can't believe I'm saying it but I'll take some more Androids please and I'd rather get kicked in the dick a, more times hear that ID scream tarot's name again I'd even take turus and he was just an evil version of my Dad wait the guy with the tree he alive not anymore also that wheo guy he was nice oh yeah too bad he died of brain cancer yeah after all of that like thinking about it this is kind of where we wrap the movies yeah yeah it really is just like Focus back on all of the ones that we did and I mean the more more I think about where we ended the more appropriate it feels yeah I know right cool then I'll cut to the chaste the chaste give me all of your energy give it all right now give it all give it all I'll end it in one punch man doing it please make it then now Vegeta I know you're probably not going in the original it takes Vegeta for [ __ ] ever just to give I'm [ __ ] like I'm glad like no just end it yeah vet yeah Vegeta's already shown that he wants this to be done [ __ ] it have it just go thanks best buddy no so surprised they never called this a dragon fist I mean it's not I hey it's just a punch say my name I I do like that as a yeah it's the obvious one but sometimes the obvious one is the right one I love this music get used it's from uh Resurrection so [Music] good more Goku oh boy uh-oh this is holy [ __ ] oh it's so TI okay just going to drop this one out there but earlier slug that's kind of RAC what are these things and why is one grinding on me my gen thank you Marissa thank you thank you so much I think we actually forgot slug when we were doing no we didn't but we only had so many movie characters to list off per character it's which is why no one brought up slug that's kind of racist you go south Kai your G galaxy has been Avenged but it's still gone gone sorry but ain't no Dragon Ball that'll bring that back I think we had just been introduced to the concept of the super dragon balls at this point this just happened this just had happened in terms of like sup release what about the other World Tournament coming up well now you have lot more options that's that's [ __ ] up man it is here here we go yeah you Su by Mr Lenny VOR Ru is Legend first began in 1993 1993 biceps bigger than Goku's Head and the Heart that long to be free really wasy Broly Broly why are you so strong your power level is twice as high as you see in har is long broy was a [ __ ] [ __ ] stronger than that robot truckers absolutely Broly's enemies are done Broly power maximum shout out to the kid who wrote that letter into the newspaper yep when brly BR done we're done don't even ask anymore no just subscribe enjoy I'm out that line is why everyone subbed yeah yep that's it it got us to 3 mil oh this joke here we go this not canon joke all right well none of the movies are Canon sneak into the house sure they talk Ro now oh hey Chi did Gohan not make it in oh no he made it in after a sizable donation from my father father good man I'm glad we come from money I come from money Goku you come from a race of idiots I sure do I sure do I want to divorce me too I'm starving the wrap around to him just not knowing what a marriage or what a wedding is right and that's Broly everybody that's Broly that's Broly I think the number one most viewed video and I think one of my personally favorite things we ever wrote together as a team it's it's certainly up there uh it was definitely the most arduous thing to write other than episode 60 that took obviously a year some people I I'll get to it when we get to it but some people don't know how like much 60 how much we put what are you talking about you just you know just you sit there and you just do some lines why don't you just make jokes yeah just making jokes and you just sitting there doing lines I can do it watch I'm not doing it if you noticed how I'm not doing it I'm really capturing the the spirit of that Comet aren't I people people don't understand how hard it is to make something thing sometimes and that's not on them necessarily I I don't begrudge the people that enjoy this and are excited for more that's but it is hard sometimes to get through these things as such a fanboy for things I think all three of us are fan booys of many different things I get that in patience we've we've lived through that like oh man when's the next season of this coming out why is it why do I have to wait 3 years for the when is the Venture Brothers movie coming I have been a Warhammer 40K fan since I was 12 years old sometimes being a hardcore fan of something means you want it you want it now but in the end all those who were patient we needed you to be louder we really did we needed you to be like I don't mind waiting no no actually I will say this to all the people who were super patient and understanding with us and stuck with us and would like just chill out and check out our alternate content like on the gaming channel or other things that we might have on this channel subscribe click like all that stuff I do think we've spent maybe too much time complaining about complainers I I honestly like this is one of the rare occasions where we do we've done a little bit throughout Broly was such a specific thing cuz people [ __ ] love this character like when you get into that one when we get to show there lot there's a lot of pressure on that point where it's like oh God we have to make we have to make as many people happy as possible so I remember still be but still be true to ourselves the commentary in season 2 was man I can't wait for them to get to Broly the third season okay they're going to start doing it right now right when Broly Broly you doing right now haven't done the second cooler movie yet so they're clearly going to do Broly first Broly when Broly when Broly hold on hold on when Broly when Broly when Broly when Broly I just but I do I do want to take a moment because now that we're done with the last movie and we're about to move on to the last batch of episodes here thank you all so much um Broly is obviously our most viewed thing which I mean I guess is kind of a big signifier that it's one of the most popular things that we've ever made um and in that regard like it's so cool that 34 million views obviously that's not 34 million different people but that's still that's millions of folks watched this and that's insane that's crazy to me it truly is because especially considering how we always felt apprehensive of this movie I feel like the apprehension of it because how much people wanted it made us go into it to make sure we went into it with the right mentality that's why we the first 6 months was just talking about the concepts of what we wanted to try and accomplish when we had time in between the other sessions and I'm so happy we took that time because look at what we got to make you know Kaiser got to say somebody fetched me a dagger so I might properly stab this baby just like why what was wrong with the dagger I gave you it was improper all right beerus is yelling we got to go beerus is y he's yelling he's yelling I don't know come on come on come on hold on friezer just made a sun we should what everything's happening today today is busy it is a hectic day Bardock is yelling it's nut what's wrong with Bardock no he's conspiracy going nuts he's just going nuts dude he's just going us yeah this this really was a culmination of a lot of things specifically the movies and like the I I don't know man it's just so weird going back and just looking through this and trying to remember everything that was going through our minds but I I am immensely proud of that one and I'm glad we all can be come let's do the side hug here cuz I'm proud as [ __ ] of what we did here and thank you all for joining us for that one yeah uh but we'll be getting back to the Cell Games next time on this thing that we're doing [Music] [Music] yes
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 756,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tfs, tfs abridged, team four star, teamfourstar, lanipator, kaiserneko, comedy, anime, funny, movie, film, animated, broly, takahata101, princess trunks, trunks, future trunks, goku, gohan, vegeta, son goku, saiyan
Id: x0Ue8C883PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 46sec (4546 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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