Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Ep. 15-16

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foreign [Applause] [Music] Goku is in space Bulma Gohan and Krillin are on Namek which is also in space it will I mean we're all then we're all in space that's so cool episode 15. hi Dr briefs Goku what have you done you flashed it off into space incredibly oolong Empire just kind of there yeah I wonder what else they got to do muffin button ah there it is there it is then Where'd I get this muffin I wish him very close Goku whatever you do don't fool with the gravity controls it goes up to 100 times so it's normal gravity so what you're saying is if I turn up the gravity then I can get stronger no what I'm saying is it will crush your bones the detrimental effects could be catastrophic you may never walk again Lord now gonna train bye-bye I like his mustache that's a pretty sick mustache we want to bring it up an hour do we want to bring it I think we'll talk about it after episode 30. yeah okay guys yeah there's a great fan theory that we just adopted as Canon stay tuned yeah pointing out the absurdity of their training methods yeah but no you you die yeah that that wouldn't work in real life at all or hurt your joints yeah little bastards just hit me out of nowhere I trust me I know what it's like to take a hologram to the face good see you're still conscious to Doria oh and just so you know it's not a big deal or anything you might want to get right onto this one but they're getting away you fat bastard not I don't know why Gohan not your brightest move oh come on Colin we have a two mile lead on him acting in our speed and velocity and his Mass there's no way he should be able to catch up oh what goes wrong where you got that speed right no you don't [Music] this is where the writing got tricky yep what do you think the daughter is doing up there we're talking about one there's also where we started doing the solar flare thing no way that they'll escape the doria's grasp God damn it but what if they have any tricks up their sleeves come now zaban we both know Daddario would never let them out of sight [Music] he's in the shower still sir we have to remember that Vegeta is on the planet oh please like Vegeta could even lay a hand onto Doria I remember doing so many improv lines for so many of these insults well look at you veggie all grown up and out on your own trying to move up in the world and look at you packing away more bacon than normal specifically that one I did a lot of improv for that one I don't remember ass so how about I make you a deal you hand over that pretty red scouter and maybe I won't Point Frieza in the right direction Oh you mean this scouter that's right well I'd be inclined to give it to you but you see there's a problem with it and what would that be it's broken see while I was on earth oh and this explanation I can sense energy how the hell did you do that that is actually very accurate when it when they explain it the genius is sort of I can do this now when Vegeta realized you can do that I'm gonna do that I'm gonna figure out how you do that I did it yeah that's all there and it kind of like there's a there is a bit of credence to lay at that Vegeta is actually a fighting genius yeah he is actually very good at what he does he's naturally very good I mean he does train but he never trained as much until he lost yeah he never really felt the need to until he got wait a minute I get it now those little bastards I would chasing were hurt links you sent them to lure me away from Frieza I'm sorry but at this point all I hear is hit me Vegeta please kill me God this armor makes me look faster [Music] I am in dugong whoopsy Daisy okay I'm gonna I won't lie this everything going I hear I think is a full representation of how we finally learned how to write scenes without having to cut everything up yeah just let the action play out I just I'm really I'm really happy with how things progress from here yeah can you asked words before I take you apart like a pink potato head oh wait I can tell you what really happened to your planet you mean that Frieza blew it up no that freezer blew it up oh my God this is modeled after Twitter as it was at the time look at it look look at it beautiful that cooler you're a prick oh thank you don't kill me look at you tutoria you're always so damn proud and now here you are crying like a woman I am a woman woman what that's a good push in like that's a good blend there yeah oh yeah but why didn't you use your key Enzo hey look I even say a running theme that would happen here on too my name is dende and yes we all learn when we are children you know you should you should pick with us considering it is either that or going back to meet the same fate as my brother and father I am weighing my options the daily voice changed a lot too you got a lot snarky or is he went into his adolescence yeah introduce you to Bulma and that's why I was considered the most beautiful and fertile woman on my home planet good for potatoes for just standing there listening to that attempts to do that also so now you know the truth Vegeta yes I do and now I'm going to start repressing the truth and the first step is killing you you and I we could dream up against Frieza rule the universe by the way I like to think that dedoria isn't actually attracted to Vegeta oh definitely not but in that moment she's like hey you know we could every party because we can make this work yeah almost as if because the Dory it's her last resort under doria's Planet she is considered like beautiful beautiful which um you know descendants of beauty and all that whatever it's all [ __ ] um but I like the idea that she's playing this role of like hey don't you want some of this where obviously Vegeta is standard for what he finds beautiful is very different so he's like hey it's blowing you and repressed do a lot of therapy yeah that's the cave hey Mama you clean up in there we have guests he knows what he did I like dende's face there I do not think I want to go in there ah don't worry that's just Bulma I do not know what this Bulma is but it sounds needy hey Mama up well if it isn't Mr Super Soaker himself got tired of a band something else to abandon I am still weighing my options oh by the way my dad called earlier he says Goku's on his way here and he'll be here in six days small thing very small those are the first pieces of music Clifton for us oh yeah probably didn't need to pause for that well I wanted to bring it up Cliff started doing music for us after this yeah well good thing I took out that life insurance policy Mr Gohan that'll come up later on that person's chest what are they real unnecessary scene but I don't care they look lovely I wish to Nestle between them you are just a trouble we had another version of that where he just goes and then go well it's Pizza I wish to enter oh pardon me I have to take this Tata well sir the Scout has reported back good so the Doria has eliminated those pests then well that's just it it turns out she's dead how does he know he knew that unless there were pieces I mean there are probably people out there like like there's probably people maybe someone's watched it and saw it happen yeah oh this was the US trying to select training montage music right yeah [Music] [Applause] and then the most Goku song possible for it yeah I do actually that is that is actually on my cardio Max it's against an upbeat and you just run to it what yeah okay all right bye fine fine yeah episode 16. with a cameo from Cara yeah right off the top [Music] hey look a visitor oh boy no no don't crowd the young man hey link all right hello good fellow Welcome to our fine Village you look like you're not from around here you have to be careful word Through the Grapevine characters have been going around and attacking our Villages by the way would you like to see how a Dragon Ball it's our prized possession sacred on this planet so what brings you to our village I like how he's become completely silent you know what's coming it's never going to end well for them okay and they're all dead be a bit more careful about it after realizing that if you kill the wrong one the dragon balls no longer work yeah life sure no caution to the wind I suppose I kill queen find a Doria killedoria I find this Dragon Ball I take this guy is there anything thematic about the fact that he gets the four star one I don't think so uh yeah but maybe we shouldn't man Vegeta just ended that Village cooling seriously you I don't even think he needed to kill him either they didn't even need to kill him what oh cripes oh boy Hey listen they may be dead now but they've all gone to a better place where everyone has their own little house and everything is wonderful and we all get along and there's puppies and kitties and this sounds totally asinine it totally is hey guys I think I might have an idea please I guess he could have given his own account and the only account he would give is that there's a really long line and they're gonna get yelled at by a red dude it's true someone who can help us out little green Den Day do you know anyone else who might be able to do that I know of one person we laid it down thick in the beginning that they shouldn't trust Guru yeah long ago when our planet faced a great drought I don't think we're the bully process I think this is the moment no please do not make jokes freezer seems increasingly frustrated my best find Vegeta quickly allow them to live for I mean first we lose what was his name kiwi here we lose all of our scouters and now the Dory is dead I'm sorry but if this [ __ ] goes any further south we're going to hit space Mexico it's just a space everything well what I want you to do is I want you to join the freezer foreign stop being such a pansy Vegeta how dare you ram into me while I'm thinking about Lord Frieza in my thong yeah all right then but it is a good thing I found you Vegeta now are you going to come quietly or do I have to make you scream Oh you mean like dedoria oh please never send a woman to do a man's job Vegeta will not stand for this sexist Behavior exactly where is he face down with another man beating your ass is it Wednesday already zabon that gets cool it would be a lot yeah but you have no idea I may have lost to those fools on Earth but since I got here I've done nothing but Slaughter you cretans first Quee then to Dorian Regina does go on quite the winning streak and I'm back on top well Vegeta I hope you've enjoyed being on top because we're in the closet now prepare yourself writing [ __ ] like [ __ ] I think is appropriate I'm okay with Vegeta being the [ __ ] here because he always gets his comeuppance yeah he's an [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God it's so fun when you have that shot that you can just recycle d tadpoles okay hold on real quick there was this really weird comment that we got on somewhere in season one yeah so we're on YouTube I don't even remember the entirety it was like they were trying to like we get a lot of comments where people try to set up their own jokes in their own scenes and this one was just like uh Hey something something Vegeta something something tap and then everybody's like tadpoles tapple tap so we just that became an inside joke to us to the point that uh when we started doing t-shirts uh we needed like a name to like run that like the t-shirt money through and so we called it tap holds apparel yeah yeah tap holds apparel huh so whoever made that weird ass comment good on you something good something good happens to you something bad that bad happened I love this framing no if I am good we got way more experimental in season two are you still on about that again Krillin being an [ __ ] for no reason real thing and that's the end of that I'd best hurry back to Lord Frieza if I take too long he'll really lay into me the room with enough power to create like a meteoric explosion that's sick it is why did I explode that is it up ahead so that's where yours lives huh on Earth our old man MC lives in a floating Castle you have one as well well he died but yeah whisk does not go as well that's a great result yeah by the way all of the namekian here Klingon butchered Klingon absolutely butchered Klingons you have such a beautiful language little green oh I know I'm gonna call you big green call me that again but with that attitude I don't think you should be friends with him Little Green listen I don't care where you come from or who you are I will not put up with such disrespect get in here [ __ ] Lord Guru God damn it what is it Lord Guru I have a [ __ ] of an itch on my left ass chick no there is an albino American standing behind you kill it like the rest the rest uh actually sir I think he has business here about those people attacking our planet yeah we are looking for help there and how is that I'm gonna take it learn your problematic problem solving I'm sorry demanding a dragon ball from here take it I what just don't steal the TV sir I wonder if this is albino namekian racism now gather the rest of the dragon balls and wish for our plasma TV what Guru that would be a grievous misuse of their powers I'm about to misuse my hand upside your head so I can just that's one of my favorite lines yeah wait there was something I must first do you don't mean yes I see something I'll give you a random power up I know right strength this would come back later way later yup as I unleash the valley of strength head and deep within the way we play it off though it's like hey you untapped all of krillin's potential there I have unlocked your potential don't feel that different it wasn't that much so this is my full potential yes so then it's all downhill from I feel like Toriyama did this specifically just to explain why they don't all die yeah like they can survive a bit of these people that are like miles ahead of them get this Dragon Ball back to go Han once we find them all we can which again is why power levels just kind of ruined everything I agree more from Earth it just makes it like once you add a number to it it's like krillin's only like ten thousand but freezes a million yeah we just called him Kami oh so we call oh yeah there's no God pretentious prick now what I shall henceforth be known as super Comics no white super crazy there we go can I just call you Guru for short super comic Guru allows this better hurry up see it's sort of funny if you don't know that Kami means god that joke's a little confusing which is why we actually kind of like explain it there oh it calls himself God yeah just let people know which then when we make all the god jokes later people understand it foreign [Music] about an hour ago a scout informed me that an entire Village was completely destroyed do you possibly know who could have done that the Vegeta and unlike all the villages we visited so far there was no Dragon Ball there do you know who could have possibly taken it Vegeta oh very good now use your brain for this one zabon if somebody were to know where that Dragon Ball was would it be Vegeta yes and you said you killed him wait sir it is possible I just left him unconscious oh my favorite part of the bit and where did you leave him at the bottom of a lake Here We Go minion 43 would you come in here for a second I need an example private in the mall reporting an example of what law freezer just has regular Dead Boys laying around that's you with Vegeta is not in front of me in the next 10 minutes bye bye yelling at Starbucks more difficult than you'd think without breaking the voice sounds like you're doing a false setup King of the Hill wait do I not have the full version on this computer oh that's interesting what scene are we missing hold on I have a different version of episode 16 on here the following is a non-profit band-based parody ah here we are we're next to 10. something that isn't on YouTube this is this is technically a bonus scene it's not available like anywhere else yeah so even I'm curious about what it is let's see I have to say I'm very impressed all of you have been making great strides in your training since you arrived on my planet makes every Yamcha what the hell but I waxed off everything I waxed off your car I waxed off your house I even waxed off your monkey okay I just started paying attention what seriously when are we gonna learn the KO again Kai that is it none of you are learning any of my techniques neither the Kaioken or the Genki Dharma freaking weeaboo [ __ ] weeb wow yeah man due to YouTube's like uh restrictions on how long a video could be at the time we weren't able to put that on our Channel back then I remember when they upped it to 15 minutes and now I believe the limit is 10 hours yeah yeah like I fall asleep listening to like 10 hour like sleep sound kind of [ __ ] yeah it is I can't believe it I can't also also this joke almost has to be explained because for so long now even the dub has called it the Kaio Ken yeah back in the day like the early dub it was called the Koken the original dub all the way until the end of the Z called it the KO Ken which obviously you can see why that's an issue yeah um but yeah uh nowadays just the Kaioken there's no kooken left at all which thank God so yeah yeah so um you'll see probably more of that with these commentaries stuff that's no longer that was never made it to YouTube and it's no longer available online so hey yeah good reason to stick around watch more of this thing that we're doing [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 500,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbza, dragonball z abridged, dragonball, zarbon, kaiserneko, lanipator, teamfourstar, tfs, commentary, freeza, frieza, freiza, goku, vegeta, gohan, krillin, kuririn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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