Dr William D. Hinn - Making Disciples

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everybody ready tonight alright let's open up our eyes and up our heart this open up just hear the word of the Lord night amen say with me blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord say one more time blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord give it up for our Bishop Bishop William here hallelujah oh come on if you love the Lord lift up your boys if you love God raise up your voice [Music] with every enteries every heart surrendered [Music] every mind postured towards our king he is the king of all kings he is the lord of all lords beside him there is none he is our alpha he is our Omega he is our bright morning star he is the Bishop of our soul father beside you there is none it is you and you alone there is none beside you God allies belong to you our hearts belong to you our minds belong to you our families belong to you our futures belong to you we are here for you we live for you Lord we look to live to worship you speak to us tonight show us what is in your heart change us say that with me change us don't let us leave this place the same in Jesus name and all the people of God said amen come I get my mighty praise one more time by the praise god bless you may be seated I don't think I've ever been here with you Thank You truth I've never been here with you I think I know Winston out of it so the people that come whence tonight you're not a Sunday crowd right you know Sunday crowd they're the people that go to church cause it's Sunday the ones the crowd are people that are hungry for God anybody hungry for God how many they are serious about God no see some of you put your hand up like this I would ask my granddaughter how much she loves me she throws both her hands up like as big as the ocean so if she just went like that I think okay there's something wrong so how many of you are serious about God there you go we have to be in this new season we have to be on the in on the alert I've been here now since Sunday I've had the opportunity to meet with deacons and elders and some of the leaders and it's been it's been a very fulfilling and insightful week I've had an opportunity to eat a lot if time there's a meeting there's more food and then they give me a basket and I was wondering who's coming to my room there's a huge basket in my room and so after I eat with them at the restaurant I go to the hotel room and I eat again I'm gonna enjoy myself I think I'm gonna stay here with you let's tell a parcel pickup cruise somewhere no I am I am delighted and honored to be here and and I am here for for two main reasons one to help my son and I don't mean that to sound like he needs my help but it's time now that we we kind of join forces for what I believe the Lord wants to do and my second reason is to help you help him so by me helping him and you helped me helping you through in order for you to help him we're gonna advance somewhere and I really felt this strongly after the meeting last night I know you've gone through some stuff and I don't mean just as a church I mean personally and corporately I want you to know something I believe that you are exactly where God wants you to be let me say that one more time see the word with regardless of whatever it is that we go through God uses everything say everything and in God there's no mistakes I'm gonna talk to you tonight like you are students of the word I'm gonna take it for granted that that God is gonna speak to your spirit and your brain can catch on later if your brain is far behind so I want to say that one more time God in God there are no mistakes we make mistakes but in God there are no mistakes because God has a way of taking what seems to be a mistake even those that are mistakes by us and weaves them you remember when when Joseph set his brothers what you meant for evil God meant aren't too good that word meant is a Hebrew word that's used to describe what a seamstress does it was a word use if they were to make a Persian rug and they would lose a stitch instead of throwing out the rug the master seamstresses or seamstress would take that fallen stitch and join it back in and make the rug a masterpiece and it would become a unique carpet that word is used to describe that Joseph had to learn how many remember and I believe it was 17 years that Joseph was away from his father and Jacob was very attached to his son he was his young son and it was his firstborn son from the woman he loved and all those years Jacob was under the understanding that his son is dead and God never told him that I'm preparing him for what is coming and it wasn't until Joseph understood that my brother's didn't do this throwing in the pit was not something they did thrown in prison was not what they did being cast being being accused not what they did because everything was a setup in fact the hole that his brothers threw him into had water had it been a pit it was a well had it not been one that had been used meaning he would have been a dry well nobody would have been looking for him but they came to look for water and found him and then when they found him it was who found him I mean it was strategic when he was accused by Pharaoh's wife and he was cast into prison it just happens to be that he is in prison with the butler of the king and when they had a dream it was Joseph that interpreted after they were released or one of the most released from prison and the King has the dream they remember Joseph and I said there's this man Joseph the King remembered him well he interprets a dream it's the wisdom of God go get him and the King gives Joseph the dream that no one had been able to interpret and not unless they give him the dream and the meaning of the dream but he also gives them the strategy what he has to do so they don't go into a famine the King is so impressed with him that not only does he receive what he gave but he also makes him in charge of it all so while Joseph was in prison talking to the butler he didn't see what God was preparing while Jacob is weeping for his dead son he didn't see what God is preparing you don't know what God is preparing by God always has a surprise at the end say something and therefore I really felt strongly today that there is this this this organized plan setup God has set you up I haven't started teaching yet so no time yet but you've been set up for what God is bringing you to and now we have to come to a place where we understand we've been enlisted are you ready open your Bible with me to the book of Acts chapter 1 and let me have your undivided attention I want you to listen to me very carefully it's important that we understand that and I know you know this and you have an apostle that truly understands it but I believe that some some time maybe once in a while we need to be reminded don't you think we go through our stuff right we forget what we heard last month or last year sometimes we forget what we heard last week sometimes we forget what we just heard in church on the way home and so once in a while we need to come to the realization of what it is that we have enlisted into now you could jot these down I know it's being recorded and we touched on it on Sunday but I want to bring it back to your remembrance in Luke chapter 14 we heard how there was a great cloud crowd following Jesus anybody remember and you read it from verse 25 onward that there was a great crowd and when it says great I mean this was a multitude that kind of filled the hills and Jesus could not get away from the crowd and suddenly Jesus turns around to this crowd and he says something that is so contrary to his normal character in nature that in the in the original he actually raises his voice now now let me just make sure you understand some things Jesus did not speak Greek Jesus spoke Aramaic the Aramaic was translated into the Greek New Testament the Bible is written in Hebrew Old Testament Aramaic and Greek in the new the the and in some places where there is translation even in the Greek translation it comes from the Aramaic translation and in places it does not show you the crescendos in the and it's true in all the ancient languages their emotional languages for example how many have come from an Italian family now how many of you know Italians they talk really loud talk to me when I first got married to my wife and she met the family she thought we're fighting all the time chipping you know we don't talk like the American people bless you no no there's none of that no bless you hey that means I love you you know excited you raise your voice the crescendo here when Jesus turns and he begins to to not so as rebuked but he turns to them and he says if if anyone of you wants to follow me and you don't have your father and your mother and your brother and your sister and your children yes even yourself you can't be my disciple get out here you know hate can you imagine but you're signing up to be a member of the church and the pastor says to you if you want to be a member of this church you have to hate your father and your mother your brother your sister your children even yourself or you cannot be a member of my church that's what he did he quickly deciphered through the big crowd to find out who'd be left in the Greek it means not the word hate as we would he said it was meaning if you don't love less it's saying insinuating that if anyone can come between you and me you're not worthy to be my disciple if your father your mother your brother your sister your children can get between you and me you're not worthy to be my disciple if you don't even hate your own life if your own life comes before me you are disqualified from being my disciple but you have to actually make sure that nothing even those you love the most your own family cannot be in between you and me if anyone can distract you from me if anyone can influence you against me if anyone can draw you away if your husband can draw you away from me or your wife or your children you're not you can't be my disciple it doesn't mean you don't believe you just cannot be enlisted into this army this is an enlisted so when I told asked you earlier are you serious you have to understand the measure now you're already looking depressed and nervous and scared we haven't even started yet how could the same Jesus that told us to hate to love our enemies love those that persecute us this same Jesus that told us forgive them therefore they know not what they do I mean how could the same Jesus turn around and yell at the crowd and begin to make them run away and to see who's left and those that followed him he would disciple because now you are enlisting into something that is far beyond just simply being a follower now I want to give you a little bit of a background so in in the book of Acts chapter one go there with me I'm gonna read it for you so I brought my phone I never bring my phone to church but I want to read it to you out of the way meThe translation let me know when you're there Acts chapter one now I want you to understand very carefully the purpose of the church let me preface it first the purpose of the church is to be an extension of the kingdom of heaven here on earth by crafting moulding making forming disciples the test and quality of a church is determined by its capacity to make and produce qualified disciples it doesn't matter how big or how many buildings it has is true success is based on being able to produce disciples God never intended for the church to be a group of people who just sits our vegetate in buildings on a weekly basis the purpose of discipleship is to create a light life transforming instrument the purpose of discipleship is to create a life of transformation that becomes an effective instrument in the hand of God 2nd Corinthians Paul said chapter 3 we are written epistles known in read of all men manifestly say that manifestly declaring the word of Christ not that we are sufficient in our own selves but our sufficiency is of God this word came to me while I was pleading with God for direction for understanding what he want to do next what is your next if you will move what is our present-day assignment and sometimes you know when we when we look at the churches in our cities and would then look at ourselves and this is what for short little awhile I fell into the trap where you compare yourselves to others and I realize we cannot compete with the modern-day church we cannot compete with their elaborate media we cannot compete with their social programs and their theme parks for children we can't compete with their money we can't compete with their numbers if you were to look at us in comparison to them they would certainly be more successful and we would not be successful but that's not the church you're gonna hear this carefully but when it comes to what we do where we have been very successful is in changing lives producing sons and making disciples for the kingdom of God the areas we need to improve now I believe what the season is called for why we've all gone through some shaking is because God now is looking to raise disciples and when he ready to raise disciples it turns and he gets rid of the crowd and I'm not suggesting all those I left are not disciples I'm simply saying that God is now out to bring about an improvement of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ because the pattern Jesus left he is our pattern he left us a pattern and his his relationship with his disciples was on a completely different level than those he fed fish and bread and so in Acts chapter 1 let's read from verse 1 to verse 4 and it will jump further it says and again I'm reading out of the the Weymouth translation my former narrative Thea Phyllis have dealt with all that Jesus did and taught as a beginning down to the day of which after giving instruction once you remember this part down to the day on which after giving instruction through the Holy Spirit to the Apostles whom he had chosen he was taken up to heaven and he had also after he suffered shown himself alive to them with many sure proofs appearing to them at intervals appearing to them at what intervals during forty days and speaking of the kingdom of God and while in their company he charged them not to leave Jerusalem but wait on the father's promised gift this is you have heard that you have heard it of me and then you jump down to seven and eight let's just go down to eight and you would receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you anybody remember and you will be my witnesses you'll be my what the word witnesses here comes from the word to be martyred and it actually means duplicates means what duplicates you'll be my duplicates in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the other most parts of the earth and while he was saying this and as they were looking at him listen to these words he was carried up and a cloud closing beneath him hid himself from their sight I wish I could teach on that because a cloud just took him the Lord never left he's just hiding behind a cloud hello cloud of God that's another message all right come on he comes in clouds here is our pattern as a background he appeared to his disciples at intervals during those 40 days listen but there was only one plan meeting that occurred after his resurrection and before his ascension one more time he appeared his disciples at intervals he in those forty days but there was only one planned meeting that occurred after his resurrection and before his ascension after the Last Supper he told him in advance in Matthew 26 32 and you'd have to turn to a just jot these verses down because you could read them on your own time but he told him that after the resurrection he will meet them and where he will meet them and he said I will go ahead of you and to Galilee I will meet you there in Matthew 28 7 after his resurrection when the angel appeared to the Mary's I mean where there was more than one Mary to the Mary's at the tomb he said to them go quickly tell him his disciples this is the angel saying go quickly tell his disciples that He is risen from the dead and behold he goes before you into Galilee that's when he told them already and there you will see him lo I've told you the engine is letting him know I've done my job I told you so you better do yours as the Mary's in Matthew 28 10 as the Mary's were on their way to tell his disciples Jesus himself appears to them and tells the ladies don't be afraid go tell my brothers that's what disciples are go tell my brother's these are the sons go tell my brothers they are to go into Galilee and there they will see me and then in verse 16 the eleven disciples the Brethren went into Galilee unto the hill where Jesus had appointed them so though the Scriptures don't exactly tell us where this is in Galilee it must be in a place that they had often gone to before because in it seems like it was a location that was well known by many in advance because the number of times in the writers of the Gospels they would refer to the hill in Galilee at his appearing and it was expected in advance so it must have spread abroad because in Luke 24 9 it says that women the several women who came from the tomb told his the 11 disciples and all the rest say all the rest who are all the rest and then again you've seen Luke 24 33 after the Lord appeared to the two men on the road to Emmaus anybody remember and it says that that they found the eleven gather together and them that were with them who were all them that were with them Paul was now remember there's the 11 and then all those that were with them Paul was so excited in 1st Corinthians 15 5 and 6 when he said Jesus was seen by Cephas and then by the twelve and and after that it was listen it says and he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once say it once that means that they all knew to be at the same place at once so if you see this carefully in this the only the only ever scheduled meeting after the resurrection Jesus gave his disciples and in this place he gives them their what is called the Great Commission so all three or though he would appear in intervals there was one meeting that's been planned in this particular place in Galilee that the twelve knew and now there's these five hundred that all seem to know and I look at the scripture and I see there are three groups which were to attend this meeting the eleven disciples Matthew 28:16 and then more than 500 first Corinthians 15:6 and then there's a third group because verse 20 in Matthew 28 says and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world or the age so since the world or the age is not yet ended then you and I are also invited to that meeting we have to see what he's telling us all to do Matthew 28 familiar portion of Scripture let me know when you're there go to the end of the chapter and when you're there say Amen I know many of you use the screen that's behind me that's wonderful I keep telling you this I like write it down do what okay if you want to type it fine modern hippie people sorry I can't help myself as long you know as long as you and and III I don't say this to draw any attention to what I do it's not about that but my notes is the construction okay I write out the rough copy I read it back to myself now look how it reads I'll rewrite it again I'll make sure that it's clear and then I'll rewrite a formal copy and then I highlight the scriptures with red and then I highlight them with a highlighter and then I make the parts that I want to make sure that it's 3d heard and important I'll put yellow over the red over the markers and I end up with this people say can I have your notes nobody can read my notes and I do it because by the time I'm done with the final copying is the garbage can full of old notes and this is the final it's in my spirit you understand and and and I say that to simply say that we have to be study and show yourself approved students of the word of God now here comes verse 18 now follow this now this is after the resurrection he's appeared a bunch of times and I was going to give them his departing Commission what's been called the Great Commission verse 8 and Jesus came spoke unto them saying can you read this part with the out loud all power how much power all power is given on to me where in heaven and earth stop all authority that word power is all authority in heaven and in earth he's saying now that I have died paid the price and been raised from the dead I have all power not Dunamis Dunamis power is explosive power shove things out of the way power but this is a kuzia say that nicosia power is authority and jurisdiction power for example a football player has Dunamis power but the official has accused he a power to throw them off the field you understand Jesus saying I have jurisdiction Authority I have ruling power I now rule in heaven and in earth in eternity and in time in the spirit world and in the material in the invisible and in the physical I rule in every dimension that devil does not rule anymore I've reversed the curse I have all authority go therefore now how many ways do you want to translate go Greek Hebrew Aramaic Chinese English go is go it means get out of here say go go therefore meaning I am sending you with my authority to teach the original the words to teach means make disciples make them the Weymouth translates go therefore and make disciples of all nations disciples means disciplined instructed trained a learner from a pupil to a scholar one who is a copy a witness a witness a copy of the master follow this carefully a disciples ultimate goal is to have the same mind and thought process as his master and be a reflection of the same nature a disciple carries out the commandments of his master like a soldier of his general Jesus did not say will you please go he didn't say pray about going he said go it's an order the problem today is not that we don't have enough Christians but the problem is that Christ needs more disciples I want you to see this there's a lot of people going to church but not enough disciples kingdom disciples that baptize nations only disciples can share in his authority you might want to write that down only disciples can share in the authority and so when I when I teach a message for example the CD is taken and it's placed on a machine a recorder which is a master duplicator for those that do any kind of media here it's a master duplicator the master duplicator then is connected to these other units and these other units are called slave units come with me now and so you got the master unit the master CD that came out of the service the original is placed in the master duplicator that master duplicator is connected to slave units they run up to 16 CDs within a few minutes and when it's run those copies are exactly like the master the people then get the CDs in the mail they don't get the master they get a copy of the master but it's so much like the master but they're not getting the master they're getting a copy of the master and it's so much like the master it might as well be the master but it's not the master it's just a copy of the master anybody hearing me and therefore they're getting the exact same copy God is after some copies of the master that can run on the same power only disciples share in the authority he said go make disciples the word make means create form construct shape produce people of like mind and culture now let me just say this to you when we begun our church it was 1988 the latter part 87 will begin in my house we finally got our first if you will we became a nonprofit entity we begun our first service in a hotel in 1988 and many of my leaders that started with me then are still with me today when we left Florida and we started another work in California some of my leadership left Florida and moved to California for those of you don't know anything about the economy of California you can't just pick up and move to California from Florida from Florida people owned homes for hundred thousand dollars you can buy a shed in California four hundred thousand dollars so people actually be left their job sold their homes and moved in together in apartments two of my leaders shared a mattress in someone's garage because when I said I'm going to establish another work you know without us you're not I didn't ask anyone to come with me but people left families jobs careers and moved after twelve years in California we established the great work there that is still going many of them join us on livestream join you Sundays many of those same leaders moved with me to Texas where they moved again and establish to work there God was using me greatly back in the years and when we were about to move and I was being used in South Africa and many of them thought we better get some passports think I'm going to South Africa I don't want to go to South Africa but God if God would have said go I would have had no choice but that's the kind of people that we have moulded we're such a tight unit of a family that I love my natural family I will do anything for my natural family but there's something about my kingdom family that I cannot separate from when I see my natural family at Christmas it's wonderful when we gather for a family reunion it's glorious but you know I'll see you next year and sometimes you know when when months have passed I miss them but I just miss them and after we've been together for a few days I'm ready to leave but I need my Kingdom family I cannot stay away that long for my kingdom family because there's something that I receive in the assembling that Nutrisse that that heavenly nutrients that I receive that bring me strength and so here God begins to tell us go and produce make the kind of people that end up being created form constructed shaped produce a like mind culture people and then baptize them just follow careful let's just verse 19 go therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the say that word names does it say names plurals that say name baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and law and with you always even unto the end of the age now follow this carefully after you have taught means produced created may disciple you've constructed you shape them then baptize them in the name not names of the father son Holy Spirit meaning in the full nature and identity of God baptized the Greek word baptizo means to immerse or submerge and it was used in those days to describe a dye maker for example if a mother wanted to make her daughter a pink dress she would get the material or the cloth and take it to the dye maker and he would dip it immerse it into the color she wanted and it would immerse into the one from one color be one color when he was immerse and would come out another color some cloth would come in from different colors if the mom wanted him to make she wanted to make her daughter used to make clothes if she wanted to be a different color than what the material is the dye maker would immerse it he would dip it and though it was the same but it came out different Paul said in Romans 6:4 we were baptized into his death and raised into a newness of life whatever we looked like before now we come out in a in the same color we come out red we come out what so if you are a waitress before now you come out a red waitress if you are a doctor lawyer farmer now you come out a red doctor lawyer a farmer whatever you were whatever you do now you do it being red what does it mean it means now you represent the life of God that you have been dipped into you identify with God whatever it is you do now all those around you will see God in it what God looks like because you've been dipped in the life and identity of God so follow this carefully verse 20 the Lord said teaching them to observe all teach him to do art observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you almost at the end of the age then to the world he didn't say just teach them what I have commanded you here the problem here's where we have to make a shift this is a not profound revelation this is instruction you're with me teach them to observe not just teaching them the commandment but teach them to observe the commandment meaning not only the information of the commandment but the application of the commandment there is no transformation in the information but only in the application our disciples made you are with me Jesus needs disciples disciples bring disciples James and listen now was John's brother and both cousins to Jesus one more time James what John's brother and both cousins to Jesus another James was the half-brother of Jesus Peter and Andrew were brothers and of course John the Baptist was Jesus's second cousin right what is he saying he's saying go make disciples of your families I'm talking to you go make disciples of your co-laborers your friends go to this make disciples of your those your schoolmates go to those you know relatives families loved ones people you care about your friends in school your friends at work those that you could draw in and begin to form begin to make become the disciple begin to shape he didn't just say go out and yes you do that to go hand out tracts at the bus station that's fine he didn't sir put on the satellite and just invite them so ever will you could do that too but making disciples we're not talking just about evangelism we're talking about making disciples people take this to mean this is how you grow the church by inviting newcomers unsaved to the church that's not what he said he said make disciples he said what and so this is what's been missing the people of the church disciples make disciples cousins go after cousins brothers go after their families people go after those they work with and so God sets us in locations places workplaces families positions of influence that we may because it's someone that God is after to make disciples and so you'll always see somewhere in Scripture he will go to the well speak to the woman and she will realize okay this is this is a prophet and whatever her measure of faith was she would go to her family to those within her house after those that you would know or to those within her neighborhood and she was said you got to come and hear this man and she became a follower Nicodemus eventually became a disciple and he began to pull people out if you read they had to give reports back in the day to the Roman Empire Caiaphas the great High Priest he was the the said he'd Rijn leader and when he was resigning from the priesthood or from the Sahid Rijn board and he recognized this is Christ he wrote a report it's actually been recorded you could find that a book called the article volume and conference report is there and he wrote it through to the Roman Empire and to Caesar and he said we sacrificed the last Lamb of God I therefore will no longer be performing any more sacrifices he came to the realization this was the Lamb of God it started with Nicodemus and it just started to infiltrate into the priesthood before you know it the Pharisee Co scribe order starts to die out and disciples start to grow Aptus in between the resurrection and there and the Ascension 500 showed up over 500 at the hill of Galilee and so sometimes we look and see what God wants to do in Jubilee ministries and it's not so much that God wants to bring whomsoever will who are the disciples God is after the world cannot heal itself the solution is not within itself it has to come from elsewhere where you come from is elsewhere you are the solution to the world's problems and whatever you allow you have no right to criticize and whatever you avoid you cannot change and whatever we permit we are responsible for Psalms 82 you can let things happen or make things happen if you want something you've never had you have to do something you've never done talk to me so there has to come a point of a leap I saw a picture a video little video it's kind of the cutest thing there was two ball two bowls of fish and one ball had and I saw this I can't believe my eyes this ball of this ball of fish is full of little red fish and is another bowl of fish but there's no fishing it's just water and there's a group of fish right here and there's one of them that is just staring at the empty bowl and it's crowded in his bowl and he wants to get away from these people he wants to go dead on I'm serious I saw that if I didn't see my own eyes I want to believed it and this little fish swims around the ball and dives out of the one bowl into the other Bowl and my kids send me this video and after it landed in the new bowl it's all by itself it's got all that water it's tough it's looking back at the other fish it's like saying ha ha and all I could think of is we need to make a leap to have a change say something fala carefully in today's modern gospel we have a problem many believe that you can become a Christian and not be a follower of Jesus getting saved and being forgiven of our sins as the gospel without much or any teachings on being a follower of Christ we have accepted a non discipleship gospel and therefore we don't have any power and the authority of Christ that's why there's no power Jesus showed that is that discipleship and authority worked hand in hand one without the other is dysfunctional God's goal is far beyond salvation in his discipleship he paid for our salvation but because we have to pay for our discipleship many churches choose not to teach it because it's the price we pay y'all hearing what I'm saying and there is a price for discipleship but the price of non discipleship is far more greater it will also have a terrible consequence on the generations to come Jesus has always looked for followers not fans and being followers means it is our life long commitment and it's what we are and what we do and we are defined as its church it's been said that the world is in trouble and the church is in need it needs more buildings more money more people bigger programs etc but I think it's the other way around I think the world is in need in the churches in trouble the world needs Jesus I said the world needs Jesus they need the Christ of God and the church is too busy with programs for increase without growth increase without growth discipleship is what gives growth which impacts the next generation and the next generation is desperate for the ways of God to be rooted in the kingdom of God and so after the after we begin to understand now you know I began to search from the scripture what made Jesus the way he was at the heart of discipleship is Christlikeness a witness meaning a copy follow this carefully it's simple yet profound go with me to the book of John John chapter 14 it's important listen close to what this is saying I want you to now this is one of those verses and don't start reading it this is one of those verses there are there are certain you know I've read this verse I don't know hundreds of times there are certain verses that we read like let me ask you a question how many of you are seeing just now make disciples more pronounced to you you've read it before but now there's a there is something that's instructional it's not just a verse you read there's an order in it there are these certain verses that you have to kind of look at slow read again we go so many times you've read it and I read this verse not long ago and I saw something I've never seen at the heart of discipleship is Christ's likeness and the defining focus of Jesus Christ is his love for his father said one more time at the heart of the Siple ship is Christ's likeness the defining focus of Jesus Christ is his love for his father John 14 31 let me know when you're there but that the world may know I'm reading the King James for now but that the world may know that I love the father and as the father gave me commandment even so I do arise and let us go hence seem simple listen to the aramaic translation it reads but that the world may know that i love my father and just as my father has taught me so I have done rise and let us depart from here how many believe God wants us to rise and we're gonna depart from here where we've been were about to move from say something we're about to be transferred from where we've been to another dimension in God what Jesus was saying was then it was his love for the father his love for his father that caused him to do what he did or what if the father had taught him and commanded to do he said I want the whole world to know in other words his love for the father was the some focus of his discipleship if you want to write something down write this down his love for the father was the some focus of his discipleship now when we zoom out of this verse to see the full context as to what led to this verse we will notice that there's a theme that begins back in chapter 13 that after Jesus washed his disciples feet he said to them in verse 14 and 15 if I then being your Lord have washed your feet you also ought to watch wash it's each other's feet for I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you therefore this is not about something you hear it's something something you do it's about doing not hearing and then verses 34 and 35 he gives them a commandment I want you to just go to it just chapter 13 of the of John and look at verses 34 and 35 and he says a new commandment or what a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you and that you love one another and listen now by this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another how many times have we read that I want you to listen I want you to look at it as if though you have never seen it he gives them a command and he says a new commandment I give you that you love one another as I have loved you and by this by what this is up you will know your disciple by this shall men know that you are my disciples if you have this kind of love one to the other the theme that has been shown throughout discipleship is love manifest one more time the theme that he was showing them was discipleship is love manifest he joined love and discipleship and said that the world may know that I love my father and just as he taught me I do just as he taught me I don't add to it I don't take anything away from it just as he taught me I do notice Jesus said Jesus called this a new commandment now what is so new about loving one another he called it a new or what why would it be new in the Old Testament it's based on love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your mind without yourself and love your neighbor as yourself but there are two words in the Greek for knew first is the word Neos you might want to write it down the word Neos means new in time and then there's the next word which is knose which means new in kind so one more time Neos new in time knose new in kind so for example am I talking too fast because I want to I want to get done quicker than normal because I want to want you to talk to me if you have questions we need to get down to this where we can to work again Neos new and time knose new in kind for example if I said to you I just bought a new car that new car is brand new now just got it it's outside its new say Amen I want a new car so I'm just throwing that in there so if I set you up I just bought a car it's new now in time but if I said this new car can float like a boat and fly like a plane it's a new kind of car Jesus used this word it's a new kind meaning I'm giving you a new measurement a new standard a new kind of love this kind of love is not the same love as before this is a new kind a higher standard this is a higher plum line I'm showing you a new measure new this kind of love defines my discipleship Jesus is showing them view and I know how my discipleship is I'm showing you to love as I love and this is how I love he prepares them first comforts them you know if you read the chapter from 13 onward shows them the example of washing the feet and then he lets them know by comforting them because about to leave them he's about to tell him about to be betrayed Peter you're gonna betray me I'm gonna be sold for 30 pieces of silver I'm gonna die he is preparing them but I want he wants to first impart to them this new kind in order for you to be my disciples and by this new kind they will know you are my disciples and he defines it now this is the kind of love that defines my discipleship then he prepares them comforts because of what it's coming and tells them I'll go prepare a place for you so where I am you may be also I will not leave you as orphans you remember comfortless the father will send you another comforter and then we come to verse 31 in verse 14 where he tells them listen now why he obeys the father why he obeys not that the world be saved though that's true not that the world will have hope though that's true not that we may have a good example in him though we do he didn't say any of that he said then the main purpose I obey my father and do exactly as he commanded me is because I want the world to know how much I love my father the son it is the definition and the focus of Jesus Christ it is the sum definition and the focus of the Son of God our discipleship listen now is Christ's likeness and his definition of discipleship is his love for the father therefore our discipleship is not defined by how much the father loves us though we know that he does but how much we love the father I am willing to lay down my life and follow and obey not because I want to see the world get saved come on I want you to see this I want to show you a new commandment he's saying we do what we do because how much I love my I want you to know and I want the whole world to know how much I love my father we don't just do this because we're willing to lay down our life for duty when I willing to lay down our life to change the world we're not even willing to lay down her life for obedience the reason we're obedient the reason we want to lay down our life the reason we want to do exactly what he said is because I want the whole world to know how much I love my father and I show it to you by the example I wash your feet to show you an example on how much I love you and with the same kind of love I need you to love one another and by this the world will know you are my disciple there is a capacity that is in the heart of God that cannot be freed until first we cross over this threshold and after we cross over this threshold I'll speak to you in a minute I know you know it already but I'm gonna just explain it a little further something in your heart will open there's something that God does and there are no adequate words for it how many of you are married three people okay okay let's try another way how many of you love your spouse how many of you have had a baby with that spouse so if I was to pick on Teresa back there since she has my wife's name I might as well pick on her and Teresa you love your husband jaren right did I say that right and you have to listen carefully and put me on a spot and I know you love each other but when you had your first baby you don't love the baby the way you love your husband you don't love your husband any less than you love your baby but you love your baby more in a different sense see I have know what word do I use for that she may punch her husband but she will punch for her baby so make sense and I'm not just as an example when when a child comes out of a womb something expands a dimension and new Avenue opens in the heart of the parents not just in the mom but the dad it doesn't happen as quickly with the dad because he's just seeing this thing that looks like a dirty egg you know when my first one came I thought God fix her head she looked like a cone the mom doesn't care what the baby looks like thank God it eventually became round and I was very thankful but once the baby starts to crawl towards you or starts to respond to you or looks at your eyes and smiles like my grandbaby does it's just something opens and there's no way to describe it unless you experience it a new commandment I give you it's a new kind this will open your heart like nothing else can this will cause you to experience a dimension in God like nothing else will this will bring about an authority and power in you that nothing else can expose it will separate you from the common and bring it to that which is unique and divine and could only come by the experience I want you to know how you are defined as my disciples how you love and I don't mean Christian kind I mean disciple kind this love will open you up in such a manner that it will expose what is divine I don't follow God because I want to obey though I do I don't do what he tells me because I fear him though I do I don't do what I do because I want to see the world saved though I do but I do what I do because I want the whole world to know how much I love my father the love of a son towards his father this new commandment I give you that you love one another and by this the world will know you are my disciples in ancient days the owner of property and business would reach a point after seven years to where he would tell his servant I love you so much I love you like a son that I'm willing to let you go and be free you know you know the story and the servant would say back to his master because of the love-master you've been so good to me and I so love you I don't ever want to leave you I don't want to serve you for the rest of my life then the master would take this servant to the court of the city and so no one would think that it's keeping him against his own will the sign of the token between them was that the master would pierce the servants ear with an earring saying he belongs to his master forever and when this servant will go to the marketplace the people that are there that would see the servant they would know that he is a servant his master for life and now that would know that he is in charge and a stuart of his master's business and when they would see his ear that wouldn't say he must be a great servant though he was but they would say he must have a loving and great master to be willing to give his master his life this servant will be so blessed that he is willing to give up his life for his master this discipleship is produced out of the love a son has for his father come Theresa I want you to know why I do what I do I want you to know why I spend endless hours I don't want to lose time with my children and so I'll wait till they go to sleep nice and softly I search for my father I want to know my father my discipleship is produced out of the love for my father and I want you Jubilee and I want the whole world to know how much I love my father I would lay down my life for my father for me to have my ear pierced some think it's a sacrifice it's because I love my master and for me to give up my life to serve Him is not a high cost it's not even a sacrifice we're not compared to what he has done in my life and I don't know what God's gonna bring to us Saturday night I don't know what the Lord is gonna speak to you I'm not I haven't gotten there I've been preparing I prepare for every service on its own but if there's anything that I want more than anything to leave Newcastle with that this was planted deeper within your spirit this was infused within your heart and mind if I could just get some how we're expanding your heart to be exposed deeper widen your capacity to be able to receive a greater dimension of this love that I wish there was some other profound word to define it because it's a misused cheapened word but if we understood what Jesus was saying by he this does what he does not out of obedience and though he was obedient once you need to balance what I'm saying he gave his life to save the Lost that is true but the reason he obeys his father the reason he does exactly as his father taught him is because he wants the world to know how much he loves his father and out of that love comes his obedience and it exposes a joining union there releases this kuzia power this authority but nothing else can we experience this power and he told them all power in heaven and earth is now mine I have all power though so you go as my disciples and you make disciples the way I made you and go into all nations and teach them to observe teach them to bring application to put shoes on it make it lived out its experience show implementation observing what I have taught you and immerse them our job is to make disciples of Nations after every meeting that I've had with the deacons and the elders and the leadership I would go back to my room and I would write myself a little report and so far I've written three pages of my assessment of the condition of what I see and when I would meet with people and say I would meet with with IDI and Cindy I would put their name - pierced ears my assessment when I put the name of Tony lura pierced ears when I met with Mason today Mason - pierced ear I'm looking for people with pierced ears these that have committed themselves to the call by having the ear pierced to the doorpost saying I'm a servant and I give my life to the call y'all with me well what little time we have left I'm gonna ask us to pray and after we pray anything that I'm anima I'm almost hesitant to do it I don't want anybody preaching if you have any questions about what this means and you have a question I want you to ask it before we go is that okay you ready let's pray anybody heard anything tonight father in the mighty name of Jesus we are children want to say just close your eyes lift your hands we are sons and daughters have come tonight to tell you what a great and a wonderful father you've been to us how your grace knows no limits your love sees no bounds you're a little it's in your love you pursue us relentlessly you don't ever leave us how many times have we failed you how many times that we've fallen short how many times have we given it the weaknesses the things that you know in secret that abides within our life that only you know and yet you've remained so faithful we want you to know it is our honor you go ahead and Pierce our hairs we are your lifelong committed servants we are born slaves we don't know when we can love you with all our hearts we don't know when we've reached the capacity of all that we can love with we don't know when we have completely completed all the corners of our fiction love for you when you tell us to love you with all of our hearts we don't know when all is reached so father in the name of Jesus open up our minds come on church open up our hearts that we may love you deeper that we may love you larger that we may love you greater to the degree so willing to do exactly as you've commanded because we want the whole world to know how much we love you so whatever it is that is our capacity tonight give us a new commandment come on say it give me a new commandment say give me a new commandment you give me a new sound give me a new word give me a new instruction unveil deeper expose higher [Music] that we may love you more that by this the world will know that we are your disciples further let it be so in Jesus name and all the people of God said amen come on shout amen [Applause] No do we have any questions before I go any further anyone with any question anyone anyone feel this is something that is life changing when I see one more time I want to ask you you can remain standing we're about done I'm gonna ask you that you you know a lot of times when I want to gather with you you know I'm purposely ending it here because I don't want to go into teachings I want this to settle I want this to sink in I want this to become part of the fabric of your thinking you must learn this new commandment this new commandment cannot be heard in a sermon that's all I gave you tonight is a message it's a message about it but if I can take my heart and expose it if I could open it up and reveal to you what my heart feels towards the words I want the whole world to know how much I love my father there's a way I could expose that and get your eyes to communicate a sound that you can see and feel that's within my heart it would take you far beyond the sermon or the words so we just naturally heard and the only way that's possibly transmitted is that you have to make it your personal encounter the you go to these scriptures and I give you enough of them tonight that you study the pattern and you realize what it is we must do to change okay because I want to kind of hit you with this first and then we're gonna pray them and let you go is that okay unless I hit you with this I'm gonna I don't mean like you know hit you but I wanted to hit you because some of you are spiritually stubborn and I'm not pointing at anyone I'm not getting a word of knowledge or any I was just talking to everybody because where we are to where God wants to take us what dimension of spirit to where God's fullness what measure of wisdom to the revelation of spirit I want to go to where Moses went in Genesis 1 think generations after creation before there was ever words written in the beginning God and man was able to go somewhere in spirit and behold what God created and right down in the beginning God I want to go to Patmos and be able to write what John saw I want God to take me to a place in a dimension of spirit where I'm able to encounter an experience I want the world to know how much I love my father I want the encounter of that and for that to happen there has to be an awakening out of the Lazy spirit of stubborn mindsets that refuse to change that have been in church for 50 years and yet if we can just advance some slight emotional change in their behavior we think we've achieved success but what I'm believing for in Newcastle is that they'll be a people that walk with such authority that their declaration will shift the heavens and cause major change to become the influence into our families I can't stand listening to the news I hate what government is doing to the families and the church what is called the church it's not the church that modern religion is just gathering inside of buildings and no one is a follower there's no such thing as a sign enlisted disciples people go to church so they can get an encouraging word get some spiritual maintenance last the next week go to work do what they do without having the power to influence their work and so oftentimes people look if I could just get out of this job and God says if only I can make you a disciple in that job if I can just get out of this family God wants I could just make a disciple in that family go and make disciples because disciples make disciples and when disciples simply attend and simply repeat the command without teaching them to observe the command then people become listeners not hearers he that has an ear come on let him hear what the Spirit is saying it takes the courage a breaking personal pride getting rid of personal egos y'all okay right come on I want you to help me don't don't get offended at me we want to change right come on how many of you wanna we want to change right so we want God to punch us in the face to make us change right come on talk to me a little bit because I want to pray for you and and and and if you don't want to you may not want to like this prayer but but how many of you would like to hear how many of you are willing to say God do what you ever you got to do but change me come on do whatever you got to do now I know this is a stepping out kind of a crazy prayer but do what you got to do God come on say it with dude do what you gotta do punch me in the mouth do whatever you gotta do change me but don't let me stay the same I don't want to get old remaining the same I don't want to move at the pace of a turtle that is just so stubborn and unwilling to change I don't want to circulate and revolve and stay the same without being changed God I'm not interested in just doing this thing for the next 20 years 25 30 40 50 years or until I die unchanged I need this experience that you expand me widen me open up that we will not remain unchanged you brought us here to make disciples [Music] so father now I pray for these that are within the sound of my voice stretch your hands I prefer myself and for these that are within the sound of my voice and these that receive this word they assume in with your face confront us look into our eye let us have a face-to-face encounter and don't allow us to leave your presence until we've been convicted to completely change a total transformation to leave that dirty thing let go of that ugly thing walk away from the dark thing and make yourself disciples [Music] we desire to have the power not so we can say look at us we got the power but we want the whole world to know how much we love you how much we appreciate you how grateful we are for you for all that you are and all that you do and all your love and all your grace and all your mercy and all your kindness and all your sacrifice and the shedding of your blood we want the world to know so father we accept it we invite you in we receive it we say Corner us we say imprison us we said don't let us get away again we're not asking you to demise us we're not asking you to shame us we're asking to change us change us God that in the name of Jesus the you will have yourself a people upon this earth who will carry your authority that the world will know that we are your disciples let it be so in Jesus name come on all the people of God come on if you love him come on if you love him if he's been good to you oh come on Jana lift up your voice you gotta show your gratitude speak the god of his worthiness I plead with you that you don't just go home and get back into the cycle of the same old don't just park yourself in front of the couch I read us some of you have to work in the morning some of you have to get to bed but I just plead with you that before this day ends you have some private moment you get into the privacy with your father and you have a personal talk one-on-one and you ask him to seal this inside of your life in Jesus name Amen I love you church we declare in Jesus name but by the time apostle sets foot back in this house and into this building there's been a miraculous rejuvenation refreshing renewal change healing God restoration let it be done overnight we pray in Jesus name and all the people of God said amen come I love on some way before you go I have a glorious day [Music]
Channel: William D. Hinn
Views: 1,211
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: 6Y2ay45AnZk
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Length: 89min 50sec (5390 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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