"Renewed In The Knowledge" - Dr. William D. Hinn

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I'm gonna be in love with God today I'm gonna be on love with God today the way the kingdom of God works is God does not give glory God receives glory we are glory producers silence belongs in the grave praises belong to God so how many of you are glad to be here today come on lift up your voice is there anybody here thankful has God been good to you so come on raise your hands to him we're here because of you [Music] we're here for you we're here about you with every eye closed every Henry's do what you got to do today father in the name of Jesus change us come on somebody pray with me renew us transform us take away from us what needs to be taken away Lord do what you got to do but don't leave us the same way we came in we surrender our hearts give our mind we desire your kingdom first change our lives change our minds father we pray today in Jesus name that every single one that is sick here and these that have joined us today let it be the day of their healing I need you to pray Church for everyone that is boundless today be the day of the freedom for all them that are lost bring them into your kingdom Latvia they renew and they have transformation they have changed let the name of Jesus be high and lifted up in your mighty name we pray and all the people of God said come on all the people of God said [Music] before before you're seated and I know that we are family in the Lord but we have to get to know each other nevertheless I come from a culture by which the Scriptures have been written and the Word of God declares that when you receive them whom he has sent you received the one that has sent him how many of you love Jesus we're used to more noise we're not a Catholic Church so let's try that again how many of you love Jesus there you go that's how it works but you can't hug Jesus you can't hold Jesus so how are you able to love on Jesus of court wait of course in our hearts but here's how we do it culturally in our case in my family our mom raised us to serve God so we served her as we would Christ we would love on her because she is the scent of God to us my children love on me as the scent of God to them so Calvary this is the scent of God to you right there you got a love on him you gotta honor him you got to receive him and and I know this is maybe anti culture but this is your pastor okay maybe maybe this is not working very well let's try that again Pastor Rick is the pastor here so what's that what that means is he's not Rick he's not Ricky my children never call me Willy bill William I'm dead if my wife was to come be by my name she must be mad at me so when she says honey it's good when she says bill it's not good it's not my name so we we we culturally don't receive the men whom God has sent us or the women in a casual state we receive them as whom they are in Christ we don't receive them by their personality we don't receive them familiarly we don't receive them as our neighbors or as our friend there could be all of that but first and foremost we receive them as the scent of God I have to know the difference between when my mother was given the instruction do I respond to her as just my mom or is she the woman of God who happens to me my mom [Music] because before I was their father her husband I was God's and I just always want to remind the people of God if we were to honor whom God sends us and we receive them by the one that has sent them whatsoever it is we do on to them we've done it on to the one that sent them so come on would you let Pastor Rick know you love him appreciate him praise God thank you pastor thank you may be seated it is an honor for us to be here today as a family I'm grateful that my wife and children are here that they participated in the worship I'm grateful for pastor Rick and Calvary Christian Center for opening up the doors to us we are grateful as as the people of God to be able to meet here on Saturday night I'm so grateful for resurrection life I'm delighted to be here this morning I was told by Pastor Rick to be free and God let God lead is that okay that doesn't sound very encouraging now if you have something more important to do you should probably leave now but if you're hungry for God say yes and I want to be quick about this first I can't let this day go by without wishing my son costiy he's his birthday's coming up this week so I want to publicly tell him I love him so proud of him and happy birthday and most of all I am here because I'm in love with Jesus I used to serve the church I used to serve the people of God I've been delivered I serve the Lord now and the difference is is three years traveled the world with as a family and did what God is you know anointed us to do but it's you know you go through seasons and cycles in life open your Bibles with me to the book of Ephesians chapter 4 let me have your undivided attention I'm going to get you to open your Bibles there and then we're going to take a quick journey through the scriptures what's important to me is that you understand that there is the system an order a law in God by which God raises us now how many of you have had questions in your heart as you have learned to walk with the Lord that there's just things about God and the scriptures that you don't understand to people so let me give you some of the problems that I've had I have served God for many many years before one day in the city of Puerto Rico I'm going to tell you this real quickly doing a temp revival in front of thousands of people for seven days the Lord has been moving healings and deliverances taking place I was in those days overseeing this large church that was there and right as I was coming to the end of the service this is the seventh day of this revival I am praying for the third section preaching about heaven thousands of people in this tent and as we were coming to the end of the conclusion of the conference God speaks to me and says you don't know what you're talking about I had been a teacher to teachers so I thought travel two-thirds of the world the news of God to see hundreds and thousands of people come to Christ seen healings of all sorts and now at the final night of this conference I hear God it so confused me I didn't know if was God talking to me or the devil the problem was is when I hear the voice of God I actually have a physical encounter my body changes when the presence of God is on me like it is right now I actually feel a change in the structure of my being something happens on the inside my face goes hot my hands are hot and I don't care what people think I stop being nice guy and I become a minister of the word and so I can feel that change so the contradiction of sensing the presence yet what I heard so contradicted he said you don't know what you're talking about and I was preaching about heaven and so for two years I shut down I left the service early gave the mic back began to call pastors that I had given my series and takes to pleading with them throw the tapes out don't give them to anybody don't sell them I'm sorry God said I don't know what I'm talking about I felt like I went from heaven to hell from hot to cold I felt like I was violated something didn't know what it was and for two years I studied the scripture lost everything started all over again I stopped serving the people giving the people what they want to hear I needed to know God I found out that after years of serving him I had no idea who he was I was preaching about a second-handed god someone else's experience repeated over and over and over again someone else's interpretation repeated over and over and over again I simply was echoing what all my life I had been raised with and I just wanted to find out who he was at this point I thought I'll never preach again I never want to be humiliated like that again I never want to violate God's word if he would just have mercy on me get me to heaven I'm happy and so I began to search where Jeremiah says you know if you're going to glory in something glory in this that you know me and you understand me well I didn't understand God I went to the why he put a tree in the middle the garden I want to know why he made man knowing he's going to fall I want to know why there was a serpent on the tree what could you put the serpent Amar's I wanted to know why there's problems in this world I wanted to hook them people get saved and then they live like hell I wanted to walk you traveled so many places in the world and the majority of the body of Christ live like beggars the answer is all here so let's begin shall we how many of you are saved three people let's try the one more time how many of you are saved there's a difference between being saved and born again everything I tell you don't believe it just be open and go find out for yourself search the Scriptures is that a deal salvation is the beginning of the new birth but to be born again literally it's to be born from above and something has to take us through a transitioning the system of God operates like this quick listen Ecclesiastes 3:1 declares to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven season means an appointed occasion and time verse 11 says he has made everything beautiful in his or its time say it's time in the in the Hebrew the word it's time is the word ech ech time spell it any way you want it simply means a divine moment in the Greek it's called tehy DOS or something English way people say it is Kairos moment how many of you heard the Kairos moment this front of chronological Chronos which is the duration of time and in the corridors of the duration of time there's a moment there's a season there's an opportune time the woman is carrying a baby nine months but there comes the Kairos moment where she's got to push you with me a Kairos moment means a moment the season a set time that unfolds everything that that time is designed to bring a time that is pregnant with divine resources first chronicles 12:32 declares the children of Isaac are understood the times and noon what the children of Israel ought to do knowing the time is understanding the purpose for that set time and God has arranged this time so I take this very seriously this is why I can't afford to miss that set time and we must take advantage of what the new season brings I always look for confirmations that God has spoken his word and when my brother got up what is your name sir child's God is doing something in your body just so you know there's something God is doing in your body as you saw that how many believe God is going to touch him today complete strengthen his body lower back and in your hip sections in the name of Jesus follow carefully he prayed this is a new season he didn't know what I'm preaching knowing the times is understanding the person the purpose for that set time and taking advantage of what the new season brings jesus said it like this matthew 16 he said you'll know the times by the signs now if we look close to what is happening in the realm of the spirit and what the body of Christ is revealing we will see listen carefully that we are in the midst of a major change how many we can see so it's not what's going on nationally politically or economically these are effects it's what's going on spiritually you understand let me say that one more time you don't judge the times by politics it's what the Spirit of God is doing that affects everything else in our nation it starts with you judgment begins in the house of God come on house of God and so first Peter 4:7 the amplified reads like this this is first of all first Peter 4:7 I'm gonna read it to you in part it says the end and culmination of all things has now come near keep sound - and be alert for the practice of prayer the end and culmination someone's a culmination combination means to reach the highest point or degree everything in God's world in God's system works in cycles of divine activity listen carefully one part comes to a close while another starts they overlap one another we are now at the close of one cycle and the starting of another that's why this season we're in why God has joined us is not by coincidence at the highest point of the cycle is the most intense activity of change at the highest point of the cycle it is the highest activity of change we are now in the season of behold I do a new thing as isaiah 40:3 tells us so we can't afford to go back we need to be open we need to hear and we need to pursue say Amen in Ephesians chapter 4 Paul is encouraging the believers to walk worthy of the vocation to walk worthy of their calling not according to their old lifestyle like the Gentiles walked but listen he said to them in verse 24 this is not how you have learned Christ you'll see this verse 20 chapter 4 of Ephesians so Christ is learned Christ is received then Christ is learned therefore we have to come to a place where we're going to search for understanding the nature of Christ now I want to make sure that we are all together in the same page because you cannot live in the realm of the kingdom of God not having this foundational understanding so let's just make it clear how many of you are the children of God that means you are in this world you're not of this world that means that you are not affected by the conditions and if you are that means you don't know what world you belong to we've got to make sure that we are living in the state that rightfully belongs to us there's a life that belongs to you and so since the Lord has gathered us today I believe that God made me have something for me to tell you encouraged me some more okay so that means that we have to be willing to receive Christ is learned and then we see in verses 23 and 24 I want you to listen carefully to these verses turn there with me this is Ephesians 4 again chapter 4 verses 23 and 24 he's just finished you can read the chapter on your own time make sure that you are aware you're worthy of the vocation what you have been assigned to what it is you been suited and trained for that's what the word vocation means you're one body of one spirit he is taking them through the assembling of the body and the perfect man in verse 13 he tells them that you can't live in the mind of the old man this is not how you have been raised according to the system of the world you have not so learned Christ verse 23 he tells now the followers of Christ so you've got to be renewed in the spirit of your mind what is the spirit of your mind be renewed in the spirit of your mind so you can that you put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness somebody say yes so put on the new man to be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man which is after God created in true righteousness and holiness so what is the spirit of your mind psalms 51:10 tells us create in me the psalmist cried a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within right by these verses we can see that the mind has a spirit and that it could be a wrong spirit made right by being renewed it doesn't say a bad spirit it doesn't say an unclean spirit just wrong but it could be made right by being renewed and renew a right spirit within me can I say that one more time be renewed in the spirit of your mind that means that your mind has spirit don't jump ahead of me just stay where I'm at create a clean heart and it renew a right spirit so he's talking here to believers David is praying it for his own heart meaning that he is not able to be able to be renewed to receive a right spirit because his spirit is wrong it's not a bad spirit it's not an unclean spirit can I be free can i really be free pastor so can I just tell you straight I love you Christians on the other hand kind of spooky not everybody sometimes when I was young in the Lord you know would remind me that I'm going to go to heaven with these people you know I didn't know if I want to be in the same neighborhood no offense there there's a need oriented waiting on Jesus dying to go to heaven and I don't know pastor will ever help me do this again some of us will just go for it since this is my opportunity there's nowhere here don't know where and I'm a student of this there's nowhere in scripture where you die to go to heaven not here don't get mad at me go get matter who told you I was raised with the same thing remember you don't know what you're talking about I was preaching about heaven because you see if if we're going to wait to die to go to heaven we should celebrate when someone has cancer we should be hopeful and joyful when they're sick right but how many of you in your spirit something is wrong with that condition come on talk to me death is an enemy the left enemy death has to be destroyed I hate that and I've done a hundred thousand funerals maybe not that many but a bunch of them and you know I've stood in front of friends that have died I remember one of our elders years ago he passed away you know he was always casual and now he's dead he's in a box and he's dressed up beautiful Italian three-piece suit but he's going on a date and the preachers will get up and say he's gone to be with the Lord and I wanted to know well where has he been the rest of his life because here's the truth the truth is we've died already I said the truth says we've died already when he died we died and now we are seated with him in heavenly places we're not going to heaven he brought heaven to us now don't get upset because so where do you go when you die well ok heaven but why do you have to go there when you're there where's your mind where do you live what is your perception well where are they young and we don't realize how real heaven is I'll prove it to you can I prove it how many of you and please no one answer yes to these questions there's always some spooky Christians that answer yes so I'm going to prove on you how many of you don't say yes how many of you have ever physically seen Jesus no how many of ever physically physically sat next to Jesus how many of a really a cup of coffee would Jesus got a text from Jesus how to walk with Jesus no one but how many of you will also say he's the greatest reality in your life this is the time to say yes how many of you will agree he's more real than the person sitting next to you that proves to you the reality of heaven righteousness peace joy intangible realities how do you express love if you don't know what it is how do you know peace if you never have it how can you walk in righteousness you can read all day long about love and never experience it it's an intangible reality the Word of God is spirit Jesus is spirit the reality of spirit that lives in your heart that lived within your mind it's far beyond anything this world can give you so we will realize that a man is able to live in this world in a heavenly state if you listen to Jesus talking to Nicodemus in chapter 3 verse 13 he said nobody goes up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven if Christ is in you you're seated in heavenly places now and so people die they go to heaven and then they get disappointed because they find out they could have had it all along but in their minds there was a gap is separation heaven was some place they go to in the meantime they're going to survive here the condition of the majority of the people of God not you just a majority of the people of God they're living in struggles restrictions temptations secrets sins problems sicknesses we how do you distinguish them the majority of them have no power we think it's great when someone gets healed no you just became back to being right what's better to never be sick or be healed to never be sick come on help me what's better to be raised from the dead or can die he is the resurrection the resurrection is not an event it's coming to life a whole different standard of living and so once we see that God has sent us his kingdom follow me carefully if God just wanted you say even then Jesus would have died and I would've been the end of it shed his blood forgiving you for your sin when you die you go to heaven but he didn't just die what he did is he also came back yes if there was no need if all what salvation is all what God was after they'd be no need for a resurrection but he was raised into a newness of life comes into the realm of spirit returns into our hearts we cry Abba Father and now he makes his abiding dwelling place within us and so there's nothing else we heard pastors say God can't do any more he's given us all things that pertain to life and godliness so I'm going to ask you some questions who's the image of God come on whose image of God who's the likeness of God where is the kingdom of God where's Christ who's the temple of the Holy Ghost what more do you want let's try that one more time it's Christ in you is the kingdom of God in you I'll use the image of God are you the likeness of God do you have the Holy Ghost do you come in his name are you the image of God are you the likeness of God are you the house of god I need a temple of God oh you don't believe it you really believe that some of you look depressed about it let's try that one more time do you really believe that God is in you so we're more can you go to get more the only thing that's separated is what you believe you're not going to get in the mind you have the mind of Christ you already have the mind of Christ so how do we activate Paulo carefully there has to come a point creating me a clean right heart O God and renew a right spirit because I've lived wrong I've been wrong of argued doctrines and I've been wrong it's what I've been raised with and I've been wrong it's what I was told all my life in church and I've been wrong I've had a wrong spirit not there's something wrong with my spirit it just off tilt not right it's not an unclean spirit it's not don't love Jesus spirit it's not a dirty spirits out of that spirit I love the Lord I love his people I'm just wrong wrong spirit it can be made right by being Reena Colossians 3 verse 10 says and have put on the new man follow this which is renewed in the knowledge after the image of him that created him so here we see how the new man is put on he is put on by being renewed in the knowledge let's call this message renewed in the knowledge renewed in the knowledge means renewed is the word to renovate to reform to bring back to the being of new renew bring it back to being new follow this carefully the word renovate means to restore to an earlier condition to reform by process the removal of defects and reshaping and it's right if you've ever how many of you have ever played with putty or dough do you keep the old shape when you squeeze it into a new form let's try that one more time just put your mind to it if you took putty and you squeezed it into a shape is that the old shape or is it the new shape that you see you sure okay God is the Potter we are the clay as if 64 eight tells us and in Christ he renewed renovated reformed and restored us to original state in Christ it's done say that said again in Christ but the problem is our memory we think from our past we make decisions based on our remembrance what we've been told what we have believed the problem is in our memory what we have believed about ourselves the amplified says it this way having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude this is again Ephesians 4:23 the Weymouth translation says get yourself renewed in the temper of your mind New Living Translation says let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes so back to the question what is the spirit of your mind anybody want to know the spirit of your mind the word spirit in Ephesians 4:23 comes from the meaning to breathe as in a current breath or blow a breeze how many of you can breathe really hard come on blow that's the literal meaning of the word breath or spirit if you look it up in the Strong's but sometimes you have to know how it's used the intent by implication what is the spirit saying in the word so if you're looking it up in the Strong's it says demean breath a current of air breeze but by implication it means a vital principle say that a mental disposition this position speaks of the mentality of your position your mental position the character and nature of your thinking the makeup of your temperament therefore being renewed in the spirit of your mind is being renewed in your mental position in the position of what you believe the nature you believe in and the nature in which you believe or think with can I say that one more time yes no you want to know vital principle a mental disposition speaking of a position of your mind the character nature of your thinking the makeup of your temperament therefore being renewed in the spirit of your mind is being renewed in your mental position in the position of what you believe then make sure you believe in and the nature of your thinking let me give you an example you know right all my life raised in church all my life I've been told I'm a sinner this is the shifting now this is born again are you ready all my life I've been told I'm a sinner and since I sinned I believed it was true and so week after week I gotta ask God to forgive me again and again and again and I know I'm the only person in here but at least I was my experience raised in church told I'm a sinner and we're always told we're sinners and since I sinned I believe it was true and because I believed it I empowered it and the more I empowered it the more I sinned and the more I sinned the more I believed it and more I believed it the more I empowered it and or I empowered it the more I believed it and more I believe that I continue to do it and I kept asking God deliver me but you still believe it so you keep doing it I know as you believe it you're empowering it and so Paul comes along he says you know the thing I want to do in Romans seven I can't seem to do the thing I hate I do and the thing I wanted it I can't seem to do who shall deliver me from this body of death and then he gives us the answer I thank God verse 25 self thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord here's the answer in Christ Jesus we've been restored back to our original state is that true come on help me help me help me I just quickly listen this this is this is salvation this is foundation this is what changed my life doesn't matter if anybody believes that it delivered me let's just say quickly this pulpit right here is the tree of good and evil everything that happened after the tree failure sin sorrow death insecurities problems devils all the darkness of Hell temptations all the things people deal with the fall after the tree of good and evil in Christ we've been restored say it we've been renewed we've been brought back to our original position in Christ Jesus we have been redeemed noticed read renew renewed restored redeemed reconciled we've been brought back to our beginning the problem is I still remember the fall so I have to be renewed in the position of my mind you understand now in Christ whatever happened with Adam the sin of man the devil has nothing to do with me I was in it but I'm not in it anymore I've died to that I've been born again come on talk to me I've been renewed I've been restored I've been brought back to my beginning what happened to Adam has nothing to do with me Jesus was the last atom there's no more atoms the whole nature has been destroyed on the cross now I have to relearn my previous original state of being I have to let relearn my thinking I can't think from the past I must think from Who I am now Jesus Christ brought me back to my original state I'm no longer a sinner I'm a new creation now say something and so all my life see and this is the problem and I don't care how much you fast how much you pray you know if I followed all of you in a hidden camera how much you want to make a bet I'm going to find things about you that are not exactly like Jesus as long as you don't follow me with the same camera we're good we we battle not realizing there's a principle in Scripture because we've been put in this vicious cycle of what we believe faith is substance of things hoped for that doesn't mean it's necessarily good faith it's what you believe let everything out your call in to your faith if you believe you're no good schnook guess what you're gonna live like a no-good snook right if you want to look nice look it up I don't know as pastor Ricky much too much sugar follow carefully proverbs 23:7 for as a man thinks in his heart which is his mind so is he meaning he is the sum of his own thoughts proverbs 4:23 says protect your heart which is your mind protects your mind with all diligence why because out of it are the issues of your life if you want to believe you're a sinner so you can continue to sin that's your decision but what I believe is I am NOT a sinner I believe I'm a new creation in Christ Jesus I believe all things are passed away behold all things are made new well so you don't believe you're sinner no I don't well do you fall well sometimes sometimes people tick me off sometimes someone cuts me off on the road I might even sometimes end that's such a nice word I know none of you do that but my nature is not a sinner I can't tell you the number of times my son has messed up I always use them as an example he leans back with oh here we go again okay my sons well it's better than using my wife as an example how many never had children that just made mistakes talk to me so what happens to use this on them he's still my son the outer man is perishing the inward man is being renewed come on day by day it's being renewed because we grow reforming renewing renovating so I came to a point where it was hard to actually believe it I was too afraid to tell any Christians listen I don't really believe I'm a sinner don't tell anybody because they want you to be a sinner they want you to live like hell and they then they judge you when you sin I'm a pastor the pastor's you have any idea how many pastors live with hardships and secrets and failures and I have to protect them because if people find out they leave them as if the people are holy already but the pastor's are bunch of sinners the church is such a judgmental you know sometimes there is a verdict without a hearing and you killed you a lot of hearing at least in an evil world they give you hearing you're innocent until proven guilty not in the church you're guilty people leave why should they stay there goes somewhere else and then they sit in their seats and make their predictions and verdicts and judgments and so Kassadin do you believe that as he is so are we in this world well yes we say Amen yes but do you actually believe that as he is you need to respond you actually believe as he is so are we in this world so I believe we're not sinners I think maybe you're confused if you believe it I use this example often times if one of my kids came my son came to my to my door the house and banged on my door and was on one knee begging me to let him in I would open the door wondering what's wrong my son I don't have marciana I don't understand what's wrong with him who messed up with his head there Benicia have you forgotten this is your house if I was ever to walk in the kitchen and my son is in front of the fridge on his knees begging me for food pleading help me help me how about I wouldn't I would open the fridge I don't want to empower that I don't answer that idiotic prayer I get that with him son what's wrong with you who told you now you're a beggar don't you know you're my son what is this house belongs to you the house belongs to you the Prince wants to you everything here it belongs to you who took you from you who lied to you who stole it from you who changed your mind who bamboozled you well legend legend is based on guilt the devil does not need to mess with your flesh the flesh does it by itself follow me now if you took the devil to its highest order of meaning the word Satan it means religious follow scripture the devil does need to tell you about go have sex he didn't go to even say hey you want some drugs he didn't go to even say you wanna have some sex hey how about some porn get into that the flesh does that just by itself the temptations of the flesh carnal mind he went there and he said don't you want to be like God it's always about religion it's always about the word supposed to keep you from the truth it's also to keep you from your purpose every time he attempted Jesus he comes to Jesus and he would say hey if you be the Son of God always tempting the truth why did he fall because she wants to be like God she partook of the fruit to be like God if I was score across the body of Christ how would he want to be like God people put their hand up let's just say does the same fruit it's a knowledge it's good but evil sing fruit not two trees one tree had she said listen you stupid serpent I'm already the image of God I'm already the likeness of God when you see me you see God come on help me if you're not the image of God whose image are you it's having to be renewed we posturing we take in our position in Christ so I'm going to give you this as I close I believe we are a new creation in Christ Jesus say yes all things are passed away behold all things that become new 2nd Corinthians 5:17 the word new here does not mean look it up it doesn't mean to repair it means brand-new the amplified says a new creation all together the least says he is a creation new in quality I believe I would mean our old man is crucified with him and the body of sin was destroyed on the cross so we no longer have to serve sin Romans 6:6 I believe of - he made one new Ephesians 2:15 I believe we have to renew our knowledge after the image of him that created us Colossians 3:10 I believe God separated us from our mother's womb to reveal his son in us Galatians 1 15 and 16 I believe God gave his son that he may receive a harvest of sons John 1:12 I believe as he is so are we in this world first John 4:17 I believe we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ Romans 8:17 I believe without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh 1st Timothy 3:16 I believe the great mystery that's been hidden from the ages which is Christ in you the hope of glory Colossians 1:26 and 27 I'm going to close with 2nd Peter quickly go there with me 2nd Peter chapter 1 and I want you to read it out loud y'all there second Peter chapter 1 verse 3 come on everybody please have your Bibles if you can put up on the screen according as his divine power he has given unto us some things come on how many things all things that pertain unto life and God come on sale again godliness which means God likeness how through the knowledge of him that has called us notices all past tense called us to glory and virtue whereby are given unto us exceeding exceeding great and precious promises that by these we might be made come on partakers sell out of the divine nature a divine nature is not a simple one so Paul tells us in Colossians as you have received Christ Jesus put on as you have received him as you have received the Lord so walk ye in him Colossians 2:6 as you stand to your feet Paul comes pastor as you stand to your feet Paul comes to the people of Corinth and he says to them in 2nd Corinthians 13:5 examine yourselves don't you know who you are how Jesus Christ is in you Romans 13:14 put on the Lord Jesus Christ they put on how many of you have received him as you have received Christ the Lord walk in him walk here's my problem with you can I tell you my problem I can't have this without you because we are a body it's not Christ in me it's not as he is so am i it is as he is so are we see we Christ in us it's plural [Music] Paul said he has to make the difference in work of Colossians 4 where the body is weak yes to make the difference and it affects even his own flesh because you see when a baby is born you all just have a head come out how many they're seen a child born I saw four you know when the head came out we didn't say okay well that's it let's go my wife didn't get up it's okay we're done let the body show up later Jesus Christ is not the body come on Jesus Christ it's not the feet Jesus Christ is not the hands he was the fullness in the streets of Galilee but then he came in spirit and the Word of God says of his fullness have we all received grace for grace and he distributed himself he said take eat this is my body that's been fragmented for you do this so you could remember not just remember in your remembrance not just recollect but literally remember what's been dismembered come on help me that's what communion is Jesus Christ is the head of a body and we are the body of Christ how beautiful are the feet of them that bring the good news now can you imagine when this outreach to the Dallas area takes place if all the people that show up don't believe they're sinners but they actually believe they are the body of Christ in flesh and blood do you know what will happen what kind of power what kind of glory what kind of manifestation what kind of an anointing would show up if a body of people actually came and it's not sporadic one here one there that actually believe this but they come unified in faith one faith one spirit one father one anointing the knowing desire to go to heaven they bring heaven to thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven that's the message that's the gospel heaven of any power heaven doesn't need anointing helen has the problems to solve why is everywhere to go to heaven the problem is here our assignment is to change the world our assignment is to transform lives because we know we've been sent of God we're in this world we're not of this world the kingdom of God is within us we come as the image we come as the likeness it's the dream of God back to Genesis 1 [Music] as long as the enemy can keep the people of God from the truth he'll keep them powerless all Jesus have to do is show up and demons trembled living at the scream and torment have you come to torment us before our time o son of the Most High you'll never see Jesus wrestling with demons ever or his disciples he would command by his or any other finger and he's when you see that kind of authority it's a siren to you that the came of God is here you know what we need we need some kingdom people we need some manifestation people we need some tons of God people can I make one more statement the world is no waiting on the return of Jesus creation is not travailing groaning for the coming back and the Second Coming that's the church the church is waiting waiting and waiting and waiting getting older and dying waiting and thanking ye and begging wayy and beggin waiting waiting waiting they have no power there so ineffective that become irrelevant we got churches in every corner we can't even change the smaller flaws we can influence governments that God intended for a man and woman to get married people even find that hard to believe but have you ever had two men have a baby or two women it doesn't work he created man and woman and told them to replenish I don't know what science tells me it has nothing to do with being anti anything it's just the truth the church has no power can you imagine if the body of Christ unified and took their rightful position and became renewed in the spirit of their mind and they knew who they were in Christ Jesus and they stepped up to what rightfully belongs to them and they refused what doesn't belong to them I was on my third on Christian television I hear about money because people are begging for it we're trying to figure out how to defeat the devil let me tell works in the kingdom can I tell you them we're done the way works in the kingdom is you dick your position in Christ and creation starts to obey you you take your position in Christ and everything starts to work for you the soil you step on steps up into a higher order because God gave you Dominion over all of it the fish of the sea the sky the birds everything starts work for you the beasts of the field I don't know so this here night Emily begins the soil the seed the crop begins to come why did you spiral a daddy's home nothing works until daddy's home people wonder why does not leave these problems why does it God do something about all the the violence and all the poverties and all the sicknesses and all the violation why does God let this go on well here's what God has to do you see if God's going to come in and intervene and take over the world he would have to break his own word he would have to change his whole plan he would have to retreat all the way back to Genesis 1 and say you know what I'm sorry I made a mistake God makes no mistakes here's the Constitution are you ready for the Constitution here's the kingdom Constitution here's the order of the kingdom let us create man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the birds of the air the fish of the sea the beasts of the field everything belongs to them I will rule the heavens it's my float the earth is my footstool I'm gonna put man to be my representative he's a known everything he's going to have to minyan over all of it from that point forward God never came to earth again without a man study it he wanted to start again he raised a man named Noah he wanted to raise up a nation he called a man named Abraham he wants to deliver his people from bondage she raised abandon Moses he wanted to set creation free and give redemption of all he came as a man the man Christ Jesus I got to say something the man the man said the man creation grows travails waits for the manifestation but the sons of God majority of the church is waiting to go somewhere the people are waiting for Jesus the world is waiting for the sons of God and the sons of God are waiting to manifest everybody's waiting going to change their positions so we're going to change their positions you know if I'm not we got to go but I put on my shower this morning I'm going to be showers one three people died up Marcela's anybody else shower please for the love of God things are you know you put the shower on and you stand then you look at it you're not getting wet cuz it's over there right come on talking I put it on I let it run for a minute so it's hot but I can stand here look at it all day it's so pretty come to me in Jesus name it won't come I rebuke you doesn't rebuke I can tell you you know what it's wrong with it it's over there come over here how high does it come [Music] when all along God said you see that that belongs to you that's your possession that's your right that is all yours all in its abundance however long you want it it's all yours I just need you to do one thing take your place take your place you take your place and if they get to come you get your place and a shower down you take your place and he'll cleanse you you don't your place in Ranieri oh you got your place a refresh out you take the place of strengthen you you get your place you know that you know again [Applause] and the mighty name of Jesus is how healing is who you are is our freedom [Music] from our enhancing in your truth is our Liberty and who you are is our healing and who you are is our deliverance in who you are is our Dominion and who you are is our Authority and who you are nothing can touch us and who you are the devil has no place and who you are we have the right mind and who you are with the image of God and who you are we are the likeness of God and who you are we're the temple of God and who you are with the power of your kingdom top caused us to see your kingdom is not coming your kingdom is here your kingdom is enough and since we are here your kingdom is here [Music] help us father be renewed in the spirit of our minds and all the people of God shout out loud somebody say Amen oh come on where are you stand I know we would already have time to have you come forward so I don't need to come forward just right lift your hands where you are and I realize some have come with conditions with needs seemingly impossible struggles you think yourself you know this is sounds good but how do I solve this and how do I take care of that I'm going to give you an easy quick answer leave it leave it listen leave it don't touch the sickness don't touch the infirmity don't touch the bondage don't touch the lack don't touch the poverty don't touch the problem just leave it can you do that can you just leave it here just look like do this does it do this with me let's say you're holding it come on raise your hands high leave it [Music] here's what I need you to do don't put your energy empowerment into the problem come to God and say to him it's finished it's finished come on say it come on sit again it's finished it's done I received all things all things are things that pertain to life and godliness I received all things you've given me you're great and exceeding and great promises that by these I'm a ready-made and new creation and divine nature I got it all [Music] and all you have to do to stay stay stay stay stay and stay if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you I am the vine you are the nature are you hearing me you are the branches you are the expression I am the vine you are the branches you are where the fruits come out from stay and abide stay and the tail stay and I stay and I buy if you are biting me and my words abide in you all you got to do leave everything else outside come take your place and stay I promise you take my word for it it happened to be nothing will remain the same bless you [Music] quite a bit of praise and praise he can appraise abrasive [Music] father in Jesus name we pray the dollar shall be transformed we pray this city shall be transformed come on church raise your hands we pray that the sons of God will arise we present you people of God will come on the scene oh come on I need you now [Music] APRA pastor ik his children and his church will experience an invasion an invasion of the kingdom of the tongue like never before I pray a restoration like you never thought possible I renewal like you never dreamed the God would answer the cry of his heart I pray in the name of Jesus listen I believe that when I pray God answers so come on agree with me I pray in Jesus name Wow pastor you have not started yet after this point it's been a preparation are declaring Jesus this is now the beginning of God come on say yes I declare now this is in the beginning on to this church and it's people say yes if you love him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he told me to just go on so I'm doing it you a wicked preach until next week if you want we'll just this can zoom in a big favor can give me a big favor everybody here nobody wants to me a favor now just a big favor how many of you are in love with your spouse not that anybody in love with their spouse okay so let's say your wife's name is Martha and your name is John say and in the height of intimacy she says oh bill do you think we have a problem or he says Oh Debbie come on we have a problem you think okay she at one time we had an X our relationship was with an X we were in the world our conversation and lifestyle was after the order of the old please when you come into the chambers of God and into the intimacy of worship with your husband don't talk about the devil don't bring up the devil don't mention the name of the devil just talk about Jesus only love on Jesus only worship Jesus only declared Jesus come on say something only the name of Jesus [Music] stronger somebody shows them alone come on stay together loud [Applause] let's go out singing this song together that's there our God is greater I got stronger got you a higher than he is the others ha ha ha ha [Music]
Channel: William D. Hinn
Views: 4,040
Rating: 4.5844154 out of 5
Id: c3Q167vmHTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 40sec (4180 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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