Dr. Phil Kidd " Slay It Before It Slays You"

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[Music] I have to scripture references of great importance that I must read to you this morning most of the time I don't deviate from the verses of its context but it's of the utmost importance that I do so today in 1st Samuel chapter number 15 I want to read two verses verse 2 and verse number 3 thus saith the Lord of hosts I remember that which Emelec did to Israel how he laid wait for him in the way when he came up out of Egypt God was referring that when the Israelites were being released from captivity the amalek and the Amalekites came and fought against Israel verse 3 now go and smite em alive he's telling Saul the king of Israel through Samuel you go smite him and utterly destroy all that they have and spared him not but slay both man and woman in infinite suckling and ox and sheep and camels and asses God said because of the way they treated Israel literally annihilate them from the face of the earth now go with me please to the book of second Samuel Chapter number 1 in second Samuel chapter number 1 I want to read a few verses to you here and then I'll bring my message in 2nd Samuel chapter number 1 verse number 6 David has found this man out in the desert and the young man that told him said as I happened by chance upon Mount Gilboa behold Saul the king that spared Amalekites he leaned upon his sword and lo the chariots of horsemen followed hard after him and when he looked and beheld him he saw me and called unto me and I answered here am I David said unto him this is what David said he said who art thou who are you and he answered and said I'm emilich I that'll be all the scripture I read I'll give you the setting of the story in 1st Samuel chapter number 15 God had instructed the prophet saww to go to the president or the king of Israel and said the Amalekites tried to destroy you when you come out of Egypt thus I want Saul being the first king to take the armies of Israel and go down into the land and destroy all of them because of their disobey so saul being the king takes the armies of israel down there and he destroys everything he destroys the men the women the children he was supposed to destroy all their livestock and he came back to samuel here and he told Samuel he said I did I did the word of the Lord but Samuel stopped him and said but I hear sheep bleakie in the background he said also you have spared the king of the Amalekites which he was arrayed by God to destroy and so begin to make excuses on why he had not destroyed out of his life what God had commanded him to alleviate in 2nd Samuel where I read to you David's walking through a desert and he happens upon a man and the man stopped David and said I've got some bad news for you Saul is dead they were fighting with the Philistines I watched him as he went up on Mount Gilboa and he pulled his own sword out put it into his stomach and fell across his sword but he didn't die and the enemy and the horsemen were pursuing him and he looked at me he saw me and he begged me to finish killing him and he said I killed King Saul and David said who are you anyhow he said I'm an AM la kite I'm the ones that saw was supposed to have killed back in 1st Samuel chapter number 15 you see there are some things in your life if you don't totally obey God and eliminate it somewhere down the road it's going to grow and get out of hand and it's going to eliminate you so this morning with the help of the Lord I want to preach on the subject slay it before it slays you the word slay is an old English word means to strike down to fight against to beat to hit or to slaughter out of one's presence is there something God's been dealing with you about that you need to eliminate out of your life and for whatever reason instead of obeying him to the fullest of his word you begin to make excuses on why you have spared this why you have allowed it to not be eliminated out of your life maybe you look at somebody else and say well they're in worse shape than I am or maybe you look at it and say well if I get rid of all of it there's some good qualities of it that's gonna have to go with it too but if God is dealing with you about something that you need to eliminate to slaughter or to slay out of your life it's only because he has your best interest in mind and he knows that thing that you're making excuses for is one day gonna turn around you think it's your buddy you think it's your friend but it's your enemy in disguise and the thing you're protecting that you don't want to repent of is the very thing that will spiritually take you down a man you know I'm telling it right whether your powder shall and the Bible said when saw brought the king of the Amalekites before Samuel here's what the Bible said and the king came in delicately in other words he came in smooth he came in soft he came in effeminate and Saul was hoping that Samuel would look at something so soft so effeminate and so passive that he would say look that's not gonna cause any problem as soft as that is there's no way that's gonna get out of control see it always presents itself as something submissive and something you can get along with but it's got a sword behind its back and the long view tolerated the longer is gonna look for an opportunity the Slayer out in a desert somewhere so let me mention just a few there's no way I could deal with all the things we need to slay out of our life when you pastor a wicked crowd like I do but let me mention a few that I think may be most predominant now I'm not telling you you have to get it right I'm just telling you if you don't it's coming after you and you're gonna wish you would have got it right let me meet you just a couple of them first of all I want to talk about anxiety there's one thing I've learned about living up in these mountains everybody's either depressed they're looking forward to being depressed or they've realized they're never gonna be over getting depressed some of you people I get I get depressed looking at you I run from you on purpose I go to the bathroom when I don't even have to just to get away from you but yet the truth of the matter is there is really something called anxiety and Jesus even had to deal with it among his closest followers in his day brother Smith wasn't not Jesus that said in John 14 let not your heart be troubled that were troubled is where we get our word anxiety let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me so it is truthful and is a reality that God's people can be overwhelmed with anxiety you remember in Luke chapter 21 it was then that Jesus turned around and looked at his hand-picked disciples and he said beware lest you be overcharged with the cares of this life lets the anxiety unless you get troubled unless it seems like a whirlwind lets you be tossed or sent into an uproar be careful lest anxiety overtakes you so I leave it anxiety and I fade anxiety and I got a headache some of you are so hooked on anxiety you don't want help get it over anxiety cuz you like the attention you get having anxiety and as long as you're that way you're gonna die like that now you remember I taught you not long ago you just don't wake up one day and say I'm depressed there are three steps that leads somebody into the darkness of depression it all begins with fear remember I told you last week that the presence of fear is the absence of faith why were you so fearful oh ye of little faith where is your faith it starts off in fear and when fear comes into your life you have distrust and worry that's where fear comes in some of you worry about stuff that don't even exist some of you are afraid of things that's never even happened you're afraid you're gonna lose your job but you work everyday you're afraid your house is gonna burn down but it's still there you're afraid your car is gonna blow up but it's running fine you're afraid you're not gonna have groceries but you're a hundred pounds overweight and if you get up and there's nothing to worry about you're worried because there's nothing to worry about you are not gonna get over you it starts with fear then it goes into the elevation of anxiety that means to have anguish it means to be jumping it means to be edgy and if you don't think society's not living on an edge just hesitate before you take off at a red light before it turns green they'll cut you in 9 languages before you can get your foot off the brake that's anxiety everybody's living on the edge you can go up to people say how you doing I'm doing fine why'd you ask me I'm do it do you think I'm not doing fine you think there's something wrong with me why did you ask me that or not somebody else that's anxiety you're always living on the edge fear anxiety and then it falls into this thing called depression which is literally an emotional shutdown and you have to deal with this it's real for those of you that's never had it god bless you I'm thankful for you but you ain't dead yet you may have it before your lives over to be a little more sympathetic to those that battle the dark valleys of depression every day when they get out of bed but somewhere down life's road you've got to get up look in the mirror and say I'm not living like this another day I have no peace I have no joy no energy I have no life I have no future and by the grace of God I'm getting over this and going on with the rest of my life if you don't kill it out of your life it's gonna kill you the best friend I ever had on this earth journey through the valley of depression privately for many years only him and I and a few more select the vigils even knew the battle that he faced every day to get out of bed I seen him reach out to change his diet take vitamins exercise go to doctors medications counselling and a number of other resources that I wouldn't take time to mention but yet eventually he came to the deep darkness of emotional despair and took his life anxieties rear you see why I what I do is I just get up and act like it's not there but the problem is it doesn't go away because it's like you're saying you can't you can put your head to Sam but that doesn't mean the problem goes away if you got a problem you got to deal with it we've got to understand the Lord has sent a comforter why do you think he sent somebody to comfort us because God knew we would live in a world filled with fear filled with anxiety and filled with depression and he said in the midst of a godless world that's emotionally following all the pieces I'm gonna put a comforter I'm gonna put the Holy Ghost in you that could give you victory over all emotional turmoil in your life some of you need to say anxiety before it slays you second of all some of you may have to slay addictions I want to mention eight of the most predominant addictions in America today number one is gambling number two is sex number three is the Internet number four people are hooked on shopping number Five's video games number six is plastic surgery number seven is an eating disorder number eight is thrill-seekers some things we consume that are very headed forming this hardest to deal with that that's diction is alcohol heroin marijuana negative and coffee I knew when I got on the negati and coffee I'd lose about 90 percent of you because some of you smokers spray yourself with that two-dollar Cologne out in the parking lot after you're smoked a cigarette and you smell like a burnt Christmas tree when you're coming to church house and brother if you don't think smoking is not a habit for me you need to go to the hospital with me sometime it'll be 28 degrees outside there'll be a man standing outside of the hospital with an IV with an IV stand and he's got nothing on but that hospital gown and let me tell you one thing about that hospital gown the sucker that invented that had never put one on and set on a stainless steel stool in the doctor's office I tell you that right now anything you gotta put six of them on at one time to look appropriate you need to reduce something and they'll be standing out there 28 degrees nothing about a hospital gown the winds blow and you can see from then to bear Sheva and they're holding on to that IV hey brother what are you in here for can't breathe COPD well I got to class and both of them are smokers but we come into this thing called addiction people are addicted at all kinds of things and an addiction is something you can't lay down and feel like you live without you can't any what I said last week something a preacher said that I thought was classic the Internet can connect us to the world but it can disconnect you to the people sitting next to you in your own living room that is a phenomenal statement and you can get hooked on all kinds of things and if you don't deal with that addiction addictions grow you just don't get up one day and say I'm addicted you're addicted because you allowed it to take over your life a guy don't get up one morning and say I'm a drunk he starts drinking beer then he starts drinking a 6-pack of beer then he drinks a case of beer then he drinks a case of beer and wine then it's a severe with whiskey and he literally evolves into being a drunkard because he's allowed a habit to become an addiction I know I'm preaching you know I'm telling it right so you just didn't wake up one day and be addicted to what you're addicted to you woke up and you allowed it to transfer into a habit and you keep feeding that habit and feeding that habit and now it has grown into an addiction and you feel like now you can't live without it you don't believe it take the cell phone from your teenager for two days see if they don't go nuts and drive you nuts and the whole neighborhood hugs nuts you know why they're addicted to it you take television away from people they lose their mind I'm talking about anything that you feel like you gotta have to survive outside of Jesus that has become an addiction and as a preacher I am sick and tired of sitting back and watching alcohol and this drug traffic ring take this country to hell if somebody not stand up and preach against it every once in a while somebody ought to be raising hale about this liquor crowd you can't even go to a convenience store and pump gas anymore without a case of beer falling out the door when you open it up you can't find a restaurant anymore well the first thing they want to do is offer you a bottle of wine this younger generations being tossed in the hell with this drug traffic and I want to say to every dope pushing God hating infidel listen to me buy television today every time you pass a drug to one of our kids you're gonna meet God every time one of them overdosed you're gonna meet God every time they're killed in a car you're gonna meet God a dick Chad's a young boy named Patrick true story not long ago turn 17 years old Patrick was not only highly intelligent and had the number-one great average of his whole school but he had also been committed and accepted to go to Cambridge higher learning after its graduation from high school which is one of the most predominant colleges in the world in his high school year Patrick begin to have problems in his family noticed his isolation at one time Patrick purchased drugs on an online site called Silk Road the drugs were sent to him through the mail he got on skype several days later after receiving his drugs and was chatting to some of his friends on skype on the Internet here's a potential boy of being a genius and he was bragging to his friends how he had taken 500 milligrams of esta si and three LSD tablets at one time but soon his party begin to turn bleary as he talked on site his words begin the slur and he slumped over the internet the screen and his desk and right there on skype his friends watched him die they call 911 Patrick as soon as they could but rolled him over and pronounced him dead as they found him lifeless in his room do you know how many hundreds of thousands of millions of stories that I could tell you just like Patrick today but yet it seems like in our pulpits preachers act like they have a hernia on their lung and a bunion on their tongue and we have silenced our pulpits with this massive drug addiction that's being sold everywhere from the church house to the schoolhouse to the White House I say somewhere somebody ought to draw the line and stand up and raise hell against this crowd we ought to run every pusher out of this town will run every don't sell her out of this town and we ought to put every medical doctor in jail that's feeding these drugs on the market and getting our people to be a bunch of opiate dope I'm aggravated that our country is now spending billions of dollars because of the open the opiate addiction which is heroin and now our president has come forward and wants to spend billions to straighten this next generation up but what I want to say to the president United States government is this you caused the problem you invented these drugs you solve these drugs you padded your pocket with these drugs you've killed our kids if our families we want more then rehabilitation we want an apology you can either slay your addiction or one day your addiction will slay you number three I want to talk about our affections the Bible said in Romans chapter 1 and verse number 26 that God gave them over to vile affections that they would do that which is unseemly man sleeping with man and woman sleeping with woman I know word a messed up day where people want to be something other than what God made them me and are wanting to be women women are wanting to be men and they're wanting our government taxes to pay for their quote sex changes what a stinking abomination under God that our tax dollars have to pay for your perversion now I know this don't sound like Baptist preaching a lot of you but I'm gonna preach it anyhow whether you like it lump it bump it or jump it we're in a crazy society when you don't know whether you're a man or a woman you're not happy with you're a man or a woman and you're so dumb you don't even know what bathroom you need to go in don't tell me somebody needs to be preaching about being a pervert this unisex movement has come on and dammed our country to hell the Bible said in Jude chapter 1 and verse 7 that these people will go after strange flesh that word means different to go astray from that which is natural it means to abuse young flesh hundreds of thousands of kids or tortured and molested and killed every year by these sex perverts I've talked to them on death row that it's stab kids eyes out with screwdrivers put duct tape around their hands and feet and face and rape them while the blood drained out of their eye sockets later to bury them in a shallow grave out of all the serial killers that I have talked to in all the papers down through the years that I read while practice and psychology there was one common denominator that all these serial killers had among them and that was their indulgence and their habit with pornography it started out just looking on a page it evolved into the internet world the videos first it started with animals and then it got into women and then it turned into children and God said it's strange flesh it's perverted flesh I want to tell all of our young people you have the opportunity to go to any filthy place you want to for some strange reason your parents think it's profitable for you to have the internet on your telephone and through that internet without their never knowing anything you should go to places that no man's eyes should ever go and no woman's eyes should ever go it'll affect you emotionally it'll affect you physically it'll kill you spiritually that of any affection it's contrary to the Word of God is considered lust and ungodly in the Word of God and I don't care who's doing it and I don't care what Hollywood says and it doesn't matter to me how many have sex change I know what God said if you don't keep your affections on that which is natural and clean and right you are headed off into a world that you are never going to get out of I can get man off liquor quicker than I can a perverted lifestyle I can get men off drugs quicker and I can a perverted lifestyle I can get men off gambling quicker than I can this perverted lifestyle it's something that bleeds into the very nature in the heart of the human soul it's thing that you may take away from them physically looking at but it is grass within the darkest deepest corridors of their mind and they can relive the feel that they had witness over and over again sitting there looking at you in the table you say well I don't know if perversion can happen in a Christian family oh really did you know David son Amnon raped his own sister Tamar while they were living in the house of the greatest king that Israel ever knew I say to you perversion has no respecter a person that's why you ought to think upon things that are clean holy and just and as of good report did you know what you can see right now on your television what's 20 25 years ago was pornography and it was illegal in this country that's how filthy this country has become you got men kissing me and on television you got women kissing women you got fans and lesbians shacking up with each other and nobody wants to say anything about it and now it's become accepted in the day that we're living in be careful with your affections when I lived in the ghettos of Cleveland Ohio my next-door neighbor was in his early 20s I had no earthly idea at the time that he was involved in perversion the heights that I wouldn't mention in a mixed congregation several weeks went by and he found a little eight-year-old girl in our community that was out early one morning delivering newspapers with her mother he picked Melissa up and took her down to the park outside of Cleveland he molested her he raped her he killed her he hung her and then he carved his initials in her lifeless chest later when Johnny was arrested he was questioned and he said it all began with strange affection I say to you when you open the door to strange effects in your letting that animal out of the cage that you will never get locked back up again let me mention just a couple of more I'm out of time I want to talk about anger are you angry at somebody you remember in Esther chapter number three I don't have time to go into the story but but you remember Haman was going to build gallows because he hated Mordecai because Mordecai was a Jew and he wouldn't bow to that Gentile Haman it's Heyman said I'll make a set of ghettos and I'll hang hang Mordecai on those gallows you know the story when Haman got and done instead of them hanging Mordecai they hung Haman and all of his family have you got anger against somebody that you're not willing to let go of if you don't slay that anger that anger will slay you anger does not solve anything anger builds nothing but anger can destroy everything you are anger at somebody or some experience of some situation or something can only captivate your mind and even make you think about stuff that's not even real in your heart right now is there bitterness hate Envy strife do you wish harm have you got unforgiveness anguish hostility resentment malice are you cruel are you defiant do you like conflict are you sore in your spirit have you got an attitude of wool about you have you got something that you can't get over that every time there's a confrontation you got to bring it up because it's your scapegoat is there somebody that's done you wrong that you've never been able to lay it down and say there's a just God in heaven that'll bring you into the courtroom of judgment one of these days and he'll reconcile everything that you've made wrong some of you will never be what you ought to be because you're angry at somebody or something it's unforgiveness it Wells up in you you live it and breathe it you go to bed thinking about it you wake up thinking about it and every opportunity you have you spew it just as fast as you possibly can you say but I'm right but if you're angry and you're unforgiving and you can't get over it you're just as wrong as the person that you think has wronged you either you're gonna take care of anger or anger is going to take care of you I have 60 seconds I want to talk about your ancestry you need to slay your ancestry I'm not talking about your past family I'm talking about your past period did you know some of you never will have a future until you learn to get past your past you'll live in depression you'll have PTSD you'll be a binge drinker binge eater you'll increase blood pressure you'll have high levels of cholesterol in your blood system you know what you got to do you got to accept the past you got to stop telling the story quit feeling sorry for yourself let it go forgive the people exalt thats involved accept the lesson and learn from it fine support from people that are around you that are positive and make a healing this year a priority in your life there's I'm not letting anything live in my life that's gonna keep me from being everything Jesus wants me to be I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get on an altar and I'm gonna spiritually slay it I'm gonna kill it I'm gonna give it to God I'm gonna leave it and I'm not getting back up with it again I refuse to live another day let
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 17,680
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora
Id: Rd2yLejMd6s
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Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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