Let It Go By: Dr. Phil Kidd

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[Music] [Music] you know the story Jesus is preach into a great multitude of people we know there's five thousand men I don't know how many women and children are there but it's been estimated somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand people were sitting on this hillside that is 60 times the size of this auditorium today and they were traveling and listening to Jesus and became hungry the Lord asked his disciples if they had anything for them to eat of course the answer was no it was a Baptist Church and it was broke and they hadn't had dinner on the ground in a couple of months and the Bible said there was a lad standing there with a launch the Bible said in his hand it was two sardines and five Huskies and Philip said there's a kid here standing with the lunch but what is that when you're looking at twenty to thirty thousand people you are very familiar with this story I'm sure but what stuck out to me when I was reading these verses and reading my text is where the Bible said that Jesus took the loaves Jesus took now that word took does it mean he reached out to a little kid and said give me that stinking lunch he didn't pry it from him the word took means he received it now in order for you to receive something for me I've got to be willing to let go of it you can't receive something unless it's been let go of first Jesus didn't go to this boy said look can I talk you out of your lunch I'll pay you back Friday Jesus they go to the boy and said you little brat you either give me your lunch or I'll paralyze you from the neck down when Jesus went to him the boy must have overheard the conversation and without any doubt hesitation or coaching he was willing to let go of something that was dear to him so that he could be a blessing to somebody else you see your life will never be what it ought to be not only to you and to others until you're willing to let go some things that's happening in your hand in your heart and in your life so I want to prints on a subject it's not easy but if we're going to be happy in our Christian life we're gonna have to do it I want to preach on the subject of just let it go is there something in your heart in your life that you need to let go of have you been misrepresented and fired from a job and days gone by is there a family drama going on in your life right now that the more you try to work it out the worse that seems to become have you been through a divorce and every once in a while you still wish ill against the one that hurts you left you damaged you destroyed you is there something that has happened even with maybe somebody sitting in the pew with you right now that nobody even knows about but you and God but it's brought something up in your spirit that you're having trouble letting go of is it may be a family inheritance that it left behind and you your siblings cooked you out of something that maybe some other family member left for you has that thing welled up inside you and now you've seemingly not had the ability to let it go has your dad walked out of your life divorced your mother and left you to start all over again on nothing has your wife run around on you and for some reason your droping through the dark trying to find the ability to forgive them patch things up and make the relationship work again I would venture to say that almost if not everybody in this building today has something somewhere that we need to let go of and it may be something that nobody even knows about but nevertheless right now while I'm preaching the holy ghost is telling you exactly what that little bag is you've got in your life that you've got both hands on and you're not about to let go of it but as long as you're holding on to it number one God can never use you he never used this boy gently let go and number two your life will never be what it could have been if you let go and number three you will never be able to be a blessing to other people until you let go there's something in us that we need to basically take our hands off of oh yeah if I were to confront you today you would say with me to me I'm dealing with it or I'm working on it or I'm going to address it but the bottom conclusion still comes to the same reality you're carrying it you're holding on to it and you're not about to let go of it how do we get to the point where we're willing to let go of something that seemingly were so addicted to that it would be impossible for us to let go of you know we look at dope addicts and people that have drinking problems we say how do they get addicted to that why don't they put the bottle down why don't they get rid of the math why don't they quit snort and crack why don't they leave pot alone why don't they get off oxy codeine it's because they're addicted to it and they don't think they can function without it now we'll criticize them but you've got something going on in your life and you have held on there that's so long that you're addicted to that and it may not be drugs and it may not be alcohol but you don't think you can live without it now so basically you are just as addicted as they are so how do we get over this there's been a lot of times I've had to let go of stuff that I really felt more comfortable hanging on to but I knew I would never be able to be a blessing to you and others around the world if I kept that stuff in my heart in my life let me tell you how to let go of it by my scripture I'll give you my thought and I'll conclude number one if you're going to get to the place where you can let go of something that seemingly you got to have you got to get under preaching if you would have stopped this boy with his lunch right when he left the house and said hey man give me your lunch I can say man are you out of your mind you touch my lunch I'll break your neck let me tell you somethin bout badness you can cuss us blaspheme us cut our tires and burn our house down we'll forgive you you touch our food will beat the living devil out of you we didn't get this fat eaten baking soda and crackers I'll tell you that right now I got a lot invested in this Prescott and you mess with a Baptist food if you do win up to that boy soon as he left the house when his mother packed that lunch said hey kid give me that launch shine letting go this for you God or nobody else but brother Doug you know what got him to the place where he was willing to let go of something that at one time he didn't think he can live without he got under the preaching of Jesus and brother when he got under preaching it began to move on him in such a way that he was able to make a decision in his life that otherwise he would have never been able to make you know why some of you cannot get over some of this stuff because you won't stay under preaching he won't get faithful to the house of God you won't let the Word of God work in your life how in the name of God do you expect me to help you to get over some of your hang-ups and addictions if you're not even faithful to church now you'll tie me up three hours on the phone at home but you won't give me 30 minutes on the Sunday morning I'm telling you that ain't happening here I'm sick of all that nonsense if your problem ain't big enough that it won't bring you to a 30 minute church service on Sunday mornings it's shut up and live with it shut up quit bothering me if you're gonna get over this stuff you've got to get under preaching number two you got to give it to Jesus this is what the Lord showed me brother Cory when that boy that goes to lunch you know who addressed that boy about his lunch brother Alex it was Philip it was Philip that saw his lunch it was Filip Dewinter Jesus it was Philip that knew he had two fishes in five loaves don't ask a question brother James write it Philip know what was in that bag i suckered them peeked inside how did he know there was two fish he's the one that told Jesus said there's only two fishes five loaves at sucker pimpy you know there's a lot of people that's got their own hangups but they'll spend more time peeking in on yours than they do dealing with their own got a lots of peekers around here so Philip already knew what was that but even though Philip was the one that that was in the whole time when this boy was willing to let go of something because he got under preaching he did not give it to Philip because he didn't think Philip had the ability to solve the problem he didn't give it to Peter James and John because he didn't think they had the ability to solve the problem you're willing to let go of something and God gets you under preaching and the Holy Ghost begins to gear deal with you don't give it to me don't give it to the Pope don't give it the mother Mary there's nothing we can do but if you give it to Jesus he can take what you got left and make something wonderful out of it get under preach it give it to Jesus and number three this one's rough when you let go of it go on with your life not expecting anything in return see we feel like if we make a move toward God he ought to give us a treat we're kind of like dogs I got a chihuahua and that suckers on probation I'm telling you I'm ready to skin that thing to make a pair of house shoes out of it but every little thing that stupid thing does she expects a treat I don't care what it is if she barks she'll go running to the treat dish because she thinks if she does any act of obedience she only get rewarded and see we become a bunch of spiritual puppies we think because we do what's expected of us anyhow but Jesus ought to be giving us treats all the time but when you're really willing to let go of something and you get under preaching and you give it to Jesus you give it to him not expecting anything in return now watch on the illustrate did they not pick up after everybody had eat the Bible said they took up twelve baskets full and then what your Bible says how many disciples were there twelve Jesus gave every one of those disciples a blessing a basket that they really didn't have anything to do with but the boy that gave the original fish and hushpuppies got nothing now I've been a boy at one time could you imagine give me something to be a blessing to somebody there's 12 grown men standing around you and Jesus gives every one of them not a launch a whole basket full of food you're the one that gave your lunch and you're standing there and you get a pat on the head he never got mad he never blew out he never called for a boycott he didn't call the Deacon board he didn't split the church because he said when I give something to Jesus I'm doing it because I love him not because I'm expecting anything in return if he never does anything else for me it was just good to know that I could let go of something someone asked you is there something you need to let go of in your life today let me mention just a few things you've got to let go of if you're going to go on with your life you'll find him in the context of this scripture in this chapter and then we'll conclude the service today number one you got to let go of the desires of your life it's one thing to have a desire but it's another thing to let that desire manipulate you and control you out of the will of God for your life I couldn't imagine walking up to a lad which means he was pre teenage years looking at that kid knowing he was a long way from home and saying give me a lot and to try to get a hungry boy to let go of his lunch to feed a multitude of people that he didn't even know must have been a hard decision for him but you must be willing to let go of some things that's you hunger for from this world if you're gonna be what God wants you to be are you hungry for a mate and that has now become a priority over you loving Jesus are you more interested more interested in getting married then you are walking with God are you more interested in a job opportunity than you are being what God wants you to be there are many people I say many that used to go to this church but because they got an elevation and a job opportunity they're no longer here and now every Sunday instead of being in church they're sitting at a factory somewhere back slid on God miserable unhappy making more money but there wasn't willing to let go of their lunch to keep Jesus first in their life is God calling you for something in the ministry surely out of all the young people and the teenagers in this auditorium surely God would put his hand on somebody to be a minister of the gospel I don't mind you having goals and dreams but all those keep all of those in a bag subject to Jesus wanting you to let go of that because he may have something better and bigger for your life you get addicted to carrying stuff around and it seems so hard once you get used to it thinking about living without it even though it may be a hinder in a bad and it may be something you don't need it seems hard in the flesh to let go of some things in my desires there's a lot of people I'd like to be mad at today and probably if you heard the story you wouldn't blame me but I can't not be what God wants me to be and hold that stuff in my heart the Bible said if you regard iniquity in your heart if you just got something in your heart the Lord will not hear your prayer if you're gonna let go and go on and be everything God wants you to be and surely that ought to be the desire of your heart then you've got to let go of the desires of your life when my wife and I got saved the last thing on my mind was being a preacher not that I thought it was bad I just thought with the background that I had the lack of knowledge and intelligence that I had that the last thing God would be interested in doing would be calling a long-haired hippie boy that got saved out of the ghettos that didn't even know a verse of scripture when he was 16 years old that God would want to call me to preach so I begin to straighten my life up get in the business world I wanted to be an embalmer on my own funeral home a small trucking company and support missionaries around the world that was the dream of my wife and I that was my bag my bag was to be an embalmer on the funeral home and have a small trucking company I'd already started driving trucks I'd already been involving man I had my whole life planned out that was my bag that was my security I wanted to make a lot of money and support missions not a thing wrong with my dreams if you were to listen to my dreams and plans you to say well that's commendable I wish every young person had those kinds of goals in their life but I had that bag and that was my security but one day Jesus said if you'll let go of that bag I'm gonna use you in a way that you never dreamed of but I'm just one little lag yeah but give me your bag it's only two fish and five husbands but give me your bag and one day On February 28 1978 40 years ago last month I let go of my bag and gave it to God and he's allowed me to be something that I never dreamed that would ever be and the same God that did that in my life is the same God that can do that in your life if you let go of your own desires number two you gotta quit dwelling on your limitation when Jesus said if we got any food here it was one of the stinking disciples they said yep we got a little bit for taking much to it oh they got two fish only got five little loaves of bread which were what we would call hush puppies but they were in a longer form of breading that's all it was you see you'll never be what God wants you to be and you'll never be able to let go if all you're looking at is what you don't have see people come to me all the time today I'd be willing to let go like God had me but I don't have much to give him anyhow are you kidding me I'm a dope smoking dog cussing heathen on the backside of a ghetto with 4 million people raised in a home was surrounded by liquor and drugs grew up in the parking lot of a beer joint all of my life my family's been cut shocked put the jam and killed people I had nothing to give God I thought my bag was empty brother collars and I said if you could take an empty bag and make something out of that you help yourself yeah quit dwelling on what you don't have and what you're not and give God what you've got and if you will give God what you've got no matter how insignificant it is when God prays over it God was blessing on it don't wait out like you never dreamed up before did you know Jesus will never ask you for anything you don't have Jesus then go to the boy and open his lock just say that come and I thought you'd have at least a dozen fish I thought you'd have at least two dozen how am I gonna work with this Jesus wants to work with what you've got you so I could never brother kid I can't sing like everybody else in the choir why don't you shut up here get up and get in the choir and try it anyhow this choir ought to be overflowing with the congregation that I have here and the reason why you're not in the choir is you don't think you're good enough you don't think God can use you you can't sing like everybody else I don't want you to sing like everybody else I want you to bring your little lunch get up here in the choir and say I may not be a lead singer but I can sing for Jesus I can get involved I can be doing something for God some of these can be in us your blessing on you don't have to say a word all you got to do is pass the offering bad I can't even get people to do that because all you tell me is what you're not qualified to do or you tell me it's what's not in the bag I've never met anybody that ever mattered anything when all they talked about is what they didn't have thank God you got to fish thank God for five little O's thank God for watching God give it to Jesus and let him use you for his glory let go of whaling on your limitations number three let go of doubters that are trying to control you the boy would have never amounted anything had he listened to those around him surround yourself with people with people that believed in God and believed in you you would think brother Lenny that when that boy let go of that lunch the disciples would have patted him on the head and said that's doing it boy glory that God that's how you do it not one word of encouragement all they did was stand around him and said but what is that among so many how are you gonna take something that weak and feeble and use it to bless twenty to thirty thousand people you know why some even live in doubt and stress and fear and anxiety and depression because you surround yourself with people that live in doubt anxiety fear and depression you don't believe me if you ever getting a good move and you want to get over a good mood go to Facebook that'll blow you out of the water in just a matter of minutes brother Adams birds of a feather flock together somebody will get on there and say I'm depressed I'm having a bad day nineteen people will like that within the first five seconds now you can get on and say I love Jesus today that's positive I don't want nowhere around hat but if somebody's suicidal somebody's having a bad day somebody's wrecked their car somebody's killed their cat somebody's dogs got the group everybody's hitting that like button oh I like to be around people like you you're depressed you're upset you're crying you're feeling anxiety you're hooked on pain pills you're hooked on the ball that's my buddy right there you're never gonna let go and give things to God running around with people it's got a dark cloud hanging over them every day and if it is a bad day for godsakes me God or nobody else wants to hear about it shall get put on Facebook wait for tomorrow the Sun will shine again hey god bless you amen you dwell among people that are controlling you with doubt Jesus believes in you even when you don't believe in yourself i'ma tell you brother Joe I can't show you anywhere where that boy said Jesus I believe you can take this and feed this crowd he's silent his name's never even mentioned in the Bible we really don't even know how old he was except he was under 13 this kid wasn't leaping out in faith this kid didn't stand up say bless God Almighty this will feed the whole crowd he may be doubting himself but Jesus believed in him even when he didn't believe in himself you say preacher God can use me I don't even believe in me you don't have to there's somebody far greater than you that believes in you and he's not looking for a bunch of abilities and opportunities he's just waiting on you too right now all you gotta do is let go number four and I must hurry you got to let go of directing trying to direct your own situations in the storm this whole chapter feels with this and I don't have time to deal with it but in verse 19 something arose that's really amazing to me they get on this ship and a storm comes up right and the Bible says God's sending him he's using this storm to send them in a certain direction not everything that comes your way that's negative from God it's because you're in sin God used the storm to push that ship where he wanted it to go so God is used in a situation that they're uncomfortable with to get them in a certain position and instead of yielding that brother James here's what the Bible said they all got a paddle and started rowing the boat now they're fighting the direction that God wants them to go in because they're afraid just because you're afraid of the direction God's sending you doesn't mean you're out of the will of God we're all human and we're all weak so they decide we know more about the direction of our life than God does so here's what we're going to do we're going to fight against the wind which is a type of the Holy Spirit and we're going to go our own direction and they Road all night long and only got twenty five furlongs all night 12 men all night row in one boat and they only move twenty five furlongs because they're fighting against God you see God has a direction for your life honey it's not just for preachers and deacons and trustees and Sunday School teachers God has a direction he has something planned out specifically for you he may let it be through the sunshine and he may let it be through the storm but what we have to do is just like the lad let go of his lunch we gotta let go of our paddles we gotta quit saying well I don't understand it so I'm going this way and it's gonna get you out of the direction of God when you think you know more about what direction your life goes in than God does you're in real trouble you're wasting a lotta energy you're wasting a lot of time and you're not gonna get anywhere all you gotta do is put the sail up yield to the Holy Ghost he's done it before he knows what he's doing and he knows what direction you need to go in take not nowhere here's what the Bible said the way of a transgressor is hard now we apply that brother Anderson to sinners because we're transgressors but the word transgress means to go against the RO for instance if we were plowing a field today some of the older men here have gardens if you stand at the end of that garden you see that garden has rose now the word transgress means to go across those rows instead of being parallel with them that's why we're all transgressors because the law of God is straight and because we're not we go across the law of God that makes us a transgressor we have transgressed the role that God intended us to be on so anytime anybody saved or lost goes against the plan of God they're a transgressor even if you're saved you can go across the direction God wants for your life and the Bible said the way of the transgressor the one that goes to a different direction God wants you to go is hard why is it hard because you're gonna labor you're gonna roll you're gonna burn a lot of energy waste a lot of time and when the Sun comes up the next day you're gonna reel you had nothing to show for your life if you're here and you're not seeking the will of God for your life and whether the let go of anything they'll take you to the next level you are wasting the best days of your life that you have next just like the boy let go of the lunch why don't you throw your paddle in put the sail up it's I'm tired of fighting this thing wherever God wants to send me and do with me that's what I'm willing to do with the rest of my life you just let go of the direction of your life verse 20 I got to hurry and close stop and let go of developing imaginary fears did you know eight out of ten things we worry about in our life never happens here comes Jesus walking on the water he's called the Prince of Peace but the Bible said when they saw him they were afraid of him how can you be afraid of the Prince of Peace because they were imagining something that wasn't there you see fear is not only being afraid of something that's tangible but fear can also be something that's imaginary you can let stuff enter into your life and make you afraid that don't exist has you ever had the devil jump on your shoulder when the kid pulls out of the yard in the car and say I'm gonna kill them while they're gone they're not coming home alive and you start worried about something that's not even real you ever feel a lump on your neck or under your arm and the devil say yeah you got ten sir six months you'll be out of here and you worry about it - you get a doctor's appointment they go and they check under your arm and it's an ingrown hair a big one but an ingrown hair and you have spent all that time worrying over something that wasn't even real now we look at that and say yeah I can understand that you worry about your finances and all the bills paid you worry about your car but it got you here today you worry about your marriage and you're sitting next to each other you worry about your kids starting out right in there in our youth program I say the devil can get you to worry about stuff that's not even real in your life you gotta let go of anxiety and fears as life comes God will give you the grace to get through it put your sail up throw the paddle away and say I'm not going anywhere until God sends me there when he sends me there he'll walk on the water to get to where I'm at he'll minister to me in the midst of storms of the Sun shines again I'm letting go of everything and from now on it's me and Jesus I'm holding nothing back I'm going all the way with God that's how you get victory in your life now now watch this and I'm done this is amazing to me I got one minute this is how God closes the chapter the last verse he talks about Judas why would you talk about Judas when this is a chapter of miracles because if you're gonna let go you've got to detach yourself from negative relationships see some of you can't get to where you need to be because you're in a relationship that you know doesn't honor God if you stayed around Judas you're gonna betray the Lord then all that goes wrong with it so sometimes you got to get out of relate and you know how close those other disciples were to Jesus they lived with you for 3 to F years following Jesus but no matter how close it is and how long it's been if that relationships holding you back from letting go and be and what God wants you to be then you got to walk away from it that made include a boyfriend may include a girlfriend a cousin somebody at church somebody at work it's about even within your own family it's a lonely life when you give it all to God if you'll study this little boy's life his mama wasn't there there's daddy wasn't there none of his cousins were there because when you really let go brother James and give everything to Jesus it gets a little lonely
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 11,416
Rating: 4.8105264 out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora
Id: Ky_I2gXZio4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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