The Unexpected Storms Of Life by Dr Phil Kidd

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I appreciate this dear man of God the Lord allowed our pastor cross 35 years ago when I was just a teenage preacher boy and he made a great impact on my life then as he still does now and I appreciate him and love him from the depths of my heart Thank You choir for being in your place seeing the choir filled the night doing your thing singing for the glory of God you did a wonderful job tonight let me say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and then to think that the man of God would let me be here these two nights I'm so excited to be back in the Greenville area I lived here for three years while in Bible College had met many of you way back then thank you so much for being here in the house of God tonight market chapter number four I'd like to begin reading please in verse number 35 and the same day when the evening was come he saith unto them let us pass over to the other side and when they had sent away the multitude they took even as he was in the ship and they were also with him other little ships their world rose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full he was in the hind her part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they awake him and say unto Him master carest thou not that we perish and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm and he said unto them why are ye so fearful how is it that you have no faith and they feared exceedingly and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now I'm sure tonight in your presence I have not read any scripture that you are not already familiar with I have not only read this verse many at times preached from it many at times but have been preached to from these verses many a time but what I love about having an inspired Bible is this every time you read it it's inexhaustible and God can show you something you had never seen before and so it was when I was reading these verses the other day you know Jesus is on the Sea of Galilee it's about a 12 and 1/2 mile journey the only thing they had to propel them across the water is the wind and their sails and I've always known that there was a storm that come up on the horizon that dictated the conclusion of this story but I saw something I'd never seen before in verse number 37 is the kind of storm it was it was a great wind now that's different to me because if there's a thunderstorm coming I can hear the thunder if there is a lightning storm coming I can see the lightning if it's a tropical storm I can see the dark clouds but what makes a windstorm so different is it's unexpected you can't prepare for it you don't see it coming beforehand and this was a common problem in the Middle East there to sea of galilee surrounded by the mountains and there at the foothills and what would happen brother and marty is the wind would come over those mountains and gust down in that Valley and in just a matter of minutes though the sea was as calm as a sheet of glass in just a matter of minutes it could be turned into a raging foaming storm that took many a ship under and put people in a watery grave so tonight I want to preach on a different kind of storm I want to preach on the ones that you and I are going to face that we don't see coming I want to talk about those unexpected storms I want to preach tonight on the subject of being blindsided have you ever heard that terminology I got blindsided I started boxing publicly in a ring when I was 13 years old I fought 43 fights and decided that wasn't what I wanted to do for a living but my trainer always told me the punch that will put you out is the one you don't see coming and I think that's true in our spiritual lives it's these storms that we don't expect that comes upon us ever so quickly that conspiracy knock us out if we're not careful I was in a meeting just the other day and a little nine-year-old boy came running down to the altar weeping he wrapped his arms around my neck and said brother kid the doctor has told my mommy she can't live and you preach tonight that God's a prayer answering God and I don't want my mommy to die and I want you to pray for me that God would not let my mommy die mommy told me if she dies she gets to go be with Jesus but I want mommy to be here with me and I put my arms around that little old feller and we both crawled up to the altar and wept together and 14 days later he picked out a casket for his mother I was in a meeting just the other day and a 16 year old girl came running up on the platform and said you probably know me and she told me your daddy's name and I said honey I preached for your daddy years before you were ever born as a matter of fact I held you when you were just a newborn baby and she said I know that brother kid she said all I've ever known is a preacher and daddy and a prayin mama that's all I've ever known and she said daddy preached a couple of Sundays ago we went to church he taught Sunday School mom played the piano said I got up Monday morning and went to school and and said I came running in the door after school Monday and I could tell the spirit of our home wasn't right there was something just not right in our home and she said I went running in the kitchen and there sat mom and dad and both of them had cried - their eyes were bloodshot and I said to myself Papa's dead or mammals had a stroke something drastic has happened in our family and she said my daddy said to me honey I want you to sit down and she said I sit down and I said daddy what are you crying about what's wrong and he said honey we've kept this from you but said you know mama have not been happy together for a long time and we've decided that it's over and I've wrote a letter of resignation in the deacon is on his way to pick it up and my clothes are in the car and I'm leaving your mama and I'm gonna give you two weeks to make a decision whether you want to live with your mama or whether you want to live with me she said brother kid do you understand just the day before my daddy was a preaching that my momma was a play in the piano and she was on the altar a crying and a dealing with people dear in the altar call and Here I am 24 hours later I'm sixteen years old all I've ever known to preach and daddy and a brand mama and now I got two weeks to make a decision she said I looked at that and said that if I don't want to have to live with you and turn around and have to live with mama I want y'all to work this out I want to be together I want my mom and dad I want you back in the poophead mama won't sit back on the piano and he said I wanted to stay here to say goodbye and he got up and kissed her on her forehead and walked out the door and she's not heard from him since and she was shaking so hard she was almost hyperventilating and she said preacher what am I gonna do I never saw this coming I never knew when this could ever happen to my family and I say to you ladies and gentlemen that can happen to every one of us there could be a tragedy come our way before morning that we never saw coming what are you gonna do when you get blindsided in the storms I was in a meeting in a nearby state the other day and a mother and father came to me and said brother kid can we tell you our story and I stood there as tears ran down their face and they said our son come to our house about a month ago and said dad it's time to get our guns out and get them cleaned up it's almost huntin season and he said well son I need to cut my grass one more time just to get it done and lay it level for the wintertime and he said dad you go ahead and do that and I'm going to get the guns and the rifles out and clean them and he said I was on the back side of my house cutting grass and I was coming around and my wife came running around the corner and said honey come quickly and said I looked at my son was standing out in my front yard with a rifle in his mouth and his finger on the trigger and I looked at my son we were getting ready to go hunting he was the best buddy I ever had in my life we did everything together he was my only child he was the apple of my eye and he said I jumped off that mower and said son for God's sakes I don't know what's got into you but don't do that don't pull that trigger son We Need to Talk we can get you some help and he said preacher I got with it a few pulled the trigger and I watched my son kick in his own blood and died my front yard and he said I don't think I'll ever get over it just the day before we were talking about hunting we were talking about our lives how we were best buddies how we couldn't live without each other and he said I watched him die in my front yard oh god kid you may not know it but when you leave this service tonight there could be a phone call on your cell phone that's going to turn your world upside down before the Sun comes up in the morning there could be an unexpected tragedy come your way you can lose your job it could be a bad doctor's report it could be a daughter go bad it could be a son on drugs it's endless what can happen and we're not we're not exposed from that just because we're saved that doesn't mean we can't have problems I promise you in this building behind all the friendly handshakes and the beautiful smiles there's a lot of heartache in this building tonight and sometimes you think man can I even make it another day it seems like instead of getting better it's going to get worse what do you do when the storm comes it's out of control and you can't even find God are you blind in a storm the night I went to a cancer unit several months ago and a little boy named David was laying in the bed I let David the Christ the cute little feller and I didn't know where that little gurney and all of his hair is gone and dark bags under his eyes and he's throwing up in a little plastic bowl his mom and daddy are so exhausted sitting in that cancer unit watching their boy go down to nothing and he looked at me and said brother kid you led my daddy to God you led my mama to God I got save listening to your CD last year you led my whole family to God and I don't want to die I want to be with my mom and dad why did God let me have cancer why have I got brain cancer why about I'm going to go through these surgeries why does my mom and dad have to spend endless weeks and months walking me through the hallways of this hospital and I tell you brother Marty I didn't know what to say and the tears were dripping off of my face and I said son I don't have the answers to all this I'm not God and I don't know why do these these things come our way and they're out of our control and outside of trusting God I don't even know what to say sometimes but I'm glad even when you're going through a storm that you didn't see coming that Bible sitting in the your lap has the answer to everything you're ever gonna face in your Christian life let me show you what to do when you get blindsided in a storm listen to me fast I'm in a hurry because we're going to eat number one you got to trust his word above the way you feel you gotta trust what Jesus said above the way you feel now here's what Jesus said to his disciples he took a microphone they all got in the boat and jesus said we're going to the other side in that what he said they had a promise we're going to the other side but I'd like to interview to you disciples while you're getting on this boat do you really believe you're going to the other side like Jesus said I'm sure Peter would have been the first one to grab the mic and say you better believe we believe it bless God did you hear what Jesus said that's the Living Word of God Jesus said we're going to the other side and Jesus said it you can go to the bank on it brother we're going to the other side but the Sun was shining when he said that let me take you six and a half miles out in the Sea of Galilee they're right in the middle of that thing the dark clouds and the storms are coming in the water is about to take the boat under let's interview these disciples now hey fellas you really believe you're gonna make it to the other side you know what they've done they've made God's Word limited to the way they feel let me tell you something if Jesus said it you can bank on it whether the sun shining all the storms are blowing if the boat would have went under Jesus would have turned it into a submarine because he already gave him a promise they was gonna make it to the other side it doesn't matter how I feel it doesn't matter what I'm going through I've still got an anchor in the Word of God and you can trust that Bible when there's nothing else to trust then you got to trust the word above the way you feel number two and I got a problem with this one you got to take your hands off the situation now you got to remember at least three of these 12 guys were fishermen they've been on the Sea of Galilee their whole lives so no doubt when the storm started coming they said no used to bother Jesus we've got through a lot of these stores before on our own we'll just get through this one no doubt the Apostle Peter again grabbed that little motor on that bass boats have had us stay out of the way I've been a Fisher man for all these years I'll get us through the storm and the harder he tried the worst-hit god and did you know as long as they were trying to get through the storm Jesus never came to their rescue as long as you've got your hands on it and you think you're gonna work it out you're not going anywhere but I can promise you I know they let go because they ran down to the basement other ship and here's what they said Jesus carousel not that we perish if the twelve disciples are down there a sin Jesus who's driving the boat you know what Jesus is waiting on he's waiting on you to let go I'm a hands-on type fella I I want things to happen I want it to work out and I wanted to do now if the Lord had listened to me I could get through this thing a lot quicker a lot better and I've learned a longer I hold on and the longer that I don't want to let go of this situation it's only going to get worse any only time there's ever going to be a miracle and God's ever going to turn it around is I'm gonna have to let go I'm not an animal lover if you have a dog you need to take care of it if you have a cat you need to kill it I'm not an animal guy I don't like fish I don't want to hurtle I don't like lizards if you got a snake in your house as a pet you need to see a psychologist you've lost your ever-loving mind you're sick you need to see a doctor stinking iguanas and lizards in your house people are crazy I had enough trouble raising kids who wants a stinking iguana but there's been an animal I've wanted since I was a kid and I never told anybody about it for years since I was a little boy I've always wanted a monkey a monkey I I like those little 2-pound monkeys and mean monkeys them little suckers are minging man don't you fool yourself and I've always wanted one of them mean monkeys and set it on my shoulder and let it attack people and I saw it years ago when I was a little boy watching The Little Rascals you remember when Farina was rubbing your brother's hands and wish cotton was a monkey and that monkey come around that corner cotton took off and Farina thought she prayed her brother into a monkey and ever since then I've wanted a monkey so I've called around I can not find these little and you got to get the little ones cause they're mean little monkey and the guy said what kind of monkey do you want I said I want a redneck monkey he said man do you want a what I said I want a redneck monkey he said call eBay they got everything in the world call eBay so I called eBay and I said sir I'm looking for a specific kind of monkey he said alright what kind you want I said I want a redneck monkey he said sir we sell every item there is in the world there's no such thing as a redneck monkey I said yes sir I want its teeth pulled I want its tail cut off I want to confederate flag on his shoulder and I want it to pimp when it walks that's the kind of monkey I want he said / - you're out of your mind we can't do that to a monkey and I said well look can I go catch a monkey somewhere can can you hunt me down a monkey and with all these rules in that now brother K you just can't put a monkey in a trap they said in medicines I'm up psychologically that's God they put me in jail didn't seem to bother them at all they locked me up so I said look can you find me a monkey I'll pull its teeth or do whatever I got to do I just want one of them little I want a mean one now I want one of the growls and bites and spits and he said preacher the problem is catching the monkeys we can't catch them anymore and I saw brother how do you I never thought about how do you catch a monkey he saw what you do is you go over in the countries where they're out in the jungle and you take a gourd and you cut a little hole in it you hollowed that gourd out and he said you put a leather strap through that gourd and wrap it around the bottom of the tree and he said that monkey is curious and he said he'll come up and he'll shake that gourd and he said you put a handful of peanuts down in that gourd and said that monkey I'll take his hand and put it down in that gourd and grab that handful of peanuts but as long as he's got his fists made within peanuts he can't get his fists out of that gourd and that monkeys so stupid instead of letting go and going on with his life and in joy and freedom and liberty he just ain't gonna let go and that stupid monkey will standing there with his hand he'll never get them peanuts but he ain't letting no of it and that stupid monkey will sit there at the bottom of that tree with his hand in that garden a handful of peanuts and go in captivity the rest of his life because of it you know what's wrong with all of us something has come our way and we've latched on to that thing and we don't want to let go of it and it's robbed you of all your joy it's robbed you of your Liberty you can't go on with your life you're stuck right there every revival you stick right there every camp meeting you stick right there every time you go to the altar you stick right there you know why you got that hand preacher you don't know my story you don't know my side you don't know what I've been through you don't know how has abused you don't know how I was mistreated everything you may be sound may be true but you let me jog you down and you're losing everything God has for you you know how we can have camp meeting tonight it's for a bunch of people just let's let go of a bunch of nonsense but you can't change it out and get up and go on with your lives for the glory of God Trust is word over the way you feel turn loose of your situation number three I got a hurry enclose number three tell Jesus how you feel they went down to the base for another ship and here's what they said Lord carest thou not that we perish you don't even care the way we feel about what we're going through best day of my Christian life was when brother Stewart I learned I could tell it to Jesus I'm a psychologist I graduated 25 years ago with my degree in psychology which means absolutely nothing I took it because everybody said I was crazy so I wanted to see if I was don't laugh you failed the test too but I learned one thing in psychology that was ever so important in my Christian life and it was this being a good psychologist was not always having the answer sometimes being a good psychologist is just being able to listen sometimes people don't want answers they just want somebody that'll listen to him I've had preachers call me from all over the United States of haber the kids would you help me with this I got a problem with this brother kid can I pour my heart I don't say a word I don't say anything I just sit there let them talk tell me what's bothering them when they get done they'll say whoa man I'm glad you took psychology in college God helped me man I tell you son God use you to help me and said anything but they feel better because they were able to talk about it when a storm hits you you trust his word above the way you feel you be willing to turn loose of that thing and don't be afraid to tell Jesus how you feel there's been times I've told the Lord I think I'm getting ripped from this deal why don't you kill those people Lord as a matter of fact why don't you let me kill those people I know you don't need me but you use people to fulfill your will I would be glad to submit my life to get rid of those idiots and there's times when you need to tell it to Jesus why do you think confession is good for the soul why do you think we have an altar it's just not to get saved it's just not to get right but when you're burdened down and there's nobody you can talk to and there's just some things on your heart you wish you could get out I'm glad we got a Heavenly Father you can go to you can tell them exactly how you feel you can tell them exactly what you're going through tell him how you feel when you're going through the storm number four and that's what I want to get to you need to thank him for it before he performs the miracle did you know anybody can thank God for calming the storm once it's calmed but being a mature Christian is getting to the place where you thank him before it's ever calmed see you're saying God if you'll do this for me I'll give you the glory why don't you give him the glory anyway you remember when G when Joshua took the priests and the people of Israel around the walls of Jericho and the last day that went around seven times and here's what the Lord said you shout then the walls will fall now had it been us we'd have said Lord let the walls fall we'll give you the glory God saying or having that way you give me glory because of Who I am not because of what I do and then I can begin the work and perform miracles in your life you remember when Jonah was in the belly of the whale he fasted three days and three nights pizzahut don't deliver where he was brother but fast and didn't get him out of the mess you don't think he didn't pray he prayed three days and three nights never got him out of the mess but he offered up a voice of Thanksgiving and all of a sudden God began to work a miracle and his situation around you know when I feel like God wants me to praise him the most when I don't feel like it the most when the bottoms falling out and it seems my life as a dead-end road at heavens brass and I can't find God and I'm going through something I never dreamed would ever come into my life or ever come into my family you know what God's looking for he's looking for a Christian that'll love him and trust him enough like job you'll lift your hand up out of the ashes and say the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord I know you're hurting I don't want to belittle your hurt I know you're confused I know it seems like God's silent and you're shocked over what's taking place but I tell you I want to rise above where I'm at and what I'm going through and I want to let God know that I just don't love him because of what he does or doesn't do I love God because of who he is if he never does anything else he's still God wouldn't it be wonderful tonight brother Kay if all of us would stand up in the midst of our trial and say I'm sick and tired of being governed by my surroundings I'm tired of holding on to this I'm letting go of this I'm going on with my life I put it on the altar tonight about the grace of God I'll never pick it up again and by the way before I ever get off my knees I want to thank you Jesus and give him all the glory now I want to ask you a question the Bible says in my scripture there was other little ships I've got the hurrying clothes but I want to ask you what ever happened to those other little ships anyway the Bible never says did they go under did they give up were they casualties so I got the study in this here's what I found out the reason why they were called littler ships is because Jesus was in the bigger ship which was out in the lead the bigger ship is what we call a wedge ship and they called it that because the front of the boat was like a wedge and the smaller ships were behind the wedge ship and as they went across the Sea of Galilee those little boats were not strong enough to go through the wind the gales and the storm the little ships would have went under if it wasn't for the wage ship out front whoop what's this what would this help me what would happen when that wedge ship was going through the storm when the big waves of water would come instead of that wedge ship turning and running it would turn toward the storm and say I'm not afraid of you I'm bigger than you I'm going to get through you and that wedge ship would run right into those waves it would split those waves and they would go around the smaller ships had the bigger ships run from the storm the next generation would have went under so you know what we got to do as adults when the storms come our way it's not a time to backslide it's not a time to get bitter it's not a time to quit and run and throw in the towel you need to get the grace of God in you and turn around and said I'm through running from you you're not controlling me you're not scaring me there's another generation coming on behind me and they're watching me and you need to hit your storm head-on so that when the future generations grow up to the wedge ship they know how to respond in the storm because they've watched you it's more than just us getting through the battle son our children and grandchildren are sitting on the pews and they're watching you and if you quit and get bitter and throw in the towel you're not only messing up your life honey you're taking the next generation down with you I was studying one time on buzzards I'm putting the message together called Baptists buzzards and all does it fit did you know there's one Buzzard in Australia they've never named it but the only time they see it it's been sitting on a phone line the only time they ever catch his Buzzard is on the phone that is the truth haha did you know a buzzard is the only bird in the world that doesn't sing so you bunch of buzzards the next time we sing I'd appreciate it if you'd pick up a songbook and help us a little bit but while I was studying buzzards I got to looking over there at geese talking about the next generation and our storms and I'm done did you know a flock of geese gets together and they don't know why but in that mess and they're doing this right now from north to south one will step forward as a leader they don't know why he's it's not that he's any better than any of the rest of the geese but it's kind of like he's been ordained and he will step forward from that flock and from the time he steps forward till they reached their destination down south he's the leader of that flock I never knew that and they don't know why or there's no vote there's no conflict he just steps forward and says look I've been called to lead you and the rest of the flock says Amen let's go and the whole time they're flying they're flying in a V there's always that leader they never questioned they never questioned his leadership and they always fly in a V behind him that's how you have victory and they're so dogmatic of respect in his position that if he turns to the left they'll put the brakes on and turn back because they don't want him to think they're threatening his authority in his leadership if one of those geese leaves the flock and tries to join another one they bite him and running back trying to be nice and the whole time that leader is leading brother David you'll hear the rest of the geese go huh huh you've probably heard them flying over you before you know what they're doing they're cheering on their leader they're saying to the leader don't get discouraged we're still here we're flying in victory we're backing you all the way we don't get in this thing to quit we're going to say where do we get to our final destination lead on brother we're with you all away now this is what I want to talk about the next generation I saw something that amazed me the younger geese are in the back to me that makes them vulnerable for attack but there's a reason why the smaller ones are in the back because when those geese are flying in unity when they're flying in unity the wind is coming under their bellies the small geese do not have the ability to make that flight from north to south but if the older ones will stay in unity that wind comes under their belly grabs the belly of those babies and holds those little ones up you see the adults are not only in unity because they want to make it there not only shouting the leader on because they want to make it but they know if they mess up they're going to lose a whole generation that's behind them and brother they hang in there and they go through the storms and they go through the battles and they go through the coldness and the hard times and it's not for a selfish reason they know they got kids and grandkids coming on behind them and I tell you every once in a while when we're going through the storm we need to remember it's bigger than just us it's more than just us we got kids and grandkids want to lose the next generation because I don't respond properly when I've been blindsided in the storm we're standing with our heads bowed father right now I want you to begin to deal in this meeting while we're getting ready for invitation I looked across the building tonight and I saw people weeping and they're weeping because they're going through things they never dreamed they would ever face some are having physical problems financial I had a lady run up to me tonight and say my daughter died 10 years ago today god bless that mama and all across this building there's heart aches busted holes depression emotions stress anxieties people losing their homes bad health reports sons of drunk daughter's come home pregnant dear God it just seems like everywhere we turn we facing stuff we didn't even see coming and I know this is camp-meeting and I didn't want to do anything to quench that but at the same time I just get so tired of seeing God's people bogged down and only getting so far and then going right back again we need some total victory right now in this meeting right now God tonight we need some moms and dads some young people some teenagers young married couples right now there are things they have held on to for so long that they've even accepted it as a way of life now father I want you to do something unusual in this invitation the night I pray while our heads are bowed several have come to the altars tonight please bow your heads please listen to me carefully God's trying to help somebody in this building tonight I want to help you for him that's right ma'am you come right on come on how many of you would say brother kid you you don't have any idea you don't know me you don't know what I'm going through but between me and God honestly there is something tonight that I got to get victory over I've got to put this thing behind me there's something that's robbing me it bogs me down I have to fight it about the time I'm over it it hits me again and preacher to be honest I'm just sick of living that way I'm sick of being bogged down I'm sick of being stuck I'm just sick of being where I'm at and I promise I won't embarrass you I would never embarrass you come on they're still coming from all over the building but right now you need prayer you see this thing sucking the spiritual life out of you drying up and dying on God young people come in from all over the build and come right on son
Channel: Fundamental Baptist Sermons
Views: 1,687
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christian, fundamental, baptist, sermons, heaven, street, of, gold, hell, fire, eternal, damnation, for, god, so, loved, the, world, john, 3:16, how, to, be, born, again, saved, salvation, quickened, peace, love, joy, king, james, bible, kjv, 1611, 1769, phil, kidd, old, time, revival, preaching, kjv1611
Id: tl7mSUTRcW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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