IN | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Reveal Yourself

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how many of you have been enjoying this series about worship and praise how many of you have been learning things incredibly okay good praise and worship is powerful there is power in brazen worship and it is my commitment to God to never go to the next level of anything without first giving the glory to him and fixating my focus on him everybody say yes this morning we release a critical word called stay with the asses go and watch it when it gets uploaded and it is about the story of Abram or Abraham who had to choose between his provision or the people he brought with him and got a signed provision to a mountain but he had to tell his company to stay there every level of anything in your life is going to mandate a change in your social life and sometimes that is extremely excruciating and the Lord will ask you before time to leave something if he's going to lead you and many people are unwilling to be led by God because of what they can't get the courage to leave but sometimes in order for the Lord to lead you you've got to leave them I also share the story of the hardest thing I had to leave which was my deal life the life I have is much better than the life I imagined but then walking away from what I wanted out of the next 30 or 40 years was excruciating but I thank God that I did and God has made it worth it the wisdom is whatever you have to leave is less than what he has for you well that's a good place to say man you'll have to leave something and sometime there's something you have to leave is not gonna be a person it's just going to be a hope a dream a wish a want but it is necessary the culmination of the message came when I highlighted the fact that Abraham didn't leave them because they did anything he just had a bad habit of bringing too many people he did it with a lot and then again in Genesis 22 that was a test here is the wisdom Abraham left them because of him and he did not want to risk disobeying God work adding fear and relying on people that would have counseled him out of a hard task sometimes the Lord will call you to do something hard and sometime in people's care for you they will counsel you in disobedience the objective of all worship is an obedient spirit that's what the Lord wants for you revelations 19 is where we're going real quick and I will not hold you long we do have a prayer meeting tonight I encourage you if you are available and free to come and seek the Lord God with us we have some special intercessors from each campuses coming in as a woman of God I want to introduce to you mother Sandra Norris we're gonna have a lot of prayer warriors here tonight here she's coming and it's going to be amazing so we're going to seek God and sing seek God and sing and the objective of the prayer mu the prayer meeting is the future of this movement we're praying to God about what he's doing for us I am NOT a Pauline type of apostolic ministry gift the majority of people who say that they have an apostolic calling they pattern themselves after Paul I don't feel like I'm similar to him at all I mean I'm brilliant if I must say so myself but I'm not really Pauline believe it or not my wife is more Pauline than I am I'm not even a Peter although if you catch me on the right day I'll probably cut you out and I'm getting delivered sue me but I'll let you have it and but that's not more that's not my time my apostolic ministry is more akin to the Apostle John the Revelator if you read the book of revelations he was an apostle but his ministry was really really really unique and I'm very very very similar to him and how the Lord uses me to churches if you study the Book of Revelations and you get past the religious fear you have of that book you find a lot of really interesting information and a lot of interesting pattern what you need to realize is that that book was written to churches in Asia Minor and a lot of the commendations that rebukes the affirmations were to encourage the Saints that were in exile after the destruction of the Roman temple and they were discouraging John was writing to direct them against the contamination for survival wisdom when you're trying to survive it's easy to compromise compromise is natural to a person in the struggle you start to compromise by virtue of necessity and you do things you wouldn't ordinarily do if you were in your right mind and so the Book of Revelations is intriguing it is very intriguing what also intrigues me about this come up just the little reasons but also introduced me about this is this there was such a jealousy about the Apostle John that some of the twelve would not even acknowledge his name they were so upset about how Jesus saw him that they would refer to him as that's your favorite remember Bible says that they were in a middle of a teaching session and John the Beloved when every climbed on Jesus and laid on him literally the Bible says that the one the others the other standing bow was like oh the one whom Jesus loved if that's the one who gon betray him you know everybody has a word about the people closest to the leader wisdom I said that and then so John was that one that was his nature that was his interaction with Jesus so I think it's interesting that you find two things about him number one most historians agree that he lived the longest intimacy will increase your life if you are not intimate with God you will die prematurely and here's why you will end up in the hands of death because you've not resolved that most of life is not your responsibility I think intimacy taught John the beloved that this is all on him that should have freed a whole lot of you even if you can't afford it it's on him even if you're doing okay it's on him I think intimacy talk John the power of choosing his battles he was a very direct apostle I mean Peter gets a lot more of the attention because of how brute he was right but if you read the epistles of John he says some very strong things I mean brother came out riding in his epistles I whoever sins is of the devil Paul is over here writing light were ascended abound grace did much more abound shall we continue in sin it just very different styles and John had a revelation of what was important to Jesus because he spent time knowing him I'm making a point you have to spend time no way Ricky you cried that to the Lord yesterday to know him he's going to show you himself it's gonna change you he's going to make you a priest unto Him your whole configuration is about to change the most dangerous thing a man can pray is reveal yourself to me I promise I'm making a point I'm not babbling John wanted what the others did not same training same classrooms same admonishments a different desire based upon your destiny God will give you certain desires that seem odd this desire in John was so odd that it got him fried in oil literally that's how he died some of the other apostles were sawed in half but he was the longest living one so he's on Exile in the place called Patmos and his world is surrounded with visions of God I mean he's seeing stuff crazy because I believe his desire was to know him what else grown man lays on another grown man who's not his natural father and just wants to be close see that closeness got him access to certain conversations that Jesus would not let everybody else into I'm making a point the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him God has secrets and those secrets are not easily accessible you got to get close whenever the Lord is beckoning you to get close is because of the nature of the conversation he wants to have so should the Lord ever start pulling you closer to him there is something he has to say to you here that may frighten you in distance closeness affects the perspective it affects the courage it affects what you can see so he's on this island this Isle he's in exile all of his other peers are either dead or running he's alone and I think he missed the one he loved remember they were teenagers following this man going under persecution from their families for having left them walking away from successful careers they were not broke they became that way for the sake of their assignment and here he is watch me in reflection about his regrets how powerful is it that a man face with regret was about to receive the book of Revelation he's sitting on his Island and all of a sudden Bob literally says suddenly Revelation chapter 1 he hears the voice of the one he loved telling him hey it's me come up here to a guy mourning the one who laid everything down for him to say I'm not gone anywhere I'm actually up here and I will show you what must come to pass Hereafter then he sees an open door for the next several chapters Jesus begins to do what John always wanted reveal himself the book of Revelation is called the revelation of Jesus Christ let me bow down to your lane just a quick detour in your reflections about your life right when you seem to be at the highest place of regret your greatest revelations are going to come whenever you're in that space of wishing you would have studied this or married her or move there or been born here or not been born there whenever you are at the place where that stuff is peak it normally happens around holidays or birthday times when you start reflecting over your life the Lord has the heart situated in such a way where he can show you in the spirit what you wouldn't have believed in the flesh he tells apostles I've got so much to tell you literally Rocky but you can't bear them there was one who could bear them and the one who could bear what Jesus held back from the rest was John double in Revelations 19 we see a vision i'ma read this through hood to make complete sense to you after these things I heard a great voice much people in heaven saying hallelujah salvation and glory on a power to the Lord our God true and righteous are his judgments pay attention boy yet judged the great rich corrupt the earth with her fornication and had avenged the blood of his servants and again they said hallelujah and her smoke rose up forever in evidence what harp and Bowl is about tonight and the for the twenty elders the bees fell down and did what Oh y'all sound Catholic fell down and did what he worship the one that was on the throne saying amen hallelujah then a voice came out of the throne saying praise our God all ye his servants and ye that fear Him both small and great and I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty thunderings saying hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth listen he's at the point in his desperation where he finally believes that he's everywhere not only did he not leave me he's everywhere the word omnipotent all-powerful a mission he is everywhere let us be glad and give honor to him for the marriage of the lamb is come look at verse seven and the wife had made herself ready preparation is the responsibility of the church we are to prepare ourselves he prepares us through apostles and prophets but once the church is prepared there is a new range of intimacy that she knows too verse nine now mind you all of this is happening from an angelic being this is going to make sense to you and he said them to me right right blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb and he saith unto me these are the true sayings to God now listen a man who thrives in the presence of God has a normal response to a supernatural activity pay attention to what I'm going to teach you it's going to change your life in this next phase of your life you cannot worship what the Lord does for you I want you to really think some of you think you've been worshipping him but you've been worshipping what he's doing he fell down and talked tried to worship Him visitors to him and he said unto me see that you don't do it I am thy fellow-servant and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus the next part of that says worship God for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus now why did the angel correct him he corrected him because John was literally pay attention about to see Jesus in his raw form the angel knew don't worship Me because then you won't have strength for what you bout to see after me I'm going over here y'all full of Popeyes the angel says I am of thy kinsmen thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus he is correcting John with the knowledge of what's about to come after him we stop right there at verse 10 worship God the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus and as a prophet that blesses me I use it all the time to teach the relationship between worship and prophecy but what's more powerful than what was safe and bursty is what happened in verse 11 and I saw heaven open he misses Jesus he misses Jesus he's used to land on him after the angel moved out the way so he could see what was coming he said I saw an open heaven and behold a white horse and he there he goes I'm not the whale in a minute I feel a whale coming up in me and he that shat upon that horse was called faithful oh it's coming on me he was called true now this is written from the perspective my god of a man that missed him in exile he was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes they were like fire and on his head was not one crowd he had the better battle scars of every war it took to find me on pediments he had many crowns on his head [Music] he had a name written that no man knew but himself he was done asking people look at me who do men say that I am but the question I'm not his identity was forever settled and here's how and why don't miss it the reason he no longer had to prove who he was was because of what we see in verse 13 about the Camile and then collapse and then come back up he was clothed with a white garment but the way yo movie riders and eschatology folks say it is that white is purely in yellow right now we service stained savior we service stained Savior his garments had the blood of his enemies tear oh yeah look at this it was stained and blood which is why he no longer had to prove himself he did what he said he was gonna do and he left the proof for you to see get up John I got the future with me I got the future with me he comes out about his real identity I let y'all call me Yeshua for the sake of meeting and the earthly designation being called Jesus was an act of humility for him that was a part of him coming into the human experience he did not have to take on a natural name but he did it so that you're innocent of your finite mind could conceptualize who he was he tells John the one he loved this is my real name the word of God oh you don't you fire in his eyes pounds on his head blood on his robe and he reaches down and says I am the word of God I know you don't realize how powerful this is but let me just school you and I'm pulling out this was not a new form for Jesus this was how he was pre Genesis John didn't see the future he saw the past [Music] revelation what predicted NASA these were literal letters to literal churches it was a view of God's history basically what God showed him is this is what I've been working on I brought you into my real form my real form was not me transfigured this is my real form I am the Word of God this is who have been since the beginning I did not just become the word I've always read the word and because I am the word you have a reason to live and a reason to love John I don't care who died in this persecution the future is in me I started this teaching by telling you the most dangerous prayer you could ever pray is reveal yourself to me the man cries that they become alienated in the culture separated in the family set apart in a career because when you show up in this world as a friend of God all that hate him hate you reveal yourself to me that does not become the apex of your worship you're not doing it right and in maturity you start worshipping because you're in need of help and answers but as you get deeper in worship the cry of your heart changes it don't be give me nothing don't be changed me you spend 80% of your Christian walk and sin consciousness so much so that you can't see Jesus because of your sin and your sin may be there but there's somebody bigger behind it that perhaps if you would stop going into God's presence talking about you and went into God's presence to talk about him if you left your imperfections where they are and pursued him maybe your sin wouldn't be there if you reminded your world of how big your God is the fruit the reward of worship is the revelation of Jesus you got to worship until he is revealed to you because if he is revealed to you he will be revealed through you he will show himself strong your life is his costume your life is his outfit when he needs to move in the city or move in a generation all he wants is somebody that will say put me on Lord oh yeah put my life on put my story on put my disqualifications on put my status off put me on and if you sell yourself strong in me reveal yourself to me Jonel dis had his generation got it off they they went in worship looking for wealth when they should have gone and worship saying reveal yourself to me we go into worship looking for a new life we get saved out of desperation I need change but design the new life is that the same as desiring God you can want a different life and still not want him and God is looking for people that don't just won't change if change comes as a secondary consequence fine but my ultimate objective is the one who is on the throne and I want to be apprehended by the one that has apprehended me because even when I get more of him I still feel empty like there is more than ever reveal yourself to me to know that's the objective of worship for real if you're not there yet no judgment I'm trying to teach you how to situate your worship and position it listen to me and come close until you find the future there is the mention of the spirit of prophecy because you cannot go into worship and find your past you don't believe me that will start messing with you about who you used to be what you used to do why you don't belong why you don't fit there's one place the past does not exist it's at his presence you'll believe me try it when you get home if you ever need help forgetting about the pain of the past you got to find a way to worship there is only one me that you will find in worship and it's the future though looking forward it men and women and food and drugs but the spirit of prophecy is what's there it literally means when you worship the future is all around you the testimony of Jesus which is what he's saying what he's doing what he's witnesses and he has something to say to you yesterday we're gonna worship I was sitting with my singers Malik I was a Makai came to me and he's a baby I loved the all nation's children and I loved them I was selling them I'm not really a baby person you know I'm not that guy but I do deliberate things bring kids over my house spend time loving our kids because I see them like stories I think that when you would find Jesus and the word and kids will be running up to him I don't think Jesus was just being playful I think he was loving on their stories he was looking at them knowing what he made them to be I see children as stories you're gonna touch someone and do something I make time with that but guy came up to me yesterday laid on me put his air blinds in his ears and started riding the boys creative devale started riding on this iPad looked at me random factual question kiss me I thought he was gonna answer my phone career we're in a generation where is all them kids while can't see I found the snotty nose then that's your harm bad boogers you know I said sure look to me said why do you think the Lord talks to you knowing God like I know God talks to me through the hottest stuff the part is that I do the Lord was going to speak to him he asked me a question that made me think cuz I had to figure out a pulse when he got a hazard ID of the Lord so I had like a 8 second moment shine where I had to decide I will talk to you about the prophets mantle or the word of knowledge or how are we going to approach this what came out of my mouth these words if I'm honest I think it's cuz I'm willing to listen [Music] there's nothing special about me I'm a professional listener and the first skill God taught me before I could talk before I could walk before I could write before I could do any of that was hell to hear he taught me to listen and to learn to listen God is trying to do something to your listening skills the future needs you to listen harder your success needs you to listen harder and you learn to listen in worship you go and worship you should find something worth listening to the future but whatever you gonna do [Music] your presence I speak on behalf of this entire church we are not going to go where your presence is not Moses cried out Lord if you don't go with us we're not going and right now we sanctify this people unto your presence reveal yours [Music] when Jesus preached his first sermon on earth there was a demon demonized man in the synagogue Jesus had not got to Isaiah 60:1 that was what he was going to preach he got up zamora beer brought him some water and he opened the scroll and there was a deacon back to church that had a demon and the demon cried out of the man key to save Jesus I know who you are Jesus muzzled him told him to be quiet and commended the demon to come out of the band because he did not want his disciples to learn from the devil who he was [Music] he wanted to be the one to reveal himself he didn't want them to learn from a hard time or a bad moment or crisis who he was he did not allow the devil the privilege of teaching him who he was a couple of years later the city making s'mores Jesus has decided I'm on my way out who do men say that I am because the ultimate test is going to be how well you know me personally I'm not asking who do men say I am because I want to know I'm asking to see if you are at the place where you can separate how they see me and walk with me based upon what I'm showing you this is why he says when they give him the answer flesh and blood didn't reveal it because listen to what I'm telling you flesh and blood will try to reveal things to you you're not careful counsel wits dumb instruction logic can come from the realm of the flesh flesh and blood and mobility but my father in heaven after he was revealed here appear awarded them with keys if you want to get access to anything you need for the future ask him to reveal himself to you you don't know him the way you need to and it doesn't mean that you ain't say it's just that you need to know him for I'm going to give you the next few seconds to stand to your feet and take your eyes off for you and worship unto the future feels this room go ahead until the future fuses until the fragrance of the future ciose this room let's toss play [Music] [Music] father take us to a deeper place of worship will take us to a deeper place of worship to the zoo a deeper place of worship reveal yourself [Music] we know he desire to me so reveal yourself to your people I can hear you all nation [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] open the eyes of my heart [Music] maybe the ants spy [Applause] I wanna see [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to see open the eyes of my heart just open yeah I was [Music] to see you how I lived it up shy [Music] please Paul [Music] Vesey we cry only the chance we try holy holy holy I see this opens [Music] open the eyes and my I was I was these four videos OPI you're a desperate and I wanna see Oh to see you high and lifted up shining in the light shining in the light of your [Music] gotcha power as we see hope to see you hi lip it up to see you [Music] shining in the light of the glory lovely spa is missing home [Music] [Music] China for [Music] [Music] just let your hat [Applause] [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 46,485
Rating: 4.9142013 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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