Dr. Juanita Bynum Meets Dr. Cindy Trimm For The First Time

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dr. trim this is my very first time meeting you this is my very first conversation with you I have not spoken to you on the phone I have not had the privilege of meeting you until just this very minute but I want to tell you that I don't know where you were in God when God gave you the rules of engagement but I'm telling you this right here is a little piece of dynamite that will change a person's life forever you you started me on a journey when the Lord began to first talk to me about the the prayer and I think I went to a place in prayer and I kind of got stuck and just didn't know where to go from there and when I picked up this book I understood mm I gotta turn to this to this one page that I cuz I I want to read this to you or something that that she wrote that that blessed me this is what grabbed my attention about what you wrote I have discovered that although I have been praying honestly and spiritually in the past many of my prayers seemingly were either sabotage or counter-attack by the enemy as I prayed and asked God why he showed me I was praying fervently but not effectively because I was praying amidst I was praying from an incorrect perspective and position Satan was able to gain the upper hand in my warfare because I was ignorantly praying earthbound prayers he told me that I needed to fight my battles and wage warfare where it really belonged in the heavenlies he also reminded me that I was seated in heavenly places and in Christ Jesus above principalities and powers I didn't realized that they were not above me Oh pressing and controlling my destiny with their diabolical activities I was above them armed and dangerous with this revelation I was able to enforce my prayers with much authority and confidence in knowing whatsoever I decide when I pray I receive a favorable results that right there when I read that I said okay I don't know what the rest of this little booklet is going to be about until I got to understanding about prayer and understanding about the posture in the position of prayer before I read anything out of this I want you to share with us how you came to this in conclusion and what this is all about I had come toe-to-toe with principalities God had called me to the nations like you and there were several principalities that had converged they're called diabolical alliances and everything in kingdoms there there are seven or eight kingdoms that operate in the universe there's the sovereign Kingdom and then you have the planetary kingdoms the angelic kingdoms you drop all the way down to organic kingdoms and the kingdom of animals and then you get to the kingdom of man and then you get to the inorganic kingdom and so there is there are kingdoms that that that exist that we don't see with the natural eye but they exist and they are working and they are functioning in rank and in order and what happens here in in our dimension is that we don't understand structure we don't understand drinking we don't understand order and there are very little people that have tapped into that dimension where they're able to mentor us and teach us and give us the vocabulary so that as humanity begins to grow and increase and progress language changes and everything that will ever exist in earth realm the earth realm exists now in the realm of the Spirit there were several people that had tapped into that realm and had come back down and they wrote epistles you have Paul he said I don't know whether I was suspended in the heavenlies or whether I was in the earth realm all I know is that I had an out-of-body experience yes then you had people like John the Revelator but he said that I was in on the Lord's Day I was just laying where they had beaten me but then God called me into another dimension he said come up higher you have people like Jeremiah that tapped into that dimension you had people like David that had tapped you had people like Daniel Daniel physically was here in the earth realm but yet he outranked every king that he served under he out rang at her artaxerxes Cyrus Nebuchadnezzar all the kings he outranked God does not do anything in the earth Wham unless he has a representative he has resigned himself to the human beings and he said to us I'm going to give you Dominion dominion over the works of my hand what we have not understood we have not understood Dominion we have figured out that we need to be saved there's the saving of the soul there's the saving of the Spirit but there's another dimension that God is stepping into the saving of the mind that's where the word repentance comes in repentance has nothing to do with salvation salvation postures a man before God where he can go into the throne room but repentance changes the mind there are many dimensions that we we we live on and one of the things that we are fighting is the intrinsic weapons the weapons that the enemy does not have to Forge they are forged and formed in dimensions of our soul we operate in about twelve different dimensions as human beings we know the spiritual realm but there's the psychologically emotional the physical Ram this is where weapons are formed these are intrinsic weapons the enemy no weapon formed against you shall prosper we know about the external ones but there are intrinsic weapons and so what happened with me evangelist a prophetess Bynum was that one day as God was changing my ranking and you set the ranks God has changed your rank and when he changes your rank it means that you go up a nut in the realm of the spirit and when you go up a notch in the realm of the spirit you no longer have to worry about the little demons you don't have to worry about little principalities and powers those things but when you go up a notch in the realm of the Spirit you are coming toe-to-toe with principalities that have an assignment against your destiny and your purpose what happened with Daniel was that he was assigned to control he was like ground control and and and the way that airplanes fly it's not because of the the skill of the pilot but they have ground control Paul said though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels we have to understand that in the realm of the Spirit we are actually earth control we are giving commands and demands and decrees to angelic beings that are assigned to us they Minister with us there are an Angels that look just like you in the realm of the Spirit they have your assignment and they cannot move except you decree things under earth whelmed this is what Daniel said Daniel's said I understood by the decree of the watchers who were the Watchers these were angelic beings that were given assignment over territories and regions and as they were giving assignment over territories and region they would become the force that will connect heaven to earth this is the prayer that Jesus taught the disciples he said thy kingdom come Thy will be done as it is in heaven and what is happening right now everything in your life is reaching critical mass that's why you are experienced what is called satanic provocation and satanic concentration it usually happens when the loins of an individual and the womb of an individual is pregnant with destiny for nations hallelujah and it's usually at the expense of everybody else I'll give you example when Joseph was called he had Nations locked up in his wombs the devil did not target his brothers the devil targeted him you look at Paul's life you look at David's life these individuals had Nations locked up in their loins and you look at even a person like Hannah and a lot of times what people perceive as an attack on them it's really an attack on heaven and when you are pregnant with what heaven is getting ready to deliver it'll show up life provocation it'll show up with the name of pnina pnina comes to irritate pnina is a spirit of abortion and miscarriage it'll move you out of destiny it will cause fatigue it will strike one of the eight wombs of your spirit and prophetess Bynum you are pregnant everyone is pregnant and what is perceived as pain is really collision with you and when it collides with you all of God's divinity it's gonna hook up with your you man in it and there is gonna be an explosion listen every element on the universe is working in concert with God's plan and purpose there is nothing that you will experience in your life that has not first been vetted by God and many times we feel as if God is not working things out but I'm telling you right now what the devil means for bad God is going to use it he's gonna mix it in a cauldron of his paper and a cauldron of this grace God is causing a prayer warriors from around the world there are people that have been assigned to you they are building prayer hedges there are firewalls there are seals that God is building around you there is no devil in hell that's gonna stop it what the church is experiencing now is that God it's getting ready to promote us in a rancor listen he said I've given you dominion over the works of my hand you've got to understand that every system of the universe it's gonna come into the vine alignment the Bible said the kingdoms of this world not new become but are become listen all of humanity knows who you are that the fact is you don't know who you are that's why God it's revolutionising the mind the mind is stronger than the brain the spirit realm is the causal Ram and whatever you can affect in the realm of the Spirit it's only a matter of time but we live in time and when you live in the dimension of time you are limited by the elements but God has created you after his image and after his likeness and what you need to do is learn how to move from the earthbound far above principalities and power what God is doing he is raising up a church who knows who they are we are not asking permission of the world for anything we have decreed a ping and the Bible says it shall be that means that word is irrefutable it means try to stop me run you over try to prevent me are you hearing me listen don't care what government is in power when Daniel shows up system had to come into alignment when Daniel shows up the Lions start growling when Daniel shows up the paya is turned up higher but tell the devil it's too late [Music] and what happened with me what happened was with me was doing safe satanic concentration there was a whole lot of satanic concentration and satanic provocation and one day there were principalities and powers that moved in and they said to me if you come to this region we're gonna kill you and it used to be a time every country I would go to principalities used to meet me at the airport and I just didn't understand and then God said if you don't know how to pray at this level I'm gonna teach you how to pray when I start praying I no longer have greeted by principalities at the airport angelic beings greet me at the airport how to do your favor is released upon me and so that book came as a result of my back being up against the wall where principalities and power threatened to take everything from me and what they threatened I felt so tired and I said god I just kicked the devil whatever he wants but leave me alone and then when I turned and I said God nevertheless not my will but will be that's when he said I have placed you over Kingdoms and all the next people don't even know what that means when you're praised over kingdoms your place over cultures your place over ethnicities every system in the universe begins to serve you there were 12 systems in the universe there's the educational entertainment there is the economical systems there is the financial system political system there is the religious system the governmental system the defense system there's all kinds of systems that come under alignment and when God gives you authority every system has to come and serve you the Bible said the Gentiles listen the only reason why businesses are open and fortune 500 companies are open they're open because God it's getting ready to transfer the wealth listen the Bible said that that's snake in the book of Job the snake began to consume the wealth of the believer but God has given us the power to command the stakes and so with this book God began to train me and he said your prayers are bound you've got to see yourself when we pray against principalities and powers we usually do this because we think that the enemy is over us but in Genesis the Bible said your foot is gonna bruise his head that lets me know that we are above him and felt so tired and I said God I just kicked the devil whatever he wants but leave me alone and then when I turned and I said God nevertheless not that's when he said I have placed you over kingdoms and all the next people don't even know what that means when you're praised over kingdoms your place over cultures your place over ethnicities every system in the universe begins to serve you there were 12 systems in the universe there's the educational entertainment there is the economical systems there is the financial system political system there is the religious system the governmental system the defense system there's all kinds of systems that come under alignment and when God gives you authority every system has to come and serve you the Bible said the Gentiles you're gonna suck at the breath of the Gentile listen the only reason why businesses are open and fortune 500 companies are open they're open because God it's getting ready to transfer the wealth let me tell you something listen the Bible said that that's snake in the book of Job the snake began to consume the wealth of the believer but God has given us the power to command the stakes and so with this book God began to train me and he said your prayers are bound you've got to see yourself when we pray against principalities and powers we usually do this because we think that the enemy is over us but in Genesis the Bible said your foot is gonna bruise his head then lets me know that we are above him and not beneath and so that came out of warfare to the breath hallelujah this is how you pray [Music] father in the name of Jesus I come in the name of your son who's I am and whose answered father in the name of Jesus overthrow the plans of troublemakers covers and scoffers a persecutor character and sentence I come against the spirit of the Lila I decree and declare that the Lamb of God has already been slain and I have refused to be a scapegoat right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah I command satanic representatives to be expose grant me huh divine strategies and tactics to identify to resist and overcome the plots and plans established for my demise draw out your spear stop them in their way let them be confounded and put to shame confusion let them be chapter driven in the wind huh let the angel of the lord persecute them let their way be through talk and slippery places let them be put to shame in the Sun Allah let them return back in confusion let the structure come to them suddenly let them be wounded and destroyed by those very weapons that have devised for me let them be caught in the same natural they have set for me let them fall by the very picture they have done for me let them be hung by the news they have constructed for me let them be burn by the fire now they have lit for me
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 747,212
Rating: 4.844348 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel, Juanita Bynum, Dr. Cindy Trimm, Praying
Id: ilgz6eJeC1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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