Overcoming Fear | Dr. Cindy Trimm & Dr. Medina Pullings

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first of all I'm just so excited to be here and I want to thank dr. rod parsley for having me and using and it just an incredible incredible host um I was sitting and listening to the theme that was going on there's a lot of fear that has attacked so many people's lives and as I was walking on the Holy Spirit just said look identify the root okay cut the root off and you'll destroy the fruit so you know some some 91 is so powerful God's got you covered it's so very very powerful and it talks about the errors by day and the terror by night yes and there are so many people that are suffering from night terror even in the day and so if we find the root we could destroy the fruit so what is the root of terror and fear and why are so many people fearful number one you become fearful when you lose sight of vision and goals and dreams and when you are led by what you see and what you feel those things that are external it can create anxiety it can create fear number two fear is caused through ignorance when you are ignorant concerning who you are and what God has called you to do when you're ignorant concerning your vision your dream when you're ignorant concerning the power of God when you're ignorant concerning the fact that God has you here and that there's nothing that catches God unawares he's got you covered he's got your front covered your back covered he's given angels charge over you yeah so we've identified the root the root is ignorance the root is also broken focus so how do you eliminate fear number one you've got to know who you are in Christ Jesus as long as you are not born again that's number one you have a lot of Christians but the question is are you a born-again Christian and so giving your heart to God is the first step number one number two recognizing that God is in control the devil is not in good hi he uses fear he uses doubt he uses temptation seduction uses a whole bunch of weapons to get us off of our game here's the thing so many people are afraid of living their lives and we have been seduced into believing that the world is going to hell in a basket but this world does not belong to the devil he is the Prince of the power of the air yes he is not the Prince of the power the earth we are the children of God God has given us authority and once we learn the fact that God has given us power of all the power of the enemy no weapon formed against you shall prosper God is not giving you the spirit of fear of power of love but a power of love and a sound mind so people are losing the soundness of their mind because they keep focusing on what the devil is doing and not on what God is doing Wow God is working on our behalf yeah he is not working I'm not only working on our behalf he is working in us yes he is working with us yes he is working through it he is working for us and here is the caveat you cannot stop weapons from being formed the scripture doesn't say that they will not form the scripture it says that no weapon formed against you shall prosper so the devil is wasting his time by forming these weapons I believe I believe that that that you know we need to go back to basics and the basics is this that the judge shall live by faith yes by faith so the opposite of faith is unbelief and fear yes so to eradicate fear you've got to see something and you've got to hear something yes and so um at the to form our previous gastro three form previous get they were talking about the things that we hear yes I want to talk about the things that we see okay how do you see yourself in this world how do you see God and then are you using the scriptures are you reading the scriptures daily a lot of us are being distracted by what the devil is doing he's gonna do what he's gonna do but you should be doing what you should be doing as well so I believe that once once we recapture the minds of believers and once were able to rehearse what God has said about us you you've got to be able to identify your internal dialogue yeah what are you saying to yourself on a daily basis going back to the scripture that was quoted faith comes by hearing yes and hearing and hearing yes and hearing whatever you hear the most yes is what you're gonna have faith in the most and so many of us we got to turn off the TV because we're listening to too much TV or listening to too much news and we need to hear the word of God we need to go back just to the basics God wants to us healed God wants us say God wants us to love it these is what God wants for us and if we can meditate on these things day and night the Bible said we are gonna make our ways prosperous and we're gonna have good success prosperity and success not only belongs to them out there but it belongs to all of us and it is a part of the promises that God asked for you know the scripture says as a man as a man thinketh in his heart so is he yeah so I always say could things be the way they are because you are the way you are and what one thing can you change that can change everything like you can change the way you think about yourself you think about your life you think about your children and you think about God changing those things can change every day yes now do you find a doctor trim that when you identify okay well maybe my internal dialogue has been off yeah you know I believe God has given us strategy tonight and this is beyond somebody blowing on you are you falling out and you're feeling good for a few moments and then two days later in a bed of depression but the tools that have been given tonight the instructions are instructions for victorious and living would you say that now if I identify that my internal dialogue is off yeah and I begin to change the dialogue change my confession change the way that I see myself in the beginning would you say that that would be an uncomfortable thing if where I have been has been in a different location and sometimes it's that we are familiar with that conversation yes you know there's the Einstein said a body at rest stays at rest until a greater external force moves it okay and so your brain is wired to think a certain way so what is the greater external force that's your mind and we should have the mind of Christ yeah two weeks ago yeah two weeks ago I had the awesome experience of walking in the into the dentist my might the top my top teeth are perfectly aligned the bottom one started moving so they gave me these wonderful braces okay and I would never thought in a million years I'll be wearing braces at this stage of my life but the braces are there they're an inconvenience they tear up your lip but they're there to bring alignment yes to something that is misaligned and the Word of God is like having spiritual braces yes anything that is misaligned that's moved out of place yes God has a way yeah I'm using his word to bring it back into play Lia and to bring our lives into divine alignment with his will my god he'll is in trouble tonight so are we moving in the round with the spirit somebody's getting ready to have a hot aha moment and the Holy Ghost so now you spoke to us about this internal dialogue I recognize that I need to change it I begin to change it when I'm changing it would you say that I would feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable is good because uncomfortable means I'm growing many times I think we stopped doing the right thing the strategy that God has given us because it doesn't feel good and it doesn't feel right but if we can get over the feelings and not be emotionally driven but rather driven by principle victory that you're talking about I think this is this is a season of birthing as well okay you cannot have birthing without pain and discomfort yeah so when the pain is at its greatest and the pressure is Eadie's Hortis this is not the time to throw in the towel and I think a lot of times we get mixed up with heavens contraction and a demonic attack mmm with the bottle said the whole world is groaning in travail and so when you see the kinds of struggles from country to country when you see the economic upheaval when you see race relationship problems yeah when you see cancers that cannot be cured it's only because heaven is having contractions like that and getting ready to birth out like the next change agent and I believe that the next change agents are doing earth out and if you look at the Bible it's when nations are at the greatest level of pain that delivers a being burst oh my goodness out of the kingdom I believe right now this this Psalm Psalm 91 is a psalm of not only protection but a psalm of incue bation yes God is hiding you in his secret place is incubating you because he's getting ready to birth you out into the realms of power new realms of authority yeah and and what what the believer is going through we should never ever give the devil more airtime than he deserves saying God is working us into something and he's working things through us so these painful times that we are going through could it be that the devil may not have the upper hand could it be that heaven is having contractions and birthing out the next lawyer the next doctor has the next social reformer working out the next apostle the head preacher the next teacher I believe that we are being birthed out in this moment that we are being hidden in the secret place of the Most High to protect us as we grow in the things of the Lord as God begins to cause us to mature and the things of the Lord yet he's really preparing us for the next go-around yes can the world I'm gonna tell you the world is now struggling in the pains of deception and and they're going through the greatest amount of deception but I believe that in the midst of this deception truth is revolutionary lujah and the world is getting waiting the world is reading right now my here the truth because nothing else is working nothing else is working so when you hear hear of incurable diseases when you're hearing of people that are suffering from anxiety and these pills are no longer working pharmaceuticals have long since stopped working this is the greatest hour for the church to rise oh yeah to be able to say we have the power we have the unknowing tier we have an anointing that will break yokes yeah we have an anointing that will heal this say a little raise the dead that will bring alignment to our government yeah that will bring healing to our families telling when we're redefining what the family looks like we can always show them the model call the family of God I don't know the era's know there may be dysfunction are there may be dysfunction in the natural family my god but there's no dysfunction in God's family however there's no dysphoria in the kingdom my god oh you are blessing us on tonight hallelujah brilliant mislabelling all afflictions yeah I Linda yes yes I'm going through no God is birthing new agents of change God is gonna take this affliction and he's gonna use it for power I believe even that that our dear pastor party has gone through and he's recovering right now every every everything is gonna work out for good oh yes so my boy yeah the Bible said Romans 8:28 all things work together for good how am I saying is it's all good it's all good you can speak to your situation can say it's all good it's also to your finances and say it's all good because you cannot create a diamond without pressure in the heat yeah and when the pressure and heat is on you financially emotionally this is not the time for you to claim that I'm going to tap out even if the devil is drinking you up and your back is against the wall and it's hitting you with a rope-a-dope do not take warfare lying down I'm gonna tell you when life bites you and pushes your back against the rope it's time to fight it back that sounds like we've got weapons that are superior to the enemy we have that weapons to disappear to the enemy so let's go back to the whole fear thing Wow people people are afraid of outcome they're afraid of if I make this decision people are gonna leave me if I make this decision people are gonna misunderstand me if I make this decision I'm gonna be by myself but you know a lot of times what God is doing is pushing us to make decisions to create that vacuum so the wrong people could leave our life they leave in a vacuum for the right people to come in here uh-huh oh yeah and and the pressure has comes upon a diamond to bring the brilliance out of wow so the more life cuts at us the more facets are formed and the more brilliantly we are able to shine with God's glory you are so reminded me of Isaiah 66 and 9 it says I have not bought you to the point of birth to not deliver come on in other words all this pain is gonna pay off God is not playing games with our lives and I believe you know the ignorance the enemy is you know the greatest enemy of the church is not Satan it's not the devil the greatest enemy of the church is ignorance we are ignorant to who we are we are ignorant about our identity the church is suffering from the greatest identity crises but I believe that it's going to be this generation that we're going to see the identity of the church restored my dad and everything that this is so powerful with you sharing with us tonight
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 315,778
Rating: 4.89924 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley (Person), medina pullings, cindy trimm, dr. trimm, Dr. Cindy Trimm, www.cindytrimm.com, www.CindyTrimmMinistries.org, www.Facebook.com/drtrimm, www.twitter.com/cindytrimm, faith, interview, christian, decree, declare, prayer, empowerment, kingdom, message of the kingdom, message of faith, Praise, Gospel, Christianity (Religion), Ministry, Religion (TV Genre), Lord, overcoming fear, fear
Id: RvltG9qqHnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2015
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