The Rules of Engagement Declarations and Prayers for spiritual warfare

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[Music] God's official legislature and law enforcement agent I come in the name of the resurrected Jesus who's I am and whom I serve the Acton name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven things in earth things under the earth that every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord I effect and enforce God's original plans and purposes over against the plans and the purposes of Satan I decree and declare that in this battle no intrinsic no extrinsic weapon be an emotional financial physical social psychological spiritual organizational interpersonal formed against me shall prosper I place upon myself the armor of light and of the Lord truth to cover my loins a breastplate of righteousness to cover my heart and chest cavity the gospel of peace to cover my feet the shield of faith to defensively and offensively cover my body the helmet of salvation to cover my head the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God the Lord Jesus Christ Christ a robe of righteousness the glory of God as my rare reward I decree and declare that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through God I pull down strongholds cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that lifts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ my thoughts are now subject to the lordship of Christ I speak that that God's anointing destroys every yoke in my life and that my soul my spirit my body now functions in order according to divine systems of protocol I decree and declare that I am healed and spirit filled in sickness and diseases apart from me I establish divine parameters boundaries and borders and legislate and establish the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven to govern all activities within I over rule and disallow I veto every diabolical sanction subverting activity injunction directive mending or order which opposes the will of the Lord concerning my life my ministry my finances my family hallelujah ideas are no diabolical decisions and rulings concerning my ministry and concerning my life and the lives of my family members my friends my associates I take control over the airwaves the Galaxy systems Rams Regents domain spheres sweaty spheres hemisphere atmosphere anything that will affect me negatively I'd bring it unto the obedience and the lordship of Christ and I decree and declare that those things are aligned I dispossessed master spirits and employee Michael Archangels the angelic hosts to handle any satanic contentious disputing strivings resistance concerning this injunction I decree and declare success that successful define an angelic undertaken to undergird ins reinforcements and assistance according to your word at Psalm 103 and 20 I summoned angels that now excel in strength and to marshal and protect my personage and property and possessions Jehovah give or contend with those to contend with me but against those that but against me take hold of the shield and buckler stand up for my help draw out also the spear in the javelin rose up the way of those who pursue and persecute me roll yourself in your garment of war muster your devices gather your weaponry and ammunition from your divine arsenal make right your arrows gather your shields or let vengeance be your ultimate goal as you overthrow the chariots of horses the rider sir let terror strike the hearts of my enemy and cause their hearts to Taylor I decree and declare that by you I won through troops of Iowa I'd leap over walls you are my god the God who hurts me with strength sir the club that makes my weight perfect huh it is you who makes my feet as Hinds Peter giving me stability so that I'm able to stand firm there and progress on dangerous heights of testing in trouble you sent me securely upon my high places you teach my hands to warm my fingers to fight granting the supernatural strength and ability sir so that my arms break the bow of Steel you are my rock my shield my strong tower you have equipped me with the shield of salvation and your right hand establishes me as a victor in this battle father beat down the enemy give me their neck huh caused me to pursue and overtake them until they are wounded and consumed falling at my feet never to rise up again establish my name in the heavenly sir let them that were here of me submit and obey me because of the anointed that it do it placed upon my life because of the spirit of servanthood hallelujah from which I operator I am your servant and even as the light you came hallelujah requesting an open heaven and fire falling down the cause of his servanthood comment your servant praying defero i announce that it is you who has left it is you who has empowered me it is not by my strength it is not by my mitre but it's by your power and by the Spirit of the Lord which is upon me the spirit of mightor hallelujah that comes upon me but when the enemies shall come in a like a flood your spirit err lift up a standard against hammer I prepare them and disallow further opposing activities of any satanic personalities with diabolical assignment concerning my life my ministry my family and I wore a way I way to walk here for them and for everything that you have released her in the realm of the Spirit that pertains to my life and godliness I disapprove and prohibit any demonic interception and interference or resistance I resist satanic contentions intentions provocations negotiation concerning my life my soul and superimpose prophetic purpose and divine destiny over again all activities and affording opposing forces that are contrary to the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning my life I find satanic arrests and rebukes a tenant concentration I bring to a halter and prohibit all state telling surveillance I believe both burdens I remove the feelings of heaviness from offer your child from often that one to this tape spirit of oppression behind to her and I'll lose your factor probably a spirit of depression behind you a Luke's gods man loose this woman of God Luke says men of God lose this child in the name of Jesus cast them upon the Lord cast the burden of a cast the feelings of heaviness I cast a stressor cap disillusionment and place it at the foot of Jesus a hallelujah and make you a part of the footstool of Jesus I decree and declare that they shall not be moved I decree and declare that by the anointing covenants and contractor and chains and pedis and bandages her proclivities and captivity sir they are destroyed in the name of Jesus a anything that is contrary to or oppose or hinder the fulfillment of God's original plan and purposes they are broken I sever it now in the name of Jesus I decree and declare hallelujah that there is liberation of the soul ties generational satanic demonic alliances of legions and curses spirits of inheritance I sever them from open this woman on for this man over this town i stripper them i sever them by your blood I sever them by your spirit I speak to the DNA and declare that is free from all influences passed down from one generation to another whether that's down biologically socially emotionally physiologically psychologically spiritually or any other channel whether it's known unknown I decree and declare hallelujah deliverance in that area Father we resist every spirit that accented doorkeeper to our souls and we renounce any further conscious or unconscious alliance association Allegiance or covenant we open ourselves to divine deliverance father have your way now perfect those things concerning us rather we also decree and declare then a prayer she'll be anointed and a bloodline hallelujah forms a head of protection which hides it from familiar spirit and from all their money personalities making it difficult if not impossible for them to track us in the realm of the Spirit there shall be no preparation and penetration in the name of Jesus the anointing seals access the Holy Spirit stands on guard Jesus Christ that kept him about Lord hallelujah we worked with him we were syncopated with him we are synchronized with the Holy Spirit at this time we release hallelujah our names into the atmosphere and decree and declare that prayer warriors intercessors prophetic Watchmen are picking us up in the realm of the Spirit we speak that they will not cease or come down from their watchtowers until their assignments have been come we decree and declare that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us the spirit of wisdom understanding divine counsel supernatural night knowledge the atmosphere of Jehovah and father as I advanced and as we advance and as we divide our divine the empowered and increase in skill and understanding I decree and declare hallelujah oppressed supply of the Spirit in the name of Jesus we of literate and annihilates agentic impressive illusion projection perception suggestion suspicion deception to set up that is set up as a decoy or an ambush to our soul and those assigned to pray with us for us on behalf of us to intercede for us those that work with us and are assigned to work to wit with us and a red sign to us and interact with us on a daily basis we dissin o and disengage and disallow any further impressions coming to their mind of their spirit in the name of Jesus father overthrow the plans of the troublemakers scorn of scoffers luckless persecutors character assassins expose satanic representative grant unto us divine strategies and tactics to identify rinses overcome every plant and every plan established for our demise draw out your skill stop them in their way let them be confounded and put to shame let them fall by their own counsel let them be turned back and boys your confusion let me as chat driven by the wind let the angel of the Lord persecute them let their way be through dark and slippery break places with the angel of the Lord pursuing an afflicted them let them be put to shame and dishonor those who seek and require our lives let them be turn back and compile the new plan our hurt lets destruction come to them suddenly let them fall to their own destruction let destruction come upon them unaware let them stumble and fall into the very destruction they have contrived for us let them be wounded and destroyed by the whip very weapons they have devised for us let them recording the same night they have set for us let them fall in the very pit that they have done for us let them be hung by the very news day of construction for us let them be burned by the very fire they're lit for us let them be consumed by the very beast that they prepare for us break them down in the very act of their mission let their mr3 return to them double for pluck them out of their dwelling place root them out of the land of the living let's give us lay them and definitely should be their life make them as a wheel turning in confusion make them as trouble before the wind makes a mess wood burning in the fire persecute them with the tempest court fear and terror to grip their hearts let them be confounded and trouble forever your name is glorified Jehovah dear boy put our hope for all destruction disturbing destructive measures but this reason was the son of God made manifest that he would destroy the works of the enemy and I decree and declare that the works of the enemy is destroyed i prevail against satanic inhibitions prohibitions or limitations i decree and declare that all invisible and invincible walls are destroyed i execute divine judgment against satanic demonic activities and i wore in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu I disapprove nullify mental cancel and forcefully affirm opposed any satanic operation maneuvers manipulation subversion strategies tactics but plans Floyds which are designed to hinder prevent frustrate foil deny delay God's original plan and purpose from their quick Swift and speedy manifestation particularly in the correct time and season I decree and declare that we are moving syncopated to your correct timing and season we are not about out of timing we are not in or out of our season but that we prohibit the alteration and the changes of any time or laws concerning our life and ministry or the light heads of my family we move synchronized syncopated to the choreographic Louisville card we decree and declare that our times and seasons are in your hand Lord and they shall not be altered or adjusted by anyone or anything we function on the anointing of the sons of Issachar and father you give us hallelujah the divine ability to accurately discern and our times and season father we decree in declare that this day we operate according to God's divine timetable on calendar we decree in declare that your agenda is our agenda father we are not alone I have been bought with a price we therefore submit ourselves to you and you alone we agree that like Jesus we come in the volume of the book that is written of us I decree and declare that the eyes of my spirits function with 20/20 vision for correct understanding and interpretation of the by movements we decree and declare that our eyes are tuned with the correct frequency and the spirit that we have clear transmission we employ the hosts of heaven to work against the hosts of darkness take command and bring our hope and play the moratorium on further demonic movements and satanic activities emanating from the underworld and it's six regions hallelujah death have the grave the pit the abyss hallelujah reasons at the scene o jehovih give our fight in these areas even as you brought deliverance of an eternal of Israel who had problems hallelujah fighting with the forces of hell from the six regions hallelujah we decree and declare that you are causing us to overcome and you have given us victory through your son Jesus Christ we decree in the clear hallelujah that the host of heaven is warring against Hallelujah every demonic heavenly host heavenly at their warring overs terrestrial and celestial domains hallelujah we superimpose the prophetic word over all the port of measures strategies tactics of the enemy we overrule an overthrow according to isaiah 54:17 ield spoken words in witch's enchantments divination spells hexes curses witchcraft prayers every idle word spoken contrary to God's original plans and purposes we reverse the curse associated with these utterances and decree and declare that they shall not stand they shall not come to pass they shall not take root their verbal violence dealings a return to them double poll we declare and declare that every line tongue is wrong and that truth prevails who open their nostril bridle their lips hide us from the scourge of their tongue we come against foes who it slender speculation accusation misrepresentation care attacks destination father cause the heavens to bow down with divine judgment cats for lightning to scatter them shoot out your arrows to destroy them your hand from above and rid us of it we prohibit the accuser of the Brethren from operated or influencing the souls are mine of anyone who comes into contact with us we reverse the effects of stigma and decree and declare favor grace honor well wishes now places any and all negative feelings perceptions thoughts concerning ourselves our family our work our ministry which we are called to accomplish we decree and declare nobility and greatness is our portion father frustrate the signs of witches and warlocks who would stand the anointing as you did with jettison Jumblies in the days of Moses confound the Allman's of lions astrologist second prognosticators sorceress and the light met fools of dividers make their dark knowledge foolishness father repute and dismantle satanic alliances and Confederations arrest them by the spirit let every covert and cleansing son effort and endeavor fail disappoint the devices that they have crafted so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise take them in their own crafty and the devious ways let them meet with darkness in the daytime and growth in the noonday and the night overruled and overthrow sabotage submergence setbacks that every attack of retaliation failed hallelujah confirm the words of your servants in their minds and perform the counsel of your messenger send divine angelic prophetic assaults against diabolical intelligence release divine viruses to invade satanic databases and command that they be consumed and destroyed bled out all diabolical records so that the accuser of the Brethren has nothing upon which he may substantiate his accusations and allegations which he all future diabolical communications the networking failed send a spirit of confusion among them let their tongues be divided so that when they communicate it will be incoherent and misunderstood a rep those that operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial let not them not resist the anointing usurp Authority or gain any ground in the natural earth they are in the realm of the Spirit I prohibit satanic manifestations and speak that divided important measures and miscarriages occur in satanic wounds and into incubators now father you have given us a great work to accomplish we wore for the releasing of finances and all resources that belong to us everything prepared for us before the foundation of the world that pertains to our life a ministry and a calling we shall not and will not be denied we shall not and will not accept substitutes we call it the resources from the north the South the East the West we decree and declare that every resource necessary for us to fulfill your original plan and purpose comes to us without delays we decree and declare that the wealth of the wicked it's no longer laid up for us but it's released now let those who hold on to our wealth any longer than they should be afflicted and tormented without relief until they were released until they release what rightfully belongs to us we command Satan according hallelujah it's a job 20 bucks 15 to 18 spit it out loose it Corp it up release it and let it go I really an iterate Corp it up spin it out loose it release it let it go to home and Jeff and Ira lose the lines of kings in the name of Jesus command that the two leaven gates be opened go before us make the crooked places straight break into pieces the gates of brass cut into sunder the bar of the land grant them to us according to your riches and glory your tender mercies and immeasurable favor The Treasures of darkness the hidden riches of secret places we do clean declare that the Cyrus spring anointing flows unhindered uncontaminated in our lives I decree and declare according to Sam's 24 seven to ten lift up your heads o ye gates and keep what's up the gates and be ye lifted up ye a dividing doors and doorkeepers let the King of glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord of hosts may come in I announce our awareness that you cannot deny mxs before he is my shepherd leading me therefore I will not and cannot be denied over what rightfully belongs to me I decree and declare the releasing of the forces of the Gentile the gold and the silver from my prophetic torches my prophetic Queen of Sheba to come laden with precious possessions resources endowments fit for the sons and daughters of the king of kings I decree and declare that I shall suck the milk of the Gentiles suck the breath of Kings I shall be enlarged as the abundance of the sea it's converted unto me the sons of strangers shall build up my world and the King shall minister unto me Ida green declare that my god has brought me into a wealthy place I dwell in my prophetic Goshen I increase in substance and brush when the language who I abide and sent as an ambassador of God as his official representative at diplomatic and with diplomatic and aristocratic rights privileges respect honor all of these things are extended to me grace truth goodness and mercy are my bodyguards I decree and declare wisdom is my counsellor the spirit is my consultant Jesus Christ is my advocate God Alan Leong is my only judge and he has declared and I fear for establish that my officers are peace my exact ORS righteousness my world salvation and my gates praise I decree in declare that my set time of favor will not be frustrated I release upon my life my ministry the lives of every family member my associates my friends the following anointing for wealth and prosperity so that God and God's name alone is glorified the jay-bez anointing the abrahamic anointed the Melchisedec anointed the Joseph anointed that you call be an anointing the Isaac anointed the Messiah's anointed the cell Mayock anointed the seven-four Angelica noise in the use a an anointing and the Joshua anointing I decree and declare that I am daily noted with benefits I come against the spirit of deprivation the Lord presses the works of my hand by him and through him I accomplish great exploits again I reiterate I shall not be denied I decree and declare success and progress in Jesus name I decree and declare that the Kingdom of Heaven rules and reigns I send these words forth in this prayer as to ratnam winds in the realm of the Spirit to the lowest destroy the enemy's camp called the four winds of the Spirit to the end of and the heavens to blow its destroying conquering winds I decree and declare that this prayer and all future prayers take on the characteristics of the vine projectiles in the realm of the Spirit and that they get inside i decree declare that the Lord said governed this prayer and all spiritual warfare strategies and tactics abandoned by the word the blood and that by the spirit and I decree and declare that every spirit is released from there by diabolical assignment and now becomes a part of the footstool of Jesus and I sealed this prayer in the name of Jesus amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: PolongoTv
Views: 1,872,986
Rating: 4.6797709 out of 5
Keywords: Cindy Trimm, Olukoya, MFM, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Warfare and Tactics, Prayer, RCCG, KICC, TD Jakes, prayer, inspiration, motivation, warfare, depression
Id: TiGHkLl-S1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 23 2014
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