Dr. Juanita Bynum Interviews Prophetess Nichols, Bishop Weeks Sr. And Dr. Cindy Trimm

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I were to write a book I can never tell it all but this is the woman that the Lord picked up and chose for nine solid years grab my life at a stage when I thought I was somebody when I thought I was moving in ministry when I was already uh being asked to preach in large churches and my name was already across the country but this was a woman that wasn't afraid to meet me for the first time when I came to her church to minister and she was able to take me in the back room and said you a powerful powerful young woman but I can tell that God's not finished purifying you yet and if you let me and you turn in your black book and call everybody and tell them that you don't preach anymore and let me put you on the backside of the desert and dig your belly out God will take you to the nation's and your ministry will be greater than it has ever been before and there's been a lot of days of crying a lot of days of hardship a lot of days of rebuke but the result is the fact that I'm sitting here today declares that what God put in her belly it worked because I'm here sitting inside of my divine purpose so please all over the nation and all over this room help me to welcome properties Dillons Peter Nichols [Applause] well I don't even know where to start it but but I guess I'll just start by saying what was it like mentoring Juanita binder I go I started with a loaded question right that's why I would but I think a lot of people have often asked me and they've often written to me and called me and since the Lord kind of kind of tossed me over into this whole mentorship and spiritual motherhood and I've now become a spiritual mother myself I think I've been in a high pursuit to help people to understand that that what has happened in my life it's not luck it's not magic it's not something that just happened it's not that somebody walked up to me and picked me out of a crowd and puts them all on my head and prophesied over me and then BAM there I was I want people to understand what does it really mean sister Nichols to be processed that's the first question I want I want to start out with tonight what does it mean to be processed Wow that's a loaded question but it's absolute powerful question and I think it's a question that every person that is expecting to be used by God I think that there is a time and a season that God would use you to connect with a person a divine connection that can help to break you I think the processing is called being broken and being willing to take the death walk yes and I minister about that death walk and as as a person is going to the death chamber and and as they're processing through that through that seat that time of going through the death chamber many things in your life that you fail to deal with and confront issues in your life and cycles in your life and I really really believe that the process breaks cycles okay I think that that is one of the major things that happen is God breaks cycles in our lives things that we have not been able to overcome all of our life issues of our life things that happen to us in our childhood molestation abuse and all kinds of things coming up in a home where their struggles in the home broken homes and and just all kinds of dysfunction that happens in our lives and I believe that when God connects you with somebody and when you got connected you with me I was not fully completely birthed out myself but I was born to mother I was born to nurture I don't know that's in me and so when God sent you my way I knew that there was a gift in you but there was something that that was that that had to be broken there was another part of you that needed to be broken so that that gift could come full thrust mm-hmm and so God used me you know I'm like a general in the army I was so unlike a soldier and I deal with people that way and many times folk don't understand the nature of a mentor because I'm a mentor isn't often really really nice so sweet and I don't have to be nice and sweet what you what and I when I said when I was here before two years ago there that you don't have to like me but you have to love him but you don't have to like me to get what I have in me so God put something in me to break to help to break yeah you out and to push you in yeah I call myself the wind in your back okay I'm the wind in your back and so I think the process is being broken it's so so so when when a person is in the process of being broken and and and you can deal with with even my situation what will be some of the manifestations that you would see come out of a person when you know that they're on the brink of that breakthrough you know some of the things that you would see come out of them that that most people feel like this is the breaking point where we go our separate ways but really is it it really isn't time to split up it's rough like this because that person is just about to break through absolutely absolutely it's just like the stages of having a baby and it's just like with that woman it's time for that woman to bring forth when that baby's hears about the crown there is a lot of pain there is a lot of you know swelling a lot of fluid buildup and just talking a lot of emotionalism a lot just a lot of things happen to you and so it is is when you're birthed and forth a child in the spirit when your birthday is for someone that you're mentoring that child that is the most ugly place it's the darkest place yeah I have to tell you that it's a dark place yeah many times the mentor wants to give up many times I wanted to give up and just turn you loose but the Lord wouldn't let me do because I had a love in me for you first of all I think that there has to be a deep love in that mentor for that Protege well I think that the Protege has to be able to see the love in that mentor if you don't see the love in that person then it's very difficult for you to receive from them and so I think it's an ugly place it's an ugly place that's a hard place it's a bitter place all the ugliness starts to come out of them but also there is there's a ray of hope that comes by virtue of that breaking process just before their child is about the crown and be born there is a lot of opposition then oftentimes the mentors and the Protege starts they begin to have battles between the two of them because because would you would you agree mom that that it gets to a point where the Protege begin to see their purpose and and and and when they begin to see their purpose then they begin to run faster than the timing and just because you can now see what you're going don't mean that it's time for you to go yeah absolutely and so and so I think at that time between us the greatest the greatest battle began to become the Battle of obedience because it's like a teenager once you you know you 12 and 13 years over by the time you get 17 and 18 you start feeling yourself and so I think doing those times when I began to start feeling myself you know and feeling like you know I know where God want to take me now it began to that process I start having a very difficult time with obeyed absolutely I mean I don't you you probably can't remember absolutely you did you had a very very very difficult time obey and those of the time I wanted to get my boner those are times I wanted to just say forget it but but do you remember the night that you know I kind of went through this this this phase and I really thought that that she was just just so oh bloody just just and the quiet had to go out of minister and we went to a very large church in the city and I got up to kind of narrate for the choir and the presence of the Lord just took over and I went forth powerful and minister so that night everybody was like oh oh you so powerful so when I got in the car with you you leaned over and said I want to say this to you and and and and you're in the way she does her finger she don't look at you when she wouldn't get me to say something that you know and she kept driving and she was looking and she said I want to say something to you that the service was powerful she said and you're not powerful until everything in you matches what comes out of you absolutely not that and you were floored I mean you were absolutely floored by that statement that I made I was like Oh what but ever tell you how how God sometimes the Lord has to show you when you're not ready yet and I don't think it was much later then I went through a little situation it was all engaged and just thought this person was the one and they were trying to tell me he ain't the one and since the niccola saying why needed you got to understand that it ain't time whatever and I was just all but anyway I got my heart broke and that night her and pastor had and evangelists into preaching and I went out to the bar and just got drunk and they came when I pulled up I ran my car in their driveway on her flowers all the way up to her front statuses and I fell over on the horn and the horn was just blind pastor came out his advantage of the spring came out TC and Bridget came out and I was just drunk and at that time your mother was living yes and she was like oh baby that this baby is hurt and that's what she see if that so sister dick was a pastor didn't say anything that night and they brought me in and I was in mother heels bed and and they nursed me and that next born it was a Sunday morning pastor walked by the door and banged on the doors so loud and said get up and get your clothes on he said cuz you going to church this one and my head was spinning when I got the church mother Hill sister nickels and mother life they started beating and praying for me and I was so full of alcohol I didn't know whether I was gonna faint or throw up and I was when I came to myself I was sprawled out on the floor the next day you called me in the office and you said that's the kind of stuff that I'm talking about until you can learn how to face opposition and hold on to your testimony then you ain't ready to preach to nobody and I still clap your hands for Jesus right now and I still say that I still I still say that to other daughters and sons that we mentor I still say the same thing until you can learn to overcome those little nose areas you know that that could those errands of distractions yes until you can learn to overcome those areas of character flaws and and those different things like that then you're not ready to mentor to the nation you're not ready to minister to the nation and so that's why I would do that because I saw the gift in you and the gift would come out but then something else would come up behind that you know I'm saying yeah you know until you learn how to maintain your vessel in virtue you know be a virtuous woman until you learn how to walk in character and be consistent in your walk and relationship with God then that was it until then I was not gonna let you go I was not gonna let you go and I think that is the major thing that pastors and leaders and mentors need to understand that when we we so quick to push people out because we're just so we want people to know that I was I'm the reason why they're there but but but you don't understand that until you can put you can break them get them broken and that the character of Jesus Christ can come out of them and they can live out they can live the testimony out yes and they can walk what they talking until that happens then you are what you're doing is releasing a mist of the world you don't really sort of mess and what happens is they don't have longevity of ministry they've got in their tear up churches they tear up ministries and I'm telling you then they begin to operate in that gift which is it which is nothing but witchcraft especially those operating prophetic talk about that you see many people that come to our ministry aren't prophetic our churches a prophetic ministry so we deal with that and battle with that a lot of time yeah so when you came I knew that was in you yeah I know that God sends those people to us and so when when you came I knew that wasn't you but I want to tell you that until we learn how until we learn how it's pastors and leaders to groom to help to break to enforce you know teach them how to walk in obedience to walk in submission to leadership and authority first submitted to God and to the gift is not as important as your character your gift is not as important as your character you see your character will keep you there you'll get this very short and limited but your character will keep you yet I'm telling you when you release the anointing out of you after you walked in true character after you water when you release that anointing people people's lives get changed forever that's right and that's what you want people's life change forever not just touch and then they can go and they can begin to transform unhook life yes second be one of those who are disciple and transform other folks like if you're not doing that then you're not doing what you're supposed to do as a mentor because when I look at the sons and daughters every release I want to look at them and know that that yes I had a part in that but I want to look at them knowing that there that they were last till until the coming of the Lord their last to the end and that then not only will they last but lives will be touched and changed as a result of their break you gotta take the death walk you gotta take the death walkabout there you've gotta take the guest walk if you don't take the death walk you have no longevity of ministry you're dying on the vine I'm telling you people that get in contact with you people's lives that you touch your ruin their lives I've seen it happen too many times I've seen people that get involved with folk that have not gone through the breaking process they don't understand obedience they don't understand submission to Authority come on they don't understand that and they don't and another thing is that they battle with those sins of the flesh and when they go in they become in this church and I wanna tell you that it's time for us as leaders and pastors to stop being so concerned about folks gifts cause they can come in your church and prophesy and then coming on searching they can come in your church and and you know and cast out Devils and all of those things can I tell you that is it it is vital and it is important that you bring people to that place of decision that they're able my God my God who bring them to that place where they can see themselves yeah I can see that nasty old dirty lowdown stinking spirit that they're operating in and gang and begin to walk in the true holiness of God do you not know that God is calling us to holiness God is calling us back to holiness and if I preach anything it would be holiness yes sanctification and honor obedience and submission to Authority submission to God there you can resist that's right and that's one thing I loved about you is that you walked are you understood Authority it took you a long time to get there yes ma'am but you had a heart and a desire and I believe it's what your parents put into you how I believe it's what your mother and father put in you yes and when you came to us you know you wanted to do your thing but you were willing because you knew there was something inside of you that God wanted to you that was a treasure in you and the mentor and the leaders have to see the treasure in the people you got to see the treasure that's inside of people's right and when you came to me I saw the treasure in you and God told me to tell you that you were a daughter of destiny thank you she told me he said there's same anointing that was all Kathryn Kuhlman would be on your life and I'm telling you God has called that thing to be true it's true it's true that same anointing is so I just want to say to pastors and leaders and those that mentor people and disciple people when discipleship is one of the major ministries of the church and that's the most neglected ministry that's one of the grounds that we neglect the most Wow come on Wow the one ministry that could train that trains people and help people to catch the spirit of the leadership and catch the spirit of the church you know and train them how to walk worthy before the Lord and walk virtuous before God and walk I'll teach them how to walk in the anointing teach them how to hear the voice of the Father teach them how to pray come on those are the things that we neglect and I talk jump over that since then it goes I have to I have to interject this because what people don't realize is that what you put in your sons and daughters one day you will need absolutely that's because you you enforce prayer in my life you made me go to prayer when I didn't want to go every time the Lord called you to an all-night prayer it was like an all-night prayer and I was like I didn't he call you to the old library I still do it and she used to say to me well if he ain't called you then you just gonna have to sit on the bench until he get through with me so I was I was I was made to go to prayer and and and and there are times that I would be sitting up in church looking like I wasn't interested and she would walk over there and start calling the devil out of me and off of me in front of everybody and I would say to her but you embarrassed me she said but you know what I'm not concerned about your feelings because you were gone of destiny absolutely but I remember a couple of years ago and just coming into this the Lord took a turn in your life and for a long time I used to ask you all the time why don't you mentor people why don't you you know and you say to me you know what I I think I had that on me when when when God sent you to me but I think maybe it's it's just time for me to just sit back and just you know become the pastor's wife and just let God go ahead and do it in somebody else and I remember one night we were at Judy Jacobs conference and I got a phone call that you were at the point of death and when I took the microphone to preach at the end of the message the Lord stopped me actually in the middle of the message and took me up in the spirit and I went up in God and I saw sister Nichols in a hospital bed and I saw people standing over her and I began to call life back since the Nichols had already slipped into the state of a coma and they told me that when you came out the doctors was asking you where were you and you were saying I'm in church and they were saying you in the hospital you were staying at all insurance because that that probably loved it oh you don't want to hear me the Lord just like he uses your mentors to pick your life up in the spirit one day you have to turn around and and I say to you today and prophesy to you today that you will grab a hold for so many other women just like me and you were mentored in the destiny because your real ministry has just begun but somebody put your hands together to them [Music] you Jesus Alleluia thank you Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus more of you and less of me nothing else will do I believe that the more we die to self and the more we died to our own will and our own desires let me just say this to you I was ministering this morning in Kansas City and if you in the Kansas City area the Lord had allowed me to have a very awesome experience when I went there to minister and he instructed me that it was time and it was the time and the season for the Ark of the Covenant to travel and so the Lord lifted the mandate from me for season from New York City and we had the Ark of the Covenant shipped to Kansas City and we did our first 5:00 a.m. prayer in Kansas City this morning but over 3,000 people present at five o'clock in the morning I think somebody ought to bless God right there [Applause] and you know what I'm not going to stop pushing the power prayer until I get the same response that any other actor or star gets when they mount a platform when the body of Christ begin to praise the power prayer then we're going to see miracles happen in our everyday lives so I'm going to say that one more time I believe that there is a power that we know not of when we learn to celebrate God for bringing in our direction the power prayer let me believe a beginning that you've got a praise for that my god from shine [Music] men of God and women of God I don't say this because it sounds good but I say it everywhere I go because it is a conviction down in my soul that prayer doesn't just change things prayer changes everything [Applause] we're changes everything and I begin to share with the people this morning I said you don't want to miss your divine calling when the Lord begins to speak and he begins to send out the clarion call to those that he has assigned to the office of the intercessor and the prayer warrior then we must come to a place where we come to the Lord not desiring his hand but desiring his face because this is an hour that we must seek the Lord to find out for once and for all God what is your will not only for my life but for the nation for the world and when we hear God speak concerning what is his will jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and he weld out the Bible said unto sweat poured from him as of light drops of blood and God answered him not he cried out to God because of what he was about to go through and the Lord answered him not but when he got to the place Hodder OSHA and he said not my will but thine will be done then the Bible said and the Lord released ministry angels to come and strengthen him for his journey and that's what I'm talking about if you feel in a week tonight are you're going through something all you need to do is say to the Lord Lord nevertheless [Applause] we'll be done [Applause] [Music] there is a demon in hell that can fight against the will of God do not understand that the will of God can be stopped it may be hindered but it can't be stopped because going to be I don't know who I'm talking to right there in television land but I feel somebody needs to get up off your couch and make the devil out of a life tell you that you need to make them in your mind the side of God that Lord at this my will if it is your will for me to suffer miss me then you ain't got to remove the burden just give me strength estate I just restrict my god more of you and less of me that's the more I'm talking about saints of God not the more that makes me feel good not the more where everything goes my way not the more where I began to prostitute the anointing and make God feels like he have to do everything I tell him to do but I'm looking for the more of me oh god I just want more of you I'm looking for that side that says you don't have to change it for me but just change me in it oh my God thank you Jesus as we move to the next phase of what I'm trying to bring across tonight the job of sister Peter Nichols and pastor Tara Nichols was to take me through the process of the breaking to get me to the point of where God has called me to the day they were the ones that got used to put the brakes on the glorification of that side of my ministry and helped me to find myself and be true to my own self about who I really was behind closed doors because the Lord brought this scripture to mind and this was the scripture that I don't even know if sister Nichols remember giving this scripture to me and Jeremiah 1 and I still read it to this very day when I feel discouraged about what's going on and and it looks like a lot of things that God has promised and spoken to take place in my ministry is not happening I refer back to his promise Jeremiah 1 and I'm going to read this for people that are in here tonight I feel a witness with this and for some of you that are watching the reason why your warfare has been heavy because the scripture said in Jeremiah 1 and 4 then the word of the Lord came to me Jeremiah is saying before I formed you in the womb I knew and approved you as my chosen instrument and before you were born I separated and sent you apart consecrating you and I appointed you as a prophet to the nation's then said I our Lord God behold I cannot speak but I am only a youth but the Lord said to me say not I am only a youth for you shall go to Oh to whom I shall send you and whatever I commend you you shall speak be not afraid of them their faces for I am with you to deliver you says the Lord then the Lord put his hand and touch my mouth and the Lord said to me behold I have put my words in your mouth see I have this day and I just felt that for somebody I have this day appointed you to the oversight of the nation's and of the kingdom's to root out and to pull down to destroy and to overthrow to build and to plant moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying Jeremiah what do you see and I said I see a branch or shoot of an almond tree the emblem of alertness and activity blossoming in the later winter then said the Lord to me you have seen well for I am alert and active watching over my world to perform it I'm here to tell you that you don't have to be concerned about your future because the Lord verifies to us today that he's alert and active and his job is to watch over his word to perform it my next guest is an individual that the Lord has been using long before I ever met him long before I ever became his daughter-in-law long before he ever knew who I was and I knew who he was the Lord had already taking this man's ministry into a phenomenal direction and it already sent him across this nation I cannot even begin to tell you the places that he has gone in numerous of times in remote areas in other countries not knowing that the Lord was preparing his ministry so that one day he would be instrumental and taking me to the nation's I'm telling you we listen we server or some God while you trying to figure it out the Lord has already worked it out [Applause] so I'd like for you tonight to put your hands together and please help me welcome Bishop my father-in-law my dad Bishop Thomas weeks please put your hands together for him tonight [Applause] [Music] well that the part that I want to concentrate on tonight and I kind of asked you to come because and I really asked us the Nichols to come tonight because I really feel like tonight in the spirit is a very special night for me it's I kind of feel like it's like a graduation or a promotion I feel like the Lord is is promoting me tonight it's it's I'm marching and kind of getting my master's degree you know on this side and and getting ready to go into my next level and and and I want I brought you on so that you can help me explain to people what has actually happened without my knowing it you know and unannounced to me and unbeknown to me I want you to tell them what you brought back to me that really just took me off my feet and it's still taking me off my feet and sending me into prayer but how the Lord has definitely used the technicals to process me to become literally a prophet to the nation's and not just to the United States but to the nations worldwide go ahead dad praise the Lord everybody the Lord as you said works things out we're not even cognizant I just want to go back to a statement that you made not my will but your will yes and so many times when we get caught up in our where we're actually stopping what we're praying for right what we're hoping for because our will is so far less than what God has yes in store for us that once we submit to his will and we allow everything to become possible then he takes us into divine possibilities Wow and he moves us into areas into things that we didn't even think about and allows them to begin to happen but we have to submit ourselves to his will and it calls for faith it calls for us to start believing God and not our selves right and once we start believing God he the Lord says to a man he says to him now if you could just believe all things are possible yeah he was just thinking about one particular thing yes but the Lord says now you need got to move to a faithless state so that all things can be possible so that one thing can be possible yes in other words you got to move to a state that all things become possible that I can move you into the divine and then allow what I want to have happen for your life yeah yeah because what you're thinking is down here secular it says it's in your realm but I want to bring you into God realm and so he said think believe now in Christ and all thing becomes possible now what was happening was that in 1999 you came and spoke and praise power celebration and what when you came the Lord just took over it was one of those nights that the lights went out and it was just all kind of stuff we were in Baltimore and it was it was just something to behold and we while that took place you went around laid hands on everybody on the pulpit I was out everybody was out we are all out the Lord spoke to me and he said to me at that particular time from now on on the praise power emblem to put a horn he says it's going to be a clarion call put a horn and you'll see that on the next year there's a horn there right had nothing just it was just happen to you you were there Center cetera we didn't know anything about what was going to happen in the future I've come about and then over the some years past and now you're my daughter and one night the Lord just brought everything back to me spoke to me it allowed me to know but that horn that he asked me to put that trumpet that he asked me to put on praise power was you that you will become a trumpet to the nation's again what happened that year when he said that the next year we had week we had a praise power celebration in Africa we actually took it the next year in Africa with that horn there not again not knowing that we just was following the leading of the Lord yes and the Lord worked out and and allowed me to develop all kind of relationships throughout Africa and especially in Kenya and now what has happened the Lord has put it all together he was just working it all out because when he spoke to me that night that you were caught and you know I talked to you and shared with you that what the Lord had put on me and I knew that he was talking to you about going to the nations yes yes and I submitted myself to you to let you know that I will work on your behalf to be able to take your ministry to the nations and beginning in Kenya where the Lord had just opened up all kinds of doors so that you will be able to minister there since that time just just over the last couple of months what the Lord has been sharing with me is what you just was speaking about just a moment ago do you have a a call for that intercessor if there is anything God wants us to be right now yes yes intercessors yes bishop now we're going to be worshipers when we get there yeah The Replacements yeah we're gonna go there and we're gonna worship yes but down here what the Lord wants us to be is intercession yes and once we could get to the point that not only pray for myself but I pray for everybody around me yes yes yeah I pray for folk I don't even like yes yes you're a for folk I don't even know then the Lord can operate and do great things thank you I note something in the Bible this is what the law was sharing with me that that's your ministry that's that he is giving you a mantle for you to be able to break and to just do two things I remember just coming up on the end of jobs life and the Lord turns to job's friends that had been talking about him and putting him down and said now listen III know that you want forgiveness you're gonna have to bring a sacrifice but let me tell you things are not gonna happen until Joel prays for you my god Joe it's seeds for you and then Joe had to come and pray for them as soon as job prayed for them the Lord said to Joe the Lord said to joke now things are going to turn around for you Wow not only do you bless somebody when you pray but stuff start happening in your life as an intercessor right right right and I believe that once we start once once nations start just interceding yeah we will start breaking some stuff yes yes for us that's what's gonna happen in in Africa when you we go over when you pray when you're able to pray there the shawls and the the word that will come out of your mouth it's going to break some things and allow Africa Africa there's a worshiping nation worshiping continent they worship they worship and they pray but you're gonna add something specially that they are gonna turn around and be a blessing to the world but and I believe when you when you first came to me about it you know and you said to me you know I I have this word for you and you gave me that word at first I was like you know you know I don't know because you know over here in America we have a lot of what I call mechanical elements in Christendom that we that we sail into a powerful service you're like if you're a musician and then he can't make it happen for you and you knowing it they put you in the wrong key then you messed me up you know and if they if they if they hit the cymbals right you know it just make it happen but then when the Lord begins to graduate you to another level he puts you in a round where you're not familiar with this realm because this realm depends on none of what you used to depend upon to make it happen because now it's not the mechanics of the church it is the true power of the Spirit and this is where you separate the wheat in the Terra this is what the girls go home and the women stand up you know and so when you brought it to me I was like Lord it wasn't it I didn't know if I if I if I could go to Africa I just didn't know if I had the weight in the spirit to really talk about they called something to happen and this is what the Lord did for me Bishop I was in church one Sunday and my husband was preaching and I was sitting in the chairs sort of like this one and I was like kind of milling around with Africa and I was like you know and the Lord kept said I don't called you to the nations in the United States and the nations I don't called you beyond these regions I have called you into the highways and the byways I told you that I would bring you before kings and queens I told you that I would bring you before people that don't even speak your language and he said and the reason why I've constantly taken you to the threshing floor and taking you because I want to break all of that all of that religiosity and all of that stuff out of you because you're going to go to places that none of that matters and so I begin to just kind of sit there in church and the Spirit of the Lord just swept through the place and the service just went to a place and Bishop as sure as I'm sitting in this seat the Holy Ghost to hook me up in my seat and I went it's like my head went back in my spirit shop for it and I heard the Holy Ghost saying Africa Africa and I was traveling like about a hundred miles per hour seemed like in the spirit when I stopped I was standing in the spirit over the continent of Africa and I said you'll speak to this nation when I came back to myself I just collapsed in the chair and I said okay god you're really saying Africa and I didn't come back at first and tell you until you came back and told me what they sent to you when you went I want you to share that with them what the bishops told you over there we went to at the first of the year we went to Africa to share with them about the profit profit is coming after I shared they went around the room and I'm talking about now about 25 presiding bishops along with other bishops in Africa in the nation of Kenya men standing up and saying we have been praying and asking God to send a prophetess to speak to our nation this is what they are telling me we have been praying and asking God for the prophets because we believes that she has a word in her mouth for our nation and this continent they've been praying waiting watching by the hundreds of thousands they are gathering now just a month ago the bishops gathered alone for them to pray they praying over the nations but even more so after I was finished after they went around the room and I went outside there were about four or five of the prominent women of the nation that was also part of that meeting when I got outside they caught in me in the corner and they said tell the prophetess this has never happened in our country when our men have asked for a woman of God to come [Applause] [Music] and so right now in the nation right now in the nation they've been praying they've been waiting there I mean they are exciting we are we're going to be in a rural park which is the major park we expect upwards from a half million to a million people in that Park for those three nights a man that we know that the Lord will be speaking through you to them for Kenya and all of Africa and to the world Wow I am I I feel so small for such for such a task in in the Lord has increased my hours and increased in my time on the threshing floor all last week I was there spending the night on the floor every night just putting on my side cloth and ashes and going before the Lord because I know that the Lord is preparing me for something great and awesome and he began to speak to me Bishop and said this would be the season and the hour in your ministry when you will proclaim the clarion call to those that I have called to intercede for the nations this is not this is not your your your normal Joe blows who who want a car and want a house and won't God to give me a husband and give me a way these are the people that now have brought themselves to a level of maturity that they're able to pick up like Ezekiel said the burden of the Lord that they're willing to lay from one side to the next until they feel what it is God is saying in the earth and I am I am so believe in God I asked the Lord and he gave me that name Gideon night because there were 300 and I asked the Lord and you're watching today I asked the Lord I said god I want you to give me 300 people that would go with me to Africa that would go with me and cover me in prayer and intercede for me and prayer because I've never bid in a position like this before and what do I mean by that I'm already starting to pick up things in the spirit I'm already starting and and dr. trimmers she comes she'll begin to explain deeper what I'm talking about but now I step up on the threshing floor and my spirit go to Africa and I start speaking in tongues that I'm not knowledgeable of I they're they're unfamiliar tongues to me and I'm tapping around and this is what the Lord said to me about this experience he said when you go to Africa though you will go and take a word but I will impart them to you in those three days the God of Africa he said because America knows me one way but Africa knows me another and he said to me saints of God this was a divine word from you he said you are standing in Africa and you're standing represented in bringing two nations together and you will bring a word from America to Africa but you will take a power from Africa back to America and God totally he said when you come back when you come back from that African trip the fire that will be upon your life will be the anointing and the level that it will take to launch you into your final stage and your destiny and I believe that because I believe that when you have maxed out and I want you to hear this when you have maxed out in the realm that you live in that if the Lordan have to heal go to another nation to find your next level but I don't know about y'all but I'm excited too because the Lord has chosen Kenya too important to need my next level some money or a magnet by God right now oh my god so to be tremendously blessed to have with us dr. Cindy trim somebody put your hands together for a tonight dr. trim this is my very first time meeting you this is my very first conversation with you I have not spoken to you on the phone I have not had the privilege of meeting you until just this very minute but I want to tell you that I don't know where you were in God when God gave you the rules of engagement but I'm telling you this right here is a little piece of dynamite that will change a person's life forever you you started me on a journey when the Lord began to first talk to me about the the prayer and I think I went to a place in prayer and I kind of got stuck and just didn't know where to go from there and when I picked up this book I understood mm I gotta turn to this to this one page that I cuz I I want to read this to you or something that that she wrote that that blessed me this is what grabbed my attention about what you wrote I have discovered that although I have been praying earnestly and spiritually in the past many of my prayers seemingly were either sabotage or counter-attack by the enemy as I prayed and asked God why he showed me I was praying fervently but not effectively because I was praying amidst I was praying from an incorrect perspective and position Satan was able to gain the upper hand in my warfare because I was ignorantly praying earthbound prayers he told me that I needed to fight my battles and wage warfare where it really belonged in the heavenlies he also reminded me that I was seated in heavenly places and in Christ Jesus above principalities and powers I didn't realized that they were not above me Oh pressing and controlling my destiny with their diabolical activities I was above them armed and dangerous with this revelation I was able to enforce my prayers with much authority and confidence in knowing whatsoever I decide when I prayed hours see the favorable results that right there when I read that I said okay I don't know what the rest of this little booklet is going to be about until I got to understanding about prayer and understanding about the posture in the position of Prayer before I read anything out of this I want you to share with us how you came to this in conclusion and what this is all about I had come toe-to-toe with principalities God had called me to the nations like you and there were several principalities that had converged they're called diabolical alliances and everything in kingdoms there there are seven or eight kingdoms that operate in the universe there's the sovereign Kingdom and then you have the planetary kingdoms the angelic kingdoms you drop all the way down to organic kingdoms and the kingdom of animals and then you get to the kingdom of man and then you get to the inorganic kingdom and so there is there are kingdoms that that that exist that we don't see with the natural eye but they exist and they are working and they are functioning in rank and in order and what happens here in in our dimension is that we don't understand structure we don't understand ranking we don't understand order and there are very little people that have tapped into that dimension where they're able to mentor us and teach us and give us the vocabulary so that as humanity begins to grow and increase and progress language changes and everything that will ever exist in earth realm the earth realm exists now in the realm of the Spirit there were several people that had tapped into that realm and had come back down and they wrote epistles you have Paul he said I don't know whether I was suspended in the heavenlies or whether I was in the earth realm all I know is that I had an out-of-body experience yes then you had people like John the Revelator but he said that I was in on the lord's day I was just laying where they had beaten me but then God called me into another dimension he said come up higher you have people like Jeremiah that tapped into that dimension you had people like David that had tapped you had people like Daniel Daniel physically was here in the earth but yet he outranked every king that he served under he outrank at her artaxerxes cyrus nebuchadnezzar all the kings he outranked god does not do anything in the earth wham unless he has a representative he has resigned himself to the human beings and he said to us I'm going to give you Dominion dominion over the works of my hand what we have not understood we have not understood Dominion we have figured out that we need to be saved there's the saving of the soul there's the saving of the Spirit but there's another dimension that God is stepping into the saving of the mind that's where the word repentance comes in repentance has nothing to do with salvation salvation past as a man before God where he can go into the throne room but repentance changes the mind there are many dimensions that we we we live on and one of the things that we are fighting is the intrinsic weapons the weapons that the enemy does not have to Forge they are forged and formed in dimensions of our soul we operate in about twelve different dimensions as human beings we know the spiritual Ram but there's the psychological the emotional the physical Ram this is where weapons are formed these are intrinsic weapons the enemy no weapon formed against you shall prosper we know about the external ones but there are intrinsic weapons and so what happened with me evangelism prophetess Bynum was that one day as God was changing my ranking and you set the ranks God has changed your rank and when he changes your rank it means that you go up a nuts in the realm of the Spirit and when you go up a notch in the realm of the Spirit you no longer have to worry about the little demons you don't have to worry about little principalities and powers those things but when you go up nuts in the realm of the Spirit you are coming toe-to-toe with principalities that have an assignment against your destiny and your purpose what happened with Daniel was that he was assigned to control he was like a ground control and and and the way that airplanes fly it's not because of the the skill of the pilot but they have control Paul said though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels we have to understand that in the realm of the Spirit we are actually earth control we are giving commands and demands and decrees to angelic beings that are assigned to us they minister with us there are an Angels that look just like you in the realm of the Spirit they have your assignment and they cannot move except you decree things under earth whelmed this is what daniel said daniel said i understood by the decree of the watchers who were the watchers these were angelic beings that were given assignment over territories and regions and as they were giving assignment over territories and region they would become the force that will connect heaven to earth this is the prayer that Jesus taught the disciples he said thy kingdom come Thy will be done as it is in heaven and what is happening right now everything in your life is reaching critical mass that's why you are experienced what is called satanic provocation and satanic concentration it usually happens when the loins of an individual and the womb of an individual is pregnant with destiny for nations hallelujah and it's usually at the expense of everybody else I'll give you example when Joseph was called he had Nations locked up in his wombs the devil did not target his brothers the devil targeted him you look at Paul's life you look at David's like these individuals had nations locked up in their loins and you look at even a person like henna and a lot of times what people perceive as an attack on them it's really an attack on heaven and when you are pregnant with what heaven is getting ready to deliver it will show up like provocation it will show up with the name of pnina pnina comes to irritate pnina is a spirit of abortion and miscarriage it'll move you out of destiny it will cause fatigue it'll strike one of the eight wombs of your spirit and prophetess Bynum you are pregnant everyone is pregnant and what is perceived as pain is really coming into collision with you and when it collides with you all of God's divinity it's gonna hook up with your humanity and there is gonna be an explosion listen every element on the universe is working in concert with God's plan and purpose there is nothing that you will experience in your life that has not first been vetted by God and many times we feel as if God is not working things out but I'm telling you right now what the devil means for bad God is going to use it he's gonna mix it in a content of his paper and a cauldron of this grace God is causing a prayer warriors from around the world there are people that have been assigned to you they are building prayer hedges there are firewalls there are seals that God is building around you there is no devil in hell that's gonna stop it what the church is experiencing now is that God is getting ready to promote us in a rancor listen he said I given you dominion over the works of my hand you've got to understand that every system of the universe it's gonna come into the vine alignment the Bible said the kingdoms of this world not will become but I'll become listen all of humanity knows who you are that the fact is you don't know who you are that's why God it's revolutionising the mind the mind is stronger than the brain the spirit realm is the causal Ram and whatever you can effect in the realm of the Spirit it's only a matter of time but we live in time and when you live in the dimension of time you are limited by the elements but God has created you after his image and after his likeness and what you need to do is learn to move from the earthbound far above principalities and power what God is doing he is raising up a church who knows who they are we are not asking permission of the world for anything we decree a pig and the Bible says it shall be that means that word is irrefutable it means try to stop me I run you over try to prevent me are you hearing me listen don't care what government is in power when Daniel shows up system had to come into alignment when Daniel shows up the Lions start growling when Daniel shows up the paya is turned up higher but tell the devil it's too late and what happened with me what happened with with me was there was safe satanic concentration there was a whole lot of satanic concentration and satanic provocation and one day there were principalities and powers that moved in and they said to me if you come to this region we're gonna kill you and it used to be a time every country I would go to principalities used to meet me at the airport and I just didn't understand and then God said oh you don't know how to pray at this level I'm gonna teach you how to pray when I start praying I no longer am greeted by principalities at the airport angelic beings greet me at the airport hallelujah favor is released upon me and so that book came as a result of my back being up against the wall where principalities and power threatened to take everything from me and when they threatened I felt so tired and I said god I just give the devil whatever he wants but leave me alone and then when I turned and I said God nevertheless not my will that's when he said I have placed you over kingdoms and open these people don't even know what that means when you're praised over kingdoms your place over cultures your place over at miss ''tis every system in the universe begins to serve you there are 12 systems in the universe there's the educational entertainment there is the economical systems there is the financial system political system there is the religious system the governmental system the defense system there's all kinds of systems that come under alignment and when God gives you authority every system has to come and serve you the Bible said that Gentiles you're gonna suck at the breath of the Gentile listen the only reason why businesses are open and fortune 500 companies are open they're open because God is getting ready to transfer the wealth hallelujah let me tell you something listen the Bible said that the snake in the book of Job the snake began to consume the wealth of the believer but God has given us the power to command the state just spit it up and so with this book glut begin to train me and he said your prayers are bound you've got to see yourself when we pray against principalities and powers we usually do this because we think that the enemy is over us but in Genesis the Bible said your foot is gonna bruise his head then lets me know that we are above him and not beneath and so that came out of warfare the breath hallelujah this is how you pray [Music] father in the name of Jesus I come in the name of your son who's I am and whose answered father in the name of Jesus overthrow the plans of troublemakers scuppers and scoffers a persecutor character and sentence come against the spirit of Delilah I decree and declare that the lamb applaud has already been slain and I have refused to be a scapegoat right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah I command satanic representatives to be expose grant me huh divine strategies and tactics to identify to resist and overcome the plots and plans established for my demise draw out your spear stop them in their way let them be confounded and put to shame let them be chapter driven in the winner let the angel of the Lord persecute them let their way be through talk and slippery places let them be put to shame in the Sun Allah let them return back in confusion let the structure come to them suddenly let them be wounded and destroyed by those very weapons that have devised for me let them be call it the same nature they have set for me let them fall by the very picture they have done for me let them be hung by the news they have constructed for me let them be burned by the fire they have lit for me let them be consumed by the beasts they have been proper I prepared for me strike that down in their very act rude it up in the name of Jesus make them stumble before the winner in the name of Jesus that's just how some of it some of it these are these are these are governmental prayers that take you above principalities and powers and they release you interface safe is not about what God can do faith is about what God will do and when God plants a seed and when a direct there are eight rules that the enemy can create abortions and if God is planting seeds and any one of those wounds many times just when heaven is getting ready to deliver yeah that's where the pain shows up I want to read this this one which is my which is my favorite every time I come to the end of my prayer this one becomes is my favorite I prohibit the alteration and changing of any time or laws concerning my life and ministry over the life of my family etc we move synchronized and syncopated to the choreographed move of God I decree and declare that my times and seasons are in the hand of the Lord and they shall not be altered or adjusted by anyone or anything function under the anointing of the sons of Issachar and God gives me the divine ability to accurately discern my times and my seasons
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 48,014
Rating: 4.8421645 out of 5
Keywords: Juanita Bynum, Prophetess Nichols, Bishop Weeks Sr, Dr Cindy Trimm, Preaching, Praying
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 48sec (3948 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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