The Art of Thinking [THINK!] Dr. Cindy Trimm

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[Music] hey there everyone a lot of people think that they're thinking but they're actually rearranging their ignorance think about that for a moment one of the greatest skills of the 21st century is the skill of critical thinking critical thinking has nothing to do with emotions which are biochemical and primal in nature it'll surprise you that even if you have a phd or master's degree it's almost like you were dropped out of life and what i mean by that is this that education teaches you what to think but it doesn't teach you how to think and this is why the message of the kingdom is so powerful in this day and age unfortunately that primal state that i mentioned earlier is where most people are living so in this message the art of thinking i'm exploring the parables of jesus in order to challenge you how to think think about that the parables taught by jesus was not just so that you can have a basis for your theology it's really to allow the holy spirit to be like a tour guide to help you to navigate the landscape of your potential and to take you to a place inside yourself that you cannot go by yourself god wants to take you from primal to powerful and through the understanding of these parables you will have the ability to move into new realms of abundance to rethink life and to influence change let's dig in [Music] good evening everyone i'm excited about this series and tonight today this afternoon whenever you're viewing this series i want you to get in a comfortable place if you're driving i want you to really listen but pay attention to what's going on in front of you on the road um those of you that have the opportunity to take copious notes i want you to really take copious notes and don't let anything or anyone distract you at this moment this message really is going to be a message that's going to revolutionize your life i'm taking my message today out of matthew 13 3 to 13. we're looking at all the parables and today i want to do a simple treatment on why these parables are important the book of matthew chapter 13 3-13 says and he spake many things unto them in parables saying behold the sower went forth to sow and when he sowed some seed fell by the wayside and the fowls came and devolved them up some fell on stoney places where they had not much earth and forth which they sprung up because they had no dappness in them or in no darkness of the earth and when the sun was up they were scourged and because they had no root they would withered away some fell among the thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked but others fell on good ground and brought forth fruit some 100 full some 60 fold some 30-fold and i know a lot of people think that that has to do with whether some people are going to get a hundredfold or going to get 60-fold or going to get 30-fold that is a terminology that simply says whatever the potential is in that particular seed whether that seed is a hundredfold that seed will produce a hundredfold if there's a seed that has the invisible programming within its dna to produce 60 fold that's what it's going to produce so every seed has within itself a hidden um programming that determines the kind of harvest and this is why the type of seed is important but it goes on to say verse number nine whoever has an ear let him hear and uh the disciples came and said unto him why speaketh thou to them in parables and he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom but to them it is not given for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that which you've had even that which that he hath you've heard of the saying the rich get richer and the poor get poorer so this is a great example of it what you receive is determined by what you have and we're not talking about something that is temporal we're not talking about money we're not talking about houses and land we're talking about whoever has the ability to understand these teaching whoever has the revelation that um christ is preaching preaching about then he'll put his increase on autopilot now i know personally that i love my increase to be on autopilot i love my success to be on autopilot i would absolutely love my wealth to be on autopilot i would love my blessings to be an auto pilot and this is important so as he begins to teach on the message of the kingdom he wants them to understand how valuable this message is the scripture says therefore spake i to them in parables here it is he wants you to be to have full understanding full comprehension he wants you to have a kingdom mentality because your success depends on it your your progress depends on it your wealth depends on it your growth depends on it everything is going to rise and fall on your understanding of the kingdom the bible said i spoke to them in parables because they seeing not and they seeing see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand so how can someone see and not see and how good how can someone hear not hear well it's very simple to me uh when we talk to someone and we really want them to understand we usually say do you see what i'm saying so to see means do you fully comprehend and this is not just comprehension it's comprehension of a revelation that you receive as a rhema word so that you have immediate application a person who really understands truth usually applies it and you'll see the proof in their life but it's a difference when you understand a word but not the context and this is where a lot of arguments happen a lot of debates where you might be in a conversation and you're talking to someone and you're debating and you're arguing arguing back and forward about the words and you're you're arguing about the semantics and the person would say well that's not what i meant and you're going to argue that's what i said so that means that your context is going to be important and this is the dividing factor between religious christians and those that are kingdom citizens no one said that one person is not more saved than the other but one person is going to have more manifestations of the promises that god has because they not only have the understanding and conceptualization of a word but they understand it based on the context so everywhere jesus went he preached the message of the kingdom and i tell you when it comes to the message of the kingdom a lot of people don't understand the word kingdom and i'm going to be breaking it down as we introduce you to the parables but for all intents and purposes when we talk about the preaching of the message of the kingdom the message of the kingdom is a message that christ preached and it is a message of empowerment that gives meaning hope dignity and purpose not just for christians but for all humanity it would be interesting if governments embrace the teachings of christ and it'll be interesting if other religions embrace the christians of christ in fact it was a statement that um uh mahatma gandhi had made back in the day um he loved the message of christ but he didn't really care for the christians why because we were preaching one thing but we were not living it and if we can just bridge the gap between what we say and what we do i believe that we would be great influencers influences in the world influencers amongst our friends influence influencers in our business influencers in the business arena and the professional arena you would see that we would become more influential if we understood that we should walk the walk and talk the talk not only talk the talk but uh walk the walk as well he said well the reason why they're not able to live in this realm of abundance and abundance is yours is because there is the hearing without comprehension and a lot of people live a life that is frustrated and frustration because they are doing everything they believe that the bible is telling them to do but yet they don't see the manifestation and i've conclude i've made this one conclusion based on where i was at the beginning stages of my christianity and where i am now the difference is me not only believing but applying so the greatest challenge of the church today is not the conversion of sinners to be christians but christians to become believers the bible said that there's going to be a performance of those things that are believed and so uh if you want to see your life in alignment with those promises that he has and there's approximately 75 categories of promises and within those promises there are hundreds that that that god has left for uh the uh humanity period and those of us that are believers we should see the manifestation and we should see it in rapid fashion and so the message that jesus preached was a message of empowerment and that message of empowerment was taught to his disciples and all that was listening we all know him going up in the mountain and teaching or preaching the beatitudes we all know about that but did everyone who heard him teach on these things did they leave the mountaintop experience go back down in the valley or go back to their usual life did they apply it did they live it and the proof is always in the pudding and so from that time in matthew chapter 4 17 after the temptation of christ the bible said that he was he he was tempted by malevolent forces which who we called the devil and he was tempted at the level of his thoughts and i want you to write that down because the highest form of spiritual warfare is the counsel of the human mind by any other spirit other than the spirit of the lord and this is going to be very important because a lot of people live at the level of their emotions and if you are being attacked at the level of your mind that means one is spiritual and the other is biochemical and bioelectrical so your emotions you the reason why you feel emotions or you have feelings is because of the biochemical reaction to something that you have interpreted so that means that when jesus was preaching the message of the kingdom he wanted to give them context so that they can live an empowered life so that they can interpret what it was going on in the world not from the lenses of culture or the prevailing culture uh but from the lenses of the kingdom which had its own culture and so it means that there was a revolution that had to go on and it was the revolution of our thinking and so as i set this up and from out of matthew 4 17 from that time jesus began to preach and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand as i set this up i want to uh address you today um and in this this particular uh message on a crash a crash course in thinking a crash course in thinking a lot of people that they're think that they're thinking when in fact they're not they're being controlled by the prevailing culture that is characterized by uh conspiracy theories propaganda ideologies that are contrary to humanity when jesus came he wanted to restore our humanity the scripture says he came to seek and to save that which was lost not who was lost but that which was lost and i want to float that as a balloon i'm going to come and come back because our series is really going to challenge challenge you at the level of your thinking and i want to go line by line precept upon pre-set as we introduce you to kingdom thinking in this series or this particular section of our teaching which is a crash course in thinking a lot of people think they're thinking but they're actually just rearranging their ignorance and we have to be careful even as believers that we are not rearranging our ignorance that we are not being controlled by a prevailing culture at the expense of our intellect at the expense of our intelligence as at at the expense of our god-likeness and our god-likeness is demonstrated many ways but primarily in our thought life how we think when god created humanity he gave him the ability to think there was no box he was the innovator of boxes and so if you think outside of a box that means that the box is still your reference and this is why a lot of people are going through life as christians and they're really really frustrated because they're thinking outside of a box and they are not knowing that that box is still their reference so they really have not been liberated in their mind philippians 4 8 and 9 says finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of a good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things those things which you have learned and received and heard and seen of me seen in me do and the god of peace shall be with you so this is very important because jesus going back to our text was able to say in seeing they don't see and in the hearing they don't hear in other words they're able to hear words which the average person does but they have no critical thinking a crash course in thinking the parables were preached or taught to the disciples to open up their mind to remove restrictions from offer their mind so that they can think like god so you and i we could think like god we can think creatively we could think innovatively and we no longer are thinking outside of the box what we're doing is creating new boxes new new paradigms new methodologies new philosophies new ideologies the scripture says in philippians 2 and 5 let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus and so if you want to know the mentality of an individual if you want to understand the psychology of a person listen to their speech listen to their words why because their speech and words will betray them and it's interesting because a lot of times we get disappointed especially if people make promises we get disappointed if they uh don't make good in their promise or if someone lies to us or someone betrays us we get all upset last night when i was preparing for that i was listening to an interview dmx and dmx says look uh uh you know a lot of people say they don't trust anymore but that's too much energy to say oh i don't trust this person or i don't trust that person it's too much negative energy you need to trust everyone and so the interviewer was interviewing him and you know kind of confused how could you say you trust everyone if people are not trustworthy and he'd begin to break it down he said look think of it this way if you saw a snake you can trust that snake you're going to trust that that snake is going to bite you and if you see a lion you're going to trust that that lion is going to destroy you eat you kill you and so when a person shows you who they are trust them and i thought that's so brilliant because now it puts a different kind of spin on the word trust and a lot of us as christians we don't even trust the process that god brings us through because we we we are so our mindsets and our thoughts actually have been pre-programmed by a counter culture it is the kingdom of darkness it is not the kingdom of light the kingdom of light is a kingdom of empowerment it's a kingdom of wisdom is a kingdom of strategy it's a kingdom of wealth it's a kingdom of empowerment the kingdom of darkness will hold you in ignorance to be in the dark is to be ignorant concerning something and my concern is this that today we have so many people that are educated but they are non-thinkers again we think that we're thinking but we're just moving around our ignorance we're rearranging our ignorance to fit some propaganda or to to to fit something that um is being used to control us and there's so much so much conspiracy theory that is running around this weekend someone said send something to me that was supposed to be from someone that was in authority and i ripped straight through their um thesis their thesis was built on fallacy and you know everyone was afraid and this is an authority an authority on what and i began to realize how important this message is because we have lost our ability to think critically we have not only lost our ability to think critically and let me backtrack for a moment what do you mean well a critical think thinker is not going to take anything at face value they're going to raise questions and this is why i love the teachings of the parables because the parables were structured in such a way that it didn't give you answers it built capacity in your thinking process so that you can ask questions the parables were ponderables it was something that was meant for you to walk away ask questions and ponder on it and the thing about the living in the kingdom is this that we are encouraged to ask questions and asking questions helps uh us to be restored in uh god's original way or restore it back to god's original way of of crea of uh or original original um idea to create man as thinking beings so we're restored back to a mindset and a psychology that we are not victims of circumstances life is not happening to any of us we are happening to life as a man think it in his heart so is he so uh if i were to observe the average person's life i could basically tell you what they're thinking because everything that we think eventually manifests in our lives but no one wants to take responsibility so we blame it on the devil we blame it on our ex-wife we blame it on government we blame it on our boss it's this whole big blame game going on because people quite frankly are afraid to think for themselves the thing about slavery is not the physical bondage the travesty about slavery is the mental bondage you see you could throw a man in prison and he still be free why because he's free in his mind and that is a nelson mandela story 27 years in prison and he decided that he was going to come out release everyone and forgive everyone that had had ever uh released propaganda about him that he was uh he was a terrorist and everything else they said about him and he came out and forgave them and the rest is history the same culture that oppressed him he eventually shifted that culture because he became the first man of color to be the president of south africa and it's interesting because when we when we think about the mind we don't think about how powerful the mind is your mind is not your brain we have this saying mind over matter and that means that you don't have to be an individual that knee jerks at life you can be a vict victor you don't have to be a victim you can live the life of your dreams because every single day you get a chance to choose what you think on again as a man as a woman thinketh in her heart so is he or she the bible says in first corinthians 2 16 for who have the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of christ one scripture says let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus we have the mind of christ and so how do we set this up today how do we communicate to you that these parables are important for you to understand because each parable gives you a crash course in the art of thinking because if you can think you can think your way out of anything and into anything as long as you have control of your thoughts nothing externally will control you the government can't the economy can't that means that you consent to participate or you can decide not to participate i remember a couple of weeks ago we had the gas shortage and everyone was running around and i was saying to my husband listen we always have gas shortages shortest shortages and i don't care why they say there's a gas shortage uh they need to get uh spending so they're gonna get you spending it's a part of propaganda isn't it to create a feeling that there's a lack so that everyone can rush and buy it's a pr part of propaganda and then a couple of days later all of a sudden we have all the gas available i remember with the economic downturn in 2008 where the bubble busted and everybody was running around and they were afraid and i decided not to participate and that is because i have the ability to think for my self so in any kind of conversation you don't have to be controlled by someone's opinion and it's a problem that we're having today because of social media people sit on other people's timeline they sit on social media trying to figure out what people think about them but what do you think about yourself what people feel about them what what do you feel about yourself one of jesus christ's go-to teaching tools was parables one of the things that james l fowler said he called them uh pictorial ponderables and i was pondering on pictorial ponderos and i understood what it meant you do not think in words most people think that they think in words but they don't think in words you don't think in words you think in images and then if you want to communicate your thoughts you try to communicate it with words and this is why word smithing is important this is why you have to understand what advertisers are doing and marketing our marketers are doing what they're doing is they want to paint a picture in your mind especially when it comes to uh spending they want to paint a picture in your mind so that that image that comes up is attached to a the driving force the psychology of you but you're buying and that picture comes up so that you can see yourself living in it you could see yourself driving it you could see yourself wearing it you could see yourself running in it and it's all based on words now if i communicate with you there are pictures that go are going on in my mind images that are going on in my mind and what i do is use the secondary conduit and that is words and so if i'm using the this conduit now i've got to paint a picture in your mind and so this is why stories a picture is worth a thousand words this is why we are storytellers and jesus was a master at storytelling because they were designed to give deeper understanding to those that were hearing and listening of what this kingdom was all about what the benefits of the kingdom was how to understand the kingdom and quite frankly it is still a mystery today the average person of you i asked them what is the kingdom of heaven they're going to give you i don't know what they're going to give you but oftentimes people hear it they they speak it but they don't have an understanding of it because if your concept is wrong your conclusion is going to be wrong whenever he taught he talked with authority he proclaimed the truth and he just wanted his disciples and the people that were listening to really get it and so all of the parables that he spoke it they're diverse um but they were formulated to give a clear definition of each of the parables which were sometimes very complex and very difficult now jesus used the arist aristolean and the um socratic method of teaching and the socratic method of teaching is a brilliant way of of building intellectual muscles in in his teachers and what he would do he would pose different kinds of scenarios and then ask them uh to uh come to a conclusion and uh he would present it in such a way this is the teachings of socrates he would present it in such a way that they left with more questions than answers and as long as people are giving you all the answers you will never become an intellect you will never understand how to think for yourself and why is this important it is important because the educational system the current educational system has done a disservice to humanity it doesn't matter whether you have a ba a masters a phd or you're a dropout if you have been through the typical educational institution which is all of us all of us have been through the educational institution all of us have been taught what to think but not how to think and hearing that lies the problem because if you are in an environment that makes you think it's easy to be frustrated because we we are trained to have other people thinking for us and if you're in an environment that demands that you think it can be the most frustrating thing when you want people to tell you what to think it could be frustrating but when jesus taught the parables he wasn't teaching them what to think he was teaching them how to think and so in the simplest understanding that i received as i begin to study the importance of the parables parables are the usage of metaphors and similes that are drawn from nature from everyday common life uh that arrests the intellect of the hera because it's such a strange parallel here you're teaching about the kingdom and then you throw in an example about a woman making bread or you're teaching about the kingdom and you're talking about seed in the ground or you're teaching about the kingdom and you're you throw in an example or a parable about someone fishing and what does fishing have to do with the kingdom and what does uh making bread have to do with the kingdom and what does uh seed have to do with the kingdom and all this agrarian uh parables the parable of the wheat and the tears and the parable of a light under the bushel and the parable of the man who gave money to people and all of these parables can you just tell us and the answer is no why because if someone thinks for you they insult your intelligence and the moment your intelligence is insulted the moment they strip you of the thing that makes you like god and that's your ability not to think outside of the box the ability to create a box so that you bring to the table problem solving strategies so he wanted them to be problem solvers not just preachers not just people that hung out in the temple he wanted them to go into all the world and preach the gospel again the gospel is not just jesus saved the gospel is a message that gives meaning and hope dignity and purpose to all humanity and i believe that every one of us could use an extra dose of meaning an extra dose a purpose an extra dose of dignity we can all use an extra dose of it because if you have that you will live in the realm of abundance you will know no lack and if you can understand this if i if you don't understand anything else that i'm saying as i lay the foundation to teach about the parables to teach about the parables it means that you have the ability to move into new realms of greatness that this could technically be the ending of you living in obscurity and the back in the back in the dark in the corner in the booth you can come out you can come out strong and you can influence change within your family within your community within your industry wherever you are you can be an influencer and you know i i think of all the people that lived as individuals but died as an institution i think a prada gucci all of these uh individuals that that made the world a different place and a better place and they lived as individuals but they died as institutions and i believe that that's what god wants for you he wants you yes live as an individual but another generation should know that you lived history should not be allowed to uh uh erase you out of the annals of time where greatness and great acts were recorded by man who had the uncommon ability to think differently and so these parables were spoken firstly why parables firstly i believe it was a tool that jesus used to take people into a place within themselves that they could not go by themselves and i'm gonna say it again when jesus spoke the parables it gave the holy spirit an opportunity to be a tour guide not for them to tour the landscape outside of them but to to to tour the landscape inside of them why is it important it is important to understand this because the kingdom of heaven is not outside of you the kingdom of heaven is within you it is a way of life it is a paradigm it's the way that you it's your motives operandi it's inside of you so when he spoke the parables it gave god it gave the holy spirit to become a tour guide to to take them within themselves to a place where they could not go by themselves so let me break it down even further why would jesus preach the peril why would he teach the parable why is it important for all believers to understand the importance of the parable the parables once you read them allows the holy spirit to take you into a place within yourself that you cannot go by yourself philippians 2 and 5 says let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus so jesus preached the message of the kingdom and he preached it in such a way that it assisted in helping the hearers to understand the complexity of who they were as kingdom citizens solomon says something he said i saw something incredible he said i saw princes walking and i saw servants riding on horses and this is what's happening there is something in you that is telling you every single day that you're bigger you're better you deserve to have more and you feel it sometimes you're afraid to speak it but when a person treats you in a way that is incongruent with how you feel about yourself you become offended and instead of allowing that negative energy to to um roll in your body and in your mind and turn it into bitterness people get offended and if the offense is not um it is not dealt with it turns into bitterness and bitterness turns into arthritis is one of the contributing factors of on of of arthritis and um it's it's it's not the it's not the uh medical but it is an emotional contributing factor and a lot of people end up offended and and without the strategy for dealing with the offense so i i want to teach you something and this mindset if you would just take the offense which is just a feeling and the reason why the average person never succeeds is because every decision that they make is driven by feelings it's driven by emotions a crash course in thinking thinking has nothing to do with your emotions and as long as you are allowing uh your emotions to dictate to a decision that you're making you will always be a victim of circumstance you will have no control over your life if you want to take the person of your personal power back you need to you need to learn how to manage your emotions feel your emotions that's fine but never do anything with your emotions is like uh dating to me how many of you have ever been medly in love and then you ended up marrying this person that you were madly in love with and after a couple of weeks or a couple of months they got on your last nerve and you asked this question what was i thinking well well maybe you weren't maybe it was just emotions there's a song that says it's just my emotions slipping away from me if you don't want to uh go through life responding from a primal state write this down god wants to take you from primal to powerful he is not giving you power just so that you can feel the power he's giving you power over your emotions power to create wealth he's giving you power over the enemy he's giving you power and you can live in a state of power power for the rest of your life as long as you understand that if you respond from your primal state you are going to always be controlled by external um forces of control and people when you see something how do you how do you think about an offense how do you think about offense firstly you recognize that when you feel offended it's attached to your core values so what you need to do is to go all the way back scale back think about your core values and rather than being offended by something that a person did or didn't do or being offended by something that a person said or didn't say rather than be offended i i what i want you to do is go all the way back and what you do is values clarification it was your responsibility to clearly communicate your values nobody around you should have to play a guessing game so as long as you understand this that you are not a victim of circumstances stuff is not happening to you and the reason why there are adversities and problems there are um disappointments it has nothing to do with the emotions what god is doing is allowing you to go in to yourself and allow the holy spirit to take you in to yourself and places in yourself that you do not have the ability to go by yourself and i'm hoping that you get this so the next time someone hurts you the next time someone rejects you the next time someone betrays you the next time someone lies on you what i want you to do is take a deep breath i want you to stop you are no longer going to be controlled by your emotions your emotions is an internal thing i can't feel them for you but a lot of times they are processed through what i call the fatal flaw of humanity and the fatal flaw happened in the garden of eden when adam gave his power away to satan and he lost his ability to think he lost his ability to think and when you look at that story you see this big blame gate game well adam why did you because the woman and all of us are guilty of projecting we project our uh our maladaptive sets of behavioral behavior and responses we project that onto others and i i i've seen it so many times where people don't want to take 100 responsibility because i i've been in um settings where someone makes a joke and everybody's laughing and one person is offended and i thought the other day why would they be offended everybody else is laughing it is because of what's going on on the inside of them the bible says that it's not what comes into a man it's what goes out of a man it's the state of a person's heart and so if we begin to deal with our thought life and and our mindset and begin to understand that every single day things occur to us because they first flow through us and then they come to us as a man thinketh in his heart so if you run around and think that everybody doesn't like you and everybody's not going to like you guess what that's your perception of it but if you can just if you can just harness your thought life and understand how much of your creative genius is going to waste and your intelligence is going to wait waste because you become an emotional mess everything that happens to you you are trying to interpret it through your emotions well i feel well feelings come and go i didn't feel like getting up this morning because i was i stayed up late last night but that was a decision that i made and did i get up absolutely why because i'm not subject to be controlled by my feelings i have to think through things i have to process things at a higher level so many people think that they're thinking but unfortunately they are merely rearranging their ignorance and i want you to write that down we are told that we must think outside of the box and again as long as you're thinking outside of the box and the box in this in this in this series is culture then culture always becomes your reference point but if we can get you to think outside of the kingdom or use the kingdom as a reference point if we can get you to pivot in this season if we can get you to change the way that you think you will begin to see some amazing things happening in your life when adam fell the first man he didn't lose his ability to think what he lost was his ability to think like god he lost his ability to think about the opportunities and to think differently about opportunities he lost his ability to think differently about failure most people if they fail they consider themselves a failure but that's not your identity and what god is doing is restoring our ability to think so that you think about opportunities differently you think about failure differently you think about betrayal differently you think about the kingdom differently success prosperity mentorship purpose legacy all those things you want to think differently and that's what understanding the kingdom is going to do for you you're going to think about god differently you're going to think about salvation your worship you're going to think about your disappointments everything you're going to think differently because perspective is everything and when you understand that every every everything in life all of our life experiences is about perspective is your perspective if you put 10 people in a room everyone's going to have a different perspective so it is with the kingdom what what what god wants to do is to use these parables so that the holy spirit you allow the holy spirit to take you into a place in yourself that you cannot go by yourself this is what the parable is all about the parables is not for you to just run around as a theologian and teach it if if you have not allowed those parables to sink in to your subconscious mind to create a paradigm shift to remove limitations that are self-imposed or culturally imposed to enlarge your territory to help you to think bigger you have missed the purpose for teaching the parables perspectives are everything and i'm going to say it again i'm going to keep hammering it the parables were taught so that it would give god and the holy spirit an opportunity to become your tour guide so that they can take you in to yourself to a place where you cannot go by your self he's your creator and if culture has molded your mindset that means that you're not thinking like yourself god is going to take you to dimensions in yourself that you cannot go by yourself he's going to take you into dimensions in yourself that you cannot go by yourself how do i know it i know it because the average person thinks more about what other people are thinking and what government is doing and who's doing what and propaganda and this is what they talk about 24 7 and when it comes down to asking people well what do you think about they're going to quote something that someone else is has thought and when i think about it i think about jabez jabez was rejected by his mother and his community and neither his family or community imagine him doing anything else but being a pain in the butt because that's what his name means the one that brings pain can you imagine people calling your name and they don't expect anything from you and somewhere in his prayer god took him in himself to a place that he could not go by himself and he prays this prayer in enlarge my territory give me the the ability to think bigger because we rise to the level of people's expectations and a lot of times if you're rising to people's expectations it's it's with frustration and if people are able to see potential in you that you cannot see your in yourself and when they put you in an environment and then they set the um measuring rod not to the level of your performance but to the level of your potential many of us have never had the opportunity because most people don't expect much from you and this is why you have supervisors when you go on a job and they give you a supervisor is because they already are saying to you i cannot trust you but if you are in a position where people are saying go for it here are the goals i know you have it in you and that frustrates you you know something is wrong you know that you are being controlled by the prevailing culture that accepts mediocrity as a performance level but if you can ever understand that living in this kingdom is about excellence and that if someone is raising the bar they're raising the bar because they believe in you when i think of god using parables to take us into a place in ourselves that we cannot go by ourselves i think of jacob jacob was a brilliant man he was he he was he was uh he was honorable he was a man of integrity but check this out his twin brother was jealous his trim brother encouraged people and convinced people that his brother was this manipulator but god saw something different god said uh esau have i hated jacob have a do i love in other words i prefer him why because man look on the outward appearance but god looks at the heart have you ever been in a place where people misunderstood you and where they called you one thing but you know you weren't that thing have you ever been to that place i say look don't argue with them that's their opinion of you what do you feel about yourself the parables are taught to take you into a place within yourself that you cannot go by yourself jacob had to wrestle the bible said that he wrestled with this angel and when he came out he came out with this angel actually introduced israel to jacob and said jacob this is who you really are you have rave you have risen to the standard you have been hitting your head on this invisible lid and people don't expect you to perform at any other level and it's like even if you tried to tell them well that's not me nobody believed because your brother has done a good job implanting negativity in the hearts of people that you're working with so that everywhere you go this bad reputation is following you and you know that that's not you and you're proven to your uncle listen uh you know i'm gonna prove to you that i'm this good person he had to prove to his father he's a good person everywhere he went and finally the holy spirit took him to a place in himself that he couldn't go by himself and when he came out he went in as jacob but he came out as israel and so this is the intent of the parables i could think about jabez i could think about jacob i could think how god changed sarai's name to sarah abram's name to abraham gideon was a general but he was hiding um within the culture and it was a culture of oppression and he was just getting by and he had this encounter and god took him into himself into a place that he couldn't go by himself and after god got through with him he was a general i could think about esther i could think about moses i could think about gideon i could think about jephthah jeff just ended up in gang banging because his brothers his half-brothers hated him i could think about david where he's this um child from an extramarital one-night stand and the mother says i don't want you so the father took him home and when he took him home for the rest of his life all of his brothers reminded him that you are half brother and i want to use a word but i'm not going to use the word but he lived with that until one day god introduced him to himself anointed him and caused a goliath this this um uh giant caused this terrorist attack to show up just when he was in service and he was the only one that can solve the nation's terrorist attack why because he was called to be the king and this was an introduce introduction to his destiny a lot of times we're given opportunities to solve problems within the workplace to solve problems within our family and we end up being bitter we end up being you know we say dumb stuff like i'm getting paid for this but a lot of times what god is using these situations and circumstances disasters rejection all of that to take you to a place in yourself that you cannot go by yourself and so the parables were meant to expose the strongholds the faulty belief systems the self-imposed or the culturally imposed limitations and lids the defense mechanisms that prohibits us from becoming everything we have the potential of being and i'm hoping that you get that it's not about the betrayal of joseph but who he became as a result he was able to say look that betrayal took me to a place in myself that i could not go by myself and god used it as a refining process because it was never about his brothers it was about joseph it was about his destiny stop making everything about everybody else stop looking at what's wrong and what they said and what they how they hurt you stop if you are going to be great in this kingdom firstly you got to understand what comes to you first comes through you what comes to you first flows through you as a man thinketh in his hearts so is he thoughts of things and if you could just change your thoughts all this stuff that is going on outside of you is going to be altered this is an inside job stop blaming the whole world for something that you brought to the table i can go on and on but let me bring this to an end the first adam foul and when he fell he did not fall from a natural realm he fell from a spiritual realm where he is thinking he was thinking from this superior paradigm it was a paradigm of dominion it was a paradigm of creativity it was a paradigm of innovation and when he found he found and it caused the fatal flaw to happen to all humanity not just to some all humanity and so we've been thinking from an inferior level ever since then it doesn't matter how many degrees you have it's the fatal flaw and we're sinned at the bound grace that's much more bound adam did this took humanity into a different operating way of operating shifted uh humanity's operating system that was the first atom but when the second adam came he came to reset humanity's operating system at the level of thinking so the first atom fell and began to think from this inferior paradigm but through the paradox parabolic teaching the second adam gives us a hard reset gives us the ability to pivot gives the ability us the ability to have this paradigm shift to think differently to think from a superior realm of domin dominion that gives us critical thinking that gives us the ability to tap into listen to this the faculties of innovation and this is so important i call this revelation of elevation when adam found he lost touch with with everything that made him powerful he lost touch with his psychological congruency he had no congruency whatsoever he began to reject the monster that he thought was without outside of him but it was actually inside of him he made a decision and he blamed it on his wife number two he he lost touch with his individuation or his individuality he became enmashed in other people's opinion and other people's thoughts and other people's feelings he lost touch with his uniqueness he lost touch with his identity he lost touch with social healthiness he lost touch with physical and spiritual and economic and financial wholeness he lost touch with his intellectual capacity he lost touch with the ability to tap into the mind of god it was god that said i know the thoughts i think towards you thoughts of good good not of and not thoughts of good not of evil to bring you to the expected and he lost touch with the innovative uh cutting edge thinking that was made available he lost touch with his divine genius what he didn't know he had instant connection with the mind of with the mind of god who gave him downloads with witty inventions and with creative ideas and he lost touch with his spiritual connectivity and this is what happened why does jesus teach in parables he teaches in parables because it puts us back in touch with our humanity the more human you are the more intelligent you are the more human you are the more powerful you are what is man that thou art mindful of him the son of man that thou shalt visit him you made him a little lower than angels not a little lower than animals god does not use an orangutan or a monkey to compare you with he uses angels and if you then be risen with christ you've got to be able to seek those things which are above and seek those things which are not beneath he wants to put you back in touch with who you really are let's pray our father god even as we begin uh our teaching on the parables of christ i pray that you would bless us that you would anoint us that you would give us the ability to really think not to be controlled by propaganda not to be controlled by lies or deceit not to be controlled and by other people's opinion of you but truly we would have the mind of christ so that we can have the restoration of our thinking now unto him who is able to do the exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think it's according to the power that works in us amen hey everyone this is cindy trim and i just wanted to say that i'm so excited that you're here at my 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Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 190,790
Rating: 4.9204073 out of 5
Keywords: Critical Thinking, Cindy Trimm, The Parables
Id: xFzBxZo7zpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 13sec (3913 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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