A Dr. Juanita Bynum Interview Turns Into An Anointed Prayer And Worship Experience

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miss Juanita Bynum prophetess 20 divine [Music] and these people love you overwhelmed at what I feel in this place tonight the glory of the Lord is just resting in here I was sitting in the back listening to sister Clark and I'm telling you what a revelation what a revelation from God and the thing about it is you can feel and sense the hunger and the thirst in the people of God to the point that it's almost bringing about a sense of correction and rebuke to the eldership of the church because the people are after such a deeper death and for and they're so hungry until it's it's forcing us not to give them warmed over milk it's forcing us to a place in God you know to to feed them with manna from on high and not just not just a letter but the Spirit of the Lord in the letter bringing about revelation and so anytime I walk into an atmosphere like this and I feel the presence of God like this I appreciate the people of God for putting a chastity belt on my spirit I appreciate I love you I love the people of God do something it's ageless because you know I work with the young people of my community and mostly high school and college age kids some of these kids have only been saved a year two years three years and their hunger challenges me yes I mean they are forcing me to keep digging deeper and deeper because this younger generation they don't want this frivolous shallow so now the pizza party time and all that stuff now Nilka bible curriculums and Bible clubs is over with love it because they have tasted the present this way they want the meat of the word and it is a challenge that's right but Lord let it be I want to be challenged yes I wanted a TV for my 72 because I'm going with them and the girl you know and Karen look looking at and and I think this is why I I you and Judy Jacobs I love you guys so much because it is so hard to find people who have in so many words made it to the major platforms and still have a hunger and a thirst just after God you know just doesn't matter what I got on and I was watching you last night on television I was watching your program last night and I don't know where you were ministering but when you got down on your knees and I just said that's a woman after my own heart right there it's like you know because when it's time to worship God people don't really understand the power of worship they don't understand the power of the anointing and we've taken for granted in our churches and it's just that 15-minute segment or that 20-minute segment where you know now it's like taking up space and it's like the preliminary before everything else happens but I believe that this is the season of the Holy Spirit and I believe that this is the hour for the worship service people shall be changed because so many times so many times we made worship just a thing that we do and it's just something you know I heard somebody say you know I wouldn't bought some tapes and I you know I listened to the tapes and don't get me wrong I've been blessed tremendously by integrity music but I believe that there is another Ram in the spirit and that realm of worship is the realm where there is no written song gram you began to sing out of your spirit and the Spirit of the Lord began to write the words that we're going to begin to sing what heaven is singing [Applause] because you know there's a power that comes with waiting on the loan and in this hour we don't take the time to wait in the presence of the Lord because we're such in a hurry we have our own agenda but come on tell you something Karen there are some things in the last year or so that God has been really processing me through and I found something I found a newness in my worship I found something refreshing because I believe for every person that don't have time every pastor that don't have time for your church service to wait in the presence of the Lord that's going to be something then you're going to encounter in your personal life there's gonna require you to the point that the only way you are surviving is that you [Music] holy ghost enough I feel the Holy Ghost in here tonight so many plans we're looking for a word from somebody but people came in here tonight you know they're looking for a word like like like hungry fish looking for a word from somebody but I'm telling you tonight that there is a word for every individual that is watching this program there is a word of the spirit but every person that is in that seat and what God is doing now he's even getting us to the point that your favorite preacher won't be able to get to the water that you need [Applause] the word you're going to be able to shake I was Sriman up one thing I do know [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what your worship [Music] gotcha he wants to anoint somebody to worship [Music] but I believe that somebody locked [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] shaaka on me [Music] tradition [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] haha [Applause] Chicago [Applause] they start shopping [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] god tonight come on [Music] did feel the nation god Oh [Music] salvation our great salvation that record thank God [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong with you [Music] [Music] [Applause] follow me [Applause] shotgun [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] structure Scot [Music] [Music] [Applause] actually obey the word but you said God in Isaiah chapter we receive it God we see the seven spirits we received the power Micah we receive the power counselor we see the power of understanding [Music] being turned into another man [Music] that's what you [Music] these 20 minutes we're not a shape we seek your face we the studio because we're not ashamed God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh we are aha when in water sir oh yeah rise on the water and demonstrate your power oh this is not your church [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] in situation [Applause] begin to turn around this will begin to think away out of the way [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] be the same [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] restoration [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] where did you [Applause] [Applause] we need this children but I need [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I say to you tonight Lord Oh [Applause] dammit straight here [Music] Oh demonstrate [Applause] i'ma say it one more time for somebody in television I'm asking God to do this in your home dammit straight [Music] [Applause] right there in that home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and diamond [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now right here right here let me teach you something real quick right here is for you just love all in it take 60 seconds and are asking for nothing or just love on him tell them how much you love him [Music] and i'ma tell you there's something that happens when you start loving on God [Music] [Applause] all I need is some people in here for the next 60 seconds - just start telling him how much you love him and if you don't know how much 11 begin to think about the worst thing he's ever brought you out of we're gonna think about something that God brought that only God could break you're gonna think about something that delivers you out I bet only God could have done it begin to think about a way that he made when the door was shut in your face and you were told no but God opened up a door you know God and now we can tell how much Allah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you change [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] present they're so divine in this place commas the presents can I just leave this with you tonight if you're facing something right now if you're facing an impossible situation right now and you really don't know which way to turn I'm standing carried in a situation that's a god thing have you ever have you ever been faced with something that's a god thing and I'm talking to somebody tonight right there in television land you didn't turn the television on by accident and I didn't plan to do this I was supposed to be interviewed tonight by Karen but the Spirit of the Lord knows because whatever you get a group of people that are standing in the situation where it's a god thing then it'll happen against God to show up and I'm here to tell you tonight that there is nothing impossible for God has created this atmosphere on the program tonight because I hear the Lord saying that if I can just get you out of your situation the spirit of Carter the scible oh that's where your help is all you want to reach up right now in that living room where it's up right now in your bedroom but devil is a liar for you now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crazy that capture [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] trying to take your shout take it back just a certain colorful I feel like the children of Israel when they get to the typical something scary cannot happen until you shot [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] John loaded haha I don't think y'all know this but see we're in the army of the Lord I don't know about y'all but let me tell you something something I would have never been picked for what you don't get what I'm saying we in the army of the Lord and let me tell you something about Indians are there any native Indians in here see when Indians I watched a cowboy and Indian programs and the Cowboys would be drinking all night you know I don't get what I'm saying they be partying all night before they go to battle but when the Indians know that there's a battle coming they start 24 hours before the battle and you hear them over in the country yeah yeah somebody said they only thought agreed the organism sweet but the Indians got a secret [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what you going you can't afford to keep your mouth shut [Applause] you can't afford got some week crazy because when you open up your mouth what you telling the devil is what you thought you was gonna do [Applause] [Applause] I got to go but I wish tonight I was traumatic as a prophet of God see then I just had 33 people all I need is 33 rest of y'all can go home all I need is 33 the rest you got can get y'all perks and tip on out of here the rest of y'all cute sight [Applause] Pressey yeah I don't want to sweat we'll see I don't know about y'all but I'm working on something you don't get what I'm saying I got to sweat cuz I'm working on something I got the reason even if you don't you don't get what I'm saying I got a match to the preset [Applause] started three people and I don't mean it I don't need a little bit of hand clap thank you Jesus I don't mean oh no hallelujah I don't [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Yaser to Paris check [Applause] good Jesus [Applause] [Applause] oh stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] potatoes you know I told me I told my auntie I said I got rid of leave out the hotel she said you ain't takin no change of clothes I said no I said don't be a cute interview tonight I don't need no change well dangle sweat I said me and Karen and sit down and we're gonna just talk cuz I'll have a little chitchat just don't chitchat in jesusí my aunt said are you sure I said I'm positive I said cuz you know what I really I read on for the anointing on me cuz I'm just gonna go to you and just talk to Karen him and we just don't check y'all don't hear me but see the Holy Ghost start speaking down there my spirit back there he said you don't need the chitchat you need to open up your mouth and make the line you don't get what I'm saying he said that's what's wrong but I slipped we kind of program God y'all don't get me that's my some of y'all churches as did it I don't know what [Applause] [Applause] and they leave this butcher giving in the presence of eloped candy love for you in five minutes I don't hear nobody saying that like that then you can do for yourself in a lifetime I'm saying you don't get what I'm saying I still see simple yeah but your lips are closing down your face [Applause] we took what and I heard the Holy Ghost step it up a bit I don't leave my most secret agents Christians judoka but I'm saying [Applause] retained I said oh look at your bad for sick I know y'all think I'm crazy I'm not I talk about me and television link but my Bible tells me you don't get what I'm saying [Applause] [Applause] the book of Revelation the book of Revelation six no man's cut over the sea when there was a weeping in heaven because no man can open the sea he said never one that came and took the scroll out of the hand of God and the open up the sea and the Bible said in the mouth of him that begin to destroy you and you don't [Music] [Applause] you don't plead pot you don't make 40 you take it I don't think you heard what I said you don't know what's in this atmosphere as aunty you don't know what's in it a nutty there's no launch of their take it god I wish I had some other believer prophet there I'm launching the ticket I said there is no margin if you tonight Porter [Applause] that boss [Applause] but at the salon T I'm not askin you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] let me help you I got to go how many minutes ago I got to me I got to go to be happy with this this won't bless you right here how many in a warfare I'm in Alabama alright let me just tell you what God just spoke to me and said you and your greatest strength right now you didn't hear what I just said to you didn't ever not just said to her how many in this building is under an attack from the enemy I'm in a son of diabolical attack how many people in television land put the camera on me how many of y'all right there is under attack raise your hand up right there no nothing really that's why this participation you right here with us how many is under attack from the enemy how many think that it's over how many think the devil is long endure well I'm here to tell you what God just spoke to me he said you and your greatest power right now he said you and your greatest right now [Music] [Applause] what he said you [Music] yes [Applause] let me make that clear your greatest an auntie it's not what you fast papa Satya Papa Shia your greatest anointing it's not because you shut-in but so greatness anointing comes upon you when the before I take this mic there's a prophetic word that you're gonna speak out of your mouth lord have mercy Jesus I'm telling you God's doing something I don't know what's then got ahold of me that out of a kosher here on Omaha yeah but I'm even sleeping and drinking this weapons of power comfort see because God said revival he said when Bible is about to hit the country he said when Bible is about to hit anybody that's watching August the 6e August the 6th 7th 8th at night in st. Louis Missouri we don't have a revival we will have a old-fashioned revival you don't hear what I'm saying we're coming to lay out before God shows up [Music] [Applause] you gave me the proper sign here you give me the proper side here somebody I said but I'm not a prophet I beg the difference but the Bible said in the book of 1st Samuel that when Saul came on at the unmounted of Samuel and walked in under the company of the prophets the Bible said the Spirit of the Lord jumped him overtaken him and he began to prophesy as if he had already been a prophet because the Bible said right there and as I read this scripture before I leave today the scripture said in the book of 1st Samuel the tenth chapter and the 6th verse then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you mightily and you will show yourself to be a prophet with them and you will be turned into another man now this is the part that God spoke to me tonight he said and when when what when the Spirit of the Lord come upon you is there anybody in here tonight that feels God [Applause] is there anybody in here the night that feels his presence because you do whatever you find to be done but God is with you Jordan hear what I just said if you can feel the emoted only right now go get a proper side of you that God is with you [Applause] the prophesy did you give me the proper sign here you give me the proper sign here son bill is about to break because the prophecy is coming out of your mouth because you in the company of a property you're being turned into another person and where you walked it in couldn't see your future where you walked it in didn't know which way to go while you walked it in was all confused and keep going around the [Applause] the spirity the spirit the spirit spirit [Applause] [Applause] begin to feel yourself me my phrase yes [Applause] do deny juicy there's a problem [Applause] he has alluded to preach the gospel of the poor this bit of a war is upon us tonight he is a noted a staffer blinded eyes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the speed of a war is upon us [Applause] all I need is three people tonight so just begin to say that I love your spirit the spirit of the law he's charging me he's renewing me he's restoring me [Music] [Applause] blessings blessings [Music] indeed territory Mandy to yourself everybody second everybody begin this thing that look braised with me new prophecy do you not under course come press me [Music] my territory [Music] after me [Music] me [Music] mad I'd like to take this time if you're watching tonight I'd like to take this time and take a moment to invite you to the weapons of power conference 2003 August the 6th through the night in st. Louis Missouri the information is on the screen go to our website we've read to ship for the conference because it's just season for the Bible this your season for the Spirit of the Lord to come upon you I'm telling you the anointing is all about this building is in your house right now it's upon all of us in this place right now and as we begin the gift all the way blessing in here as brother Marvin begin to tell the Lord to keep your hands upon me [Music] [Applause] No [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 93,510
Rating: 4.8664441 out of 5
Keywords: Praise and Worship, Praise Break, Dr. Juanita Bynum, Karen Wheaton, Prayer, Worship
Id: HeCHt9Acd3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 18sec (3798 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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