Dr. Jamal H. Bryant - Look For The Woman With A Mustache

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that um the people behind you can't see um God help me pick up because I'm I'm a priest I have direct access Hallelujah and because I have direct access I don't have to wait to get an appointment with Pastor God God help me because I've got direct access I don't have to be in Bishop's face but I'm I'm talking to those of you who know early in the morning will I seek him I'm I'm talking to those of y'all that do praise and worship in the shower that that even while you're in traffic you know how to lift up your voice under God I'm talking to those of you gotta drop somebody in your spirit and 10 minutes later they'll call your phone now I'm talking to those to you that know how to pray in the bed and you roll back over and there's ten minutes before the alarm goes out you know how to shout [Music] you you you you you know how to shout you know how to dance Hallelujah but but the real issue is do you know how to intercede God helping the the last 25 years the church has put all of its emphasis on praise at the neglect of prayer I knew y'all weren't gonna say nothing here so so y'all know how to shout but you don't know how to talk to God hallelujah I feel like I got some intercessors right through here see when I'm an intercessor I can't be selfish because when I'm interceding it ain't for me but I'm believing God gonna do something for somebody else y'all ain't saying nothing if I told you you was gonna get a car y'all would run through the church if I told you you were gonna be debt-free you would be running through the building but I'm looking for 500 intercessors that know how to talk to God on somebody else's Behavior look at the person beside you tell them you ain't got to shout tonight look at him tell him you ain't gotta scream tonight I'm getting ready to pray for you and your family I can't hear nobody in this room would you lift up that hand right where you are I need you just for one minute to open up your mouth and stop praying for whoever next to you come on open up that mouth and begin the intercede on their behalf pray for their family pray for their help pay for their body pay for their child pray for their future how much I can't hear you I said in the seed form every demonicus open up your mouth cells are about to shrink their son is getting back in alignment their daughter is getting out of that relationship open up your mouth hey yeah if you got your prayer language I need you to kick it in can't hear no intercessors come on cry out of now God hey are you getting ready to break in here 10 seconds foreign in the last five seconds with no music in the last five seconds with no music Let me just hear you intercede real quick [Applause] yeah yeah [Applause] if you got glory on you I need you to put your hand on your neighbor's shoulder Hallelujah I said put your hand on your neighbor's shoulder he didn't open up your mouth and call out in the spam night speak against every witch be more like every curse every generation of spirit is getting ready to be broken off of your life off of your house offer your children and if you believe God is gonna answer your prayer I tell you to give him a shout at Thanksgiving like prayer is about to be answered ah how are you oh my God oh hey yeah yeah hey [Applause] it's getting ready to break God I feel this Glory it's getting ready to break I feel this Glory would you lay your hand on your belly and just open up your mouth when one shout like you feel glorious here [Applause] thank you holy God hey I feel this Hallelujah the surgery is gonna be canceled the court case is moving in your favor the lean is being taken off of your house your son is getting out of jail early would you open up your mouth and scream one more time like you feel it in the room foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah you may be seated Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a shout that's getting ready to break I don't want you to scare your neighbor God said watch this if you scream again imma answer the prayers you forgot about foreign he said if you open up your mouth forgotten prayers are discipline from God said that's what I'm getting ready to answer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in Psalm 133 [Music] you may be seated Psalm 133 [Applause] . in Psalm 133 verse 2. David wrote it is like Precious oil pressure's oil has poured on the head running down on the bed running on Aaron's beard down to the collar of his robe you can't ever forget David's Journey that the prophet Samuel was looking for somebody to anoint as the next king and the Lord put on Samuel's GPS the address to Jesse's house [Music] he goes into Jesse's house and Knocks on the Dawn says the Lord has sent me here the one that God is going to anoint next lives in this house you didn't hear what I just said I said the one God is going to anoint next is in the house y'all sitting on me let me talk to the balcony whoever God got in mind for next is in this house right now this this is for those of y'all that been overlooked and ignored and played and pushed to the side she said the oil that I got is not for the regular cast of characters I'm getting ready to move to move some people out of position just to make sure you are established in the Earth [Applause] and and they bring out [Applause] the brothers that were birthed out of the loins of Jesse [Music] from the oldest to the youngest the one that was the eldest was a handsome and was Head and Shoulders above everybody else is articulate we all traveled to educated had the right pedigree was a direct heir God says silly rabbit tricks are for kids man looks at the outer appearance but I look at the heart and what it is that they brought out um that older son he he pulled out the Horn of oil because you're supposed to anoint the one who's gonna lead watch this but when uh when he pulled out that horn once this the oil wouldn't flow God help me I wish I had a church right through here he had and he brought through all of the sons and when he brought through all of the sons of the audio wouldn't flow for none of them but Samuel is so secure in his call he says I know this is the house that God sent me it's got to be somebody here who is a candidate for the anointing and they said we got one more but you don't want him God help me he he didn't go to Virginia Union he didn't go to Hampton I can't hear nobody he didn't go to Norfolk State God help me in here he never finished school he don't have much Focus he in the backyard on a John Deere lawnmower and the Bible says that the Lord said that's the one that I want you to bring it in the house y'all ain't saying nothing I want you to know that sometimes the evidence that you are anointed is when your own family mistreats you so sometimes you know you're the one that carries the oil because the people that got your last name don't even see the hand of God that is at work in your life [Applause] oh and he said the reason why the attack has been so heavy on you God help me I'm only preaching to 13 of you the attack has been so heavy on you watch this is because the enemy knows you are the one that carries the oil for the family God I can't hear nobody in here would you help other person beside you tell him I ain't shouting for no power but this worship ain't from no house I am worshiping God cause my family is on the line I don't know where y'all are but God said if you worship me there'll be no more cancer in your family no more heart attacks in your family no more dementia in your family no more Addiction in your family is saying nothing nobody else gonna be in the street in the club but your whole family is going to be born again and filled with the Holy Ghost I wonder if you spray your fire [Applause] God help me we almost there Hallelujah God help me Hallelujah if you if you got crazy Faith only if you got crazy faith will you speak your last name out loud God hear me I said speak your last name out loud God said when you worship again imma cover everybody that that last name I tell you to shout for your niece your niece your nephew nephew children your God your God children for your sibling your brother [Applause] we see that I am [Applause] Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] Todd Hilton [Music] Hallelujah we got Spectators in here but those of y'all that are not intimidated by folk rolling their eyes God said if you worship me I'm a knock a relative off the bar stool he said if you cry out loud it's a family member that ain't been to church in years okay getting ready to come back here if you praise me that's the Sunday the wrong crowd I'll give him your heels on your face [Applause] be seated I gotta show you something [Music] would you be seated minstrels I'm coming he anoints what's this huh [Music] God help me he he um he anoints my head [Applause] with oil [Applause] why is the oil placed on the head God help me he says he says I gotta cover your mind for your next assignment God God I think I lost you he said the reason why I put oil on your head is cause I'm gonna let you slip in the depression the reason why oil is on your hand is that you ain't gonna have thoughts of suicide and anxiety attack is Anointed [Applause] says I'm come anoint your mind because I need you sane and straight for the offers you get ready to walk into [Music] for the gifts you get ready to fulfill for the call you're getting ready to answer her grandmothers who never went to Seminary said I woke up this morning oh God heal me with my mind stayed on Jesus it it ended amazing golden there are 200 Hills in Jerusalem they're 200 Hills in Jerusalem and I'm not sure who was over military protocol but whoever was over military protocol made an outlandish mistake when it was time to crucify Christ of the 200 Hills they they chose the hill called galgotha they helped me and and gal gotha translates to mean the place of the stall if that weren't bad enough there were three of them being crucified God help me and they they shouldn't let Jesus go first or let them go last but they let him get crucified in the center of the skull God help me so so he didn't die for me to get a car he died so I would keep my mind God kept me when I felt like losing this see you got folk that know your business and they looking at you and they don't know how you have been lost at all but you gotta thank God that I kept my in spite of what I Endure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he anoints some my head with them with oil please which I'll be seated I'm I'm Amy I'm not used to all of this watch this um he he he um he anoints my head um with oil and and when um uh when sellers he anoints my head with all your uh watch um it it goes down to the beard even to the skirts of the road Pastor why why um why did David uh feel it necessary to tell me that when he anointed my head with oil and it goes to the beard even Aaron's beard to the skirts of the road um because uh what um uh God was trying to tell uh you to Virginia uh tonight is um God's got a problem and it's implicit in the text is that when he's anointing my head with all your endom it goes to defeated and then goes to the skirts of the road uh it is evidence that when it comes to me he don't know how to stop [Applause] when when he anointed God's helped me the thought the oil was for my head y'all y'all ain't getting this but he just keeps pouring can't help me and because he to me look at the person beside you say you sure you want to sit next to me Hallelujah there's an anointing on my life and everything connected to get just getting ready to get in the cage here nobody in here I tell you to just grab that neighbor by there and tell them there's a fresh oil that ready to flow into your life out of an order that keeps put into me is getting ready to be transparent into your life [Applause] the other problem with the oil is um is the oil doesn't know how to stay in one place [Applause] it's supposed to be on my head [Applause] but it just keeps moving God I feel his glory coming right through here I need somebody to know stay in New Jerusalem God help me in here I feel something right here but God said if you ain't careful the same oil that's in this house is on his way to your house God I can't hear nobody he said when you get home when you get home don't let nobody open the door for you but when you get home put your hand on the doorknob he said when you turn the door now everything in your house is getting ready to turn out like church but I want you to shout like you're walking to your living room I want you to shout like you're covering your children shout like you're walking in the kitchen and you never seen the righteous forsaken or do you see begging to pray he says shout like at home and you just open the mailbox him nobody nobody that name about I said take that neighbor say neighbor that ain't me pulling you see your healer yes pulling you in your assignment and go away already defeated has already exalted my enemies take anybody here that's got a place in your mouth going set it on down Holy Ghost is coming come on the oil is coming send forth is about to hit your ministry is about to hit your business your help be seated please I am [Music] somebody shouted out out the oil is flowing oh y'all didn't believe that thing I need you to say it out loud like a gun to your head God I feel it right through here Bishop you screaming one in one life [Applause] [Music] they say that I am only got three more times to tell you that be seated please notice this notice this green what is amazing watch this is that um the oil is poured on the head goes down to the beard even Aaron's beard down to the skirts of the road was amazing convocation is um is that the oil only goes down that the oil overseers doesn't go up [Applause] the oil um obeys gravity and and and comes down um there was a man um there was a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho all right and the man traveling um from Jerusalem the Jericho he fell Amongst Thieves God healed me in here and they robbed him they um they beat him they left him half dead y'all ain't gonna like it and um and um the priests God heal me and um right after the priest passes them by watch this a lawyer passes him by the significant thing that I wanted you to see a stranger shows up God help me he he's called you remember him from Sunday school he's the Good Samaritan and the Bible says he Dismounts his beasts y'all ain't gonna like it and the first thing he does is pull out his oil God I can't hear nobody and he puts his oil on the one that's been wounded would you look at the person because I didn't tell him I know it's been a rough year for you that that that's the wrong neighbor would you look at the person on the other side tell him I know it's been a hard 18 months Hallelujah but God had me sit next to you tonight because the oil that I got I'm getting ready to pour it on to you I can't hear nobody would you do me a favor if you ain't gonna be stuck up would you just shout to your all your paws on your neighbor come on open up your mouth to your oil pause on your knee you better put it on them you ain't gonna be broke another day in your life put it on them you ain't gonna be depressed another day in your life put it on them come on [Applause] and after um [Music] God help me [Applause] and after um yum pours the oil on his head the Bible says um it gets in the beard and the thing that is uh amazing for me um what is amazing to me uh is that um the oil is not obstructed by the beard that when the oil gets in the beard you you would think you would begin to coagulate and stop there because the Jewish men couldn't cut their beard all right so the question is how thick is the oil and then that he can penetrate the beard and keep flowing to help me say that that there are people who don't understand your anointing because they know your foolishness God heal me and they don't understand how the oil still flows through you even while it is that your life is jacked up y'all ain't saying nothing to me and because they don't understand your oil they'll make up rumors about you and and lie on you because they can't believe to all you can flow through all of that and still be you [Applause] yeah and then um it leaves a stain on the road my time is almost up thank you for having me um I can only wonder if um If I Was Here the um superintendent I I can only wonder if the woman with the issue of blood was a backslider we're good God heal me huh what what made um her think if I could just touch Ed the hymn of His Garment that there must have been something in her that made her believe the same oil that's in the head God help me is in the road come on Hallelujah that's why people got to be careful how they deal with you Jesus said touch not my anointed and and do my servant no harm I'm anointed his I'm anointed and I don't need a title title I'm a bearer [Applause] and for the next to the last time I want to ask you to be seated here it is so in Psalm 133 verse number 2. we are exposed um to the patriarchal sexism of David was a product of the time in the culture because he's suggesting that the only people who have the anointing have a beer this pulls into question how it is that we do our due diligence post Pentecost all right all right because in Acts chapter 2 it says in those last days God heal me I'll I'll pour out my God now y'all co-check I I pour out my spirit on All Flesh God him we can make it out of here and your sons and your daughters will prophesy God help me so we got a lot of churches preachers overseer superintendents Bishops who are intimidated by women with fionaire God I can't hear nobody here I know I'ma get in trouble but I got a church to go to he said watch it I'm getting ready to raise up some women that got a real anointing but you can't tell y'all ain't saying nothing cause they ain't got on a three-piece suit a clergy color or a gold cross but God said I anointed their head with oil y'all ain't saying nothing to me I anointed their heads with oil and the evidence I'm with him watch this is that it kept flowing [Applause] and uh and this is the last time I'll ask you to be seated this is um it's the last time I asked you to be seated you all um y'all got a spirit of disobedience [Applause] so the oil God help me ma'am um the oil flows from the head help me and it flows um down a sister in this sanctuary's face and because you're not close to her God help me and you looking at her from the other side of the sanctuary God help me you you think that's a mustache God I can't hear nobody but that that that ain't no mustache y'all ain't gonna help me that's oil around her mouth that whatsoever she speaks get ready to come to pass me and y'all ain't got a shout tonight I'm looking for some anointed women in the room God said if you open up your mouth tonight whatever you shout For You Gonna Get It by Labor Day he said whatever you you scream oh I can make you before the month is old hey God I feel Glory right through here I dare you to find another sister in this room and say you don't want me want me then I open up my not my heaven starts opening up then I started running for cover when I hear it's a self-star streak when I try I'll start getting paid kill nobody with it you've been waiting for your entire life what to do right now [Applause] oh my God I want to say two things and then I'm going I'm gonna say two things and then I'm going first thing I want to say is to those of you who are raising the daughter regret it God help me your daughter has been under satanic attack over the last 18 months God y'all ain't saying nothing and the reason why you don't understand I'm telling you 50 y'all getting ready to tear this church up the reason why you don't understand what's going on God told me to tell you you don't even realize you raising a prophetess God I can't hear nobody there's all your on your daughter's life only know this shout for yourself but I need you to scream for your daughters I need you to scream for your nieces stream for your granddaughter [Applause] is that all y'all got God said if you scream she ain't gonna be no baby mama she ain't gonna be no side chick she ain't gonna be confused about her sexuality she ain't gonna be on no abortion table she won't be in an abused relationship I am covering your daughter [Applause] hey I'm not sure [Applause] how my gosh this is your second dimension I gotta get out of here your second dimension watch this you're opening up your mouth hear me women of God you're opening up your mouth because God says I'm getting ready to unravel your gift [Applause] you're too anointed to be anonymous he said I'm tired of you suppressing your intelligence to make mediocre people comfortable either they gonna deal with it or they not y'all ain't gonna say nothing I don't care that you intimidated I don't need to be on your low committee I ain't gotta go eat with y'all I gotta be obedient to what God has called me to do if there's anybody here that know there's a gift in you you ain't floating yet would you cry out on the god like this is the summer then my oil is getting ready to flow [Applause] take that neighbor by the hand Hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] come on squeeze that neighbor's hand I need them to know they not holding the hands of a pushover [Applause] they holding the hands of somebody who knows how to hold on come on squeeze that neighbor's hand I want you to lift the hand of the person whose hand you're holding I said lift the hand of the person's hands you're holding learn from the Olympics you only lift your hand if you know you won God I can't hear nobody God said whatever you face in this week you're getting ready to have victory over it and if you're lifting up your neighbor's hand that means y'all are on the same team I need both of y'all who need a victory to happen for you in the next 72 hours I want you to lift up your voice like you speaking Victory come on open up your mouth that gives me victory I can't hear nobody open to the victory that's getting ready to help loose that neighbor's hand I tell the members of our church in Baltimore lift your hand as high as you see yourself going John I'm good thank you lift that hand as high as you see yourself going this is the lowest you ever gonna be tonight begins your season of elevation [Music] think you at New Jerusalem you're really at Cape Canaveral you just got cleared for takeoff God help me I can't hear nobody in here I need you just for 30 seconds would you open up your mouth and worship Our God for where you see yourself going [Applause] I can't hear you I said open up your mouth for when you see yourself [Applause] is that all you got come on the way you see I'm taking your children where you see them taking your business when you see them taking your ministry lift up your head oh ye gates [Music] there's oil that's getting better to flow there's all y'all that's getting better to flow into the life of some women that are in this room I'm mindful Bishop I know that this isn't women's night it's just what God gave me for this evening I'm going to tell you this very quickly please listen to me had to be checked I had to be corrected softly menstruals had to be corrected checked by a woman in my church came to me Bishop six weeks ago she's a single parent at my church [Music] my daughter got accepted in the Clark Atlanta University she said pastor I need you to pray my daughter got accepted in the clock Atlanta but I don't have the money to send her I said don't worry about it you know I'm I'm connected here in Baltimore and get in the Morgan or coppin for a year maybe next year we'll we'll transfer said pastor I don't mean no disrespect but God didn't show me my daughter at Morgan and show me my daughter at Copper show me my daughter at Hampton I mean at uh at Clark Atlanta she said I'm taking my daughter down there even though I don't have the money I got the faith [Music] I said mother I'm I'm a product at Atlanta University Center I went to Morehouse I'm telling you please don't take your daughter down there you're gonna break her spirit she gonna be embarrassed and I don't want her to have to come back home and we got to put it back together as a pastor I know all of that but I'm I'm taking her down there because that's what I see God showing me six weeks ago miles he packed her daughter up drove to Atlanta checked her daughter into the dormitory for the early college program decorated the dorm went by Target went by Walmart bought a mini fridge a microwave twin bed sheets comforter put potions on the wall they left out of there and went to the registrar's office when they went to the registrar's office she registered for a full course load of 16 credit hours last stop was the Bursar's Office the person said I see you don't moved into the dorm I see you on this foul that you've done registered your daughter for 16 credit hours the only issue now is I need the twelve thousand dollars for this semester she says superintendent without any wince in her gaze she said um I ain't got the money God told me true stories just six weeks ago and right at that moment you ain't gonna believe it man of God right in that moment the Bursa started crying never seen this woman a day in his life and he starts crying and he says you ain't gonna believe this but a scholarship opened this morning [Applause] [Music] and he said because you have faith for your daughter the tuition is already paid I can tell y'all don't know how to shout and the reason why y'all don't know how to shout is cause you think the tuition was paid for the semester God help me I need you to shout because the tuition is paid for four years God I can't hear nobody I here I am supposed to be the man of God to be in fact the governor of her soul and I don't have the faith that the woman had but she had oil pouring down her head now say this hear me very carefully God would never give you a vision that matches your budget [Music] [Applause] can afford to do it it's not from God y'all didn't hear what I just said when God gives you the vision he doesn't check your Finance checks your faith and if you got faith he'll come up with the finance y'all ain't saying nothing the only people who I want to hear shout are those that you who are expecting God to do something you ain't got the money for would you open up your mouth foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Theology Network
Views: 6,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, harnaam kaur, ms pearly Friday after next, newbirth cathedral, bishop John r bryant, ame church, dr charles e booth, dr William h curtis, dr marcus cosby, Freddy haynes, Marcus cosby, Frederick Haynes III, Reginald sharpe, fellowship chicago, dewey smith, cogic praise break, Charles jenkins, new birth cathedral, td jakes, potters house dallas, dorinda clark cole, gardner c taylor, Jeremiah wright, theology, Raphael warnock, howard john wesley
Id: 6z35j7VZnCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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