Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD AFFECT ME LIKE THIS - May 12th, 2019.

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that when the devil is after a woman he goes after her body first because he knows a god-fearing woman if her body is off target it'll stop captivating her but I came to cover some body of every mother in this room I speak against lupus and roids and fibroids and rupture y'all they say and against breast cancer speak against the spirit of the head to Christ [Music] [Music] [Music] I said you'll make your way to Luke chapter 13 New Testament book of Luke chapter 13 Luke chapter 13 just a little bit more please in the monitor Luke chapter 13 and I want us to critically examine verses 10 through 13 Luke chapter 13 verses 10 through 13 will continue whatever it is that is shared on today we'll continue on Tuesday night as a part of our Bible study series a blackout the blueprint for biblical meditation how to shut down to plug-in on Tuesday night it was absolutely awe-inspiring on God's call to us the power of meditation I want you to make sure that you rearrange some things on your schedule and please meet us here on Tuesday night at 7:30 Luke chapter 13 verses 10 through 13 on a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogue's and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years she was bent over and couldn't straighten up at all when Jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set free from your infirmity then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised God you may be seated he meant Erika he'll give me just a little bit more please help me on a Sabbath the Jesus was teaching in one of his synagogues a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years she's bent over and couldn't straighten herself out Jesus saw her called her forward and said to her woman you are set free from your infirmity then he laid his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and she praise God I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I didn't think it would affect me like this I didn't think it would affect me like this would you look at the person massage and just say to him would you pray for me please I didn't think it would affect me like this there's a physiotherapist in Sydney Australia who were standing on the side of the field to attend to wounded rug the rugby players during an intensive match up many of the agile athletes ended up limping to his table from a litany of injuries ranging from a pulled hamstring to a calf strain dr. demian finis ministered to each of them with a top-of-the-line ultrasound instrument that utilizes sound waves to alleviate pain within under 15 minutes each of the 16 mates exclaimed that they felt better and were prepared to go back on the field it wasn't until the end of the game that dr. phinius realised that the machine wasn't even plugged up it was then the Epiphany hit that all of his pseudo patients were healed by the placebo effect the placebo effect is the incontrovertible demonstration a mind over matter the medicinal community is replete with examples of individuals who have taken what constitutes a sugar pill or undergone a stimulated treatment but felt that their bodies were better simply because their minds told themself because their mind send a message to their bodies their bodies responded by the message that the mind had spent take for instance airborne airborne has not been verified by the FDA to do anything but millions buy it before getting on planes to convince themselves that they're being protected it is the expectation of thought that influences behavior african philosophers coined the expression that the Greek philosopher stolen according to GM James in his book stolen legacy I think therefore I am proverbs 23 and 7 says as man as a woman thinketh so is he so is she hence the placebo effect when I asked you this morning albeit rhetorically maybe you are where you are because of what you think of yourself maybe you really don't think that you deserve better that you can have better or that you can live better and so your environment is responding to your thinking maybe you're frustrated angry bitter recalcitrant because your mind is responding to the messages your mind is sending it is in no uncertain terms the placebo effect as a cinema aficionado during my season of the insomnia I switched over to the classic movie channel and fell engrossed in an old black-and-white film entitled Gaslight it's produced in 1944 it tells the tale of a world-famous opera singer who was murdered in her own home but gets away with no valuables because the famous opera singers 14 year old niece walks in on him so he escapes out the back room after the tragedy the young 14 year old niece is sent away to boarding school years later she mysteriously meets a man who takes her on a two-week world wind romance and convinces her to marry him soon as they're finished the honeymoon he immediately convinces her to move into the deceased aunt's estate soon after they move in pictures start disappearing off the wall brooches are gone from the box Furniture is removed from the Attic and from the basement all while her husband is trying to convince her that he was never there it is only at the climax of the film that the viewer discovers the man she married is the same man that killed her on he came back to finish the job it is The Gaslight effect The Gaslight effect here me will is when somebody tries to make you think you are crazy when you know that you are not you know what you've seen you know what you heard you know what you felt and they tirelessly trying to convince you that your thoughts are not real that what you saw is imagined and what you heard has been misunderstood I want to tell you if nobody else will tell you you are not crazy you are just connected to somebody who is [Applause] at the center for anxiety disorders Center for his anxiety disorders calm they unraveled the phenomenon within psyche psychiatry called psychosomatic it is the manifestation of physical illness that has been activated by the internal conflict identified as stress for the parents who are you in the room you you have one of your children who had cries so heavily until they acted like they will give ready to vomit you had to calm him down why because they were making themselves sick in the simplest of forms it is pain that impacts the body that emanates from the mind so there's so many of you who are in this room so many who are watching online who got pain in your chest but the x-rays can't identify anything for somebody who's sitting three rolls over from you who have to combat cereal migraines but have no traceable source you have to stop making yourself sick my godfather is in tip-top shape did three miles on a trip mil a day maintained a healthy lifestyle held up the same weight ain't healthily everyday and a few years ago unbeknownst our family had an undetected stroke nobody in the family could understand what happened all of his blood levels were fine as cholesterol was fine until the doctors deduced that it came from stress don't let your thoughts take Tolle it's a stress that you have already endured the unstressed that you have already lived under has already had too much of an effect on your physical well-being much of the church cries and clamors and charismatic circles around being debt-free but I speak over every person who was in this room not for you to be debt-free while that may be good but I speak over those of you who have ears to hear the Spirit of the Lord says to the church this is your hour to live stress-free for some of you that doesn't mean anything but for those of you who have been under heavy weight of stress and you need God to alleviate the stress in your life would you give God glory like all of it has been resolved y'all sound like you ain't been under that much stress but if you've been under the kind of stress where you can't sleep through the night it's impacting your eating it's affecting your concentration is messing up your focus but you are believing that before this month is over everything that has been a trigger for stress is going to be arrested under the hand of the Almighty God I dare to give God glory like you believe this battle is not mine this battle is the Lord's [Applause] stress-free stress-free I'm prophesy and your name recognizing stress-free I dated just elbow who sitting next to you tell them for the rest of your life stress-free that don't mean you ain't gonna have no problem but you ain't gonna lose your man over it stress fresh you don't mean bills ain't gon come but I serve Jehovah Jireh stress fresh one Sunday one Sunday Jesus sauntered into the sanctuary and he spotted a woman he recognized a woman in church who had been crippled and Luke who is the only physician out of all of the disciples reads for us her medical chart that she's been crippled for 18 years here's what I would have you to know is that this woman in Luke chapter 13 is not paraplegia woman in our text does not have spina bifida the woman in the Bible has no choice of paralysis the woman in Luke chapter 13 has no pain but the text tells us she's bent over the legendaries Lena Horne said is not the load that breaks you it's the way you carry yet Jesus is in the church and he identifies her you not gonna believe it she's not calling out for help she's not waving her hand and worship she is not screaming Jesus recognizes her in church and he needs some sisters to hear me because her posture is off he doesn't understand how she is a queen bent over her posture was the problem and Jesus realized that Queens don't crumble Michelle Obama said when they go low we go God says something is wrong with a woman I have ordained a sign and appointed and your posture is off since I do not want you bend over because if you're bent over you can't look your destiny in the eye I do not want you bend over here this cuz I don't want you to stoop down to other people's standards since I do not want you bend over why this cuz I don't want you to lower yourself to your haters expectation he says I've gotta have you lifted up because something has happened along the line that you have forgotten who it is that you are it is the intention of the enemy for you to be bent over because he does not want you to walk erect with the power and the authority that God has trusted you with God may not have noticed her bent over at work at the office in the store at the gas station at home but how are you gonna come in God's house build over when you come into God's house it ought to do something in you to understand greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world I need you if you'll help me right through here would you just rub the back of some sister next to you and tell them you ain't supposed to be bent over I know this life has not been fair I know that people have been cruel I know that you've had to deal with a whole lot but you got a crown on your head go get yourself together and straight yourself out you are not supposed to be depending on what kind of grandmother you had depending on what kind of grandmother you had some of us had a grandmother that used to say if you keep rolling your eyes we had the same grandmother if you keep rolling your eyes they're gonna get stuck in the back of your head and what God is saying if you keep stooping down you gonna run the risk of getting stuck but God told me to tell you you have had your last season bent over so people will take you for granted you you didn't hit your last season I'm Nick gross talking to you crazy and sick and they can get away with it [Applause] they have taken your kindness for granted and this got you twisted you've been over and ended amazing how long she's been over don't take my word for y'all don't know me that good look at what it says in the Bible she is bent over here's your shout for 18 years as I'm lost I don't know you saw me is that her entire season of motherhood bent her she had to expend so much energy being a mother she lost her identity there is more to her than being some baby's mama God God did not call you to put your dream aside you are gifted to multi - y'all ain't saying nothin to me you going back to school you gonna finish that book you come to get that nonprofit off the ground you gonna launch your business you come buy property and you gonna be that baby's mama you ain't gotta choose how many jobs you got a lot how many checks you can shoot a lot how many houses you got company gifts you got says how long have you been in this position for 18 years I gotta ask you how long you been stuck how long you didn't gave up on your dream how long you two made yourself second how long have you rewarded yourself with second-class citizenship how long have you been out of order with your stance you've been bent over since the divorce you've been bent over since you got laid off you've been bent over since Harry left you've been built over since money ran out and the Bible says she did everything she could to get herself straightened out and it wouldn't work she thought she could do it under her own power under her own devices out of her own savvy out of her influence and none of it worked she thought changing the head would do it she thought changing our wardrobe would do it she thought just lighting scented candles would do it putting up a vision board would do it nothing that would work becoming more involved in the sorority would do it none of it what becoming a vegan that didn't do it watching self-help videos listening to podcast hearing classical music clearing out your space stay all night straighten out how long you gonna be half the woman I designed you to be how long you gonna lie yourself to be less than the calling us on your life you don't even see the full of fortunes of the Majesty that I have in mind for your destiny your Simon you think I anointed you for Bill you think my hand is on your life that the only compliment they can give you is you cute she just couldn't pull herself together she couldn't do nothing she tried everything and still he wouldn't straighten up Jesus who is omniscient immediately identifies what's wrong with her the diagnosis is clear look at Luke chapter 13 when you get home I'm in verse number 11 Jesus says this woman who's bent over and stuff has the spirit of infirmity y'all ain't gonna like it she has the spirit of infirmity that means new birth she ain't really sick [Applause] the spirit of infirmity is a disabling spirit it is demonic deformity and so the enemy keeps attacking your body hallelujah as if God ain't a healer but I'm believing that healing is getting ready to happen for some woman in this room today some of y'all don't need it but I ste Clare it and i decree it complete and total physical restoration over every woman that is on medication over every woman that's got pain in her body over every woman who has an abnormal growth - every woman who is facing a decision of surgery especially because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and that sick demon that keeps attacking your body is about to be under your feet in amazing an amazing show you something God gave me this revelation Malthus studying in Trinidad just sweet God showed this to me I couldn't wait to get back to give it to you aren't you a God showed me in the Word of God will you show me through prayer he said Jamal show on this dang-gone believe it the Bible shows us men here this in the Bible who are demon-possessed we find in the Bible men that a demon possessed you mem when Jesus got off the ship and the demoniac Kent came running towards him and he starts cutting his flesh saying why have you come to torment me ahead of schedule because whenever the devil is after a man he comes for his mind first yalta better to miss it but in an amazing get an amazing that when the devil is after a woman he goes after her body first because he knows a god-fearing woman if her body is off target you know stop captivating her man but I came to cover some body of every mother in this room I speak against lupus center roids and thyroid cells rupture y'all naysayers and against breast cancer I speak against the spirit of the Antichrist that watch the time bomb be seated please I feel glory coming Thank You holy God I said I feel the glow Republic a speaker light over the body of every woman in this room you are not gonna lose your breasts you are not gonna lose your you are not all have to go through chemotherapy see the police no hip replacement no knee replacement no hearing aids you ain't willing around no oxygen tank you two killed for that do I go spend one night in hospice goddess don't give you allow you are covered from the top of your head to the sole of your we see the police have you be seated thank you holy God thank you holy God I want women of faith who believe that God is covering your body would you just start laying hands on yourself you ain't gonna lose your vision you ain't gonna lose your hearing you will not have dementia you will not have all service you will not have kidney failure you will never suffer stroke you will not be on cholesterol and blood pressure medication [Music] [Music] [Applause] find your hole [Music] I'm trying to move it I feel a push right through here some of y'all ain't got a shout you ain't got a scream here's who I need you to worship for would you worship for a woman in your family that ain't here that got sickness in her body would would you shat right [Music] y'all ain't got a worship with us God blocked the hand of every atheist doctor if the doctor saved either one of touching me if the nurse a say I don't want looking at me that way [Music] something amazing happened something amazing happens new birth he sees her sees her bent over change it that way last week she has adjusted to dysfunction she been in this condition for 18 years and I want you to see what God does next I'm telling you brace yourselves because some woman is gonna get the breakthrough they need is when he sees a bent-over watch what happens new birth that's when he calls her God don't call woman women never got everything together he calls women that got a degree of brokenness I can't you know buddy he get looking for you to be perfect he's looking for you to be available Jesus under me [Music] since I'm calling you to me cuz I need you to get closer to me you didn't try to hide in the crowd and you don't even know I I need you close to me cuz there's a call on your life and you ain't got no mentor you ain't got no prayer pot you don't have no example all you got is me and you boo but we gonna rock it out I don't know where you are but I need you to excuse yourself from the people around you would you just take 30 seconds and whatever it needs for you to do for you to get close to him would you do it I need you to lift up that hand and open up your mouth like you desire to get closer to God then you have a million any women in this room who believing that your postures get ready to change your position is getting ready to change your placement is getting ready to change the devil should have destroyed you in your weak moment but you can may get your groove back I can't hear nobody to get I'm telling you you are not to be played with you you are not the one as soon as God deals with this Luke introduces us to a word he introduces us to a word that I that we can't find in the Old Testament but is exposed in the New Testament it's a word that I need you to carry with you for the rest of this year every person who believes you carries some semblance of the anointing on your life which he lifts up their hand please if you feel like you carry the unknown it on your life watch what happens would you now place their hand on the shoulder the person that's closest to you if you ain't on it don't touch me I'm playing the Bible says that he laid hands on her and here's the word I've been waiting on leash in here tonight this morning and immediately god I can't hear no worshipers and immediately everything in her life that was truck it got straightened up I speak over whoever you lay hands on that it just got strained out there there soon [Music] I can tell why you ain't shouting that good cuz you don't know what just gotten straightened out but when I call your thing you better shout about it every legal issue just not straight down every financial if you just got straight down oh yes you just dive straight I guess you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes everything with your son [Music] a day to pull on that neighbors hair pull on that they burst and while you are trying to figure it out the Lord already welded followed oh yes straight destroying now that we misunderstand hmm yes right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and immediately I got time to wait on it I need it before 12:00 noon and immediately and immediately she got straightened out look at verse number 13 I'm getting out of here first thirteen says immediately she straightened up and she started praising God what I need you to see is they were already in church but before she got straight she wouldn't praise them but because God had straightened it out she began losing her mind and giving God glory I need you to shout in this room don't you believe it's already covered so like it's already a dress like just let it go [Music] [Applause] lift that hand lift that hand it's already straightened out Hannah knew it's already straightened up I come into agreement with you is already straightened out whenever you dealing with this all ready straightened out y'all ain't got any faith in here I'm telling you about the hand of God it's already straightened out I believe it by faith lift up that hair it's already has to become every lifted hand that they are known in that's on your life won't allow you to get involved with nothing crooked I hope you'll shout about it that God is putting a restraining order between you and crooked people not occasional man in here nobody crooked is gonna be able to take your money don't be able to disrupt your business God here's straightening it out you gonna have to fight with nobody argue with nobody some believe in my faith it's already straightened out she lifted a hand I'm gonna pray for you [Music] if that ham come on straighten that back up [Music] straighten that back up though don't you drop that crown straightening back up your child at a can you you want to see me broken you want to see me pin try that back up don't ever let them see you slippin keep that back up I speak of every lifted hand you've compromised for the last time in your life you're now in a season of your life that you are intimidated by nobody you'll be able to look anybody in that you are now gonna be insecure about anything that you possess everything connected to you is about to be straightened up by the power of the Holy Ghost I'm believing that we lifted hand that your body is covered in spider whatever the doctor said it does not overrule the power of God I'm believing that God is gonna give you strength it's gonna give you wholeness he's gonna give you completion those of you your faith comes into agreement with my faith this morning do me a favor give God your shelter Thanksgiving please [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 74,026
Rating: 4.8656197 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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