Dr. Frank E. Ray - He Is Our Keeper

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well god bless you this is pastor ray I'm so delighted to share with you thank you for turning this way I want to share with you a message I preached not very long ago in tired he is out keep on my goodness you did not keep yourself it was not your family that kept you was not your friends that kept you it was not your mining that kept you was not your education that kept you was not your attorney your doctor or your next-door neighbor I want to share a sermon entireties the people I want you to listen to this message sums 121 verses one through eight to just kind of talk today and doing running commentary these verses sums 120 one versus one trade on I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is now keepo the Lord is not shade upon thy right hand Sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve our soul the Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time for the even for evermore thank you so much I won't talk for a little while about he is our keeper he is our keyboard ever said that he is our keeper thank you so much I thought that I needed to just talk with us because of what has transpired in our land the last few days because the nation as a whole is running scared and fear has a way of damaging one's life fear turned black hair green fear but also in your stomach fear will turn a young man into an old one fear create a restlessness underneath your skin and life is too short for us to run scared when we have the reinforcements that we have sometimes we forget who we are and whose we are when you know who you are and who's your all you can say Anke because I've got somebody working in my behalf we have watched gun violence now for several years I should remind us that it didn't just start with shooting up cities and schools those of you that live in this city where I live we see it every day and the tragedy here is that many of the ones doing it favor us we have blamed it on mental health and I think we're missing from mill hilt to anger we place it on anything but the real thing hatred and anger is chasing our streets like junebugs in the summer song so how do I help situations preacher when my life is at stake that I can't go nowhere now I ride down the street minding my own business could get shut down before get from point A to point B don't even have to leave home people will kill you in your own house how do I have situations like this you act so many good questions the writer says is that one thing we must do and that is change our posture oh he says I lifted up my eyes our focus is too much on stuff around us and instead of focusing on what else above us because when we look around our situations it is very depressing is to live in this life now without being depressed over situations around us because things don't look good around us you can have your cars and cash and clothes and commodities and creature comforts and Caribbean cruises and cottages in the country but when you have to lock yourself in and then lock yourself up and lock others out that's not a good way to live and when you have to lock and lock the lock that's locked and we were all day if the lock is locked talk to me somebody that's not a good way for us to live but I think that God can show us how we should conduct ourselves in a midst of a sinful generation he said your Posterous should be different he saw lifted up mine eyes unto the heels a lot of things happen in the Bible in heels there was a hill called Mount Arreat where the art landed when the flood was over there was a heel call of Moriah where Abraham offered his son Isaac as a sacrifice it was a hill called Sinai where Moses went to receive the written law it was a hill called Pisgah where Moses God showed him the almost land it was a hill called Nemo where God Baron Moses and turn around and buried his grave it was a hill called Zion or David found out that God is a stronghold in the time of trouble it was a heel call on him what Jesus would retire and pray all night long it was a hill called Herman where Jesus was transfigured his divinity outshine his humanity it was a hill called cavalry what Jesus suffered and died for our sins but not only was it a heel wear geographical and historical things happen the heels were also a place where crime was committed because thieves and vagabonds were Leo and dwell in the heel sore if anyone would come anywhere around the heel country more than likely they would get taken out the tragedy happened in the heel and so when the text say I lifted up mine eyes he was saying I have some problems because a lot of my problems come from the heels and of course when we think of heels now we think of the heel house called the white house that a lot of our problems come from the place where I should be looking for him but instead of getting him I'm getting destroyed and if we're not careful if we focus on that heel will stay the press but the summer said you got to raise your eyes a little higher he said you got to lift up mine eyes to another heel because I got some hip up there that's above the heel you've been looking at talk to I lift up mine eyes unto the heels easy from which comment my hip the writers seem to say you can't make it in this life without some help stops aching that you can live in this life by yourself too many people try to live alone but can I tell you sooner or later you gonna need some help act like you can make it by yourself if you wanna you'll be out on a little island by yourself but all of us need some kind of help I hear people say I'm self-made I'm home self you live you didn't make yourself matter of fact we an get it to half the world before we leave home in the morning if you get up and take a bath and use soap you and did it to the Frenchman they invent it too so if you take a towel and dry off your body you and did it to the third they invented the town if he'd hashbrowns you and did it to Idaho if he conflicts you and did it to Illinois if you have if you eat peanut butter and jelly you and did it to Georgia if you drunk some orange juice you indebted to Florida never got any help in this house if you drink coffee or cocoa you and did it to Africa I don't care where you go you ain't did it to somebody before you leave home we need help but the problem is we look for help in the wrong places the places we've been looking for him the Lord said cancel that out because they might help you and they may not help sometimes we look for two minutes wrong people to help us you remember that episode in John chapter 5 that was a man that was at the pool for 38 years and Jesus walked two up and said would you be made whole and he starts saying I've been looking for a man to help me and every time I thought I had a man in place to help me he he walked right by me he said no man hit me in the pool I'm looking at somebody here this morning you looking for some man to help you but me and love to disappoint you preach from rape there there wait till they think you got to have them and their turn and show you another side don't look for man to help you there was someone else that's able to help you and he will do it he's I lifted up mine eyes unto the hills from which come in my hip my hip come from Yahweh Yahweh Elohim el Sharia Jehovah Nissi Jehovah Rapha jehovah Salone Jehovah sit can do that's where my help comes from they will have a witness is there anybody here Lord that you help comes from the Lord you said well I got a good job I can make it on my own because Deuteronomy 8:18 say it is he that give the power to get well maybe you cat a PhD but that's all the three letters of the English alphabet they mean you got 23 mo you don't know nothing about God is the one that give you help so number one you got to look at the source of my head things we're focusing on too much its resources Makar that's resource my house that's resources my little money it's a resource clothing I wear that's resources but God is the source so I don't need to bypass my source and spend a lot of time on resources because resources that holds it resources come and go resources they fly away but your source will always be there and that's God Himself you and I both know that he was here when we got you he will be here when we leave here but your resources may be here today and gone tomorrow he is our source shall source one time in my hip coming from the Lord he suggested he's if you get me mixed up with some other God he said one I'm tell mine is the one that made heaven and earth now if you had thought about other cards when you got to this you discover he's one and only he made the heavens and earth everything you have a compass everything you have came from one of the places it came from the earth but came from heaven somebody ever did a question God about his supply this is what I said I have 10,000 blessings in my right hand to satisfy the poor and he never gets shot of 10,000 blessings he can bless you you you you you and you and still have 10,000 blessings because God has what you call an inexhaustible supply in other words he'd never run short he never run out you know every time then when they want to raise gas prices they say getting short on gas and run to get gas and Oh short on gas not when God supplies it you walk in crow pose and some of you yo places where you shop for groceries two o'clock in the morning when you walk in they restock in the shelf because I ran out during the course of the day but God never have to rush to do anything God is still feeding billions of people keeping produce keeping vegetables keeping enough chickens died for all of us to have fried chicken every day he never runs short because God has what you call an inexhaustible supply I may not get any higher than this he is the scope of our him watch the text he will not suffer your foot to be moved hmm in other words is so easy to mess up let me see it is so easy to mess up sometimes you found out what a person because they did mess up but you don't know how long they've been standing you know how many times the devil tried to take them out and it kept on then you know how many time they came so close [Music] but when you stand it you can't pat yourself on the back said look at what I did it's the Lord that kept your foot from slipping some 37 verse 23 he said the steps the steps of a good man they are ordered by the law you see some time the reason is so easy to mess up is because you don't know where you're going all the time and that God don't give us a roadmap from time to eternity he give us one step at a time that's why every morning when you get up you got to consult your Creator talk to himself what you want me to do today who do you want me to bless the day way you want me to go today don't ask for too much too soon because you won't be able to keep up with you to have a witness they ain't gonna bother y'all too long he steps he stumbles because sometimes we start bragging about how holy I am all child ain't gonna do that you ain't gonna never catch me doing that to be ashamed this F ain't never gonna be careful how you try to expose another thing because God would take the cut off of ya so you've been bragging about how holy O God so let me show the world how you really are he order our steps he order I'll stumble because some time God have to allow us to fall into some stuff first to realize we strong as we think we are that's what Jesus said to his disciples I got to leave but I'm a sinner quarterback this going to help you in my absence yet mister he order then Bible says he that keepeth shalt keep he that keepeth in King James is three words but in Hebrew is one word Shema is the Hebrew word for keep it means he gods it is like you in prison with chains on and then God's standing on both sides to keep it about it from Bob in here he guards up it ain't that easy to take out a crystal and because God is guarding you you thought that was you doing all that Nona it wasn't you it was God that was shout God in you he's God in you he's keeping you out of stuff keeping the out of food keeping you out of mess he is guarding me to think about it is that some stuff hit it's your way you even know it's gone matter and some stuff that's some folk it's trying to take you out now and you thought it was your prayer they just get ready to set you up so they can take your house talk with a lane in the Bahamas she's been married six times and all six of our husbands would be five of them she killed with soup they either soup the six one she shot him because he wouldn't eat the soup [Applause] y'all look at Atmos trace somebody is boiling some soup for you [Applause] you don't even know who they are but because God is guarding you he keep you Lord from drinking stuff let's go ahead and to take you out it's a healing keep it having no God is a keeper I haven't and keep it up with my travel but for the last 15 years last 15 year well god bless you we're out of time but certainly and you see we're not out of message I hope you've been blessed while listening to just a portion of this message I enjoy bringing this sermon to your hope that has bless your life your heart you can get a copy of this message we love for you to have a copy call our church office and 1-800 three seven five four zero zero seven or write to God is good ministry 22:37 southpaws wait East Memphis Tennessee zip three eight one one for all go online as God is good minister done there and you can pick us up and order your message their CD or dvd we'd love for you to have that message come share with us I want you to be our guest here at Salem Salem is a wonderful Church to come and to worship the Lord you will be blessed if you do my goodness you watch us on television and you say I'm gonna come visit that church one day I want you to be my special guest this coming Sunday I'm looking forward to seeing your face in this place we had quitted 237 Southport Way East Memphis Tennessee zip three eight one one four be blessed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: God Is Good Ministries
Views: 15,377
Rating: 4.6566525 out of 5
Id: TOj8BF30B_8
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Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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