Apostle Herman Murray | Now or Never

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somebody else and say i win amen tavian washington is coming with the farm with this song that says i win y'all pray for it [Applause] [Music] oh there are victorious people in the household tonight i said are there any victorious people on the house tonight they may have been coming because of you that we are with us [Music] [Music] other [Music] but i stand here today [Music] [Music] oh jesus [Music] i win [Applause] [Music] listen to the story there have been many women that have been formed against us designed to take my joy and stripped away the devil he thought he had [Music] [Music] all right clap your hands and give god some praise we all victorious winners in the house i'm a win i'm a winner and i'm a winner i'm a winner but i'm a winner that i'm a winner yeah i'm a winner everybody say yes say yes [Applause] say yes [Applause] yay i'm a winner i win are we [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] come on and put those hands together for the lord everybody [Music] oh come on come on we can praise him tonight he's such a great card and greatly to be praised come on i see your hands i don't hear no voices i said i see your hands but i don't hear your voices the bible said let the redeemer of the lord say so oh we got a right to praise him tonight our god is so worthy would you clap those hands for the testimonies that we heard amen god is an amazing god takes care of his people amen and i'm a witness don't serve him for the fishes and love servant because you love him but if you serve him he'll give you some fishes and some loans he'll take care of you amen i know that he will thank god for amen the youth congress cry would you clap your hands and praise the lord for him amen certainly we've had a great time just come out of youth congress amen had a great time in the lord and we're back here tonight god bless you take your seat if you can amen in his presence tonight amen hallelujah the first saturday night of a brand new year god is a good god he blessed us and brought us into this place tonight amen and i believe that god's got something in store for you amen anybody come looking and expecting god to do something amen i'm looking i'm expecting god to do something for me not just tonight amen but i'm looking for this to be a banner year amen i'm looking for god to really elevate us and take us higher amen in him this year and i'm not just sitting around talking about it you know you got a lot of folk they're just saying i'm praying to god take me higher what that mean amen what you doing to go higher praise the lord i'm going to do what i need to do in order to maximize the season that the lord has brought us to thank god for our first lady amen thank god for lady daniel tonight amen and thank god for dr shirley murray amen god is faithful and he keeps proving himself over and over and over and over again amen thank god look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord amen now tell somebody and i am a lover of the word of our god i love mine tonight and i brought mine you got yours come on hold that power up thank god hallelujah because everything else is going down but what everything but what everything but the word of our god amen and just as we made it in times past holding on to the word that's what we're going to have to do amen if we're going to make it through now we need the benefit of the word of our god saint mark's gospel the 10th chapter amen sing mark chapter number 10 and i want to call your attention if you want to verse 46 46-52 amen saint mark the 10th chapter amen verses 46 47 48 49 50 51 and 52 when you have it say amen read what the bible says and they came to jericho and the bible said they came to jericho and as he went out of jericho but then the next thing we hear he's coming back out well that was that was a quick trip he's in now he's out they came to jericho now as he went out of jericho read with his disciples with his disciples and a great number of people blind bartimaeus the son of timaeus said by the highway side she sat by the highway side begging read and when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out and say jesus and he said jesus thou son of david thou son of david have mercy on me have mercy on me read and many charged him that he should hold his peace hold your peace stop talking don't don't bother him you know how some people are they they too helpful leave him alone right now and the people that they should be keeping away they let well let me hush re but he cried the more but he cried out the more a great deal a great deal thou son of david thou son of david have mercy on me have mercy on me and jesus stood still and he stood still and commanded him to be called the bible said he commanded him to be called huh and they called the blind man saying unto him be of good comfort rise he calleth thee he calleth thee i'd like to think it was the same ones that were telling them to shut up and then jesus says tell him to come here and after they tried to stop him now they got to turn around and tell him all right well he's calling you look at somebody tell them the master's calling you oh you just come on into his presence now because because you got his attention and he's calling you now read and he casting away his garment throw away his coat his garment rose rose and came to jesus and jesus answered and said unto him what wilt thou that i should do unto thee what do you want me to do for you the blind man said unto him blind man said he could have said i'm blind what else could i want you see i can't see your blind man come to you and you ask me what do you want me to do for you i thought you understood i was blind but the bible says you have to let your request be made known unto god i found out that when you pray you have to be specific the bible says you can have whatsoever you you say amen i i get it you know those humble prayers we pray anyway you bless me all right but sometimes you got to get down on your knees and and put your finger on what it is you need god to do for you do you know god is okay with you being specific in prayer amen it's not you telling god what to do well no just any way you bless me i'll be sad that's good and stay humble but god is not against you putting your finger and pinpointing where you are and where the need lies in your life he said what do you want me to do for you he said i need to to receive my sight ring and jesus said unto him go thy way go your way thy faith had made thee whole your faith hath made the whole and you know we see that a whole lot in the scripture where jesus declares the people it was your faith that made the whole we see we hear it all the time when we talk about the woman with the with the issue of blood she came into the prayers and jesus turns around and she's shaking she feels that something has been done in her and he turns around and he says daughter be of good cheer it was your faith your faith thy faith have made thee whole we hear that a whole lot and yet and still we're at a time when people really don't understand what it means to live by real biblical faith if it's that important and if faith can make you whole then we've got to understand what faith is all about the bible says that it is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things that we cannot see faith is vital it is necessary it is important if we are going to receive anything from god and he says go that way thy faith had made thee whole and this is important read this last verse this last scripture uh last sentence read it and immediately and immediately he received his sight he received this saying that's the miracle he followed jesus in the way the bible says they came to jericho the next thing we know he's coming out of jericho and there's a blind man as he's going out of jericho who cries and says thou son of david have mercy on me and you know history says that this was for all intents and purposes the last time that jesus came that way so if he had missed this he would have y'all getting quiet look at some of that and tell them neighbor it could be now or never look at somebody else and just tell them neighbor it could be now or never i have come to recognize the importance of understanding when you are in what i like to call a season of opportunity you've got to learn how to recognize it because it's important if you miss this season of opportunities sometimes and i've said it before you have to wait for every other season to come and go before you ever get that season of opportunity back again i i've seen people mess up their season of opportunity and it passed them by and it left and it was so complete it seemed like that all these years later i have been seeing that opportunity come back for some people and they're left wishing that i hadn't made a move when i could have if you miss a season of opportunity there's nothing else for you to have other than seasons of regret and i don't know anybody that likes to sit there and think about what i should have done and what i could have done and what almost happened for me this means we've got to be very keenly aware of where it is that we are just as sure as you're in need of anything god is going to give you space to receive whatever you need god's going to give you an opportunity you've just got to be aware and able to recognize where you are you've got to know amen that there are sometimes that god is going to bring you to that are going to be what they call make or break seasons this is going to be the one that defines the rest of your life and in that moment you've got to do what you need to do in order to get to where you need to be in god and sons and daughters i found out amen that you can't miss god you don't you don't want to miss god you don't want to miss how he's moving but you've got to be prepared because the god that we serve is always on the move he's always doing something and you've got to be willing just like the man that sat at the pool waiting for the troubling of the water you've got to be ready that when the lord shows up you can make your move and step in and receive what it is that you need from the lord i i sit and i watch people amen when the lord goes to moving and the altar call is is called and people are being blessed and they're being healed by the hand of god i see people dragging around and it's almost like they're sitting there trying to figure out if they have a need from god no listen when it's time to get in the water get in the water amen because this could be one of those make or break moments when you got to step out and you ain't got time to try to figure stuff out amen when it's calling for your faith to move into operation you've just got to stand up and rise amen in the faith of god i see some people amen they miss their seasons they miss those make or break moments because they're out of place they're not there when god starts to move i think about people who say they have a need but yet still they can't even come to church i i don't understand how people amen with all of this power all of this opportunity they would rather sit at home and call a prayer in amen or tell somebody send a note to the pastor and tell him to pray for me as if the pastor don't know that you ain't just sitting up at the house come on now hey man you got people all day saturday they can go wherever they want to go as soon as church time comes around tell the pastor to pray for me you are missing it god is moving in the sanctuary and you've got to recognize amen the importance of being in the right place at the right time i i don't want to miss god i don't want to move amen outside of god i don't want to do stuff amen that won't benefit me and then turn around and have nothing but regret no i want to make sure that i'm in the right place at the right time to receive whatever it is that i need from god and that's what i need you to understand child of god don't you let the example that a lot of other people are saying don't you let that change amen how you approach to god no you've got to make sure amen that you would pass so that when god starts moving you have a front row seat to whatever god is going to do there was a time when people had a need they showed up amen they didn't just send prayer requests they showed up amen they didn't call the church they showed up and it wasn't about being embarrassed and it wasn't amen about folk looking at me and knowing what i'm dealing with and what i'm going through they just came and they brought their needs to the feet of the master he met if they had to come in in a wheelchair he meant some time they would have people to roll them in on stretchers y'all getting cried but their focus was to get into the presence of the lord i wonder where did that kind of faith go because we really don't see that kind of faith in operation now it is so convenient to just dial a prayer are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell it's so convenient to just text somebody and say i won't be there tell the pastor to pray but listen you've got to put yourself in the way amen you've got to do whatever you need to do to get into the presence of the lord and you know what i found out about god even the god that we serve wants us to be whole he does not want us sick god does not want us he been imputed god does not warn us have been feeble in our bodies and in our mind amen that's not what the bible tells us the bible says amen that he wants us to be whole he wants us to be amen prosperous even as our soul does prosper and so many times we hear people talking from the way they talk all god is really concerned about is us being saved amen i tell them when they come to church amen i want to preach the full gospel i i want you to know that yes god is concerned about your salvation but that's not all god is concerned about amen he said i'm the lord thy god and i heal it thee you've got to know that god wants your body well are y'all hearing me amen god wants you a sound mind god don't want you depressed and full of anxiety as a matter of fact he said be careful or anxious for nothing do you know god wants you to have peace in your mind he may rest in your body it is not god's will god's desire he meant for you to be sick and can't get up can't move and cannot enjoy the life that god has called you to enjoy so that's some good news for somebody here tonight that god wants you here god wants you to deliver god wants to set you free god wants you to have the activities of your limbs amen god wants you to be able to go home and get some right men good night's sleep god wants you amen to move out of depression it is not god's will amen that you're pulling your hair out because you can't figure out a way forward god wants you a whole lot even it is not god's desired child of god for you to be fractured or fragmented amen wonderful in one area deficient in the other area god wants you to be whole and if god can save you and keep you safe then god wants to heal your body amen and god is able to keep you healed y'all get quiet look at somebody tell them that's the kind of god i serve amen god don't want me amen uh a lopsided amen i'm saving on my way to heaven but i can't enjoy it amen the trip on my way the devil is a liar he meant i have heard too much i've read too much my faith is too elevated he meant to believe that god cares about some things but not everything where i am concerned the bible even says that he will perfect those things concerning us and i know the enemy is trying to frustrate us now amen by causing us to believe that things are not going to happen but i need you to put your faith in a god that can i know y'all didn't hear what i said i said i need you to put your faith in a god that can't what can he do he can do anything that he can do every that's why the bible declares now unto him that is able you've got to know that we still serve and the able of god he's not a weak he's not impotent he's not seen that way y'all hearing me i said we serve that we're able god what is he able to do he's able to heal he's able to set free he's able to touch he always say nothing he's able to deliver he's able to resurrect god preach up in here he's able that's the kind of god oh god that we serve and i come to tell you that when it comes down to the moving of god what we've got to do now is that we've got to furnish the faith the faith to believe that when god starts to move how we can jump in and receive whatever it is that we need from the lord i want you to know tonight's child of god that there is absolutely nothing that god that cannot do i wish i had about 18 of you that'll look at somebody and tell them my god can do anything now i told you if he can do anything that means that he can do everything and i don't want you to think amen that you're suffering from the glory of god you've got some people that think that this is god's will for me the devil is alive he told us what his will was for our lives and i don't really know where in the bible where he says his will is for you to be sick i don't see nowhere what the bible says that his will is for you to be less than i don't see anywhere in the bible where his will is for you to be depressed and for you to come from broken marriages but no that's not what god's will is for your life god wants to elevate you he wants to pick you up and y'all listening to me god wants to do more for you amen than you ever imagined in your life and you know what that means that means that your case is not hopeless he said i'm the lord your god i'm the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for our god i want you to know i've seen god do some mighty things i've seen god work some miracles that blew my mind i've seen dead people come back to life i've seen blinded eyes come open i've seen god heal people of cancer i've seen folk that had age get a positive report from the doctor and tell them that we can't find nothing in your blood i'm trying to tell you that the god that we serve is able to do anything i've seen god come in and perform surgeries on babies in the womb when the doctor said they would have problems and that they would have complications i saw god work a miracle and made doctors come back and testify to what god is able to do i wish i could find somebody to look at your name and tell a neighbor there's nothing too hard for my god you got to know that god that can and i continue after all those testimonies that we have heard after all of the things that we've seen god do after all of the miracles we've seen god perform oh listen your faith ought to be built to believe god for the supernatural and the miraculous i come to tell you if you can get yourself ready all you need to do is get into the presence of the lord and if you can get into the presence of the lord whatever needs you got in your life he's able to meet it by his power could i get a witness in here i said if you can get into that place where you know you tapped into the presence of the lord you don't have to leave him the same way you came you can leave him with that miracle you can leave him delivered and set free by the power of our god i'm just trying to get you to believe it and i know sometimes we get to the place to where what we're dealing with is so heavy it's not that we don't know that god is a healer but we're looking at our condition and we're wondering can god do this oh i know he's a healer in general but can he touch what i got right now i come to tell you he's done it before and if he's done it before he hasn't lost an ounce of power and god is still able oh i wish i could find somebody to shake a neighbor's hand to the left and the right and telling me our god is still able i've read about it i've heard about his miracles i've seen him move in the sanctuary and i come to tell somebody that he's still in the hable of god he's still an able god and that's why they used to sing songs of affirmation that said stuff like you can't make me doubt him because i know too much oh god i haven't seen god do it i've seen him heal i've seen them set free i've seen people come to church looking like the weight of the world was on their shoulder but i've seen them leave out so i got shouting and giving god the praise all you got to do is get into his presence and i don't care if it's a fight bring your problem to the lord and watch him work it out that's the kind of god that we serve i was reading about this chapter mark 10 verse 46 through 52. and the bible talks about a man named bart tomas bar timmies the son of timaeus and the bible said he was blind it doesn't tell us how he ended up this way but it does tell us he was blind now the aramaic definition of tamayus is the polluted one so it's theorized that maybe his family had conditions that pass blindness onto him are you hearing what i'm trying to tell you amen this man sat on the side of the road begging that's all he could do he was at everybody else's mercy whatever they wanted him to have they would give it whatever they thought he needed they would provide this man could not eat unless somebody met his need he could not take care of his needs unless somebody showed some kind of generosity this man is at the mercy of people and can i tell your sons and daughters that's the worst place to be i thank god that some people amen will smile on you but i can tell you now it ain't no fun being at the mercy of people because sometimes they have a mind to do and then sometimes they don't have a mind to do and you keep god shut up and get comfortable with all the ups and downs that come along with being at somebody's mercy because if you're at the mercy of people they'll let you know just how important they are in your life and you got to watch that because you got some poke hey man they think that the only thing you're going to have is what they are willing to give you are y'all incentive but i'm happy to tell you i appreciate whatever you can do for me but you are just a resource but god is my source i know i'm not at your mouth y'all getting quiet here there's somebody else that's able to show a greater level of mercy and i don't need you to think that unless you work on me or you prescribe medicine or you operate on me that i'm going to get better now because i know somebody amen that ain't got to put me to sleep to heal on me can i talk to somebody here i know somebody that don't charge a dime but can turn your whole his name is is jesus they they used to say there's a stranger in the city and he's healing listen to what he can do he's healing the body and he's healing the sin sick so who else can heal all of our soul's diseases and what amazed amen is blinded but the bible says he hears that jesus is near this man who's been at the mercy of people now hears that jesus is close by oh no doubt he's heard of the miracles of the christ oh there's a reason why he responded the way that he did when he heard that it was jesus walking back no doubt somebody had told him of the miracle working power of god somebody might have told him he's raising the dead this this man is moving in power like we have never seen he's he's casting out devils and people that were bound and had issues in the mind now have peace they have arrest not only that but he's able to supply folk that didn't have anything to eat got full off of two fishes and five party loaves of bread and i don't know how true it is but a mess but i heard he walks over the water and when bartimaeus hears one day that is jesus of nazareth that man everybody is talking about is right here in my neighborhood a king this is jesus the one everybody is talking about he's on everybody's lips but now he's right here and he's in my neighborhood and the bible said that bartimaeus began to cry out he started calling on the master thou son of david have mercy on me all the pope have been argued kind and some have been cruel i've been at the mercy of people but i'm asking you now to have mercy the bible says that he was he was blind but he was calling him and look at it you always got people around you who will try to stop you from getting what you need from god you know it's a shame how people thinks that your healing and your deliverance is an inconvenience to them boy y'all y'all getting quiet here it's amazing how amen people will tell you what you should and what you should not be believing god for they'll look at you and think your kids are too gone they too far gone now you just need to keep them in insurance and just just whatever happens just get your heart ready oh no listen it's amazing how people will tell you to just be comfortable being blind just just stay comfortable in that mess that you're in look at y'all getting quiet you've got a whole lot of people that have never been tried on the level of what you're going through right now but they're always quick to dismiss your faith and tell you to sit down shut it up hey man he ain't got time for you with the life you lived before you got saved honey you just reaping what you sowed you ought to just be glad that he saved you listen don't you let nobody shut you up i come to tell you if you got a need from god while you got him now y'all don't get quiet you want to call him until he calls you back oh i wish i could get somebody to look at your name and tell a neighbor he'll hear you if you holler some folk trying to tell you to shut up they don't know the stuff you did with at the house they trying to sit down you shout too much let me tell you something sometimes shouting and hollering is the only thing that's keeping you from losing it all i come to tell somebody if you got to holla holla until you get his attention until it calls you out higher until the lord says come here [Music] i'll touch somebody and tell the neighbor he'll hear you if you holler y'all ain't saying nothing here are the focus saying just shut up bartimaeus he don't have time for you your problem ain't that important to him he has better things to do than to heal your body but you know what i love about god and i heard sister smith testifying that he can make us our own feel like we are his favorite child and it's something about our god he knows how to bless us and he touches us in the place while we're hurting he lays his healing hand on us touch somebody and tell him neighbor there's enough god to go around you ain't got to worry about him not having enough power i may not be important to you but i'm important to my god and there's enough god to go around wish i had about 79 of you gotta take a neighbor by the head and kind of neighbor there's enough god for everybody you may need a healing in your body i need a miracle in my mind i got issues in my family brother home and my marriage is broken up but i come to tell you there's enough god for everybody somebody on your road and tell them there's a miracle coming down this he knows how to touch us he knows how to deliver us he knows how to give every one of us what we stand in need all we got to do is get his attention because when it's time to call him you gotta call him until you get his attention i'm gonna give you about 17 seconds because i feel like somebody needs to call him he's in the neighborhood he's walking these aisles i wish you'd call him until he shows up calling call him until he meets that need look at somebody close to you and tell him you've got to kick it up a notch this is a make or break moment this might be the opportunity of a lifetime and i feel like with the way he's moving now it could be now and never what if you don't get this opportunity again how are you going to handle this moment shake somebody's hand and tell a neighbor it's now or never what you're gonna do you got to do it now that's why the bible declares faith tomorrow take care of itself but now i'm hurting now i'm depressed now i'm sick now i'm not waiting till tomorrow night look at somebody and ask him did you get his attention because if you didn't get it you want to still be hollering call his name jesus son of david jesus living in the valley jesus [Applause] yes i need you is there anybody here ever had to call him and tell him i need ye every hour most gracious lord no pin the voice like that can preach it with a thought touch somebody tell a neighbor i think you got him i think you got his attention because without faith it's impossible to please him but his faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word there's been enough word for you to believe for the and the supernatural is there anybody here believe that god can do what you need him to do shake a neighbor's hand and tell him he's calling you he's calling you get on up he's calling you come on out of depression he's calling you come on out of low self-esteem he's calling you calling you to the altar calling you to heal and calling you the elevation he's taking you higher tell somebody he's calling him he said come unto me and the heavenly lady lord i feel like throw away everything that could trip you up everything that might get in the way get rid of it and go see what he wants he said man what do you want me to do and this is where you are you ain't got to tell me but why don't you tell jesus while you're standing at this house tell jesus what you need him to do if you're sick tell him if you're broke and tell him if you're hurting tell him if you're depressed tell him if you're low tell him if you're weak tell him if you're sinful tell him y'all getting quiet here if we confess our sins he's just and faithful to forgive us go ahead and tell him come [Music] just go ahead and tell him tell him what you want what a mayor said i need to see i'm blind said it was your favorite that made you whole somebody's standing at this home i come to tell you that if you can believe it while you're standing here the power of god is moving it's moving from one side all the way to the other you got his attention he called you to this altar you're standing in this presence go ahead and get it get what you need it's your faith that makes you whole be healed in the name of the lord jesus be delivered be empowered oh god somebody and say lord i believe i believe you're able i believe you can i believe you're doing it for me right now i just want to thank you for stopping by and touching my body touching my mind healing my heart empowering my life mending my family i wish i could find somebody at this altar that did my thank you god thank him go ahead and do it he's a right now god he's a right now god he's a right now god look at somebody and tell them it's now another this is your season of opportunity you've got his attention get what you need get what you need from the hand of the lord receive it now in the name of jesus what you've been praying for what you've been looking for what's your steady need receive it now in the name of jesus pray with them pray with them jesus stopped by jesus set free jesus what a miracle thank you lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the lord god has strengthened enough about it the lord heals you the lord provides for you in the name of jesus receive it now everything you need get it now get it now you don't have to go home still hurting you can be healed right now in the name of the lord jesus jesus jesus have mercy see this have mercy jesus have mercy yeah [Music] wish i had somebody that didn't mind giving them praise and glory come on now come on now give him praise and glory give god praise and glory he still healed him he's still setting the captives free he's still making a way out of nowhere somebody come on give him praise in the name of jesus father lay your hands up [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of now come on clap your hand come on clap your head if god can disbelieve [Music] all things are possible to him that believe it come on [Music] come on clap those hands out [Music] [Music] hallelujah or go ahead and praise your mother go ahead and praise him [Music] why don't you go ahead and give him praise [Music] let me see you clap your hands happy come on here oh yes lord the bible says that when jesus healed him he followed him in the way that's what you got to do you got to serve him you gotta follow him you gotta go with him all the way thank you come on praise him somebody [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on giving praise [Music] you gotta watch it you can praise it and gotta move for you life is moving in this sanctuary come on and believe god what miracle if you need to be healed be healed in the name of the lord jesus christ if you need god to lift you that is depression joe say there is mythic for me if you need god to make your heart he'll do just what you need him to do come on somebody give him glory [Music] oh bless his name come on somebody clap your hands and praise him in the sanctuary [Music] hallelujah or look at somebody on your way to your seat and tell them it could be now or never [Music] i'm trying to figure out how [Music] how would you act [Music] if you in your house and the lord just showed up and said everything you've been praying for if you want it you can have it right now lord what would you do up in that house [Music] if god stopped by and said everything you've been believing him for can have it right now [Music] what would you do what [Music] you mean to tell me [Music] you would sit that wouldn't even open your mouth it's yours i said it's yours [Music] look at somebody tell the neighbor it's now whatever i don't know if i'm gonna get this chance again i don't know if he's coming back this way but while i got him in the neighborhood while he's touching while he's healing while he's moving [Music] oh yes [Music] yes lord [Music] that's a lord [Music] oh somebody go ahead and praise him go ahead and praise him [Music] that's just the opportunity of a lifetime come on [Music] [Music] wow [Music] if you can't believe it it can happen for you right now not a baby [Applause] you can have it right now or that tumor can dry up right now we can clean out your blood right now thou can disbelieve it all things are possible to him that belief [Music] ah [Music] [Music] somebody lift your hands and tell the lord thank you [Music] i said lift your hand together lord thank you [Music] take your seat if you can [Music] [Music] [Music] whew [Music] my god my god leave over and tell somebody tell them neighbor you look like something good just happened to you you look like some good [Music] just took place [Music] thank you lord [Music] [Music] hallelujah you
Channel: IFP TV
Views: 2,775
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: dHTRCef9O-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 0sec (3840 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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