THINK Your Way Through It *POWERFUL MESSAGE* (2017) l Bishop Rudolph Mckissick Jr

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of mark the gospel of mark and the fifth chapter y'all did something that's got this buzzing down here i don't know what happened yeah but whatever you do don't cut me down just yeah whatever you got to do praise the lord man i'mma preach already don't worry about it if you don't get it fixed it ain't gonna bother me i'll do what i need to do mark chapter 5 and i want to begin reading at verse 25. mark chapter 5 verse 25 and there you'll find these words now a certain woman had an issue of blood for 12 years that suffered many things from the hands of many doctors she had spent all of her money and had not gotten better but rather had gotten worse when she heard about jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment for she thought to herself if only i may touch his clothes i will be made well immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up she felt in her body that she was healed of her sickness jesus immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him turned around in the crowd and said who touched my clothes but his disciples said to him you see this multitude thronging you and you say who touched me and he looked around to see her who had done this thing and trembling knowing what had happened to her she came fell down before him and told him all the truth jesus said to her daughter your faith has made you well go in peace and be healed of your affliction amen you may be seated in the very presence of our god verse 28 in this version of the greek cornea text said for she thought to herself if i can touch his clothes i will be made well i want to preach tonight as the spirit shall god with this thought in our minds think your way through it think your way through it i recently finished reading a wonderful wonderful work by canadian theologian who was dealing and wrestling with what seems to be the mass exodus from your more traditional churches and while people are flocking to churches that are popping up on every corner running to many of these churches with young pastors dressed down and preaching almost like coaching style the name of the book was the decline of african-american theology in the book the author suggests the theology in the modern day black church and this is one of his reasons why he said many are leaving has become so diluted that we no longer know what we believe it is his assessment and i have to agree with him that much of the modern day church majors on emotionalism abducating the responsibility of intellectualism in other words most and much of what we do in the church today is centered on soliciting certain feelings from people so that now the modern day church has no longer become a place of praise and worship but has become nothing more than a pep rally the author concluded that one of the great problems in the modern day church is that we don't do much thinking and as a result we walk out of the worship experience feeling good but when asked what happened in the service we can't tell anybody because all we walked away with was a feeling but no thought when you read the bible you will discover that it is replete with a plethora of examples that let us know that by and large the move of god is not about getting us to respond off of our emotions but off of our thinking it's amazing to me that we have the capacity to act creatively comprehend complex theories to deal with great theorems and mathematical problems have made technological advances have the capacity to expand our lives through healthy living built machines so that we can explore outer space go to the bottom of the ocean find oil we know how to go into the physical body find what's wrong with it fix it we've developed waterways and super highways and yet with all of that we still got flawed thinking may i suggest to you tonight that god does not simply want you to be a feeler he wants you to be a thinker many of us when we come to worship it's obvious how we will worship based off how we feeling so then if you feel blessed if you feel prosperous you'll lift up your hands and give god praise but if you feel depressed feel worried feel tired feel anxious then you'll sit there with your arms folded and your legs cross your lips zip your eyes closed checking your phone and ain't nobody calling you and it's all cause you don't feel like being there beloved when we get to the height of our praise and euphoria god does not want it to be driven by the syncopation of a b3 organ he wants it to be driven by the thoughts that came through your head don't folk put it this way when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me and my proposition tonight is simply this when you can change your thinking you can change your life and you can change your thinking when you stop being governed by your feelings [Applause] that's what i learned from this woman in this text tonight here we find a woman who has a gynecological condition y'all like the way i put that that's causing her to bleed without ceasing she's she's got a gynecological condition she's bleeding more than just once a month come on don't get quiet she's bleeding every day without it ever stopping now reg if she's got a gynecological condition that's causing her to bleed in a certain anatomical place that means she's bleeding in a private place she's bleeding where can't nobody see it y'all didn't get it so so that if you didn't know any better you could not look at her and tell something was wrong with her because her condition was in a place she could cover come here you you couldn't look at her and tell that she had an issue you couldn't look at her until she had a struggle you couldn't look at her and tell that something wasn't right about her because she had the problem in a place that she could cover so that she could keep it in private and how many folk in here tonight got good public display but dealing with private difficulties how many of y'all tonight nobody would know you were dealing with anything because you're dressed good you smell good you clap you shouted you gave your money you're smiling and nobody has any idea that you are dealing with the situation in private because you have perfected the ability to cover it so nobody will know it and it's gotten so bad that when you get home all you can do is go to bed because you have used so much energy all day covering up your condition and faking for folk that don't like you that by the time you get home you have no energy for yourself see i love the way the king james butcher she's got an issue that gives me room she had a financial issue because she had no money she had a religious issue because she couldn't go to church she had a social issue because she couldn't hug nobody she had a relational issue because she couldn't be intimate with anybody and yet she could hide her condition but while it was a private condition it was giving her public difficulty she she's believed in a place you can't see she could cover it now you got to remember in the bible blood is the symbol of life so that for 12 years she has a condition that's taking the life out of her now what that means is if she's losing life she's losing power so in a real sense we're dealing with a woman who's living with depleted power it's been draining her for 12 years but y'all here is what i admire about this woman even though she's losing power she has not lost herself see some of y'all can relate to that you know what it means to hold on when you should have given up some of y'all can relate you know what it means to hold on even though you're losing everything around you you know what it means to stand strong when you should have thrown in the towel from being weak some of y'all should be home right now in the fetal position with the lights off not answering the phone but there's a grace on you that you didn't even know was on you to get strength to handle what should have wiped you out and how many y'all can testify when you look at your life and the odds that you were against there's no way you should still be where you are but there's something in you that even when you feel powerless even when you feel helpless even when nobody has a clue what you're going through there's something in you that keeps telling you this is not the end this is not how the story ends this is not the last chapter of my life and here's a clue it's so simple she's bleeding for 12 years and still functioning it's so simple you missed it bleeding for 12 years there is a thing called bleeding to death [Applause] and that could happen in less than 12 hours y'all didn't get it she been bleeding for 12 years and still living with something that should kill you in less than 12 hours so in a real sense she should be dead but since she's still alive she must be saying if i'm still here god must not be through with me yet and how many of y'all know with everything you've been through it should have killed you you should have been dead by now but you can stand up and testify if i'm still here it must mean god's not through i'm just i'm just building my case she she goes to doctor after doctor spent all her money and got worse so pastor sharp the more she sold the worse she got uh-oh so much for the preacher that's been pimping your mind that just because you so it's gonna get better [Applause] [Music] she's been sewing to people who should make her better but she's getting worse [Applause] she she spent all the money trying to get her life back i'm coming around the corner her money is depleted her body is depleting but in spite of being depleted she still gets delivered and that's the good word tonight don't think because you're depleted that you can't be delivered and what this text teaches us tonight is that deliverance starts with how you think it don't start with your speaking in tongues it don't start with your holy oil it don't start with your holy water y'all didn't got quiet now but your deliverance starts with how you think is in the text cause the text said before she ever got to jesus she thought to herself which means she never would have got to jesus if she wouldn't been thinking right i came to make an announcement god is about to give somebody an idea about how to break out of your situation he's about to give somebody an idea about how to start your business he's about to give somebody an idea about how to get your marriage back together and here's the shout just because i'm out of power don't mean i'm out of ideas see she thought to herself with all that should have wiped out with all she's lost not your neighbor tell your neighbor here come your shower she's lost her money her friends her family her stature her respect but because she thinks to herself jesus the one thing she hasn't lost is her mind church church folk don't know when to shout church folk no no the only reason she could think to herself is cause she hadn't lost her mind y'all didn't get it her body was falling apart but her mind was in the right place i don't care what you go through i don't care how you're feeling if you still have the capacity to think then the devil has not won i wish you turned to somebody real quick look him dead in the face and tell him i still got it tell him i start with the wrong neighbor turn on the other side and tell somebody i still got it now look back at him and tell him which i still got in my mind i lost a lot of things but the one thing i haven't lost is my mind somebody ought to shout real quick because with everything you've lost with all you've been through you should have been crazy but you still got your mind you should be on prozac but you still got your mind you could have become depressed after all the hell you caught after all the struggles you've been through but you still got your mind shake your neighbor's hand and tell them if you can think then you can survive if you can think then you can make it if you can think then you can get through it you should have waived the white flag you should have gave up long time ago but the devil made one mistake he messed with your money he messed with your job he messed with your family but he should have took your mind i'm looking for about 50 of y'all tonight who can say i know i still got my mind cause i woke up this morning with my mind stayed on somebody ought to shout real quick because you still got you i tell you to high five three people tell them i still got my mind broke but i got my mind living by myself but i got my mind unemployed but i got my mind ain't got no family but i got mine just look at your name and point to you i got my mind i got [Applause] devil you took the wrong thing because if i can think it i can get through it if i can think it that'll give me an idea if i can think it i can make it all the way i still got man [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] let me show you real quick the thought process that partners with your faith to bring you your deliverance let me give you three things i'm i'm done here's first thing and i love this let the content of your conversation match the level of your expectation i can tell what you expect by what you speak okay um don't don't allow what you're going through and how you feeling about it to become the topic of your conversation [Applause] because you get what you say um okay so so here it is don't yeah don't don't empower the context of your current condition to determine your conversation yeah okay watch it watch this but she she thought to herself if i can touch him in the greek this don't mean nothing i'll break it down it's in the aorus tense which means it's something she kept it it started in her mind but it came out her mouth i'm coming back to that so it started in her mind but now she's saying it over and over if i can just touch it if i can just touch him if i can just touch him if i can just touch him watch this so so she's talking like it ain't over if i can just touch it i can just touch it here it is she's bleeding but talking jesus see hey i'm coming around the corner you don't see me coming and she ain't talking about her bleeding she's talking about her deliverance come back y'all didn't get it y'all didn't get it she's bleeding and talking but she ain't talking about her bleeding she's talking about her healing see the problem with most of us is when we open our mouths all folks see his blood [Applause] what's wrong with you who don't like you why you can't catch a break why men treat you a certain way why the church don't like you to the extent folks see you coming and they walk the other way because before they see you open your mouth blood dripping out the corner cause all you got in your mouth is your bleedin [Applause] y'all don't like this [Applause] some of us are still stuck where we are because we spend too much time talking about our bleeding instead of declaring our healing boy y'all ain't saying nothing much to me in here right through in there you've got to learn how to change the content of your conversation because if all you talking is what you bleed it shows me you ain't expecting to ever get delivered [Applause] now now let me work with if i can just touch it i will be delivered if i can just touch him i will be delivered she's heard other people talk about her condition but she ain't even talking what they said somebody said bishop that ain't in the text yes it is she's been to doctors jesus helped me tonight y'all ain't ready and every doctor gave her a word about her condition and the bible says she got worse with every doctor which meant every doctor had an opinion about what she was going through but when you got faith conviction you don't base your life on what other folks think about you you don't determine your destiny based on what other folks say about you because if your compliments didn't make me your criticism ain't gonna kill me come here it don't matter what you think about me it don't matter what you think i can't pick up i'm convicted that if i can just get to jesus high five your neighbor real quick and tell them i don't care what you think about my situation it don't matter to me what you think about what i'm going through i'm not gonna talk what you say i'm gonna talk my faith see now now now now in the midst of your conversation there has to be watch this um convicting yes articulation has to translate into corresponding action convicting articulation has to translate into corresponding action it started in a mind came out of mouth and then evidenced into action talk boy you ain't did nothing with your faith just cause you talked it [Applause] i got one underhanded clap somewhere in the middle you you ain't did nothing just because you said what you think can happen the bible says faith without works is dead which means for my faith to be real there has to be a corresponding action to what i said i believe [Applause] look at it she said to herself if i can touch him but he ain't here if i can touch it but he ain't here i got to get dressed jesus and go where he is watch this because i can't get what i say if i sit where i am y'all didn't get it if i'ma get what i said i got to get up from where i am and go get what i declared i want you to high-five three people real quick and tell them you better get up and go get it it ain't enough just to shout about it get up and go get the loan get up and go back to school get up and get the house get up and get the degree you can't get it if you sit where you are [Applause] sit down sit down can we take 15 seconds and make the devil mad i need everybody in here who has spoken what you believe god's gonna do to get up real quick and tell the devil this is my get upside that i ain't gonna sit there it ain't gonna trap in my lap i'ma get up and go get what i say [Applause] sit down y'all just made the devil nervous you know why because the last time somebody got up on him he suffered the greatest defeat of his life you ought to give the devil a calvary flashback and tell the devil you should have kept me sitting down but because i got up i'm going to go get all right i got to go home his next thing boy this is good right here sir sit down watch this this is good this next one [Applause] what you say has more power than what you don't possess okay i'm in the text she's run out of cash but not out of conversation and my fact her conversation doesn't start till she's run out of cash [Applause] [Music] because sometimes you're not ready for breakthrough till you get broke because until i'm broke i'm dependent on other stuff to get me what i need and sometimes god is just sitting back saying i'm just going to wait on you to run out because when you run out you're going to discover i can give you in a minute what you've been depending on for years and ain't never got it what what [Music] the woman the woman is broke now watch this i've heard this preach through the years i'm not very bad but i've heard this said sometimes it ain't true she doesn't run out of doctors that ain't no way in the text i'm sure there are more doctors she ain't tried but she can't try them cause she ain't got no more money she's she's broke but she's saying something even though she ain't got nothing i'm gonna help somebody tonight i'm gonna help somebody tonight she's run out of resources she she's no longer possessing finances but she does possess faith [Applause] she's the kind of person that really scares the devil hey hey this is not for you it's on the person four rows behind you because you ain't gonna be real right here if this is you you ain't gonna be about the fourth pew behind you is gonna be real the person sharp that scares the devil is this woman it is the person who is anointed with no assets so you ain't got faith because of stuff you got jesus because you ain't got nothing you got faith just because you trusted in jesus and how many of y'all can testify that faith will take you where finances came i know i know why some of us ain't gonna shout because in this modern day materialistic theology where everything is about gaining and getting and having money and if you ain't got money something broke with your faith and you listening to these prosperity preachers who are pimping you y'all get mad at me i'm going home in the morning you sending your money off to them don't get quiet now you think you got to go to a church that puts a billboard of prosperity up to show off the big house as if that's a barometer of god's pleasure with you [Applause] so now you got folk leaving churches of substance and running to churches of circus trying to learn how to get the next quick fix because you thought having money would make you deeper in your faith but i might have about five for y'all in here tonight who can say i ain't coming to church begging for money when i can come to church asking for a miracle because i serve a miracle working god who am i talking to in here tonight i know some of y'all ain't never had money problems so please don't say nothing right through it here but there are few of us in here tonight that can admit that you've had some money moments that made you miserable but god still gave you the miracle how many of y'all can testify tonight the money never showed up but you didn't have to come out of school your lights are on the car is still in the driveway you still got the house and how did it happen if you ain't have no money god worked a miracle and people are trying to figure out how you look that good with as broke as you are you ain't got nothing on you you did your own hair you need to tell them the miracle is that i look this good and i ain't got nothing i dare you to high-five your neighbor and tell them i look better than what's in my bank account cause i serve a god who'll make you rich in joy rich in peace rich in faith rich in praise rich in worship [Applause] [Music] i want you to grab one person's hand ah god help me i ain't even gonna say it loud but i'ma let you see it anyway you want to say it look at him and tell him i ain't got no money tell him but tonight get ready for your miracle by the time you get home god's gonna try up some stuff that's been trying to kill you and you ain't gonna have to pay for it all you got to do is stand on yours i need somebody to holler like you go get it scream like you go get it wave your hand [Applause] come on tell somebody i'm shouting from a miracle i'm shouting from a miracle i ain't got the loan i ain't got the money but a miracle is on the way if i can just touch if i can just patch i got to get out of here [Applause] i got one more thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's the last thing his last thing here's why you have to be careful how you think and what you speak here it is last thing because what you say is going to make sense for somebody else's struggle [Applause] at the end of the day this story is not about this woman this story is about jairus the woman's story is a passing parenthetical pericappy that ain't got nothing to do with the real story i mean you do remember this happens while he's on the way to jairus's house jairus is a leader in the synagogue scholars tell us craig connier great new testament scholar says that the job of jairus meant he was in charge of worship he was in charge of choosing the psalm from the psalter's hymn book for every worship he was in charge of choosing the scripture he even had a governmental position as the leader of the synagogue to represent the people to the government now knowing all that we know he ain't running to jesus cause he got faith he's running to jesus because he's got desperation [Applause] but jesus don't work off your desperation but he wants to bless you so bad that he'll hold the miracle so he can work on your faith y'all ain't ready and i know it's true here's how i know it's true because the text says they're walking through the house homegirl gets a touch watch this and jesus stops [Applause] not to heal her but to ask who touched me she's already got what she came for [Applause] so there's no necessity to stop for her and the text says he said to the disciples who touched me and um they said jesus how you gonna ask that and all i love the king james word the shakespearean word um and everybody's thronging you it just simply means everybody touching you now here's what messed me up because what that means is everybody touching him ain't getting something from him which means it's possible to be in the crowd and touch him and leave the same way you came y'all ain't ready for me that's what happens to a whole lot of folk in church they in the crowd getting attached but ain't getting transformation [Applause] and part of that is the church's fault because we gear church for people to get touched but not transformed so we touch them with exciting music we touch them with cat cotton candy preaching we touch them trying to be seeker friendly but ain't nobody being transformed [Applause] true so texas had a sermon for another day texas watch this homegirl watch the text knew it had to be her because she felt jesus okay she had to feel she was better because where she was bleeding she couldn't look she's bleeding in a private place so she can't pull it up and look so before she could see it she had to feel it i got to get i need somebody to shout real quick because you ain't seen it yet but you gotta feel it that everything is turning around in your life would you shake somebody's hand real quick and tell them i don't see it yet but i got a feeling that things just got better i got a feeling that things just turned around see everybody ain't shouting cause you waiting to see something before you shout but i'm looking for the saints tonight who can say i don't see it i don't see it i don't see it but i gotta feel it everything is gonna be all right i'm looking for the old school folk because grandmama would then say the holy ghost not told me that everything's gonna be all right would you help me preach to your neighbor and tell a neighbor i gotta feel it things just turned around in your life i gotta feel feeling that what you've been dealing with you're gonna get delivered from i got a feeling that your marriage is gonna get better i got a feeling that your job is gonna turn around now i want you to shout real quick just cause you feel like everything is about to get better hold on jack said she came forward and told jesus dr mouse jerome jones used to teach us there's never a waste for words in the bible the text had told him the whole when she got sick how long she been sick who suggested the first doctor first doctor's name what she went to what they told her what they gave her how she felt when she left them who recommended the second doctor she went to the second doctor how much she spent what they told her when she left them somebody recommended the third doctor went to the third doctor how much she spent but they said host now if i'm jairus and i told you my daughter about to die how are you gonna stop and listen to the story of a woman who got what i still need do you remember when they came to jairus and said to him don't bother him no more your daughter's dead and jesus simply turned him and said basically don't don't listen to them only believe the inference in the greek is don't listen to what they said believe what she said because i didn't stop her because she needed the testimony i stopped her because you needed the testimony watch this because you needed to see somebody whose situation was more desperate than yours how was hers more desperate than mine when i came to you she been sick 12 years your daughter been living 12 years so she's been sick as long as your daughter has been alive and if i could heal her from something she'd been dealing with since you had your daughter that means i can heal your daughter too and i needed you to hear her testimony so that you would know what i did for her i can do it for you see that's why when the lord does something for you you can't keep your mouth shut you got to tell somebody and that's why when somebody testifies you can't be a hater and you can't get jealous because god has you listening
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 14,553
Rating: 4.9238095 out of 5
Keywords: rudolph mckissick jr, wont he do it, the blood of jesus, i know it was the blood, td jakes, potters house dallas, serita jakes, jamal bryant, jamal bryant gizelle, gizelle jamal relationship, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, steven furtick, michael todd, cogic shout, cogic praise break, holy convocation shout, newbirth cathedral, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, dewey smith, Monique samuels, jamal Bryant monique
Id: ve7b6fLc5DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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