Dr. Cindy Trimm - The Nature of The Soul

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human soul journey with her on the 40-day Soul faster explore the questions troubling humanity today with dr. dreams guidance you can become a catalyst for change and a voice of hope to the nation's you are the answer you are the world's best hope you can bring healing to the world around you by healing your own soul together with God's help we can heal the world empowering engaging inspiring please welcome nationally recognized award-winning empowerment specialist dr. Cindy trim amen it's such a pleasure to be here and I'm excited to be doing light with you today I'm standing here no better than you because I am you in the same questions that play your mind like my mind but I'm standing here as an authentic individual knowing who I am Who I am and what I'm called to do and so tonight I'm just standing as your servant and we pray that you would be able to make a demand off of what God has given me because there's a law of supply and demand that says as long as there is a demand there will be a supply Jesus went into a city couldn't work too many miracles because people number one didn't get him number two didn't know how to make a demand off of his anointing and that's where many of you are you're surrounded by people who don't get you and then they don't have the capacity for you even if they did get you and so over the next couple of minutes that I get to spend with you I want to talk to you about you who God said that you are from the beginning of this world so the person on your left and right is blessed to be standing next to you turn to them and say she talked about me and then unleash you should praise God for me are they acting like they're excited about it turn to your neighbors if you knew who I was and if I were you I'll give me an offering our Father my God we pray for the time that you have allotted that you would give us the ability to make this time really count in terms of the unfolding of your eternal plan during this time and generation we pray that each individual will have a divine encounter that when they walk out of here they would would not walk out like they came in Jesus name I pray father for precision precision precision of thought and speech I pray that you would things through my mind and speak through my lips that there will be none of me and all of you we thank you for each individual that came they didn't come B someone invited them because no man can come except the spirit draws them and so you do us to this place to the zip code and we thank you for what our hearts will hear and our minds will witness and our eyes will see we thank you God that each person will have a divine encounter and when they arrive home people would sense that there is a difference about them when they leave this place let them be a glory carrier let them transform the environment that they live in because of the expression of that glory bless us now in Jesus name Amen but you can take your seat and we're excited you have a few minutes to spend with you want to make these minutes count firstly we want to thank God for Reverend Crist and joy Hill and for the gift that they are not only to you but to this world and then on to the eldership and leadership of the house and then for the visionary bishop and overseer Bishop TD jakes and Serita Jake's we're just blessed to have been born during their generation well we have some terrain that we want to cover and we pray that we'll be able to share as much as we possibly can and you would walk away on fire in the back we have bought with us two books and I think a tape or something in the back and it's called a 40 days soul fast 40 days so fast and we have the journey that's with it and the largest number of people that had actually fast in a concerted way is not Christians as Muslims as Ramadan and these 40 the next 40 days is known as Lent and if the Muslims could pray and fast together collectively to advance what they feel is the agenda of their God I believe that this is a time for Christians to begin to stand up and we need to come together to hear our God and to advance the unfolding of the plan of God here in the earth realm the Bible said that the salt has lost its flavor and has been casted aside we have the salt of the earth but the salt has lost its flavor been trembled under and cast aside God doesn't have a soul problem there's salt on the earth what is happening is the salt has lost its identity so does loss its flavor lost its identity the church is suffering from an identity crisis Christians are suffering from an identity crisis the Bible said this identity crisis has caused other individuals to cast us aside to discount us to devalue us to Trumble under to value us we are no longer invited around the tables as decision-makers or even to give moral or ethical leadership and that is because people don't know who we are because we don't know who we are we have lost touch with our authenticity as believers and I believe that this is a season in the year where God is going to begin to restore our authenticity or authenticity means that you're not fake that means that you are who God wanted you to be and you are living from the inside out everywhere I go people are saying that I'm trying to find myself and today we want to address you about you I think one of the greatest conversation anyone can have is a conversation about you especially if they get you and when people begin to talk about you and about who you really are there's something great that goes on in your psyche but I believe not only should people get you you should get yourself but it's difficult for me to know you if you don't know yourself I'm gonna have to use my imagination and pulled on a paradigm my paradigm was established by my own socialization my own upbringing my own education my own culture and it forms a context now if my context is in era that means that when I see you I'm not going to get you right therefore you've got to be able to get yourself right and you've got to be able to discover who you are this is what salvation is all about is reconnecting you to who you are we spend more time trying to figure out what people want from us rather than us standing up decree what we want for ourselves and this is a season where you are going to be focusing on you this today is is commonly known as Ash Wednesday and then it is the celebration of Jesus fasting for 40 days and 40 nights the Bible said after 40 days and 40 nights he came out with power I'm here to announce to you that you are about to get your personal power back you're not going to be giving it away to your enemy you're not going to be giving it away to your critic you are not going to go home and cry because people don't like you forget about who doesn't like you do you like you forget about it who does not know you do you know you Jesus still interviewed his disciples and said who do men say that I am they said some of them say you're Elias some say John the Baptist some say Jeremiah and then he said okay those are people's report but do you get me and none of the disciples got him it took a revelation of God for God to show the disciples who Jesus was people are about to get a revelation of who you are you're not going to be discounted like you we're last season they're not going to be able to put you down they're not going to be able to push your buttons there are about to get you you're demon-possessed supervisor is not going to disrespect you any longer people that disregarded you in the last season are about to celebrate you this season if you believe it shout I believe you Laurie to God have you ever felt like you were born into a family that that didn't get you have you ever felt like you were the odd one out the black sheep of the family have you ever felt that you don't blame the end with anybody maybe you shouldn't blend in maybe God is announcing to you that it's time for you to blend out go with me to the book of the Luke and let's see if we could reach this there's so many scriptures that are in my spirit but today I want to talk to you about going on a Soul fast your journey to authenticity the soul fast the soul fast Luke chapter 15 verse number 11 if you were there say I'm there if you are not there say wait for me Jesus helped me to preach this the Bible said and he said a certain man had two sons the younger of Zam said unto his father father give me the portion of goods or give me my inheritance that fall it to me and he divided unto him his living this is very important as we introduce you to the topic his father understood that he was going to be some place or become a huios he had matured enough in terms of his chronological age but his father recognized that emotionally he was in quite them so he says to his father I'm of age give me my inheritance and then the father gave that unto him his living he divided unto them his living so he divided unto the younger and the older his living now that word living it doesn't mean all of his wealth the word living he divided unto him his living it means discretionary budget and so let me just break it down the son that the younger son was so excited he thought that what his father had given him was so substantial that it looked like his inheritance but to his father it was only one month's budget can I break it down I have not seen ear have not heard not as it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love him you got to understand that some of our minds and some of our expectations are so small that what we call big is just small to God what we call great is my new to God God is getting ready to blow your mind in this season what you have not be compared to what you're about to receive I feel the anointing verse number 13 and not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and expense a distance a distant country and there wasted his substance with riotous lemmon living and I want to just temporary float temporarily float that word substance and I'm going to come back and I'm going to work the word substance I'm going to work it the word substance verse number 14 and when he had spent all of his substance there arose a mighty feminine or a recession in the land and he began to be in a won't he didn't have enough money to live and he went and joined himself to a citizen of their country and the citizen began to control his life the citizens set the standard for his life because the citizen did not get him did not know who he was and so he used his imagination when it came to relating to this wealthy young man the Bible said that the citizen lowered the standard for him because he had given away his personal power the Bible said that he sent him into his fields to feed swine turn to your neighbor and say I'm not a pig swine doesn't not have the ability to discern value it would mix his own food and the stuff that it pushes out in its own Slough it doesn't know the difference between a stone and a pearl and there is some people that got you wrong they have devalued you they have no value for you because they don't live in the same class that you live in we are not talking about the working class or the middle class or the upper class I'm talking about the God class you see so many people believe that they're sophisticated but you don't have sophistication until you join the god class I'm not saying that people don't have it in them but as long as they are not connected to God the best that they can do is to be driven by their primal or animalistic nature but we are not animals and the devil will not twist our minds or twist our spirit into believing that we have to be subject to our emotions we are bigger and better than our emotions we have the ability to think our way out of anything when God created you and I he said let us make man in our image and after our likeness the Bible said while he was sitting them verse number 16 he would fain have filled his belly with us because his his appetite had been twisted and perverted and he would have filled his his his or satisfied am a legitimate appetite with something that was illegitimate something that what demean him something that would debase him and it was at that moment that it became a defining moment for this young man the Bible said when it was almost in his mouth the Bible indicated that something happened to him the Bible said he came to himself you know if he came to himself where was he I mean you know if it walls not him that was in the Pigpen then who was there it was Paul that writes in the book of Romans chapter number seven if you can go there with me he said four verse number five for when we were in the flesh the motions of sin which were by the law did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death but now we are delivered from the law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve in the newness of spirit and not in the oldest of the letter what shall we say then is the law sin but God forbidden a I had not known sin but the law for I had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not covered but sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manners of concupiscence for without the law sinner was dead for I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and I died well I thought you said that you were alive but now you're dead I'm not understanding that Paul keeps going on and the commandment which was ordained to life I found to be unto death but I thought you were dead so if you're dead how could you be interacting with life I'm not getting this poem verse number 12 wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good was then that which is good made death unto me god forbid by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceeding simple for we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin hold on one minute if you are dead what do you mean that you were sold to sin and if you are dead who is the you that you are talking about when you said you who was dead and now you are talking to me and if you're dead how could you be dead and yet be a commodity in the marketplace well he continues on he's not finished explaining to us what he means verse number what number am I on 15 you're paying attention for that which I do for that which I do I allow not for what I would that do I not for what I hate that do I if then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that it is good now then it is no longer I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me for I know that in me that is my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not for the good that I would not it is no more I that do it but the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but sin that dwells in me now you have they confused me first you tell me that you are dead so let's see if we could psychoanalyze Paul so home tell me one more time well doctor trim I used to be alive than I died well who's talking to me well I'm talking to you but I thought you said that you died well I'm not talking about the one that died I'm talking I want the one that is alive and so which one is talking to me now are you hearing voices did you take your meds well no I'm trying to explain something to you it seems that if there is something that is doop list ik going on with me doctor trim and I was wondering if you can help a brother out well explain to me one more time well I was once dead but now I'm alive and the one that died that I thought was dead seems as if every now and then it seems as if it wants to take control of the one that is alive and the one that is alive has a will and has a consciousness the one that has is alive has a belief system and has character and has value the one that is alive has a legitimate appetite the one that is alive has an ego the one that is alive has a boundary the one that is alive has a personality the one that is alive has an intention and a motive has a Drive is makes decision but the one that should not be alive is acting as it is alive so which one is talking to me now Paul the one that is alive and can you help me doctor trim with this situation because right now I'm frustrated with myself there's something in me that tells me that I can do better there is something in me that is calling me to success there is something in me that is calling me to prosperity there is something in me that is telling me that I'm better than my environment there is something in me but then there is something else in me that often undermines me so that the good that I would I don't do and the evil that I should not that I do find within my body another law that the sin is always warring in my flesh Oh wretched man that I am a who shall deliver me from the body of this death and then he said but things be to God who giveth me the victory so Paul what you are saying to me is quite interesting if I were to hear you write what you are telling me is this and that deal seems to be in hallelujah and authentic you and a fake you there seems to be times in your life when you are not operating from the core of who you aren't and something is telling you that you are better than that that's exactly what I'm saying doctor trimmed can you explain what's going on well Paul you don't need a medication what you have to understand is this that God is calling you now to live from a place of authenticity this is not really who you are when you sin that's not who you really are when you undermine your values that is not who you really are now for me to live is Christ to die is gain what dr. Jim can you explain it Paul I can explain it but I'm going to have to take you to a story from out of the book of John hallelujah chapter 6 and I want to tell you of hallelujah about Jesus the Bible indicated that Jesus was working a miracle and after he worked a miracle in verse number 15 the Bible says that Jesus perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king that word force comes from a greek word heart beat soul out of which we get the english word harpoon and the word harpoon hallelujah indicates or is a concept of a missile that it's thrown hallelujah by someone's hand usually they use harpoons in order to catch whales when they go deep-sea fishing and when they go out in the deep and when they want to catch something that is bigger now than a snapper something that is bigger hallelujah then a crab something that is bigger than a dolphin they use a harpoon and when they use the harpooner they bring the whale under their control Jesus was being harpoon them hallelujah by individuals hallelujah that did not know who they were and they said to Jesus hallelujah weak watch your life and we want to make you a king and jesus said you don't really get me you cannot make me into something that I already am I was born a king Lady Gaga said baby I was born this way God said to Jeremiah Jeremiah before you were pwned in your mother's womb I knew you now I ordained you to be a prophet the best a person can do for you is to recognize what God has already done ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters hallelujah you got to understand when we talk about the soul patch the Bible said what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul or what would a man give in exchange for his soul that means that your soul is the most valuable thing that you have the Bible indicates and that Jesus hallelujah was being harpooned up or strong-armed by a group of people hallelujah that really didn't get him that found that it would be outside forces hallelujah that would help to make Jesus the king but God does not need the help from man God just needs your cooperation hallelujah to take you where he wants to take him now many of us don't understand that everything that we need we already have on board 2nd Peter chapter 1 says that God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness the Bible indicates not only has he given us all things that pertain to life and godliness God has also given us our inheritance that we should be partakers hallelujah up the divine nature now in other words when God created tune he created you fully loaded hallelujah the only thing that people can do for you hallelujah is recognize who you are now but people don't make him a lot of people believe huh hallelujah that if they get another degree hallelujah or if they wear eight hi dong huh or sitting in a position somehow that's gonna make it but baby a position doesn't make you you make the position some people believe that if they wear a Louie Vuitton or a Gucci somehow it's gonna change them now but I'm here to announce to you know gucci doesn't make you look better no but you make gucci look better just by virtue of the fact that you know hallelujah give gucci and our opportunity for you to wear his star front lets me know that gucci somehow is a value you've got to understand that what God is doing in this season he's restoring our soul now hallelujah first lady said brethren I wish above all things that thou may'st prosper and be in good health them even as your soul prospers I told you earlier huh I was coming back to get that word substance in 1907 a man by the name of dr. Duncan MacDougall of heavy Hill Massachusetts have claimed to have discovered that the human soul consisted of material substance you got to understand when the Bible says in the Book of Luke 15 that this young man immature man ignorant young man spent all his substance and what God was really saying is this that he gave his personal power back your soul is you know you don't have a soul you are a soul honey the Bible says hallelujah in the book of Genesis chapter number 2 verse number 15 the Bible say it and God created man and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul I want to tell you one more time you don't have a soul huh hallelujah you are a soul let me break it down Jesus the Bible said they wanted to harpoon him they wanted to stall on him to try to make him what he already wants ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters not even the educational system has the ability or power to make you into anything to educate means to draw out in other words before you were formed in your mother's womb you already had the substance to become a doctor you already had the substance to become a lawyer you already had the substance to be kama the best-selling author you already had the substance young God made certain of that let us make man in our image and after our likeness God took 23 chromosomes from your mother and 23 chromosomes from your father now he joined these two together now a and brand-new genetic code he used for nuclear toys or characters and it was guided by the unseen hand of God he used hallelujah these four nucleotides to begin to architect your genetic blueprint and he encrypted a three billion character description of who you would become baby God said that I'm gonna give you the power to get wealth I come to announce to you you are already a billionaire you were born a billionaire the day your DNA carried the three billion character description of who you were you became a billionaire upon conception you've got to understand now that your greatest wealth is in your soul now the book of Revelation chapter number 18 verse 11 to 13 says that in the last days the entire economic system will be driven by commodities the Bible said gold tongue the Bible says I've read the Bible says wheat and animals and the Bible says and the souls of man every single day every American is bought and sold on the marketplace it is called a social security number you've got to understand that you are more valuable than you can ever imagine everything about you yeah you are carrying around in New York hallelujah soul now because your soul is you know if you can go back and let's see if we can ask about this a little / them know how to Lou you to the book of John chapter 6 if you can go there quickly yeah I can bring this message home and I can land this baby the Bible said they wanted to harpoon they wanted to take him by force so how many of you are under the control of other people they know how to push a button they know how to control your emotions hallelujah that you are being controlled hallelujah everywhere you go it's impossible for you to be yourself because you're afraid to be alone huh but whenever God heals your soul huh you will begin to love yourself until you want to take me moments for 40 days I'm gonna take you on a journey now where it's all gonna be about you the forty days so fast is a journey back to yourself the Bible indicated that the prodigal son came to himself what does it profit a man it you give yourself away and then at the end of your life huh you don't know who you are huh they want to make him a king they wanted to give him a title no I'm here to announce to you that a title doesn't describe everything about you yeah you cannot be described by the title you wear or the role you play you are more than meets the eye no the Bible said that he went by himself did you turn to John six and let's see if we can activate this verse number 16 the Bible said and when even was come his disciples went down to the city scene and entered into a ship that word ship comes from a Greek word huh Boyan huh out of which we get the english word huh employment listen to me carefully now I don't care who has employed you now they could only pay you have a little something that is equal to a tip but your employment can never pay you now have a lawyer your true work many of us don't know what we really are worth I got to break this down so you can understand why now the next 40 days is important when God design you he design you through a genetic code and that genetic code hallelujah is a part of your soul the genetic code holds the secret to everything that you could possibly be now it holds the secret to your potential your purpose your destiny your ability your aptitude and your gifts and your talents your personality your temperament your potential this is why David said that restores my soul the Bible indicated in a text that just before Jesus hallelujah walked on the water on around to the boat and hallelujah he gave the disciples and eat a basket and a broken up branch and the bread was pragmatical it was fragmentation because it represented their fragmented soul and God was takin them on a journey so that he can restore their soul but you cannot change into an identical until God gives you an example until God gives you a pattern until God gives you an image and Jesus would be that image wine no because God you come Jesus in the beginning in the book of Genesis he used the image of Jesus to make you and I know the Bible indicated that when God made you and I he breathed into an astral something let me back up a minute and say parenthetically that when the Bible says that you should lift up your voice like a trumpet in Zion the Bible indicated that God breathed into your nostrils huh in other words many people like Kenny gene then like him not just because he can blow a trumpet he could blow a sex Epona but they love him because of how he expresses himself hallelujah through the trumpet when the Bible says that God bloomed he was expressing himself into man Joh 32 and 8 says but there is a spirit that word spirit is react the word Ruach is breath the word ruat is wind huh but it doesn't only mean breath it not only means wind have you ever had somebody that came into your life and they were a breath oh it is because they were expressing themselves that we're expressing their godlike nature now when God said lift up your voice like a trumpet God said when it comes time for you to live your life don't act as if you don't have something powerful enough to express why because I express myself in you now all you have to do is express yourself in the world don't let anybody play you play yourself don't let anybody tell you how much you can acquire yeah set the ball yourself I blew into your nostrils the breath of life the word breath or wind or whack means genius and mine and intellect when God bloomed into your not stroke sub he was blowing his intellect he was blowing his mind he was blowing the stuff that makes God God he was blowing that stuff edu Paul said we have this treasure other than that so sir that the excellency the father may be up a god and none of us ladies and gentlemen yeah I've come to announce you are not your body yeah what your body carries you know you are more than meets the eye the Bible says that Jesus began to walk on the water the disciples hallelujah we're twenty five furlongs up in middle of the sea and they were afraid that word fear comes from a Greek word for the ice out of which we get the english word phobia huh ladies and gentlemen when you become everything God wanted you to be when people get around you their insecurity is going to come out but don't change tell the devil I change my mind I'm not a victim of circumstance you don't have the right to tell me how far I can go what I can do what I can write what I can be it was determined to but for the foundation of the world I've got to tell you that many times when people don't like you they're projecting the hatred that they have for themselves on to you but when people announce to you that they don't like you say baby I accept it and look at them straight in the eye say from now on you do you but baby I'm gonna do me me too much in all of the 8,000 years that humanity has been on this earth there has never been and will never be anyone that looks like e yeah created your genotype he created your phenotype from your hair to your hormones you are a divine masterpiece you are not only billions of sound but you are a hundred trillion cells individual not only are you a billionaire huh you are already a trillionaire if you believe that Shelley is filled with glory your body is filled with divine substance don't waste that substance it makes you priceless oh you got to understand what Paul was saying is this that I've got something to express but my body is playing tricks with me my mind is playing tricks with me I don't know what to do I keep in my own life depreciated my own life I develop my own life but I'm coming to myself the Bible indicated when Jesus was walking on water the disciple sapna projected their fear huh onto him they said it's a ghost it's an apparition but Jesus says these words be not afraid it is I that word I comes from a Greek word and the Greek word is ego is ego huh if scripture uses that word ego not bad for you to have an ego the problem is many of us don't have a good ego many of us have a twisted ego but ganush getting ready to restore your ego don't get it twisted can you hear me can I get some sound monitor but I cannot hear myself when Jesus said he was speaking huh of his soul when the Bible says that God breathed into man the breath that word breath is a Hebrew word neshama huh and it has the connotation of inspiration Joe 32 H s Darius man that spirit and the inspiration of the almighty understanding huh gotcha sent me here to give you understanding you a boy that meets the eye your soul is the key to your success if you don't nurture your soul you undermine your success yeah sad chap when he made man he breathed her into him huh the brunt of life what does it mean to be alive you are alive biologically no you are spiritually you are alive psychologically you are consciously yes and you are so Lee Ali we are talking about detoxing yourself we are talking about detoxing your soul wants to put you in the copilot seat you no longer will be controlled by your past control where your addictions control is about to come out here's the beep if you can find darkness it's proof happy that light exists if there's an up it's proves that there is a doubt if there's an out this proof that if there is an end and if there's a fake view there is a real you aren't you tired of wearing masquerades aren't you tired of wearing masks aren't you tired of trying to pity and aren't you tired of trying to be politically correct it's time for you to come to yourself well it's time for you to recognize that you're more than just a party huh yo bunny cannot define who you are you're so defines who you are you are a soul man and it's time for you to understand that he who controls your soul controls your destiny no he who controls your destiny controls your life you got to understand you might say why the so fast shopping knowing who you are it's critical for personal growth for spiritual growth company sitting making look for developing personal boundaries for living authentically yes it's key for self-worth have that self-expression self discipline for understanding people for helping people to understand you to appreciate who you are to discover and fulfill your purpose for staying true to yourself for maximizing your potential when you know yourself it's critical for you to make meaningful contributions in this world don't die without leaving your footprint ur your thumbprint your voiceprint everything you need you're already a half you don't need to look only outside it was Jesus that said it's not what goes in a man let the pause in is what comes out maybe this so pastor it's not about what you're eating it's about what's eating you your soul why the Soul fast sit down for one moment as I set you up for spending the best 40 days of your life when I wrote this it started out as a teaching last year people kept asking tell us more and exactly one year later this book became a best-seller Barnes and Noble's was looking for faith book they call it faith point and they found the soul fast and then moved it from the back of the store to the front of the store they selected 10 best-selling authors one of the afroamerican is Dungy coach Dungy there's only two of us in that faith section Dungy is one and Cindy Trans 40-day so fast is the other your soul is so important that God has already downloaded everything you need into your soul you don't have a soul you are a soul when you die your soul leaves your body when God breathed and demand the breath of life the neshamah of life Kyah man became a living net fish that's that Hebrew word and Ephesian Ephesians you're an official soul houses your mind your will and your emotions Paul was emotional in Romans 7 couldn't get his emotions together he said I I have the right intentions but I keep undermining myself and I don't know why Medea said I could do bad all by I don't need no devil Nord no deacons first Corinthians 13 he said when I was a child I thought as a child or I spoke as a child and I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away I you see there are some things you pray away and there are other things you put away this ain't working for me in anymore have you been in ever been in a relationship with a relationship ain't working anymore but you stay because you're not living from your authentic self the real you wouldn't put up with that the real you would have said you ain't talking to me that way you are not going to address me that way let me tell you how you're going to treat me I'm a knight I'm a very nice Christian very nice oh I can handle myself you respect me I respect you but if you ever throw down I'm greasing my face that I'm taking off my earrings bring it on baby in the spirit that is I know how to use my mind I don't want you to be afraid of me but you must respect me but if you reject me I accept it because your rejection is a divine announcement that you no longer have the capacity to bless me to prosper me you don't have it like you say you have it my strength of character makes you insecure but I didn't make you insecure you showed up insecure and my strength is just exposing it cuz they're nothing like the real thing you would your fake self you think your lack of affirmation and confirmation is going to stop me from being me baby you are wasting your energy watch me do you don't the way to get back at your enemies is to succeed you're sitting home crying wasting your head and scripture was so prophetic there John two brethren I wish that word wish is my highest prayer for you is that you would prosper the word prosper is the divine in a woman to overcome obstacles anything that gets in your way you're getting ready to pulverize it turn to your neighbor and say don't get in my opinion this season I'm telling it after all the hell I've been through and you want me to do what I wasn't cussing Jesus went to hell and got the keys and he said after all the hell I've been through I'm coming out with more than a t-shirt I'm coming out with power I'm coming out with a resurrection power I'm gonna be coming out with power but I'm leaving my footprint my thumbprint and I'm going to call it that jerk it's time for you to name your year to 2012 is a year of success 2012 is a year of prosperity 2012 you are not going to break down you're gonna break down coming out I want the world to know gonna teach I want the world to know don't let it show show I'm coming out you ain't ready for me not even the musicians can keep up with dance boy for the next 40 days I want to invite each one of you to a journey towards authenticity I'm telling you if it's not good for the Kennedys it ain't good for me if it ain't good for the Rockefellers and rough child and ain't good for the trims you're an incredible gifted individuals God is not playing games with you have you had a dream about doing something sit down I'm finishing up have you ever day dream well let me tell you what that is your soul carries a blueprint for everything you're going to do in your life everything I wish I had the opportunity to talk to you about Jesus coming in the volume of the book it is written I'm gonna have to invite myself back my time is up but the human genome is like book so when a prophet prophecies they are reading you like a we're not shooting from the hits the reading your book I don't I don't even know what to say to you anymore I got so much to say to you but your your soul is all in this book it's an incredible journey everything that you need your soul is made up your mind will and emotions when God made you he breathed into you the breath of life man became a living soul your soul is your mind your soul is your will so ease your emotion dr. McDowell when he did thee this is in chapter 2 it's called 21 grams dr. McDougall he wanted to find out does man really have a soul so when people were dying he weighed them just before they died and after they died he weighed patient after patient he found out that after every patient died they weighed 21 grams less than what they did when they were alive and he said that this substance can be measured and then interest Abraham was rich in substance Joel was rich in substance the prodigal son wasted his sons wasted himself his gift his talent that's your defeat that's who you are if you don't nurture your soul you start dying you can't you're not going to be authentic you're not going to be really you you're going to be defined by things on the outside Jesus walked on the same water that was creating fear why because he was authentic the things that overtake people and overwhelmed people are not going to overwhelm you when you get in touch with who you really are stop defining yourself by the role you play or title that you win who I who I who I he did the same experiment with animals and the animal weighed the same thing after that as they did while they were lying because only human beings has this substance your soul breathe into you by the rule the mind of God and he made you a living soul your body gives you permission to live in time but your soul is eternal so when you drop this body you are still going to be living this book is easy it talks to you as a soul man it talks to you what your soul is your soul is yourself the person your individuality you call me you but I call me me and if you don't know who you are you all forever have to live with you titles what people say you all Jesus said who do men say that and they said well they say you're Jeremiah and they say you're John the Baptist and he was like you got me wrong so he spent his life making a series of eyes statements I am the bread of life I making a series of eyes statement is not a sign of insecurity this is what David said I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that my soul knows what are you saying to yourself about yourself what does that wreck it look like is it playing things that people said about you when you were 2 and 5 and 10 you your soul carries your ego your ego makes up your identity your ego gives you boundaries some of us are enmeshed with people if some you go into your house and someone's upset then you either have an attitude or you're quiet because you're enmeshed with someone else you're going to take yourself back you're giving it away to too many people some of you have someone like a boss or someone in in high authority walks in a room I mean you could tell your friend what you think and your family but soon as someone of power walks in a room you you can't even form your thoughts you you stutter just because you don't have a degree doesn't mean that you're not educated you've been through the school of hard knocks Steven jobs does it drop out baby why the educational system was too slow for it Bill Gates the wealthiest man in the world dropped out why because the educational system didn't get it Einstein the smartest man in the world he used 10% of his brain they called him a dunce I'm able to learn they said to his mother before he left grammar school take your son out because he has a learning disability he was purported to use about 10% I believe that we don't we use 10% of our potential use about two but check this out if you take your two percent and mixed it up with the other 98% that's still left on the inside of you you will live 100% authentic nothing faith no additives no fillers your soul Lent is 40 days we made this easy for you for 40 days I get a chance to do life with you every week I would visit your email for eight straight weeks and at the beginning of the week I will begin to coach you and say okay this is your focus and every day we're going to be focusing on something different barack obama's change agenda is an incredible agenda but it won't work why because nobody knows what we're changing into when people tell us be ourselves nobody has told us what an authentic person looks like so we have 40 characteristics of an authentic person for 40 days what I want you to do is when you walk out of here I want you to think about the four people that are going to go into 40 days so fast we could start a movement bigger than the Muslim movement during Ramadan if we get every Christians it's not about what you're eating is what's eating you so can I go on this 40-day so fast and still eat absolutely you eat your corn bread and you're smothered pork chops if you want because it's not about what those in a man that defiles it is what's coming out guard your heart your heart is the second compartment of your mind this gets kind of deep right because the soul houses your mind so after we break down the properties of the soul we go into the properties of pot we talk about your mind have you ever done things that you did not want to do but you did it have you ever had a standard of value that you said I'll never do it but somehow you did it wouldn't it be wonderful if you could set a standard and have your core values and stick to it that's your will we have a whole variety of emotions emotions are different from feelings feelings require external stimuli but your emotions are formed this is all the activity of your mind we're not talking about biological impulses and neurological impulses talk to us about the essence of who you are impacting everything you've heard the saying mind over matter but many of us have become emotional basket cases or we are emotionally bankrupt so we had a journey we talked about your mind and your will and emotion and I get to visit you every day people hire me as their personal coach I have some of the top thinkers in the world including Kings CEOs doctors lawyers and just grandmothers the grandmother said look I put my children and grandchildren through school I never had education I'm hiring you as a coach how much it costs and they hire me to help them find themselves it costs $4,000 for a year that's not a lot of money that's like 40 cents a day turn to your neighbor say I'm worth more than that but what if you didn't have the discretionary budget you can take $30 this is like a coach in a book what I want you to do is write this down www dot so fast come write it down there's a free aq authenticity quotient and you go there you take the quotient and it will tell you how authentic you are and it break it down in four categories and as soon as you do it it spits it right back it's all computerized you'll get an instant report on how authentic you're living and it's free as long as you have that you can go online also WWWE international comm it's got all the support materials that you want and that you need you can start your own group you could do it as a family a ministry we want each one of you to get the 40-day soul fast book that's the teaching and then we want you to get the interactive self discovery journal what's in here this takes it further and your journal then we have an app your first lady spent $9.99 for the app but for the next 40 days is only a dollar ninety-nine each one of these are different and every day you go on the app what I want you to do for the next 40 days I want you to promise yourself to nurture your soul you are not your body you're a soul and I want you to take me moments just 30 minutes a day you can go outside you can go in the park go in your car go in your throne room wherever your throne moomin sit on your throne but I want you to take me moments some of you might want to get up early in the morning some of you your house is quiet late at night just for 40 days you want to nurture yourself first lady gave that scripture was so prophetic for 40 days God's going to talk to you about you this is what's going to happen God has already downloaded into your DNA and your human genome everything that you're going to do every book every every business you'll start everything is downloaded here now all you need is God to upload it how does he upload at the Holy Spirit first Corinthians chapter 2 I have not seen err have not heard not has it entered on cemented things that God has prepared to them that love but the Bible says it is known by the Holy Spirit for who knows the mind of God but the Spirit of God and so the Spirit of God already knows his ruin hardly knows what he breathed into you and so what the Holy Spirit is going to do is uploaded into your mind listen to me carefully you are not crazy for wanting to live where you want to live you are not crazy for wanting to buy what you want to buy you are not crazy for wanting to go get another degree you are not crazy for wanting to start a business I was sitting in Bermuda in the Senate very successful extremely successful my connections were broad I didn't have to go to the bank and sign on the dotted line to get money I just made one phone call and walked in and the money was waiting for me now that ain't a bad life right but I'm sitting there and God said I need you to leave Bermuda I need you to leave the Senate and I need you to go to Bermuda up to the United States of America was that out of my mind my prime minister said you gotta be out of your mind Cindy are you crazy people will pay to be where you are my family definitely thought I was out of my mind everybody they started saying okay we'll give you this stay here stay there and I left everything I left the tall dark and handsome negro he was good luck honey Vic I saw his halo I left everything was I out of my mind because it was downloaded in my soul people I would have been finished being the premier of Bermuda who's the premier of Bermuda anybody now anybody know their name but who wrote the rules of engagement commanding your mourning the soul fast in that interesting I would have been the prime minister of a nation premier of a nation nobody would have known me but I left everything was that out of my mind no the holy ghost was uploading destiny into my this is not your imagination baby many of us have lost connection with who we are it's time to get to connection back I'm going to be in the back I'm going to be signing your books I want you to get for other people if you have a family sisters brothers your children your nieces your nephews I want you to get both of them if we run out go online and order it if we run out online I want you to go to Barnes & Nobles amazon.com and order it we were just in Alabama yesterday I spent two days talking to them about the song and I said to them listen while you're dealing with your soul let's just go on a consecration let's not go on a fast let's go on a consecration and I said this is what I want you to do I need you to go I want you to get two things sell food and claw oxygen we're going to start detoxing you they went to every health food store shut the place down the owners of the health food store call back to the church and ask who is this lady by the name of dr. Cindy dream she has blessed our business and I just want to tell her thank you now this started in the church and through us so fast people's businesses are being changed and if a business was changed by a few people one on the Soul fast I cannot imagine what's about to happen to your marriage what's about that into your ministry what's that about your children your business we're gonna go off the chain ladies and gentlemen I am finished what does it profit a man to gain the whole world when it came to himself who are you giving your true self to your will your emotion your mind it's time for you to get your mind back your emotions back it's time for you to get everything back in Jesus name our Father and our God today is Wednesday what is comely known as Ash Wednesday for the next 40 days believers everywhere are celebrating the 40 days that you fasted and father we decree and declare that this is the beginning of the best days of our lives father every one that will I release an anointing upon that that they would not undermine themselves but they would take the time through the Holy Spirit to nurture the most valuable asset and commodity they have to nurture themselves I speak blessings now that it will be a journey of self-discovery where you connect us back with you where we bask in your glory I thank you Father and after 40 days we'll be on a journey hitting met much terrain I bless this congregation in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost in Jesus name Amen tweet me Facebook me and let me know how you're doing just before we go
Channel: musiqchild007
Views: 234,091
Rating: 4.7904916 out of 5
Keywords: cindytrimm, trimminternation, preach, 40daysoulfast, soul, gospel, christian, jesus, sermon
Id: dCtvJmLcn1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2012
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