The 2020 EXPERIENCE w/ DR CINDY TRIMM | LiVe Church Orlando

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[Music] Amen over the next few moments as I discharge my assignment there's gonna be many many prophetic opportunities that are given to you that you should discern not corporately but individually and as you discern it there's a dynamic that will be created called faith and when faith is expressed in a corporate fashion nothing becomes impossible and all things become possible and I'm studying at a very critical moment I think having spent the last 40 years or 45 years I think it is 45 years in ministry which is a long time and to be able to see the next generation and to have the opportunity to go on my knees and strengthen the shoulders of my generation and steady it so that you could stand on my shoulders and to have this opportunity to prophetically and Apostolic Li pass a bet on on to you is the greatest honor that God is given to me Tay and Ty this is a generation that is crying out for authentic leadership and they're crying out for visionary leadership transformational leadership and moral ethical leadership and there's no place on earth and no institution on earth then that can offer the world what it needs then the church the church is the only institution that is not broken it's filled with broken people but as an institution it's not broken and it's not broken because men never built it God built it and you're gonna see you over the next 10 years the need for redefining humanity what does it mean to be human and as I unveil my message and unpack the things that God wants me to give tonight you and your wife are going to be on the forefront of the next move of God it's not because you qualified yourself but because you were pre-qualified before you were formed in your mother's womb you shouldn't really be here you and your wife but God selected you out of the millions of people in the earth because of capacity you and your wife have capacity for the next your disrupter and this next decade is the decade of disruptors God is gonna do so much for you it's it's literally gonna blow your mind and your leadership team is going to be key we talked and we talked very briefly I think you were coming into service and we both agreed on something you don't go as far as your dream but as far as your team and God is going to build an awesome team around you and they're gonna be able to have the capacity to take you to your next you're going to break so many barriers the stats are gonna be off the charts and Nielsen ratings are gonna begin to climb where you're concerned and then and I'm putting this in context because your call is not about the four walls it's about a dying world and you're going to be the proof that Jesus is real you and your wife and that God is still the answer and this generation that is coming up is gonna be a fantastic generation if people have doubts but I don't have any doubts I'm so excited for what God is going to do with the Millennials and the next generation the acts of Y and the Z and the Alpha generation is going to be fantastic for the believer and I used to say that the church is one generation away from extinction but you and your wife have given me hope I think generation after generation that the church has hope because of people like you and I want to salute you I want to salute you for blazing a new trail I want to salute you for having the faith to do what God commissioned you to do and this is a faith walk for you but tonight God is going to do something for you to prove that he's gone he's gonna do it he's gonna do it and I know are we streaming live okay so I know we're streaming live so III wanted to be able to do what streaming live does you preach first and and and then you have your altar call and then I want to do that but if I do then so those of you that are streaming live you're going to have an encounter with God wherever you are and you're gonna feel the tangible presence of God God is here in a tangible way but I I believe that tonight God is going to raise up some millionaires to underwrite the vision and they are right here you're right here you're going to create wealth you are the generation that will create wealth you will not chase a dollar a dollar will chase you you are innovators and God is going to use you in the days to come to innovate new models at new industries you are industry leaders the world is waiting for you and you are gonna rise up and God is going to put you not just under a spotlight but you are going to be the light and other people are going to shine because God is going to use you as a spotlight and to place on these individuals that are hidden in obscurity and that are currently on drugs you are going to be the light you are not just going to be someone where the light is gonna shine on you you are going to be the light that's gonna shine on the masses God is gonna raise you up and you're either in the spotlight or you're the light and you are the light of the world you don't have to be in the spotlight you are going to serve you are not going to want celebrity status but God is going to give you celebrity status you are gonna serve him with passion and with conviction and with righteousness and with holiness and you are not going to be the generation of those that compromise they're going to see God in you and I'm encouraged tonight and I'm honored tonight to have this opportunity to address you because you are the next generation of leaders the world has been waiting for the church has been praying for God is not disappointed with you I decree and declare you will not be disappointed with yourself he's going to give you a new strategy and it's going to be along the lines of biblical principle this is going to be the year that you are going to read the word more than you have ever read the word is going to be your life the word is going to be your source the Lord Word is going to be your inspiration you are going to study to suit to show yourself approved unto God and this year you are going to see miracles happen in your life it's going to happen in your business it's gonna happen in your family many of your family members that are strung out are gonna be saved and they're gonna be saved this year you are gonna pray them into the kingdom this is a year that your faith is gonna be the highest you are gonna be the water walkers you are gonna be the mountain movers you are going to be the line crossers you are going to be the finishers you are the ones that God has been waiting for and you are gonna rise tonight and you are going to take your place you're gonna take your place and scientists you're gonna take your place as technologists you're gonna take your place and educators you're gonna take your place as innovators you're gonna take your place as businessman and Ben women you're gonna take your place that's millionaires and billionaires you're gonna take your place you're gonna take your place and nonprofit organizers you're gonna take your place as editors you're gonna take your place as doctors you're gonna take your place and the leaders you are gonna rise you're gonna shine because the light of God is written upon you you are going to take your place and you are not gonna ask permission you're gonna step out of the shadows and God is gonna use you mightily you can take your seat [Music] can I just share something with you just before I give the word of God you you you've gotta know who's sitting on your left and who's sitting on your right you're sitting next to a winner you've been winning since conception out of all the thousands of sperm that swim up the reproductive organs of your mom you out swum every last one of them you've been winning since conception if you only knew who was sitting to your right and left turn to your neighbors say she's talking about me I wish I could sit there if you knew the probability of you being here if you knew what that looked like you would be shouting if I broke it down for you scientifically it'll literally blow your mind to find out that your two end to the trillion power a probabilities of you being here if I just couldn't break it down the devil is afraid of you the devil is not the opposite of God you don't have God and the devil he doesn't even qualify to be spoken in the same round God is the Almighty God and he's a created angel a falling angel an unemployed musician [Applause] that's why he's jealous of your praise [Applause] you better work it work it work it make him jealous [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he's hoping you don't contact cut connect with your true identity he's just hoping you don't get it but if you ever figure out who you are in Christ Jesus [Music] we're gonna do some things this year live church stay woke this is our year I'm the godmother of the church [Applause] this is going to be our out not just our year our decade this is my decade in the back very quickly I wrote a trilogy and one of the reasons why I write is because I never finished a message so in order to finish a message I had to write so the first book I wrote is hello tomorrow or commending your morning so the first book was commending your morning how many of you have commanding good morning the rest of you I don't know what rock you've been living under but the second in the trilogy is hello tomorrow and your past has nothing new to say to you so stop listening and how old tomorrow is about vision how do you write a vision you write a vision 12 areas that you write a vision it was the Prophet Habakkuk that went to God and tried to explain to God why he felt that God didn't understand our human experience and in answering him God and that's chapter one chapter two and have a God spoke to him and said just stand on your watch and see what I would say to you in response to what you're speaking to me and this is what God said this is my response right the vision he never addressed the problems he said right the vision you see whatever is happening today was planned yesterday you cannot deal with today's problem if it's already manifested you've got to have a vision God what did you have in mind and this is why people never find solutions for their problem because whatever you focus on fuels your future so if you focus on your past or your present you're gonna see a duplication of it in your future and it's gonna put your life on stutter you know what stuttering is it'll put your life 1 stutter you you you always be be repeating and all season and what you wanna do you want to take your life of a stutter by writing a vision are you getting this if you want to break a cycle you do it with a vision and you write it you write it in 12 areas not one area 12 areas what is your vision for your marriage what is your vision for your calling or career what is your financial vision where do you see yourself at the end of this year because your vision is gonna guide your focus and whatever your focus is it fuels your future are you with me so you've got it and the hardest thing that you're gonna do is write a vision that's hard it's hard work because you no longer connect with your past or your present you're connected with something that is unseen that God is appointed to appear on the scene if you activate it by faith so what are you believing for I already know what I'm gonna wear I'm gonna be 20 years from now why cuz I had a vision 20 years ago I knew that I would be at a certain place financially socially emotionally why because I have a vision 20 years so I'm on my next 20 years so that's 40 years so that takes me to 2040 so where do you see yourself and you've got to be able to write it why vision operates by a law it's called the law of documentation this is what Jesus said when he was tempted by Satan and he took him in a high place and said if you be the Son of God turn these stones into bread and he said it is documented whatever you document you legalize it in the earth realm are you hearing me you got to write it write the vision don't just talk about it document it and it's legal it's a legal document this is why the Word of God is written it's not just spoken it is written it's a legal document and you can navigate any spiritual terrain by just saying it is written and then you set yourself up in prayer why because if God establishes a presidence in Scripture then you could present yourself and you can say to him according to what you did in Noah's life [Applause] you are no respecter of persons that's how you structure your breath you gotta give God something to work with [Applause] okay so hello tomorrow 8:00 air in 12 areas to write this is chapter eight it's out in the back just tell Darlene give it to me secondly goodbye yesterday so you have commending your morning hello tomorrow and goodbye yesterday now this is not published and until February however I got them to print just a few thousand and it's precise therefore this is a collector's item there will never be anyone in the universe after this goals that will ever have a book like this is a collector's item you could go on eBay one of my books someone's selling it for one hundred and eighty five dollars I don't mind but this is going to be a collector's item and it'll be in the back and you can pick up your copy what I want you to do I want you to go to the back and I want you to take for I don't know how much to say as thirty dollars fifteen dollars each and I want you to town darling and give me both of the books and I'm gonna be in the back this is already pretty signed what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a picture with you there's a just a quick photo op and I'm going to in another ten years be able to use that picture to prove to people that I know you personally now a handful of you got that in the days to come you will not have to drop someone else's name for doors to be open people are going to drop your name God is going to give you celebrity status don't be afraid of that don't be afraid of that declaration you're going to have celebrity status this is from Solomon I don't want to go there I could prove to you the Bible said he's gonna give you a garment of praise that word praise means to be select celebrated it's passive it's not what you do it's what's being done to you the name Judah Judah is not active Judah means to be praised not praised turn to your neighbor and say treat me right now take me to lunch now give me a ride to church now send me a birthday card now say hi to me now wave to me now friend me on Facebook follow me on instagram tweet me [Music] all right [Applause] all right let me see if I could preach so uh meet me at the trap is going down right in the back our Father God will give you praise and honor in glory we thank you for the opportunity we sense your anointing I pray that I would decrease so that you may increase for the limited time that we have to address your people I pray that you would bless us that you would anoint me that you would give me a word that will establish your people and present truth thank you for the open heaven and thank you for the fresh supply of the Spirit in Jesus name Amen it's great to have my entire family here I'm all booed up my husband Bishop Russell Tomlinson would you please stand [Applause] my daughter Stephanie stand alicia's Stan Lakia Stan my best friend is here dr. Jackie del Rosario and Vince they're here and and my sister-in-law is here and friends are here and they drove up and they flew from California and they flew from Maryland and they flew from South Carolina and they flew from London and they flew from all over and they're all here thank you for being with us in Jesus name mark chapter 1 verse 9 to 13 very quickly mark chapter 1 9 to 13 what I want you to do I don't want you to use your poems I don't want you to write I want you to put your cell phones and style and I just want you to hear and interact at a different level everything is being recorded so you don't have to capture it and put it on social media it's already been recorded by the way it's it's not your material so technically you're stealing it's an infringement of copyright but whatever what I want you to do I want you to interact with what God is saying to you tonight I don't want you to write I want you to hear and then I want you to buy the tape and I want you to listen to it listen to it for the rest of the month you're gonna hear it's going to be very layered I'm gonna be speaking a couple of things and I'm gonna put everything that I'm saying in context so that you can understand where we are where the church is where the world is and then where you fit in the unfolding of God's plan for Humanity I feel the anointing my voice is shaking a bit and I want God to do something specific with you and for you and in you today didn't matter whether you're in the back of the front the anointing is no respecter of persons the noin ting can find you and identify you and the Holy Spirit is going to speak a specific word to each one of you and you're gonna find yourself in the message and then something supernatural will begin to happen over the course of this year 2020 is a very significant year yes as the beginning of the year we've all heard it's the beginning of a new decade but what is God doing what is he saying what is he speaking and if there's a plan for Humanity how does your life play out in the unfolding of God's plan for this generation how does it play out where do you find yourself is there a prophetic GPS that God could put in your hands so that you could navigate the VUCA environment that we're living in and I'm gonna throw out concepts and you're gonna hear it over and over when you turn on TV you're going to begin to hear these terms we don't need to be a day late and a dollar short it's been proven that culture changes every three to five years and the church changes every 30 to 50 years but we're playing prophetic catch-up and you're gonna find things happening to you testing is gonna come like this and I don't want you feel as if it's a demonic attack on you Paul said something that was very profound he says you have ten thousand instructors but not many fathers I have begotten you you know is he was speaking from a kingdom perspective when he began to address the Corinthian church he said I'm your spiritual father and the context was not modern-day context was the context of his time where the Romans those that were royal of the royal family and they were wealthy what they would do is a father would hire what they would call pedagogy's and he mentions it when he talks about tutors and governors and what they would what they would do the wealthy family would appoint tutors and governors and the child of this wealthy family would not be allowed to go out in the world without their tutors and governors until they were mature enough to access their inheritance you are royal priesthood and God is not going to allow you to leave the house of God without a tutor and a governor it's a sign of wealth the poor didn't have a tutor didn't have a governor and so Paul was setting us up to view life from a metaphorical perspective a metaphor is when someone takes two unsimilar things and compares it so that you're able to understand a complex concept it's very complex so they would say something like you're as strong as an ox you're as dull as a nail or whatever they would use metaphors and so if you read the Bible the Bible is full of metaphors Paul said I run this race what he was doing he was comparing your life to a race he used metaphors he said that we wrestle not against flesh and blood he was saying that life is like an Olympic game and he uses so many metaphors and in this particular text if you miss it he's saying life is a school so all year I'm going to be preaching on a simple message called a school called life a school called life and if if life is a school then what life lessons should you be learning and in each phase of your life what are the life lessons and life is the only school that gives you the test first and you learn your lesson next I'm just floating that as a balloon he said you've got ten thousand eight who are the instructors and many of us are dropouts but I decree and declare you are not going to drop out of your life you're gonna show up and you're gonna show up every day you're not gonna be a spectator and you're not gonna watch everyone else succeed while you spectate I decree and declare you will no longer use social media to sit on other people's timeline i decree others will sit on your timeline but they will be sitting watching you succeed you are not going to miss another divine timetable sitting on someone else's timeline God is gonna begin to sink you and you're gonna feel a syncopation and is to show up as pressure you're gonna get pressure in your home you're gonna get pressure on the job and you're going to think that it's the devil but it's not gonna be the devil you're going to see the hand of God moving you through pain your pain point becomes your prayer point which points you to your next pain is one of your greatest instructors wisdom is an instructor and I can give you the 50 instructors that I'm going to be teaching on so that you're able to say if this is my instructor what is the lesson I'm learning death is an instructor crisis is an instructor rejection is an instructor what is rejection teaching you rejection is teaching you that you have outgrown a relationship around you have outgrown an institution that no longer has the capacity for your greatness it means that they have taken you as far as they can and they've run out of capacity and you've stayed too long so rejection comes rejection is redirection you're here but God is going to redirect you someplace out everything is going to be an instrument of you have been rejected or being rejected now dry your tears you're too anointed for them you're too great for them you're too big for them you're too strong for them you're too bright for them they're you're too intelligent for them they don't have capacity for you you don't cry when you get rejected you give yourself the gift of goodbye I should have left a long time ago I knew you were trouble when you walked in trouble trouble so you've got all these instructors but nobody taught you we taught you about fathers and mothers but we never stopped to teach you about your instructors a school called life Lord and mercy but in the book of Mark that was a drive-by shooting let's jump to Matthew 24 38 to 39 very quickly Hebrews 11 and 7 let's braid these two text together remember you're not filming remember you're listening you're interacting remember you're not writing because God is gonna talk to you the Bible says for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be Hebrews 11 and 7 by faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet in other words God gave him heads-up gave him prophetic insight of the trends of megatrends the trends that were coming gave him heads up the Bible said he moved with fear that word fear is not being afraid it means wow this is awesome God is getting ready to put awesome back into your life everything about your life is gonna be awesome you're gonna have an awesome life drive an awesome car live in an awesome neighborhood married to an awesome your son is gonna be awesome your daughter's gonna be awesome your marriage is gonna be awesome this year is gonna be awesome January's gonna be awesome February is gonna be awesome March is gonna be awesome the moved in or moved with fear prepared an ark to the saving of his house by which he condemned the world saving of his house who was a part of his house we know that his wife wants but there were shem ham and japheth shem means name it means notoriety god is getting ready to remove the stigma from off your family name your name is going to be as powerful as the Fords the Carnegie's the Rockefeller the Kennedys oh that Amen sounds suspicious I release a new anointing upon you the anointing of sham you're gonna have a great name and not only will you have a great name you're going to be like jacob jacob lived as an individual but he died as an institution i decree and declare you're going to live as an individual but you're gonna die as an institution shanell lived as an individual but died as an institution that's why we still buy Chanel's louis vuitton lived as an individual but he died as an institution I'm gonna say it again you're gonna live as an individual but history is going to record your name the next generation is going to know that there once lived a woman by the name of and once lived a man by the name of I release the anointing of Schramm [Applause] doesn't matter what your daddy did what your mother did it doesn't matter what happened in your family it doesn't matter what you did I don't care if you have a police record I don't care whether you've been to prison I don't care whether you lied or you stole and people are talking about you this is the year that God is going to expunge their bad stigma attached to your name God is going to rebrand you you're gonna have a new brand your name is going to be powerful raise your hands and shout I received it say I have a powerful name oh I don't believe that say I have a powerful name turn to your per person when your left and right say do you know who I am Do You Know Who I am Do You Know Who I am tell them you're getting ready to find out glory to God you're getting ready this year you're gonna find out who I am this year this year thank you Jesus to the saving of his family there was shame there was ham ham means fire it means passion I decree and declare that you're gonna get your passion back you're not gonna stroll through life everything you do is gonna be off the chart you're gonna be lit for Jesus glory to God you're gonna sing your best song you're gonna dance your best dance this year everything is going to be on steroids your faith is gonna be on steroids your prayers are gonna be on steroids can I get a little more floor monitor a little more bass in the floor monitors everything is about to be on steroids I feel anointed now you are going to go to the next level you are going to be on fire he took on board Sam ham Japheth means open open close-minded people and not innovators only open minded people and open-minded people do not look for answers they ask questions the Bible said acts and it shall be given you I decree and declare you are no longer I know it all I decree you are like a child you are asking questions you are discovering and it's the power of the question if you ask it shall be given you you just have to ask the right people the right questions you're asking the wrong people questions they don't have the answers I decree your whole sphere of influence is shifting I'd agree you are now a moving with people that have solutions because you are a solution you are not only going to ask questions people are going to ask questions of you and you are going to provide the answer the Bible said hallelujah to the saving of his house to the saving of Shem and ham and japheth something is being restored to the church the church no longer is going to be behind we are going to play catch up and it's going to happen this year that God is going to open your spirit and open your mind people are talking about 2020 being that you're a vision but it goes beyond that you've got to begin to understand how God is going to begin to marry what you say with what you see that word paid that everybody is proper saying is not just the year of the mouth but it's deeper than that it means that God is combining and braiding three anointings and placing upon the church the anointing of the Prophet the anointing of the priests and the anointing of the King that means wherever you go your words are loan is going to work for you you are going to bless but you're also going to be able to curse that's what a priest does you are going to decree that's what a king does and you're going to prophesy and when you prophesy you're gonna begin to prophesied things that have scattered everything that was scattered you're going to be able to speak like Ezekiel and you're gonna prophesy you're going to prophesy like Jeremiah you're going to be able to say things that are scattered things that are not come coming together those things are going to begin to come together in the realm of the Spirit can i prophesy for a moment everything about your life things that fell apart last season is about to come together your thoughts are coming together your business is coming together your book idea is coming together your son is gonna get himself together your husband's gonna get himself together your wife is gonna get themselves together you are just going to use your mouth and you're gonna see a coming together you're going to see collaborations like you have never seen it before this is the year of collaboration this is the year where God is going to open doors for you so that you can save your capital by combining capitals and decree and declare a brand new network is going on on your behalf you are no longer going to be networked with people that cannot take you anywhere I decree and declare a shifting of your network hallelujah God is gonna increase your net worth the moment you understand that this is the year of networking we have entered into an interesting period in history we are moving into the second decade January 2020 this is not just the beginning of a new year is the beginning of a new decade and is going to be a decade of innovation what better people to innovate than the people of God innovation is prophetic innovation is faith it simply means that people have realized that we have outgrown tomorrow our outgrown a behavior outgrown a technology and these people ask the question what will it take for us to live better and do better what better people to ask that question than the people of God we are in a season of innovation and God is going to stir up your faith this is a season in a year that you are going to have hallelujah unlimited access to the realm of faith this is a year that the heavens will be open over us this is the year that you're gonna see incredible shifts we are going to begin to witness profound shifts across industries across businesses you're going to see a disruption of politics and a disruption of government you're going to see economies collapsing you're gonna see the emerging of new cont economies many of the professions that we thought would always be around you're going to see that they're no longer going to be needed like accountants like receptionists like factory workers like couriers like taxi drivers bus drivers soldiers doctors security guards accountants and farmers they're going to be replaced with robots listen to me sit down and listen for a moment hallelujah you're gonna see a shifting of jobs and a shifting of profession and people are going to be caught up and they're gonna be carried away with the currency but what God is releasing upon the church he's releasing the mental of Noah Noah was able to ride the winds of change and the waves of changed and what swept others away he was able to be sustained because of what he built her hallelujah this is that season for the church to build their lives on the Word of God and the promises of God the things that people are trusting in is about to fail them hallelujah but if you are here today and you're thinking about going to college there are many jobs that will never be done away with her number one software developers number two writers writers are artists number three the artist and both of them are needed to create original content out of new ideas and new situations and this is what I cannot do I can suggest based on scanning of what is but what I can never do is be prophetic I can plagiarize by scanning but I could never create because the human mind is the only mind that is able to tap into the mind of God this is a year where you need to begin to plumb the mind of God you need to ask God what did you have in mind especially when God said I know the thoughts I think towards you thoughts are good not of evil in other words God's thoughts are gonna be more valuable than money in talking about money I might as well come there we are no longer going to be transacting business hallelujah with paper money and with coins in the next two years you will no longer see dimes and nickels and pennies they're gonna be done away with but by 2030 we will be a paperless society you'll be able to go to kiosks without any money and pay for whatever you want because everything will change one of the things that are about to change is the emergence of AI hallelujah ai will emerge and it will no longer be a consideration hallelujah as a technological phenomenon the impossible burger discussion will be replaced with the impossible and disappearing buildings buildings are going to be built to disappear and before you think that's impossible they have already built a disappearing building in Japan hallelujah you're going to sing hallelujah smartphones and smart cars and it's a hot discussion but in the days to come you're gonna have smart surfaces and smart appliances we know a laksa and we know cerium but a laksa and Sri is gonna be joined by Geneva who will control your smart house right down to the inventory in your refrigerator which will be ordered by Alexa and delivered by a drone when you run out you will no longer have to drive to the grocery store your smartphone will have revealed to you that the milk come is past expiration date and your smart refrigerator will say to you do you want to replace it and if you say yes Geneva will talk to Alexa Alexa will phone it in and a store but we're operated by robots we'll pass it on to a drone and a drone will deliver it to your front door now this is where the world is going you will find out that people that are studying to become medical doctors most medical doctors will be replaced by a robot and so you've got EMTs and doctors assistants that will not be human any longer but they're gonna be robots cash is gonna be replaced with algorithms and implants and chips and the utilization of blockchain and blockchain is gonna be used hallelujah not just for you buying cryptocurrency but everything will be time stamped and stamped and the data is going to be stored and it's going to be unhackable now not only that but the Internet of Things will be ubiquitous in that it is a system that interrelate some with computer devices and mechanical and digital machines and objects and animals and even people you will not just have an ID you will have a UI deem which stands for unique identifiers and that gives you the ability to transfer data over network without requiring human to human or human to computer interaction and is going to supersede everything we know about modern a communication everything around you will be smart you're gonna have smart home smart cars smartphones smart appliances smart thermoset you're gonna have smart security the problem is everything we'll be talking to one another and the only problem a human being will have is a problem of privacy and security but thank God God has given us all 91 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High God shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress in other words you will not be afraid of the Arabah day or the terabyte night he's gonna give his angels charge over you you're going to find out that architects are going to begin to build differently it's no longer going to be about brick and mortar but they're going to build cyber cities to house robots and by 2030 robots will outnumber the entire population of human beings bringing me to the next point you've got to understand that the great architect has already built the body of Christ and we are a part hallelujah of the household of God we allowed less stones and God will continue to build you there's going to be the citizen ization of AI why is this because they're going to be forced to co-create a citizenship of AI because AI will be working and earning money and if you earn money you have to pay taxes so the great debate on Capitol Hill will no longer about border control and walls and fences it because um you no longer will be judged by the physical zip code that you live in but behind the algorithms of your virtual zip code in other words you're gonna be able to be hired anywhere in the world and not have to move in order to work there because everything will be operating on a virtual platform not only that but life as we know it in 2020 to 2050 is about to be different technology is going to be like Star Trek movie everything will be voice-activated and humanity will finally catch up with God because the blessings of God has been voice-activated for thousands of years the Bible said in Deuteronomy 28 one to two and it shall come to pass if you hearken diligently unto my voice hallelujah and to observe all these Commandments that I command you this day I will set you on high above every nation and these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you in other words the blessings of God have always been a voice-activated not only that but everywhere you go you're going to have face recognition you'll be able to walk in a storm and then will no longer be a humans that will serve you there will be robots and they will have memory and they'll squid scan you're buying history and they will recognize your face and you will walk in and they would say good day Cindy tremor we recognize that you were sized so and so you won't have to be measured hallelujah you'll be measured virtually and they will virtually offer you something that you would try on virtually and by the time you get home the real package will be there everything will begin to change give me five and I winded haha technology will advance exponentially you're gonna have biotech in the days to come there will be human organ cloning in other words you'll be able to take your organ and if you have enough money you'll be able to clone your healthy organ just in case this one fails they'll go to the clone organ and they replace your organ because your organ will have a perfect match to you biologically you're gonna have chronobiology you're gonna have body hacking where people will begin to hack the human body so this is possible because now we're talking about five gene and 5g is gonna be ubiquitous ubiquitous simply means is gonna be everywhere sign G will be everywhere in every corner of the earth and so when you have five G you're gonna be introduced not only to virtual reality but it's gonna be joined by augmented reality so that most people will have to detox from the realm that has been augmented so that they can know the difference between real and fiction that means they're gonna hack the human brain and they're going to be able to place false memory into the minor and false memory and brain hacking will become a crime in the days to come and one of the things I begin to pray about I said God give the church the ability hallelujah to patent the next creation of what I call a century purge pod this is where you're gonna put human beings in to reset the brain of function and to detox from virtual neural sensory overload and I'm gonna say it again these are big words now but they're gonna be common words in the days to come we are living in 5g and everything is gonna be hitting us and you're gonna have you remember the movie right ready player one so you're gonna have the augmented reality and the virtual reality and they're gonna converge and you're not gonna know whether you're living in the real world or the augmented virtual world and you're gonna have to have a way to detox and I decree and declare someone that is listening now that God will give you the pattern I'm giving you the idea I'm loading it down I'm giving you permission if you're involved in technology God gave it to me he called it a sensory purge pod where you now have emergency rooms and you go into the emergency room and you have these purge pods and you go in there and then you're able to reset your brain so that your brain functions like a human being are you with me in terms of Technology you've got nanotechnology you're gonna have forensic data analysis you're gonna have technology that will decongest our congested inner space we talked about congested lungs but our entire inner space will be congested I decree and declare that those of you that are part of the Millennials you begin to think outside of the box I decree that someone in here is receiving the technology to decongest the inner space you have neuro technology where you're gonna have smart drugs you're gonna have drugs that are designed based on whether or not you're male or female so they're gonna be female drugs and male drugs but Humanity is gonna be so so confused halleluja you're not going to be able to tell the difference between a male or female so the drugs will be taken to identify your gender at birth in the days to come you're going to have hallelujah a machine that is virtually driven by a and this machine is going to be able to anticipate human response of individuals especially dolls that have criminal records in other words those of you that saw Minority Report you're going to see that in the days to come you've got green technology where you're gonna have smart panels where water possibly could be made out of air now but it's gonna be controlled by very powerful people because in the days to come a water is gonna be the new currency and AI and robots robots will outnumber people you're gonna have Robocop's so those of you that want to sir the United States of America or your country as a police officer now there is no longer going to be police officers by 2050 you're gonna have Robocop's you're going to have an attempt to weaponize weather you're gonna have gamification of health you're gonna have virtual reality torture no you're not going to have to be tortured physically but you're gonna be tortured through hallelujah Virtual Reality right now you have CCTV but they're gonna set up CCTV to lip-read wherever you go you're gonna be enemy of the state medicine is gonna be an old time we're gonna treat diseases in a different way hey I will become your general practitioner and surgeons you're gonna have paperless um hallelujah reports because your DNA will be technical eyes up the internet is going to be used differently you're going to have internet therapy you're gonna have a doubling of dementia you're gonna have aging population you're gonna have a rise of nurse practitioner you're gonna have a rise of prescription drugs for children I'm talking about children that are one and two and three that may be predisposed our children will be drugged you're gonna have three deep king of human organs you're gonna have three parent pregnancies you're gonna have medical tourism you're gonna have sperm free reproduction your medical records are going to be implanted on your body you can have the male and the female version of drugs you're gonna have paramedics but they're gonna be drones I can go on and on when it comes to food you're going to have a threat of Hydra warfare in other words everything it's gonna be genetically modified and it's going to be formed and harvest so much so that bacteria will be planted too and use to contaminate fish supplier because fish will no longer be swimming in the ocean they're gonna create these are aqua ponds and they're going to raise fish that means that they will be genetically modified that means that anything that is genetically modified by a human being can be contaminated the recent recall of romaine lettuce is nothing to be compared to what is about to happen but I don't have any fear because God said I'm gonna bless your bread and water and he said I put none of these diseases upon you why am I saying this we are living in an amazing time and with an amazing generation and what God is doing in this season he's recalibrating the church and the things that were lost in the Garden of Eden the scripture said he came to seek and to save that which was lost what did we lose we lost our Dominion what did we lose we lost our mental health what did we lose we lost our social ability to connect with one another did we lose we lost our relationship with God but in this season God is restoring what we lost in the Garden of Eden we lost our building huh to think like God God said be fruitful multiply to be fruitful simply means that God gives you everything in potential form it means the day that you were born everything you needed to survive and to thrive and to succeed and to progress and to prosper hallelujah I'm gonna wind it up God gave you God is activating this generation this is the generation the gold is gonna raise up as innovators as in the days have a lujah of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Lord they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the flood came the flood came hallelujah and it was very significant because this was an indication of trans and mega transfer brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen we have seen the first hallelujah revolution and the second revolution and the birds have revolution where getting ready for the fourth revolution within the next 20 years everything that we have become comfortable with will change the world into which you were born the world into which I was born it no longer exists as in the days of Noah what were the days of Noah Noah was in the midst of a great revolution where everything was shifting and God gave him a heads up and told him the transit and the megatrends and gave him innovative ideas that was Noah's page and God is lightening this generation to the days of Noah in Noah's day he built an ark what has God called you to build her what has God called you taking old age in Noah's days God gave him the blueprint for industry it was an industry leader when it came off the ark he was an agricultural ish when he came he was a vintner he was a sociologist when he came off the ark it was a zoologist when he came off the ark he was a technologist use him to reset humanity's operating system how we operate it shifted doing his generation during my generation time doing your generation we're not just here to embrace the agent of change influencing industry you came here tonight you are the next sociologist you won the next educate after you won the next technological that he is raising up with an innovative solution ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters you're more than just a pretty page the reason why God brought you here to live Church tonight he's getting ready to turn your potential on it's hidden on the inside waiting for this moment if you add one moment one chance to grab everything you ever wanted to what opportunity gives you you in a lifetime would you capture it or what you let it slip in the words of Eminem the moment the music you better never let it go you only have a one shot do not miss this opportunity up below an opportunity that you've been given in a lifetime brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen you are the chosen of your family they rejected you not because you were inferior they rejected you because of your dream brothers sisters you've got to understand you are here in this generation in this time not to what things happen or what happen you are here to make it I decree and declare the first day of the year a new anointing and a new mantle comes upon you if anybody asks you what you're doing in 2020 tell them I'm making it happen you're going to make it happen for your family you're gonna make it happen for your ministry you're gonna make it happen in your industry you're gonna make it happen you are not waiting for anything or anyone God has commissioned you that was Noah's days but this is our days what will you write what will you build what will you sing what will you dad what will you do in God's unfolding plan for Humanity the world the world as we know it is changing I would need like a whole day to unpack it industry by industry i decree that this is the last generation of believers that will be 30 to 50 years behind culture with your hands raised you're working in an industry and what they pay you it's just enough for you to put gas in your car and food in your stomach to go back to work in a plantation don't be like the children of visual who haven't been delivered from Pharaoh refused to see a crises as a gift and your personal crises is only an indication that heaven is pregnant with you the pressure that you feel pain that you feel only means that heaven has you in the delivery channel of the Spirit the warm of the spirit is pregnant how do we know look in your family look in your community you see nothing but pain whenever you see pain and it's escalated it simply means that heaven is pregnant and getting ready to deliver the next leader when you see genocide in a region in a zip code this simply means that the enemy has picked up that this is the zip code because he's not omniscient you don't know who it is so he's gonna attempt to wipe everybody out this is what happened in Israel when they said okay kill all the boy babies we don't know one of them is a deliverer we don't know which one so kill all the boy babies when Jesus was born there was another genocide attempt we don't know which one of these are gonna be the king of the Jews one of them we're picking it up in the RAM of the Spirit so let's just wipe out all the boy babies the reason why you went through what you went through in your family the reason why you struggle in your workplace is because the enemy knows that in your family one of you all are the next on your job one of you all in your community somebody in this zip code is the next my father left my mother with seven children we hold into abject poverty we had no running water we ran out of food we ran out of water imagine waking up with no water to bathe in no water to drink the nights were cold some nights my mother put an elastic band to keep the socks off they were too big for a brand-new baby the elastic bands sunk into my leg and they couldn't get it out my rights I shouldn't have this left foot I was diagnosed with a bone disease there was no cure and right when they said by the time you're 21 you'll have no teeth in Canada a new technology was birthed and they were able to save my bones and I have my teeth today can't walk that was the attack can't talk he's in the trend family there was going to be an immense evader listen to me listen to me it was going to be an immense evader let me tell you my story cuz you got a story too it's not something you're embarrassed about are you hi you're gonna see the hand of God throughout your life in that family my father my mother's father died a premature death and her mother died a premature death left her as an orphan the family line maybe it's in this generation so all the boys because the enemy always focuses on the boys all the boys are addicts alcoholics because it can't be a girl so my uncle's all alcoholics the next generation my brother in the 70s a heroin addict wiped out at 32 a few days before he died I led him to the Lord the enemy it's called satanic concept concentration satanic continuity just concentrating on the family not expecting a girl and definitely not the sixth one and I was born I'm an independent thinker at age eight I started my first business at age 12 I was financially responsible for myself at age 18 there was no money in the house to send me to university but at age 17 I gave my heart to the Lord and I never gated my life by faith I was a disrupter I like the Pentecostal church cuz I like dancing so that's where it was hot so I joined the Pentecostal church but because I didn't have a father I didn't know anything about submission nor did I know anything about submitting and fearing anybody because I'm not wired that way the wiring that you need from a father you get it between zero and six I had no father miles I'm not wired to be afraid of anybody what the devil meant for bad God meant for good I'm an innovator I'm a creator of economies I think I could bring it to pass I have staff all over the world as far as Sri Lanka Europe Bermuda the Caribbean United States of America with the devil meant for man my brother took a knife one day and when he was high on drugs ran after my little sister to kill her you got your stories and I have mine it is not a sad story it's just like just like never use your story for pity you overcome by the blood of the Lamb and uh were poverty was a blessing to me being rejected by my father that means I can't feel anything when people reject me why cuz my daddy help me build muscles when I was young so it don't matter to me I'm not wired that way are you with me you were here today and God sends you it's a setup I was the first millionaire my grandparents were multimillionaires and the wealth was taken from my grandparents we were born in poverty I became the first millionaire of my family I got saved at 17 I never compromised I didn't sleep my way up to the top and by the time I was thirty years old by the time I was 20 years old I was advising government 25 building new educational system and 30 I was running a country at 32 I retired so this is what I do in return I preach the gospel so that you can understand the Christianity is your life strategy ain't a religion is strategy so on the first day of the year and I'm 29 minutes overtime the first day of the year I'm gonna challenge you number one those of you that are members of this church I want you to take a year and I want everyone to find something to do in the ministry buying something hi number two I want everyone to bring at least one other person with you that becomes a member of this house that you disciple my challenge number three I want you to make this the year of the Bible I want you to read the Bible more than you are on social media this is my challenge this is what I'm doing this year the next 60 days 66 days I'm reading a book a day I'm just gonna set you up I'm setting you up the Word of God is life and it will change your life never promise in there God will bring it to pass he'll make it good Christianity is your life strategy people use drugs as a strategy sex as a strategy are you following me there's only a strategy they lie as a strategy they treat as a strategy why can't Christianity be my strategy I don't want the line my way to the top cheat my way to the title as women of God you don't have to sleep with everybody you can be a virtuous woman and young man if you want to burgeon don't sleep with everybody in the church you can live holy you could live righteous between age of 18 and 30 listen to me carefully between the age of 18 and 30 those were the formative years when everyone was trying to find themselves I was trying to find God and I would fast and pray and on the weekends when everyone was partying I'll be home praying and when others were feasting I was fasting I decree this year I hear a fasting now listen fasting is not just cutting away food it's cutting away anything that would interfere with your relationship we're gone I want you to take a social medias Sabbath so every Saturday turn off all your gadgets all in favor we're gonna fast every Saturday gadget free no social media trust me all the news will be there on Sunday and Monday and when you take that social media I'm gonna ask God to do something I'm gonna ask God to speak to us me too I'm gonna ask him to give us a vision of the next 20 years of his unfolding plan I'm gonna ask him to show us the roles that we will play and the industry the specific industry that we were played in I'm called to government and I'm called to economy and I'm called to education and that's my focus those are the industries that I'm gonna change what about you is a technology is a medical I gave you two ideas but what industry isn't the world is never going to be like this ever again you need to be like Noah you need to be in the forefront of the trends I decree and declare that you are trendsetter I speak benedictions over your mind that you have the mind of Christ I speak the benediction that was placed upon Bezalel a benediction of innovation I decree that you are an innovator I decree that you are an industry leader that you will create new economies that you would create new technologies i decree that you would develop new products and you would take it to the marketplace and your product brand will be as strong as Coca Cola's brand it will be as strong as Apple's brand it will be as strong as mercedes banz brand i decree a rebranding of your name i decree that now you don't even need a resume that people will hear of the incredible things that you are doing and the same thing that solomon has had god will give you that time i decree you are no longer limited to the community that you live in and agree decree you will begin to think it through like the use and use algorithms i decreed that you would use technology to benefit the kingdom and agree that you have the resources and the capital to pay for the budgets that you will create to start new businesses to develop new patterns to develop new copyrights to develop new books to develop new drinks to develop new foods and agree and declare that you would be able to take advantage of of the technology that is made available to this generation and you will not use it for entertainment you would use it for education you would use it for business I decree and declare that it's Facebook and Instagram and Twitter is being used for entertainment and use for opinions and use for gossip it will not be used by you a degree you would use it to engage your constituents in transactional activities that you are offering them something and they are paying you a premium price a degree that even as there are going to be virtual counselors those of you that have psychology degrees and sociology degrees that you are developing new models that you can take advantage of technology and agree that you will not be limited because of your lack of degree but you are educated supernaturally by the Holy Spirit that you tap into the mind of God and agree that wisdom my counsel knowledge understanding reverential fear prophetic insight is given to you i decree that you may not see yourself as a gifted individual but the gifts of the Spirit are being made available to you upon the man I'd agree that you are prophetic in nature that everything that you are doing today hallelujah will move you closer and closer to the vision that God had for you tomorrow I decree and declare you are breaking through you are no longer hallelujah in a glass cage with glass ceiling you were breaking through tonight I decreed the limited thinking that has plagued your life that you are having a jay-bez experience right now that God is enlarging your territory I decree and declare you were defying the odds I decree you are in your family for such a time as this that you are not fearful to go into all the world and preach the gospel even as God has planted you amongst the tears I'd agree you would distinguish yourself as wheat I decree and declare hallelujah that you are the light of the world you are city set on a hill that cannot be hid you are the salt of the earth I'd agree the anointing of leadership is coming upon you you are leaning in your industry you are leading in your community you are leading in your family I decreed the curse cordless shall not come gone is operating on you at the level of your DNA and what would have been passed down from generation to generation the buck stops here tonight not another generation hallelujah within your family life shall be addict shall be prostitute shall be drop out I decree and declare your children's children will be blessed as a result of this your son will not struggle like you your daughters will not struggle like you the cream right now you are living as an individual but you're gonna die as an institution you are going to leave a legacy behind for future generation I call you bless I call you anointed I call you great I call you successful in this day and age when the world is looking for visionary leaders you are the leader when the world is looking for transformational leadership you are the leader when the world is looking for ideas you are the ideas generator when they are looking for capital I decree you a money magnet I call your neighborhood flats because you live in it I call your zip code flats because you live in it I decree the atmosphere is shifting in your environment to accommodate the plans that God has for your life I agree this is the worst you will ever feel this is the poorest you will ever be I'd agree in declare wealth and riches shall be in your house I bless you you have started strong an agreement you are going to finish 2020 strong I decree your January it's gonna be the best January you have ever lived I break every strong home I decree and declare that the Satanic concentration over your family i decree the Simon of the enemy is broken I decree you were hidden in the secret place of the Most High God you are hiding under the shadow of the Almighty I decree your burdens are lifted I decree today God restored you you are restored from molestation you are restored from fuse the real you is coming out I speak to your potential I agree the fire is coming back I command you to dream again I commend you to believe again i decree money will not stop you I decree your new currency is your words of faith I agreed your mouth is anointed whatsoever you decree and declare I degree is established I bless your eyes to see differently I let your ears to hear differently I bless your hands to begin to write the vision I decree a divine visitation is coming to you right now I release the anointing of God I decree every yoke is broken i degree the eons is broken i decree prison doors are open and you are coming out you are coming out of abuse you are coming out of there you are coming out of hardship you are coming out of unemployment you are coming out of I bless you I bless you with innovative ideas I bless you with Ava Ida cream flavor is surrounding you like a shield i decree wherever you go you will be favored tailored she'll be being fit for you favorite she'll be behind you paper she'll be on your right hand paper shall be on your left hand paper will be above you paper will be a puppy on you I think we everyone that sees you will be for you I decree your works days are behind you your best days are ahead of you i decree tail your is behind you success is be ahead of you I agreed today you were pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus you are the one that people have been praying for you are the one that people have been waiting for your eyes shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you i decree 2020 a year of greek activity I think we 2020 a year of innovation i decree and declare 2020 a year of progress a year of prosperity a year of success everything you touch will turn to prophetic go i decree your hands are blessed with sans you will write with those hands you will innovate with those hands you will rule with those hands you are blessed I called your hands flat I anoint your feet I decree you are being delivered from state nation I decree your feet are blessed with those feet you are going to run through truth with those feet you're gonna live through one I decree that spirit of not productivity is broken off of your life this is going to be your most productive year everything you think about you produce it I break the spirit of fairness I decree and declare you are going to produce you're gonna produce your best work your best song I bless you to be the head and not the tail I bless you to be above only and not beneath I bless you to be in front and not behind I decree and declare you are blessed you are blessed going out you are blessed coming in I decree and speaking to the wolf of January I call January bless I speak into the womb of February February is blessed March is blessed April it's blessed May is flat June in flats July in flats August September October November December I decree and declare 2020 a blast year [Music] lay hands on your eyes 20/20 you're gonna say goodbye to yesterday you're gonna commend your mourning you're gonna say hello to tomorrow I charge you to spend this week writing your vision the 12 areas the books out there you're gonna write your vision spend the week gonna ask God give me a vision for the next 20 years should you delay your coming you're gonna write it you're not gonna edit it and you're not gonna try to figure out how is God gonna do you're not gonna try to figure out how I make how am I gonna pay for it you're gonna pay for it by faith because faith is your new currency so when people say how you gonna pay for it you're gonna say how you gonna build it lay hands on your eyes i decree spiritual aqua akkad acuity acuity God is refocusing your spiritual eyes you're gonna see what other people cannot see and you're gonna declare like Noah this is awesome I command you to see differently you see seven different ways natural eyes dreams visions prophetic insight revelation perception these are ways that you see and now decree and declare a readjustment of your sight you're gonna see God in everything and everyone and you're only gonna be looking for God lay hands on your ears i silenced the ear to the voice of the enemy I silenced your ear to the voice of your past your future is calling and you will only answer to your future a decree everyone that is a sign to speak words that will penetrate your spirit and cause spiritual apportions i decree and declare the anointing that is on your life will drive them away before they are our word i speak to your inner ear and your memory words that were spoken to you over your life over the course of your life that you rehearse day in and day out i decree your changing the narrative I decree this is a year where you are i gating your ear gate is protected I decree your eyes are now consecrated your ears are consecrated your hands are consecrated your body is consecrated and your feet are consecrated in Jesus name Amen now father we present our bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to you which is our reasonable service we are not conformed to this world but we're transformed the hands on your head by the renewing of our mind repeat after me I have the mind of Christ repeated again repeated again repeated like a declaration say it again say it again I have the mind of Christ say it again I have the mindset again again you have decreed it and it is so and it cannot be otherwise in Jesus name I'm gonna leave the podium and leave the pulpit but I want to do something this is the first of the year I pastored for 15 years I know about finances we want this ministry to thrive and there not be one financial burden placed upon the shoulders of your pastor so we're gonna do this together amen seeds are different from a regular offering a seed is attached to the future Hennessey breaks the stronghold of poverty there is something about a thousand dollar seed everybody looked this way when God begins to speak he speaks to specific people I grew up where my father refused to even give support to my mother he had pleasure of making seven children but not keeping them and my mother struggled my mother didn't have a penny to send me to university when I wanted to go not one penny not even a dime to say Cindy take this and buy something there was no money in the house when I left I left by faith so what was hanging over my life my whole life was it a spirit of poverty and it's not broken by a job I had I had good job and it's not broken by money that you earn it's broken by a see Mike Marta was the first person I heard about the thousand dollar seed and at first I didn't believe it I thought it was just another preacher trying to get money out of you he waited 45 minutes for me to get a revelation a seed is given by revelation look at me look at my eyes you could tell my sincerity I said were you saying with dreams and visions I said with purpose and destiny asset as a businesswoman I said as a millionaire I said as a best-selling author but this was before I wrote a book it was hidden in potential and I said in a Pew where they would have the people that had money and they would have lines and they were lay hands on the people that had money but the poor folk like me we sat in church and nobody laid hands on us and I promised God that when I pray and praying the same prayer for everybody I was the same little poor girl that they thought nothing would ever come of her because I relied on the Salvation Army for food and clothes that was my beginning we took half a million dollars of medical supply to Kenya the other day perhaps there was a little poor girl like Cindy trim that was in Kenya we are giving where we ax two thousand people to join me to give back to Salvation Army our week and a half ago because I was a recipient of Salvation Army I had Christmas because the Salvation Army so I know what it feels like with dreams and visions and goals and sit in a Pew without any money to give in a thousand dollar line $500 $500 line $10 line by dollar line $1.00 line I couldn't I will go to the restaurant and ask them can I take some of the toilet paper out of the bathroom I never stole I acts there like never had anybody acts for toilet paper before if you came to my house we had designer napkins had a big Am for McDonald's that's where I begun but one man stood the service had ended just like this he said there are four people that should give $1,000 I was an intercessor damn I prayed for the four people three came up ten minutes past 15 minutes 20 25 30 35 40 and he was still waiting for that last person I didn't have money for rent they didn't ever call didn't but it did have $1,000 in some change in the bank that I was saving and God said to you and I was happy cuz I said to God it's in the bank I don't have it right now he said go to the bank and get it so I rushed to the bank it was right down the corner from the church I went took out the thousand dollars gave it and he prayed over me he said what do you want me to pray for I said that God makes me a giver a psalmist could never run out of songs a preacher could never run at a sermon and a giver can never run out of money I walked away I had buyer's remorse the church's compassion fatigue means that we've heard it so long that now doesn't mean anything we're fatigued so we don't give we disconnect during giving but I want to reconnect you to be a giver we we stopped on the way out just to get something to eat and I just randomly give every day and I give money every day to random people sir is the ladies servicing me I took out $40 and I gave it to her and I said god bless you and I walked away my niece's don't have to apply for scholarship my nephews why I'm their scholarship I grew up in a rat-infested house Bret's ran around we were afraid to go to the bathroom at night cuz it'll rats you had cats I had rats when it rained the water came down and to go from one room to another we had to put on a raincoat because it rained in my house that's how I grew up abject poverty it's not a sad story it's my story my mother couldn't put me in a house but I put my mother in a mansion my mother my mother couldn't afford to buy shoes for herself and her feet show the signs of the abuse of her feet she had to feed seven children the other day she said I want a pair of shoes and I said fine I went into the store Saks Fifth Avenue and I said I want that shoe I want every color that you have and I bought all the colors and I never looked at the price and I took it to my mother my mother said what am I gonna do with all these shoes I said you can wear them to bed you could do whatever you want there was no money in the house for my mother to send me to university my mother dropped out of school when she was young but I had the privilege sending her back to get her high school diploma and then I sent her and she studied computer science and I paid for the whole lock stock and barrel when did it start with my revelation of the see today as he waited please forgive me for taking time but if you don't understand how the kingdom works you're gonna miss everything seed is given by opportunity nobody is pressured you cannot pressure a person to give a seed what I want to do I just want to set this church up just for the year the first thing I want to do I want everyone to can and will in this first month to vow $1,000 seed you can either give it tonight or you could bring it sometime during the month or towards the end of the month those of you that are members all in favor please stand with me and please come down to the whole town dr. Tripp I want to give this seed some of you might be able to give it tonight I want to pray over you I want to be a part of this I'm gonna trust God it was a big sacrifice for me I didn't have money to pay for rent nothing and God supernaturally when I tell you supernatural he's supernaturally the other thing that God gave me after that I gave that thousand dollar seed he gave me an idea he didn't give me money he gave me an idea and I worked that idea I created a product they took the product to market I made my first million dollars and I'm living off of that product today that product is still paying my bills it not only pays my bills that pays the salary for my some of my staff as well and it was because of that thousand dollar seat come straight up coming straight up come straight down I'm gonna pray over you I like her you said straight up please come please come please come listen to me when you walk out of here the enemy's gonna play with your mind he played with my mind and you know what the Lord said to me Cindy I want you to take your credit cards and whenever there's a need in the church when you use your credit card you run your credit card up for everything else but the kingdom he challenged me side a big revolving account and I had started the church and the church needed money and I ran the credit card radar and I said to God if the rapture comes I'm leaving it for the Antichrist to worry about this is a vow that you're making between you and God you're giving to God even though the church is going to be receiving it this is between you and God there's $1,000 seed I can go and teach you about the thousand dollar seed that I'll have to be another time Solomon took up the house in dollar seed and prayed and God gave him influence well read the scripture and it was $1,000 seed God said I bless you a thousand times more yields a camel and a thousand kills I could tell you about a thousand seed what I want you to do is not focus on getting money I want God to give you a million dollar idea that means you have to work that idea he gave me a multi-million dollar idea and it between the time I got it and the time I created the product and took it to the market it took four years so you may not see it this year or next year but you keep working that idea God gives you and one day you know explode the Bible said I would set you on high above all nations that you were blessed nations and you shall not borrow right you blessed nations you're gonna land the nations and you're not gonna borrow you're gonna land nation so when you lend someone something when a bank lends you money you pay it back plus interest right so he said you're not going to lend to individuals you're gonna lend to nations that means nations is going to be obligated to you are you getting this nations will have to pay you back plus interest you live in the United States of America the richest country in the world and you're gonna succeed here United States of America is blessed because you live in it those of you that are here I'm gonna ask you to give an immediate seat everybody that can and will it's a seed and we're gonna activate this message revelation without activation is frustration and leads to no manifestation you give seed based on revelation it's not a catch-22 I'm giving everybody permission not to give so I'm not setting anybody up I want you to understand this but everybody that can and will I want to just put pressure on your pocketbook McDonald's does it Burger King does it Sexsmith Avenue Wendy's Walmart what do they do it's called advertisement it's called marketing and you buy stuff that you don't really want the Wendy's have the Wendy's hamburger that comes out with the mushrooms you know the mushroom hamburger that comes out once a year it's been coming out for the last 25 years in the summer and every summer they say it's a new but it's new for that year but it's not new and what did what are they doing putting pressure on your what pocketbook I want to just put pressure there just a little for the kingdom people say and they lie all the church wants his money how are we going to print Bibles without money how are we gonna build churches without money you never say that to Walmart you never say that to Publix you never say that to Sexsmith Avenue but we say it to the church it's because the enemy wants all your money circulating in the kingdom of darkness to underwrite unrighteousness but we have the truth and we can underwrite that so everybody that can and will your city I would like each one of you to take fifth of $50 seed or $20 seed and please stand it with it you can and you will god bless you as you stand god bless you doctor trim this is my seed I'm gonna activate this this is my here god bless you as you give God bless you as you give god bless you as you give god bless you as you give god bless you as you give god bless you as you give god bless is there someone in here that has five children and your single parent you have five children you're a single parent five you got six children you got bills walk up here Holman Stephanie look at my purse give me $500 give me $600 come here let me share with you something this is an immediate harvest she didn't have to work for it when you when you understand the seed you'll never allow the world to undermine the prosperity message it's a lie everybody else could prosper except Christians everybody else could prosper except the church we got work to do we've got buildings to build communities to save children to feed children to coal widowers to clothe we're doing the work of the kingdom thank you on behalf pastor ty and pastor Tay and live church I don't know if you remember and live we're blessing you with this on behalf of your pastors and the leadership of this church this is $100 for each of your child well my daddy never did but my daddy never did that to my mother but your heavenly father is now the daddy of your children and even as he took care of me he's gonna take care of your children too every single woman raised your children in the fear and admonition of God bring them to church bring them to school my mother did that the greatest gift my mother gave me was God and the greatest gift you could give your children is not designer give them God raise your hands were all giving I want you to make a vow if we have envelopes or however we're gonna receive this but you're making this vow before God by the end of December I by the end of January those of you that are giving right now we want you to give those of you that are giving your $50 your hundred dollars your $20 see and those of you that were like me in between blessings that people felt sorry for she's poor you've got potential and God doesn't need dollars the need money he's gonna get you where you need to go everybody raise your hands it doesn't have to be high this is not religious I fathered a god now here's your sons and your daughters who are making this vow and many are giving today this is the first seed that we're giving the first day of the year we activate the seed we decree in the clear it will give us a lifetime of harvest when a seed is planted at the right time it breaks cycles I decree the cycle of poverty is broken another generation in our family will not struggle financially I decree that we are wealth generators you give us power to get wealth we are idea generators you are giving us ideas and I pray father that we will bring new innovations to the table and new businesses to the table now father I bless the seed I've blessed the giver and I pronounce a benediction of increase upon all that will give now until you is able to do the exceeding abundantly above all we can ask for thing now I bless this church I decree that they have a hundred percent tithers that every member of this church is gainfully employed whether they are employees employers or entrepreneurs I decree and declare wealth is flowing to them like a stream a degree that debt is being reduced and debt is being eliminated I speak to credit cards I decree they are being zeroed out even now a degree people that owe to IRS i decree their being forgiving of their debt I speak to the single woman that you have sufficient to pay your children's school fees and you are sending them to the best of schools I'd agreed there is no lack in your house I speak to businessmen and business women that you will never operate in the red always in the black I speak to ministries that you were operating the black I call you blessed I call you a favorite I call you anointed I call you successful I call you prosperous and as you give your seed tonight I bless it and I call in the harvest in Jesus name Amen those of you that are here I'm gonna get the ushers if they would you would be able to give them an envelope ticket so that we can get your name and the prayer warriors can pray over your your envelopes and each one of you give about what I want you to do is to put the date on it put the date on it and say this is what I'm gonna give it if it's the 15th or the 30th or next week put the day and then pray it through I love you all god bless you and here's to a great year [Music] ladies and gentlemen can we please I'm just gonna dismiss and those of you that major Wow please wait till you get your envelope good the blessing does not activate until you do your part so we're getting the envelopes now we didn't expect this we think four so if you came down to make your bow so you can benefit so you can receive please don't walk it please please please please please please thank you I'm just gonna pray amen father we think could we bless the Lord for dr. Tran please before come on y'all please before we go thank you for waiting thank you and we bless her in the name of Jesus and we pray a double portion over her life no lack keep her mind strong keep her spirit strong keep her body healthy cover her family with the blood of Jesus all of her loved ones in the name of Jesus all of her business endeavors favored and blessed in the name of Jesus we thank you for her anointing in Jesus name Amen and father we thank you for your goodness to all of us and what you've been part of into us on this wonderful first day of this 2020 we honor you we thank you and we bless you we expect great things from you in the name of Jesus now bless us as we go home protect our families and keep our loved ones safe in the name of Jesus let us come back at the appointed time fired up ready to give your name praise again for every day is a day of Thanksgiving and god we are grateful for your love towards us be glorified in our and we thank you for the most amazing year we've ever seen to date 2020 is that here give God praise everybody in Jesus name Amen live the Lord is with us therefore we will [Music]
Channel: LiVe Church
Views: 253,683
Rating: 4.8135786 out of 5
Id: k4nR2YIummA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 49sec (7849 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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