Dr. Cindy Trimm - "I Know Who I Am"

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certain age something happened in my spirit where I definitively knew who I was and what I was called to do and I I had stopped looking for people to define my life for me and I began a journey with God that that that that is culminating here today and it's a journey of self-discovery and the Bible said in the book of Job 32 verse number 8 but there is a spirit in man that word spirit Ruach the Bible said in the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and God created man the Bible said from the dust of the ground and then God breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul there is a spirit a rooh AK a breath in man have you ever had an occasion to meet someone that was a breath of fresh air have you ever had the wind knocked out of you where you were facing a situation and it just knocked the wind out of you have you ever had the occasion where you had news that not the breath out of you where you felt overwhelmed exasperated there is a spirit Aroo act a wind in man and the inspiration that word inspiration is neshama when the Bible said that that God created man and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life that weren't breath of life breath neshama the Bible says that there is inspiration and the Bible says that God created man and breathed into his nostrils the breath the word inspiration and Grethe is the same Hebrew word neshama the Bible said all Scripture is given by inspiration it's given by the breath of God there is a rooh at that word is wind it's breath it out not only speaks of wind but it speaks of intention it speaks of the mind of God when God created man he breathed into his nostrils when he speaks of that word breathing he's speaking of it like a trumpeter expresses himself in a trumpet when a trumpeter plays everyone knows one of the best sex opponents is is who Kenny G and one of the reasons why we love Kenny G is how he expresses himself on a trumpet the Bible said this to you and I lift up your voice like a trumpet in Zion in other words God has expressed himself in you he has voiced printed you your DNA everything about you has been voiced printed he expressed himself in you now you have to express yourself in the world but what happens is this that somehow through life life happens we get one situation after another and one challenge after another and it just knocks the wind out of us and every now and then we need someone to carry a breath of fresh air and when we talk about carrying the breath of fresh air we are talking about someone who represents God himself the voice of God the intention of God someone that could put our lives back into order some dreams we go through life and our lives are misaligned we have a sense that something is wrong we may not be able to articulate what is wrong but something is misaligned we don't feel like ourselves we don't know who we are but we don't feel like ourselves now the average person will begin to reach outside of them looking for a means by which they can satisfy and satiate what is going on what we don't recognize is this that we need our soul refresh the Bible said that man became a living soul in other words you don't have a soul you are a soul we talked about seeing babies that have an old soul we talked about someone being a mean old soul we talked about someone having a sweet soul that when we talk about that individual from the perspective of their soul we are talking about being able to understand who that person is your soul is important David said thou restores my soul the Bible said in the book of James that he's able to wash our soul we're able to have our soul saved by the washing of the word what the Bible said what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul God is a God of restoration and I believe one of the reasons why God has raised up this man of God he is a raised of the men of God not only to address your spirit but to address your soul the Bible said that when God created man he breathed into man he created his body then he breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living soul the human body was not animated until God hallelujah gave man the ability to recognize that he was more than a body the soul animates your body and the moment you lose your soul is the moment you lose control over your body and when you die you don't cease to exist your body is no longer animated therefore you cannot define yourself based on your body a lot of us will dress up our physical body at the expense of dressing up our soul the Bible said that man became a living soul that word soul is nafisa the Greek word that's the Hebrew word the Greek word for soul is sukhiya you've got to understand that one of the most important Hallelujah parts and and part of who you are is your soul if you fail to nurture your soul you will be failing to nurture yourself because your soul houses your mind your will and your emotion many times we are going on a journey that called in life and we are emotionally bankrupt we have given out here and given out there and eventually we lose touch with who we really are and if a person asks you who you are month many of us will begin to define ourselves based on the role that we play or a title that we wear but that's not who you are God wants to give you an understanding of who you are the Bible says in our text Joel 32 verse 8 but there is a rule at a breath in man hallelujah and the inspiration the neshamah looked up the breath of God hallelujah that gives you life of the ohm idea that is should I the Almighty the most powerful God it is he that giveth understanding that understanding it is he that gives you prudence it is he that gives you the intelligence it is he that gives you the genius hallelujah so that when you go through life you will be able to tap into the reserved hallelujah that you need in order to make it through life if you would turn with me to the book of John chapter 6 reading from verse number 15 the Bible says that when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king he departed again into a mountain himself alone very powerful words of hallelujah why because you're so loved it gives you the ability of proceptivity of your soul is important to you the Bible said he himself it's interesting because when we read the story of the prodigal son the Bible said after he wasted his substance it's interesting because when I was studying out and writing this book huh God began to show me a hallelujah that there were many scientists hallelujah but that believed in the human soul one of them was not by the name of mr. or dr. McDougall and he lived in massachusetts and in 1907 dr. mcdougal tried to prove scientifically that man had a soul and when he he decided that he would weigh individuals so he took a lot of the individuals that he was treating and he would weigh the moments before they passed away and then moments seconds after they passed away they expired what he did he would weigh them again and it was uh it was it was consistent everybody that passed away weigh 21 grams less than what they weighed before they passed away and every human being that he weighed after they passed away he found out that they weighed 21 grams and then he did the same thing for animals so he weighed the animals while they were alive and after they dead and he found out that the animals weighed exactly the same and he concluded that what the difference was that the soul of man left him hallelujah at when he died and that man was more than a physical body enough you see you can fix your body but if you don't fix your soul hallelujah you are losing touch with who you aren't many of us have the ability to embrace other people but we refuse do we embrace ourselves because we really don't know who we are the Bible indicates hallelujah in the Book of Luke chapter 15 about the prodigal son and the Bible indicates that his father had two sons the older and the younger and the younger one said father give me a hallelujah my inheritance the scripture said that the father gave him off his living and he went to a far country and wasted all his substance it's interesting when we deal with the soul hallelujah because dr. mcdougal said hallelujah that this soul of man is substance I believe he got only wasted his money on the but he lost touch with who he really was the Bible said that afterwards there was an economic crises and he found himself unemployed and he joined himself to a citizen and the citizen took him in the Pigpen and the Bible said the food was looking pretty good to him and it was at that time that something happened the Bible said and when he came to himself but he said to himself my father has servants from hallelujah that live better than me hallelujah this man of God come for the last 11 years in some of your spiritual father some of you of your spiritual father and his job was not only tomb how do you feed your spirit took his job has been to connect you hallelujah to your soul um hallelujah there are many of us that have lost our way in hallelujah and we have given ourselves out and we have given a piece of ourselves to this person and a piece of ourselves to another person until we've lost touch with who we really are but I want to celebrate this mend of God because one of his assignments is there to reconnect you to who you are in Christ Jesus so that you no longer know hallelujah will define yourself hallelujah based on external locus of control hallelujah you don't have to be a victim hallelujah of your environment or a victim of circumstance and a product of your environment for 11 years he wanted to connect you with God hallelujah so that you can make a series of I statement up if I were to ask you who you are what you answer me by telling me about the things that you have done and the title that you will know what you answer me based on the role that you're playing or could you really tell me who you are now the Bible indicated in John chapter 6 of hallelujah that Jesus had just him hallelujah finished and multiplying the bread and the fish and what they had leftover with twelve fragments hallelujah of our 12 buckets some of our baskets some of fragments and pieces of bread and I believe that the 12 from hallelujah baskets of fragmented pieces of bread hallelujah represented the fragmented soul hallelujah and Gautham hallelujah was given Jesus an opportunity to give the disciples an object lesson the Bible said in John him that Jesus himself from hallelujah went alone because he perceived that the people hallelujah would take him by force to make him a king this is very important because the word for some is hotpots own out of which we get the english word have harpoon hallelujah past him one of the things that I've recognized as a pastor it's easy to be harpooned by other people now a heart poonam is like a missile that is thrown by the hands of an individual usually not hallelujah to capture an animal that is larger than them they use harpoons to capture whales because of the size of the whale they have to harpoon it to bring it under their control hallelujah so that they could fulfill hallelujah their motivation or intention concerning the destiny hallelujah of this realm Jesus recognized that people wanted to harpoon him because they recognize that Jesus as a man of God had something that they wanted her they recognized his strength and ability you got to understand that God gave you this man not to harpoon him not to bring you under your control not to make him into something that is not the Bible indicator tell that they weren't they were gonna force Jesus to become a king hold on one minute Jesus was born a king he was born to be a king of the Jim you got to understand that unless you have a he'll soul tough people and circumstances will harpoon you there are so many people that recognize your strength they recognize your ability they recognize that you're gifted and talented huh and a lot of people want to control you because they have a hidden agenda they wanted Jesus to become king huh what they wanted to do was to use his influence to use his gift something to use his talents not because they were concerned about him but they wanted Jesus shunned because they wanted to overthrow the Roman government and they themselves lack inner fortitude to do it themselves so they got the best and the bigger and the brightest and they were going to use Jesus because of their hidden agenda because of the motivation it had nothing to do with them supporting Jesus in what he felt was his calling but they were hanging around for what they could get out of Jesus and they were using manipulative tactics Jesus recognized that this was manipulation they did not know who Jesus wants him because if they knew where who Jesus wants him their support would have been different Jesus had to go hallelujah to the disciples and say whom do men say that I am the disciples never recognized who Jesus was and they only got it went God himself hallelujah intervene huh with a divine revelation hallelujah just for one minute tough let me just digress and to you for a few minutes there are so many people who don't get you now and you've got to be like Jesus you've got to pull away from people that don't get you because if you don't know who you are and they don't know who they are huh they can never help you to discover who you are Jesus said I gotta loo yup now lower the cart the Bible said that Jesus had to go by himself alone in other words hallelujah there's a difference between loneliness and aloneness loneliness is the absence of people nothing alone this is the absence of purpose many of you are in relationships with people that can never help you to get from point A to point B they want to manipulate you they want to use you nothing more they want to demean you by just addressing what they see on the outside but I'll come to preach to you that it's time for you to say I Know Who I am can you give me a little more floor monitors I Know Who I am you got to understand that relationships are not born to have a loo you for people to define who you are now to make you feel good about yourself a relationship is not there to make you happy nothing God gives you relationships so that they can support you as you prepare your purpose Jesus had to withdraw himself from the people that did not know him there comes a time when you got to enjoy yourself but who you retire yourself determines where you come nothing the Bible said in the book of 1st Samuel 18 family in Israel now that should be the son-in-law now to the king well David it sounds as if you have an indentity crisis you are more than just the son-in-law of a sick schizophrenic king you are the king the throne that he's sitting on belongs to you the kingdom that he's where he let it ruling belongs to you ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters you got to understand that all told the Bible is filled with amazing narratives of man in the volume of the book it is written of being we see that their biographies are spoken off from as they are concert to around the rise and fall of great empires of great movements of the great crises and great opportunities their lives become Semenovna for each one of us at the moment we realize that our own experience is a little to smaller contacts to understand what it means to be human and what it means to be created in the image and the likeness of God you've got to understand that their lives are big but calls up the bigness of God their lives were powerful now because of the power of God there things were great before because of the greatness of God they had favor with man because they had favor with God it was all about God God in the beginning God in the middle yeah in the end that God that breathed himself on the inside of you is waiting to express himself on the outside of you you've got to stop defining yourself by the roles that you play the title you will the labels and limitations have you've got to stop defining yourself by your peely enough it's time for you to have a prodigal son experience you got to come to yourself but you've got to come to your senses today huh come to celebrate this mend of God who prophesize and prays and preaches by the inspiration of God he's come to wake up the sleeping giant with edu he's come to let you know I'm not the only one that has been called into greatness you are called into greatness - he is going ahead of you huh to show you that with God nothing is impossible God is using him and is living his life now right before you so that you can understand that knowing who you are it's critical huh it's critical for your personal growth knowing who you are is critical huh it's critical for your spiritual growth it's critical for your decision-making uh it's critical for your relationships it's critical for your health is critical for your boundaries it's critical because something it will help you to live authentically yeah it's critical huh because it will help you to select your spouse your occupation your career path your ministry it's critical for self-discovery self-expression discipleship discipline to understand your purpose just stay true to yourself when you know who you are you will eliminate suicidal thoughts Chuck when you know who you are huh you will give up melih depth it sets up behavior you will allow to deliver you huh from self-destructive habits Jesus kept walking on the water hallelujah and I'm gonna bring this home huh cuz my time is up the Bible said Jesus had worked a miracle and gave the twelve disciples up an object lesson and then he put himself out there to let them know that this ministry doesn't define who I am my family doesn't define who I am you know I have no mask I have no man's courage I am who God said I am the Bible indicated that the disciples got in the ship and I believe they were holding each one of them holding no hallelujah the basket of fragmented pieces the Bible said that they were out for a few for long stuck out in the middle of the scene and when they got there huh the render begin the bowl not the contrasting wind the wind of the spinach had already defined who they where the breath of God had already voiced printed their identity their personality I've already defined for them who they win so what was this win this win was external circumstances it was the enemy trying to voice printer their lives huh but I'm telling you when God created you huh it gave you your soul your soul gave you the ability not only to be a biological being but it gave you the ability to have a spiritual life well and a soulless life but your soul enough is responsible for your identity your temperament when God made you he made you thinking being breathing being huh a moral being huh and you know Veda pain he made you I'm social being uh a relational being huh an intelligent being the enemy may not be able to fight your spirituality but he wants to control your soul if he controls your soul he controls seven your mind he controls your wheel he twists your temperament but no weapon formed against me shall prosper God is about to restore huh you are so he have sent me to announce two years that is in the last thing that circumstances and situations will knock the wind out of you will make you lose touch with who you are yeah is about some visit you to let you know that he's restoring huh your soul you're gonna get your drive back you're gonna get your desire back you're gonna get your mind back you're gonna find your way yeah people huh well no longer step I know who you are you'll be able to say oh Jesus my time is up Jesus Jesus did something strange when they were in the middle of the ocean he just walks on the water and he says these words be not afraid it is I when you discover who you are you will no longer be controlled by people they will not be able to harp who you bring you under the control you will no longer be defined by external circumstances life will no longer happen to you you won't happen to life it is be not afraid that's that Greek word phobias out of which we get the english word phobia don't superimpose your phobias upon me many people don't get you and they deal with you based on how they deal with themselves when people hate you it's not because they hate you they don't know you hate you they are announcing to you that I hate myself when people reject you it's an announcement that they no longer have the capacity for you Jay Baer said enlarge my territory let me exceed people's expectations of who I am and let me do it from the inside out it is I you don't define who I am the role that I play in your life doesn't define who I am it is I that word I comes from the Greek word ego it is ego a lot of people like the disciples had a shattered fragmented ego what you want to understand that is nothing wrong with heaven and ego but God wants it to be healthy your ego it is me I'm living I'm talking to you I'm relating to you from a place of authenticity this is as good as it gets this is Hawaii it is ego we are here today to celebrate this man of God 11 years 11 years of walking on board when the winds blew and they crushed upon the boat that boat fly on is a Greek word play on out of which we get employment for 11 years God employed you you were in a ship you're in a ship fellowship leadership you're in a point on but when it came time for you to deal with the situations and the broken souls of man God use you he used you to demonstrate what it looks like to know who you are when you know who you are it doesn't mean that you will not be challenged by life it doesn't mean that you won't have moments where you question what you're doing it doesn't eliminate the fact that you might have to struggle with a doctor's report we might have to struggle with finances it doesn't change that when you know who you are you're able to live in side out you're able to bring to bear your true nature there is a spirit in me that gives inspiration it's the inspiration of the Almighty who do men say that I am some say your Jeremiah some say your Elias some say you're one of the prophets no no no no no you got my brand home I'm not I'm complimented that you think that I'm like Jeremiah it's a compliment that you think like I'm Elijah you know what he did he spent the rest of his life making a series of I statement I am the bread of life I am the Living Word I am the way the truth and a life but people get you wrong when they don't get you it's doing not the responsibility to define who you are it's yours and if you don't spend the rest of your life making a series of eyes statements you will have to live with us a series of you statements people telling you who you are this is a season to reconnect it just so happens that this is a season called Lent a 40 day period where Jesus went alone and then he came out with power I want to encourage each one of you to go on the 40 day so fast because it's not about what you're eating its what's eating you how father like God we thank you for 11 years this man of God has stood with honesty and integrity and he lived his life out loud that was because he went ahead of each one of us to demonstrate what it means to know who you are in Christ Jesus and his task his job did not define him the role that he played did not defy him the title that he wore did not define him because he lived inside out he replicated and duplicated what it means to be godly to be godlike what it means to be christ-like and now father we invite an entire congregation to go on a journey to reconnect with their true selves let them be like Ruth when Boaz said who are you she said I am a Ruth I had made don't define me by the temporary conditions I find my self in my name is Ruth and when she released her name she spoke of her dreams her goals her identity her personality she spoke of her intention she spoke of her skills her ability she spoke of her assignment she spoke of her temperament when she called her name I decree and declare that whenever we call our name or and whenever someone hears of our name they will not be mixed up they will not project onto us their fear of who we are are their imagination but they would see us as we are would you call your name out in the atmosphere please Cindy to him call it out call out your name again turn to the person on your left and right shake hands say I am and tell them who you are the next person say it say it I am say it's a pleasure to meet you said again I am and call your name call it call it shake the person I am shake the next person and go across the way shake the neck I am and say your name now doctor trip why did you do that why didn't you have an altar call why didn't you call us up to help us to get delivered of insecurities why didn't you call us up to help us to overcome the shame why didn't you call it because the solution to your problem is within I decree and declare from today on that when people hear your name your name is associated with wealth with luxury with extravagant can I ask you a question when you when I say Beyonce what image comes to you what about Michael Jordan what image comes to you what about Barack Obama what image comes to you the name and the personality go hand-in-hand and when people don't get you is because there's some kind of stigma attached to you from your past maybe the dumb things that you did maybe the dumb things that you said but I decree and declare right now in the name of Jesus that every stigma is for every stigma bad stigma that is attached to your name or your family name is removed right now I decree that you no longer have a credible ass I decree and declare your past is past I decree and declare you no longer have a bad reputation you have a good record I decree and declare that you have a good name that your name is associated with goodness with intelligence with morality with us with ethics I decree that when you go into the place and people read hallelujah your application for money your name alone will give you paper I decree your name alone will open doors I'd agree you have a powerful name call your name up there I think we that people are speaking aware love you call your name oh I decree those of you that are unemployed people are dropping your name so that when you apply your name alone will get you the job in your family in your family if there's any stigma attached from a previous life I decree in the claim that that stigma is now removed i decree wherever you go you can walk with your hand up behind because you are no longer defining yourself by your past or your actions or the habits of your body you are defining yourself based on who God has called you to be I am that is the Bible said who is who was who is and is to come from you are not who you want you are who you is but who you is is not what you are bound to come turn to somebody say I just want to prophesy to you this morning I have a prophetic word and I want you to receive it say I know who you are you is kind you are smart and you as important in Jesus name we're going to be in the back just for a few minutes to just assign a few books I want to encourage you if you can go on the 40-day so fast you'll be reintroduced to who you are and you'll spend the best 40 days of your life the best 40 days of your life just before we leave it is the 11th anniversary and I know pastor would normally come out and receive your tithes and offering you can take your seat but today he invited me so I'm going to allow him to keep his seat and to receive your tithes and Oprah I heard the pastor earlier talk about something you talk about good soil and he plenty to seed and good ground this is to me carefully everybody look this way what makes the ground good what makes the soil good it's not good because I say that is good because good soil for me may not be good soil for you what makes a ministry good soil is not because the pastor says that is good so good because there's so many people that plant seed and they never get a harvest and they get angry so they don't plant seed anymore the Bible said this about about Isaac he went into Egypt and by revelation God said plant your seed in this soil and that God gave him a hundredfold in the same year I D Korean declares something and I'm very serious about it I release the anointing of Esther II sthe off the Bible indicated that 365 days from the day she started the beauty contest 365 days later she was living in a palace she went from being just an abducted no-name obscure person into being married to the king how did that happen I found out one thing that all the other girls went around asking what dress you gonna wear a dress what dress I don't wear yellow I'm going to wear pink and they could forward with one another but aster acts one question what does the King like and by revelation listen to me carefully by revelation she gave the King what he wanted and revolutionized her life I spent the last few years preaching a long time I've been preaching since I was 17 I'm 21 now I've been preaching a long time as a woman thinks in our hearts so is she I've been preaching a long time and I spent the first three quarters of my Christian life frustrated I came out of poverty is every preacher that came I gave I gave a thousand dollars I gave five hundred a hundred dollars whatever they gave and year after year I never got the harvest and everybody else is standing up giving their testimony of how God blessed them and they gave a thousand dollars and how about even ten thousand dollars how God gave my hundred thousand dollars gave my house and Here I am trying to get this thing right whenever you have a poverty mentality there's a tendency to withhold and to fear whatever you withhold impoverishes you whatever you release prospers you whatever you fear you attract and so I feared lack and guess what I lived in lack when it came to giving that's what I always had a little bit because I didn't know where the next penny was going to come from and then Mike Murdock stood up one day and waited waited over an hour for me to get the revelation he said there were four people that need to give $1,000 the three came up the fourth one was in there as an intercessor I prayed and I was praying for 45 minutes he said I'm just going to sing until the last person gets the revelation and then might by the time the 45 minute marker comes I'm a it now because now I'm saying when that person gets up get up on God said that person is you I think Mike Murdock saying every song he ever wrote and I rebuked the devil because I didn't have a job I was just fresh in the United States of America I emigrated from Bermuda not because I wanted a better life I had a better life I came here because God sent me here and so when I came I didn't have a job I didn't nobody knew me that was 20 years ago I'm 21 right so that was 20 years ago Mike Murdock did me a favor and then I got the revelation of what good soil was I was happy because I didn't have any money in my wallet I said you have it in your bank account the bank was just around the corner from the church I left the church he was singing when I left singing when I came back one hour later I woke up I had just enough money to keep the my bank account open it might have been two dollars and seven cents I took the whole thousand dollar off and I gave it in the soil the soil wasn't good because Mike Murdock said it was good it was good because I had a revelation of the seed listen to me carefully you got to hear this I was frustrated like a lot of you sitting wanting finances I know where you are I know what you feel like when you get creatures that come and stand up and say we want so-and-so to give so much dollars I know what that feels like I said well you said I said in obscurity I know what it feels like to have purpose on the inside intelligence on the inside books on the inside I know what it feels like for people not to get me and many of you are here your family doesn't get you people don't get you so what you've done you acquiesced I could see it in your face I could see it in your spirit I could see it in your body your bodies are slumped down you're holding yourself you're crossing your legs why because you don't want people to get to who you are people disappointed you people discouraged you I can tell your story because your story is my story I can tell you the stories of warning be successful and asking people I could tell you up the story when I went to a friend he published a book and I said how do you publish a book he said you ain't ready yet two years ago he called me long distance said Cindy how are you doing this all your books are number every book that I've ever written has been a best-seller my book the last book I wrote when when it entered the market at 118 thousand or 19,800 it was 819 thousands of other books whatever it was that was in the morning lunchtime I was number 156 o'clock I was number 15 and 9 o'clock in the same night to within a 24 hour period I was number one on amazon.com how did that happen I could point it to the moment I got the revelation when Mike Murdock said there were four people in here that need to give $1,000 it took one hour for God to give me the revelation that he was talking to me one hour why because I was afraid I didn't have a job I was new in the United States of America I was an immigrant nobody knew me I didn't even have any preaching I had no money I was living off a can of pennies that someone gave me I remember it was green I had saved up just enough money because I needed a car nobody knew me nobody was helping me I looked like I had it all together because in my previous life as a senator I had designer clothes so when I walked in I walked in and designer clothes buy and no money as new Mike Murdock I thank God for him today I thank God that he didn't rush through a service because people were sitting quiet their arms folded I thank God that he had a revelation that there was someone else he kept saying three of you came there is somebody else and I'm not leaving until the fourth person and sometimes it takes a while to get a revelation what makes ground good not because I say it's good when you have a revelation it was the same named soil the same soil that the Philistines plenty in and never got a harvest the same soil and they planted in the same soil never got a harvest so how could I see a foreigner come in to the philistine place and they had harvested and never got a harvest planted and never got a never got a harvest and here comes there's one man plenty my revelation here are God's sake go there plant a seed and he gets 105 it's the same soil what makes the soil good not because pastor lender says it not because I say but when you get a revelation yourself it God is speaking to you I miss you your life will turn around dr. shrim why are you taking your time I'm taking my time because nobody took their time with me I said I had gold when that man call me he said how are you doing it and can you help me you know what I told him you ain't ready yet be careful turn to your neighbor say be careful how you treat me now turn to the next person tell them take me to lunch now send me a birthday card now you see most people see you ascended but they don't see what it takes took while you were ascending and I decree and declare you are ascending this is the worst your finances are going to look like I'm stopping because the world says that we are in a recession but the devil is a liar the same amount of wealth that was around during Solomon's time is still here when you see recession it means money is changing hands this is why God said I'll bless the works of your hand raise your hands up and shout my hands are available Lord Obama said he gives you the power to get wealth not get money but get well you see you have to take capital and convert it and it becomes currency most people call currency wealth but it's not you have to be able to leverage it and exploit it in order for it to become well it's just like the house that you live in it's not wealth until you exploit it until you use the equity in your house to start a business or to buy another house or another piece of property you are not wealthy you've got to take your money and you've got to leverage it and exploit it what did I do when I first got wrote a book my book fell apart but I took the money so that I can publish the book but I still didn't spend it I took I took the royalties from that and I expended my book now I hired editors I hire people from Colorado from all over the world to help me with what the book publishing so what you do with your money your salary you have to exploit it even if you had a million dollars sitting in the bank you are still not wealthy you may be rich but you're not wealthy the Bible said wealth and riches shall be in your house some of us have rich but we don't have well what you want is well wealth is transferable from one generation to the next you can't give you can transfer your job to your children as an inheritance our Father in a god I release an anointing of Revelation and I decree during this time we will have the revelation and father we release the people who are not sure right now but those that want to take their finances to the next level I'd agree that you are removing fear from them and you are bringing them into a new realm of Revelation and this revelation will cause them not only to give but to receive divine inspiration so that they can take their currency so that they can take the existing things that they had give you of giving them and leverage it to to true wealth I decree and declare an anointing that will make everybody in here independently wealthy and I decree this year economic stability in Jesus name Amen let me tell you something you need to learn how to begin to engage yourself in a process don't just sit there while I'm praying with your mouth closed open your mouth come into agreement say Amen do something with yourself listen your brain can only take an order your brain don't take suggestion it takes orders it takes men days so that means that when I'm praying you got to open yourself so your mind can receive it as an order so that you can when you walk out of here your mind says I gotta prosper I gotta figure out a way to make her independently won't we let's try this one more time I haven't asked anything from you and praying for your breakthrough the least you could do is to come into agreement that this is God's will for my life I destroy from open your life the mentality in the spirit of poverty i decree that it is removed from your family life i decree financial breakthroughs here i anoint your hand and I decree and declare that God is going to teach your hands to prosper i decree that money is shifting into your hands and when it comes he will give you the ability to leverage it and exploit it in the name of Jesus I call you the head and the tail I call you the purse and not the laugh I cancel that spirit of debt and I decree in the clamp well and riches shall be in your house should I receive it engage yourself in games yourself don't be on the sidelines watching everyone else Burpo prosper get engaged sit down and we're going to take your tagging offer and sit down today's pastorale editors Nashville anniversary and I got to follow him in a move in a minute to go to the next campus I like you all so just forgive me that I care you know what happens I think I care too much and I think sometimes I want more for people than what they want for themselves turning to your neighbors say she ain't talking about me she must be talking about you I have high standards for my life I have high expectation I'm going to exceed even my expectation today I want to be a blessing to Pastor lenders and I want to do something I don't know who you are I you know this the first time he had been here so I'm not responsible for what what other preachers have done I'm only responsible for myself I want a 10 of you to stand and give a seed of a thousand dollars my revelation please stand please stand those of you that are business owners and professionals I'm going to challenge you please stand who do you stand you can you could look at me you don't have to hell your head down there's one they're coming look at me look at me if you don't have it God ain't talking to you when I when I was sitting there with Mike Murdock I was happy it wasn't in my wallet and by revelation God said it is in your bank account I'm standing here today because of that one see number two are you standing sir you're ushering a man you should have stayed sitting now you owe me $1,000 see didn't he come up he come up he came up like he was like getting a revelation how many of you have you had it you'll give it you're serious father allow seeds to come into the hand in multiples of a thousand dollars I decree and declare from today on with a thousand dollars will be as a dollar to you I believe it I receive it a man thank you Jesus power to the people saves up it's hard for so many a lot of times when we talk at this level people are thinking about their jobs and they think okay Mike I'm gonna get it from my job it may not come from your job trust me it may not come from I decree that if Uncle Sam owes you anything the check is being released right now is your money anyway with interest I see - you're standing up three rushes I'm almost counting you for just by revelation are you sending four five praise God would you make the check payable to higher living six your hand is up to seven eight a who are the other two wave your hands tip your head wink your eye if you don't want to be seen but just let me know what number am I on eight who are the other two please you don't want me to sing for one hour I'm not Mike Murdock never wrote a song but if I have to sing I'll sing it's good to have che Simpson here worshiping she's incredible I love her it's got one of the most angelic voices in the world am I missing someone one two three four five six seven eight for the other two just by revelation doctor trim I'm telling you I can feel something Betty that's not in digestion that's the Holy Spirit you 9 and who's number 10 number ten god bless you I release you coming near I release it again I release it again I released you give I release you to give yes I release you to give I release you to give we need ten of you that will give five hundred dollars would you please stand god bless you one one god bless you as you can one doctor trim yes it's serious yes you give by revelation when you walk out of here those of you that are giving listen to me carefully don't look for money look for an idea God gave me an idea and the idea is paying me royalties today I live off the royalties I run my corporation by the royalties idea don't look for money excellent to give you a million-dollar idea billion-dollar invention God just gave me a multi-million dollar idea and putting it together I'm getting ready to sell it I'm trade marketing in the process of trade market a lot of times we look at money you need you need to take them money and leveraging those that do know their God shall be strong and do great exploits you need to exploit it that's what you need to do can I get 10 of you to give 100 god bless you in addition to that you're going to give your tie don't forget did pastor take the tithes and offering all right could everybody take out their tithes and offering and everyone that can those of you that are going to give $100 please stand we're going to receive it the $500 $100 please come please come the $500 and $100 please come in you can give your seed please come you're giving $100 please come everybody else would you smile at me because it will increase the value of your face I promise you we want you to take out your best gift take out your tithes and offering in addition to that everyone that can and will take out an extra $50 an extra $20 would you do that and we're going to bless the man of God take out your tithe your offering and I'm going to let the pastor please come and receive your tithe and offering I love you could you meet me out the front I'm going to just steal maybe five minutes to sign some of your books but if all of you could go on ww so fast come in order your books you can also order the empowerment series declare yourself field declare yourself best and just play it and then hang out with me for the next 40 days I want to do like with you I promise you your life god bless you I love you if there's anything we can do for you remember we are here to pray for you all god bless you
Channel: musiqchild007
Views: 596,089
Rating: 4.7581348 out of 5
Keywords: Anniversary, cindytrimm, trimminternational, christian, soulfast
Id: PMZRyQ2m5Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2012
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