DOUBLE your CREW and CARGO CAPACITY for 37k - Starfield Ship Building Guide

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hey everybody it's Lira from Leo gaming and are you frustrated like I was are you playing Starfield and is your cargo capacity maxing out and are you frustrated that you can only have two crew members equipped on your ship then you go and check out the ship vendors and it's costing you 100 200 000 credits to get three or four slots on your ship well here in this guide video I'm going to show you how early in the game for under 40 000 credits you can go and more than double your cargo capacity and also double your crew capacity so watch this video and step by step I'll show you how to get four group member capacity as well as almost a thousand cargo capacity so you don't have to worry about either issue nice cheap and easy make sure to drop a like on the video if you found it helpful let me know in your comments if you have any other questions about shipbuilding so let's check it out let's check out how to get it cheap easy effective star fee field ship right now all right guys as I promise you can do this really early in the game so we're doing this right here at new Atlantis and one of the first missions is going to take you here and all you need to have is technically access to the ship service technician now do note you do need some money so you're probably not going to do this right away but if you sell basically all the stuff that you pick up as far as guns and Equipment Etc you should be able to build this this money rather quickly again for this build out you need just a little bit under 40 000 credit so Step One is go ahead and talk to the technician and you're going to say I like to view and modify my ship at this point we're going to be at this interface you see here and you're going to want to actually hit B for ship Builder not ship upgrading next what you're going to want to do is you're going to take the ship apart only certain parts though so go ahead and move the engines away doesn't matter exactly where but make them accessible and go ahead and move everything around here next go ahead and move your grab Drive Away click and drag same with your reactor now at this point just to let you know your ship has crew station capacity too and also passenger slots too so we're going to be wanting to increase that also our main cargo hold is this one right here that only gives you 210 that's fine we're going to keep that but we want to add to it so next step is going to be increasing our crew capacity and also our crew station capacity go ahead and mouse over this part of your ship as I'm showing right now and hit G for attach then you're going to want to go ahead and hit t and keep hitting T until we go to habitats and what we want to select is this one the Nova Galactic engineering Bay it's going to give plus one crew station go ahead and hit e to accept and next go ahead and mouse over the kind of rare part of this module and hit G again I'm gonna do one more so we're gonna stack them on top pity again now at this point we're gonna have to put one more module and the best way for me to teach you how to place this is just make sure your mouse is out in thin air hit G and now you're gonna have this one right here this one notice it's a two by one and it just has two passenger slots now the game will always try and place the module to closest to where your cursor is so we're doing that and now obviously it's not attached to the ship but what we want to do is we want to get underneath these modules but if I kind of go like this notice it just attaches to the closest areas so what you need to do with this selected go ahead and hit F and F is going to have you kind of lower down there you go and now you kind of mouse underneath the ship and if you're you've gone too low on the z-axis go ahead and hit r until it connects just like that and let go of left click so now you've properly placed this underneath so at this point we have enough crew capacity but we also want to get cargo capacity so next what we're going to go ahead and do I want to put them kind of at the top here so I'm going to Mouse over the rare here and I'm going to hit G I'm gonna go hit T until we go ahead and get the cargo now depending on where you're in the game you may get better forms of cargo holds you should probably have the stormax 40 unlocked that's 245. if you don't have this one you could go to 10 but we're gonna do the 245 as an example it is going to add a lot of mass so we're going to need to accommodate for that go ahead and left click and it should auto place it here again if it was misplaced somewhere else just left click and hold and get it to the spot let's do the same of the opposite end mouse over where you want to place hit G it should already be Auto selected hit e now do note if you put it out in space it would probably by default be facing this way and notice the connector here is near my mouse if you hit Z it will flip it so you can connect it to the right spot okay the next thing we need to do to make this ship legal is we need to upgrade the reactor and also the grav drive so we're gonna go ahead and start with the reactor Mouse over it click it hit delete we're selling it's not powerful enough this one has a power of 14 uh we need more than that now go ahead and mouse over this Central module to make this the easiest hit G and then go ahead and go to reactors now you're going to want to pick the best reactor that you can legally get two things you got to keep in mind with some of these components if you look at the left side here it's going to have at the very top class class A if you're starting a game you can only have class A components so if something had a Class B component like this you cannot equip it so it's very important to note also some things are going to need other skill requirements as well so we're picking the very best one that is Class A ahead again click e and you should have it placed in the middle you can place in other spots that's fine as well we'll do the same thing with this grav Drive select it hit delete we want to put it directly above Mouse over where you want it hit G and again hit T to toggle over until you get grab drives again remember what I just said even though legally I can buy the b class we cannot equip them and actually fly with them so we need to find the best A1 that we want now in addition to caring about what class it is we also want the the best value when it comes to your grab jump thrust so notice some of these will have grab jump thrust of 12 14. this one right here as a grab jump thrust of 18 that's what's going to let you get off the ground and travel with a heavy ship so we're gonna pick this one go ahead and hit accept again so now we have all the power and travel components we need we can go ahead and put the original engines back so I'm gonna push them back here to the left at the back end of the ship but at this point you're going to notice we have a problem our Mobility is too low the way we get higher Mobility is by adding extra engines so what we're going to now go ahead and do is we're going to go ahead and mouse over over here at the top we're gonna go hit hajjit and we're going to go under engines tab over to engines and I probably just recommend getting the same life dwarfs which are the white dwarf 2010s so put one on here so we put one on here now we want one on the opposite side and again we're gonna do the same exact thing Mouse over the area you want it hit G and then it should auto place it now at this point I wanted to point out error messages because even though the placements of these engines are quote unquote legal when it comes to engine placements it may cause other issues so before you finish your design you need to go ahead and hit C for flightcheck and notice this problem here invalid Docker module position and that is this module right here which kind of makes sense if you're docking here you can't have things in the way it has to be an extremity good news is I'm going to show you I can easily fix that so again this needs to be kind of at the top of all the OR at the very bottom as an example so in this case all we got to do is move these engines so we're going to go ahead and select the engine I'm going to move one way slightly and we're going to drop F to be a little lower now all of a sudden it's still legal it's symmetrical of the other engines and if we go ahead and do that with both engines go ahead and drop it just a little bit now it's places it's symmetrical and if you hit C now you'll notice our only problem right now is that we need to attach the modules and it's too big or and that's only because these modules are far away so let's go ahead and put those back on again you want them on the same symmetrical levels for the heights there you go put them here there we go and then one more and I believe that's equal and at this point there you go you hit C all system is nominal that means everything is a go your mass is still high but you're fine with that for now what really matters is this check it out if High Mobility actually Max crew 4 cargo 940 and your cost out the door under 38 000 credits no new ship out there is gonna let you double both of those at this price at this point all you gotta do is hit tab hit enter to finalize everything if you had messed things up you can always hit X to cancel and just like that instantly here we go you see your brand new ship it's one to one ratio in game you can run inside it if you want as well it's fully functional for takeoff and Landing Etc and again super dirt cheap and you can do this early game this should be able to cover you for a nice long time so I hope you guys found this video nice and helpful if you did please make sure to drop a like if you have any questions about shipbuilding make sure to drop them in the comments and if you want to see more from me make sure to subscribe thank you for all your support and I'll see you guys in the next video foreign
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 72,365
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Keywords: starfield, starfield guide, starfield ship building, starfield tips, starfield spaceships, starfield ship customization, starfield ships, starfield ship guide, starfield tips and tricks, starfield beginners guide, starfield how to, game guides, starfield guides, starfield where to
Id: bxIpleUd9OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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