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[Music] we're back this is the first time I have had mr. banjo I was about to say the doors they had never been on The Tonight Show which is not true she was on before but this is the first time I've had a chance to welcome her to the show I've been a fan of hers ever since I first heard her first record she ever made come out and she's probably the best-known or one of the best-known entertainers the entire world through singing and her television show will you welcome please miss Doris Day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you say that thank goodness I think we have a summit meeting tonight yeah I can feel that I can feel that I keep doing jokes about uh are you well tonight I'm really you know what I mean you had this problem we talked about yeah we could go and you said right now I was going to wear my collar you have one of those soft cervical collars yeah I do you wear it around when you sit around you they say you should wear it at home if you're riding in a car or something only time I was afraid if I worn out people are not sure whether it's a joke and it's kind of good kind of difficult to get laughs or be funny when you're wearing well those collars around but it does help it does help now how did you do yours what what happened I don't know how I did it I haven't a clue how'd you do I know thank you I like the connection yeah boy did you reach over to pick up something and all of a sudden I really don't know John yeah now what do you do for it I don't do anything really no don't you ever take any exercise where's it good to be on your arm yeah man I ride my bike and I clean house and yeah they told me I said glamorous things like that they told me not to do that I cannot I cannot play tennis now for three months oh that's did I hate that what you want to do John they'll have you in bed you know you're six months and you just shouldn't do that you know you should get out and do what you want to do and forget it right they're gonna kill you when they hear that they said don't even put her don't even swing a racket don't try to go out on the tennis court for three months because you could redo this thing really yeah I wouldn't enjoy myself yeah wouldn't do oh I would indeed but maybe you're different than him the next year bill are the neck or the freezer Breanna managed making women any different I wouldn't think so I think that we're about the same around there but below the neck the changes start rapidly with Mac with McLean and you were kissing all right yawn it even made the fan magazines did it not oh yes see what happens here I saw that you guys doing McLean Stevenson one either in about six or seven weeks later I pick up one of the fan magazines and that they are hundreds of Monty in Hollywood and all of sudden they were making a big romance between you and McLean Stevenson out of nothing we're good friends yeah and suddenly we were engaged Danis all there was you just had dinner together once or twice ooh no never we just just here from the show and they never called me that's a Billy de Wolfe line yeah poor Billy they're reading the good friend of both of ours who passed away a few months ago does he give you the name I know you go by a lot of nicknames I don't know whether you call he calls you Clara Clara with me Clara Bixby you've been calling the dodo was one of the other nicknames and Suzy cream-cheese yeah now where did Clara Bix become I know Billy gave it to you but why did he give you that nickname he he called his Cadillac he called his car Claire Claire what Kendall ACK Billy de Wolfe it's just Cara Clara and I drove across the country the other day yeah but he gave his hip and a name board he saw in the paper that Clara Bixby was lecturing in Los Angeles tonight and from then on I was Clara Bixby and I'm Clara Bixby - a lot of people I'm not you - just the time he put on it no word the dodo come from my son called me dodo yeah uh-huh and I was called d-day which was interesting before d-day and dwarf Maryann kappa ha that's my real that's the original name right yeah and and then the Suzy cream-cheese came out sort of from Natan Alice delicatessen cuz I'm there a lot yes and I love cream cheese people don't know much in this town but here is so often I think everybody goes who lives near nearby goes to eight and eight now in Beverly Hills but you always ride your bicycle you you don't go up much I don't do you I mean you I do basically I do go out I go out as much as I'd like to yeah yeah I go out very often I don't know where that comes from that I don't go out because I do go out but I'm I like to ride my bike and I go to Nate and Alice and I have a little breakfast and I have a lot of cream cheese and and so they call me Suzy cream-cheese last time I saw you had part of the fan club staying at your place this was some some young ladies had come out from the Midwest or something and showed up at your house you also be also all of a sudden took them in like high and had them stashed somewhere right well they were very special yeah and they weren't staying at my house but I invited them over for a swim and a bite to eat I took them out to eat yeah you take the doggy bag home always every place you go I don't how many dog you have living at your place and you've talked about this I'm sure with no one when you're on the show with Mac where are you looking what right here occasionally I glance over you news is look like I'm not not making eye contact yeah what's not what I see Freddie go like we're getting ready for a commercial you see and he does see he does that I saw him getting ready to do that and I didn't know whether to ask you the question and get into it before we had to do this he's saying this is real clever from our sponsor will will be returning right more of the Tonight Show [Applause] we are back when we had dinner together a couple of weeks ago you told me that you didn't like to sing anymore or you got me nervous but I mean to be in public [Applause] I told you if you came on the show I wouldn't do that 20 business about pushing you over there and making you kind of add a little song but you said that you you love to sing but because you did the show where you weren't singing in the show that's right there's been it's been at in a time since you some sang since you have sung I'm rusty John and but I'm going to start singing again because I really wanted yeah yeah there was something you will sang with a Les Brown of course you sang with Jimmy Dorsey no we Les Brown yes right nice brown and Bob Crosby and that's it never over the Dorsey's no just I was married to a musician from Jimi Dorsey's band ah well ever something had to do with the Dorsey's sorry to bring that up but that really I'm happy yeah did you do those one-night stands yeah the band bus you'd play here in Allentown Pennsylvania then you had to get in the band and travel with 18 animals which they always say they're not animals well I made music so I thought you know there's I mean in a road alone and you know and the band singer has to travel with you thinking about animals in my 11 [Music] you know the other day I saw on television some think news thing you know some frantic thing where the gunmen were going crazy and they're having a shootout and one man said he was behaving like an animal yes behave that way not aim yeah you are yes well when I was talking about musicians as animals you know no number I think since unless Browns band we're absolutely fantastic it's Jimmy Zito here I can't see from here to well he plays first animal over there we're gonna have another was he did we have a good time beautiful we really did everybody in the back they were like brothers to me they really were except one well I married him yes well that's okay that that's interesting did you miss those days I mean were they fun days um at the time I think it was fun yeah yeah because we had a really good band didn't we Jim you know and and les was super and we had a good band yeah and it really was nice except that I was separated from my boy my little boy right and that was kind of difficult uh but outside of that it was really fun and it was great experience it was a marvelous time in my life yeah and I'm sure in Jimmy's and great what greater training conditioner have been working different groups different towns night after night that's right you don't have it now Oh fingers don't have it now much they were very sensitive about the animals because you have at least a half a dozen dogs at your house you're very kind don't you at least idea I have several yes I have I have quite a few doggies and you get them well cuz I'm taking other people's responsibilities on they don't take care of their animals John you mean if you see a dog running around on the street a loose you go I find strays wherever I go rod and once when when a friend of mine and I were flying from London to Los Angeles we took the pole over the pole yeah Poorman and we're flying over a Greenland and she said do you see any strays class did you saw straight where if you take again or something all I can tell you is that the only way I'm going to live through it is to live on a boat and then I'll probably pick up fish I know today do they live in the house in the house out in the yard wherever they want to be yeah my house is their house I'm you want I'm not fond of animal oh I don't want to have a scratch out here tonight huh well why is that I don't want anything to lick me that's not gonna marry me [Applause] my neck was great I could do a great take but I can't even do it no you don't really you like animals don't you and I don't want to love anything that I got a walk and wear the collar yeah yeah and I respect that you don't know what I don't like as you mentioned the people that don't take care to let their to go I think I missed something there this could be a shootout of the OK Corral tonight somebody some of the neighbors I don't know it was a couple of weeks ago we had all of a sudden we had a pregnant cat show up in our back door you see at the house right good luck what happened apparently the neighbors did not want it innately and they just left the camp go and all of a sudden now what happened the bad thing was they can't had a litter of kittens and they were raised she had him somewhere back up away from the house in the in the woodpile or something and of course what happened there absolutely wild the kittens you see because they were not raised around like in the house with human beings and so by the time the kittens were 6 or 7 weeks old before they came out you couldn't get near them because they were they were absolutely like they had been born in the wild and it was kind of fighting it easily and they would snarl a shoe just like a wild animal yes and we had to have them you know taken away now why do people do that when I have why don't they have if they don't want to look why don't they have their animals or something they just don't do it do it it's a depressing subject but people don't take care of their children why don't they yeah and and if they don't take care of children they're you know many of them will not take care of their animals and that's why I got into this humane group and into animal work because they really desperately need help and I do all I can between an education the public it's the problem is horrendous because the the animals must be spayed and must be neutered and we can't have breeding in the backyards for money right you know and it just has to be stopped it's really educating the public to that right right education that's what we need yeah what's up in the meantime I'm enjoying my animals and they're really if you're not asking you were to come see them sometime well you're not asking people to drop off strays are you no I'm not no I really can't handle because I'd get to be a little less no no I think that everyone should take care of their own animals their own cats and dogs and that's their responsibility ok so you'll have people showing up I've take a break we'll be right back after this word stay with us we are back you know I haven't said I don't think I have spoken that many words in all the time I've been off of this show lot of words it's great I love doing that insane character do you still have a fear of flying that used to be one a year you'd have a fear of flying didn't you oh why you stupid I don't know I fly everywhere how'd you get over it because we've had a lot of people on the show who said they just cannot absolutely break that it's a phobia that or wasn't full deal right yes well it started with Bob Hope when I was on a tour with him did you have an ear oh we had many crises and I think Jimmy remembers them Jim Museum but now I fly everywhere because I decided that you you know if you want to go someplace you have to fly or take the bus and it's a bit long so you just said you've set him you said to yourself forget it I'm not gonna be scared anymore yes and I love it now oh that's great I really do enjoy it do you have any other any phobias at all and unnatural things that drive you crazy no when a mine isn't in order interfere of Rodney Dangerfield that's one of my phobias great segue to get him out here right he's a he's a strange man he is uh one of New York's most finest restaurant tours
Channel: howard gee
Views: 2,559,147
Rating: 4.7434468 out of 5
Id: qG2vTXffu7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2015
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