Doris Day (Jerry Skinner Documentary)

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Yeah I knew that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pookie66 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Que serΓ‘ serΓ‘

The amount of influential musicians born and from here, is astonishing. We are rich in history.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chiefboldface πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The dog park in Mt Airy is named after her! She loves animals.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/geithman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes. Hamilton was working on a whole Doris Day day when I was finishing undergrad and taking a women in film class.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thefaehost πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mother in law is a cousin. At least that's her story.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cincinnati_kidd1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

98 Degrees and film star Sarah Jay too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChampOfTheUniverse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] this is the actress Darcy day known as America's Sweetheart Darce day was born Darce marianne kappa wolf on april 1/3 1922 in Evanston Ohio a suburb of Cincinnati Darcy's parents was William Joseph and Almo welts Keppel Hoff William was a music teacher and choir master Alma was a homemaker dar said that her mother loved to cook and clean and was a wonderful woman DARS had two older brothers Richard was born July to 31st 1917 had passed away a year and a half later on January the 26 1919 Richard died of acute new fright us gastroenteritis four months after Richard's death Paul was born on the 30th of May 1919 now this is Paul and Darcy taking a ride on a pony the Kappa Hall family lived in Evanston the Germans section of Cincinnati Ohio at 34 75 Greenland and this is DARS at the age of six dress for a dance recital she dreamed of becoming a dancer with the encouragement of her mother when Darce was 13 her mother and her father divorced on October the 8th 1935 after 19 years of age it left Alma to look after Darcy and her brother Paul Alma will go to work and a bakery to support the family she'll never be me and will devote the rest of her life to her family when Darcy was 15 she entered a dance contest along with a neighborhood boy by the name of Jared Daughtery the two had been performing a dance routine in and around Cincinnati they won the contest and $500 plus a trip to Hollywood DARS was sure that her dreams of becoming a professional dancer was coming true however a few days before they were scheduled to leave for California DARS was riding in a car with friends when the car was struck by a train leaving Darcy's legs shattered along with her dreams of becoming a dancer while DARS was convalescing to keep herself entertained she would sing along with the radio her mother recognized that she had a very pleasant singing voice and hired grace Raines a teacher to give voice lessons after three lessons grace told Alma that Darth had great potential years later DARS day would say that grace Raines had the most influence on her career than anyone the singing lesson was for eight months three times a week DARS was on crutches for over a year her first professional job as a singer was on radio station wlw were a bandleader by the name of Barney rep her Darce and asked her if she would audition for his band the seventeen-year-old did her special rendition of the song day by day Rev liked the song so much that he hired her and he suggested that she changed her last name from Capitol Hill today she said she never liked the name DARS day she said it sounded too much like a stripper the Barna cramp orchestra performed around Cincinnati area where Darcy could sang with the band and still go home with her mother and brother at night while singing with Barney rep Darce met Al Jordan a musician with the band within a year darson al were made in 1941 she was looking forward to becoming a housewife and raising a family even willing to give up her singing career to make a home frail she was warned by her mother and fellow band members not to marry al soon after they bared on the 17th of April 1941 she found out why he was a violent schizophrenic I became extremely jealous and what slap and abused Darce in public in private it was much worse he threatened to kill her on several occasions putting a Gunther of stomach and threatening to kill her and her unborn baby he demanded that she get an abortion and when she refused he would beat her trying to get her to lose the baby she said that she would hold her stomach to protect the baby not once she said but several times during her pregnancy but are said when she told Al's mother his mother said well he must not have hit you too hard I don't see anything Darcis baby boy Terrence Paul Jordan was born February the 8th 1942 in New York City Terry's name will later be changed to Terry Melcher when he was adopted by Darcis third husband martin Melcher On February the 8th 1943 one year after Terry was born DARS divorced Al Jordan al made again after his divorce but his schizophrenia become worse and he committed suicide in 1967 after divorcing al Jordan DARS had to go back to work perform him with a Les Brown Orchestra that she had quit to marry al while tearing with the band she left Terry in care of her mother for the first seven years of Terry's life he said his grandmother Alma became his mother because DARS was on the road so much two years after returning to the Les Brown Band das they recorded her first hit song sentimental journey she records six more top-ten hits before leaving the Brown Orchestra to go solo on her own in 1946 the band had appeared on the Bob Hope show that gave Darce lots of exposure she sang embraceable you on one of the shows and was seen by noted songwriter Sammy Cahn who recommended her to Warner Brothers for the film romance on the high seas with Jack Carson this will lead to a 20 year career in the movies and over 650 songs when DARS left the Les Brown Orchestra she was the highest paid female vocalist in the country also on the 30th of March 1946 Darce merde husband number 2 George William Weidler she had known George since their days with the Barney Ralph Orchestra Weidler was a saxophonist and had been a child actor now this is his younger sister Virginia Weidler also a child actor unfortunately the marriage didn't last long and they divorced on the 31st of May 1949 now George will marry three more times after DARS and will pass away on the 27th of December 1989 at the age of 63 after DARS is divorced from Weidler she sent for her son Terry to come and live with her they'll become extremely close for the rest of their lives the next year after her divorce DARS will star will Gordon MacRae in t42 this film was the first film DARS received top billing and it was the first time that she danced on the screen also in 1950 Darce along with Kirk Douglas and Lauren Bacall starred in young men with a horn Dhar said the real star of the movie was Harry James who actually played the horn for Kirk Douglas according to Darcy's biography dear dear spirit in 1950 she became involved with actor Ronald Reagan but only for a short time the next year in 1951 Darce will marry husband number three on March the 3rd she married musician and record and producer martin Melcher she will turn over her career and dances to her husband which will prove to be a mistake Melchior will adopt her son Terry the next year in 1952 Darce was starved with her ex-boyfriend Ronald Reagan in the winning team in 1953 Doris will become clamored II Jane in a movie by the same name with hired kill dar said calamity jane was her favorite movie of all the 39 that she made although clam indeed Jane was her favorite film because she had so much fun making it she said she thought love me or leave me with James Cagney in 1955 was probably her best the next year in 1956 Darce and Timmy Stewart will be together in a effort Hitchcock film the man who knew too much Darce will introduce what will become one of her most popular songs que sera sera she didn't want to record the song but she said it was too much of a kiddie song but in 1956 while filming the movie Julia with Louie Jourdan darth's began hemorrhaging but instead of going to the hospital or doctor Melchior who was deeply involved in the Christian Science religion and refused to allow his wife to receive medical attention now Darce had been introduced to Christian Science by her second husband George Weidler when Darcy introduced her third husband martin Melcher to christian science who became more deeply involved than his wife did she almost died before she received help after moving a growth from her intestines and perform a hysterectomy DARS finally recovered in 1957 DARS was shocked to learn that her brother Paul Kappa wolf had passed away on April the 8th 1957 Paul had died from meningitis that he had caught after several imaging surgery he bird at the San Fernando mission Cemetery in Mission Hills California Paul was 37 years old in 1959 Darce was starved with Rock Hudson in her only Oscar nomination pillow talk their friendship will start with this picture and will last until his death she will help him guard his homosexuality from the public and he will learn to confide and trust her the next year in 1960 she'll be in please don't eat the daisies with David Niven also in 1960 DARS will record on the street where you live this is Darst a signing her name in cement on January the 19th 1961 her star for music is owned a Hollywood Walk of Fame it's located at 6278 Hollywood Boulevard and at 60 735 Hollywood Boulevard for motion pictures also in 1961 she was paired again with Rock Hudson in lover comeback for Universal Pictures in 1962 it'll be that touch of mink with 58 year-old Cary Grant in 1963 Doris will be in move over darling with James Garner she will record the title song with the same name also that year Darce Day was designated the top box-office star from motion picture Herald a femme trade paper and in 1964 Doris will be back with her friend Rock Hudson in send me no flowers two years later in 1966 it'll be the glass-bottom boat with Rod Taylor the next year in 1967 dollars will be in what I think was one of her best movies the ballad of josie with Peter Graves though March the 31st 1967 Darce will lose her father William Joseph kept aloof from heart disease at the age of 74 he's buried at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Montgomery Ohio one year after the death of Darcy's father her husband of 17 years martin Melcher passed away on the 20th of april 1968 from a heart attack martin was 52 years old after his passing Darce discovered that she was almost broke Melchior she believed was conned by his business partner attorney Jerome Rosenthal they had managed to squander her Millions and through the years caused her physical and mental stress keeping her running from one job to another even when she was unable she learned that they had sand her to star in a television weekly show for CBS without her knowledge and several personal appearances friends had warned her what they were doing but she didn't believe it she still wanted to be a good wife with a loving family DARS filed suit against attorney Jerome Rosenthal and settled for six million dollars after several years in the meantime she was obligated to do the daar stay show besides now she needed the money he had left her 450,000 in debt from taxes the Darst a show started in September of 1968 and run until March 1973 with a hundred and twenty eight episodes but first she had to finish the movie that she is working on with six you get eggroll that starred Brian Keith it was Darst days last starring role her son Terry with his mother's support had become a noted Hollywood record producer Terry produced Darcis movie move over darling with James Garner and was executive producer of her TV show he produced the singing group the birds that sing tambourine man and turn turn turn Terry was friends with Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys and would attend parties at Wilson's home where he met Charles Manson who was trying to get a record deal now Manson blamed Terry for not recording his songs and keeping the world from ever knowing his music he knew that Melcher lived with his girlfriend Candace Burton who years later will become Murphy Brown on TV now here is Candace at Terry's house at 100-500 Drive and Benedict Canyon a suburb of Los Angeles when Charles Manson began to threaten Terry's life it was his mother Doris who demanded that he moved from Cielo Drive after Terry moved to Malibu the house was occupied by actress Sharon Tate and her husband Roman Polanski on the 8th of August 1969 Charles Manson sent members of his group to CeeLo drive to kill whoever was there members of the Vance and family group testified in court that Manson knew that tarried move but it was supposed to scare him into changing his man and recording Manson after all Darce always believed that she saved her son's life by demanded that he moved in 1973 when the Darce day show closed her 78 year old mother Alma moved in with Darce at her home at 7:13 Crescent Drive Beverly Hills Darce and her third husband martin Melcher had bought the house back in the 50s now Darce loved the house and was seen on several occasions riding her bicycle from her house to her office on Canyon Drive on April the 14th 1976 Darst a will Mayberry condom a Maitre D' at the Beverly Hills old-world restaurant he knew that she had lots of pit and he would saved ours restaurant scripts for animals that's how they got acquainted six months after Darce married bury her mother Alma passed away on October the night 1976 at the age of 81 Alma has several strokes in the recent years and was in bad health she's buried next to her son Paul at the San Fernando Valley Cemetery in Mission Hills California in 1978 DARS established the DARS de Animal Foundation three years later she will divorce her fourth husband be a condom bear said that he thought that she cared more for animals than she did for him dar said they were just incompatible very condom will pass away from heart failure on the 25th of May 2009 at the age of 74 after Darcis divorced from me she had this house built in carmel-by-the-sea where she took care of her animal foundation dar stays love for animals influenced other actors to take up her metal such as GG garner daughter of actor James Garner one of Darcy's co-stars Gigi started the James Garner animal rescue fund now DARS continued to own her home on Crescent Drive and rented it out to celebrities along this time DARS became co-owner with her son Terry and a friend named Dennis Levitt and the Cypress Ian located in Carmel where Darcy would go and welcome fans sometimes and she would meet and talk to fans at her favorite place usually the grocery store Darce would spend hours answering fan mail I know this because this is one of the pictures she signed and sent back to my sister-in-law who was surprised to get it in 1985 DARS day came out of self retirement to star in her own TV show it was named our stays best friends the show was to focus on her love for her animals and she would have special gifts from actors and friends that she had worked with her close friend and actor Rock Hudson had promised to be one of her first gasps the promise was made before Hudson became sick even though Rock Hudson was in Europe going through treatment for AIDS he insisted on returning to the u.s. to do Darcis show dar said she knew how sick Rock was and told him that he didn't have to appear she said he insisted and said Eunice that was his pet name for DARS eunice I want to do this for you Darce knew that her friend had AIDS long before the public did and she kept his secret when Hudson arrived at Darcy's rates were he stayed she was shocked at his appearance and weight loss but not wanting she said to make him feel bad she just brushed it off by saying I say you don't like European food but you like man Dora said it broke her heart when she kissed him goodbye he helped on to me she said for the longest time I think we both knew it'd be the last time Rock Hudson passed away less than three months later on October the 2nd 1985 he was 59 years old the next year in 1986 the show Darce days best friends will end now this is Darcy with Clint Eastwood at the Golden Globe Awards in 1989 where DARS received the Cecil B deMille Award it'll be another 25 years before she will again appear in public this is Darcy and T with Terry's son Ryan DARS was very close to her son and placed him as director of her Animal Foundation however in the mid-nineties Tara will be diagnosed with cancer it'll be a long hard fight that he'll lose on the 19th 2004 from melanoma cancer Terry will leave his mother dar stay his wife Teresa and his son Ryan Terrence Paul Melcher Terry was 62 years old four months before T is dead President George W Bush presented darth's with the Medal of Freedom for her achievements in the entertainment industry and her work on behalf of animals now when DARS heard that she is getting the award she asked what for I'm not being coy she said I just don't know what for she didn't make it to the ceremonies in Washington for her fear of flying I don't fly said Darcy ever since going with Bob Hope to entertain the troops hope would fly through hurricanes battles and whatever she said he kept us all on her knees including him I said never again and I mean it after Terry's death dar stayed with her animals most of the time using only two rooms of her mansion the bedroom and the kitchen friend said she only wanted to talk about her fans and her animals she left instructions that when she passed there was to be no funeral service graveside or public she wanted no memorials dedicated to her and her grave to remain unmarked at 1:00 a.m. in the morning of May the 13th 2019 DARS Maryann kept halt DAR stay passed away from pneumonia at her home in Carmel among her animals and friends America's Sweetheart was 97 years old [Music] you
Channel: Jerry Skinner
Views: 336,009
Rating: 4.8751359 out of 5
Id: E3GAHiLG168
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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