The 40 Most Beautiful Actresses Pre-1960 (my preferences)
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Channel: MonroeSmile
Views: 2,503,931
Rating: 4.6910729 out of 5
Keywords: Classical Hollywood Cinema (Film Subject), Vivien Leigh (Theater Actor), elizabeth taylor, Hedy Lamarr (Author), Ava Gardner (Author), Gene Tierney (Theater Actor), claudia cardinale, Brigitte Bardot (icon), Rita Hayworth (TV Actor), Lana Turner (Author), Greta Garbo (TV Personality), Audrey Hepburn (Activist), Sophia Loren (Author), Jane Greer (TV Actor), Kim Novak (TV Actor), Yvonne De Carlo (Theater Actor), Veronica Lake (icon), Gloria Grahame (Theater Actor)
Id: -QlSgOtHNHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2011
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