Lana Turner, Joan Rivers--1982 TV Interview

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talking therapist now and our next guest when her book came out called the lady the legend the truth line I thought it'll be telling nothing the book is fabulous it tells everything which is the kind of book I like where you please oh absolutely she is a legend I had to stand in a long lifetime she's one of the Great's on the movie screen and I am so thrilled to have her here miss Lana Turner Oh Donna please if you say Nana I shall slaughter you good mom I wasn't sure look back in the lah lah de where's that little thing oh here wait here I'm gonna see words hold on you're gonna take it you're good oh yeah thank you good morning fabulous Hey I'm so excited to have you I know every movie with each other and we Jack I know you always wear black or you're good tramping movies over the black you could have said dramatic dramatic but you always liked the the high-class in white in white all the post money Oh incredible incredible you roll white all through the movie yes except Loni tiny seen after my mother had passed away and but that was so small but Joan let me interfere for one moment you can do anything you want Lana well I only have a few moment no you had a hug show boys I'm concerned my angel when they asked me to appear on this show I said yes when you know what they don't they said well it will be with miss Joan Rivers and I went what that was the operative word uh and I said anytime oh that's gara that you're gonna say forget it my all-time favorite I adore you I love you and with most a most respect oh well I woman did you even know cuz I mean I was just reading your book you know cuz we all forget it's Lana Turner's monitor and then you start to read back I mean your life besides being the number one star in America I mean the good part me you just had romances with everybody let's get right to everybody Oh not every just the good-looking ones ladies don't see a clock a clock Ava what was he like what was he like he was one of the most wonderful gentlemen that I've ever had the good fortune to meet and work with we get four pictures but there's a romance too though no no oh no sorry to disappoint you Oh how come because I do not play around with the people that I work with never nope what if the person you were working with with single and fabulous that hasn't happened who did you work with well that Tyrone Power you had a big romance when he did not work together well Mel hero in the ice cream that was that the big heads was he the big romance to your life yes I love didn't dear me that's and even you never got together do you ever think you would end up maybe with him well of course I had yeah dream yeah it's been finalized with marriage and babies and things like that but it wasn't meant to be because ever you've been Mary how many times oh my god one more time I'd say it's seven seven time I just came off of a book tour and I am so sick and tired of talking about me I'd not rather talk about you no no not with this book thank you to everybody everything in the book I mean like you even talk about the kind of leopard you like hey a very good taste very good taste but how do you certainly tells nothing back taste-wise it was perfect I told it like it was yes I know but you got the waves but made up to be but when I found you weren't discovered at in the drugstore not a schwa yeah no it was a little cafe across the street from Hollywood hi you must have been incredible looking cuz you became a star so young your major star at 17 nope watch it sixteen sixty bad in a year on to me and I hate it and I'll get the year soon enough you know no but you started a very young in the stardom came very quickly yes surprisingly so it did in the first film they won't forget rather prophetic title well it turns out to be thank God my dear fans have not forgotten as I say from this this tour I've been with people face to face touching which is something that was very foreign to me and but all of a sudden is great alone and came and as I came to me it flowed back from me you had no idea that that was out there that all these fans you know major fans waiting to see you know I've always received lovely fan mail and when I've met people they've said how much they enjoyed my work all this but to meet I mean a one-on-one basis particularly my new career or whatever an author is or 2003 is aweso rest I don't know Lana you tell me you know who wrote a book I wrote a book for just a silly book a pen what was my daughter's well is a good book I'm good silly book ha ha 750 you put down good for you I got yours Belle buy one for a friend now cuz I feel guilty let me ask you your whole career and it's a major career with major motion pictures if you could have done one thing over again changed one major thing would there have been anything you would have changed professionally and personally oh well alright of course I as anyone else I have made mistakes if I could have changed those I would have uh professionally I might not have done mr. Imperium if I could have gotten out of it why I love that in the book when I made you kiss him all that a man with a rope four cheese teeth and he always ate these coffee cakes and coffee and people do not breakfast on the sets they God but you do rinse your mouth and all that before I love saying not this fellow and I was three months pregnant and so but our baby to speak nicely see the girl on but you stood sign in the book which I loved you talked about because you always loved scenes on the stage on the screen and you think oh they have such a good time you said you said cuz that one worries about their breath you always go around like that when you're single at least remember those out you say you can't when you're single yeah I have nothing angle that long and seeing well what I could sing I wish everything you said you kept gum in your mouth I didn't spot I just took it way back up in there and unfortunately but the king himself mr. gable and one time I mean we had done many many kissing scenes but this time his tongue slipped a little inside of my teeth and the gum let go and when we parted here with his long cross-eyed Myna I'm trying to get rid of it and he's looking at it like what the hell is that finally it snapped well he was not very happy with me for a number of days and then mr. Mervyn Leroy made it daily hourly before scene check gum I'd say no just show me I go ahh like checking a horse's teeth you know but I learned never to do that again I just love next to every honky-tonk now I think she's got coming to mouth I love it for sure to keep my breath Fred he's on the same thing is that the same principle we'll be right back after this commercial so it's just away in fact okay Lana Turner who had fabulous book the lady the legend the truth Lana you are so glamorous and those days which I love to have a studio took care of you you had your own hairdresser and you had your own makeup man and you everywhere you went you were stars you talked about going to Mocambo and going down that big staircase for dinner that big nightclub that was the ambassador and all the ladies would watch as everyone to send us of course everybody checking everybody else out you know who was wearing the same designers dress and all of that but they were such beautiful years and I was fortunate that being young enough to get in on the golden era as they've called it and then to live through it while I was on the rise so to speak and then of course to see the demise of it there's notice very little glamour left I shouldn't say this a lot there's none who do you think is glamorous today of all the currents dog-sitting is the most glamorous well there are a few young women besides us of course we've got the we just got a little border on it here I believe Morgan Fairchild is quite attractive I do not know where I only know her work I think Victoria Principal is very attractive but now you see I've only mentioned two and I have 10 fingers honest to god I do and I can't fill them out now the sad thing is Joni if I'm going to eat thank you you see this baddest thing right now is that they don't have they I mean the young actors and actresses don't have a major studio behind them to groom them to watch over what pictures they were in and bring them along slowly now they're put into a TV thing when the next day they're called star well only the public makes a star and it takes a long time for that to happen but then it stays a long time if they still stay with you and I'm one of the fortunate ones yes I was main star not immediately I had to earn mine but thank God I I still haven't of all the ladies that you worked with besides you in your era because they were just like I love was the Greer garson's they're all working the the Hedy Lamarr's you who do you think was the most beautiful and most outstanding of all of them truly the most beautiful woman in that era yes was Hedy Lamarr she was okay she could not you asked about beauty and I'm not even acting but just straight beauty she was just the most gorgeous pure beauty I could statue yes and just perfect faceless oh god it was it was sickening she was so beautiful but you are a good actress you mentioned your book that um idiot maybe I hadn't had the glamorous so much attached to you you would have gone in more for the acting you ever regret that said you isn't very meaty roles at the end you know I'm saying well yes and and my my way up to it yeah I I do mention in the book that the so called Beauty me it got in a way as opposed to parts that I wanted so badly but they gave those to what they thought were actresses right but finally I got the chance to prove myself in Zig fell girl which is the first dramatic part that I was given and then it just kept building from there would you go back now and do another major motion picture was wonderful terrific food good god I'm waiting good I would just make sure we said that yeah yeah yeah do you look around but I will not do trash then you're in trouble but I might may I share this hope you'll ease I have just finished of dear Lord when September 10th I finished my second appearance on Falcon Crest then I went on the book tour and I still have not this is beautiful downtown Burbank right yes thank you because I've been in so many cities within the last two weeks and it was Marvis but in October I do three more Falcon Crest thank you yeah I'm seeing I'm talking you and you're so charming yourself pulled together and you're so intelligent cuz usually think you know butters gonna come out oh I can't help it no but you know you think Lana Turner bubble here double you know pretty lousy and I'm here so I can understand how you can manage to meet seven men that were in fabulous but you struck out but I thought they were fabulous at the beginning if or you didn't go into you didn't obviously court too long no that was my problem I did not dig behind the facade which which learn what they were really like until the wedding ring was on the papers were signed and then I was in mucho trouble ah over and over and over again I there is not an well they should be a terrific ace coming up for you no plan I have a cousin who is a dentist you have to go and I hate to see you leave what a pleasure thank you so much for coming after defenseman - so please stay tuned
Channel: Alan Eichler
Views: 485,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lana Turner (Actress), Joan Rivers (Actress), Television Program, Interview (TV Genre)
Id: uqGiPC0qaY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2015
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