The Amazing Dudley Moore Makes His First Appearance | Carson Tonight Show

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[Applause] [Music] you probably haven't uh we've talked about this every year we've done the show you probably have not even decided to buy christmas gifts yet you wait to the last minute wait till the last minute i never understood just a feeling about it it's wonderful the last couple of days you get out and things are marked down then i supposed to no they're they're already marked down already people are having sales that never had sales before in their life that is true because of the economy my first guest uh i cannot think of anybody in recent history who has had um such a rise in popularity in the last two or three years as dudley moore and deservedly so he's always been talented i first saw dudley new york on beyond the fringe with uh jonathan um with peter cook i'm thinking of jonathan uh i think he's jonathan what's his name the other two you know who i'm talking about let's ask the staff who is he talking about moore no jonathan miller that's right jonathan miller he's another he's a doctor he is a doctor yes well i was talking about peter cook who worked with dudley he's been nominated for an oscar who peter cook no no dudley dudley moore has been nominated for a couple of tony awards also been nominated dudley his latest movie is called six weeks and it co-stars mary tyler moore and it opens uh december the 17th which is um that's tomorrow tomorrow it's tomorrow you're starting to go just a little bit and his other new film lovesick is going to be released in february would you welcome dudley moore [Applause] not bad oh i love it yeah you get a little i'm a little dingy tonight you get bizarre during well you're bizarre pretty much since i've ever known you yes yes got that kind of uh wavelength but during the holiday season people get anxiety attacks they get stressed yeah you wonder what to buy don't you and stuff yeah i wonder what the stuff and and what to watch do you buy stuff for a lot of people learn i no i i i try not to yeah it's so hard not to isn't it yes not too easy to pass by and not buy stuff stop by and not stop by yes she's a nice girl bye [Laughter] but uh no i i i find it very difficult yeah i i do too and i think this this is getting us absolutely nowhere you know what i read about you or the articles you i cannot pick up a magazine without seeing a picture of you or an article about you oh i can think of a few well like that didn't mean all of them but uh many of them and they call you cuddly dudley oh somebody somebody here gag me with whatever it is well that started in england uh some years ago as a matter of fact yeah there is a there is a black singer called cuddly dudley who i'm often mistaken for he's tall he's tall no it's better than it's better than um a flint driven into the head with a mallet yeah um you you're going to play the piano later and most people i'm sure know that you are a musician you started basically as a music jazz yeah yeah i started musicians i started playing piano six and i realized that jazz was a more sort of visceral music that uh got the juices going of uh the young girls in the school i think uh i think the band would agree that that's the the motivation behind playing uh attracts women sucking and blowing those things there that the main i think the main motivation was to uh to give a sort of a hidden message that's right you know well you can look really hip you know i like to go to jazz clubs and women think that's really cool yeah and by the way you play and yeah did it work out that way yeah i had so i had a certain amount of um few few birds yeah a few birds yeah a bit of cramp it here in case they don't know in case they don't know what we're talking about in england where they would say chicks here or so forth they say birds over there birds yes birds crumpet crumpets skirt skirt other awful no that's that's american too that's another nasty isn't it skirt they don't use that they might i think that is like in the 30s and 40s is it well yes i was great looking skirt you know yes broad was a word that was considered a long time ago really kind of offensive to women and now they can use it meaning hey she's a good broad meaning a nice woman yeah it doesn't i don't think it has that connotation anymore extraordinary not really but not really but i'm paid to do this kind of stuff really all i could come up with uh when you say in england something is bloody awful that is really well expression is not used much is it on television well no it is used quite a lot because our television um conventions are rather more relaxed you know like a saggy pair of underwear no that's not the best metaphor but there's a certain um promising fish yes yes thank you you're welcome um i've been wanting to use that word for weeks and i try to sneak it in when i can but bloody bloody is a is uh uh um how would you describe what that means it means very you say something's bloody awful it means very awful no um i remember my my mother's hair going up on the back of her neck whenever the word was used right she used to describe maybe a neighbor as a silly old cow which you know cal cow would yes things like can i go on to the next plateau now yeah yeah so but so she was she was particularly sensitive to even a word like bloody which is yeah very common yeah let me give you another record have you been drinking again all right now here's an interview quote and i've got it right here because i want to look at this for sure said you've covered a lot of ground with women between wives and girlfriends indulging in what you called meaningful one-night stands yeah [Music] i knew that phrase would come back down yes well was that a fairly accurate uh well i i was making the point i i felt nicely put um that one one can have a a rather a nice relationship with a a woman uh you know that can be counted in minutes and seconds rather than years uh i it's just it i think you're right yeah i think it is true you can be with somebody for 10 years and really not know them yeah and be with somebody for a half an hour i really really know them we're talking knowing we're talking knowing oh no we have to we have to do a bit of a message why do i start talking british when anybody i had anybody mingling on ranked up we'll be back [Applause] silly time folks you uh you've gone mainly with uh with actresses you know i mean gone with gone with or dated or yes uh so forth is fed is it fed loved loved and enraptured with is it because they're in the same business that you feel more comfortable with them or well i don't know i i i must say i i think actresses are terrific a lot you know they're uh they're that sounds terrible right i you know i think they're interesting exciting they're electric they're alive they're attractive and i have to leave now you're getting excited just talking about it all right that's something i mean it's obviously nice to have people in the same business uh as your friends and that's that's really what it is i think you're right yeah right you ever worry about getting um yeah [Applause] i wasn't i wasn't going to say any i had the other you ever worried about see the way this works i will complete the sentence sentencing i'm sorry i it's all right i thought you had already you ever uh you ever worry about getting older and losing um your attractiveness that's very nice of you well women do a lot of actresses do it well i think actresses uh i was discussing this on the plane coming here today it's very uh uh it's very it's terrible i think being an actress really in this business as an actor you you you don't really have the same preoccupations i mean you know i'll probably scream with panic at some point yes i'll yes i haven't had the midlife crisis yet well i had a midwife crisis probably brutal affairs brutal and she pulled me out i said let me stay here it's awfully nice and warm yeah and when you were a little boy and i don't and i don't mean that as a put down no no oh it's a pun yeah but i mean you were a boy and little then yeah young as a little boy you were probably smaller than boys of your average size of your average nut of course i'm with you i'm with you that was not a complete question uh you're probably smaller than boys your same age yes yes did that create any kind of problems outside of being smaller it did preoccupy me for a long time um i'm glad you asked me that uh and i did wait till you completed yes i'm just finished yeah was it good for you i'll say stop when i get to when i get to the end of it i'll say stop your turn good your turn i was uh i was very embarrassed that uh you know i gradually i saw these these kids you know getting bigger and uh so forth it was a preoccupation for a time but now it doesn't bother me at all yeah it's actually a lot of mileage out of the fact that you are um a squirt no no he wasn't gonna say no i wasn't going to say that no no no i thought i'd just complete it for you diminutive in stature diminutive yes compared to uh the guy clint eastwood eastwood well clint's not all that he's not all that oh and i wasn't finished yet i'm sorry not all that big this is one of merv's theme shows yes yes unfinished sentences look anyway the movie opens uh all over the well i know it's all over the country yes all over all over the country uh tomorrow which is friday december 17th you throw your voice too wonderful before it said that um december the 17th and i hope it's a big hit thank you because you're a remarkable talent and i mean that thanks before you go as they say [Music] anyway before you go as they always say you do play yes nice piano thank you is that a company you say nice piano what would you bet what would be a better accomplished i'll take anything nice nice guild nice accomplished skilled piano skill pianist who will now demonstrate the fact that i've just uh stated mr moore thank you this is a goal i am finished with that theme from the film [Music] so [Applause] happy holidays you
Channel: Johnny Carson
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Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson
Id: 5meWhph2lo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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