Dorian Yates- The Genius Scientist of Bodybuilding

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I don't normally pay to train here why is that because I'm a pro how do I know if you're a pro you got some proof at that point like well if you want to swing around behind you the big picture there with dory in the eighth son that's me hook is that the same biceps was back in a bit yeah exact same one what do you look at when you look at it he wouldn't play what a power system that works no flex wheeler once said I never saw Dorian as beatable how does this make any sense well that's the advantage that I had over him all the other bodybuilders idolized Arnold I never did that so I don't go try to kiss anyone's ass you were math yeah when I met you yeah that was extreme first experience with a girl how old were you oh so you started early as well so I went into the semi relaxed pose and on purpose I properly banged my elbow into him are you able to a doll have sex when you're going down to four or five six percent first thing I ever took was Dyna Bowl that's kind of like bikini girls is that only one person's ever been documented to die for marijuana I mean I don't know I don't know I don't think it was one person Wow that's a pretty powerful thing to say right yeah the brexit thing people voted to get out so let's get out with the 18 year old today Dorian Yates have gone the same route could Dorian Heights be the shadow now good question [Music] today I have a special guest with me he's one of only 5 bodybuilders ever to win six or more mr. Olympius he won six consecutive mister Olympia's they call him the shadow but by the time today's interview is over with you're probably gonna call him the scientist because his wiring is very different Dorian thanks for coming down thank you yeah I've been really looking forward interesting yeah me too so so you were in LA I know you went to mr. Olympia you I was in LA at Gold's Gym where I think we met many years ago I was there doing a training camp and then from there we went to to Vegas what's the mr. Olympia and I stopped by in Dallas for a couple of days then I go to Mexico then I go back to LA and then I fly back to Europe so are you constantly traveling or no this is just a season right it's been pretty busy the last couple of years with the various different things that I'm that I'm into with my business and then the training and ayahuasca camp down in Costa Rica now so quite a few things in different directions so there's been a lot of traveling three months out of you four months five months what would you say to you you never know because it depends what comes up I probably I travel pretty much every month for a week or so an average I would guess and I know you live in Spain right now but you know going back to Gold you might read a read somewhere a story about the fact that you want to go to gym one time and apparently all the pros can go work out there for free but one of the front desk clerks couldn't recognize you yeah it was a funny story because as you know probably back in the day in the 90s Gold's Gym was owned by a small group of people and it's very like a family atmosphere and everybody knew everybody and I would go there and of course if you mr. Olympia off your top Pro there you know you're trained there for free they're very happy to have you there and welcome you and all that kind of stuff but it had been some time since I've been there and the gym it sold out I guess to whoever I don't know cooperation so they've got people working there that maybe they're not not familiar with with the body building so I've gotten there to work out and I'm like hey I'd like to Train please and the girls like whatever is $40 or whatever it was so I don't want to jump straight in there like hey you know so I'm like well I don't normally pay to train here why is that because I'm a pro you know frozed we don't usually strain it but ok but how do I know if you're probably they've got some proof so at that point like well if you want to swing around the big picture there with Dorian Yates on that's me it's so oh ok let me speak to the manager what was the reaction was it was the boss come out like oh my gosh it's Dorian let him in uh yeah eventually and now I mean now it's it's great they know me and I go there and train my people and get a great reception but I think it was maybe the the changeover of crew and everything so yeah that was a little bit amusing do you do you see a little bit of that also happen with the brand of Mistral in piano you went from there to because that also kind of happened a little because I'm hearing mixed feelings on a lot of Alzheimer's I think what's happened is the mr. Olympia was you know the pinnacle of bodybuilding and bodybuilding per se was very popular in the 80s and the 90s and I would say bodybuilding as such professional bodybuilding has declined in its popularity and a number of people that's maybe getting involved with it well there's a whole lot of other classes that that are around now that didn't used to be around we just used to have bodybuilding now you got bodybuilding mr. Olympia got the 212 class for the smaller guys now you've got a classic physique category that's kind of I guess a push back against the body well then where a lot of people thought the guys were getting too big and you know not looking aesthetic so they created this class which is you know if you're a certain height you can only go up to a certain weight so with the looking for that kind of classic physique like Frank Zane or this kind of then you've got men's physique which is basically kind of like an advanced Beachbody really they're looking for a good upper body and and they wear board shorts so mm-hmm not much reason legs like that idea would just make fun of them because it's like I'm not one of these people that's in a camp like bodybuilding is great and the CrossFit is is terrible or I'm a big believer in any kind of exercise man like whatever works for you if you if you find CrossFit works for you and you like that do that if you like men's physique and you don't a train your legs and you just want to train your upper body it's much better than sitting on your ass and doing nothing and watching TV or whatever so and it kind of exercise man I don't really do bodybuilding myself these days because I have some injuries and I don't feel that it's really what I need so I do yoga I do Pilates I do biking I do even some CrossFit classes sometimes so so zero you're not hitting weights at all right now no because it got to a point where I felt it wasn't really benefiting me I got a pretty bad shoulder injury I got a detach supraspinatus which makes that shoulder very we're very weak at Ora bicep on this left side at or a tricep so this left side is much weaker than than the right side so is that the same biceps as back in the day yeah exactly same one so it's all on the same side all on the same side where I had these injuries you know that sure they're all related once you get one injury that's the stress moves somewhere else and it's easier to get another injury so it means if I lift weights it's kind of an imbalance and then this shoulder starts hurtin and I had to make some pains and I found a bit stiff and I just got it like I got to work on my mobility and my flexibility and started looking to yoga and I've been doing that for about three years and I loved it I loved going hiking I love biking I like using my body as a vehicle and when I was in bodybuilding I was so immersed in it like a tunnel vision that I literally did nothing else I thought about nothing else so now I'm enjoying being you know multi-dimensional and doing a lot of things that I couldn't do then or at least I told myself I couldn't do them that's one of the interesting things about you there is you know when you peel the onion you're like okay so this guy's a six times troll Olympia bodybuilder you know the shadow the lad spread the Christmas tree and you're like here's was his upbringing he has opinions on 911 what's that all about he has opinions on cycle where's and then he's a the more you go the more there is a depth to Dorian Yates and that's what I think what makes it so interesting for the audience to want to know more about you but when you were at mr. Olympia this last one that you went D how did you feel about the whole contest did you I mean I've see Brandon Currie one would ever think about Brandon Currie as a physique as a winner well I mean I respect to all the guys up there they're all doing their best but if I'm to be honest and that's that's pretty much normally what I am I feel the standard of the mr. Olympia is not what it used to be the whole thing's diversified you've got all these different categories and classes and everything but the mr. Olympia the pure bodybuilding itself you had three guys there that you know I guess so they were pretty close there was two guys in what I would say pretty good shape you know they were in they were in good shape but they're quite small guys yeah I'm William Banach okay circle and a guy from Iran hi bishop ah yeah I don't couldn't pronounce his name very good and in good shape but they're smaller guys they're smaller guys and so Brandon want it I believe because it's got more stature it's bigger it looks much more like a mr. Olympia but he wasn't in incredible shape so I think it was probably one of the weaker weaker mr. Olympius that that we've seen what do you look at when you look at this I'm curious like you're where does it go first and then where does it go good I look at the average person looks at is like oh my gosh this answer beats what do you look at well he's got very good fullness good roundness to the muscles and no really noticeable weak points in that in that pose but his lack in deep separation and conditioning that used to be the norm in the mr. Olympia the conditioning part yeah the conditioning is what's lacking this does Kevin Love run as well would you agree with that were some of the times he would show up pretty full yeah it wasn't yeah Kevin had a great physique but it wasn't consistent in coming in you know sometimes they did sometimes it didn't but it wasn't consistent and coming in that kind of shape so you see the formless but you still don't call this to be fully cut up or condition wouldn't be like in that shape around about six weeks before the concepts though I would consider this six work-in-progress work to do so this during your era with the guys competing else Ambati you know all the guys that were running at that time ray Cormier all those guys how would today's body do during that time Brian and Korea this physique he definitely wouldn't place in the top six he wouldn't place $1,000 no why do you see that is it purely based on the continues you guys were more girls in it today I don't know the reasons all all you know all the factors involved but you looked at top six in the nineties add myself Kevin Love rone flex wheeler Shawn Ray now sell somebody I believe all those physics are superior to the winners that we had in the last couple of years you know I want to ask this question from you you know because it this is a typical debate that happens in every sport right the debate was Jordan was coming up and the guys prior to him will say well he would have never lasted there's seven he's already aliens you know or you know you would have never been able to play during Jordan's era because it was real foul you know the Jordans rules when he played against the Pistons they really beat you up right so a LeBron couldn't have lasted or Steph Curry would have never existed do you think a part of that is also that the old generation has so much pride behind what they did that they always like the you know my father saying you know I was born and raised in Iran and you were born and raised in Iran when I was born and raised in Iran I had to get out of school at 8 you know eighth grade and I had to work and do all that and you hear those stories yeah do you think there's an element there was better in my day it was tougher in my days but do you think there's a there's an element of that or is it the fact that there was fewer distractions where you guys were forced to be so disciplined because you didn't have a lot of different ions to make it work for instance heavyweight boxing I think we would probably if you're a fan of boxing you can accept that in the 70s there was Muhammad Ali there was Ken Norton there was Joe Fraser there was George Foreman that was probably a peak of heavyweight boxing I think I would agree with you on so for some reason at that time there was a lot of you know there's a lot of talent just coming at that time for various factors and various reasons and I think that's probably the case in the 90s and again there was just bodybuilding there was not all these other categories there was not even for instance a guy now maybe who would have been interested in going to bodybuilding before maybe now he's doing Crossfit or maybe is doing MMA or maybe it's doing men's physique or classic physique and so there's many more avenues that an athlete could go down so if you've got a smaller pool genetic pool of talent obviously then it's going to be harder for the for the standard to be up there so I just think there was just a lot of really good guys all at one time in the nineties any one of those guys on a given day could be mr. Olympia like 5 or 6 guys today yeah or even then you know what if if I was off badly off somebody could have beat me or you know who plays second to me Carroll of Rome play second to me shun rashon ray play second to me flex wheeler play second I saw some batty so it was constantly you know going back and forth depending on who was in shape at the time I remember Flex Miller once said he says I never saw Dorian as beatable but that's flex wheeler like first wheeler that time was a human specimen like he was the LeBron James of bodybuilding you looked at his physique in there like how does this make any sense he himself didn't psychologically think you're beatable well that's the advantage that I had over him I had a little bit more mental tenacity probably flex had more natural talent than me because let's say that I did everything and I put and I achieved 100% and like my effort and dedication and so I got 100% of my potential fulfilled we'll never know but let's say for argument that I did I would say that Flex probably maybe did 70% because he might break his diet a little bit would his hundred have beaten you very possibly meaning could you have won a single one if flex was a hundred percent there we'll never know but I do when we were competing together like if this guy did what I do have a real hard time beating them because I know he made which yeah if he did what I did if he had my brain my approach my dedication because he seemed to develop this phenomenal physique with not you know an absolute great deal of effort it came quite easy to him I think and I think sometimes when things come easy you don't feel you don't need to really look and search for that you know to do that hundred percent because it's already there all right I agree there's still one part I was curious about I mean I used to party in LA when I got out there eteri and when you and I met the whole picture of you and I when we met years and years ago this is I'm about a hundred pounds heavier they're almost 80 90 pounds oh yeah like 220 now - 25 and I was probably 300 plus there you were mass yeah when I met you oh I look at pictures of myself now and holy [ __ ] so you know you know it's not like a look at pictures of myself every day but sometimes picture will come up on a social media or something like there and I'm like holy [ __ ] man and that was yeah that was extreme so if we put the leaders bulletin on who won the most in the 90s its you yeah okay you got six okay but if we put the leaders bulletin on who had most fun or would you be ranked would you be ranked at the bottom probably probably trade off man trade off like I just put absolute dedication into this and fun was like something I can do later I'm doing this right now and having too much fun might interfere and I think that's kind of why one of the reasons that I stayed where I was in England although weather was you know some pressure for me to move to California I was working for the wieder company for the magazines Joe Weider they would like me to be out there so it'd have more access to me and you know do more photos do more stuff and then you know like you say you're in LA full of hot chicks full of parties nice weather I was scared to relax man because if I relaxed a little bit and enjoyed it maybe I just lose it you know so I want to stay isolated stay in UK stay in Birmingham like where my gym was yeah and just keep my head down and go to the gym and train and come home and eat and sleep and just that whole routine which is like a training camp which people might do for two or three months before a contest I took that approach you around you know and at that point or you're married I'm assuming you're married yeah I was in every time you compete professionally you were married I wasn't married the whole time but I was with my partner and then here we got married I think we got married after I got second in the Olympic because we had a bit of money like you know we had forward to get married you know and I thought it was time like hey you know I like I got to this place and this woman's been with me and supporting me and like yeah we should get married now did you see that as a formula amongst winners like the one the guys who won at the top consistently were married with fewer distractions and the guys that were second third fourth place well Brent the guy that was an inspiration for me was Lee Haney because he was mr. Olympia before me mr. Olympia pretty much when I started he was mr. Olympia from 84 and Lee Haney was a married man and he was a family man and I think they had a cured as well pretty around the same time as me so he was somebody I could look at like well this is a family guy I can relate to him and she was a lot of the other guys were single so I wasn't that you know early on so Lee Haney was an inspiration for me how to like you know balance your family and the sport and so on and for sure I think it gives you it gives you that stability if you're single and you've got all the distractions parties girls and you know that pulls you out of your training mode I mean I remember I go to Century Club in LA I don't know if you've ever been to a Century Club you go to Century Club in LA and all these guys would be there yeah all the time so you would see you're like this guy's partying pretty hard I know the name I just saw about a competition go to Vegas late all this after-hours I'm like right these guys are training you know and party in a hardcore is what they were doing but uh nobody hearing anything about you you were quiet on your own Island doing your thing you were just coming in I don't want anyone to hear anything about me I didn't want anyone to know too much about me is that cause your personality it's part of my personality like my privacy and it worked psychologically as well because of becoming an enigma that they couldn't get a handle on me I mean they don't see me they see each other in the gym every day so Oh summer so yeah I see him as having a down day two days you know an argument this girlfriend or did you see this guy doesn't look so good and you know blah blah blah blah blah blah blah so everyone got to like handle on each other but Darian knows because I was out of it you know I was out of the picture they don't know nothing just like this creating this monster in their mind that's just in this basement and it's throwing weights around and it's you know creating this mystique where they you know that they accepted they couldn't beat me and if they're telling themselves they can't beat me then for sure they can't be I mean this is great in their own reality with the thought it's now possible if you say he is unbeatable then that will be so then it's game over already if you say that how much of your your formula for winning was your wiring on how you were born like this is how a Benson cell as a kid I watch everybody I was a guy that would send home wouldn't say llama now watch what he's doing what he's doing what he's doing and how much of it was your benefit of a you know from when your father passed I think you were living in a city called Hurley I don't know if the new yeah a little uh it's kind of a little farm we had some horses and chickens and dogs and stuff all community a small community you moved to Birmingham yeah but I mean looking back I did some unusual things when I was a kid like no but nobody told me that was unusual like nobody really said anything to me one time we had a charity run at school and it was like around the 400 meter track they wanted to buy new mini bus for the school or something they have money and winner for a bus so that the one who raised money so we got sponsored so you go around and knocking on doors and like will you sponsor me so much a lap you know run around the track so yeah five pounds ten pence whatever it was and I remember there was another guy who was a runner was from a family of boxers they're all lightweight boxers so he's real wiry and he told me was a great runner and I told him um I'm better running the new I probably wasn't but I told him I was so we had this thing where we're going to see you as a better runner when we run around the track so we're running around you know kids do five laps six laps that they're dropping out gets to 10 15 laps just me and this other good guy right and I'm like I can't give up because I'm not going to give up I got to keep going right keep going keep going 20 laps or something like that the guy drops out feeling well but then something happens to me like I didn't feel anything and I just kept running kept running like Forrest Gump running running running I went round the track 45 times everyone had gone home except for the teacher that had a witness this thing and signed the paper that you've actually done this and she said Doran I he got a stop now I got to go home like 11 so then I went round to all the people that promised to pay me five pence a lap and like go and I got 45 what is that real I'm like yeah a teacher signed it there but I don't know didn't even occur to me that it was unusual at the time and another thing we got in England is called bonfire night November the 5th celebrating burning a guy on a bonfire because he tried to blow up the houses of parliament but when you're a kid you don't realize that's kind of a sick thing to do but it's good guy yeah like you build a dummy like a man yeah because the guy who was called Guy Fawkes and he tried to blow up the British Parliament so they caught him and that was his punishment right so every year on November the 5th is like a big thing you have a party you know cook food and you have the big bonfire and it put the guy on top and your fireworks and everything so I wanted to build a big bonfire and I had this little pony it's like 10 11 years old I had it an axe and my horse and I went and I chop trees down tied a rug to the trees and dragged the trees on with my horse and build this big bonfire all on my own and I look back now I was like man that was that was crazy you were doing that and but it just seemed normal and nobody was like no my parents weren't saying like wow that's too well done you did something correct it's just like normal so you weren't so I had this ignition I had this focus yeah I had this focus was working for recognition it was no it wasn't I just wanted to do it did you have a relationship with your like because the one part I'm curious about is I know my upbringing you know I was born and raised in around 10 years and I lived at a refugee camp two years in Germany the whole war with Iran Iraq there was an element of me wanting to prove and win against the odds they didn't believe I could do it et cetera et cetera what was your relationship like with your mom and what was your relationship like with your dad well I was probably closer to my mom because my mum was there on a daily basis my dad was in and out he wasn't really at home then what she was kind of just to his own thing so maybe I was I don't know maybe I was trying to get my dad's attention I'm not really sure but I just always had that like tenacity if I'm doing something I just do it and I don't think well that must be hard work or I don't really think about I'll just do it but after my father passed away I'm sure that was a driving factor to succeed and I spoke to quite a few people that you know had some trauma or loss while they were earlier on that gives them the drive maybe you're looking for that recognition may be looking for that love or feedback that you didn't get earlier on I'm not quite sure but we all got these things in our lives traumas incidents and it's like whether you're going to use it or it's going to affect you in a positive or a negative way so I took that and I used that fuel whatever it was and maybe it was the anger there as well I'm sure there was a lot of anger there that my father died and I didn't feel like anyone really helped me through that or I didn't really process it we're going to talk about it you know so probably I used all that that energy could go in a negative way if you know people get into alcohol and drugs and an addiction and behaviors because of those things you have a lot of friends that did they win a complete different run like this yeah I mean I went as a teenager I was like off the rails a little bit for a couple of years and I got sent to a detention center which is they say a youth jail facility when I was in there as I realized like [ __ ] this I don't want to be I'm not I don't belong here at all you're eighteen eighteen or your 80 not well but you know I'm like I could see first of all I was smarter than the people in there and then we were in the gym went to the gym and I was like I was killing everybody in the gym and had the best physique and like wow this is something that can be good at I did a little bit of weights before I did karate and I had this Foundation and so yeah I saw the people around me and some of the people I grew up with they're they're not here you know some drug overdoses some suicides user friends yeah and some people still in in jail or in out of jail so that's the what I grew up around I had no family backing really no education not much prospects so I found this thing that was just first of all I was naturally inclined to it and secondly I found it fascinating like the process of how you can change your body with the training and the diet and what's the best way to do it what's the best way to eat and I got to figure all this stuff out myself that was fascinating but were you in high school if I was in high school with you were 14 15 16 pretty shy but still in like I would be in with the group that would be I don't know most popular or like you know a little bit tough guys that that people cup so I'll be in that group but the same time was always been a bit of a loner so I'd be in the group but I'd be out of the group so always kind of like do my own thing and even then when we're like 1718 and we used to go to concerts and things like this I'll be the one that organized everything I'll make sure we got the tickets and I'll check the transport and so I was always kind of like a little general how old were you had your first girlfriend first experience with a girl how old we really curious like also you started early as well of me and my mom she we had a few horses right so she used to horse riding lessons so who does horse riding young girls so I got the girls coming to the place Oh brilliant so so your shyness didn't bleed into you knowing that you like girls ain't gonna go up to me you know you know you know I got interested in girls pretty young pretty young okay and in Birmingham based on the study I did a little bit on Birmingham I mean Bourbon Kim's got reputation with gangs would back in the days with Birmingham I think it's called Birmingham boys or the peaky blinders or somebody's you read about yeah that kind of serious now called peaky blinders so that's based on like nineteen twenties but I mean I think it's put Birmingham on the map a little bit like people watch that series and the like Birmingham ah they've never heard of it before maybe they heard of Birmingham Alabama you know I asked that because I went to UK I went to London and I spent a day with Katie Hopkins I don't know if you know Katie Hopkins use to your personality like a Nigel Faraj type of personality and then with a guy named Sean Atwood and then David Courtney on a tight corner Dave Courtney I think he used to do security for the Kray twins I used to be involved in a big security company in in London and you know he's known as the celebrity gangster celebrity gangster yes the rights books and everything like that very entertaining which is pretty interesting combination celebrity gangster yes so like oxymoron oh so it's an oxymoron yes you know now it can't be a gangster because this is very public so I'm sure we got all the connections and everything already but there's a today did they ever reach out to you I know cuz I think we create Wednesday they died in a late 90s or 2001 you one was a kind of like hey we're proud that you coming from UK was there any of that or no they never reached out I actually spoke to Reggie Kray on the phone one time which was a bit surreal because I read all the books and everything when I was a kid right wondering yeah they're famous I think the book was called profession of violence that a red man was at school you know they're like mythical characters in England and somebody came to the gym a bodybuilder came to a gym and I said we're organizing this contest and the profit from the contest is going to go to boys boxing clubs in the East End of London and the craze of you know involved in this and so it's for charity for the Krays charity that opening boxing clubs are something for kids will you come along and do something and do guest posing or something so I said sure man if it's you know was it going for a good cause and then this guy at a gym pick up the phone and say I want to speak to door I know it's like hey was it it's Reggie Kray no son it's Reggie Kray okay give it to me and I'll go chat with them and I was like thanking me for doing that and if there's anything you need son anything at all you know you let me know and so it was a little surreal moment anything you need yeah they're killing they can go many different ways how old were you at the time when that phone call was made from I was I think I was mr. Olympia so I would have been like thirty awesome okay you already that's why I don't want to miss a guess bozcaada you know I'd bring people in I was thinking because you were mr. Britain I'm thinking long after that hey come on in Night of Champions I'm mr. Britain it's not such a big deal I mean I remember I won the British championship 1986 yeah so I'm British champion British champion got the trophy go home I got this council apartment which council and England is like it's from a city and I was like projects or something so I got this council flat I got no carpet on the floor and I have a proper bed I just got a mattress I don't having a car because every penny that I earned from my work and it's just going for food training catching the bus back and forward whatever I don't have any money for a car so here I am back in my same apartment he with my trophy I just been to 3,000 people screaming going crazy I got my trophy and British champion but still in the same situation so it took some time to to get out of that someone backed me in opening the gym opening temple gym because I was British champion so that was my first leg up I started you know then to make an income from foreigner bodybuilding is that 87 would yours temple the age of seven we opened yeah and 88 I won the British championship again and the whole the overall thing and that's when I was eligible to turn pro and go compete which really at that point is in a body was more international now at that point it was really like an American sport there was not that many successful people outside of the states got it so at this point Arnold has come here he has won his from Austria it's still not an international sport it's still mainly us wieder is running the whole thing you come out here was your first mr. ole with Haney when Haney was was their first one where you stood on that was first mr. Olympia how was that experience for you standing next to a knee well there's another funny story I was telling my friend the other day so it comes to mind so Lee Haney is mr. Olympia when I'm when I'm starting out right so this is the guy that I'm looking his mr. Olympia plus is a family man and you know he's big I saw him guest pose in England its inspiration big guy so I'm a fan basically but now I'm gonna go compete against him so I realized I can't be a fan anymore man I got to get a little bit ruthless here yeah it's changed my mind right maybe I can beat this guy maybe I'm better than him why not sure it doesn't train as hard as you so you know this process is going on until I'm like got into a mine space we're all right I'm gonna go and I'm gonna try and beat this guy no I won't but I'm gonna give him our best shot and I'm going there with this positive attitude I'm not gonna know there's a fanboy so I already was in that frame of mind and you know when I compete and very focused almost would like quiet aggressiveness so as a guy in New York telling my story which I found out later was total [ __ ] right well he told me the story and is the only guy I knew at this point I don't know many people in American bodybuilding community so there's this gym owner in New York that was my contact right and he knew everybody know all the people in it I didn't know anybody so it's telling me stuff I'm believing him she was like you got to watch out for Haney on stage he's a bully I say what do you mean oh you know you try to intimidate you he'll bang into you a little bit he might tread on your toe or something and I just want to like bully you and on the stage where my what he's not doing that [ __ ] to me now I'm getting off sites off and everything so I've got to mr. Olympia my first mr. Olympia right I'm psyched I'm on a stage and there's a call-out and it's just me and Haney which is unusual to guys right so it's obvious this is a showdown right for first in a second so I started to walk out and Lee's give me the you know friendly smile I'll give him a stone face then I've walked out and you know you're coming and going this kind of relaxed semi relaxed pose so I went into the semi relaxed pose a nun purpose I properly banged my elbow into him and he must have but what the hell is this crazy on video like I don't know if you get video over the fridge oh he might get that way yeah you might get that yeah so I banged into him and I did it a couple of times to learn to let him know you know and then in the pose down Lee Haena does this pose where he brings out his arms like this and I was behind and I know who kind of got me out of corner of his eye he clipped me with his with his knuckle I think it was like okay I have some back you know and then I was yours and yours afterwards I sat down with him and got a chance you know we don't see each other that often I was and I got a chance to sit down and talk one-on-one and likely I need to talk to about something it's like what's that well I kind of need to apologize for something it's a what so did you remember and you know that Olympia and I came and I'm banging and listen it's like yeah I thought you wanted to fight me or something that he said this yeah remember yeah I'm like yeah well this happened and you know as a [ __ ] story and I'm young and I'm psyched up and I'm sorry because this is just a gentleman is the I knew he was a very much gentleman so the story was totally booked Oh [ __ ] but I took it on board two-six I loved it I loved the fact that the guy from New York told you this was he like your agent or manager or no do you want it to be but it's just a guy's for [ __ ] not good how common was that because you know when you hear what Arnold psychologically destroys Lou Ferrigno and he says hey you look like you're six weeks out or four week says yeah like give me some more time I don't know you know there's some of that there obviously but some of that was for the movie for the drama for the camera is there any other thing that's about saying like when you get a pump is like calming its [ __ ] nothing like coming my own time under that squat bar is horrible this you know you want to sound it to the public that's a good one how much of a bed did you have to prevent while you're getting prepared for competition was a like babe I can't have sex for nah it wasn't anything like that it was there was no like like boxing or something where they're trying to retain their energy or whatever there was no real reason to do that but it happened anyway from just complete exhaustion like I was completely exhausted like the last four or five weeks before mr. Olympia and sex was just like something that was not my body was just on survival mode man it's not interested in trying to procreate and not at all No thank you not no energy I go to the gym I put everything and then I'll come home I'll be like literally like this because your honor you know it's the only sport where you're eating less you're eating less calories are giving your body less fuel and you're doing more training and high training and you know he's trying to get contradictory goal of maximum muscle mass and minimum body fat is totally contradictory and they're trying to balance that and it's exhausting are you able to at all have sex when you're going down to four or five six percent three percent body fat I mean is there any it was no there's no inclination there's no drive there's no interest I mean I literally like get that tired it's even tiring just to talk sometimes is any want to talk yeah I remember one of the pictures where you you know you said at the lowest level was what three and a half percent or maybe measure it in his skin fall calipers that I was using and that would get down to like three point five percent about four or five weeks out and I know I got leaner after that but it wasn't it registering were you out here what would you say you are here I don't know but this is about four weeks out from mr. Olympia so this if you look at the condition in here this would probably be superior to most of the guys on this that's ready this looks competition see this is four weeks this is ready this is ready but I had to go extra on top of that I always kind of like I was known as a masked monster one of the first mass monster yes because of the muscle mass I heard but I always competed below what I potentially could do because I want it to be super shredded I just didn't want to be big and okay sort of always competed below below my potential size because I want it to be absolutely shredded I want it to be you know dry and shredded as as well as big not just big so I probably always overdid things I never under did things always overdid things shown this this is for four to six weeks out this is not but you in today's world that variance curry today you'd be ready to be on stage with them competing today yeah there's more separation there if you look I got more separation already and that's four weeks out yeah was it almost annoying to be around you like were you were you getting annoyed by people like I could be but I kept myself away from them because I didn't want to like but I'm talking like family like you know cuz sometimes being married you know I have a laugh with my son about this because just one incident where I lost a little bit I used to take my son and my nephew's to Kentucky Fried Chicken or McDonald's on a weekend and I just had a black coffee and Jenin bother me right it didn't bother me what my son had this like ice popsicle lollipop whatever you call it here in the states you know so he got this thing and he's got a bit of chocolate on his got these little sprinkles on and then it's got collars and so we're watching TV together and he's like and he's like just savoring this thing for so long it's just like it just driving me crazy in there and I start so what say please take that in the kitchen and eat it man it's taking a kitchen eat it please yeah at one point I just lost it a little bit so we were off about that now you know well it's just one incident so the most part you're pretty you know I was like look I'm choosing to do this yeah I'm choosing to do this I'm choosing to put my body through this so it's not fair for me to take out any kind of like frustrations or you know moods out on other people so I pretty isolate myself when I was at home and most of the time I was cool just you know just keep it to myself what is it like being married to a type a competitor you're not in the 1% category you're not into one percent of one percent category you into one percent of one percent of one percent of one percent 7 billion people living in the world there's only one mr. Olympia there's a lot of people that are trying to be bodybuilders what is it to be married to that guy who is like a scientist like you that's paying attention to detail saying this is four weeks out and I still want to go lower how was that part was it was it difficult was it annoying was it like in over my wife for in yet for your wife being around you we read as well I'm asking because this is well the thing is we met around about the time that I just started training and not planned at all we had a child so Louis together so Debbie who was my wife she's seen the whole thing right and and at first she didn't understand it nobody understood it what the hell are you doing and why are you eating like a robot we tune off in three hours and doing this and what's this all about right what fortunately I was successful very quickly after a year and a half training I went to compete on a novice contest absolutely like I didn't know at the time I just thought this is where I need to be but now I look back it's like there's no comparison or when the contest so easily then I had like judges and officials or there was one guy Ron Davis who was he used to judge at the mr. Olympia and he was the head of the Federation in England he was there and it was Darian nice to where are you from I'm like from Birmingham what are you doing in the novice class well I'm a novice is my first contest so well you should be in the heavyweight class no no no I'm not I'm not good enough for that yet you started laughing like he's not gonna know how kid you're the best heavyweight we've seen in this country I'm like know about this guy and this guy surely they're better than me no so we want you to come and compete in the world games like next week on the British team as a heavyweight and this is the world championship this next week yeah the world championship and I didn't want to go because I knew I wasn't ready to win that yet and I'm what's the point of going if I'm not ready to win that was my whole mentality or not well they kind of persuaded me to go on the team so I went and I got 7th place there and 13 guys and these were like the best amateurs in the world the whole was gonna turn throw 23 23 23 so I started training properly when I was 21 23 you know the the massive recognition at the the first show I got my first magazine article I'm going to the the World Championship and give 7th place there after training year and a half 13 so people around me could recognize all this is not a waste of time now this guy is you know not a client dream is like Debbie then understood what I was doing and got behind me fully and she always was behind me and had great faith in what I was doing and when I went to my first pro show which was in knife champions in New York and I got second place there which was $7,000 that was my pro earning seven thousand dollars and then Vince McMahon from WWE he started a bodybuilding Federation and Tom Platts who was my hero one of my heroes was like reppin you know he was the guy that was putting this thing together and they contacted me because they liked my look that it was a very rugged and you know I had a different look because they were looking for like interesting looks like they got with the wrestlers and different personalities different looks and I had this look that was mean and they flew me out there to Connecticut where their headquarters is and give me a whole tour around and had a meeting with Vince McMahon's wife and they offered me something like 170 grand a year to go and be with that Federation it's money at that time I had nothing I had nothing crazy so I gone home to my wife and I said look they offered me this if I take this we can get a house we can do this we can do that when we're living in is still in a council place man I'm Ron young turned pro but I'm still living in the ghetto right not much money I got $7,000 and much to her credit she said I'm out of this so I got nothing to say about this this is entirely your decision to make so you need to you know you need to make the decision why did she see that what's what's her reasoning for giving it to you because if she had I said do it let's take the money I probably would have maybe thought this to it I mean she'd been behind me all this time the family needs something stand back you know I you know the family's been behind me and now I got this and maybe I should do it for the family but she said no no you got to figure this out honest and then I was like you know what I really believe in myself and the Olympia is the Olympia and I got a feeling I got a bad feeling about this Wrestling Federation because the one thing that I was adamant about when I went there I was like I'm not a performer I'm not you know if this is gonna be like the wrestling where it's like you're a character and that winners already kind of chosen I'm not in for that I'm and I want to compete I'm an athlete I'm a sports person I want to compete I want to compete against the best and it's got to be a competition they assured me it would be like that what I had my doubts and then you know mr. Olympia is everybody builders dream mm-hmm so I'd have to give up on that dream to go with the Wrestling Federation so I made a tough decision and I said I'm gonna turn down this money because I got faith in myself and I will get that money and more if I stick to this path and I win mr. Olympia so I had to call Tom Platts and say no to tom platt which this is somebody you admire it's like such a fan of tom platt I remember the first time I met him and I must have had like because it happens to me and I say to people don't worry man it happened to me when I was a kid because they come to me and they're like I got a thousand questions for you but I don't know what to say now I say listen don't worry man happened to me but you know mmm so I know how you feel yeah I was a fan I met Tom Platts I had a thousand questions and I was like Hello so I had to call Tom Platts and say Tom I thought this through and I'm gonna have to decline the offer I think I can be mr. Olympia and I'm gonna keep on this path in Tom's never been mr. Olympia you know he had two quads but he never won this role you know he didn't he got second or third I think in 81 which was controversial because Franco Columbu won that with still a very very badly damaged leg from the injury got in World's Strongest Man so that was probably one of the most controversial mr. Lemp is along with the 1980 that Arnold one in Australia the one that when he got on stage you know a lot of experts says he didn't look like he was ready to win the whole thing no I don't know I mean look at pictures and it's not a lot of video around because think Arnold brought it all up so you can't watch it anymore but you can see some pictures and Arnold definitely was not at its best but still Arnold is impressive on stage he's a big man is it's tall and his wide and make the other guys look a little bit small so I don't know if you should have won or not and I can't really say I wasn't there do you think guy like that could win today because right now it's what you said to 12 closer to 12 right and he was 225 I think it's maybe 35 hours birthday that's six two and a half that's considered to be but he was still head and shoulders the best at the time yeah with what was available as far as training knowledge and let's be honest pharmaceuticals and so on that were used so if you took Arnold and you put him in two days or you know the 90s or whatever and with a bit of training knowledge we have and more pharmaceuticals that we were using and so on he would have been bigger so yeah that's a good point I mean he's great genetically the Arnold's like specimen you've got these pecs and biceps still and there's like 70 something years old whether his legs and back would be up to today standard I don't know it was the chest that he yeah you look like you know I mean still no one's got pecs like that yeah there's just phenomenal pecs and bicep is is like still common man could've gone to Vegas and Venus stripper yeah but that's what were your relationship with Arnold how was how is there with the two of you guys because you don't really have much of a relationship I've never haven't really spoken to Arnold that much have you guys ever had a sit-down ever had never had a sit-down never had a sit-down and I've never all the other bodybuilders idolized Arnold and they seek him out because maybe they can do something for them or whatever I never did that I'm my own man so I don't go to try to kiss anyone's ass but you you had a reaction like that to plants how come you didn't have that to him because because Arnold was not really from my era it was from the seventies and I you know I grew up and started bodybuilding 80s so I was looking at the current geyser which was men sir and plants and maybe also something about Harlan's personality that didn't really jive with me was Arthur Jones the founder of Nautilus I think at one point we don't have on a million year was he an Arnold fan I don't really know I know Arnold went out there to train at a facility out there in Florida and I think Arthur Jonah said he didn't he didn't like it that's why yes - haha because I wonder because Arthur Jones's personality seems like your personality a little bit I don't know if it is about could be I could be wrong not so much about personality but I read all his books and it just resonated with me like this is logic this makes sense right first of all it makes sense secondly let me do it in practice and see what happens so it could make great sense but if I do and it doesn't work then what's it worth it's worth nothing right so I'd it and I experimented and I have kept logs I've got every single workout that I ever did from 1983 to 1997 written down come on every single worker 83 283 297 I wrote down every single workout and there's notes underneath how much waste did I use what exercise how many reps did I do and then every month I would do it a check I would set goals for the next month so now I can benchpress 300 pounds for eight reps next month they want to be 310 so I would set goals that were realistic yeah but every month if they all add up a day in the year you've got a big thing right so it was all very calculated and planned and and strategize like a general like when I was a kid when we used to go to concerts I've been the one that you know get the train tickets in there and the the constant tickets and organize everything all the guys would just turn up and go along like well I'll be the one doing the planning and strategizing so that's what I was doing so I could analyze what I was doing okay I'm training three days a week and this is happening I'm training four days a week analyze analyze what happens I noticed that if I did increase the volume and the frequency of the workouts my progress kind of came to a stop and when I did a little bit less very intense really hard training but less shorter workouts less frequently I start growing again and I tell people often that they're stuck they're stuck in a gym first thing you need to do take a week off take a week off come back to a more abbreviated program and come talk to me Darian I took a week off guess what happened I came back I was stronger oh no [ __ ] man cuz your buddy was just like needed the break your over trained you need a rest come back restored rebuild you're stronger stop overtraining how long were you in the gym like was you know these missing some maximum album will you Bacardi or now really I used to do cardio like a couple of times a week and offseason just to keep some cardio conditioning like 30 minutes two times that nothing crazy nothing crazy but getting ready for a contest I do a lot more but it was low intensity cardio so it was just basically calorie burning so I'd do 45 minutes in the morning on a stationary bike moderate heart rate like 115 120 and in the evening I do 45 minutes power walking fast walking so I had a dog I had a boxer yeah his role mm-hmm beefed up chunky boxer he used to walk with me for and also live with you lift weights but he'd get ripped go up and down together you know Dorian I've heard a lot of different stories about Joe Weider you know if you read the book Total Recall and Arnold talks about when he first came to the States and he thought headquarters of wieder was a massive misuk wait a minute I thought this was a massive building he says well you know this is the impression that were something one day we're going to be right what stories do you have with Joe Weider yourself well it was when I came on the scene in 90s that they had a big office in Woodland Hills with I don't know how many employees like 50 60 employees in the magazine place they're covered with American Western art and everything was it was impressive so I was just recalling one of my visits to the office when I went there because if I was in town Joe always bite me to the office or would go for lunch together he always liked to be spend some time with that with the champions that he says the champions are all my friends are all my family so one day I went and I went into his office and chatting away and for some reason he starts showing me pictures of him when it was young when he used to train and volley build and I'm thinking well it's not very impressive I know he didn't have a great physique so but anyway I'm like yeah whatever I'm not saying too much then it pulls out one picture it's like a most Moscow or something like this and it was thick and round and I'm like wow Joe that picture I never seen that one before you look great there so we're chatting away and afterwards I leave the office and a bump into pizza McGough who's the editor reflects and muscle and fitness and his from UK and we've been friends for yours so is that how did it go with Joe I said you know it's okay man you know chatting away and wow man he showed me this picture that I never seen before when it was younger and it's actually really big and thick and round and so Peter says to me was it this picture like this like this pose okay exactly that's the one man it's like that's not Joe's body that's the body of Clancy Ross who was a whatever mr. America or something in the 50s and Joe's like superimposed his head on top of the body which I found fascinating because I probably be looking at Joe and thinking wow look at this guy with his huge company in all his millions and everything that's amazing but it's almost I felt like he would have given higher up just to be mr. and M feel like he really wanted to be a bodybuilder and he had a almost like a childlike passion for bodybuilding so yeah people say it was a cold businessman he was here as a businessman so if you don't have to pay you nothing he wouldn't pay you right he was a businessman I want to make maximum return but he had a genuine love for bodybuilding it wasn't there just to exploit it he didn't he did love the sport you felt that when I felt that yeah like almost like a child like I he used to come to photoshoots and supervise a photoshoot with me and the guys in his late seventies and I say to him Joe what are you doing here so what do you mean Harlem doing here you don't have to do this while you're here man if I was you I'll be like in the Bahamas obviously on a beach or something I'll be doing something and it's like though this is my passion this is what I love doing and if I don't do this what I'm gonna do curl up and die so this is what you got to respect that yeah but some anything how he put the picture just for you was it a way for you to have the level of respect that Wow at one point he all sad if is I don't think he made that picture for me I think it was already good pizza magrav already knew about it so obviously had already shown it to other people and that kind of worked it out that you're not gonna say anything to Joe though is the bus right yeah it just showed me that like often in life people have something mm-hmm but the grass is always greener on the other side you always want something else you want what you can't have yeah what was your favorite magazine to read by the way muscle Mack I remember flex I'm a muscular development I remember Muscle & Fitness I remember Muscle media mm was it for which one was the one you you like the most well I had such a collection of magazines which got destroyed I had a flood in my basement one time and just destroyed all my magazines I had the biggest collection because I collected every one every one everything that was published every magazine every book when I started lifting to when I finish and then I had people gave me stuff all my brother and older brothers got these old magazines so one guy gave me all these little Iron Man if you remember these very small Iron Man magazines as really old school news it was very independent and almost like the opposite to wieder where wieder took bodybuilding and created this illusion as you say Arnold went there and expected this big building and it was it was very small the same thing he created this illusion of bodybuilding where you're on the beach with a protein shake and the hot girls and there's like as if it's a lifestyle that we're all doing here how are you doing that you've got no money there's no problems no money in bodybuilding so it's like an illusion he's making bodybuilding like cool and trendy and fashionable and desirable where Ironman was a bit more like old-school and more basic and practical advice and because of the training advice you've gotten from Joe Weider was Arnold's 20 sets six times a week and so on that doesn't that didn't work so one was the logic one was the dream yeah ability to whatever I liked oh I like the older Iron Man's just for the practical information in there and muscle builder I was as it was called later became Muscle & Fitness there was no flex magazine it was muscle builder was the first wieder magazine I saw and they had Robbie Robinson on the front who I just actually we had breakfast together I was out in LA in his mid 70s and still in great shape the peak on his biceps never made sense to me right be kind of it just like muscle on top of muscles like a heel on top of it and he knows that's when you would look at very impressive variants you know that's genetic is not some kind of training you can do if you had it's just the shape you're you're born with so yeah it was fascinating to see somebody that was so successful but you could still see they would love to be something else but you know it's something you can't buy you can't buy genetics as its gonna make you into a great bodybuilder any any experience you had with Bill Phillips wouldn't my muscle media $2 never never but I'm familiar with the magazine here's to read it used to enjoy it I thought it was a very good magnet I thought like you would've liked because it was actually I had some stuff that was pretty impressive yeah I read all those magazines I met the probably eyes on a magazine published between 83 and 87 that I haven't read I got a friend of mine is about to my age in Birmingham it runs a gym there so we've known each other since I started competing and has this thing where he'll take a picture of physique without the head and send it to me and see if I can get it and you know not guys from the Olympia that would be obvious like guys from mr. America or something like that and I don't think he's ever got me like I didn't know it was real I read so many magazines like I know everybody so you're also historian of the gamers yeah historian and analyzer and historian of physics and training methods and I think that could be helpful do i I did you push by the way what well you know those whole thing about pushing with what was your max on Ben Shahn biceps on squats what would you wanna know man cuz I never did a max like as in a single yeah I can tell you what I did for working sets were three like eight reps eight reps bench like 500 okay eight reps been sick I bent over rows was like 450 or something I was using them they're squats I stopped doing like when I was an amateur of stop doing heavy like barbell squats because I had an injury I use mainly machines so you know I don't even know how much is on the leg press but we had a leg press and then you know you got the bars coming out on the side mm-hmm so we had an extension bar so we had one make somebody made it where it fits in to the hole then it extends out again so you can put more plates on and then a bar on the top to put more plates on there so I don't know leg press probably like 1500 deadlifts I never went heavy on deadlifts I only did the kind of like you know 450 500 max at the end of a back workout so I was strong I was shoulder pressing 160 dumbbells for Fidel's 120 pound dumbbell flyes the way I look at it the more weight you lift in strict form for a number of reps correlates to how big the muscles are if you want to get bigger you got to get stronger so that's why I always kept the records and everything so I had my targets to achieve for you you're super competitive yeah it's very obviously very very competitive right you know I talked to Kobe and I asked Kobe versus Jordan right there's a couple different differences between those two guys Kobe wanted to compete purely basketball yeah he could care less about ping-pong about this about that about that about all this other stuffs Jordan wanted to beat you in everything right he's kind of like I'm gonna do this I'm going to do that yeah what was your level of competition in one topic that intrigued you the most and you were not interested in everything else is that kind of I was an absolute tunnel vision and I didn't have any ambitions to use that as a springboard to something else in itself was this goal where Arnold was using bodybuilding to get into movies and and into politics and all this kind of stuff which I have zero interest in zero so what was your end game like you're like I'm gonna win six mr. Olympius like in one day well you know hopefully change the trajectory of my life give me some security and I did think I wanted to get into the gym business that that's what I wanted to do did or didn't I did I thought I did good I realized so I didn't and it's not a great business to get into so my main business now is sports nutrition I've d-y nutrition so we're doing sports nutrition bodybuilding nutrition and we're now looking to go to get some products for wellness and so on because if I'm interested in something I will devour the material if I'm not I just can't learn so I need to be interested I'm very interested in now in wellness and how nutrition and supplementation can affect health and longevity and also the the mental aspect of how you affect your health with your thoughts and so on so we're going to bring products more out along that line looking at see we do have been a big supporter of cannabis for decades before it was even you know on the radar of being fashionable and accepted almost now when did you become a supporter of it well I've been in a kind of occasional smoker of cannabis since I was a teenager but I just didn't consider it a recreational thing like having a beer or wine or something to relax and I thought it's probably nothing great for you but at some point after I retired I started looking for information and finding information about cannabis and I found out that Rick Simpson that was cured his own cancer and curing a lot of people multiple people with cancer with the cannabis extract and then I found a guy called Robert mallow made dr. Mallin made who's a leading researcher on at the UCLA game or I think I'm not sure what university is from but his speciality is field that he specializes in is free radicals and how free radicals affect cells and aging and everything like this and this guy is like huge advocate of cannabis and that's his field as speciality and is like there's nothing that works like cannabis for you know for killing the free radicals and protecting themselves do you read only pro arguments or you also read anti arguments valid anti arguments earth if there's one that that makes any sense has anything ever made sense to you if there's any ever been an argument you're like you know did like some of the ones I say it's not a good idea for somebody that's very young like fifteen sixteen seventeen to be consuming any kind of like mind-altering substance because your brain is still developing so there may be some vulnerability there at an early age if you're using cannabis or any other kind of not even alcohol and other substances of that age I wouldn't probably recommend it there may be some risk I think if you are susceptible and family to having schizophrenia stuff well I run an headline a camp in Costa Rica I asked a camp and we have a disclaimer if you have any history of schizophrenia or any kind of mental illness in your family you're not allowed to do it because you're vulnerable you know it could be just something that tips the balance so there may be some argument there I'm not sure if if it does influence that or not but some people to say that that it might in young people only so there may be a negative there look I've come to realize nothing in life is black or white nothing is all good nothing is all bad so you might have a substance like cannabis it's very beneficial but in some circumstances it might be a negative you know if you're gonna overuse it or use it habitually you're not gonna get a lot of things done so even though I'm a kind of issues I'm a disciplined user I'm old enough to be disciplined I'm not a kid right so I'll use that when it's appropriate I never smoked before if I'm doing business or if I'm doing appearances or if I'm going to work in the gym I never do that I do it when I'm when I'm out in a nature or it's time for me to relax yeah i know ii you you also say that while you take a two-week break just yeah I take I take a month break a two-month break which I time when I do my Alaska camps because anyway you have to go on a specific diet and clean out to do the camp you're not allowed to drink free it's not recommended pre during and afterwards so it probably like three or four weeks and reading at a time and it's good to exercise discipline with anything did you support while you were competing were you was it part of your routine or now it's not a regular thing but it was an occasional thing just like having a glass of wine was in a cage under half every night maybe on the weekend I'll have a glass of wine and at what point did you start experiencing with steroids and additional drugs before my first competition because I knew the guys I was competing against we're using steroids so I'm like this is you know this is this is part of the game right and if you're going to compete without steroids you're going to be at a great disadvantage not impossible maybe if you're genetically much more gifted than the other guys well actually my first competition wasn't with the Federation it was a local competition mr. Birmingham and I won that while I was natural and the guy that placed second and third I you know I knew them so I knew they were using steroids and I was still able to beat them and I dieted for like a week that's right yeah and natural but when I went to the Federation and I know it was a different standard then I I started about 12 weeks before a competition would you start off or was the first example I was so so little to what people use now but still it was dramatic because the first time I ever touched anything first thing I ever took was dinoball okay 20 milligrams a day of dinoball I took that for six weeks and then I switched over to promote one prima ball and shot a week and a little bit of a Hannah bar like 15 milligrams or something that's kind of like bikini girls use that now and the Primo was like pre competition stuff yeah it was not too really good no that was when I was you know I did a little bit to build up and then then I came down with a diet got it and that was in pretty good shape I diet for like seven weeks or something when did you really because even when you went against Lee Haney when you get out when you got on stage and you look at you you look good yeah you look like this I can win but you took it to a whole different level so at what point that you kind of a taker came up and experienced with the next level I was just using steroids up to that point so the next level was growth hormone which was very expensive and not that available but now I got second in the mr. Olympia so now I got income and I got contacts and I decided let's let's try a growth hormone I'm sure that my competitors are already using it or some of them so I started with that and that like enabled me to go to another level over the next few years what was the what was the reaction you would get was there different things when you took this you felt like this you know had the whole thing with temper acne react you know was there anything you're like but when I use this I got to be careful because my fuse get shorter when I use as I feel like I can take over the world when I yes yeah I had that aggression but most of the time it didn't spill out because I used to I used most of it in the gym and I wasn't in a lot of situations where it could be triggered like a lot of guys at the gym they used to work security and the nightclubs and so on I did that very earlier on but when I started competing and then I got the gym I didn't need to do that and I didn't want to do it anymore so I was not going you know I was not going out to bars or nightclubs where somebody might piss you off or you know so I kept myself kind of bit isolated and I did feel aggression but it was like a controlled aggression that I could use for the workouts as far as side effects water retention acne some of my blood I did get blood checks and some of them were out of the normal range it was my doctor told me and you're not dying yet but you know it's not a healthy thing to care two key words it's you know dying yeah you know don't you know it's not it's not perfect but your body's under stress well this is your profession and you're earning good money so my advice to you is do this and get in and get out and don't do it for too long how long did you stay at the peak of experiencing with steroids basically mr. Olympia reign which was it was six years my I think my intake while I was an amateur was it was a really kind of moderate well then I got second in the mr. Olympia what if I can go mmm another level you know let's say you know and now it's it's worth any potential risks maybe what is the level of usage n versus today for somebody that's committed today today is much more is it twice as much fifty three times as much or three three times as much so if you're competing in today's times with what's accessible today how would you have been the same size or was there a limit to your size or would you have to be I think you know there's a point where it's beneficial up to a you know bell curve and then it's it's not and I think possibly one of the reasons where the guys are not getting into shape now or having trouble getting into shape is because they're using a lot of stuff and it's hard they don't show the details and the separation that they have the volume or they don't have the details in the separation and I'm not sure exactly why that is because I'm not really a fait with everything that everyone's like using now I do help some people now to train them and everyone that comes to train with me is surprised because they think Dorian Yates he's the guy you know the the growth hormone guy the the steroid their insulin they're going is so [ __ ] big he must have been he wasn't ten times more than everybody else you know we're all using pretty much the same thing the thing that was different when my it was my approach in my training that's the difference were you guys all talking about what you're using or a little bit yeah okay so everybody's pretty open about that so and most of the guys were using I use a growth form on a day when we're competing we're all like talking on you know that was pretty much an average it seemed so I'm you know pretty much know now people use people that don't even compete using a lot of steroids well back then it was mainly mostly people that competed it'll be a few guys in the gym or take a little stuff because that you know whatever they wanted to look big but the majority of people are competing and a lot of people wanted to compete then now you go to the gym and look how many people want to compete in the gym though there will be nobody or one guy maybe then it's like all the guys at my gym they all wanted to compete that was the thing everyone wanted to do it there was like the peak of interest which is now a declined and what would the 18-year old today Doron Yeates have gone the same route with all these different options Wow good question probably but could dorian yates be the shadow now in this day and age where the industry is like very much on social media yeah so it would be hard because people use social media now to promote their selves to promote their business to make an income in fact some of the biggest earners in a sport then never compete mm-hmm they're just on social media and then they get millions of followers and from that they capitalize on that and they make an income and they think pocket I don't even need to go through all that [ __ ] and compete I'm not you know I got a business anyway in my day you needed to compete and you need to be successful in a high level in order to get yourself in a magazine which gives you exposure and gives a publicity and then you'll get income was anybody even making money during your era I mean I heard Sean Ray was good with money right for your first place so you're obviously making money because you're getting the sponsorships but even after second third place I mean the money is like 50 grand 40 grand 20 grand how are people making money do they all have full-time careers no they I think maybe top six or top ten in the mr. Olympia can make a career making income solely from bodybuilding because you haven't you just got the prize money you've got sponsorship deals which if you're a top place I would probably be more than your prize money on an annual basis and then you've got appearance fees guest posing seminars etc so people make an income from them so it's not just from the prize money but still compared to other sports is I mean it's chump change right yeah I think right now we were talking about a $400,000 right now first X is what they paid during your talents one guy that's one guy yeah and then it goes down goes down rapidly real quick yeah it goes down from a $400,000 to I don't know what that I know during your time it was between 100 $250,000 on you so you know when you you you know how woman can see another woman and they can say oh she got a nose job and we were like oblivious to it we're like all the time yeah she's on Botox yeah she got her would he call that tummy tuck well I have no idea yeah but you watch NBA players or you I don't know if you watch NBA you watch a certain sport can you look and say that guy's on something when you see somebody can you pretty much say somebody's on using something or not I can't say 100% okay but I could have my suspicions especially if they change quite quickly I've seen a lot of fighters that I alright you know he's just put on like 10 15 pounds of muscle in the last year that's no way you're doing that without you isn't something there's money there's money here man people you know we're talking about high level sports highly highly driven people they're not going to miss anything that's going to help them there so if they can do it and they can get away with it and mostly they're doing it mostly they're doing yeah what do you look for do you look for a job do you look for vascularity do you look for sudden size increases yeah if somebody makes a big increase over you then that's that's a telltale sign because some people can be muscular naturally muscular anyway some people have done well in bodybuilding being natural may run in Coleman I believe who was eight times mr. Olympia after me I believe he got as high as a world championship maybe even competing and mr. Olympia by being it with being natural Wow I believe so if you look at his physique when he's in the mr. Olympia in 1992 when I won the first one compared to when he was winning it's huge and I could believe that there's some people that just very genetically gift I want to see men go a little bit further he placed 13th or something like that yeah he was he was in the top ten he kind of he had their skinny big body was different then Paul de let's physique because you know Paul delenn had a different kind of a body there yeah although I'm just comparing both because they had a certain length to themselves but for you when you when you think about body but then who are your Mount Rushmore who do you put up there's a greatest bodybuilders of all time how it put yourself out there who would you sear the top five in your eyes um sir Joe Olivia yeah so Joe Olivia they're just people that stand out to be like wow this is mr. Allen at the time I mean it's like something from another planet at that time the late sixties right amazing sir jewel have you had their fingers poles you know do oh yeah very few people can do that but their arms overhead maybe I can look at he could do that in you couldn't believe it so Joe Oliver Arnold Lee Haney Ronnie Coleman and myself and I taught me not to put myself in there but maybe your top five it's like mr. Olympia should be a standout it's like not a little bit better than the other guys stand out and it should be a guy of some stature and I think a little guy I find it hard to to see a little guy as being mr. Olympia you talk about that a lot why is that what's when you say little guy what is little guy to you you're talking like five eight and under is that kind of too little guy like yeah I mean mr. Olympia you're talking about the best bodybuilder in the world and even if you showed to a member of the general public a small guy levy like really you know I expect the guy to be like the impressive and huge stature so those are the guys that stand out to me to be like they were really head and shoulders above the competition at a time I don't say that I was head and shoulders above the competition but you know six years in a row but my competition was very intense I mean Arnold it didn't really have I think some mr. Olympia is only Arnold and other mr. limp is that some nobody that can come close to him Lee Haney as well one may eight mr. Olympius but he didn't really have intense competition he knew if he came in pretty good shape it was his it was you know it was head and shoulders above everybody and Ronnie was very hard to be in as well Jay Cutler did beat him in the end but Ronnie was in a decline from injuries at that point would you do my surgeon embrace physique to me he's surgery a lot like a panther or something I mean real quality to his muscles interesting physique yeah and interesting training I used to train for hours LaBrie literally for hours was he afraid his French friend from from some France Guadalupe or some French Caribbean island it was from France yeah so he got his initial sighs I guess training heavy and then years later he would just train for hours and that's maintaining his size and keeping him very earlier I think it takes some kind of stimulant as well when his training adjusted to train for hours and it just be always super lean I thought he had a you know I would put him more like you Frank st. a very in the very small waist little joint yes maybe some similarity to flex wheeler in that order d what's coming up but Sergio liver is I mean Arthur Jones was the one that really bought genetics and you know as a factor wasn't really talked about before like you know by Arnold's chess routine and get a chest like Arnold's like no you can't you know Arnold is Arnold so Arthur Jones pointed that out is like you know your potential of a muscle to grow is limited by the length of the muscle belly because it can never be wider than it is long as it would have function so if you've got long muscle bellies you have the potential to build more muscle mass and Sergio Olivia had uniformly long muscle bellies on like everywhere in his body it's probably the most genetically gifted who what would you see what his older ever he was the most genetically powered buying so yeah Wow that's a pretty powerful thing to say right yeah I mean rock Ronnie was very gifted but I would say sure Joe has probably had the best genetics and look what the guy looked like in the late sixties with what they had available and let me ask you this Phil Phil he speaks very highly of you and Phil he he sees you as more also scientist because he's also guy that went to school got his degree he got a degree in accounting and then decides to go into body but them because he was a genetic freak as well fair what he was doing in basketball I'm just curious your opinion last year when he went against he right and he gets a rodent and you know you look the picture here when the two went against each other there was a lot of controversy that's probably not the best picture because abs abs maybe fellas not fully flexing his abs did were you at mr. Olympia I wasn't there at all or now really I did follow it and there was a lot of criticism against Phil Heath previous to this for his stomach about his stomach yes Bally being protruding mm-hmm being distended so the judges were hearing this an Arnold made a big issue as well at his contest about why the guys got big bellies now so there was like a lash back almost against guys having distended bellies so you can see on this picture that still filled is having some trouble mm-hmm with his abdominal area I think had a hernia as well he did so on this pose I'd say he's losing on this pose just because it is an absinthe I posed and Sean's showing more separation well that's just one pose there's seven compulsory poses that that are scored so we'd have to look at all seven them - did you follow that over now really when it was taking place not really but I'm the opinion that Sean was kind of lucky because maybe Phil was not at his best and also he's being you know they were really analyzing his abdominal area to see how it was but you know Phil is clearly a better bodybuilder it doesn't have weak points sean has still his arms are quite weak his back is a bit weak sometimes I wonder you know in boxing you know one of the reasons I'm not a boxing fan i watch a good fight just watch a good high but it's not like what it used to be when you used to it was different for me when I watched before then I do today but you know sometimes boxing this whole political thing with boxing the judges oh I scored a scorecard this again triple G versus Canelo whatever you know this I don't know about at least in boxing and come on out you cannot be come on now there's no that's what I'm saying too bad right like Ruiz knocked out the heavyweight I don't know and it's no debates black I'm like what yeah so you know you look at this and you're seeing a guy like Phil who is maybe trying to go get us eight or nine right you know you dig the gift he's going after it and he's good for the brand maybe he's not the most light figure because he doesn't want to do what everybody tells him to do and some of the guys don't like him how much is politics involved in in mr. Olympia well I don't think it's possible to fix the contest because you'd have to set everyone in the room and you know pre planet but people are influenced by what's going on and what's being said and so on so I'm sure on this contest because there's so much backlash and criticism about Phil's distended stomach over the past two years I'm sure it was an issue that everybody was looking at right you know so it came more into focus and maybe that's what led him down and maybe that's why I lost the contest but again I'd have to see all the poses to have a really strong opinion I'd really I'd really be curious about your your thoughts on it because you know I asked around and a lot of people say Phil should have won it but they just kind of wanted to go a different direction to you know have maybe it was kind of sending a message that this we don't want this thing and him like yeah it looks bad it could be a you know a general feeling of that not I don't think it's possible to fix the contest I'll be you know if the conscience was fixed it would have come out by now somebody would have said something you know you you think you think any other brand can't compete with mr. Olympia brand very difficult I hear a rumor that there's another contest next year that I hear is well known yes I don't wanna say too much but what do you think about that we don't have to mention a name because we ya know but what do you think I think it's great okay it's great more competitions good in anything so for instance when Vince McMahon came along with the wbf or whatever it was the model and Federation and offered all these contracts out to the and give some big contracts you know 200 250 grand a year to guys we die had to step up their game up to that point Joe Weider was not really handing out big contracts well now he's got competition and they can handing out contracts so we don't then had to step up we there was a businessman if you get you did do something for free they get you to do it for free and that's what used to happen in the magazines all those guys didn't get paid back in the day they'd get maybe some ad space where they could sell their booklets or something like there and then you can make money so that's what Joey is to give them nothing true that's the form of payment from job yeah they give nothing man as little as possible right there's a businessman so you really love that you really think somebody can compete with the brand with mr. Olympia mr. Olympia I don't think they would want to I think they'd want to work in conjunction I don't think that can compete against like a normal class again but if somebody came along and started their own Federation and put up huge money yeah they could well why would somebody put up huge money unless they're gonna get a return the question is is you know the challenge has always been are people gonna pay to watch it you know I'm sure the national television and is is big studios gonna be okay with knowing that everybody's on g8 steroids is this a family tell you know that's always been a bit of a I don't think bodybuilding is like I never I was realistic I'm a thought in Bali one's gonna be mainstream like football or baseball or soccer or something like that it's too specialized and again we got that you know you got the controversy about the drugs not that bodybuilding is the only sport that is involved with that a lot of sports you know if cycling of course any many sports but everyone is obvious right because you look so different and you know got this guy huge muscles with veins everywhere I mean it looks it looks extraordinary to the average person so immediately they think oh that's drugs where you see a guy riding up mountains for hours that you don't think that because it looked like a regular guy skinny yeah Armstrong yeah well everybody else is doing the OPD yeah and he's one of many and he's p-ting in that marketplace who are you close to any mr. Olympia guys you got really close to where you have a friendship with I'm friends probably best friend I got the guys that I used to compete against he came towards the end is Chris Cormier he come to England - I put a kind of a challenge out to him because Chris is just like the biggest party guy and you don't mind me saying that he's the biggest party guy in bodybuilding everyone knows that right so Chris is partying as multiple girlfriends all this chaos going on and still he's doing very well so I said hey man you should come over to England train with me because you need to be like a boxer like Tyson going to the Catskills or something he like just put yourself in isolation away from all this nonsense man I mean it's always there if you want it right he's always a party or a girl or what I saw is there a man but switch it off put yourself into this 100% come to England I'll train you get you a plumber by the gym and you could win mr. Olympia he don't listen to me for about five or six years then he came out and they had some injuries and I'm like Chris that's not happening now man it's too late yesterday I read somewhere of 16 years ago the guy was inclined pressing six plates yeah you're as strong as a brawler a ridiculous amount of weight was pushing he came to train me you can still see the on YouTube because you come to train legs with me and he lost his lunch outside the gym well you have a reputation for that I'm yeah because I push people to where they haven't been before and he said himself it's like I'm like been in this game for so long I've trained with all the top people or top trainers I said I didn't know [ __ ] did you spend a lot of time with Mike in Rain Man sir or no not a lot of time I mean Mike was one of my heroes when I started physique I liked his physique was like powerful strong rugged but it was more about the a intellect and the the question in mind which I had and the the training methods of trainer systems which basically came from Arthur Jones and he just tweaked a little bit and I took that and tweaked it a little bit and someone introduced me to Mike when I went out to Venice and we were going to do a clothing brand together so you know we're getting close but Mike and Ray were like they had an interesting relationship they were always always fighting so it did the whole clothing plan we had an earth thing fell apart because those guys were always clashing and falling out with each other and so on so the whole the clothing thing didn't work out and Mike was most of the time very rational and stable but sometimes he wasn't he had problems with alcohol and feta means and stuff like that so I think he'll be back and forth with that so that's why we you know train with him a few times and kind of backed off after a bit when I saw that situation yeah I think he died in or one and and his brother died like a couple weeks there's some rap story yeah and I don't Mike passed away and Ray was shortly afterwards so I don't know how that happened yeah I think Ray was not was not super healthy anyway he was not he'll know he already had a heart attack mild heart attack and had some kidney problems I think it was on medication for that so I don't know what happened maybe he lost his brother and he decided he didn't want to live and I really don't know the guy you provide you couldn't live without pretty interesting when you think about yeah let me ask you you know you know how you're coming up and a lot of times I think it's 1957 when they ban marijuana I think that's the year when marijuana can a third is is it 3030 says the guy who yeah he was worried about linking it to Caucasians you know being without most of it was sponsored by alcohol companies and then you got the paper companies that didn't want to HAMP to be used they want to you know here's the trees and the forces yeah there's a lot of forces that were that were working against it but you know today fast forward till today only one person's ever been documented to die for marijuana right I mean I don't know I don't know I don't think there's one post 60 days ago there's that one person yeah I had these guys that were debating donors and I know this is because these guys were debating there was one person that a parent I know vaping right now is five but i thought everyone has one person and all these years has been documented and it's five million for alcohol it's a very big number for alcohol right but go to steroids you know you go to stairs and you think about the names these are just names I remember you got is it monster Andres Monson sooon hamid vanna's Issa Sonya Schmidt ahsoka P Anna of Salvati you know you got somebody named names you're looking at from you knowing what you know how much of it is linked to the actual usage of the drugs and how much of it is maybe they did things on the side that also caused that well here's the thing once once you you know because doctors used to say first of all steroids are very dangerous secondly they don't do anything for your athletic performance so well you're lying about the one thing because we know athletes know it's going to pre increase in performance solutely so you've probably lying about the other thing as well so i think as a matter of quantity and duration and individual genetics like some people can smoke cigarettes to let 80 90 years old and they're fine somebody else smoke cigarettes and have a heart attack in their forties so individuals and also once you you kind of lose your inhibitions about taking chemicals and drugs because there's a steroid and then there's the anti estrogen and then there's a something else and then then guys take you know maybe a painkiller and anti-inflammatory it just lose that fear and then I think some of the people that have had fatalities in bodybuilding um steroids may be a factor but I think there's other things involved as well Mohammed Ben Aziza died from diuretic use directives are very dangerous people use them to lose water to get you know try and get in shape better what you lose electrolytes as well you lose sodium potassium you can you know you know you can stop your heart if you're a sodium potassium is it's too imbalanced and that's what happened Ben Aziz or literally the whole body was cramping and the hearts of muscle and his his heart cramped might Maserati obviously using steroids but Mike used to eat five pounds of beef a day as well so that was probably more effective than the steroids or the combine of the two five pounds of beef oh yeah yeah I really need that kind of meeting are it mainly chicken and egg whites a little bit of beef now and then but now it you know we're starting to learn now that red meat and you know even super high protein all the time it's probably not that healthy for you so you got a combination of factors here all all going on and then some people using recreational drugs as well on top of all this is like you know it's abuse you could say and if anything outside a medical use could be abuse and there were maybe we're all abusing them but my approach was to use what I needed to use to get the benefit from it and where is that where is enough from where is too much so I pretty much figured that out so there was some stress on my body but it's like the way I look at it is like okay so maybe it's like smoking so I smoked for 10 years and then I stopped dude you know I make you know I'm making their comparison between taking steroids and smoking so 10 years of steroid use and then stopping and then following a different lifestyle that's what I'm doing now so I'll probably kind of maybe repairing some of the damage if body's got a very good ability to repair itself if you're given it the right environment in the right things so factors and what one point when I'm in the army I wish I had the picture to show it to you my barracks the entire wall was pictures of all of you every one of you yeah during that time yourself Cormier you know even Aaron Baker out on a few more about the all these guys on my wall I'm talking I didn't use a single inch some of it was women I had to have a woman as well because a sergeant angel teves was one there was another I think Monica Brian Monica Brian had all these pictures on the wall right and for me I'm gonna be mr. Olympia I made that decision at 16 years old I think I want to make a run at this right and then I got out and I started spending time with these guys and I actually went and looked at analytics at 18 years old 19 as I started looking I'm like you know what you're 6 4 ok your calves are skinnier than your forearms are ok you you're your legs okay these days guys don't seem to have an income I agree with that maybe it works today but we were pretty stacked it came down to that so I looked at the whole thing then logically I just said you know I don't know if I'm the right height to win today because you saw Kovacs 400 pounds jean-pierre Fuchs yeah you know he had this physique and there was some of these guys in that community the taller guys right you can see any guys at that time runner for a total guy to have very balanced proportions normally a taller guys got his legs are too long or something the promotions are better often and it doesn't look as impressive would post Arnold who's won that's six you know that's got nobody so what you're 511 I believe 511 I found myself Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman all about the same height so you you think the prime height is 510 511 maybe shy of 6 it looks like that yeah it looks like that you've got the stature you know you're not very small he got the stature you got to carry a lot of size and and fill out that frame and look very impressive whether taller guys somehow they lack something Lou Ferrigno came back in 92 and competed I think is six six or something like that he looked very good to look better than he did back in the 70s but today I couldn't it couldn't get in the top ten I think it was like 13 for something yeah it's it's a game for 511 based on based on what data tells me is this are you big math guy or you big data guy are you a big numbers guy I'm pretty good with numbers because I spent many years throwing numbers around in my head so I would sit down and if there was a food in front of me it was just a habit I would analyze how much calories I think of there how much carbs I'm surprised just like a process going on and I did it for years after I stopped competing I didn't want to do it it was annoying me that I would do that I'll just shut up man just eat your dinner you don't need to know that anymore but it's still clicking away you know it was a habit so I'm always playing around with numbers so I'm pretty good at working on percentages and numbers and stuff did you ever say like you know I think I can go be a hedge fund manager or goobie is that never like that I've never pulled you into going to because it's not interesting for me yeah there's not passion so yeah even mine it doesn't really interest me that much as long as I got enough to do what I need to do it's like it's not a really huge driving factor for me would you consider yourself a masochist I know this is a strange question let me be simplify I may be somebody that enjoys pain like you know the way you explain pain and suffering is like you know maybe this guy like you would say I used to sit there was uncomfortable and I would sit down but I'm like man I'm so glad I am because that just means I gave everything yeah did you enjoy pain like it was it's I'm not a guy that wants to be tied to a wall and whipped in a dungeon or something like that and there's not pain in itself I don't enjoy I enjoy the ability to master the pain and to be above it and to be able to go through it with my determination because your impulses are telling you to stop it's hurting why would you carry on just stop man but know there's a goal at the end that I want to get to so in order to achieve that goal I'm willing to go through the pain and I will go through the pain and I will take pride in the fact that I was able to do that it's like mastery over one's self you know mastery over your instincts that wants to be comfortable all the time and doesn't want to go through that but nothing that's really of value comes without some kind of pain or some sacrifice I don't think did you have a formula for a handling pain I know you said some things right now was pride behind the bow zero formula for I'd focus on the goal yeah focus on the goal of the goal of that particular workout of that exercise which is all a microt of the macro which is at the end of the year you're going to compete that's the ultimate goal for but breaking that down and so I would have the goal in mind before I went to the gym so I'll sit down and were to analyze last week's workout so maybe I am data analyzing in my primitive way I've got my book there and I've written down last week's workout so I did eight reps last week with this weight I got to do nine this week I got to put five pounds on the bar or you know I got this so I've got a definite goal when I go in the gym that I've got to do and I've got a portion I got to get through I'm gonna get to that and if I gotta go through pain to get there so be it I'll go through the pain does that mindset bleed into every aspect of your life or was it mainly one-dimensional anything physical I'll fall into that zone even now if I do it you know guy I'm riding my bike in the mountains in Spain but I still catch myself time and myself and seeing if it was better last week to voice is like when it's getting really difficult now before I just had one voice now I got to I got the one which I made a video one time put on my Instagram was like coming up this [ __ ] mountain and I just got off a plane I feel tired and it's really tough and I got this one [ __ ] here on my shoulder and the puss is telling me listen man you [ __ ] did all this [ __ ] before you 1/6 mr. Olympus and if you're tired you don't need to go up that mountain today you can go you can stop man you can go back down and another one got a [ __ ] lion here is no [ __ ] that [ __ ] don't listen you've got to do it man you started now you're kind of stuck you've got to finish it you got to do it so try to listen to the lion like 95% of the time if I'm doing something that requires that like if it's physical I'll drop into that mode but if it's something you know something else I'm being social or whatever I can be very relaxed a couple thoughts here before we wrap up TRT you know you're hearing a lot of people right now I run a company and I got a lot of friends we got all these agents nationwide doctor recommended I should get on TR TM 45 doctor recommend actually considered them some T RT M 50 and then they're combined combining you with some more you know some of the other not in the service th but some peptides have combined this what are your thoughts on that with trt I think if you are if you get a blood test and your free testosterone is below the the normal range then getting TRT will be a super positive thing for you and for your health I spoke to some doctor in England who is quite enlightened and if anyone's interested as a book as well called the ageless man mm-hmm ageless man II used to be only in French but now they've published it in English and it's a doctor over you know decades has been treating patients so basically like their age-related diseases that we get as we get older depression diabetes arthritis increased body fat losing muscle mass all these things can be reversed by just simply putting a testosterone back we're in an optimal range let's say so your health and your quality of life will be much better so I'm a big supporter of yeah if you don't need it if your testosterone is normal don't screw with it you don't need it yeah but if you're below the normal range you're going to be healthier happier person if you put it back in in the normal range that's for sure probably your wife is as well absolutely highlight yeah my wife's younger than me so you know you have to keep yeah yeah and she's a professional competitor he's an absolute that's just from Brazil and she's from Brazil home yeah yeah you win in every aspect without that you did good with that one last last thing here is some of the things you talk about which is which is very interesting when you start dropping comments on 911 and what happened there and who did this and who did dinner you're from you count oh you're living in Spain right now what are your thoughts about Boris Johnson brexit how are you seeing that well the brexit thing I'm in favor of that right why because I'm against globalization and the centralization of power and that's what they were trying to do to make Europe into one super state like the United States but it's not here you have a common language a common culture in Europe we have different languages different cultures and also UK is an island we're separated from the continent so we feel like we're not really European we're we're British so for those reasons I was in favor of the brexit when people voted to go out so they [ __ ] voted to go out get it get it fixed man but there's forces and people that don't want to do that and they're like maybe we should have a second vote after we've caused you a lot of fear and inconvenience maybe you want to reconsider your vote like almost it's like that so it may cause me some inconvenience because I live in Spain it may not I'm not really sure I don't think so because I'm resident there anyway and there's an agreement between UK and Spain that Spanish people residing in the UK of carrion and vice versa so I don't think person that would affect me but for the reason I'm against globalization so I'm for brexit but what they're doing now screwing around I really don't know I'm not keeping track of it but people voted to get out so let's get out you think Boris Johnson is the right guy to help make that happen I don't know man I'm not big fan of politicians I think they're all clowns and they're all puppets they usually get in their strings pulled from from somewhere else all around now just go around everywhere everywhere now and if they can't pull your strings look what happened here in Dallas now if you don't play the game that's what can happen so yeah I'm not big believer in like it's a game man I'm happy you know happy with this guy you're not happy with the the brown guy wow I got a totally different guy now yeah but what really changes is some superficial things but deep levels I don't know if it's going to change that much hopefully it will hopefully it well when you see Dallas you're talking about 1960 yeah okay I'm a John F Kennedy this is what your okay so I brought Jim Jenkins Jim Jenkins I brought him as a guest and we launched the interview on the day of the anniversary of John F Kennedy getting assassinated and Jim Jenkins was one of the four guys who was in the autopsy holding his brain however he got shot and he says I looked at the brain somebody worked on the brain before I came to us somebody had done some work to it so how is what kind of work meaning somebody had done some incision somebody had all the took some samples of some yes way before we looked at it and the brain was supposed to be the body was supposed to be in a complete different casket but they took it and they brought it earlier where Jackie is riding in the car thinking the body's in the back and it's not it was in a complete different car and his suspicion was anyway this is another conspiracy his suspicion was that you know maybe lyndon b johnson was behind the whole thing because he wasn't too happy about the amount of attention john f kennedy was getting so we took him that day and he gave us a tour the whole spot like he was explaining this run he hadn't been there since years ago for him it was a difficult time to get that we took his wife that we had the whole video with it's very interesting first week the interview got you know nearly first three days the day came out got 600,000 views and then all of a sudden the video was taken down in a flat well that's uh there's a sign right there yeah it was interesting as I shut you up you're onto something I was I was very curious what happened with that interview but it got some attention last one here before we wrap up I'm gonna do speed round I'll give you a name you tell me what's the first thing that comes to your mind okay very simple first one Mike Mansur yeah Mike was a independent thinker a rebel and big inspiration for me Joe Weider Joe Weider is a noun a businessman but he also had almost like a childlike love for bodybuilding interesting interesting Arnold Arnold I don't know that well we did clash in the magazine where he criticized me and I responded to him and interestingly enough after that Arnold came to me at the Arnold you had the big Expo there so normally Arnold will go to the big the big sponsors their sponsor the show and do you know photo : their booth so twice I was there with a little I had a little booth and we were you know promoting the nutrition of stuff and Arnold came over two times to say hello and shake hands and take pictures and everything so maybe there's some regard and respect there that because normally nobody stands up to Arnold but I I just believe and treat everybody is equal so I don't care if you're president in the United States or you're the guy that cleans the toilets I treat everybody the same so I don't kiss anybody's ass or I don't look down on anybody I treat everybody the same so that's my policy so yeah Arnold is like let's be straight without Arnold that probably wouldn't be the body bowling that there is now so some aspects of Arnold maybe I don't like but that that is a fact Arnold has promoted bodybuilding more than any other individual pumping iron through the movies and through his visibility and so on so interesting how somebody natural somebody I'm curious yeah and I saw some battle II never really got on that well with him really no I never did I found him to be what's the word I mean when we say two-faced your face is kind of guy that would be smiling in your face and stab you in the back I'm sorry to talk bad about somebody that that's passed on ins not here but that's just how I find the guy and probably the guy that came closest to beating me also in 1997 I was definitely not at my best I had the tricep injury going into that contest and NASA was very good so it was a very close contest some people think she should have won it didn't happen I won but was definitely the closest one of all my competitions was there anything that happened that caused you to think this is some way about him or no observations or purely observations but nothing that happened no just I observe them even observed people have they treat other people fair enough because if you have some status everybody treats you nice and everyone treats me nice because I'm Dorian I'm mr. Olympia but how do you treat the guy that's the waiter or how did you treat this guy that you say is your friend and you know I kind of observed people Kevin LeBron Kevin is one of my rivals from the 90s and one of the guys that I get on very well with interesting interesting guy very very talented could have been better than it was because many years he took like six months off and played in a rock band and didn't even lift the weight and lost like 40 50 pounds then I put it back all on again so if you didn't do that he potentially could have been better but he chose to do what he did Tom plants Tom flats was like is an icon and I love Tom plants for his passion his passion for the sport his passion for training is like I would rather die then not give 100% in the gym I mean he's even probably maybe more intense than I am and you know he was very popular in England he spent a lot of time in England coming over there and doing guest posing and seminars so he was a big inspiration and a big personality as well he'd never won a mr. Olympia but he made his mark by being himself and having this best legs we're never seen legs like that before afterwards Lee liberado leader Barada not somebody that I really jive with you know I don't know why I think is a bit I think we used to be an engineer or something I find a little bit a little bit cold and just know not a big deal like no friction nothing but I just didn't really get on with him that much wisdom Churchill Winston Churchill well yeah I think if if facts were known he wouldn't be the hero that is portrayed to be you know they say the winners write history and I think that's definitely the case there there's a badass murderer [ __ ] man that's what he was is that good or bad that thing's pretty bad I'm you know I hate war I hate violence I hate oppression and Winston Churchill was involved in some bad [ __ ] so even though he was held up for to be the hero of the British people because it was a was a prime minister and he made these oppressive speeches and this Bulldog spirit never give up and everything like that so maybe being British people expect me to put him on a pedestal but if you see what I was involved with and things around the world then it's not a hero of mine how about Chamberlain I really don't know too much about him you got it I know he was a as a Prime Minister before the war and he went to speak without elf Hitler and so on and that's all mine I don't know too much about him lou ferrigno lou ferrigno is somebody I got on quite well with I think also because he was married so you know me and my wife we actually been to his house and he showed me his gym there that he used to train people in and told me the story about Michael Jackson is to come there I'm not quite what Michael Jackson was doing that weight training but apparently was at some point used to come at four or five in the morning his Lamone trained him in the gym there so I got on well with the with Lou Ferrigno as I say it was a family man so we spent a bit of time together and of course he transcended bodybuilding as well going into you know Pollock doing the whole kind of Hollywood and so on so that again brings some more visibility to the sport I think so he did a good job there what was your experience with Mike Tyson something happen with you and Mike Tyson I believe I've met Mike a couple of times we've got a mutual friend a guy from from UK called Joe Egan and Joe is Irish and apparently I used to spar with Tyson and they became very good friends and Tyson could never put him on the floor he never went on the floor and Mike Tyson said you're the toughest white guy in a world yeah so I think Joe got a book out now like the toughest wife in a world so with you know a mutual friend and then I met Tyson in Vegas and hello Mike you know Doria no no Joe and everything it's like he looks at me like Dorian Dorian her Dorian who said I'm Dorian Yates he's like man you're a badass [ __ ] that's like okay whatever you say and actually I was we were planning to do a podcast together last week in LA but we couldn't get the the schedule he's got apotheosis yeah he's got a podcast called hotboxing where you basically chat and smoke weed which will be like lovely to do that with my tyson so we're going to do that next time I'm in LA and of course Mike is there now in a cannabis business so we have that in common as well I'd love to sit down and speak to him I think it'd be fascinating I think it's gonna be fascinating for the viewer just just for you yeah to watch you see how that's gonna take place with the two of you Dorian final thoughts here I know you were talking about your a nutrition company is the website obviously we'll put all the information yeah bottom there and I know it's not yet for us but everywhere outside of us people yeah order do you wanna strain calm and we do have the most of our requests demand is coming from the US so we've done very well in Europe and the Middle East and now we're already put in plans in place to to manufacture in the US and sell in the US so maybe more hair again next year I think yeah well we'll put the link for anybody that wants to find out about what you're doing there and again it for me to go from us meeting twenty years ago to now stating that having a conversation together it's really really interesting to me but I appreciate you flying out and coming to visit thanks I really enjoyed it it's been great express thank you so if you enjoyed this interview with Dorian Yates which for me was fascinating I got two other videos I want you to watch one is my last sit-down with Phil Heath seven times strolling here this is very interesting on the things we talk about with competition and the other video I want you to watch is ten reasons why those who exercise make more money and once you watch these two videos please make sure to subscribe as well take everybody bye-bye you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 1,832,432
Rating: 4.8842001 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, valuetainment, patrick bet david, dorian yates, dorian yates bodybuilder, dorian yates body, dorian yates training, body building, body builders, best body builders, mr olympia
Id: Svs5bxcdZ_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 26sec (7346 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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