2019 Mr Olympia Brandon Curry Opens Up

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why was he so offended by durian he really was yes and he responds to the durian like this yes shows he's still competitive oh man not only you have to beat yourself and you have to beat everyone when you look at these two what do you know that it's from the 90s to today it's just a completely different animal when you shut a competitive you infill do you see a lot of commonality with them as well in the middle of conversation he disappears you thought phil was a shy guy yes then I got a crazy question for you who did you think in 18 should have won the stolen beer I won't say that exactly you're away from your wife with three years for $400,000 I don't think so we know it's about making money it's a business will they trust you just a question they say you know you go to Kuwait coz Kuwait has the best drugs you hear that all the time that's not really true would you like to see a full lineup next year 2020 of build ties Romney even Roden everybody to be there I know I'm dangerous no matter who comes back do you think you can beat these guys [Music] so today I have a special guest obviously about a month ago I interviewed Dorian Yates and after we interview Dorian Yates Dorian made some comments and we were going back and forth but I said look if we got to do it this way we have to figure out a way to get the current mr. Olympia 2019 meaning the most latest champion who also want Arnold Classic 2019 and he's got an incredible insight on what's happening today in mr. Olympia obviously with the training that he hasn't Kuwait and what he did with oxygen and all these that we a lot of things to cover here today but it's my distinct pleasure to introduce to you the 2019 mr. Olympia Brandon Currie Brenda thanks for coming on it's a pleasure man a pleasure to be here definitely it's good to have you here and one of the things I got to tell you just had a birthday your October 19 yes yes so you're 37 7 now sir and I'm October 18th so we're a day apart so I turned 41 you turn 37 we'll have our lady - yeah we're somehow someway connected but based on our month were boy they were born exactly and you know extreme studies have been done to prove that October babies are the best human beings in the world I don't know if they would agree with that or not well I've never read no studies but I can agree with its it's I've never read them as well but I would like to believe they exist okay so let's get right into it you know a couple things when I look at your personality and I see how you are and you know you go a little bit into your story and you're watching yourself and some of the transitions you've made from who you were to where you are today you you you seem more reserved than a lot of the competitors out there you kind of think to yourself you kind of seem quiet you kind of seem the guy that's even a possible introvert would you categorize yourself as somebody that is an introvert or no I'm not a completely introvert but I can play one very well which one are you more than oh let's see what kind of be like like if I weigh I typically weigh my scene weigh the scene out and that kind of dictates what I wear I go as far as being introverted or extroverted the more comfortable I am with people the more accelerated of course I become but this decision situation is it's pretty much dictates but I like to observe them watch like the people watch a lot so that's probably what keeps me you know quiet because I'm thinking to myself of analyzing things so you're observant exactly God okay so if we were in high school together who was Brendan curry we were high school high school Brandon Currie was the probably let's see I the cool guy that you know was pretty much friends with everybody no matter what side of the tracks they may have been from all groups of people I was a pretty good athlete I really wanted to want to ascribe to be a great athlete and I was I like to be a leader in that in that sense as well so on the field I was you know I was very very vocal aggressive or you were and I and I like to set the stage you know as far as with the example more than anything because I believe that you know you know people feed off your energy and that's one of the things I loved about the weight room as well in high school back in the weight room it's not the guys weren't serious about training but I was serious about training and that seriousness made other other guys in the gym serious about training and I kind of changed that dynamic of the weight room as well as the team dynamic as well so you know it's for me in high school I was a good student as well because my parents required it that of me but school was easy for me as well so it wasn't school was easy yeah it was easy it was easy for me my dad told me the other day he said I never seen burn his study for anything and it was telling talking to someone else and I'm thinking myself yeah I didn't I didn't know I didn't study a lot my mom was always on me about applying myself because she said I didn't you know I didn't do over the over the expected you know I just did enough to be got it to be you know cool with it and I stress over it so and I always worked good under pressure as well a lot of my best projects a lot of my best work was you know kind of that last minute you know putting it all together grinding so were you were you the eighth lead was there an element of you where you were hung out with the tough guys the bad guys the athletes the 4.0 GPA s or we the one that pretty much got along with everybody I got a nice I got along with shooting everybody I can see that I can see that and and what was your favorite subject in high school you know one of the favorite subjects I think was geometry on the tree yeah it's geometry everybody hated my geometry teacher but she was an older Italian lady I mean everybody hated her upset me and I actually I don't know why I liked her but I liked their class and geometry was something no I was I just kind of picked up naturally you know I was kind of good and she liked me for it and my wife was also in her class was also a class favorite of hers back in the day as well so so your wife was also in the class with them well yeah in a different class and I was but in the same class as the same teacher and geometry told me did you like the theorems the cpctc what what stop just maybe maybe I'm just more visual I guess that was one of my it's like proven like theorems and going through them and what's given or what's not I don't know why I don't know why connected to me that that much but I just remember that being a standout subject I was I was in a business program at the school I think was called MBA or whatever was called and I was also pretty good at accounting but I had no interest in it accounting classes as well so my teacher was always encouraging me he should do this you should do that you should do that but I just I couldn't I didn't have an interest in seeing myself in that environment as an accountable being on day to day so even though I picked up on it really well mmm it just wasn't something I was interested if I was your best friend who did I say brain is gonna grow up to be XYZ was there something that people said bran is gonna grow up to be this or was it unknown well in high school my wife told me I should grow up to be a bodybuilder she said that in high school oh yeah so after she saw she saw me I turn a back flip oh I think we're an opulent hotel doing the Christmas lights lighting and I turned a back flip somewhere and she saw my shirt go over my head and he lifts up and she looked at me you should be a bodybuilder when you go of course at the time I looked at her and I said I don't know be on stage in a speedo and have all all over me you know I had no interest but I think it was a year later that I'd actually that competed my first bodybuilding contest and I went overall when middleweight guy with no plans well yeah with no real plans I mean I prepare for that show generally four weeks out I only did it because a personal trainer was he kept bugging me about it he kept asked me that I want to compete you know you should compete compete and and I was just like no no I don't want to but I got to thinking about it I guess one night after you asked me I said I'm in the gym or not playing college football anymore I might as well do some of my time you know it's maybe something I can you know I could have some motivation to come in here and push harder mm-hmm so he gave me my diet showed me how to pose and before you know what I was onstage not worried about my opposing trunks but just trying to figure out how to present myself the best I could on stage and I was like I said I wasn't a novice to the middle weight and overall class and that just hooked me is that this one or this is a different one this is hmm that was that one this was the one this was the first one yeah that was that one yeah it was like 19 there's 19 years old when you want it now what do you think about when you see this yourself now you know I saved few occur man I my perception of myself was was much greater than it would be today like I had superior confidence in myself like I was I thought it was way more than I was I even have forms back in the day that would attest to that place you were very confident here it's very comfortable really very good Oh were you generally a pretty confident guy uh I think I think I was generally confident in most in most areas like but I was also you know Dillon high school you also worried about how people would look at you that allows you of course being growing up but I think generally in most of most of my cases I was very very confident specially if if it was something that I knew I could grassed or excel it was mom and dad very much about affirmations to you Brenda you can do anything you want to do when you were they tough was it constantly feeding positivity into you I think my dad was more of a perfectionist and he didn't encourage me to be my best and pursue but he never directed me in any way fashion he just kind of let me do as I chose and he worked all the time so he worked very very hard and and I saw my dad as a very very talented person with a lot of abilities very good people person people skills a good leader good at management but I think he kind of sold himself short with what he pursued he I was working for the body mmm and I felt like he was the type of person that could really really excel and you know a lot of people like my dad will follow my dad anywhere he could excel on his own he didn't need to be some some company man and my mom she was a stay-at-home mom most of my life and I say she was hard on me but she probably needed to be because I was a very very hyperactive child yeah you were high price yeah very hyperactive shot will you ever shy were you ever perceived as being shy or no I don't think I was ever perceived as being shy from the stories out here I don't think I was ever seen I like like I ready to my party had a birthday party recently and one of the guys I remember back as a childhood is his name was Kent Kent white he worked with my dad first big guy I ever really seen in public and these stories I remember because my dad tells me all the time but he's like he comes up to me and I see him I go hey you know I called Willie for whatever reason he called you will come here on him what I called him with Conner and this is like you know one of the most muscular guys I've ever seen he showed me some pictures of him he's still powerless into this day and is you know in a minute Masterson his incredible but his first big guy scene and I'm just thinking I seen this big guy first thing I called him out of his name I don't know and I must have been an interesting show they diagnosed me with they didn't have a TD but hyperactivity they wanted to medicate me as kid my parents didn't agree with that they just felt I should be more active so they got me in to gymnastics as a kid so the kind of my energy levels because apparently my mom tells me I have three son she said I was all three of them it's payback you know I was all through it and you know I was just I don't know like I was I was high energy always happen to do some outside all the time you know I was I was a very very active kid I had two sisters younger sisters and I could only play with him so much before I was in trouble so I learned to separate myself because my games that we play did not organize would always end up being some kind of traumatic crying emotional very creative if your brain a very like do you go creative imagination like you're like Marvel do you like you know certain movies that it's all about creativity I think I'm more create I'm more probably more creative internally then actually I don't I don't necessarily embrace Marvel I'm not a comic book guy I admire those things but I don't really embrace those things but when it came to like creating activities during dead times or games you know I would always be able to be able to entertain myself and and and entertain others entertain themselves they would say I cheat a lot they said I would always change the rules and I see my sons now when my sons is marvelous and he playing with his little brother he does that too and I think my oldest son Maximus I can catch him doing it too so I can I can see where that you know during these games you kind of played the rule to get the event the advantage that uh you can't over whoever you planned which was the one that's got the physique that took the phone away made that video cuz he's his back is legit marvelous is the middle my middle son and and he's the most into the body booting well I say he's the one that started to be the most into the bar now my oldest son and my younger son are kind of they kind of zoned into it a little bit more than they were but he was the one we could find Polaroid's his sister got a camera for one of her birthday's and we got Polaroids we found in the house this guy he's maybe three years old maybe him and his brother and he's gained his brother his two-year-old brother or whatever they take pictures of them and they're posing and we got these little Polaroids and I still got his day because they're so cute crazy yeah so he's always been like that you know he's always been the one opposed of course his little brother he's followed him and posing with him but he's the one and he's the one that he wanted to I went to Dexter Jackson so he wanted to pose on stage you know I wasn't there to guess pose I was just there to make an appearance say hi he's like he wanted to be on stage and he's so serious about it after we got off he looked at me he said dad you think I want and I said son that wasn't a competition exhibition nobody won so that's a sign of admiration towards their father by the way I mean they're looking at you saying you know I want to be like daddy when I grow up you know it's it's not when you see that the kid has really got a lot of spective respect for their pops now in high school just out of curiosity what was your GPA in high school I was pretty close to probably 3.7 3.9 I pretty close to 4.0 3.7 3.9 close pretty close pretty close to that I'm a very good grace rarely did I make a seee or anything like that so if you didn't go to bodybuilding rod and there was no interest there who would who would have Brandon Currie be today at 37 be interesting and it had to be something I was being very interested in passionate about my mom my mom is the other day she said I could have been an engineer you know she said you know I could have been an architect you know she says all these things but you know I'm one of those persons people that if I don't have purpose in something it's not gonna it's not gonna drive me you know I like to be I like to pursue something that I know or I feel that you know is my niche to pursue and then I go after it but if it's if it's not the case then I'm I'm not that I may not be that interested makes sense in the personality category if you look at there's the extremely organized folks who you go into the closet black black black grey grey grey white white blue blue purple purple everything's organized socks shoes that's the organized folks obsessive everything's very like they know everything's at clean crystal clean the teeth is very technical analytical numbers detailed data I'm missing this part in the triceps this is not strong I got a I won't see it with my eyeball you'll notice yeah we're off over here we got to cut this part up we got to get them days out the diet proper everything's detailed the action is the super-competitive comes into a room steals the show everybody knows he entered the room she enter the room is the a and then he had the relationship which is all about hey man I love you friendship bonding harmony all of that stuff where would you put your lead I was trying to relate to one of those but I don't know if I can I'm not very obsessive-compulsive but when I do organize even though it's a mess I know where everything is it's like me being gone along timing training come back home I put everything where I know it's all come home and I come home and I'm not home in my own home because my wife and my kids are moving everything around and I haven't been there at habit to put it where I normally would but it's not necessarily like this conscious organizational thing for me it's just placements I plan may be playing something to be something worth somewhere convenient when I needed it at all times so maybe that's I don't know if that's a special composure but that's how I organize I don't have to be the guy when I walk into a room that you know everybody has to know I'm in there I kind of I kind of like to not be seen more or less a lot of people like my wife walks with me and she's like you know look at this person looking at you look at this person looking at you and I'm like man I must be like a horse with blinders on because I don't I don't really notice people analyzing me now I may analyze people but I don't notice always people analyzing me in a room and I'm not really on the number type person either you know exacts and I don't analyze my physique with with like the OCD scrutiny as well I know where I'm where I'm lacking I know where I can prove but I'm not the person that is looking in the mirror every day like I have people that that messaged me and asked for advice and I'm like these guys drive them so crazy because they'll send me pictures and and and they're always obsessing over this and this little thing and how's this how's this I mean you take this stuff way more seriously than you should is it's like you wasting time with stretching over everything when you could be you don't need to I mean it's not your job it's just your hobby you know so I look at those guys and those guys interested me too so I don't know where I fit to be honest I don't know where I fit you could tell me maybe yeah no I mean just from reading the the interviews and reading a lot about you and seeing what your wife says about you and where you're at you know I think your wife said something about the fact that I know my husband I know my his strength and I know where his areas of improvements are if he's home he has to drop off the kids in the morning he has to be at the practices he has to be around the family seems like family is very important yeah there's your relationship guys so you know maybe you're on the relationship side were somebody who takes a liking into you even a guy that recruited to go to Kuwait if if you know the person is has the good intentions for you and you trust them then you're willing to go out there and be loyal to them so maybe your first is our I don't know but I think there's an analytical side as well you know are you and Phil do you see a lot of commonality with him as well personnel because he's also the 3.7 GPA but he went to Colorado State he was gonna be an accountant that's the direction he was going in seems like both you guys are you know he was an athlete he went basketball I think you went football there's some similarities as well in your personalities there there's some similarities but I only notice the differences I've met Phil before field was the big field eath I remember flipping through magazines in 2006 if we see magazine of course and just now getting into bodybuilding I'm seeing this Phil Heath guy and he's got this great physique and of course he's young and everybody's talking about him I'm looking at him I'm thinking wow timing this guy is coming out right before me goodness gracious and not only that but I had a form name or an emo name that I made probably maybe the year before it's called Brennan's gifted and they start calling the gift and it was like this gracious Annie took something that I nicknamed you know you know I was like man he took that too so you know had a spotlight on it so I'm thinking man I'm making the whole time I'm thinking and I guess gotta catch up to this guy right so I get on the national level finally and and I'm seen and everybody takes notice one of the people to take notice was his coach Hani rembo awkward honey and of course I guess he saw the talent so I'm thinking now I'm working with lluís coach this is like man it's like not even a year ago looking at mag him in the magazines Hermione's physique and success so then I get to meet him and phil has a persona of course it's at a public a lot of people have opinions but I meet a shy guy you know you're shy guy I met a medicine guy you met a shy guy yeah you thought phil was a shy guy yes when I when I met him I met a shy guy better kind of like a shy shy guy I mean I understand that I damn o'clock people similar day but when I met Phil I'm I think I'm gonna fail first in Hawaii and I was my wife now I was out there to help her for contest he was guest posing at the event it was me Bob Carell Sean right there they introduced me in Phillies and we're standing there and I'm like hey let's feel Etha that's cool you know but in the middle of conversation he disappears where did he go where did he go it's like he was kind of come aside and then of course when you perform his guest pose and everything came posed by me and you know did his thing he's performing but then I got an opportunity to you know Sam well several occasion he's always seemed like he was a little bit shot at me I don't know why and then in my room at the Nationals when I work with honey he came in my room he's preparing for his pro debut the biggest he'd ever been like Bing is he'd ever been he was like to sample my scone the room is 270 and times like taking your shirt off take your shirt off so what you got he's like no no I can't take my shirt off in front this guy I know I'm getting ready for contest but I'm not into that nothing like that so I always precede him as this is this shy guy you know and that I was kind of kind you know we always had camaraderie and friendly and I respect him you know a lot I mean he I respect him a lot I understand the struggle what it must be like to be the first social media Olympia champion that I mean that's a lot of learning uh yet you have to do trial and error because nobody had ever done it and of course he made some mistakes and you know people criticized him for it but I can't say that wouldn't ever be me any better I've learned I've learned from him what not to do you know in a sense but so you know I respect the guy a lot but I've always felt like I've been chasing him and even to this day you know I'm the champion but I go record I still want to compete head-to-head against them or you do want to compete at it again I do like you know I do so I mean I've always wanted to but I wanted to be ready and thinking about it last year thinking he was gonna be in Olympia this year I was trying to get him to just tell me he was gonna be in Olympia at the Arnold is that what he just put me on fire for the Olympia but it didn't really happen so he recently showed his abdominals and I got one on record has said it feels shows us abdominals and he's didn't I'll take him seriously about potentially competing so now I'm processing this and I see up show us abdominals thinking maybe you heard me and I'm like okay so now prepare myself to compete in his field because he comes to the stage or not but for me it's a good thing it's a good thing he did show up or didn't show up no it's a good thing that he showed us his midsection because now I'm in the mindset that he's competing you know he's planning to compete and preferably against me so give me 20 20 yeah exactly so that's a that's a good thing for me so who else would you like to see being it because you know and I like the approach you took and what you said because you know how sometimes are you basketball guy or sports guy uh you know what since I stopped playing college football I'm not really a sports guy oh really yeah zero so just go again yes why I don't know if you remember when the Rockets won the two championships do you mean Wanda Rockets one of the two championships yeah the wrong was in two years when Co when Jordan was gone he was retired he stepped away from the game and Barkley Ewing you know Malone Stockton allows you on all these guys are like let's go get a couple right now and it was a dogfight Reggie Miller everybody wanted to get the rink as mike is out right right so those two years allows your own picks up two of them Houston Rockets right and then Jordan comes back the next year and then it's he wins three more in a row what you just said if I'm reading into it cuz you know you know in in the in the in the boxing world sometimes you got Mayweather would get heat because he never faced off against Pacquiao is prime and he would you know you're saying you want to you want to go up against these guys to see if you got the goodies to compete against them is that is that what you're saying exactly I respect Phil and I think he's got a crazy physique and it's nothing and I wanted to see more than to be compared to him in real life in real time you know all stage you know bringing bringing bringing my best and I know if anybody's capable of helping me bring a better or best it'd be feel because I looked up to him from all this this point it's like me chasing Dexter Jackson finally chased down Dexter Jackson I was chasing them for years but you know now that I've beaten him it's like man it's crazy now I need something else to chase so yeah I guess I'm still hungry so are you are you are you kind of campaigning for these guys you know for you know would you like to see a full lineup next year 2020 or filled guys Romney you know all the big you know even Roden everybody to be there of course man of course of course I'd like to see it I think everybody like to see it I mean the bodybuilding community would like to see it I would like to see it as a fan of bodybuilding and as a and as a competitive person I'd like to see it then I got a crazy question for you I got a crazy political question for you so this is obviously this is 2018 right Rodan beads Phil he okay I was in Vegas when this happened and I spoke to Phil and I had a conversation for a couple hours together and we look at this and you read a lot of news afterwards in your sin well that was really Phil Phil should have won it how could Rodin win with no triceps he didn't have any triceps is it possible to him without triceps well maybe yes because there's been other people in the past that have won without biceps so what's the big deal who did you think in 18 should've won mr. Olympia Sean oh really you know why midsection not just mr. he went in mentally oh he wanted mentally yeah he did you elaborate he won imminently you could see it like I was there competitively you know Phil who was that uh I was watching Phil the whole time analyzing him and he was just trying to prove he had improved where people were criticizing his midsection and that's what that was really his focus we noticed that you know Phil's he came a little bit downsized from the year before and as things played out I just since phil was laboring and working way harder than he should have been interesting stage it was just like not the typical polished feel that I I don't know what he was struggling with but I've seen Dexter Jackson do that at the Arnold that year as well and but I seen feel doing it and he was just struggling and put my old poses everything and just you know really in presentation in that point you know Sean took advantage of that and kind of let's embarrass them you wouldn't be able to see that about pictures pictures don't tell you that story and somewhat the part where he stands up and he pauses and it was that one that's one of the major examples but it was it was happening during the whole the whole comparison rounds Phil laboring Phil getting into poses slow you know Sean just basically saw most days polished to him and so on that he mentally was was I guess ready for the title at that point yeah I know Sean has holes in his physiques but you know we are none of us are perfect but I think when it came to be him being judged and prepared to fill the judges saw that interactional stage they saw that dynamic and they saw feel kind of it's confidence fade and you can judge the champion on that it's all mental man what I'm saying is the judgment part yeah we'll just a judgement judgement part what's going on in your head I think can reflect Oh to what the judges see of you on stage I think it's just like that uh you know it's kind of that telepathic kind of communication that we we we know exists but we don't fully understand we you against competitors we you against the judges ever no guys the judges are my mirror if I'm on stage the judges are my mirror let me ask you when you're posing or you're looking at them where you're looking at the audience I'm doing a little bit of both closer you could be a surgeon you could be looking at the judges as well yeah I'm doing a little bit of blind why are you looking at the judge if I need if I need to understand what's going on onstage that I don't see I'm looking at the judges huh if I want the feedback if I wanted to know if I if I got the edge if I want to know you know a my favorite I'm looking at the judges they're telling me everything I need to know if if the judges are ignoring me which I've been on staging this happen before that's a bad sorry that's a bad sign if they're not into it if if I don't see them you know analyzing things properly if I'm not seeing any emotional expressions on anybody's face at any point in time when I feel like I'm giving something then that I may be a little worried do you feel that do you feel that on stage they're not even looking at you oh yeah you do feel them you know okay so for him he had the physique to win it so you're not saying he didn't have the physique to win it I think you know phil has a lot a lot of weapons a lot of weapons that that you would say with any weaknesses he have that would that would overshadow and this conditioning was good - it wasn't as he's in bad condition a lot of people say that but it's kind of like what I understood about Ronnie's ring you come in you have an issue they say okay we'll let you have that but listen you're gonna have to correct this if you want to win another title and I can't I feel like Phil was in the same predicament that's why he was so look he backstage like my midsection is good you know trying to confirm that with everybody media everybody looking but I don't think once he got on stage the opposing conditioning he was in his ability to control and hold it I don't think that told the proper story and that's what he was being criticized on he's becoming credit he's being judged against his self so what you are saying I just want to restate this is that his physique physique not meant you could tell Shawn was confident there's no question about it but his physique beat Rodin's physique I won't say I won't saying I won't say I won't say that exactly you won't say his physique being rodents won't say it exactly because because it's the body bone game was interred all your friends would roll you just principle okay your friends would filthy it as good as I'm sure our friends were both for these guys I'm done and so both of them know what you're talking about both it's a combination of thing because when body boo and they judge you against yourself so everybody's critical of me you know my first Olympia I win oh I'm not I'm not a hundred percent I'm not best condition I can be well that's a compliment to me because all I got to do is improve it for myself you know for next year and I'm gonna be more dangerous sure and say if I came in yeah you know this great champion in the beginning with was you know perf perfectionist you see it then where do I go from there and you know if I'm if I'm there already where do I go from there if I can win a title and I'm not there already then it makes me more dangerous then if I win a title and I'm so speak there already and I fall off if the desire matters yes of course if I feel you know if I'm if I'm not even I'd leave room to be to be beat because the body bone is almost about beating yourself as much as it is beating the competitors because not only do you have to when you witness the champion not only you have to beat yourself and you have to beat everyone yeah and it's this unsaid thing and bodybuilding that Shawn he beat his last appearance clearly he killed it because he plays fifth that you move yeah you're right near before Phil he didn't improve he didn't improve from the pretty neat to though it should be troughton because you know it's like it because the like think about it in the NBA or in sports where they would say well you know sometimes Michaels the same as he was last year because of that let's give the MVP to somebody else you know LeBrons the same as you was last year because of that let's give the MVP to somebody else but LeBrons still the same this year as last year still better than everybody else which means even if phil comes at the same level as he was last year it's still better than everybody else on this day he wasn't at the same well you don't you don't agree with that statement oh he wasn't at the same way okay so so so if that's the case now let's go to the next part Rodan this is for me i'm not in your world and i told us to fill and i told us to during the eight and and we got a lot of other mr. Olynyk folks that are coming on here i think i don't know where else we have scheduled i think Ronnie's coming Ronnie's coming so we got a few other that are coming soon for me I look at the brand from the outside I come from the 90s era when I followed by I was in the Army I had everybody's poster on the wall I know you and I said what kind of both come from the 90 side and I had a I remember when ronnie place I think 15 21 year and I'm like oh my gosh this guy's got a sick physique I mean this guy fee you know the next phase if he changes it he can definitely win the whole thing right now remember our sombody i remember paul de let you had all these guys that were there and it was hot it was competitive it was something we all bought muscle mag muscle media 2000 flex you know all those magazines you're in the world and in all of a sudden similar for me why I'm not turned on by boxing anymore is a similar thing that happened with with mr. Olympia and I'm gonna state this and as a current mr. Olympia I'm cursin are what you're gonna be saying I asked a similar question from Dorian in Phil as well is sometimes when politics gets involved in a sport it turns people off and it goes away from the love of the game to who really won this boxing match who wanted the de la hoya wanted or the other gal when I did the Canelo win it or triple G win it it may when I know what is going on over here right when you're looking at these fights what do you think about the decision the mr. Olympia brand made to tell Sean you cannot compete in 2019 even though it's in trial they don't know any the information yet do you think that's the right decision to make hmm for me from his perspective no business perspective well that's a hard one because you know as a business as a brand you know whatever happens with this you know it's gonna reflect on you at some point no you either deal with that situation ahead of time or you deal with it later it's one of the other so I think they just chose to deal with it ahead of time before anything was possibly out too you know cause you know they just wanted to kill it before it got started which I can understand for sure of course I think he should have got to the benefit of the doubt and they should have you know been impatient enough to allow him to go through you know the trial and that were not because until then he's innocent and everybody's been in evil mind and I know Italy and I just don't I just don't see him being guilty in my opinion I don't know all the details but just showed my personal opinion so you know as a business this is it's a different story I don't know I don't know how they made a decision but they moved swiftly and made it they said they consulted other industries they said they consulted other industries yeah well you know of course because obviously ball and you're Brown and you got some of these I get it okay they said they did that they say to you guys publicly well that's that's what the public I guess the public I don't know who who I don't know who said that I think it maybe it's Bob - corella or someone who's who made that statement maybe was in debt who made that statement yeah but that's what's the that was the consensus that they consulted other outside of themselves and that's the conclusion they came to which if that's what they did that's more of them whether it's just I agree with the decision or not that's what they probably shoulda did because Oh someone else alright to see if you know what what how they made a public statement whereas somebody else come out and said yeah here's who we contacted and here's what we consulted because you know and the reason why I'm asking this is the following reason are you a movie guy you do you watch movies you know I watch movies I don't have a movie movie memory ok so there was once a movie done with warrior was called warrior I want to say it had Tom Hardy in it it had Nick Nolte in it and I don't know if you know this movie where it's like the MMA fight and they're gonna guys gonna put 5 million dollars to see who's the baddest fighter out there right and it's in it's in Jersey I think it's an Atlantic City and the champions end up being the two brothers fighting for five million bucks that's a movie right ok what's this movie have to do with my question here's my question the champion today when you win they pay you what four hundred thousand dollars I think that's the number which is a salary of a president so you get paid the same salary as President Trump does is what they pay you 400,000 won for strolling beyond me I think it's underpaid okay I've been on the record multiple times saying they have to be the mr. Olympia brands got to do a couple things one of the things they got to do is I got to say listen our guys use PD steroids it's out there it's no longer the hush-hush and quite frankly what pot used to be back in the 90s or even back yeah back in the 90s smoking weed was like oh my god that guy's a drug addict that guys this that guys that look at today you know I'm not one that consumes it I'm not a fan of it I like to stay fresh and I don't want to have my mind being consumed but guess what as somebody that politically thinks are - each as his own you want to use it go for it if it affects your body great just don't affect my body and my family I think if mr. Olympia came out and said look our athletes use they choose here's what they're doing the second thing is the money if they don't make the price bigger the purse bigger for somebody like you agreeing to be away from your wife and kids for two years where you're not even seeing them but once you're going to Brazil you fly out to Nashville you see them for 24 hours you going out to Brazil and even though you were there you still found a way to take your kids to school because it matters to you you're away from your wife or your two years I mean professional athletes that do what they do they go home to their family maybe they're on the road trip for like seven days nine days you're missing out for two years to be in Kuwait maybe being able to prepare yourself to have your dream become a reality for $400,000 I don't think so this is my opinion I could be full of it people could say you have no idea what the hell you're talking about forget about it fine what happens if I'm sitting here saying you know what Brandon I got an idea here's what I'm doing I'm willing to fund mister whatever whatever we call it next year competing as mr. Olympia during the same weekend as mr. Olympia and to compete you have to agree you cannot compete in mr. Olympia is what we're saying except our purses want first place is million and a half second place is million bucks third place is $500,000 and it goes from there okay do you think that will create motivation for competitors to say holy moly look at the per seer maybe I want to go fight in a place like this to get the platform or do you think that wouldn't change anything with the competitor saying no I'm good also go to mr. Olympia it's a technical question it kind of Europe it depends on you know how how much the competitors have followed the history of bodybuilding I mean the IEP of course has been challenged by some powerful entities Vince McMahon was one of them and he did that he pulled some body builders away paid him more money slats some of those rats got to compete on on hit on his stage and you know and a lot of guys went I made a lot of money but it just didn't last didn't have the foundation that uh that IBB had so you know it was a scare first so it depends on whether those guys really are gonna believe it or they are they gonna be made to believe it if it's gonna be believable because I don't they know what is a believable it means these whoever is going to present this opportunity he's got to have all their Dougie's in life to ensure that he's you know these athletes are going to be secured and believed in what they say meaning the money the money saved up it's credible I'm talking say it's say it's the most credible source of money that you know is there let's just say it's 100% credible take the biggest celebrity today in the marketplace who's got the most followers and everybody respects and trust this person and they're in shape they want to put it together pick that person everyone knows it's legit right and that's the purse mmm does it change the game it does change the game cut it does change the game for them a lot of people I think it does but will they trust it is the question trust what the money or trust the opportunity will they become through enough to say okay I'm going to leave this security what I know and try something new that you know because we know it's about making money it's a business especially to put your body through you put your not only for us but whoever this surety of course right yeah so if this entity is not able to make the money that they want the return that they make off this investment that they put in then they're not no matter how much they love what they're gonna do they're not gonna continue to invest in it as a business person so we have to look at it from that end of the spectrum if they make the return on their investment they spending all this money yeah you have to be able to continue to do this in order to afford to continue and that's the question that Ashley's are gonna have to really ask so you know we just looked at an office space this morning it's a big office space beautiful office space obviously we we have nearly 30,000 square feet of office space here we have our employees that work here we have all the stuff that goes on over here we need a bigger office space 7:45 in the morning we went to look through this space two and a half times big as this we would either buy this entire building or you know be different structure that we put together so I go and I look through the offices I'm like wow that's a pretty sick office space modernized it was built in 99 rebuilt and customized in 2015 etc etc and the company that did it was a very well-known magazine company in 99 very okay now in 99 what do you want I do we buy magazines you go to the car magazine you go into a house make some bathroom magazines every we go there's mag we buy magazines and you and I both know what happened to print it's gone digital it's gone away we're no longer buying magazines like we once used to write okay so some of the companies that adapted their around competing those who are not you're getting killed crushed right okay I feel what happened to the printing business due to digital is happening to mr. Olympia brand because of social media okay some may agree some may not agree so it it tells me as a businessman entrepreneur investor at somebody that looks at everything would been investments this is a good investment for me make 10 years from now I feel what made mr. Olympia brand unique was a love of the game with the guy at the top okay there was a storyteller mmm there was a fascination he would look at you with the stories out what here's a oh my gosh Brandon look at you what you look like is absolutely incredible right they were fascinated by the physique Joe Weider you obviously who I'm talking about okay the the love of the car Ferrari for a guy like me to buy Ferraris is because of Enzo Enzo would sit there and watch Mickey loud or he would watch these guys race non-stop so when Ferrari went public a couple years ago and they started coming up with this California car $200,000 car some of the enthusiast says I don't know if Enzo would have done this I don't know if it's a direction they're going do you think the brand is losing a little bit of they'll love it again that Joe Weider had many many years ago when he started it or you think is just a different story today I think it has lost it a little bit when he when when that turnover happened but I think you know I think the industry has been able to pick up a little ground a little bit more ground since and I think that we should give these new promoters in these positions especially dan you know Dan is a big fan of the the leaders he's followed him he's made a movie that's my story that's important so he you know he understands he has a really love for this moment he wants to see it grow and I think he should be given the opportunity to you know he had this first year which it was a very successful year for the Olympia a lot of people didn't think it was gonna be a successful year for little people when we walked out and looked at that crowd on Saturday night we got offstage and that's every what everybody was talking about was well we won't talk about like man this place is packed out so we're very very impressed by what they were the production what they were produced with their first year so I think if we give these guys the opportunity to do even more which I know they're planning and they're organizing to this day now what we say there is doubt in the marketplace well you know there they are their own it and now planning for the next year hopefully yeah yeah they are yeah I know I know I know I know those guys are and in some of the guys he has on his team are quite tenacious in business as well I would like to give them the opportunity to actually see you know what they they're gonna be the produce what they're gonna be able to improve upon because they knew it's a new opportunity these guys they come in from a different place they have obviously our passion for the sport they want their desire to change things they know it needs to be changed and and I think there's a little pressure on them they do that as well mother come from other areas so I like to give these guys an opportunity to yeah to you know to do that before I you know before we talk about you know whether the Olympius is on this downward downward spiral like we've been talked about two years ago so so you know I I try to put myself in your shoes and their shoes as well right and and and you know there's these statistics there's one of them that just we pulled up I did a video on it 88% of Fortune 500 companies from 1950 are not around 88% are not around that's a crazy statistic why is it happened you don't innovate you get cocky you think gonna be around forever oh we're always gonna be this great I this is my opinion I think they mistreated Phil Heath I think there was a different approach to take with Phil Heath here's a guy that sets aside his desire to have kids and do all of that stuff and he goes and commits to his career to want to build it because he wants to be a nine-time you know irani being an eight-time he's trying to be a nine-time maybe the first time that's a ten-time guy to win and uh you know hey great here's what happens all the best hopefully you come back next year he's got one seven you know times you just kind of treat him as a regular mr. Olympia he wants seven times so he sacrifice the desire to have a kid you know what it is to have kids it's a lot of responsibility and sometimes your kids get sick you get sick that sets you back two weeks and you know what it is when you're hugging your kid and he drools on you you don't know how you got a flu you're feeling under the weather the next you trying to work out you don't feel the 400 percent strength that's a risk you're taking to have kids when you're bodybuilding okay then I see you and I see you become Australia and you're good citizen everyone likes you you're a class act everybody says nothing but good things about you as a human being you're great citizen too mr. Olympia if mr. Olympia is watching this which some tells me they're gonna be watching this okay if they are this would be my game if I'm them and you don't have to comment on this I'm just gonna say this and you can say agree disagree or say nothing you can do whatever you want to do with it say I'm somebody of influence and I have money and have influence you have the right contacts you say Pat I want to be your right-hand guy I tell you this is what you got to do you say Pat I'm willing to do it I said Brandon it's gonna take you five years to become who you want to be I don't want to be that no problem you go pay the price to be my right-hand guy it is my responsibility to do whatever I can to have your dreams become a reality so what does that mean you got my contacts my investors are your investors what deals you want to do let's do it together you want to start something go for it and you want to go do a cameo in a movie you want to be in a show you want to do this no my contacts are here I can get you you want to write a book I'll introduce you to Simon and Schuster you want to go out there and do this part I got my contacts will take care of you my attorneys my accountants are yours right I think mr. Olympia today has the following opportunity to come through and see what they can do for you if they come through and give you what you want whatever those things may be and turn you into a rock star in a marketplace to the limits that you willing to sacrifice where it doesn't affect your preparation for 2020 mr. Olympia I think then if I'm gonna mark your place and saying tank they take her there first place like that I want to be that I don't think they did that would fill you I think they just kind of had fill eat well okay we'll see again next year again we'll see an x-ray again we'll see you next year so that is my biggest concern because if I'm sitting there on a property that if somebody a company that somebody who builds it does it the right way they can sell it for six hundred million dollars but the way I'm running here right now I can only sell 450 million dollars I'm better off selling it to somebody for two hundred billion dollars and leaving it up to him to sell it for 600 million others the point I'm trying to make I would if I'm if I was a Mistral impe and I'm not willing to do the part to promote the hell out of it to get it to the next level maybe I'm going to bring the guy that's in the bodybuilding world and who loves exercising pick some of the guys in Hollywood whoever is at the top pick pick rock 100 some film some million followers selim 51% of mr. Olympia work some kind of a joint venture have them come and run the brand I guarantee you mr. Olympia is going to go to a whole different level if a guy like that's promoting it at the time I guarantee people out of the Woodworks will come to want to compete to be missed or Olympia because if they do guess what rocks gonna get you in another movie that he's doing it you'll get a couple lines and hey now you got endorsements now you got this stuff there was a benefit of playing with Chris Paul you play with Chris Paul you don't a State Farm commercial how many of his teammates did State Farm commercials all these other guys so what do you think about that well it looks good and that's good that sounds great you know would you like to see mr. ol going that direction you know of course of course but some of that I believe is our responsibility as an individual as a bodybuilder myself how I present myself to the public the opportunities I choose to accept the ones I choose not to you think wieder helped Arnold of course of course he helped him you know what I mean it's like hey I party with these guys last week I want you to meet Arnold and I want you to put him in a movie you look we did those buddies but he helped him but he also hand-selected him and he was preferably groomed for what they wanted to sell when to promote how much of it you think is on the athlete how much of you think is on the brand lift up the players I think I think as a business 50 50 years okay I'm with that I'm with that I agree with them some sports trying to go into different countries to play to pull the other audience for you and it just kind of makes her contract more because if the league gets bigger then is you getting a bigger payday so Roger Goodell who wants a 50 million dollar year's salary but he signed a 10 20 billion dollar contract with the TV and everybody that owned an NFL team their network just won a 50% he's doing his part as a league that's the question that's the part I'm saying that the guys at the top at most role impure gotta do something for me to say I want to go computer mr. oh well you know they have an advantage over us who's they delete itself mr. Olympia exactly why the advantage is they know as athletes we're in the sport because we love it we love it exactly maybe even other sports bother maybe even more than other sports because it's the pain is actual side effects that could be actual side effects long-term would bones with you know like football can concussions you guys got some stuff like look what happened right now with flex wheeler hmm you know there is some some stuff that you may pay a price 10 15 20 years from now so if you're willing to put your body through that I've got to protect you that's just my thoughts yes that's a good that's a good place to be and these discussions these discussions matter they're important because things don't change without all right I hope they're having it man I hope so to go past this topic here so you would like to see a full lineup 20/20 so Phil is watching this guy is watching this if all these guys are watching it you would like to see a full lineup next year to see how it's gonna turn out everybody would like to see a full lineup I would I would be motivated out of my mind if I know I was gonna be able to get a full lineup that does something a preparation off for 22news with me and my coach we we we got a lot to prove man a lot of people are talking and we love it motivates us to get better and that's what this sport is all about is getting better so with that opportunity I'm gonna try to get better regardless but you know you know certain things for our you up and that's just one of those things there's an athlete that will fire me up I look at your deal man I look at your physique like again like when I show this to during I'm like did is crazy to me but if all of these guys come back to want to compete all of them what what do you your technical I don't see it from your lens I'm not looking at from your lens how much more can you improve to beat these guys next year doe because well well it was pretty this way I'm honest with this my conditioner was better earlier this year at the Arnold I did have a little bit more size for this show me bringing the conditioning that I have for honor which is one show prepping for one show I'm always let's see it's always easy to prep for one show then that's right then multiple show especially if the shows say I have to start all over again with my preparation if the shows are closed it's like you just kind of stay in range but in once you have to prep shut it down start all over again the body may act a little different a lubbers isn't it that's why so few people wonder Arnold and the Olympia in the same year it's just it's just harder to do that's why there's respect they already do that it's just harder to do so I just know if there's one show coming into Olympia conditioning will not be the factor I'll be super Chris so you're not your normal this year no not doing it okay so I'll be super fresh got it you know my body will not be stressed from any other competitions and I'll be ready definitely ready to go and with the improvements I've been making from year to year I'm kind of into prom what they call a prom right now the prove Mazar for me I feel like in evitable long as I keep working hard putting my work in the improvements and quality are inevitable my ass quality everything is inevitable because I'm right I'm right in the meat of where we say this is body butter sweet spots exactly so I you know said I know I'm dangerous no matter who comes back these guys they got to be they got to come back with at their best and you know you know that's not easy so if they do if they come at their best and you come at your best I'm talking no Arnold Classic you're not coming you know Phil's not gonna door no plastic if he comes back if he comes back and all these guys come back with the normal classic hypothetically do you think you can beat these guys and win it again next year 2020 cuz that's a big one mr. Olympia 2020 will be remembered I wouldn't I will not desire it as if I don't think I could win okay I don't want to do this this is just for participation ribbon I want to I want to challenge I want to respect and I want to responsibility respect that I only you know that's what I want I respect that a lot I know you went from 2011 you were eight seventeen you were eight eighteen you were fifth and in nineteen you were first and you went up against William Chopin Dexter Dexter fourth place at 49 years old to me it's just insane to look like that at 49 years a nice to follow this guy 20 years ago like you know so so so let's let's get to our buddy's question here not one of the things I'd want to spend some time on is a little bit of Kuwait before we wrap it up but comparing you know the whole thing about you again you get this in sports which is like we know our era of bodybuilders were better than your era of bodybuilders right I mean it's normal sometimes it's pride for the older generations to say you know I think we are at a better place than yours but you know you look at this and Dorian I respect them a lot but when you look at these two what do you notice from the 90s to today I mean this is obviously where you were competing versus when these guys were competing what's the biggest difference well the biggest difference from what you see today is today you'll see literally every photo from a show on any date bra back then every photo you saw was out of magazine chosen edit it for for marketing purposes very good so you can't you can't really social media change the game on how you can even compare to to to be honest and photography is way different you know even have high-definition cameras and you know 4k and all that kind of stuff back in the day you know they even even the way they lit they lit the stages were different it's just a completely different animal when you try to competitive but I I'm just happy Dory to be critiquing me opportunities a champion like him critiquing critiquing me yes this is my respect and it shows me it shows me exactly why he wants so many championships shows he's still competitive I want to play this - what he said obviously you've seen this I want to play this to you and then I want to read your response and I'm curious to know what you're gonna say when you know what you're thinking when you when you hear him talk about this here's what he said how did you feel about the whole contest did you I mean I've see Brandon Currie won what do you think about Brandon Currie as a physique as a winner well I mean I respect to all the guys up there they're all doing their best but if I'm to be honest and that's that's pretty much normally what I am I feel the standard of the mr. Olympia is not what it used to be the whole thing's diversified you've got all these different categories and classes and everything but the mr. Olympia the pure bodybuilding itself you had three guys there that would you know I guess so they were pretty close there was two guys in what I would say pretty good shape you know they were they were in good shape but they're quite small guys yeah I'm William Banach okay circle and a guy from Iran how does show choir yeah I don't couldn't pronounce his name very good and in good shape but they're smaller guys they're smaller guys and so Brandon want it I believe because it's got more stature is bigger it looks much more like a mr. Olympia but he wasn't in incredible shape so I think it was probably one of the weaker sheikah mr. Olympia is that that we've seen what do you look at when you look at this I'm curious like your eye where does it go first and then where does it go good I look at the average person looks at is like oh my gosh this answer beats what do you look at well he's got very good fullness good roundness to the muscles and no really noticeable weak points in that in that pose but his lack in deep separation and conditioning that used to be the norm in the mr. Olympia the conditioning part yeah the conditioning is what's lacking there's no Kevin Love Ranas well would you agree with that were some of the times you would show up pretty full yeah wasn't yeah Kevin has a right to zinc but it wasn't consistent at that time you know best maybe six place whatever and then your response that came out and I read them like mmm like the classiest response you could have given right I'm reading this it says so in a nutshell it's durian being durian nobody did it harder stricter in as hardcore as durian we got one legendary video to prove it he can have that I'll just an arguably give it to him he needs that it's his legacy so of course bodybuilders didn't work as hard as he did hell yeah we may rely more on technology or peds so this makes his way and his era better simple as that you know why he says so and some others would agree with them we know his way made him a champion and some may say the most badass hardest-working blue-collar and grain bodybuilder that's ever lived he can have that but this guy right here referring to himself is completely different and I'm totally cool with it I got to watch a video just the other day that put Dorian's 1993 versus 2019 Brandon head-to-head and for pose for pose I love the comparison and I'm happy to be just who I am as well I'm sure he can attest to not how not winning your first more Olympiad a hundred percent on a vacated title makes you more dangerous if you do improve and continue and but your your trainer had a complete different by the way this is pure class like you can do class on how to respond I'm like Brandon could run for office minute the way he rust responded right but your trainers took a different approach I don't know if you're ready is approach you didn't read it but I know my trainer yes hello tabby says continue smoking that [ __ ] you're smokin waiting for your response oh never mind you're irrelevant that's what he said train no what are your thoughts the first time you saw this and you hear him saying that well I just like I thought is that's just so durian train that's so expected perspective him you know I've seen several issues with durian it's pretty much the same narrative no matter no matter who would who went he just had a certain way of doing things he believed in that he marketed it it worked for him and you know everything else is not is not not good enough and that's fine I mean that's cool but it doesn't really bother me I can look it I can look at my physique I click it comparisons and I'm like I said I'm really happy with what I can I'm very impressed I was very impressed by Dorian what he was able to do yeah I mean I respect that guy tremendously the my said he had to have so I don't I don't I don't really expect much different from a champion as competitive as Oh God so that was no when you heard it you're like yeah it makes sense he would say something like that exactly but you know what's crazy like one of the things that you guys both also have in common here's the thing that I noticed I both you get some in common I asked him a question I said what was advantage that he had over his competitors he says I trained in UK right away from everybody because when you hear there's a party all the stuff that's going on and you would get caught up in it right and you made a similar move two years ago where you and your wife are like baby here's what I got ad if I want to win I got to go do something and then he came and he recruited you and you decided to go to Kuwait and train at the gym called oxygen in a temperature of 118 degrees dry it's not humid and an all-male gym this is not like a gym you go to Gold's where he got men and women and you got ladies doing squats and deadlifts and you're trying to distract yourself with 50 mirrors and somehow some way you can miss the butt or whatever they're doing is you're getting distracted we're men so we see how that happens what are the benefits you had of going to Kuwait and how did that impact your victory in 2019 I first benefit having a coach that is hard to pursue on my side believes in me a hundred percent it's very obvious he's a hundred percent in my corner man he's my he's my little brother technically he always calls me you know says he's bigger than me Oh what do you mean but he's my little brother but he's just tenacious man and having that behind you somebody that supports you in that way and you're on the same page you know you can really just accomplish a whole lot it almost pretty much anything being in oxygen gym where batter Buddha has laid out a an incredible place for an atmosphere for bodybuilding machines equipments everything's picked by him he's fully invested in what he does you know he's asked my opinion on this and this and that and I know his passion for it is is it's crazy and that's why he's so successful what he does and I just I just feel honored that you know he could have me be a part of that and I just I just won't be able to represent that brand to the best of my abilities as well because I mean he don't he don't have to go out his way to be to provide me this opportunity and he doesn't have to support bodybuilding there's an industry as he does by bringing some some just this new this new flavor to bodybuilding I would say and any in the Middle East he's created this whole new excitement for the sport as well and all over the Middle East so everybody's trying to step their game up in the Middle East because of he'll try to compete so I mean it's crazy I mean the convenience of the gym I live right beside the gym he has a flat for me right there I come down the stairs the elevators not stairs to elevator wall but just right next door going to the gym is right there restaurants there I can eat what I want got a middle sponsor eat smart they send my meals every day all I got to do is text them but if I have any changes I mean going there I could train my free time I can just rest I can focus on what I what I need to do to recover when you're rest I'm just I take naps I can catch a family I can do some research any for my entertainment I can watch I can just eat my coach you know he picked me up let's go eat somewhere we'll eat the health food restaurants Oxford restaurant of cheap meal whatever it may be you know it's I'm one of those people I guess you could say I don't need to be stimulated at all times you don't need to be I don't need to be I guess I grew you know I grew up with two sisters but I say it's more like an only child in some forms because I had to stay with my sister support Lee because I know I would get in trouble if I spend too much time with him because they'd be crying we'd be too playing the game and they you know something happened so I spent a lot of time to myself and and I got used to that growing up as the only boy so me being in this confined area spending time to myself all those cost others and it's not a problem for me to be there to focus on what I need to do plus in the back of my mind it's like I got this opportunity to be away from our family right I'm spending all this time away well I'm gonna be hearing wasting my time like I need to give this all I got I need to make sure I am trying to be 100% on every single day because if I come back and I don't I don't produce what I need to produce brandy is gonna say what happened no I just I'm gonna feel like I'm a complete failure you are yeah I'm gonna feel like I'm not complete yeah you know me no you're not giving these opportunities just to just to let them you say just it's you know just did not value them Brandon what's his incentive what's what's their incentive to do this I mean what is it I mean they love the sport they wanted I mean they want to represent and show what they show their muscle so to speak what they know what they understand as a coach he wants to he wants to be the best in the world best coach in the world you know he who got him in the body boom why was he so afraid about durian cuz that's the guy who got him to pay attention to bodybuilding he saw Dorian Dorian was his favorite bodybuilder when he really was yes and he responds to Dorian like this yes Wow because Dorian got him into a sport Dorian got him interested in compete and he still responds to Dorian like the a because he is tenacious competitive this guy psycho competitor tenacious how was he with you is he talk [ __ ] to you does he like how does he drive you is it a you know when psychologically is messing with you like certain coaches do now he doesn't he don't play any tricks I've had those tricks played on me you don't work he it's like almost like yin and yang he's fast I'm more slow you know I'm gonna [ __ ] he's more upbeat I slowed him down he speeds me up it's more of that dynamic so but he involves me you know he's not I know it all he has a plan he you know he he sells me to trust him I trust him after said no I do why do I mean you've had a lot of trainers right what makes him different than everybody else because I can I can see he's genuine okay buddy who believes when he first met me he told me um he basically he told me how long he's been following me he met me in like 2010 the at the phoebo in Germany mm-hmm I don't even remember that he remembers it he was there when he when I did my first Olympia you see me on the stage he sitting there asking me what he thinks my best look was because he's he's questioning whether we agree yeah its first time I met him he already had a plan laid out he's excited obviously his vision another thing is he has good eyes which is a key and bodybuilding good eyes a lot of times you could have a lot of head knowledge you could have a you can be educated but if you don't you don't have vision if you can't see what's going on you can't make the adjustments if you if you don't if you can't tell so if you can't visually I guess take a snapshot I guess see maybe yes maybe he has a photographic memory I don't know if you can't tell what's going on from one day to the other just by looking at me and reading my body then I don't care how much you know it's not gonna be it's not gonna buy you stuff so that's where his talent lies and and what's special about the gym yeah you hear about the Mathew the mirror and all this stuff yeah but what is what is the biggest difference between oxygen gym and Gold's Gym Venice Santa Monica man is this somebody puts love into something you can tell somebody puts passion in something you can tell when you when you put in an environment to where each piece of equipment is hand selected he don't want you don't want the publicity of of anybody copying him so he removes all the labels off the pieces so you don't even know who produced it equipment because he wants everything to be uniform he don't want to you don't want to highlight it mean any any of those things he wants to show this is this is his his own idea he's he's gonna need a piece of gum he's felt it he understands how it works he puts it in the gym to provide the variations you need so much complexity in the gym so much you can get done I mean we keep it's no way I'm going and do the same workout every day you'd be bored which is you got so much to work with five-star gym you got yet trainers on the floor if I'm ever in there need a spot if I need somebody go grab some dumbbells go grab me some dumbbells 25 our cleaning staff those guys are cool they help you they take the weights off for you they wipe everything down for you whatever you need they'll go get you some water if you want I mean you got the restaurant to serve while you need is downstairs if you need if I need to eat when I'm there I'm just go in there and get it massage therapy if I need to relax in the sauna zero-zero cold tub or the pool whatever I need all of it yeah he's taking care of all the needs and he and he cares about the place he's renovating but when we go to yeah he started a renovation project it's a gym was already complete he's built to enjoy sense right he started a renovation project to what he wants to expand a labor room put the cross cross-strait room in the basement yeah he don't have to do that he's not gonna lose any members if you don't give me an I mean make no more any more money up cuz he did it so it's just it's just his love and it's passionate for that you know I can agree with it drives me you prefer working out there than gold is it a different kind of an environment or is girls more history to you you know if I work out with go work out with goals then I wouldn't want to I wouldn't wanna necessarily be working on it goes our Charles now I had this opportunity to training goes recently two weeks ago packed rang with Charles & DEC's Charles first time if I want to train me for years he's there with Charles in liver training he never trained me first time he's been one or two for years but ask me but this first time I've been able to connect with Charles and train with him and that be the dominant reason for me to train other that goes will be not not for vasili yourself before who was there okay and it's kind of somewhere with this facility itself is great but who was there the energies is there the Brotherhood is there everybody's there for one reason we try to get better as bodybuilders and we're trying to do it as a team you see Ronnie all the time you see when chloral are they there I see we clear on a regular base Riley of course is not there anymore and when Romney was there he had a little bit of a different schedule then than we did cata but Roli I see everyday live on the same floor you know we're tight man we've been known each other for years so he said he said he's another guy that's loved by everybody yeah only people like him a lot man I mean he just seems like a he's a good guy yeah he's a good fun he's a good fun-loving guy man he loves kids he's like a big kid himself you know and you can tell that when you see he won't know did he went 2080 normal classic he won 20 17 or 20 last year he won on Australia or in Australia got it or in Australia like here one of the things you say in your response to Doreen is hell yeah we may have more rely on technology or PD how open are you about PD yourself well it's not something that I attend to I'm not a person that educates people when I feel because I don't have the background to educate people everything I know is do personal experience and that may not be something that you can just you know you can't I'm not like this guy I like that guy so and I don't want and I'm not one of those guys that depended on that early I didn't believe it I didn't believe that that's right you and Ronnie were one of the guys that you guys naturally competed way way past it until until until being a pro was actually in my reach oh we know it was the next level it wasn't it wasn't necessary for me it wasn't until it became my job wasn't necessary so my thing for these young guys is you got to come in develop your physique completely as much as you can without because it's gonna benefit you down the road the more the more you come into the game and you want to come come bring complexity to it it's gonna it's not gonna make it easier it's gonna come make it more complicated because you're thrown in more variables which means that your body has to deal with more variables which means there's so many other things that can change yeah so until you know the basis the foundation of how to build muscle how to burn fat why are you gonna over complicate this process which is already complicated and add another variable that changes the game dynamically and dramatically you know it's you shouldn't do that you should learn your body know that you know how to properly train know that you know how to properly build muscle know - you know how to properly incorporate nutrition before you need an advantage there's no there's no way you're gonna need an advantage before you don't do that because if you do if you do it the other way around you're gonna have to learn everything else over and over again once you hit that wall and you reach that level where those PD is not gonna do anything for you anymore except take more which makes you break you were talking put your more risks so you don't have to start all over again and try to learn it right because you learned it wrong and that's right so a lot of guys especially in certain areas color cultures even even the movie some of those guys they think the first thing they got to do okay I'm training out what I got to take it's like no that's that's not the route you want to go it's your training out learn your body learn how you respond we're all a little bit different once you learn those things then you can add a different dynamic that you can play with and it complicated even more but you're starting there's no need to complicate you see any need of doing it if you're not gonna be competing professionally you know what I'm saying I don't I don't see I don't see a reason to unless you aspire to go to a higher level right or unless you're doing it from some kind of antiaging benefit you know for your for your personal health sure absolutely well you know that's the that's really the only reason if it's not if it's not for competitors logical reasoning you got there because you know how sometimes they say you know you go to Kuwait Kiska ways to place Middle East has the best PD to have the best drugs way better than us you hear that all the time it's not really true it's not really true it's not it's not really true the man may be a certain Lina sees though that we don't experience anything yes but you know you get you get a mixed bag everywhere you go everybody you know you don't you know you got a you got to have you know people that you trust or people that you source you correctly you don't because it's face bull crap all over the world you know yeah it's because money in it at the level you know Dave poem we'll talk about the fact that you know when you're going if you go 12 weeks you got to take 50% off you know whether you're six weeks off you know 12 weeks on six weeks off 12 weeks off on when you're at the mr. old level can you even do that or at the mister Oliver you got to be year-round to be able to compete at the highest level know at the mister level is just gonna depend on your competition schedule if you compete multiple times a year that's gonna figure out how much you got to be you know prepared but if you're not competing multiple times a year then you can give your body a break you schedule those things and you pay attention CL I mean back in the day it criticizes us no for I made that statement just because that's what they speculate they speculate that we do hmm because you know we got new things that a lot of people like these arms and things a lot of people think that's that's all the rage and body pulling for us and it's not you know most body ways I know on a professional level we don't really fool out with arms we may have tried to play with them but we know that's not the basis so that's the news newer technology things that people talk about but I know they competed a whole lot more than us back in the day ma-maybe not Dorian cuz he's mr. Olympia but all the other guys they compete a whole lot more than us so I mean they use more stuff than they competed a lot meaning he compete more tournaments per year off like got it so you know I don't you know at this point you have to be on stuff regularly talk about us like we don't compete enough anymore but you know it's like because you know you're not trying to stress our bodies I've done that you know I don't want to I don't want to compete not hate shows you know I asked you know Reagan Grimes talks about the fact that hey when he was there was too much he wanted to kind of get away from it and then you're kind of seeing what he said about it well you know it's you know when you I just put it this way when you need a reason you can find it doesn't make it necessarily true but that's the reason you put there and and you put that out there and that's the reason they got to take it as is that may not be the real reason hmm those are no but you know but people will accept that because that's what they want to believe fair enough you what do you think about these guys that on YouTube they'll just go out and say this is my cycle here's what I did here's like maybe a Boston Lloyd here's the the stuff that I'm using this is how you cycle you think it's you think it's also good to go out there and kind of share your cycles on YouTube and encourage young people to get on because you're seeing a lot about like even for myself I'm seeing 16 17 18 year-olds start talking about hey I'd like to get on these cycles what are yours I don't I don't think it's very responsible unless unless you're expert in you know endocrinology and all this kind of stuff unless you have the background to where you can protect these people I don't think you should be just stored out this little information is it can be follow because I mean the body woman of course is in these PD stuff it's not it's not cookie cutter you know what works for one person just like any other drug from any other companies it may not work for you just because we are supposed to give you an erection doesn't mean everybody that takes Viagra was gonna get her an erection you know somebody somebody's gonna get those side effects that they put on that commercial pour and somebody's not yeah you know you know so you you you have any these kids maybe unknowingly what all the information out now they shouldn't be unknowingly to be honest so let me ask you what what book you recommend reading if I know nothing about I don't want to use anything but I'm thinking about I want to go be a body well there what book should I wait to get more educated on PD steroids all these things one of the most complete guides that I that I've come across and I actually have it's how to be your own bodybuilding coach by dr. Scott Seiver Stephenson's who was a very very educated guy and he but he's able to take very very complex information and kind of break it down to where people can can understand it and in its complexities and he takes a you know a very conservative safe health-conscious approach from his experience even training that diet everything he lays out even lays out two different differences so you can have your your options of variations because he knows everybody's not the same as soon as you start talk to to dr. Scott he's gonna be like if you don't know something he doesn't know anything he doesn't know it but he's gonna say okay but within this scenario maybe this is the case but in this scenario maybe this is the case he understands the complexity of what we do and a sport and he's a very educated man and he's been around a long time and he still competes he's competed recently I competed this year he's an amateur level but he's very educated and you when you speak to him he's gonna give you a wealth of very interesting I like that we're gonna put the link below we're gonna put the like I like smart people man and I'll follow some more people and he's one of those guys that I really really respect his opinion you know I want a lot of other guys like such as John Meadows and and and see Jordan Peterson it's a lot of good resources out there Jordan Peter you drop Jordan Peterson and this no no no no no not not the body but the body wouldn't work Oh from the UK UK I'm missing for this modern age these guys they don't have books but they have actual web web subscription sites where you can watch videos you heart any form and all those times you get educated before you make it this is it this is gonna affect your health and it's best to know what you're doing before you have a friend of mine math guy man before he does anything he bought every one day I want to sat down with him we're having lunch he told me all of these things he got about steroids then he said I'm thinking about doing this like okay but I respect the fact that he read every paper from doctors from this and he pretty much gave a presentation I said good for you for a second I thought and he's always like that about everything he does it last topic before we get into a couple things here House flex doing what's what's the you know obviously a lot of people in the bodybuilding world love flex and admire him how's this help well you know I saw I was with Flex two weeks ago at the memorial service of Franco Columbu and we actually said I said right beside him doing it don't know the service said no and you know I could tell someone's weighing on him a little bit but you know he was there trying to enjoy everything at the moment and you know I know I've been thinking about ever since then and then I hear this just come out and I was like man this is it's crazy if it's not one thing it's another for flex you know and he happened to hit me up yesterday because he realizes my birthday and you know you checked on me he wished me happy birthday I'm like man this guy I'm thinking myself I know I know he's probably being bombarded you know with people questioning what's going on and he had you know he had the nerve the the modern it fulness to think about me when she figured I was my birthday wish me happy birthday and you know I just feel honors but I you know I wish likes nothing but the best and I encourage everybody to go out there and support him and you know his recovery because I know it's gonna be getting back to normality it's gonna be you know it's gonna be a challenge but he I know he has the mindset for and he any and he basically said you know he's you know he's born for this this is what he's mourning he's born for and he's gonna hopefully be able to inspire people motivate people into his process so much respect to him man yeah much respect mean it's flex which it's uh one of you know when you look up to you grow up looking to up to guys like that and it just admiring them and just thinking how incredible they are and then they become your friends and you you know you're able to you know you know communicate with them and be friendly because we sold brother number one buy and it's just it's just a crazy crazy small world when those things happen so you know it's honor and like I said I wish you know hope another was the best for flexing through this process man I know he's you know he's dealing with it but I know that's that same tenacity yeah he he was able to be a champion with you he'll pull it out a lot of people are rooting for a man a lot of so what we're gonna do is we'll put the Instagram account below just go follow flex and give him some lobby sawed the brain and curry give a shout out to be good for him to hear from anybody saying brand and give them just kind of love top five favorite bodybuilders who's your top five I asked everybody I'm curious I know what you're gonna say I mean it's good I mean flex would has to be one of them of course Ronnie Lee Haney in any specific like who's your at the top now well just put them all down and now so okay got it so flex Ronnie Haney Phil Heath Philly Sergio Livia search you Olivia yeah very interesting okay is that is that is that that's five so you're not putting Arnold here okay well of course Arnold but I'm thinking about top five yeah of course Arnold Lee Haney Lee Haney will be on top for me okay and then you got Ronnie Ronnie second Wow definitely eight eight yeah I know Ronnie we got a we got Arnold okay Phil flexor Sergio Phil flex Sergio so flex number one you put in fifth yeah very interesting Phil flexors yo Joe Haney Ronnie Arnold Phil flex surgery and this has nothing to do with has nothing to do with just physique only because you know I think I hate hate he's just epitome of of what I think is you know a complete man in general especially you know example you know body strength strength you know just the mentality yes a businessman whatever maybe he just is just something like it definitely every day Ronnie you know Ronnie the hardest-working coolest coolest laid-back dude man I mean I love Ronnie man he's a great guy and you know just to see his strength man is incredible I mean I've been at the table with even breakfast knowing he's in pain no one he's uncomfortable but me never let you know it you're never he's like I'm gonna enjoy this just like everybody else like I'm not going through anything as something that man you just you just can't make that you know I can't wait for that and by the way you know the Yates also said that about Haney like Yates said the guy that I saw was Haney cuz he was so disciplined and he was ran his life his marriage everything it was so he's almost like the playbook to follow him to have a good career you know painting have we reshot to Haney Adorno maybe we've had to reach out to it I don't think we have we got it we got to definitely reach out to be handy tattoos and y'all so we'll definitely do that we'll definitely do that last thing here I want to give you a name tell me the first thing that comes to your mind one word that comes through my eye Arnold Schwarzenegger legacy Joe Weider hmm Empire Phil Heath attitude Wow during aids tenacious abdul-allah Tybee [Laughter] represents having fun always hardship on incredible body blow very cool from Iran he's from Iran and yeah very very very polished very very very good bye buddy you tell he's he studied the sport definitely you think he's got a career like meaning he's gonna keep climbing I mean if he can keep coming back he's definitely you definitely set a precedent in this stage he's very polished Mike you got to be on your a-game when you're on stage with me because hottie hottie understands the advantages of the gay the game you notice I played a stage game that was guys wouldn't where's a hottie in that wait I didn't study him but I did but yeah he's a very very good body butter Sergio Olivia Sergio Olivia was is the myth man he's just as complex I see I know a son and son talks about him for a personal level I just know us so I know too much so yeah it kind of ruins it for me cool Lee Amy Lee Haney example example okay Rollie Rollie man big kid my brother Dexter og largest of all time one of the greatest thoughts really definite Wow cuz when a witness of all time he's one of the most consistent buddy was ever and I give it a last one Brandi you man I say Brandi was like a breath of fresh air when I met her she's been like they said to you know rib he's definitely somewhere support me all the time close to me all the time I wouldn't be I do this without her cuz she helps me navigate through this through this world through the business side of it through communication you know she's just she's definitely by my side and I need her and I and I'd value what she does for me because I allow her to be strong where she is so I mean like you will believe this but I'm I well you maybe you would you if you heard my story you would know you know I was at a point in my life as a high school where I was I was kind of trying to be that Playboy and I had the audacity the audacity to you know say to challenge to challenge God in a way to say you know if you want me to do this because I was something wrong about it dancer who my wife is well he showed me brandy and I met her soon after that in high school and he took us seven years from there to kinda get get married but yeah it happened so be careful the only other time my mom when I told my mom about it she was like wait because the only time I'm not a mama's boy but when I came to told her that she was like what she remembered it she remembered it probably better than I did it at the time she was she she's the one I told my wife about and I didn't even tell her after we got married she's like you know everybody knew everybody knew around me anyway that's cool though that's good you know that's that's great to hear that you know when I see the two of you guys together you can see the you know the chemistry between the two it's really a unique when you see it final thoughts here for you I know 2020 you've made it very clear you're excited about next year crushing it and competing in going for two time and I know you're about to open up a gym you got coming up in 2020 want you to tell us about that yeah a carbon-carbon culture is a new project we're working on its body Buddhist gym true athletes gym strength gym you know you have the model of you know you know we just come here to try to get our Fitness on now we come here to get results we come here to work hard so you have you know you'll have trainers on site there to work with you were the strength with your bodybuilding physique whether you're just an average person will have a glute section for the ladies so you just want to come in and just trash the glutes and not have everybody gawking over them we've have opposing room or progress room with some people call it so you know the trans can want to success and be Arsenal outfitted all the latest Arsenal equipment and we just want people to come in and be able to get it done our our sabar is gonna be crazy you'd be to do your own formulations at the bar but we'll talk about that later it's cool yes that's really except you want to experiment with different things you will have clinical doses of different substance and you can be able to make some mix mix and match the way you want and the doses that you want so is words it words the first one gonna the first one is gonna be in Franklin Tennessee okay well we look to open up one in Nashville as well Franklin Tennessee man I used to date a girl from Franklin Tennessee in the army when I was in the other ways to go party in Nashville I asked you earlier if you partied in the Nashville Scene you said not really so and I talked about mix factories you said you remember when I had a short stint of partying before I got old yes in Nashville he's gone a misfit mix Factory was one of those places I wanna know strange places in a strange place to go to any other stranger places like the connections or no was it just a connections I don't know if I would see connections when it was connections I used to have that NASCAR cafe down and they turn into a club I think it been was two different names there was another place up there called it underground it was someplace crazy let me tell me not from Elaine I've gone to nice clubs but Nashville was very weird it's even crazier I think now I know more of a party town now than it was back then I think there's no they want them they took me to a club Silverado Silverado number Silverado Silverado and I was lying dance I'm like a Middle Eastern I'm doing and they had the hard body contest you know you'd go there Silverados but it was a different audience than the other places but anyways man hey first of all much respect to you for coming out man and sitting here and being willing to talk about all these different issues that really enjoyed this conversation felt like a five-minute conversation we went through a lot of things and I'm looking forward to you having an incredible you're going into 2020 and a lot of the projections you made with folks wanted to come compete to make the brand big again and I hope mr. Olympia brand listen to some of these ideas and maybe they'll process some of it and come back and said we got to do something with this so hopefully you know we you know we can always you know change things to communication and so hopefully this creates more communication and then working out in a favor for everybody in for still man my man thanks for coming out brother thank you appreciate you so a couple things if you're enjoying these mr. Olympia nervous we're doing whether it's Phil Heath and you know Dorian Yates or now Brandon curry let us know who else you want to see by commenting below or send me a tweet directly and my handle is Patrick where David and you can tag anybody else you want to see because I'll get that directly and on top of that I got two other interviews I want you to watch one is what prompted this interviews with Dorian years which is a jam-packed interview with a lot of topics we covered or my first sit-down Woodfill heath where we talked about the future of mr. Olympia brand if you want to see during the eighth's click here if you want to see Phil Heath click here and regardless if you haven't subscribed to the channel please do so take everybody bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 284,008
Rating: 4.8683 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, valuetainment, patrick bet david, bodybuilding, mr olympia, brandon curry, mr olympia 2019, fitness world, joe weider, arnold classic
Id: Le3QHogEHmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 9sec (5949 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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