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asian memes what's up guys i'm back took my channel back from my dad let's look at some asian memes let's go every agent's pain growing up the four horsemen of i know asian culture god a village in africa roast one of my boys i'm sorry mate someone needs to work on that algorithm google find me a good chinese restaurant nearby here's a direction to the get [ __ ] when your mom comes home and asked who was supposed to cook the rice that is the worst feeling ever there are some days where you've made the whole meals take you like two hours to make like a five-dish meal for the whole family and then you open the rice cooker and you forgot to press the button so it's just a puddle of rice sitting in water asian parents to other people i don't even have to explain this one i swear to god everybody watching this video right now won't relate to this you [ __ ] donkey oh man that's brilliant my asian mom you have to practice nine hours a day to be able to play the piano very well i did that but no buts 10 years later i finished preparing for my application for college i'm gonna be a doctor musician [Music] it's facts fox mum me crying because she slapped me slap me again because i'm crying it's the perfect name in it whenever i ask mom for cooking instructions and then you add this ingredient how much like this much that's not even a measurement then when it looks ready it's ready that's facts man i was talking about this recently chinese people don't use cookbooks cookbooks are entirely a western idea i've never seen ever in my life a chinese person follow a recipe you don't look at cookbooks filipino parents when you tell them you're not going to take engineering law or med for college how can you get the face woody's face how can you get that jump what the [ __ ] his toe is coming out of his socket i just noticed that [Music] [Music] by the way respect to my chinese tick tackers i don't i don't i haven't seen them well the playstation controller you're kidding me [Music] oh no way she's not actually wrong that is like one of the most famous villains of all chinese television we all know what's gonna happen there like if you guys haven't didn't grow up in china you wouldn't know who that is that is the most most famous chinese tv villain probably of all time [Music] now i've reached that point where family matters members no longer ask how school is going finally got my degree i found a good job are you getting married are you see anyone let me set you up this girl's beautiful yeah it took me like that though my mom making me come say hi to somebody and you have something [Music] i'm not the only one i'm not the only one apparently [Music] asian parents when their kid oofs up failure what is that from that's brilliant the word failure is the title asian kids get the most it's not honey darling sweetheart son no failure you know i have immigrant parents and they force me to live at home so i don't have crippling student debt i have crippling emotional debt well it's facts it's four facts we all do i if you're not if you don't have crippling emotional debt you're not asian parent you have 10 apple i take away 4 how many you have left 4. oh the ptsd is coming back yo i've that i have literally had that to the word like dozens of times man i feel that too this is this is not a meme episode anymore this is a ptsd episode jeez that emotion right there yeah that was me that was my face mom me trying to win an argument to fetch a logic i raise you it's facts you don't asian parents will never concede well you know a word in english but you don't know how to say it in your own native language man that happens a whole lot that happens no one literally no one not a single soul asian international student is that bubble tea i'm buying it i'm fine asians are mad expectation boom reality okay no no no you don't do that you lose your asian card if you do that when you go to an extended family gathering and nobody mentions how fat you become that is an achievement of a lifetime south asian mom in training mode let's go dead on the head oh my jesus don't be this guy's son he ko you all the cove and everything hang on oh my god roll on the ground your child mental health is more important than degrees [Music] asian parents be like what the hell you think i do [Music] whenever they call me the drink bubble tea please just one cup that why a bubble tea so expensive i have problem we stop petition okay bubble tea should cost like okay in china they cost thirty then what the hell is thirty i don't know [Music] i say two dollars it's not but i say everybody don't cost more than two dollars please jesus make so expensive five dollars six dollars for bubble tea but you robbery because everybody knows how my parents got home from school facts facts arguing with your mother like asian mom scientifically proven facts i raised you these facts classic asian taurus post tucked in college should cargo pins bail buckle white camera oh they always have attack they always put a camera right here with the strap your phone can take cameras from one to ten how much do you like your puppet i didn't actually know this was a thing before this video i don't know asians love bubbly so much but i definitely do when you pass out drunk around asians and they solve math equations on your back instead of drawing dicks that's hot that's hot approval when people in so much driving but did you die as fast alright boys that's it for this episode of asian memes with me if you guys like my dad to return put it down in the comments and tell me please like subscribe i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Steven He
Views: 450,545
Rating: 4.9713244 out of 5
Keywords: asian, steven he, meme, hilarious, comedy
Id: emlh4JR74qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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