Don't Under Cook Risotto | Hell's Kitchen

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a new day dawns in Hell's Kitchen more lemon zest yes and with the women back from their reward both teams are busy prepping their kitchens for their second dinner service what are you reading through that what you chef this you don't need yes chef you do not need that look at yourself in the mirror and screen risotto ingredients there's number one what is it oil chef rice you [ __ ] pillock Michael's kind of just a hot mess if he doesn't know what's in a [ __ ] risotto we're screwed hey Mike I like this is nothing personal but everyone knows you're the weakest chef here Mike I'm not gonna let Michael get nervous be gonna coming in and put it all and I promise you that how my head is back to zero yeah what's your butter first oh my god on fire right now oh my god I [ __ ] set the whole flattop on fire I can't believe it I am just completely embarrassed oh sorry don't blow this let it go you put more fun on top please let it go okay watch that - get a grip a little bit buttered falling all over the [ __ ] place I've never evacuated this place you to fire okay I'm not gonna start just state composure yes Oh Jeff Jesus Christ let's go yes while tea tries to keep the red kitchen from going up in flames two capellini two risotto the men are ready to start their first order of the night risotto two capellini No let's go let's go I'm gonna be with my best tonight and if something goes wrong I have to step up and take over tonight is the night that I shine risotto I need 30 seconds yeah from the gecko doctrine is very very flustered this is wine right what's wrong why [ __ ] Josh what's he on hey hey all of you taste that hurry up hurry up there's 17 years of age what's the one thing you can taste that instantly like wow thank you what can you taste in there the bill won't you like an alcoholic [ __ ] risotto it's full of whitewash we try to get them drunk please taste every taste I taste everything ten times Hey so you tasted the white wine ten times young man you must be drunk then let's go well let's go let's go let's go let's go come on the road behind ya blue team they're placing yes yeah anyway guys ready to play here that's me come on both kitchens probably deliver at the same time but everything has to be cooked perfection that's it it's all he wants in the middle okay make sure you get in for pert for pens we're good no we don't have enough we are so screwed right now it's going to take a very long time to refire [ __ ] you know run out [ __ ] loser how many portions short hey tell me please too short too short hey you commit you've run out result oh hey hey stop stop we're not serving until we're all together yes chef lady so to be served at the same time chef yeah we're not serving this course until we're all together come on Fernando hallo give me a minute all right cover yeah come on Fernando you're supposed to be an executive chef you should know a little bit better than that alright I'm calming okay all right guys there we're doing good let's go ten we need two more players oh we're too short to play sure bro you're a [ __ ] idiot bro that was scrambling because you can't count the [ __ ] twelve who like the place house bro Oh yours I'm coming out right now I'm coming out right behind you with every Soto okay coming up behind coming down please somebody calling me with scallops got Zucco red wine Thank You rose for God's sake yes chef it's way too long yes chef checking the plates beautiful thank you guys good job good job guys are you happy with those yes chef they're looking the same go blue team Road are you happy with oh yes yes go red team I've warned 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes Josh guys 6 minutes I'll give you a countdown this is my station I have to own up to my dish there's no fear I know I can't be nervous I just need to rock out with my [ __ ] out like we're in there like swimwear let's just do this two minutes two minutes till risotto two minutes killer risotto see drop the lobster yes lobsters it down while Alison takes charge of the risotto in the red kitchen wedding march the boat in hell over in the blue kitchen a little bit more stock make sure we all taste it we're all touching it okay Randy seems to be cooking his risotto by committee too many making the risottos too many different flavors so be careful there guys yes okay stand by getting ready to the pass let's go get 12 plates hurt my favorite dude hopefully I can knock these rotors out and get it out same time as a girl let's go Barbara's owners walk in the past there's ups down quick so to same color line my life they're not the same takes get them all into one pan then divide into two so you've got collectively yes now it's my bad I should've done I don't know what the hell I was thinking here see my pins right here while Randy works to get all 12 of his risottos seasoned identically he's just in the red kitchen Alison yep delivers her risotto to the pass for plating shake the plate so Katie check the plates all right let's keep it moving cop lobsters please and now back in the blue kitchen ready to start plating Randy has corrected his risotto and has begun plating as well it's not enough on these and is too much on that one why we got 16 plates of risotto out now on some nine eight nine ten hey who got sixteen points under your idiot I just want to wring their necks replay to please decimal Randy that was Randy's dish alright one two three four five six seven eight nine nine three more hello case it might help me I need three plates for God's sakes I really just want to grab people by the throat tonight let's take about kids it'll be an easy kill as Randy tries to get his plating system together red team go go please okay ladies here we go first ticket tonight for couple 743 two solitudes lotto I want to do is please I'm walking in one minute we're gonna finish service tonight I won't be standing clenching my butt cheeks together it would fear while joy is focused on getting her appetizers off to a good start over in the blue kitchen Anton is looking to get his first order of risotto to the window coming chef right here chef [Music] I talked yesterday you joy camellia look at me poke you that is perfection you've perfected the risottos now you keep the bar up there okay god help you if you let it slip both you yes yeah let's go I rose to change it I dig we're both people cats with joy and Anton delivering on appetizers food is making its way quickly out to happy customers in the dining room yeah really good and back in the blue kitchen two results I want tuna one salad where is it risottos common chef give us give us one minute you gotta go under than scallops Mike is helping Chris keep track of the orders for the fish station yeah he called one minute no not on this one it's a [ __ ] risotto now you confused me please [ __ ] listen cuz now I'm getting confused Mike is an idiot please please please just listen listen listen I can't fix stupid while Chris and Mike try to work out their timing issues don't be afraid to ask for help the only thing guys gonna have with the same dude over in the red kitchen joy is waiting on [Music] hey I've got what one loves a towel Rossdale some oh listen to chef yeah oh is that me if I met Hell's Kitchen and it rolled famous chef is yelling at me I'm gonna yell back either speak up or get the [ __ ] out of here get this damn why did you enter this competition I thought this would be an amazing opportunity to try and how about your performance how about a little break a sweat you think it's a great opportunity you're not working like it where's the push where's the job look at the [ __ ] attitude over Ashley is determined to start off on the right foot okay how long do you need Ashley I need about five minutes five minutes working with Jackie on appetizers is kind of like working with like a Tasmanian devil I just wanna shake her and say stop [ __ ] moving around I don't like this time go speed up why is this so slow look ladies the stove is off it's not even [ __ ] hot come here all of you the pan is cold and we're standing staring ladies can we pull this back I mean we're in hell everything is on fire and that [ __ ] managed to find the one spot with no fire and wait on two scallops one roasted squash how many red chefs does it take to make an appetizer everybody bought by NASA service please thanks to Chef Ramsay's unusual station realignment appetizers are making their way out to the red diners and the women are ready to start their entrees two tuna two Wellington two rigatoni over in the blue kitchen one capellini one special yes let's go the men are still backed up on appetizers and have now put the tableside chefs in neutral under go check on them I'll be right back and so Jared and Eddie in an attempt to be useful head to the kitchen to offer their assistance guys talk to me what do you boys need what do you boys need I'm finishing off this risotto Eddie risotto I heard everything going on I was like you know they need help hi I'm going back in there hey are you come here you put it down who cooked this I started chef ed he finished it for me come here you taste that it's bland the rice is still undercooked disgusting mark is not getting any of his dishes right he looks like a deer in headlights when he's getting yelled at bro like wake up hello you're here come in you sit down I'll eat your [ __ ] yes take your seat you must be tired for your [ __ ] Marie oh yeah sure glass of Sauvignon Blanc for chef Marc and steady Eddie all right let's go any other guys any phone will do I will actually do fast I swallow the risotto just like I swallowed my pride I still know how the hell I got roped in it at to be honest we
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 2,190,916
Rating: 4.9266415 out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen 2018, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, “Gordon, Ramsay, Likes, The, Food”, “Raj, Hell’s, Kitchen”
Id: MoKH8Tx5JxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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