Chef Somehow Mistakes Potato For An Egg | Hell's Kitchen

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@8:30 for people who don't want to waste their time, like I did (it wasn't even worth waiting for).

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Right_Said_Brett 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 đź—«︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mexus37 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2020 đź—«︎ replies
tonight in Hell's Kitchen each customer will get to choose from either the red or blue menu the red team's menu will feature classic dishes New York strip steak from Julia a seared ahi tuna from Jim and Bonnie's bacon-wrapped leg of rabbit the blue team's menu will feature sophisticated dishes like Brad's turbot and mushroom consommé Brad's lamb chop with herb gnocchi and Brad's sauteed chicken breast with truffle cassoulet the first ticket on order four covers table one two two knit one rabbit yes I'll be choosing from the red menu hi guys yes clearly the ladies menu is far more appealing because this is a [ __ ] joke red team again orders are pouring in for the red kitchen now all they have to do is cook them who's repet this is this by the way it was a collaboration chef Boni get on top of this please yeah I'm not stirring it down now goddamn rabbit this was Bonnie his idea she thought it was like a chicken drumstick are you still there rub it off why do you get pound of just seal them off as anyone to use their brain a little bit yes chef just can't believe I'm getting screw like this this is ridiculous I can't do it for you yes your menu my standards let's go come on [Music] half an hour into dinner service orders are finally coming into the blue kitchen thank y'all baguettes and blue in long last one pear salad two short rib warm raviolis be careful yes yes sure service and thanks to Brad pick up please dr. Eberly appetizers are going out ravioli please yes chef let's go please you know we're young yes and coming back so freely if not tonight what's going on he found these Rumpy only calls you would like her to have a shrimp salad from the blue side instead Brad so cold ravioli shrimp selling away urgently you sure don't cold Brad's unbelievable you know how to cook pasta I'm not a cook perfect pasta but my nerves got to me it is harder than it looks trust me it is this is your menu yeah the concentrate fries the show unbelievable while Brad starts over with his ravioli Julia is finally ready with her rabbit appetizer Prabhat please let's go service called you to keep it going please yes ok ladies not change for more to know I please yes their first individual challenge our final five chefs had only one hour to prepare lunch for 100 students for his lunch special rock is making a Kobe beef meatloaf on a ciabatta roll gonna work it rock yes sir let's go baby baby go on hop over to Sin City rip up Vegas show him how I do it a little bit Josh's creation is a bait to salmon with pineapple salsa bass go Josh please Julia is preparing a grilled chicken and cheese sandwich with onion rings we have one hour to prepare 100 portions now I was kind of worried I'm thinking I wasn't gonna have enough come on guys let's go funny Bonnie will be serving goat cheese breaded and fried over a bed of greens in high school I was eating unhealthy things so at least I have something fried come on Jen's - is baked chicken fettuccine with a lemon chive butter sauce every kid loves chicken pasta so I'm gonna make sure that it's well worth their while to eat and I'm going to Vegas [Music] [Applause] come on guys that's Ted five four three two one time let's go here they come so bad dish [Music] the aspiring chefs will serve their lunches on colored plates after sampling all the dishes the students will vote for their favorite beau green people folk weed hey what's up fellas what's up what's up oh we're all cooks but every opportunity I get I'm gonna try to politic it's pushing my burger sell you I don't see any yellow on your plate compared to everybody else's dish I had full faith and confidence that mine was gonna bring me on top everybody's screaming yellow that's the goats cheese I put it in bread crumbs and you deep-fry it it makes the cheese really soft and so warm it's really good I heard Josh and I heard Brock see you know I was like you know I love cheese who those cheese you know trying to be her key remember pink is nice don't vote for her she's not that nice take a long time to make it but it took a long time to make like a hundred go speed up guys yes come on come on come on with gridlock but it came from both sides this was good lunch no [ __ ] arguing me rock okay okay see it was a hell of a lot of fun and getting out there and talking to the kids and trying to get them to vote for my dish with all the plates served it's now time for these trendsetters to decide what's hot how's the burger and what's not [Music] with the ballots tabulated the aspiring chefs will now learn whose dish proved most popular okay here we go [Music] [Applause] the hero with over 51% of your votes today being Sara come the best dish of the Alhambra high school lunch there is nothing I would like more than to fly to Vegas for Chef Ramsay boys and girls the hero of the Alhambra high school lunch is [Music] in Chef Ramsay's taste test each respiring chef must attempt to identify three different foods the team with the most correct answers will win the challenge ready Brad you sucka [ __ ] okay [Music] American cheese tastes like American cheese well done one nail he's [ __ ] up why is that I believe it's cheese their children to be exact wrong American cheese it was hard because you're nervous and you had a blindfold and loud music it throws you off so bad you mean no fried chicken [Music] poison I believe it's fried chicken what is that I knew what that was immediately you know I'm not unfamiliar with chicken tastes like a fried chicken breast playing boiled carrots playing boiled carrots come on boys that papaya [ __ ] carrot you doughnuts what was that a radish yeah yeah ah he's just been being by a Waffle House chef tear the trays with you please the score is women too and men one as Melissa and rock step up to the plates ladies two to one yes you hear and all that hair I can hear you when you lift up the thing chef egg yolk [Music] what is that our boil egg yolk chef boy what is that it's so familiar I know it's probably the simplest thing in the frickin world hey I want an answer potato hard boiled egg yolk neck-and-neck boiled potatoes both easily identify the potato potatoes boiled potato chef but neither can recognize medicine either chicken or turkey chef steak dear oh dear and the score remains three to three next up Josh the sous chef versus Bonnie the nanny okay wait I can hear you Rustom I see I can hear me now but Bonnie can hear me now nice piece of lobster I'd say langoustine chef dose but wrong what was that scallop chef Oh [Music]
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 4,047,160
Rating: 4.9252415 out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen 2018, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, “Gordon, Ramsay, Likes, The, Food”, “Raj, Hell’s, Kitchen”
Id: SvQ7rmr3mow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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