Gordon Ramsay V Steaks | Hell's Kitchen

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right here chef Blue team yeah look well done New York Strip Josh yes chef seriously Jimmy time refire job Jerry come on at this point I mean you need to prove that you you could cook [ __ ] steak New York Strip walking to the pass [Music] hey we go from overcooked to blue now not even the [ __ ] mouth or the fat overcook to blue yes chef we're getting our food anytime soon all right bounce back come on guys Matt again to 30 seconds on New York Strip refire 30 second third how can go from extremely overcooked to raw I don't get it medium-rare chef you know hey it's not you did you gosh that I gosh that Chef oh [ __ ] this is not good chef I sliced it to check the temperature I'm what about the touch shop New York ships are difficult for me mistakes are thick today but you can't say that to chef you got to be like yes chef whatever you say chef lick the floor chef sure no problem chef I expect you to cook a New York Strip yes Charlotte if you can't yes chef I'll drop you off with a [ __ ] Airport oh sure Andrew this is a rib eye with an oxtail mushroom sauce and white peaches and the idea of serving white peaches with rib eye came from where I thought they looked pretty and seemed a good accompaniment with the river I didn't know what the hell was going on with the peaches Ralph decided to grow them and put them alongside the steak grilled ribeye grilled white peaches yeah baby I've never seen peach with a rib eye I'm dying to see how it tastes so um hi [Music] that doesn't work [ __ ] disgusting Red Team fourth course Michael I have a grilled porterhouse Michael you smart ass what is that out of some mushroom mushroom negative gonna tell me you've got that tattooed on your butt that tastes delicious Thank You chef Steakhouse chef Giovanni not surprisingly has been assigned to lead the meat station and is attempting to get the steaks out quickly yeah the speed you yes I think this is still alive mistakes wrong I like rare I think it's a little too rare side of your weight for you thank you what's wrong you said that he wants it brought up a little bit chef jouvens yes chef Robert come here Roberts bounce your way down here let's go touch it touch it cool it's still walking that [ __ ] piece of beef pisses me off we have an executive chef of a steakhouse running our grill wake up get it together and put out some decent food okay Ronny [ __ ] I've never visited your steakhouse it's [ __ ] blue yeah sure how do you like it tell me it's we're like okay I'll get you a rare piece more than halfway through the first seating stakes continued to be returned and Chef Ramsay would like a word with Jimmy yes yep this is a joke now there's more space coming back you're really screwed up yes chef we need some help on the fillet general top of a snapper is ready March right now I blue tick now I come in shut up with her come here look at that there Wow a lot of stress going on you see that the hair shaft just looks [ __ ] gross and nasty and dirty like we are professional in here and hair and food let's go errands it's not vinyl it's [ __ ] disgusting whose is the long black hair it's gotta be Amanda's back the [ __ ] up off me not 9 nope my hair is not black it's brown and bread I never touch them oh gosh [ __ ] you now we give it up Jared it's a black hair if Chef Ramsay can see it like why can't you really waited long enough welcome to hell master art website chef potatoes [Music] go please thanks to a quick recovery by Jared on garnish service please the chef's table receives their dinner without further delay yes finally they were able to catch the fish and then bon apetito meanwhile in the red kitchen the ladies are sending out their last table of appetizers go please quick how is your foot on your side that is all good no surely God and are now moving on to entrees good hole covers table 50 entree two are the char two New York Strip good let's go just in a couple minutes countdown come on Ashley Ashley I need two and a half on those strips Ashley says she's confident on me but everyone needs to step up our game the black jacket dinner service this is a huge dinner service strips are in my hands thanks mister Ashley I'm 20 years older than you yeah and I move twice as fast [Music] nice it cook thanks to a team effort by the trio of women the red team gets out their first ticket of entrees and in the blue kitchen the entree orders keep coming let's go let's keep pushing [Music] [Music] Lutie yes up just touch that let's still go white fine there blue it's literally cold to the touch you don't need to be a private investigator to figure this [ __ ] out bring on the rib cap it's time for me to shine as an individual okay it's all about excellence at this point describe the dish please chef I just made a mustard shoe placed it on a bed of vegetables bacon and some mushroom stuff wow you've cooked it beautifully I mean it's absolutely nailed and the whole thing is cohesive definitely worthy sitting on throne good job yeah while tea gets comfortable in the chair of honor question is will you remain in the throne I'm Millie Bester the blue team hopes Millie can unseat her with his New York Strip and rosemary fondue damn that is literally teetering on the edge of raw you will not be sitting in the throne damn what a shame with Millie's meat too raw to even be considered let's go it's Josh's turn to try and take over the throne with his pomegranate and fig porterhouse a lot of people like to start with the filet first thank you for that come with instructions I'm sorry no no it doesn't believe a overcooked filet completely screwed I've got from one extreme to the other piss off I was pissed at myself you don't want to go up in front of the best chef in the world and just give our [ __ ] Queen teeth you could win if you team if you remain in that seat and next up Megan let's go I definitely think I have this in the back I did a seared porterhouse red wine Demi sauce with some mushrooms how'd you get it so melting them out like that I mean love to it put it in the oven took it out and put it in it took it out question is is it good enough to replace T's it's really tough Megan the chairs yours great dish good job Wow delicious I get the throne its deity [Music] mr. princess as the blue team rebels and Megan's stealing of the throne next up Alison let's go please Alison steps up with her rib eye even before I taste it is overcooked yes chef it's closed as a medium well too well done Megan stay where you are oh my god chef didn't even taste it just 100% embarrassed Nick stop Nick let's go we have a New York Strip with a roasted sunchoke puree little too clumsy on the garlic Meghan stays where she is Meghan you only have one more challenger Michelle Michelle has an awesome palate and she can cook Michelle with the flank so I'm getting a little nervous but the steak that I made was a [ __ ] steak it wasn't flank steak flank is literally a sear and a sear girl's flank that seasoned with salt pepper and chili powder black bean puree and mango pepper salsa Wow it's delicious I mean you've got the cheapest cut one of those awkward but it's a really good dish two great dishes they beautifully well-executed classic and here we have a cheap cut elevated to the Premier League this is so hard [Music] megha give Michelle the seat please [Music] like a rule salmon as well don't fingers roll roll show you run grilling yes yes how often you worry about salmon while Michelle tries to help Alison overcome her struggles on the grill house and I got it we already did because I'm back in the blue kitchen I got I got garnish for two Salmons got it hurt walking salmon welcome garments nick is ready with his refire salmon behind you chef okay go go go Chuck and the blue team has gotten over a speed bump and is back on track your ticket in yo thread I literally have like 14 steaks going at the same time some statement to New York and then after that it's gonna be too chicken and to filet heard wow so a lot of [ __ ] going on come on Megan walking past right now humming looks rechecking right after that my good yes chef come on quick [ __ ] me go Megan of all the people come on look [ __ ] raw New York Strip come on I have never seen Megan mess up for genuinely surprised you have another one yes give me one second that shows that she is a human being on a robot how long do you need I need a four minutes please [Music] Amanda after that you got to chicken or we got Wellington young lady oh no I'm going down come here you come in oh yeah that's [ __ ] all of you and I mean quick do [ __ ] slow for me 90 percent your entrees are all meat she swamped wrong why can't your fat that's a disgrace do me a favor get a big pair of lungs cause you're refusing point-blank to delegate what's now one of you find your bollocks and go stand next to her let's go Bret has now scored with his risotto and appetizers are now moving out of the blue kitchen all right fellas Brooke meanwhile in the red kitchen with the appetizers nearly done Chef Ramsay looks to Monique to deliver on surviving son I know what I'm doing I've done this before I've been on meat station I got this sous le chef [Music] all of you when you see white fat running through there what is that under under who cook the Wellington editor that's what you don't care we care chef there's a fire on two Wellington's great money strikes and I'm like you've been on this station before this cannot be happening I need another I need another one come on ladies come on me just run it on your last check let them be wrong good Thank You Lloyd hi I stop stop all of you come in [Music] oh my god raw raw people not rare wrong come on really who cooked that steak Shelly mica no more [ __ ] raw meat please
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 4,258,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen 2018, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, “Gordon, Ramsay, Likes, The, Food”, “Raj, Hell’s, Kitchen”, gordon ramsay steak
Id: f2MwHyicbyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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