Never Ever Google These Things! - AskReddit

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warning this video will ruin your day it is not only disturbing but it contains all kinds of cruelty imaginable please don't watch this if you have low self control and please don't google any of the suggestions in this video it's a video of a guy popping his eyeball out with two spoons what things should people never google any symptoms you have trying to figure out what's wrong with you through google is the quickest way to freak yourself out one time i had a terrible headache and google told me i had a major brain tumor brain cancer and a possible broken and fractured skull also symptoms of mental illness i've convinced myself before that i have autism and schizophrenia from reading stuff online when in reality i'm just an anxious person cyclopia human i made the mistake after watching futurama one of the characters leela only has one eye but human cyclopia is a little birth defect and not the cool sci-fi stuff i expected they don't always get one eye it's more like only one socket develops and they try to shove both eyes into it technically both sockets form they just merge your face forms from the right and left halves merging towards the midline whatever mechanism tell the face to stop fails in this case so everything just keeps on merging i read a lot of embryology textbooks i will read a section thinking i wonder what happens in that step goes wrong then you flip the page and it shows you seriously do not google it there was this band from indonesia a few years back i don't know if they're still around they're a hardcore punk band and they're named after a song called under 18 by a classic nyc hardcore band called warzone a song about shows being all ages and generally inclusive my friend was over at my place and i played them for him he decided to google them for more info he searched under 18 indonesian hardcore on my computer i'm definitely on a list somewhere because of him i used to watch gore and shock videos just for the hell of it and got to the point where i felt nothing from them fast forward to 2019 i got curious and watched the mosque shooting video and that one broke the camel's back i felt more depressed than usual couldn't sleep for several days and couldn't stop thinking about it it might sound a little dumb but i even went on reddit and unsubbed from anything that had negativity or toxicity too often my mind just couldn't take it for a while injuries involving dick loving my daughter who is a knob slash gyna doctor managed to deglove a finger a couple of years ago by dropping a heavy door on it blood everywhere everywhere we rushed her to amd and it got re-gloved after some more surgery and rehab she was able to resume her career including the surgeries that she performs fournier gangrene is some horrible condition the google images are terrifying from the cases i've witnessed it can start from something as simple as a pimple the problem is it happens so incredibly fast the cases i saw go from a little redness to full-blown gangrene in less than a day someone replied do people just ignore it and let it get to the point of blackened and dissolved flesh i think i would be immediately to my doctor if i saw even a hint of my penis or scrotum beginning to rot or smell i assume they must smell terrible judging by the images are these folks usually suffering mentally it would seem likely or why wouldn't you seek immediate help feel terrible for anyone who has developed this what a disease do not search google images for this i have gotten so many messages of regret just do not for your own sanity and peace harlequin type theosis is a genetic disorder which results in thickened skin over nearly the entire body at birth the skin forms large diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks they affect the shape of the eyelids nose mouth and ears and limit movement of the arms and legs restricted movement of the chest can lead to breathing difficulties these plates fall off over several weeks other complications can include premature birth infection problems with body temperature and dehydration tukshar massacre dagestan beheading massacre films russian soldiers surrendered to extremist forces hoping to become pals unfortunately they were deceived and chechen commander umar edel sultanov ordered his soldiers to cut the prisoner's throats as revenge for his fallen comrades you'll get to listen to the cries of young men and their futile efforts to stay alive in these tapes [Music] blue waffles the medical term is bacterial vaginosis basically just a bacterial infection of the vagina can lead to some rather unpleasant sights and smells it's not just for vaginas some penises have it too boy are the school people in for it when they read my school chromebook's history the google images of necrotizing fasciitis flesh-eating bacteria my wife had a patient early on in her career who had this on his genitals she had a guy later in her career that the family refused to take off from life support even though it was beyond pointless he was sedated and unconscious so at least he wasn't feeling pain he had sepsis multiple organ failure his heart was bad enough to get a transplant but he was far too sick to get one he was onychmo then an impala he was on dialysis he had fluid around his lungs so he was intubated on a breathing tube he was a diabetic who hadn't controlled it his color was bad flesh loses a certain vibrancy when it's getting blood flow he literally had clumps of skin falling off why mention all this make your care wishes known get it in writing and notarized if your health network allows it get it on file if you have a life alert bracelet like i do there's a place to upload it there don't put your loved ones in that position who wants to pull their child sibling spouse or other person who's named them their health proxy off of life support what if the person refuses to give up hope and relies on prayer healing crystals essential oils etc when you should be moved to hospice or the equipment turned off modern medicine fascinates me but it's terrifying the amount of that tech and care that can be applied to keep someone technically alive one man two spoons it's a video of a guy popping his eyeball out with two spoons there's a video from a family's dash cam as they're driving down the highway a brick falls off a truck or something and goes through their windshield and hits the wife in the passenger seat you can't see anything because the gore is all behind the camera but you can hear the husband's reaction when he realizes that she's dead the screams are haunting bobby yeah it's the only online video i ever came across that not only unsettled me deeply but made me feel like vomiting for a very long time after it's some bizarre claymation video that could be passed off as art about a somewhat tim burton sequel characters misadventures it quickly unravels into something disturbing and disgusting with the visceral surreal feeling of 80s can't be fx but with clay it was so gross i didn't even finish it i saw it maybe six years ago but if it crosses my mind i still wish i hadn't seen it not sure if it's a personal thing but that one sat very badly with me it's better to watch the people describe it in the documentary than watching the videos themselves in one lunatic one ice pick a man has someone strapped to their bed the man stabs him to death with a spray-painted screwdriver he pretends as an ice pick and cuts his limbs off if it makes you feel better a group of people online banded together and managed to track him down and arrest him there's a lot of pictures and videos in here that are good selections to never google so i'll suggest something different the transcript of the toybox killer tapes is a highly disturbing read the full audio was never released to my knowledge for anyone curious it's the first thing his victims would hear when they woke up strapped to a modified gynecological chair where he describes in graphic detail everything he's going to do to them over the coming days weeks maybe months read about the case but skip the full transcript there's this audio where a dude gets eaten by a bear his name is timothy treadwell he was filming a documentary with his wife i think but there was a woman with him anyway yeah they were filming when they were attacked i think he was attacked first and you can hear he and she screaming and then she is attacked there wasn't any video just audio still crazy there is a 9-1-1 call of a couple whose chimpanzee went berserk and was mauling one of them that stuff is crazy too stacey wilson bus crime scene some sick guy dragged her off the bus and decapitated her for no reason nikki katsuros was a young girl who snuck outside and took her dad's car while he was away and drove around a freeway lost control and died the skin on her face came clean off all there was in the metal mess was a red mass with hair petri was a psychotic kid who has accused a friend of cheating went to his house when his parents weren't around strangled him with wire and cut him in half with a hacksaw while the kid had regained consciousness facial-to-gloving injuries happen a lot no particular backstory depends on how you lost your face the abdullia livestream one is a video where a girl is riding shotgun and records herself suddenly there's a mess because the car crashed and it's rolling and the like suddenly she's out the car filming her sister whose forehead is bashed in good didn't see the video at full because it's too sad the sister continued to film nonchalant because i think she was under influence at gene's furniture with human skins and stuff bryce williams shooting two reporters in cold blood on appear like queern and bad gta in real live video no gore but it's not the best i haven't run the gauntlet but i looked into it and according to reddit you may find a girl drowning beheading three guys one hammer and more body farm are decomposing bodies in a field anyone care to shed some light to the shotgun death bath i've found nothing whatsoever just pictures of someone's corpse sitting against the tub inside with their top of the head completely torn and practically non-existent shotguns are insanely powerful guns thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos that ruin your day click the right box for the reddit facts playlist and please for the love of god don't google any of the suggestions just watch a cat video and be a happy ice cream sandwich
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 554,076
Rating: 4.9270568 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts google, things should not google, you should not google, things you should not google, things we should not google, things u should not google, things that should not be google, don't google, reddit don't google
Id: Z1N9RvdOfq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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