David Peacock - Can You Take Orders?

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foreboding to you but nonetheless you live in uncertain times man good to see you are you feeling better are you is he lying he's lying okay well i'm glad you made it in i've been praying for you every day i really felt a real bad accident a few weeks ago and still hasn't quite recovered i'm glad to see you in church it's good to see you good to see you too ben glad you're here all right titus chapter number three uh notice that apostle paul talking to titus here deals with something that's difficult for all of us he says put them in mind to be subject to principalities powers and obey magistrates and be ready to every good work speak evil of no man to be no brawlers but gentle showing all meekness into all men house's important thing come to first samuel 15 because he deals with the subject of authority david said he had some mighty men and those mighty men are named throughout the bible and there are certain ones that are able to do unusual and unique things they never lose their individuality but you have to understand this david said one of their attributes was they could keep rank one of the most difficult things to do when you run any kind of an organization and especially my type comes from a paramilitary background and many of you come from a military background you can't run any organization from a regular business to a family if everybody is a chief and there ain't no indians and so when the lord comes down here instead of him looking for the chief position he said he made himself lower than the angels and he learned obedience by the things that he suffered and he became a servant now of all the things that you would think the king of the universe could be or what he would come down here he has this mentality and i want you to listen this is important i want you to understand that when the lord came down here that the thing he did was he said of all the things i could be and where i could start i could come down and i could have started with the path of the second advent and takeover but he has this theology and you old-timers would appreciate this he started at the bottom and worked his way up nowadays you have people who do this because they've been to school or just because of their graduation you know all of a sudden i'm you know 25 years old or 24 years old and you know i want to get started i've got the degree but you don't have the experience you don't have the time just because a doctor walks out with a piece of paper and they pass all their schools and stuff after they do that they send them to do residency under someone else's watchful eye and careful eye and if you're fixing to have let's say cardiothoracic surgery you don't want a guy that you're his first patient you want to know he's practiced on a bunch of dead people first and has an idea of what the anatomy is am i right when you get ready to have some serious surgery i don't care if it's a hip replacement a knee replacement or whatever you don't want to just know the credentials you assume the guy's got the white coat because he's got the cur so he has the credentials what you want to know is how many have you done or am i your first guinea pig because experience teaches you things that you can't learn in a book now i'm for books don't misunderstand me i don't believe in cutting out the books i believe you should study to show yourself approved in those things but at the same time experience david says about these guys he said they could keep prank they can do what i ask them to do one of the problems if you study war you'll find generally speaking that people of lower rank have a tendency to always try to usurp the authority of people over them in vietnam you had a lot of things that people don't know you have a guy that graduated from west point and i'm all for west point it's a great school and that kind of a thing and they were a buttercup lieutenant they would step out onto the field there and they got a guy that's been in country for say two or three tours of duty and all of a sudden he starts trying to tell the guys what to do you're going to get somebody killed so believe it or not there was a lot of them that were killed by friendly fire because it's sacrificed the one to save the many now one of the things you have to understand is in the bible in first samuel chapter number 15 this has to do with his saul or and he is the king and the preacher supposed to be there and he's intentionally laid on purpose to check saul's motive saul's motive saul has a problem with covetousness he has a problem with uh organizational issues he has a problem with being the proverbial commander-in-chief you might say he couldn't take orders that's saul saul comes along there and the lord said this is what i want you to do and saul said okay fine i'll take my interpretation of your orders i check with nobody i do what i want to do right well there's a problem with that because when the preacher comes in there he says hey saul how are you doing he said well preacher you know you're running late i mean uh after all i mean are you kidding me i mean man we took over the city a long time ago we're ready to go you're waiting for the fanfare or you saw you're waiting for the recognition or you saw you're waiting for the celebration or you saw don't you recognize god gave you the victory don't you recognize saul that if it wasn't for god you wouldn't have gotten where you are don't you recognize saul you wouldn't be the king if it wasn't for god saul i mean can't you pause long enough saul to just stop for a minute and thank god for where you are saul no saul says no man i've already i've already done that he said okay well let me ask you did you do what god told you to do see the authority you see the authority did you do what god said to do sure i did well if you did what's the lowing of the the bleeding of the sheep mellowing of the oxen well about that what about it we'll see the people talk to me and i saw you've never done what anybody's told you to do and now you're going to tell you you did what the people said to do i don't believe you saul let me ask you another question what about a gag you've certainly you've hewed him to pieces and thrown him under the bus and buried him out back somewhere with the dogs right well about that preacher you know the way i see it is is you know he's a king like i am and you know one of the things i can do is if i keep him around people are going to know how great i am because i got the other king in chains and the lord said i wanted him dead for a reason because what you'll do saw is every time you drop in the polls you'll pull out that a-gag and say don't forget what i did don't forget what i did now let me show you a little bit if i could please i'm not going to talk politics but tell you about a politician what a politician will do is keep a gag on a chain and when they start to dip in the polls they'll pull out well don't forget i got this bill passed don't forget i got that bill pat don't forget i was there for you when right all right so he says in first samuel chapter number 15 if you're in that passage right there and look in verse 22 samuel said hath the lord is greater delight and burnt offerings and sacrifices look at it as in obeying the voice of the lord you want to know what the worship hears watch behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken that means to do what you're told to do than the fatter realms now before you before you get me crossways here or or misunderstand what i'm going to try to show you from the bible today understand this the lord came down and took commands from his creation so you you've got to pause for a moment there and think the one that made you now lets you tell him what to do and then you have a problem when it comes to taking orders because he tells you the answer to why look in verse number 23 for rebellion is what oh my goodness and stubbornness is in idolatry forbidden you know what he says when you don't do what god says to do you got an idol you're worshiping you say what's the idol you you say what is i do when i rebel against god you conjure up another spirit you now have invited demonic entities into your life even though you're saved they can find a residence in your flesh now i'm just trying to point this out to you here's one of the issues the lord brings you up out of egypt well why'd god bring us out of egypt to just die out here in the wilderness no now wait a minute he brought you out of egypt so that you can sing and praise and thank god for bringing you up out of egypt the first mention in your bible of song and dance comes after the lord delivers the nation of israel from egypt brings them across the red sea first mention of song and dance is praise god from whom all blessings flow thank you for getting us out of egypt he brought you out of egypt so that you can praise him that's the first thing you say why the joy of the lord is your what do you know strength so what's the devil want to do he wants to trample underfoot your joy here's the second thing he brought you out of egypt to show you two other things this is about authority number one to show you if you stay in egypt the death angel gets you to show you that all those that disobeyed god in egypt they die the firstborn dies is that right and the rest of them pursue after the nation of israel and they come out there and the lord drowns them in the red sea now stay with me you'll you'll get the principle in a second god's big on this you say why it's at the crux of what the devil did yes the devil said you're not going to tell me what to do the lord said i made you son and he said i don't care if you made me i will i will i will five times i will means you i will not your will that's the two different prayers five times the devil said i will the lord said not my will but thine be done that's the difference in the two do you see the authority all right so number one he shows you that about praising the lord he brings you up out of egypt for the purpose of you being able to praise god i just got to tell you this ladies and gentlemen that means you praise god even when things aren't good the very idea of people that peop that things are always going to be good is ridiculous it's ludicrous it doesn't happen for anybody anywhere in any portion of the world no matter what age there's always going to be something wrong you wake up in the morning and something's going to go sideways you just have to be careful not to get caught up and think oh well you know what's god doing to me and why is this happening to me and and poor me and this and that and the other and you know and then it's well there's somebody who has it worse than you and all that kind of stuff a christians mumble gripe and complain more than any you ought to be praising i'm glad i ain't in egypt i'm glad i'm not going to hell thank god from whom all blessings flow well you know i got up and the water's not hot i got up and ain't no coffee in the can the eggs rotted my god i got in the car whoa whoa the bat of all days battery had to die today the lord's like well it died because if you got in your car and went the way you normally did you would be dead now so you you're that's good number two he took you out so he could say that the people that decide to stay in sodom they get destroyed the people that decide to stay in egypt they get destroyed the people that decide not to hearken and get onto the ark they get destroyed number two number three to have anybody that tries to usurp god's authority over your over what god wants you to do put their authority over his he destroys them in red sea here's number four god brought you up out of egypt to show you that people who do things god never called them to do that he has a way of taking care of them too you say now hold on a minute all right let's take core nathan and abyram moses takes too much upon himself we're as anointed as he is that's a true statement they were we're as qualified as moses is that's a true statement they were as a matter of fact they might even been more qualified well then what's the problem preacher the problem was is god never called them to lead the problem was is that they couldn't take orders the problem was authority so moses said okay well the lord told me to have you all show up at 12 o'clock high noon at the okay corral and step out the doors of your tent and we'll let god decide cora nathan and abyram could have been a big help to moses but they couldn't get in line now you you fellows you'll be that way when it comes to your household but you'll some of you you'll struggle from now to the cows come home in the military or you'll struggle and when it comes to your boss telling you what to do because many of you fellows in here you know more than your bosses do but they own the company somebody you're going to struggle with law enforcement you say why oh i don't know you ran into a bad one along the way and so you justify all of your rebellion and say well i'm not going to do what they tell me to do they put their pants on just like i do they're wearing the badge bud go ahead and fight it i mean if that's what you want to do and then you're wondering why you wind up in jail all the time why you're the one you ever noticed that you ever notice i can't tell you how many times i did it but the majority of people that i wrote tickets to it wasn't their first time it's habitual you know they sun visor glove box you know get it suspended or revoked just cut to the chase well no i i i i it's it's somewhere here i call it in suspended revoked well why'd you pick on me i don't know you like had a light shining on you and you know of all the millions i could find it just happened to be you right you see sometimes god puts you in a spanking machine and sometimes you won't recognize that god's trying to look out for you i heard a man say he was a drug addict a big time drug addict he began to call over to china all the time and he started uh getting stuff on the black web or whatever that dark web i think is what they call it and he was ordering fentanyl and some other things through that and he was making his own stuff back in a little makeshift lab behind his house he was a makeshift chemist back there and he's passing this stuff out and all of a sudden people are dying from the fentanyl because the fentanyl is too strong and they're replacing heroin with it i'm sure you all understand all that i'm not a medical expert but you understand you take too much of something to kill you fentanyl is about 10 times more powerful than heroin especially if it's not stepped on and so he's doing all that kind of stuff and they run the guy down and then after they run him down they put him in prison for manslaughter contributing to the death because of this and that and the other and he winds up because of con of distributing controlled substance and i forgot two or three other charges you know what his testimony was he said this is the greatest thing in the world that ever happened to me and the guy said what is he said being put in prison he said i thought i was a good daddy but he said i was looking at it through the eyes of a high person he said i spent all the time being high injecting myself and trying to figure out certain mixtures to cover with pain he got run over by a pickup truck or something earlier and he got hooked up on oxycontin and oxycodone and then when it went from there into heroin and then from there into fentanyl and then he started using it to make money with and he said i made a mess of the first time in my life but i can fix it now the second time you say what is that god putting him in a machine and saying okay that's enough but some people just won't learn saul never learned saul had a problem core nathan and abiram come up there and they questioned moses authority and the lord said let me show you what i think about authority now i'm not a pastoral pope i never have been but there's a certain thing that god sets up organizationally and he sets that up for you across the board are you in submission to his word this morning see it's authority it's who you're going to take orders from all right so the thing goes along after a while there then you know moses i mean miriam and aaron and they come up there and say you know what i don't believe moses say he shouldn't be married to that woman remember that zipporah he killed a man buried him in the sand went to the backside married the midian ish woman over there zipporah and daddy's the the big cheese over there in the country and all that kind of stuff they come back this is after they've been let out of the exodus now they've been let out of the exodus and miriam and moses they're i mean miriam and aaron are sitting there talking and they're saying you know now if he's going to be the preacher the pastor he's pastoring a couple million people right i mean first baptist may have a few thousand down there that's nothing compared to moses now you can back man two million people at least and you think about that that's two cities the size of of of jacksonville going through the sinai peninsula a couple million people going through the sinai peninsula and moses is in charge that's a pretty major deal and and and they're sitting around i guess they don't have anything to do they're looking at the qualifications so moses he probably shouldn't be up there i mean he he he he murdered a guy when he was 40. he's been out of commission for 40 years and i married him says i know he's my brother but i can't stand his wife i hate that black woman that's it i don't believe that's right marian what would you have him do divorce him to make you happy is that what you'd like you don't like her because she's married to the big cheese and you're not the big cheese what's the problem miriam aaron says well you know i've been looking at the scriptures here and the way i see it is and the lord said okay and the next thing you know miriam wakes up and she goes oh my goodness i got leprosy and the lord said yeah you do get out i don't care if you're related to him by blood or not get out well now now lord i mean i i mean i i meant i meant well i i i i mean i just said lord can we talk about this out and aaron goes in there and says moses uh miriam's got the leprosy really why you think that is well we've been having some talks on social media and email and snapchat and instagram and stuff and we've been having some things and moses really i didn't know nothing about that well apparently the lord did know about it i've been trying to get people to kind of come up to you moses and talk to you about your wife about my wife yeah you know moses the popular opinion is we don't we don't care for her too much she don't fit around here she's not a jew moses she a black lady she's midianite she was a baal worshiper moses and about that time the lord says you better watch it boy if you weren't the high priest i'd strike you dead right now amen and aaron says yes sir moses said i didn't say anything he said no i know but um somebody else just told me i'm way out of line now i don't know what moses would have said the bible said moses prayed because he cared about his sister and his brother and the bible says that the lord said okay i'll bring her back in she don't ever say nothing after that can i ask you a question we're talking about authority now do you think god could have killed miriam if he i mean killed moses his wife if he wanted to well then why would you want her dead why is that you think god could have moved her out of the way if he wanted to wonder if she's there to check the people wonder if the lord left her in place just to see how you'd respond to it is that god's business i'd say maybe so but see how that authority thing can get us the next thing you know you know what you decide to do you decide to do where we're going to be this morning in the morning service you're in the book of judges in the morning service this morning you're around judges two or three there you know what it says in that passage that the israel was without a judge and that every man did that which is right in his own eyes that's laodicea the rights of the people you better be careful when your rights you serve his rights you find out whether or not you're really a bible believer you say why the decisions you make so the time goes on and difficulties come along and you get to thinking to yourself well you know preacher i don't i don't really know that that's that big of a deal and and what should we do i mean you know you're says not to speak evil of anybody but the evil speaking there has nothing to do with calling out people that are doctrinally incorrect that's a duck that's a hide that's i'm going to get behind something to justify you can't talk about me no it's getting called out demas hath forsaken me having loved the present world john talks about diotrophies loving the preeminence can't get a letter in he has to send it in through a woman there and i would have sent it here but diotrophies is intercepting the letters and giving you the interpretation of it and changing my words and changing what i'm saying so now what i'm doing covertly over there in second john is is i'm sending this to a lady whose name i'm not going to mention in the church there because diotrophies keeps intercepting the stuff alexander the coppersmith have done me much harm the lord reward him according to his deeds in matthew over there the lord comes down through here says scribes pharisees hypocrites woe unto you scribes pharisees hypocrite he even calls them names he calls them snakes he calls them vipers he mocks them he makes fun of them elijah makes fun of the bell worshipers this is important for you to grab a hold of you say why because if you're not going to follow what god says then you have erased the doctrinal boundary that separates you that not just separate but protects you from being led astray doctrinal boundaries keep you from being pulled in the wrong direction if you keep hanging around with the wrong people separation is to keep you from running why because if i hang with the wrong people sooner or later gravity is going to take place and you may not partake but you will begin to cover for those things look if you will in romans chapter 16 we're talking about authority it's not just governmental authority it's in the last days are you willing to do what god would have you to do well what if it comes to doctrinal truths jeremiah corrected the scribes elijah the prophets of baal jesus the scribes and the pharisees and the hypocrites paul demas john mark alexander the coppersmith it's all through there this speaking evil of nobody has to do with miriam saying something not a preacher and not you as a christian saying the bible says and lets the bible call them out i have no problem at all telling you that there is a false gospel that is being preached that baptism saves you i don't care who preaches it it's wrong if they tell you that the lord's supper what we call the lord's supper but what they call uh partaking of the of the eucharist and all that kind of stuff uh taking the mass if they tell you that saves you i'll tell you the bible says it doesn't you shouldn't talk about catholics catholics are the one that teach that if i tell you that they believe that the way that you can inherit uh the virgins up there in eternity and so on and so forth is to follow allah and to pray seven times a day and to do all these other kind of things i can tell you that's not how you get saved i can say that and i don't have to back up you say nowadays the muslims are wrong oh how can you say that because the bible says it the bible acts actually commands me that i have a responsibility to point that out to you one of the greatest teaching tools is contrast it's to show you black and white this is not that that's not this and so what god does is he points out things along the way but what people do is they twist it and they modernize it and they say now when he says speak evil of no man that means you shouldn't talk about somebody's religion well then that puts jesus as a sinner thank you very much because he did that puts john the baptist as the sinner that puts all the apostles as sinners that puts the apostle paul as a sinner so what do i have to do when it comes to that do i have to rebuke him do i have to get on to him do i have to uh to be mean spirited no he says in the second verse there not a brawler you're not so ball up your fist and punch somebody's lights out that's muslim theology don't believe like we do we cut your head off talk about our prophet we cut your head off make a cartoon about our prophet we'll bomb your city my god doesn't do that my god said if you want to talk about you can he went to the cross they laughed they mocked belittle they made fun of him and he said father forgive them two different theologies you don't force somebody into this but it's an authority thing most people have no problem with authority as long as they're the one in authority and some of you boy right now you feel like i got 40 grit out boy and i am just rubbing on every nerve turn the cat around and just listen to a principle that's in the bible the lord learned what obedience how if he was always in charge could he learn to submit the difficult thing romans chapter number 16. let's run just a few of these verses right here and some of these will be new to some of you especially those of you that are visitors but it's biblical principles this is not cult theology nowadays when you talk to christians about separation you immediately go to pants and pork but biblically the lord tells you that there's certain things you should separate from so that god can deal with the person that's doing things they shouldn't be doing but i know some of you you're worse than doctors you got a god complex you think you can fix every stray dog and every stray cat because you got a problem yourself and so because of that there's things that you're doing in secret you're trying to help people that god says i'll tell you how to help them leave them alone that goes for your kids i know that's tough you'll get it in the morning service if you don't want that don't come because the morning service is gonna maybe be a smidge and difficult for some of you because i have to show you a biblical principle and when it comes to serving god your god comes above everything else including your family and yes even for those of us that are southerners nothing trump's family yes god trump's family notice what he says in romans chapter number 16 come to verse number 17. now i beseech your brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to what not a dress code which ye have learned and do what stay away from them he doesn't tell you to try to correct them because he knows until they're ready to be corrected can you please listen to this until they are ready to be corrected you cannot correct them except by force and that will not last long verse number 18 for they are such that serve not our lord jesus christ but their own belly that means they're after their own carnal their own fleshly desires by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple so the first command that he gives you there is he says stay away from these individuals come to first corinthians chapter 5. now what that should give you is not arrogance or obnoxiousness or a separatist pharisaical snot-nosed punk like a guy that's not far from here and basically what he teaches is this antiseptic christianity that you don't want to get cooties by trying to be around people that haven't risen to your level of spirituality okay well that's not the lord at all the lord said condescend to men of low estate and the lord said hey don't get the cooties on you but try to help the ones with the cooties you never want that separation to get you so separated that you can't try to reach down and help people that need help they need jesus that's why they're whacked out he's talking here about people that are saved individuals that should know better it should not separate you from individuals that you're trying to get help to first corinthians chapter number five i'm sure you're watching look in verse number nine i wrote unto you an epistle not to company with what okay i might have to turn tv off there and the bible says this in verse 10 yet not all together with fornicators of this world or with covetous or extortioners or idolaters for then you must needs go out of the world he just said the people that are lost you can't not company with them because they're lost and they do that you can't reach them if you're not willing to sit down with them doesn't mean you're condoning what they're doing but now i've written unto you not to keep coming if any man called a what saved person come on not called to what verse 11. be a fornicator covetous idolatrous drunkard extortioner with such a one know not to do what okay well that's what the bible says but who cares what the bible says come to ephesians chapter five but preacher you know if you just understood yeah i know home church split a church have a church you know have a tampa smoke them if you got them whatever it may be there's all kind of justifications for stepping out from under the umbrella of authority the majority of times when there are issues in our churches it is not doctrinal it is authority it is that if i can't be the one in authority then i'm going to go somewhere where i will be the chief cook and bottle washers i don't care if it train wrecks my whole family my testimony and everybody else nobody's going to tell me what to do it's collateral damage i just told you core nathan and abyram were as qualified as moses but god said i didn't call you to do that well if you could grab a hold of that one right there that would help you to also take pressure off of you look in ephesians chapter number five look in verse number uh 11 verse 10 proving that proving what is acceptable unto the lord and have no fellowship with the what unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them second corinthians chapter number six i assumed you had this one i didn't give it to you i apologize second corinthians chapter six you all know this one now this is the this is lost people but nowadays you're dealing with people unfortunately that are saved people and they're still living like lost people literally the bible says this in verse number uh let's pick it up in 13. recompense the same i speak unto my children be you also enlarged be not any yoke together with unbelievers what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness you can apply that to christians that are doing wrong if you're doing right you shouldn't be around them what communion have uh light with darkness if they're fooling around with things that are dark by nature what do you need you shouldn't be having any there shouldn't be you trying to lighten up their darkness he said what communion what do you have in common have you ever asked yourself that question why is it you're drawn to the darkness moths are drawn to what light you turn on your porch light at night time and you don't even think there's any bugs around the next thing you know all the bugs are but the bugs aren't buzzing around out in the dark they're going toward what why is it that a christian feels like i'm supposed to try to be a light in a dark place right there and the next thing you know what is it that drew you to the darkness what is it that draws you to the people that are constantly in darkness i had a guy that i know really really well and under the guise of ministry he took it upon himself to to study all the ins and outs of rock and roll music including the demonic signs and all the symbols and all the stuff and he had a gargantuan library on every kind of rock and roll music you can imagine and before long he caught himself running with that crowd and understanding that crowd and passing on that crowd and well they can't you know they they really need to have jesus and the next thing you know he's messed up three or four times down the road because they why he's drawn to darkness all the time under the guise of that i know a guy in a big church that was uh not far from here and under the same guys he started bringing out pornographic literature and showing it to the young people's class and the next thing you know he's committing adultery and then winds up divorce and he's out of the ministry now you you look shocked no you keep being drawn or gravitate to darkness the darkness will consume you you've only got so much light you don't have enough light to light up some dark places stay away from it you don't need to be an expert in it you don't need to look up that stuff and delve into it there's stuff that has to be done by professionals and all that and maybe the lord will give them a shield so that that stuff doesn't impact or affect them but you stay at it long enough i know i can't tell you how many homicide guys you look at them you don't know if you're dealing with a funeral director or a guy investigating homicide you say why they look like death literally they look like death you say why they deal in death all the time it's better for you not to mess with darkness stay away from the darkness it's better for you i don't like the darkness you know they have the lord has you close your eyes when you go to sleep but i like to be able to open and there's a little light over there burning just you know you you say well not me okay well i don't like that inky black so dark you turn the lights off and you can't see your hand in front of your face and you say what that spooks me out man i don't like it oh you're just a control freak you don't have faith help yourself man you haven't seen in the dark what i've seen what concord have christ with belial what part of he the believer within an infidel what agreement hath the temple of god with idols now we know already from the study of that that idols come to the second uh timothy our second thessalonians please come to second thessalonians we know that an idol can be an idol in somebody's heart that idol can be i'm going to do what i want to do you ever wonder why you get drawn to rebels that preacher used to say all the time he said a lot of profound things and a lot of things people just stroke wrote up as you know he's just an idiot he's just crazy he's just senile old man one fellow told me that doesn't live far from here he said i wouldn't do anything that senile old man ever said hey sonny boy that senile old man's got more in his watch pocket than you'll ever have in your entire ministry why you have to make a ministry offer running somebody else down that senile old man you know what that senile old man said he said you know what i've learned i've learned that people hang around who they're around people that they like because birds of a feather flock together that's profound he said you ever seen black birds running with cardinals or blue jays you said you ever seen blue jays running with swans and he said you don't see ducks trying to be swans and all that other kind of stuff he said birds of a feather you know what that makes me do that makes me know why it is that i have fellowship with you folks more than some people that maybe i should have fellowship with because i have other commonalities but birds of a feather you're not all peacocks aren't you glad but birds of a feather i'm comfortable with my church family but some of you are more comfortable out there right come on why is that you know what some of you do some of you make more reasons and excuses and cover-ups and give them more room to fail out there than you do people here why is that birds of a feather flock together second thessalonians i gotta hurry look if you will please in uh verse number oh let's just pick it up in 10 3 10. second thessalonians 3 10 well make it six now we command you brethren god forbid paul throwing out a command you know there's a any word in the bible that begins with sub most people don't like subordinate subjection they don't like those words the bible says he said pray for us there then he comes down to verse six we command you brother in the name of the lord jesus christ withdraw yourselves from every what are you with me from every what that does what paul walks disorderly and not after the tradition he received of us paul's pretty harsh paul said no i'm telling you get away from him he said i'm telling you i'm not just asking i'm commanding you i know you're going to fix them miriam aaron i'm sure paul says over there he said verse number 7 follow us behave not ourselves disorderly we set the example and in verse number nine because we have not power to make ourselves an unceptible unto you follow us and even when you are with us verse number 10 we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he what pretty rough see what that work ethic somebody doesn't work he said do it take him on for charity no he said they don't work they don't eat that's pretty harsh but he goes on we hear there are some that walk among you disorderly working not at all but or what are they well you know i heard about what happened to this church and heard about what happened to that church and i i've got a complaint about this and i got a complaint about that they're idle and so therefore they're spinning around they're spending their doctor and what are they talking about are they talking about the lord jesus christ are they talking about people you know all the people that hurt them in the church and all the chances they didn't get to serve and to do and to be and all that because where they went that ministry existed for them to have a ministry and the preacher held them back wouldn't wouldn't let them wouldn't allow them because they had busy bodies now them that are verse number 12 are such we command and exhort you by our lord jesus christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread go build your own work go do your own thing and make sure you give everybody that attaches to you an opportunity to do whatever because after all you don't even consider the collateral damage of putting an inexperienced person into a position or a person with a bad attitude you don't even consider that do you because you don't care about the people you care about the position that's certainly like christ but you brethren be not weary and well do and if any man obey not our word by this epistle note that man and what i'm sorry are we talking about authority well are you under authority i don't know suppose the lord grades you by your obedience to his word notice what he said what's the purpose of doing that to show you're right and he's wrong that he might be ashamed what count him not as an enemy but admonish him as a brother how do you admonish him you get away from him well brother if that's what you choose to do that's certainly your right to do that but i'm sorry the road me and you walking together stops here i'm not going with you second timothy chapter number three bear with me just a minute i've got about three minutes second timothy three the bible's definitive this isn't evil speaking this is bible to help you you think this is fun for me to tell you we live in such an ecumenical world nowadays when a preacher gets up and tells you what i'm telling you right now you know what some of you who thought i was a nice fellow and all that you're mad at me right now and i'm just telling you what the bible said and and now you think that's easy for me do you honestly do do you honestly think i like being disliked i wish you sometimes sometimes i do i wish you had the privilege to get up and shoot your mouth off for four hours a week and then all of a sudden you're you're easy taken you don't say anything always amen or yeah or hallelujah or glory to god or you know you go out grumbling but you don't put yourself under the microscope and talk long enough to talk yourself into trouble that's why i have empathy for teachers they're talking every single day sooner or later they're going to mess up and somebody's going to be right there to catch them well you get up there and do that you have to say things god tells you to say and then he says i'm your friend and i'm like well lord i mean we have to cover that now lord said problems authority boy yes sir well i really like the preacher i don't agree with all that okay great but it's not me giving you the book i didn't think you were on the bottle i thought you were wanting me ii timothy chapter number three notice if you will please in verse number five if any man strived for the mastery yet is not crowned except he strive how you got to do it the right way there's an order to things see i don't like the order of things i'm sorry that's chapter two here's chapter three apologize first of all there's an order second of all look at verse number five having having a form of godliness but denying the power of power thereof from such what all right now i'm going to come to the end of that passage here in just a second but let me say this if i go to work at burger king and i came from mcdonald's both of them make hamburgers is that right my boss comes in at burger king and gives me a little crown to wear and all that other kind of stuff and he says okay this is how we make it here and this is a whopper and this is a whopper jam whatever they serve there i don't even know anymore but just understand the illustration and i say well i appreciate that but i was trained to make two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun he said i understand that i appreciate your training and maybe that'll help you when you're flipping the burgers over but when it comes to dressing the hamburger this is how we dress them at burger king and then you put it in the bin and then you serve it well i understand that but over there see they have this quarter pounder thing there and you put lettuce tomato and you put this on this way and you toast the bun with a little bit of butter and you do this and the other i understand says the boss but if you're gonna work at burger king you're going to do things in the order we do things or we're going to re-route re-change fix all of what we've been doing for years that made us successful as a restaurant so that we can address or adjust everything to make you happy because we are so happy that you came from mcdonald's and you work for burger king you go ahead and rewrite and tell us how to run our restaurant we have some nurses here and you come from saint vincent's and their protocol and you go to baptist downtown or baptist south and while you're a nurse you better learn the protocol of that hospital and what doctors you're working for or you know what they'll say we now know why you no longer work at saint vincent's because you're not the administrator you are a nurse this is what we want our nurses to do oh i never did that at saint vincent okay then either go back to saint vincent's or that might be why you got fired but if you are you following me so then you become a christian and the lord begins to lay out things in the bible and you're like oh wait a minute i never made a hamburger that way and the lord's like that's how we make them well i don't want to make them that way okay then be a carnal flesh-loving christian but you're not going to come in and we're going to rewrite the bible cause we're so glad to have you saved we're so happy to have you a part of the organization that we're going to have 10 different classes for 10 different psychological issues to make sure we got your issue covered what do we have the book amen amen what do we have we don't have contemporary music well but preacher you don't no but at this other church where i was the contemporary it added such pizzazz and such excitement and and it was so good and and why aren't you there well there wasn't any preaching but i would like to bring a little bit of egypt just a little just a little bit maybe just the two all beef patties and special sauce and then we'll make it do you understand what i'm saying here's what the lord says you have to do things lawfully meaning there is a structure to things it is an authoritative structure let those kids in and let me just wrap this up by saying this ladies in first peter 3 there is a structure i'm sorry but you need to listen to me there is a structure that was ordained by god not men i don't care that burger king is trying to tell you how to make a hamburger a different way than mcdonald's god said because of what happened with eve this is how i want it done now you can say but in the world in which we live all you want to the issue is no longer am i doing what my ogre of a husband wants me to do it's not that at all it's am i doing what god amen that's right thank you russell got it am i doing what god said to do corporate headquarters sins down to burger king after all their millions of dollars in in uh research and learning what's the best way to do certain things and how to set it and how to get it done and how to make the line work and all this kind of stuff and they got all that figured out corporately you win me and they send it down and they distribute it to all of the burger kings and say if you go to this burger king and this burger king and this burger king they're all going to make the same kind of burgers well except for that one over there it's special they have this new employee that just came to work and they're so happy to see them working that they've decided to basically make burger king into a mcdonald's so we either have to change the sign or change the person corporate headquarters is not going to change the sign that's right you know what the lord will say if you can't keep rank if you're going to rebel against my words i'm not changing the sign just because you're so special you're not the first one and we will not be the last one the issue ladies and gentlemen titus chapter number three becomes authority and it is salient it exposes itself it expands itself it stands out as one of the most important things throughout all the pauline epistles but you find it at the vortex or the crux across the board where there is a battle for who's in charge last but not least it starts in the garden yea hath god said did adam and eve have an order or not what led to the fall well it's covetous preacher it's jealous preacher it's envy preacher it's all that kind of stuff is it possible that what brought up that other spirit what brought up the devil in the garden was he was already questioning the words well lord as i see it i saw the tree was good for food lord said i told you don't eat that tree yeah god said my authority and now what happens the downfall of man lord you're not going to tell me what to do as i see it i think the best way is my way okay we'll join blue eyes and hell then because the best way is his way and when he gives an order you got to follow the orders you say why god's not about chaos all through that bible god has a way of eradicating rebels have you ever seen that i don't want to be on that list father bless your word this morning pray you'll be with us in the upcoming service name of jesus christ amen
Channel: Bible Believer TUBE
Views: 343
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible believer, Born Again, God, Sermon, Bible study, Bible teaching, sermon, Pensacola bible institute, red pill, christian, ruckman, robert breaker, gene kim, steve cowgill, charles lawson, david peacock, john davis, heaven, get saved, how to get saved, apocolypse, doomsday, rapture, end times, holy, help, scripture, aliens, bible, church, tradition, prohecy, calvin, darby, scofield, christians, baptist preaching, baptist sermons
Id: hXzck1kaB7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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